Chapter 6
The SEPP, rather than a document, to be a community way of thinking about involvement, clarification and identification which aims at:
- generating within the EPC a working arrangement based on criteria, aims and common plans for activities, in this way avoiding the fragmentation of our activities, and building up a synthesis and unity in our educational activity;
- creating and deepening in the EPC an understanding of the common mission and shared vision;
- so that it becomes a shared reference point with regard to the quality of the educative pastoral work which is constantly checked.
This process ought also to aim at creating in the educators and evangelizers a real planning and group-work mentality, which makes them capable of animating long and complex processes and constantly checking themselves against the real situation to assess the effectiveness of their own efforts.
For this reason the procedure that is followed together, and the working methods employed are much more important than the written document produced.
The steps taken by Provinces and communities in formulating the SEPP has shown the need to have some practical guidelines in order to:
- facilitate the involvement of the members of the EPC in its formulation, implementation and verification;
- ensure the consistency of the aims of the SEPP with the needs and situation of the young;
- help the SEPP to become a genuine focus for everyday pastoral activity in the EPC.
1. Different levels of planning
Pastoral planning involves different levels of realization which give rise to different kinds of procedures and documents which need to be clarified together and integrated
1.1 Frame of reference
(in Italian "quadro di riferimento", in Spanish "ideario", in French "points de référence”). This constitutes the sum of the characteristics which identify salesian pastoral action in the Congregation and in the province and indicates the direction in which one wishes to move in order to realize the mission. It responds to the question. Who are we and what are we doing? What do we want to achieve and where do we want to get to?
In this sense, it defines the basis elements of the institute vis-à-vis society and the Church. It should be agreed by everyone in the EPC and provides the basic reference to solicit a sense of belonging, to create a common commitment, to draw out the best in people, to promote a climate of collaboration and co-responsibility.
In this frame of reference are to be found:
- those aimed at – the target group and their needs;
- the convictions and the values which guide and animate the province in specifying and realizing the mission (an understanding of man and of society, of the Church and of the pastoral ministry, the guiding principles of salesian pedagogy – the Preventive System-, the values of Salesian Spirituality);
- the presentation of the specific mission in response to the needs of the chosen target group;
- the fundamental criteria for the development of the educative and pastoral process;
- the final aim that it is intended to reach.
1.2 The educative pastoral plan
This is the general scheme of the things to be done which the frame of reference specifies in a given context. It responds to the question: What is to be done and how is it to be done in order to reach the target that has been set?
The plan:
- indicates the working objectives in response to the challenges of a given place or situation;
- it proposes practical ways and means for achieving these aims;
- it establishes roles and functions to ensure the effectiveness of the means and the achievement of the aims;
- it provides the criteria and contents of an assessment
An educative pastoral plan is more specific than a frame of reference. It is “medium term” in duration, and applicable in the local situation in which a Province or a community is operating. The aim or objective that is set, the area of work selected, the working methods chosen, indicate the way ahead.
There is a provincial SEPP and the SEPP of a work.
1.3 Different ways of developing the educative pastoral plan.
° The Timetable or Calendar
This is the ordered arrangement of the different stages or educational opportunities (with the methods and the timing of their fulfillment and the means and those involved) by which an attempt is made to move towards the achievement of the aims set out in the SEPP.
The timetable or calendar helps to get the plan working, develops it, as time passes, and adapts it to the different target groups; in the agenda the aims become successive stages; the method becomes a set of activities and experiences arranged in order.
The GC23 suggested that in its revision of the SEPP, among other things, each Province should translate the faith journey proposal into concrete agendas, suited to their own target groups and to the contexts in which they were working. (GC 23 230)
° The annual pastoral plan
This is the yearly application of the SEPP: the selection of some specific aims to follow up with particular attention during the year.
Through these yearly plans a programmme is gradually built up which makes the SEPP effective according to the regular assessment carried out by the EPC.
° Planning programme
This is the distribution of the tasks with regard to personnel, time-tabling, places, as required by the project and the annual plan, and the on-the-spot decisions regarding things to be done. This is carried out every year.
BASIC PROVINCIAL PLAN General frame of reference Fundamental choices which guide development of the province
Formation Plan Provincial SEPP Plan of Action for the Economic/Administ Operational pastoral plan Salesian Family Plan
Lay Project
Plan for Social Communication
Vocational Plan
Local Community Plan
Ongoing LOCAL SEPP Plan for the Economic Formation (or an annual Pastoral Salesian Family administrative Plan plan) Plan
Some notes of explanation:
Overall development of the province refers to permanent aspects which are terms of reference for all the proposals and planning that takes place:
The basic elements of the Preventive System and of Salesian Spirituality which the province wants to emphasise in a particular way bearing in mind the situation and the setting in which it is working (the basic frame of reference)
The core options that ought to guide the development of the province; these include; priority areas of activity for the next few years, operational criteria which ought to guide the various plans and projects, general proposals for the preparation of personnel and for economic and structural development.
These basic elements (permanent or long term) ought to be make concrete in various plans and practical projects, according to the different important sectors within the life of the province. Among these projects the one most developed is the PEPS, which refers to the sector for educative and pastoral action.
In addition there are other plans and projects which are transversal because they concern and influence the projects in the different sectors, such as the project for lay people, the social communication plan, which has many elements of formation and pastoral animation, or the vocational plan, which makes explicit one aspect of the PEPS, or the community plan itself, in which in addition to aspects of community life and prayer also includes elements which are important for the local PEPS. For this reason they are indicated by transversal arrows: they are not projects to be added to the PEPS, but they give a certain emphasis to and develop some of its more important aspects
One could use the same scheme at the local level; the community should identify some basic themes for the whole salesian work, which would draw together the different sectors or aspects of the salesian life and pastoral activity; it would be similar to a “Basic local plan”, that is some fundamental options which the salesian community would take as the guidelines for all its work of animation, in the light of what is suggested for the province that year.. It would not be a project properly so called, but only some points on which to concentrate their attention and their efforts. For each of them there then ought to be concrete plans and proposals
Past. Guidelines. Past. Guidelines. Past. Guidelines. Past. Guidelines for the school for the parish for the oratory for the social work sector sector sector sector
Provincial programme for the next few years
Application of the Provincial SEPP in every situation as the guideline for the different EPC
Plan currently in action in each work or sector
Common elements in the dfferent works that constitute a Salesian presence in a particular place:
Analysis of the situation Causes and their priority General objectives
A project or plan in order to be realistic and effective needs to be seen as an ongoing process, as a journey which, setting out from a starting point, moves towards the objectives determined by aims and activities which continually modify it; for this reason it should be drawn up in set of stages. The three phases mentioned below are to be taken up, expanded, further developed, and this several times over so as to adapt the educational plan to the changing circumstances in which we are working.
In this process the EPC ought to be constantly checking with the agreed “terms of reference” so as to both throw light on the analysis of the situation in order to identify the main challenges, and above all to highlight the objectives that ought to guide the pastoral action towards its aims as indicated in the “terms of reference “ themselves.
2.1 The phase of the analysis of the situation
Knowledge of the situation where we are and of the youth situation in our own context: people, circumstances, resources, problems, tendencies, possibilities.
An educational and pastoral interpretation of this situation in order to evaluate the facts according to their potential for making things easier or more difficult for young people and their human development in the faith, to discover the gospel values of which the young people could be bearers, and their expectations. This interpretation is carried out in the light of the fundamental points of the salesian mission and of the preventive system.
Identifying the more important challenges and the urgent educative and pastoral issues which arise from the analysis of the situation.
2.2 The planning phase
Decide on the general objectives, that is the educative-pastoral choices that are considered the most important,, urgent and feasible in order to move towards the final proposals.(Terms of reference)
Formulate for each choice or area for action concrete, clear and verifiable objectives.
Select the strategies or action plans, i.e. the paths, ways of acting or the methods which seen appropriate in order to achieve the objectives set.
Set out practical courses of action or involvement, for which the target groups, the aims to be achieved, the ‘contents’ to be communicated or achieved will be decided.
Determine the responsibilities of the different people or of the team and the functions of the organizations.
2.3 The phase of assessing the project
This allows for objectively measuring the impact of the project on the situation, evaluating the results in the light of the proposed aims, discovering new possibilities or clearly urgent issues, and deciding on the new steps to be taken.
This assessment carried out during the process also makes it possible to support and guide the people and groups responsible, in carrying out their responsibilities and roles, to motivate them more and to adjust their own progress.
The assessment ought to include the different people, groups and teams involved; it ought to be positive, that is directed towards providing help and motivation to obtain better results, and even if it concentrates on a particular issue, it ought not to lose sight of the whole of the SEPP of which this particular feature is part.
In an overall assessment of the SEPP there are some aspects that should not be forgotten:
-whether a genuine educative process has evolved through the different activities (continuity, interaction, new possibilities and resources, the involvement of people concerned)
- the degree of achievement of the objectives set: for this it is essential to decide on some specific and measurable criteria in the light of which the results obtained can be assessed;
analysis of the causes, personal, structural, organizational etc which may have helped or hindered the process, in order to be able to adapt the objectives to the new situations and possibilities.
Fundamental terms of reference to be agreed with the whole EPC which ought to provide it in the whole process of realizing the SEPP.
For example:
Fundamental values of salesian pedagogy that the EPC judges to be the most important in its own situation
Some methodological aspects and the style of relationships to be fostered in educative and pastoral action
Features of the organization and the criteria that guide the activity and structures.
Analysis of the situation |
Visio for the future |
General Objectives |
Strategies and specific objectives |
Courses of action or interventions |
Programme |
Appraisal |
From an Educative and Salesian point Of view examine the youth situation in the local area.
It would be best to choose some of the more pressing challenges for our educative and pastoral mission |
In the light of the central elements of Salesian Youth Ministry, what would you like the youth situation to be in the future? What can my commitment involve?
This vision for the future ought to be clear, inspiring, detailed and positive. |
Select the target that we want to arrive at through our educative activities
They should not be many; two or three at the most |
Indicate the process that we believe would be best suited to reach each target and the practical steps to be taken:; design a gradual process.
These steps should be practical, gradual and Verifiable. |
Identify concrete actions or specific procedures.
Ensure a progressive and interconnected relationship between the different actions planned. |
Specify for each procedure:
The people concerned
The resources: Collaborators Means
The team and structures. |
Propose methods of appraisal:
Continuous throughout the process
At the end of the process and at each stage |
As has already been said, the aim of the plan is not so much to put in the hands of the workers a new document to get to know and put into action, but rather to help the EPC to work with a collaborative approach and with a clarity of aims and criteria which make real co-responsibility possible.
3.1 Fundamental criteria for a work of planning
The involvement of all the members of the EPC:
- ensuring motivation
presenting the aims and the process with clarity.
The participation of everyone in the different phases:
- fostering an appropriate, prompt and as wide as possible consultation
- promoting a calm and ongoing dialogue in the study of problems and situations;
- always appreciating the involvement of everyone.
The effort to maintain clearly and to propose continually the focus and the lines for reflection:
- the centrality of the young person and the youth situation;
- attention to the overall vision of the salesian educational and pastoral project (the four dimensions or areas);
- the ever valid aspects of our educational-pastoral approach (the preventive system).
Clarity from the outset regarding the different levels of participation (discussion, decision, implementation) and those responsible.
Continual evaluation of the process, to provide encouragement and to improve it.
3.2 The EPC, the subject of the process.
Every valid educational project is always a joint and collaborative effort. The provincial SEPP involves all the communities and works of the province, while the local SEPP involves the EPC as the subject of its formulation, implementation and verification.
In this process, SDBs and lay people together experience communion and a sharing in the spirit and mission of Don Bosco. All the members of the EPC follow the path of discernment, actively participating in the search for the aims and the courses of action of the SEPP (GC24, 119-120)
The SEPP, formulated, implemented and verified together bolsters the EPC, creates a common way of thinking, makes the educational-pastoral action more effective, becomes a special occasion for ongoing formation for SDBs and lay people.
How do we involve and engage all the EPC in this process?
° Set up and put into action an animating group which:
- stimulates and motivates, helping to overcome any obstacles;
- points to the working methods;
- provides helps and aids for reflection and study;
- sums up and formulates the conclusions to propose to the group.
This group at provincial level can be the provincial Youth Pastoral Team supplemented with other competent and qualified people; at local level the council of the EPC.
° Involve and motivate in a special way the Salesians and the SDB communities in this task of animation of the process of reflection and setting up the sepp; consider action across the province to:
- clarify the role of the salesian community as the animating nucleus of the EPC;
- examine together further the elements of salesian identity: the preventive system as a spirituality, pastoral method, educational methodology, the synthesis of education and evangelization etc.
° Prepare a doctrinal and methodological frame of reference to present to the EPC as an aspect of sharing and as a guide to the process;
° Think up a method to encourage the participation of all the groups and organizations of the EPC according to their responsibilities and possibilities.
° Involve in a special way the members of the Salesian Family who work in the same area. (cf. GC24, 125):
- across the province, through meetings of provincial organizations (provincial youth pastoral team and/or the provincial council with representatives of the different groups in the Salesian Family present in the Province;
- at local level: through dialogue between the different committees of the Salesian Family and the SDB community and the Council of the EPC.