Fr. Miguel Ángel García Morcuende • Reshaping and revitalisation of salesian presences
[b] Another fundamental aspect of rede-
signing is the conversion of people from
a mature, serene and balanced consecrat-
ed life and the commitment to restore
strength to the charism expressed in the
• Conversion or the conviction that change and
transformation are necessary to overcome
routine, devitalizing communities and dys-
functional services. In an age of rapid chan-
ge, living the gift of the Gospel and giving it
back to the world, as Salesians, requires us
to have permanent discernment, a serious
review of our practical choices, and the cou-
rage to initiate new paths of presence and
witness. Neither conversion nor discern-
ment are automatic realities. We are asked
to take risks with confidence because the
faith-filled reading of reality is by no means
simple or clear.
• It is believed that change depends on an
administrative act, a legislative measure, or
a change of people. Positive and construc-
tive attitudes toward redesigning and res-
tructuring need to be fostered among the
confreres, helping them to grasp the pre-
sent kairos that leads us to discernment and
to concentrate on the values of the Gospel
and our charism.
3 Motivations of Those
Opposed to Reshaping
• “The Province has its own specific identity
which must be saved.” This attitude usually
mistakenly includes the belief that structure
is more important than the evangelical life of
people. The justification is that people come
and go and structures remain. An apostolic
and community life without questions and
therefore without answers. On the other
hand, there are those who have had painful
experiences in other restructurings and have
not overcome the trauma caused by them
(thus, people with prejudices that need to
be overcome).
• “Reducing the presences decreases the
contact and integration among people and
therefore weakens youth ministry and the
birth of new vocations.” This means focu-
sing more on quantity than quality, thus
blocking renewing changes. But also eva-
ding the analysis of the situation: regarding
people, their age, their preparation, their
skills, the actual possibilities of the Province,
without losing perspective and a sense of
reality when we are caught up in a thou-
sand apostolic commitments.
• “Closing a home means resigning oneself
to one’s own death,” that is, to the fear of
the unknown. There are three aspects that
usually produce the most obstacles: spa-
ces, affections (experiences, passions) and
objects. Let’s face it: decisions are made
about the future, not the past. However,
when we discern and decide, we tend to
consider the past rather than the future,
rather than leaving our land, as Abraham
did (cf. Gen 12:1, 4a).
• Resistance and obstruction by bishops, family
fathers, teachers, civil authorities, etc.: res-
tructuring usually involves the suppression
of representative or otherwise important
positions because of their qualified servi-
ces performed in the Church or in socie-
ty. Therefore, discernment is needed so
that particular interests do not prevail over
universal ones; the interests of a particu-
lar Church over the good of the universal
Church; the interests of a people or a few
families over those of other people and
families who are more in need; so that the
good of a few individuals does not prevail
over the good of the Congregation. Via Marsala 42 - 00185 Roma • Centralino: (+39) 06 656 121 • Email: