Fr. Miguel Ángel García Morcuende • Pastoral qualification and accompaniment of the salesian
in the mission and for the mission
ibility and adapts it to the changing conditions
of the context and recipients.
Pastoral charity (with the values, attitudes
and criteria typical of the educative-pasto-
ral dimension) determines our way of think-
ing and acting, our way of relating with one
another; it also guarantees processes of
growth and apostolic fidelity which are
appropriate to today’s world.
It is in this perspective that the ecclesial ser-
vice of accompanying young people is better
understood (cf. Christus vivit 244 and 245).
This ministry requires authenticity, goodness,
commitment to the Church and to the world,
the pursuit of holiness, listening, acknowledg-
ing one’s limitations and one’s sins, etc. (cf.
Christus vivit 246).
[4] The young Salesian also needs to encoun-
ter, both in personal prayer and in celebra-
tions, a God who is the source of life and full-
ness for humanity, especially for the poorest
young people. The pastoral sense of the spac-
es for personal prayer helps to make their
moments of solitude filled with the people to
whom the Lord sends us. The concrete ways
are: the cultivation of intercessory prayer,
which is an act of trust in God and an act of
love for our brothers and sisters; the action
of pastoral grace, through which we thank God
for what he does to others and for what he
does through us; reconciliation, which allows
us to ask forgiveness for the inappropriate way
of living the pastoral ministry and to purify
our intentions.
[5] To this end, dialogue with the rector/
formator and spiritual accompaniment are
precious opportunities. It is a space for adapt-
ing the pastoral dimension of the Salesian:
“personal dialogue, a practice of irreplaceable
and commendable effectiveness which should
take place regularly and with a certain frequen-
cy” (Vita Consecrata 66). It is about that “pas-
toral dialogue” which Paul VI speaks of in Evan-
gelii Nuntiandi, to guide those being formed
in the ways of the Gospel, confirm them in
their efforts, raise them up if they have fall-
en, assist them with discernment and avail-
ability (cf. n. 46); “point out those obstacles
which are less obvious”... show “the beauty
of following Christ and the value of the charism
by which this is accomplished” (Vita Consecra-
ta 66). From the very beginning of this jour-
ney, formative mediation must be clear in pre-
senting the objectives of formation itself,
including the apostolic formation, the rules
of the game and its needs, according to the
mentality of the Church and the Congrega-
tion, without hiding the specific duties.
[6] The context in which formation must
take place is the local community. There-
fore, the team of formators will have to guar-
antee a formative project along the various
stages of formation which makes it possible
to become practical, also in the apostolic
dimension of the Salesian vocation. And this
must be done by taking into account individ-
ual uniqueness, linked to culture, as well as
history and the more precise context in which
one lives and works, and with reference to the
actual area of the Congregation in which one
is located.
This formative accompaniment must go
beyond the “external” elements of apos-
tolic initiatives and seek to descend to the
level of convictions, attitudes and motiva-
tions. We need formators who, following
the icon of the Master, walk along the road
to Emmaus, accompanying, listening,
enlightening, discerning, provoking. In this
way, the formator will be able to become
a companion, teacher, father and pastor of
the young people entrusted to him.
There is an essential aspect for the pastoral
qualification and accompaniment of the Sale-
sian in his formative journey: the formation Via Marsala 42 - 00185 Roma • Centralino: (+39) 06 656 121 • Email: