Fr. Miguel Ángel García Morcuende • Vocational animation. An inspiring principle and goal of Salesian Youth Ministry
intense, committed and responsible for the
vocation we have received?
Secondly, the Educative-Pastoral Commu-
nity also has a deeply vocational structure: it
is the privileged mediation of God’s call to the
mission, it is a sign of Christ as missionary of
the Father. The story of each Salesian house
is intertwined with the small and large histo-
ry of each person and his or her vocation.
Our life offers young people the opportu-
nity to approach concrete testimonies of the
different paths of the Church in their path of
Christian growth: Christian couples, commit-
ted lay people, persons who are consecrated
in contemplative and active life, ordained
ministers. Close testimonies that make it pos-
sible to know both one’s lifestyle and the per-
sonal, social and ecclesial relevance of one’s
life choice.
The vocational proposal arises, on the one
hand, from the gratuitousness that comes from
God and, on the other, from the need to make
his Kingdom present. The vocational propos-
al has two reasons: a theological one - so that
each person may discover the path that God
has prepared for him - and a functional one -
which we could summarise by saying that «with-
out people there are no projects».
[4] At times, we identify the entire vocational
animation with action alone. The three previ-
ous points were intended to express that pas-
toral action in this field that is not supported
by prayer and witness of life is afflicted with
inconsistency, as would happen in any other
area of p astoral care. Furthermore, since voca-
tion requires resistance and persistence, com-
mitment and stability, we must go beyond the
mentality or vocational sensitivity and pos-
sess a vocational practice, a vocational ped-
agogy with actions that make it credible and
support it over time and space. This pedago-
gy deals with the importance of the itinerar-
ies of faith in Christian initiation, with the pro-
posals for accompanied community life and
with accompaniment.
Trust in God is not opposed to the need for
good planning and practice of the pastoral
ministry. This vocation animation or ministry
is a transversal axis of our SEPP, as well as a spe
cific task. The axis of all youth ministry work
is for each person to discover where God wants
them to be. At the same time, it is necessary
to have spaces, times, people ... who help make
it a reality, which is to say, that vocational ani-
mation is also a specific task. We would like to
see in every Salesian work an educative-pas-
toral practice that reaches «everyone» and
«speaks to everyone» about vocation, how-
ever some tools are needed.
For this reason, a key aspect of «vocational
culture» is the necessary link that must exist
between vocation animation within youth
ministry, so that all our efforts must converge
in guiding young people towards an option
of Christian life in a specific vocation of ser-
vice in the Church. Youth ministry is, in itself,
vocational, and vocation ministry cannot exist
apart from youth ministry.
[5] If trust in God, who calls, works like a lung
that gives oxygen to the vocational ministry,
the other lung is trust in the generous heart
of young people. Their hearts are made for
great things, for beauty, for goodness, for
freedom, for love ..., and this aspiration con-
stantly appears as an interior call in the depths
of their hearts. As Salesians, with the help of
the pedagogy of itineraries, we must become
the traveling companions of young people to
show them how in everyday life Jesus knocks
gently at the door of their hearts through their
best intuitions, their brilliant thoughts, their
desire to love and to be loved, their dreams
and their ideals, their desire for freedom.
The many questions that young people have,
their personal searches, their concerns, their
hopes and their joys, even their own rebel-
lion, can become God’s privileged passage in Via Marsala 42 - 00185 Roma • Centralino: (+39) 06 656 121 • Email: