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Salesian Youth Ministry Animation
Number 2. October 2022
Vocational animation
An inspiring principle and goal
of Salesian Youth Ministry
Fr. Miguel Ángel García Morcuende
Youth Ministry General Councilor
Salesiani di don Bosco SEDE CENTRALE SALESIANA

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Vocational animation
An inspiring principle and goal of Salesian Youth Ministry
Fr. Miguel Ángel García Morcuende
Youth Ministry General Councilor
1 Vocation animation
Revitalise our efforts,
acknowledge new movements
With «climate change» in our societies, va­lues​
are shifted, passed on and sometimes dis-
guised. This change seems inevitable and
irreversible. However, we feel the respon-
sibility to be proactive and to generate local
and provincial educative-pastoral proposals
that encourage each person to respond to
God’s plan with freedom, authenticity and
In recent years, much has been said and wri­
tten about vocation animation, in order to
revitalise our efforts, acknowledge the new
movements of the Spirit, open ourselves to
the reflection of the Church and develop new
understandings of accompaniment and voca-
tional discernment. All of this is bound to have
an impact on both hearts and pastoral prac-
It is time to break away from our certainties
and our «nostalgia» («in our days we were ...»;
«when I arrived, we were ..., we did ...»), con-
vinced that what is new requires some change.
(Mt 9:17). The «vocational emergency» expe-
rienced in many provinces requires real solu-
tions. In this respect the emergency must be
understood as the ability to discover that
something new is arising and to respond to
this novelty in the best way.
I believe that the greatest difficulty in the
service of vocation animation today, and we
have said it from the beginning, does not lie
so much in the clarity of ideas, but in two
aspects: first of all, the method of pastoral
practice; secondly, the involvement of the
whole Educative-Pastoral Community and,
within it, the religious community in the
«vocational culture». In short, if we wish to
help young people to find Jesus, the best pas-
toral practice is to discover him through wit-
ness and the transformation that occurs in
the people who meet him.
To do this, we will first of all explore the
territory of our Salesian houses and the rela-
tionship between the care for Salesian voca-
tions and the vocational animation. Then
we will examine the «vocational culture»
to understand the vocational narrative.
Thirdly, we will identify the three stages of
a vocational journey. Subsequently, the
requirements for «vocational culture». Final-
ly, some itineraries of the pastoral practice
of the province, the religious communities
and the Educative-Pastoral Communities.
sdb.org Via Marsala 42 - 00185 Roma • Centralino: (+39) 06 656 121 • Email: pastorale@sdb.org

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Fr. Miguel Ángel García Morcuende Vocational animation. An inspiring principle and goal of Salesian Youth Ministry
2 Four microclimates
for the vocational animation
A microclimate is a series of atmospheric vari-
ables that characterise a moderately small area
or space. Before addressing the reality of the
vocational animation, we believe it is useful
to organise an interpretation of reality around
four microclimates that can be observed in
the Salesian houses. Every Salesian presence
must be a microclimate in which it is easy to
develop and strengthen a vocation. What
kind of microclimate are we? And, above all,
what kind of microclimate do we wish to offer
young people?
First microclimate:
Great emphasis on Salesian vocations and
little or no emphasis on vocations.
In these contexts, the Salesians notice with
some concern that there is a decrease in voca-
tions to religious life and an increase in the
number of lay collaborators involved in the
mission. The Salesians believe that one solu-
tion is to insist on the distinction from lay
collaborators: the vocation to religious life is
«above» that of lay people. The Salesians feel
they are the owners of the charism.
Communities are normally separated from
lay people «emotionally». The annual com-
munity plan does not seek to dialogue or incar-
nate in the new needs but guarantees the ful-
filment of the requirements of religious life.
In this first microclimate, lay collaborators
expect the Salesians to maintain their leader-
ship position. They have a great respect for reli-
gious life, which they perceive as an ideal to
approach and imitate. Within the mission they
are dependent and have learned to wait for the
Salesians to take the initiative or determine the
direction. Lay collaborators perceive themselves
as «minors» with respect to the charism.
In this context, a vocational animation is
established to identify and recruit young peo-
ple: a «vocational animation by recruitment
o enlistment». Above all, it organises voca-
tional activities and prayers on Salesian voca-
tion. We have nostalgia for past achieve-
ments, when there were a great number of
Salesians; our hope is that «perhaps those
times will return», a «vocational springtime»
will arrive... but without doing anything that
is operational.
Second microclimate:
Great emphasis on vocations and little or
no emphasis on the Salesian vocation.
This microclimate is found in contexts where
Salesians feel that their vocation is about to
disappear. They appreciate the involvement
of lay people and perceive it as the only option
for the future of the Salesian mission. Young
people and lay collaborators are invited to
mature in the charism, but they hesitate to
offer to embrace the religious life. Somehow
this is thought to be an invitation to adhere to
an «exhausted» lifestyle. They think that the
charism will have to be sustained without the
presence of the Salesians. The Salesians lack
passion and appreciate other forms of life
more than their own, because they feel that
their religious life has become sterile.
In these contexts, there are more or less
cohesive communities, where lay people con-
tribute more to the quality of relations than
the Salesians themselves, who tend to expe-
rience the internal and external dynamics of
community life to a smaller extent. The mis-
sion no longer inspires the community and
there is a strong temptation to take up an indi-
vidualistic attitude. In short, these communi-
ties are lifeless. The main concern is the con-
tinuity and maintenance of current apostolic
In this microclimate, lay people admire the
history of the Salesians, but they do not sense
in them neither life in the present nor as a pos-
sibility for the future; however, they expect
them to give off motivation and energy. Lay
sdb.org Via Marsala 42 - 00185 Roma • Centralino: (+39) 06 656 121 • Email: pastorale@sdb.org

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FLASH • October 2022 YOUTH MINISTRY SECTOR Salesiani di Don Bosco Sede Centrale Salesiana
people are involved in the mission and are
attracted by the charism. They try to respond
to the challenges as best as they can. They
accept positions of responsibility and anima-
tion, taking on the roles the Salesians have
occupied throughout history, often feel alone
in the face of the challenges of the mission.
Lay people must guide the works, impress
their testimonial role, be in the world, take
care of young people, ensure the transmis-
sion of the Salesian identity and maintain a
preferential commitment to the poorest.
There is the risk that the communities will
be content with the established order and over
the years lose sight of the prophetic dimen-
sion that guarantees the Salesian vocation. The
efforts of the vocational animation focus on
encouraging lay partners to take on new com-
mitments. It is well-structured and creative.
Third microclimate:
Little or no emphasis on vocations and little
or no emphasis on the Salesian vocation.
We find this type of «soil» in contexts in which
the vocational animation has been abandoned
or totally neglected. In this microclimate, the
Salesians focus on the management of edu-
cational works. They are generally unable to
imagine a different future. They are very com-
mitted to what they do and avoid profound
questions about their own vocation and do
not dare to speak about it publicly.
Regarding the communities, there is usua­
lly little cohesion due to disappointment and
fatigue. They feel fragmented by the main-
tenance of the Salesian Works. There are only
daily emergencies. They maintain the exter-
nal forms of community life, but rarely with
effective internal dynamism. They show no
interest in sharing with lay collaborators. They
are willing to do anything to defend their sta-
bility and positions. These survival commu-
nities avoid welcoming or accompanying
vocations, be they vocations of Salesians or
lay collaborators, and are endangered com-
Most lay people are accompanied only at
the beginning of their work in the Salesian
presence. They do not have opportunities for
ongoing and quality training that supports the
charism. They are not involved at the institu-
tional level and, if they are, show little or no
sense of belonging. They have always seen
the Salesians as the owners of the institution.
Some seek meaning and spirituality, but they
do so with other church movements or in oth-
er places.
The identity and evangelising character of
the works are not guaranteed. Vocational ani-
mation does not exist or exists only to make
it seem like something is being done.
Fourth microclimate:
Strong emphasis on vocations and the
Salesian vocation
This a microclimate that fills us with hope.
We find it in many contexts throughout
the Congregation. In this microclimate, the
Salesians are committed to enhancing their
vocation. They are available to educate poo­
rer young people. They are Salesians who are
in constant spiritual and apostolic search.
In these contexts, many lay people love the
charism and identify with it because they have
lived a high-quality Salesian formation and
appreciate the value of the Salesian vocation.
They are involved in conveying the values a​ nd
teachings of the Gospel and, by living their
spiritual journey with openness and willing-
ness, they have nourished their own vocation.
These lay people live their educational and
Salesian vocation with sensitivity in the com-
mitment to young people.
Regarding the Salesian communities, they
take care of moments in which they deepen
mutual relations and are willing to share their
community experience with lay and young
people. They adapt their schedules to ensure
sdb.org Via Marsala 42 - 00185 Roma • Centralino: (+39) 06 656 121 • Email: pastorale@sdb.org

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Fr. Miguel Ángel García Morcuende Vocational animation. An inspiring principle and goal of Salesian Youth Ministry
meaningful moments of community life and
open their times of prayer and retreat to peo-
ple seeking experiences of spirituality. They
commit themselves effectively to promot-
ing and living their annual community plan
and to nourishing the prophetic dimension
of religious life in order to spend time with
simple people and underprivileged young
Vocational animation focuses on all voca-
tions. It is a dynamic ministry, which responds
to the needs of young people and offers spac-
es for sharing the faith with them. In short, these
are Works with a future in which Salesians and
lay collaborators focus on the needs of people,
share equal dignity among the various voca-
tions, participate in the renewal of the mission
and are willing to create an authentic voca­tional
culture. As in the parable, «some produced a
hundred or sixty or thirtyfold» (Mt 13:8).
3 Vocational culture
A pastoral care that leads to being in tune
with what God’s wants for our life.
[1] Today many young people ask them-
selves the same questions and do not always
find the space to examine and deepen them.
The questions come from within, as internal
movements that are often unable to interpret
or recognise. Many times, we have all experi-
enced the need for a person who could give
us the necessary tools to go from this inner
turbulence to trust in a meaningful life plan.
The concept of «vocational culture1» can
help us to enter into the proposal of an inte-
grated and effective vocational animation for
today. Today there is talk of a «culture of
health», which leads us to know and appreci-
ate what promotes a healthy life, developing
the appropriate guidelines. There is also a
1 The «vocational culture» was the theme of the Papal
Message for the 30th World Day of Prayer for Vocations, cele-
brated on 2 May 1993. Since then it has been used in vari-
ous documents and in the reflection on vocational ministry.
«sports culture» which realises the knowledge
and appreciation of certain sports disciplines.
We could speak of «digital culture», etc.
The «culture» of a Salesian house or pro­
vince is, above all, the result of the interaction
between people and is carried out in the man-
ner and style of being a community; second-
ly, it allows to give order and meaning to what
happens and to interpret the different expe-
riences of everyday life.
In the same way, «vocational culture» refers
to the environment, created by the members
of an Educative-Pastoral Community (not just
the religious community), which promotes
the conception of life as a vocation. It is an
environment that allows each person, wheth-
er believer or non-believer, to enter into a pro-
cess where he can discover his own passion
and his own goals in life. «Feeling the voca-
tion to something» means feeling called by a
precious reality, from which I can interpret
and give meaning to my life. It involves not
so much doing whatever we want but discov-
ering what we are called to be and do.
The delicate point of vocation animation is
to look for different ways to awaken, discern,
nourish and respectfully accompany the young
person so that he can make the important deci-
sions of life in the exercise of his own free-
[2] Furthermore, when we speak of «voca-
tional culture» in Salesian Youth Ministry, we
intend to promote a Christian experience
that leads to harmony with God’s desire
for our young people. This implies offering
criteria and conditions that guide us to live
life as a response to God’s will, discovering
the specific mission. We firmly believe that a
reflection on the «vocational culture» in this
sense can help us move personally and insti-
tutionally towards the «fourth microclimate»
referred to in the previous point.
We can say that this vocational culture has
some fundamental components: gratitude,
sdb.org Via Marsala 42 - 00185 Roma • Centralino: (+39) 06 656 121 • Email: pastorale@sdb.org

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FLASH • October 2022 YOUTH MINISTRY SECTOR Salesiani di Don Bosco Sede Centrale Salesiana
openness to the transcendent, questioning
about life, availability, confidence in oneself
and in others, the ability to dream and desire,
amazement for beauty, altruism ... These com-
ponents are certainly the basis of any voca-
tional approach. At the same time, they are
no different from the elements offered in an
integral formation proposal.
But we should also speak of the specific com­
ponents of this vocational culture. These are
the elements that foster, among other things:
the knowledge and appreciation of God’s per-
sonal call (to life, to discipleship and to a con-
crete mission) and the paths of Christian life
(secular and of special consecration); the prac-
tice of discernment as an attitude of life and a
means to make a life choice; the relevant aspects
of the Salesian charism itself. If we put aside
these specific components, the so-called «voca-
tional culture» would be too general and
wouldn’t achieve practicality. A good vocation-
al culture must have a good foundation and at
the same time aim for possible practicality.
4 Three stages of a process
Vocational proclamation,
proposal and discernment
On the basis of a broader pastoral action, a
vocational pastoral process can be devel-
oped that contains three ingredients of the
following stages.
[1] The vocational proclamation is the proc-
lamation of life as a vocation. We all have a
vocation, and it is necessary for someone to
help us to find it.
This «vocational kerygma» implies the pro­
clamation of God’s call, as a work that He is ful-
filling in us, giving a definitive orientation to
our lives. The contents of this «first proclama-
tion» or basic proclamation are the fundamen-
tal and specific components we mentioned ear-
lier. There is no doubt that a good «proclama-
tion» is, in itself, a whole «proposal».
[2] The vocational proposal is an invitation to
discover God’s will for one’s life. It is what
can trigger the vocational spark, which leads
a young person to start a research itinerary or
to consider the possibility of beginning a con-
crete journey. As such, the proposal includes
intentionality, as an appeal to the person’s
freedom. It must be done with clarity, coura­
ge and respect.
[3] Vocational discernment is the path of cla­
rification that a person begins starting from
a vocational proposal he receives and from
a vocational restlessness he feels. Speaking
of «discernment» in the vocational animation
means helping young people to choose; it
means facilitating the means and the tools so
that they can discover, interpret, understand
and welcome the presence and callings of the
Holy Spirit in their real life. The elements that
make up a process of discernment are prayer,
awareness of the life proposal, reflection, deci­
sion, action and the spiritual accompaniment
of this entire journey.
But we must not forget that the Christian
vocation is a response that comes from the
discovery, the gradual knowledge and the
faithfulness to the person of Jesus. Pope Ben-
edict XVI, in his first encyclical God is Love,
stressed that «being Christian is not the result
of an ethical choice or a lofty idea, but the
encounter with an event, a person, who gives
life a new horizon and a decisive direction»
(no. 1). The message of love of Jesus of Naz-
areth, alone, is capable of winning the heart
of every person and of encouraging them to
live their lives as a precious plan in the hands
of God.
[4] In conclusion, every vocational animator
must understand that he is a servant of the
vocation of real people. The important thing
is that young people discover where God
wants them and dreams for them.
sdb.org Via Marsala 42 - 00185 Roma • Centralino: (+39) 06 656 121 • Email: pastorale@sdb.org

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Fr. Miguel Ángel García Morcuende Vocational animation. An inspiring principle and goal of Salesian Youth Ministry
The «vocational culture», in this case, facil-
itates the fabric, network or atmosphere of
values, certainties, convictions, practices and
ideals rooted in the Gospel that create a way
of perceiving and understanding oneself in
the context of God’s plan in general, and of
vocation in particular. When an EPC creates
the right environment, young people are more
willing to listen to God’s call in an attitude of
faith and to embark on the adventure of
ma­king it materialise in their hearts.
Proclamation, proposal and discernment
are three actions that are sometimes mixed,
even though it is useful to distinguish them
on a pedagogical level. They are three stages
of a process that needs to be specified and
offered within a pastoral plan that aims to
develop a vocational culture starting from an
integrated and effective pastoral animation.
The concept of vocation animation aims to
develop these components or dynamisms
through which people are helped to ques-
tion themselves about the meaning of their
life, to discover the gift of the mission and
to find their own specific vocation accord-
ing to God’s will.
sdb.org Via Marsala 42 - 00185 Roma • Centralino: (+39) 06 656 121 • Email: pastorale@sdb.org

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FLASH • October 2022 YOUTH MINISTRY SECTOR Salesiani di Don Bosco Sede Centrale Salesiana
5 Conditions needed
for a «vocational culture»
[1] Persistent prayer is the basis of all voca-
tional animation. On the one hand, for pasto-
ral workers and for the whole Christian com-
munity: if vocations are a gift, we must ask
the Lord of the harvest (cf. Mt 9:38) to con-
tinue to inspire Christians with vocations to
the various forms of Christian life. On the oth-
er hand, prayer is an essential means to lis-
ten to and accept God’s call; therefore, a fun-
damental task of all youth ministry is to help
young people to pray. Prayer is the first and
most effective means for vocational ministry.
[2] The «kerygma» or vocational proclama-
tion which we spoke about earlier begins with
one’s personal and community life, provided it
is lived in an authentic way. It is people, and
not organizations, which promote vocations.
There is nothing more provocative than the
passionate witness of the vocation that
God gives to each one; it is only in this way
that those who are called trigger, in turn, the
call-in others. We must strive to make our way
of life with the Lord understandable. This is
true for all vocations, because lay educators
are also called to convey a true experience
of the God of Jesus. This witness therefore
invites our young people to assume a credi-
ble Christian life.
In the case of the vocation of special con-
secration, it is necessary to invite all Salesians
to contribute to the creation of a «vocational
culture» in whatever environment they find
themselves. We Salesians are the heart,
memory and guarantors not only for the
Salesian charism, but also for their own
vocation. There will be no vocations if we Sale-
sians are not able to perceive ourselves as
«good news» wherever we are and we are ready
to unfold our existence as a commitment to
this project. The European congress on voca-
tions, held in Rome in May 1997, made a very
lucid observation: «The vocational crisis of
those who are called is today also a crisis of
those who call».
Consecrated life reflects values ​t​hat attract
many young people, such as total dedication,
communion of hearts, spirituality and alt­ ruism.
However, it is necessary for young people to
perceive that the real driving force of our
consecrated life is the following of Jesus
Christ, which entails going out of oneself, radi­
calism, self-giving and inner unification. For
this reason, our life must be transparent,
meaningful and, at the right moments, it must
also be expressed with words that reveal what
moves us.
At the same time, we Salesians must keep
our presence among them. In this way, they
can come to know and understand our aspi-
rations as a real possibility in their life, a strong
life alternative for people of our times. Logi-
cally, this possibility must be accompanied by
discernment, even though the responses may
seem to be weak at the beginning.
[3] Another focal point of the «vocational cul-
ture» is the renewal and revitalisation of
community life. Authentic vocational issues
can arise in the EPC and, within it, in the reli-
gious community, where one’s vocation, fra-
ternal relationships, commitment to the mis-
sion and the acceptance of each and every
one is lived and celebrated.
First of all, the religious community is a
privileged place to recover quality time for lis-
tening and personal encounter with young
people who want to be welcomed and listened
to. In this sense, common dialogue and reflec-
tion are necessary to work on the ability to
welcome vocations in one’s community. Let
us ask ourselves if our communities are edu-
cational environments that facilitate the search
for and the strengthening of the meaning and
purpose of the life of young people, by stimu­
lating them to deepen their vocation as disci-
ples of the Lord. Is our community life healthy,
sdb.org Via Marsala 42 - 00185 Roma • Centralino: (+39) 06 656 121 • Email: pastorale@sdb.org

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Fr. Miguel Ángel García Morcuende Vocational animation. An inspiring principle and goal of Salesian Youth Ministry
intense, committed and responsible for the
vocation we have received?
Secondly, the Educative-Pastoral Commu-
nity also has a deeply vocational structure: it
is the privileged mediation of God’s call to the
mission, it is a sign of Christ as missionary of
the Father. The story of each Salesian house
is intertwined with the small and large histo-
ry of each person and his or her vocation.
Our life offers young people the opportu-
nity to approach concrete testimonies of the
different paths of the Church in their path of
Christian growth: Christian couples, commit-
ted lay people, persons who are consecrated
in contemplative and active life, ordained
mi­nisters. Close testimonies that make it pos-
sible to know both one’s lifestyle and the per-
sonal, social and ecclesial relevance of one’s
life choice.
The vocational proposal arises, on the one
hand, from the gratuitousness that comes from
God and, on the other, from the need to make
his Kingdom present. The vocational propos-
al has two reasons: a theological one - so that
each person may discover the path that God
has prepared for him - and a functional one -
which we could summarise by saying that «with-
out people there are no projects».
[4] At times, we identify the entire vocational
animation with action alone. The three previ-
ous points were intended to express that pas-
toral action in this field that is not supported
by prayer and witness of life is afflicted with
inconsistency, as would happen in any other
area of p​ astoral care. Furthermore, since voca-
tion requires resistance and persistence, com-
mitment and stability, we must go beyond the
mentality or vocational sensitivity and pos-
sess a vocational practice, a vocational ped-
agogy with actions that make it credible and
support it over time and space. This pedago-
gy deals with the importance of the itinerar-
ies of faith in Christian initiation, with the pro-
posals for accompanied community life and
with accompaniment.
Trust in God is not opposed to the need for
good planning and practice of the pastoral
ministry. This vocation animation or ministry
is a transversal axis of our SEPP, as well as a spe­
cific task. The axis of all youth ministry work
is for each person to discover where God wants
them to be. At the same time, it is necessary
to have spaces, times, people ... who help make
it a reality, which is to say, that vocational ani-
mation is also a specific task. We would like to
see in every Salesian work an educative-pas-
toral practice that reaches «everyone» and
«speaks to everyone» about vocation, how-
ever some tools are needed.
For this reason, a key aspect of «vocational
culture» is the necessary link that must exist
between vocation animation within youth
ministry, so that all our efforts must converge
in guiding young people towards an option
of Christian life in a specific vocation of ser-
vice in the Church. Youth ministry is, in itself,
vocational, and vocation ministry cannot exist
apart from youth ministry.
[5] If trust in God, who calls, works like a lung
that gives oxygen to the vocational ministry,
the other lung is trust in the generous heart
of young people. Their hearts are made for
great things, for beauty, for goodness, for
freedom, for love ..., and this aspiration con-
stantly appears as an interior call in the depths
of their hearts. As Salesians, with the help of
the pedagogy of itineraries, we must become
the traveling companions of young people to
show them how in everyday life Jesus knocks
gently at the door of their hearts through their
best intuitions, their brilliant thoughts, their
desire to love and to be loved, their dreams
and their ideals, their desire for freedom.
The many questions that young people have,
their personal searches, their concerns, their
hopes and their joys, even their own rebel-
lion, can become God’s privileged passage in
sdb.org Via Marsala 42 - 00185 Roma • Centralino: (+39) 06 656 121 • Email: pastorale@sdb.org

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FLASH • October 2022 YOUTH MINISTRY SECTOR Salesiani di Don Bosco Sede Centrale Salesiana
their life. They are theological places where
Someone, much greater than their personal
reality, in a strange and mysterious way, makes
his way into the fabric of human existence
and desires to depend on them to make them
recipients of his love, to share his life and his
Kingdom project with them, so that joy may
reach its fullness in them (cf. Jn 17:13).
God’s call, far from being an «intrusion» in
life, consists in proposing a journey to follow,
whose path puts into play the best of every
young person. The call is nothing other than
listening to the voice of God in the depths of
one’s heart. And to listen to it, one must be
ready to take the risk of the adventure of life,
with its beautiful but also difficult moments.
From this perspective, we were able to deal
with two vocational approaches:
–– The first approach focuses on the people
closest to our charism, that is, those who,
because of their bond with Salesian com-
munities and works, are open to an expe-
rience of God, to meaningful community
relationships and to service with young
–– The second approach focuses on those who
can be attracted to deepening the Salesian
vocation as a fundamental life choice.
The proposal is aimed at those who ask ...
and those who do not ask! Among the first,
the young people of Bethany who ask him:
«Master, where do you live?»; says the rich
young man. «And among the latter, the fish-
ermen at work on the lake shore (Peter,
Andrew, James and John), or Matthew, who
was sitting at the tax collector’s table, like oth-
er Old Testament characters who were called
even when» they were doing their own busi-
ness»: Moses, Amos, Jeremiah ...
[6] Finally, to complete the map, let us not
forget the promotion of the vocation of spe­
cial consecration.
In this proposal, a concrete aspect of voca-
tional animation is defined: to awaken and
accompany people called to a concrete form
of life (the ordained ministry, one’s own con-
gregation or movement), as a concrete way
of following Jesus. What once seemed to be
the only object of vocational animation, must
now continue to be an important element,
within the framework of a broader and more
inclusive vocational promotion.
Thus, the conceptual map of vocational ani-
mation ranges from the promotion of all forms
of Christian life, encouraging personal and
community itineraries of growth in faith, to
the particular commitment to propose and
encourage concrete life choices. In this sense,
the vocation to the priesthood and/or conse-
crated life is found in this context of vocation-
al search.
6 Three paths to
vocational culture
Pray, live and work
Starting from the quotation by Pope Francis
(EG 107), we can indicate three paths to fol-
low for a coherent vocational animation: liv-
ing a contagious apostolic fervour, praying
insistently and daring to propose. In summa-
ry: what can we do? Pray, live and act. These
are strategies that aim to help young people
build a choice-oriented ecosystem.
From the experience in the Salesian pro­
vinces, we suggest these three areas that are
particularly appropriate and interconnected,
at various levels.
All this implies that the Province must:
–– set up a team or commission for vocational
animation. It is necessary to recognise and
be grateful that these teams can prepare
reflections, promote activities and offer
experiences, while maintaining enthusiasm
for the service of vocational animation.
sdb.org Via Marsala 42 - 00185 Roma • Centralino: (+39) 06 656 121 • Email: pastorale@sdb.org

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11 Fr. Miguel Ángel García Morcuende Vocational animation. An inspiring principle and goal of Salesian Youth Ministry
These teams should also be offered train-
ing that responds to the needs of our time;
–– ensure that the Province’s coordinator for
vocation animation is in the best condition
to carry out his specific mission;
–– offer, within the SEPPS, places of reference
and initiatives for prayer, accompaniment
and vocational discernment;
–– invest in human and material resources in
the area of accompaniment and vocation-
al discernment;
–– define the comprehensive process of accom­
panying young people in search based on a
plan that includes stages, profiles and roles
of those involved, especially with regard to
aspirantates, communities or vocational
guidance centres.
