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Salesian Youth Ministry Animation
Number 4. September 2023
The Salesian Shepherd
Educator in the Educative
and Pastoral Community:
Opportunities and Current Approaches
Fr. Miguel Ángel García Morcuende
Youth Ministry General Councilor
Salesiani di don Bosco SEDE CENTRALE SALESIANA

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The Salesian Shepherd Educator in the
Educative and Pastoral Community:
Opportunities and Current Approaches
Fr. Miguel Ángel García Morcuende
Youth Ministry General Councilor
1 The Circle Metaphor
Definitively Replaces the Pyramid
[a] In the magisterium of our Congregation
the conviction of the co-responsible involve-
ment of lay people and young people in the
realisation of a Salesian mission is well root-
ed. Today we live in a fortunate era in which
we have moved from curiosity and benevo-
lence toward the laity to understand the val-
ue of co-responsibility. Three factors, in par-
ticular, are at the origin of this renewal:
–– The ecclesiology of communion and the redis-
covery of the role of the laity. We cannot deny
the great change that the awareness of the
“universal vocation to holiness” has brought
about in the Church.
The understanding of the “specific
nature” of religious life within the single
baptismal vocation is guided by the meta-
phor of the circle, which must definitively
replace that of the pyramid. Among the var-
ious vocations, the question is not which
is the most perfect in relation to Christ, but
what particular manifestation of Him each
of them makes to the sacramental minis-
try of the Church. If Christ is for every Chris-
tian the pearl of great price to be admired
and shown to the world, it is not necessary
to place him at the top of a pyramid, a posi-
tion in which some enjoy proximity which
to others is excluded. The pearl of great
price, which is Christ, must instead be imag-
ined as being placed at the centre of the
people of God so that each person (Sale-
sian or lay) can participate according to the
specific position given to them by their
vocation in life.
–– The new understanding of charisms within
the ecclesial community. The charism is a
gift to the Church; the Congregation which
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Fr. Miguel Ángel García Morcuende The Salesian Shepherd Educator in the Educative and Pastoral Community
incarnates it is responsible for it but does
not own it, so it is recognised that the laity
can also make it theirs according to their
state in life. Gradually, the concept of a spir-
itual or charismatic “family” has been devel-
oped, based on the recognition that the
charism of the Founder is also incarnated
in other ways of living the Christian life.
–– ThecontinuousrenewalofourSalesiancharism,
which consists in going back to the beginnings:
Don Bosco, in fact, always involved many lay
people in his youthful and public mission,
forming part of his apostolic project: from
Mama Margherita to the businessmen, includ-
ing young people, the good people of the
town, theologians, nobles and even the pol-
iticians of the time. Historically, we were born
and grew up in communion with the laity,
and they with us.
[b] However, there are those who are suspi-
cious of this openness to the laity because, in
their opinion, it calls into question the iden-
tity of the SDB. The co-responsibility of the
laity, some think, is detrimental to the role of
the religious in Salesian Work. Therefore, this
experience of co-responsibility and daily com-
munion is perceived more as a practical prob-
lem than as an obvious reality, more as an
imposition than as an opportunity.
The lack of precise identification of the laity
leads to diminishing and devaluing it, emp-
ties it of vocational concreteness and is there-
fore charismatically insignificant. Reality tells
us that, in some cases, the understanding of
lay vocation and spirituality is substantially
undefined (a lay person is neither a priest nor
a consecrated person).
In connection with this, a second question
appears in praxis: sometimes the indications
of the Congregation have not been implement-
ed in all of the provinces; particularly those
operational guidelines contained in the Frame
of Reference for Youth Ministry: the involve-
ment of the whole EPC in the elaboration of
the provincial and local SEPP, in the constitu-
tion of the Council of the Work / EPC, etc.
2 The Role of the Salesian
in the Life of the Educative-Pastoral
Generally, the Salesian is presented as a gen-
erous and selfless person, but the demands
of today’s times and places require and favour
particular tasks and ministries. In addition, you
have to adapt to changing conditions and fig-
ure out how to balance the demands and chal-
lenges of being an educator in today’s world.
The current historical situation, linked to the
co-responsibility of the mission with the laity,
asks us to ask ourselves:
How do we resituate the SDB in his most
proper and necessary contribution within
the EPC? What predominant role is asked
of him today? What kind of SDB is needed
to achieve a significant and effective pres-
ence? What can and is he able and willing
to contribute to Salesian Work today? How
would we like the SDB of tomorrow to be
2.1. First Disciples, Then Apostles
[a] The life of the SDB can only be under-
stood from the experience of having “found
the treasure” (Mt 13:44). It is only in this way,
starting from a personal experience of faith,
that we can develop any evangelising project.
Without this initial conviction, it is difficult to
achieve educational and pastoral objectives.
If the SDB reverts to Jesus, we can affirm that
his spiritual experience will be expansive: he
communicates what he has seen and heard.
Only in this way will the communion between
different but complementary vocations be
enriching: the laity remind each Salesian of the
concreteness of love, encouraging him to give
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FLASH • September 2023 YOUTH MINISTRY SECTOR Salesiani di Don Bosco Sede Centrale Salesiana
the best of himself, as well as the value of recip-
rocal fraternity; the Salesians help the laity to
grasp the richness of a life totally given to God
and to the service of their brothers and sis-
ters in a communitarian way.
At the heart of the educational and evange-
lising task is the person of the SDB, at his most
authentic, his own convictions and experience
of God, nourished by an interior life, a sincere
fraternity and a generous apostolate among
young people.
Pope Francis, quoting a priest from his native
country, Father Lucio Gera, recalls his words:
“Always, but especially in trials, we must return
to those enlightening moments when we expe-
rience the Lord’s call to consecrate our whole
life to his service. It is what I like to call ‘the
Deuteronomic memory of vocation’ that allows
us to return to that Illuminating point where
God’s grace touched me at the beginning of
the journey and with that spark to rekindle
the fire for today, for every day and to bring
warmth and light to my brothers and sisters.
With this spark a humble joy is kindled, a joy
that does not inflict pain and despair, a good
and serene joy” (Letter of the Holy Father Fran-
cis to priests on the 160th anniversary of the
death of the holy Curé d’Ars, 4 August,
[b] The model of Jesus the Good Shepherd
is what helps the SDB to live in an integrated
way, with a strong capacity for personal affin-
ity with others and with God. It challenges us
to investigate the origins and the motives for
the way we live. There is, therefore, an urgent
need to advocate a return to our “first love”.
The paternity of Don Bosco is the concrete
expression of this model that urges us to be
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Fr. Miguel Ángel García Morcuende The Salesian Shepherd Educator in the Educative and Pastoral Community
signs and bearers of the paternal presence of
God in the EPC and, in particular, among young
The “pedagogical love”, “the system of
kindness”, “gentleness of St. Francis de
Sales”, “pedagogy of the heart” refer to the
Preventive System, in particular to that set
of attitudes and practical indications that
are related to loving kindness, which goes
beyond the gesture of friendliness. It always
underlies the pastoral charity that seeks the
salvation of young people, manifested
through recognisable affection tempered
by reason. And this applies especially to
young people, but also to the laity.
It implies, above all, a pastoral “heart”: the
will, the drive, the desire to work, to find enjoy-
ment in pastoral undertakings, to be available,
to give oneself with a joyful heart, to feel drawn
towards those most in need, to consider every
effort proportionately, to overcome small frus-
trations easily, not to give up, to face risks and
difficulties as if they were small things, to
“begin new processes with enthusiasm and
creativity” (Evangelii Gaudium, n. 222).
[c] Living pastoral charity means fighting
against the “enemies” within us. There is always
something to improve, something to free us
from, which leads to a loss of passion for the
mission, intimately linked to the fear of change,
the difficulty of adapting to new languages and
the lack of courage to take risks (to get out of
our comfort zone). All of this is the manifesta-
tion of the “charismatic chill”, which limits the
prophetic response and, consequently, gives
rise to pastoral withdrawal.
Sometimes an identity crisis arises in some
brothers when they no longer have a specif-
ic position of responsibility within the Work
(due to physical and/or mental aging or ill-
ness). In the EPC, it is not always easy for old-
er members to get involved and participate,
unfortunately forgetting that these brothers
enrich our houses with their experience, their
prayer and the offering of their lives.
However, we are convinced that in any situ-
ation we express our consecrated “being” in our
“being” among young people (“sacrament of pres-
ence”), giving priority to the poorest. In other
words, the SDB, with his weaknesses and in
spite of them, must wholeheartedly enter into
the depths of the youthful condition, especial-
ly where there is most need and abandonment.
For this reason, each one, when reviewing his
personal project, must question himself about
his sensitivity to the dramas and urgencies of
society, especially the reality of children and
young people who suffer the most from injus-
tice and its consequences.
In the words of Pope Francis: “to bear wit-
ness that Jesus is suffices for us and that the
treasure with which we wish to surround our-
selves is made instead of those who, in their
poverty, remind us of and represent Him: not
the abstract poor, statistics and social cate-
gories, but real people whose dignity is
entrusted to us as their fathers. Fathers of
real people; that is paternity, the capacity to
see, concreteness, the ability to caress, the
ability to weep (Address to bishops partic-
ipating in a training course organized by
the Congregation for Bishops and the Con-
gregation for Oriental Churches, 12 Sep-
tember 2019).
2.2. Taking the Side of Young People by
Working for an Organic Pastoral Ministry
Youth culture is a place inhabited by God and
in need of SDBs, who are able to enter into it,
to know its dynamics in depth and to rewrite
the Gospel in a new and different way, so
that it is accessible and valid for them. The
first responsibility of an educator/evangelis-
er is to define reality with a concentrated, sus-
tained, deep gaze.
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FLASH • September 2023 YOUTH MINISTRY SECTOR Salesiani di Don Bosco Sede Centrale Salesiana
This reality tells us that a lack of pastoral inte-
gration must be overcome, breaking down the
“customs” and “domains” that can be created
within the works. Therefore, we must wager on
developing an organic pastoral strategy that
overcomes the separated or unconnected pas-
toral approach of animating many activities,
with little or no coordination between them,
converging one with the other, in favour of an
approach that is with and for the young.
The term “organic” coherently expresses
the formation of a living organism in which
all its members act in close relationship for
the common project, believing in the spiritu-
ality of the processes. For this reason, it is
essential that the SDB develops a collabora-
tive style, consistent with a model where the
full potential of individuals is pursued. This
collaborative culture requires considering the
different sensibilities present in the EPC, uni-
fying criteria in the shared pursuit of service
to young people, avoiding arbitrariness and
personalism, and supporting the development
of the required leadership according to the
skills of each member of the teams and the
needs of young people.
Moreover, it involves a commitment to
pastoral leadership, which is not authori-
tarian, hierarchical and top-down, but that
values dialogue, which generates and pro-
motes discrete leadership, facilitating
autonomy in decision-making and moti-
vating initiative and creativity according to
each person’s charism.
2.3. Reliving pastoral experience leads us to
recover the theme of community
The EPC sparks into life and walks with young
people. Every young person needs a commu-
nity like a maternal womb in which they can
set in motion and further their life and their
faith. The path that the Church has identi-
fied is that of synodality, which expresses
and underlines the call to walk together, form
co-responsible communities, learn the art of dis-
cernment. This task is realised in being a sign,
witnessing to and denoting with one’s life, the
Kingdom; setting out to look for young peo-
ple, as instruments of God’s action; welcom-
ing the reality of young people, their needs
and their searching; questioning and propos-
ing, offering experiences and spaces where
young people can meet Jesus; accompany-
ing the process of openness and growth in
faith. This is what every SDB and every com-
munity must believe in.
This is why we should not be afraid of the
progressive transfer of responsibilities to the
laity in areas of mission, which today is much
more horizontal and less centralised within
the religious community. This indicates that
the very life of the community (intergenera-
tional, intercultural, with few members...), liv-
ing as the animating nucleus of the work, also
needs to be redesigned in terms of its com-
position, the order and volume of work and
the human and relational aspects within the
EPC as a whole.
In this sense, once again we note the
importance of the two concrete areas in
which we express the charism together as
a community: fraternal life with the laity
and with young people:
[a] Increasingly appropriate forms of fra-
ternal life with young people: despite the vari-
ety of mission settings and history, in many
communities there is a good quality of frater-
nal life shared with young people. The pres-
ence and importance of having stable or at
least frequent moments of sharing daily life
with them, whether they are the direct recip-
ients of the mission or young animators-col-
laborators, has grown.
In fact, today short stories are essential, that
is, communities steeped in life and affective
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Fr. Miguel Ángel García Morcuende The Salesian Shepherd Educator in the Educative and Pastoral Community
warmth, reference spaces that are close to day-
to-day life, with proposals and experiences of
life, faith and fraternity (deep, true, lasting).
Alongside the more structured moments
of sharing life, we note constant attention to
welcoming all the young people who pass
through our works on a daily basis. The SDB is
expected to be there where the young peo-
ple are (presence), to accompany and encour-
age their growth, starting with those who are
the worst off (service), to establish an inter-
personal communication where the young
people allow themselves to be accompanied
and challenged by those who welcome and
listen to them (dialogue), sharing more what
we are and do than what we say (testimony)
and explicitly announcing Jesus Christ, facil-
itating the emergence of faith in the life of the
young people (evangelisation).
In the houses, the involvement of young peo-
ple in educational-pastoral action has also
grown. In many places, the SDB has involved
young people in the reflection, planning and
animation of the activities. This is the most
fruitful method of “formation in mission” and
allows them to evolve an outlook that boasts
discipleship and pastoral charity, as well as
the path of vocational discernment.
[b] Increasingly appropriate forms of fra-
ternal life with the laity: there are more and
more experiences of fraternal life and of liv-
ing together, especially at specific moments
of the EPC (Salesian feasts, retreats, local
events, etc.).
It becomes necessary for the SDB to put into
practice all the “micro-skills” needed to estab-
lish positive human relationships: trust and
trustworthiness, communication skills, humil-
ity, proximity, empathetic listening, assertive
dialogue, recognition of manifest and latent
tensions, practice of sharing feelings, etc. The
SDB is called to recognise, thank, praise and
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FLASH • September 2023 YOUTH MINISTRY SECTOR Salesiani di Don Bosco Sede Centrale Salesiana
reward achievements, accompany difficulties,
and encourage new learning. It is not only “col-
laboration” in educational-pastoral action, but
“communion” of life, fraternal relationships,
acknowledged affection, of shared responsi-
bility. And all this implies an effort, especial-
ly in educational institutions, to know how to
harmonise the “informality” of fraternal life
and the “formality” of the working relation-
2.4. Institutional support for discerning
the educational-pastoral dimension
of the house
In order to put into practice the comple-
mentarity and functionality of each person
involved in educational-pastoral action, spe-
cial attention must be paid to the Council of
the Works / EPC Council and, when they exist,
to the various teams, groups or councils, so
that they are not seen as mere organisational
places where time and space are attuned. It is
promising to be able to have collegial spaces
in which to discern opportunities for fraternal
life for Salesians, young people and lay people.
One of the aims of the Council of the Works
/ EPC Council is shared planning and program-
ming between Salesians and lay people. It is an
exercise that goes beyond pastoral personal-
ities, improvisation and gratuitous intuitions.
Effective management and obedience to the
local SEPP aim not only to define the flowchart
and the job description of each person, but
also to promote the renewal of pastoral prax-
is in each context, formulate the inspiring cri-
teria of the various educational-pastoral
actions, energise the operability of the organ-
isational structures and coordinate the differ-
entiated contribution of each and every mem-
ber of the EPC in the various fields of pasto-
ral action as a whole.
All this may also require new alignments
between the collegial bodies: in the Council
of the Works / EPC Council (which animates
and orients all Salesian action through reflec-
tion, dialogue, planning and revision of edu-
cational-pastoral action) decisions are devel-
oped and matured (consultative phase); in the
House Council (deliberative phase) they are
taken on board, reflected on and decided, col-
laborating with the director in the performance
of his function as the first person responsible
for the EPC. In the Works entrusted to the laity,
the first phase is already deliberative. In oth-
er words, it is a process of consensus build-
ing: decisions are the fruit of interaction, from
below and from within.
All this change entails a certain amount of
loss and anxiety. Losses because this new artic-
ulation implies “unlearning” deeply accepted
and lived beliefs and practices. On the other
hand, anxiety because, in the transition from
a model where only Salesians had a “voice and
vote” to a diverse one, it may produce ner-
vousness and insecurity at least temporarily.
Some Salesians are faced with changes that
require questioning or challenging beliefs and
practices that have been crystallised for years.
2.5. Greater rationalisation of pastoral
workers at all levels
TORAL PROJECT or other projects, each EPC
tries to put at the service of young people
all the capacity for creative imagination and
foresight of which it is capable. But also,
with planning, the aim is to introduce into
the exercise of pastoral responsibility a
greater rationalisation of work at all levels
so that educational-pastoral action can be
adequate and effective and not left to gut
feeling or to prerogative and choice of a
What, in the final analysis, must motivate
any local and/or provincial planning or spec-
ification must be the effort to increase the opti-
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Fr. Miguel Ángel García Morcuende The Salesian Shepherd Educator in the Educative and Pastoral Community
misation of human resources so that, in the best
possible way, Salesians and lay people can act
as effectively as possible, having a positive
impact on the education and evangelisation
of young people. For this reason, we must be
attentive to two factors:
[a] We make no secret of the fact that the
continuous rotation of personnel and of confreres
in front-line educational-pastoral tasks (direc-
tors, coordinators, educators, etc.) puts a strain
on the continuity of educational-pastoral pro-
cesses. It also contributes to fragmentation,
especially when there is little conformity to plan-
ning or disregard for existing community joint
responsibility processes. Sometimes the
impression can be given that there are transi-
tory, passing roles or assignments, in which
new leaders are continually being welcomed
and dismissed.
[b] Secondly, a certain balance between fra-
ternal community life and mission is necessary.
Our works are becoming more and more com-
plex, and this difficulty can undermine com-
munity life. In fact, the dichotomy between
fraternal life and mission is especially present
in those houses where the volume of activity
risks engulfing everything. Let us not forget
the words of Fr. H. Kolvenbach (Superior Gen-
eral of the Society of Jesus) to the Jesuits: “it
is quite contradictory that the mission the Lord
has entrusted to us should exhaust so many
of our companions” (Address to the Conference
of European Provincials, Manresa, 29 October
In this sense, like two sides of the same coin,
it is important to redefine the workload and the
responsibilities of the SDB, which are often too
great. In some SDBs, the managerial function
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FLASH • September 2023
YOUTH MINISTRY SECTOR Salesiani di Don Bosco Sede Centrale Salesiana
is lived to the detriment of pastoral animation
and human relations with personnel. The suc-
cessful leader must be able to combine both
functional and attitudinal skills. The complex-
ity of the management of our works as a whole
(from the managerial, administrative, charis-
matic and pastoral point of view) requires us
to seek the right balance for a life that is
humanly healthy, evangelically committed
and pastorally effective. On the other hand,
being attentive to the SDB’s culture of self-re-
alisation of the SDB, which generates identifi-
cation with the role, reduces availability for the
The community project, although a fairly
widespread tool, is sometimes reduced to a
simple calendar of commitments and activi-
ties and does not set in motion the dynamics
of growth necessary for the well-being of the
community. In practice, it lacks a healthy bal-
ance between the demands of apostolic life
and the conditions necessary for communi-
ty life. On the other hand, it should be inte-
grated with the other two projects: the per-
sonal project and that of Salesian presence
2.6. Recreating the charism requires
promoting joint formation processes
We feel the growing need for a shared for-
mation that conforms to the pastoral and
formative life of the work. Formation is to
give constant care and time, like the work
of the farmer or the craftsman; it is to cul-
tivate in order to establish the roots and to
make it grow; it is not simply a scholarly
action. Every person is, in fact, during his
life, both formator and formee, educator
and educated.
On the other hand, the updating of confreres
is very limited, mostly optional, not very inci-
sive and not very attractive for ministerial life,
often left to the free initiative of individuals.
Not pursuing continuing education is a toler-
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Fr. Miguel Ángel García Morcuende The Salesian Shepherd Educator in the Educative and Pastoral Community
ated sin, often justified even by the numerous
obligations of the Salesians. However, it remains
true that ongoing formation cannot be con-
ceived as “do it yourself”, as a kind of self-man-
agement, but requires organized impulses and
well-structured proposals.
We perceive as necessary the unavoidable
and urgent formation for roles of responsibility
of Salesians and lay people, in our Salesian works:
we need charismatically and vocationally iden-
tifiable people. In many cases, it will be oppor-
tune to rethink the formative pathways, to
ensure that the routes designed for all the mem-
bers of the Salesian mission are as serious and
profound as those foreseen for candidates to
religious life.
The educative-pastoral formation does not
stand outside, above or below the other dimen-
sions (human or spiritual), but is proposed for
their specific purpose. In fact, by educative-pas-
toral formation we do not mean the ability to
learn techniques or methods, to become famil-
iar with the practice of ever-new experiences,
but above all to educate oneself in a way of
being that directs the whole personality to the
style of the shepherd. To be a shepherd implies,
in fact, an adult humanity, a spiritual freshness,
a fatherhood in love.
On the other hand, important difficulties
persist, due to the lack of trained confreres in
various fields of interest for Salesian life and
mission (for example, in the field of vocation-
al training). In many cases, we have to over-
come outdated concepts and practices, rou-
tine repetitions, dissipation or improvisations
caused by inertia or by the urgency of the prob-
lems that, on many occasions, afflict daily life.
2.7. Encounter, listening and discernment:
keywords to rethink the charismatic
density of the Salesian houses
“Encounter”, “listening” and “discerning
together”: asking ourselves what the Lord
wants of us requires these verbs. This is the
coherent order of a single process of listening
to God’s will. These are actions that question
the adaptability of the Salesians to the chang-
ing environmental and educational conditions
that appear in an unprecedented way com-
pared to the recent past.
On the other hand, with the hectic pace of
life of the confreres and the number of issues
to be dealt with each day, engaging in reflec-
tion becomes almost a luxury. Often an “emer-
gency room” syndrome develops, and one
lives only in pursuit of emergencies. Howev-
er, history does not stand still, even if some
have decided to drop anchor.
All this requires a path of discernment that
must lead to the appropriate renewal of our
processes, procedures and ways of acting and
of situating ourselves in the mission, of our
lifestyles, of our capacity to understand the
world in which we live, in short, of taking care
of everything that helps us to grow and to be
more faithful to the charism. To discern is to
decide with a horizon, looking beyond one-
self, one’s own well-being, comfort, affection.
Discernment for the SDB means, on the
one hand, to subject to “crisis”, to “test” our
thinking and our educational-pastoral mis-
sion, to give continuity to what we do well
and to remove what is no longer useful and,
therefore, unrecognisable for the young peo-
ple of today; on the other hand, to “litigate”
(to submit to judgement) our way of being
with regard to our Works, because routine
and inertia are often deceitful.
In short, it is time to move from analysis to
synthesis of possible solutions:
–– Consider the possibility of new models of
fraternal life, shared with young people.
–– Promote the fact that several apostolates,
working in a synergistic and integrated way,
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YOUTH MINISTRY SECTOR Salesiani di Don Bosco Sede Centrale Salesiana
can be referenced to a single Salesian com-
munity. Among the essential reasons is the
need to safeguard, above all, the commu-
nity criterion, that is, the desire to be able
to have significant and sustainable commu-
nities, which today are too burdened by
workloads that are not always balanced and
by an apostolic life that struggles to con-
nect with community life.
–– Stimulate a profound discernment of the
Works, so that they may be faithful and cre-
ative expressions of the charism, favouring
the works (the sectors, the courses, the activ-
ities) of greater direct expression of pasto-
ral charity for young people. It will there-
fore be necessary to gradually close some,
to innovate in others and/or open new ones.
–– Consider the lay management of the Works.
This formula already allows for an in-depth
authentication, but as a Congregation we
have offered a tool for reflection in order
to rethink this management model of
entrusting to the laity and to better define
the tasks and duties involved. At the same
time, it remains essential to guarantee the
link and the responsibility of the verifier
through one or more accompanying SDB(s)
to ensure charismatic continuity.
Thanks to the Salesian charism that unites
spirituality and educational-pastoral service,
the SDB lives in the midst of the people, ded-
icating himself to relationship with God and
to the service of young people. It is a life that
opens itself to a witness of harmony and seren-
ity and that also becomes a prophetic path in
the various contexts where we find ourselves.
sdb.org Via Marsala 42 - 00185 Roma • Centralino: (+39) 06 656 121 • Email: pastorale@sdb.org