Religious communities must:
–– reflect and include in their annual commu­
nity plan some specific commitments that
specify the local opportunities for making
the Salesian vocation known;
–– offer community experiences to those who
wish to deepen their Salesian vocation in
order to share experiences of life and spir-
ituality: to go from a «vocational animator»
to a «vocational community»;
–– create welcoming spaces for young people
and strive not only to get to know them,
but to welcome them and to spend their
life with them, which is much more than
offering them pastoral experiences, res­ our­
ces and opportunities;
–– clearly express the joy and hope of their voca­
tional call to be what they are: Salesians.
–– encourage an attitude of recognition, cele­
bration and accompaniment of young peo-
ple who express a sense of call;
–– be in contact with young people and thus
inject «vitamin M» (=mission) into their hearts,
which will enable them to become the most
direct witnesses of Jesus to their friends
and peers;
–– give visibility to the elderly Salesians, not as
relics, but as witnesses.
This implies that in the EPCs it is necessary to:
–– review good practices in all sectors of the
house and examine which of these really
have an impact on young people;
–– promote formation in vocational culture
throughout the educative-pastoral commu-
nity, so as to contribute to a deeper under­
standing of vocations, overcoming the idea
that only Salesians «have a vocation»;
–– offer concrete experiences of faith, service
and community suitable for each age group,
condition and circumstances (Pope Francis
formulates this in a more expressive way
when he says that «the Christian vocation
is necessarily born within an experience of
mission» - 52nd World Day of Prayer for
Vocations, 2015);
–– give priority to vocational activities over
­other activities, in particular spaces and
times for personal accompaniment, import-
ant moments (a missionary experience, a
strong experience of prayer or Spiritual
Exercises, an encounter with a significant
person, an Easter celebration ...) and events
with a Salesian impact (participation in a reli-
gious profession or ordination, a visit to a
centre for young people at risk ...);
–– show special care for the introduction of
vocational elements in all age groups, but
we have a privileged place among anima-
tors, volunteers, young collaborators, uni-
versity students, students from recent years.
7 Conclusion
Many people may not know that oil prospec-
tors have to dig an average of 247 wells to
find a profitable one. And they are not discour­
sdb.org Via Marsala 42 - 00185 Roma • Centralino: (+39) 06 656 121 • Email: pastorale@sdb.org

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FLASH • October 2022 YOUTH MINISTRY SECTOR Salesiani di Don Bosco Sede Centrale Salesiana
aged by a series of failures. They keep search-
ing, because they know that a single fruitful
well is worth the whole series of unsuccessful
searches. What about the Christian vocation?
Will it be worth less than an oil well? And the
Salesian heart? Will it be less profitable? We
must not be discouraged in our vocational
task of making the Lord Jesus known, loved
and followed using all appropriate means.
Today’s Church also needs Salesian voca-
tions. Perhaps we should remind ourselves
that the dynamism of vocational discernment
does not end when a person leaves a forma-
tion house. Discernment is a spiritual task
enlightened by the hope of knowing God’s
will; it is a humble task, because it implies the
awareness of not knowing, but it expresses the
courage to seek, to look and to walk forward,
freeing oneself from that fear of the future which
is anchored in the past and which arises from
the presumption of knowing it all.
Vocation is a lifelong process, regarded as
a succession of calls and responses, a dialogue
in freedom between God and every human
being, which takes the form of a mission to
be discovered continuously in the various phases
of life and in contact with new realities. A voca-
tion, therefore, is the particular way in which
a person structures his life in response to a
personal call to love and serve; the way of lov-
ing and serving that God wants for each one
of us.
Fr. Miguel Ángel García Morcuende
Youth Ministry General Councilor
sdb.org Via Marsala 42 - 00185 Roma • Centralino: (+39) 06 656 121 • Email: pastorale@sdb.org