Presentation (short introduction by the Provincial)
[Motivation, contents, aims and how the document evolved. It is good to indicate the sources and the basic points of
reference that run through the reflections and guidelines of the Province SEPP: cfr. SYM Frame of Reference, pp. 290-293]
I. CONTEXT OF THE PROVINCE “______” (analysis of the reality)
[An educative and salesian understanding of the realty with its challenges, needs and proposals in 3 or 4 pages: SYM
Frame of Reference, pp. 296-298]
1. Careful observation and knowledge of the context and the «type» of young
people that are there
[Present in a concrete manner some key elements that help interpreting our mission from an educative and pastoral
standpoint. Point out the possibilities that exist and the dangers that are to be encountered today. One needs to avoid the
danger of seeing everything as a «problem», or that «naïve optimism» that underestimates the force of resistances]
2. Educative and pastoral interpretation of the situation
[Present in a concrete manner some key elements that help interpreting our mission from an educative and pastoral
standpoint. Point out the possibilities that exist and the dangers that are to be encountered today. One needs to avoid the
danger of seeing everything as a «problem», or that «naïve optimism» that underestimates the force of resistances]
A first opportunity is the fact that we can rely, at least to some extent, on families and young people open to the
proclamation of the Gospel. Besides, beyond the statistics, we meet family groups [...] In relation to the young, true
discernment captures the positive signs present in the quest for meaning, quality of life, the great sense of solidarity,
peace, justice, openness to a global mentality of which they are the bearers [...] With regard to the transmission of the faith
to new generations, we must confess that the local Church makes great efforts to convey to them love for inner life,
perseverance in listening to the Word of God, for an orderly sacramental life [...] We run the risk of attempting a ministry
conditioned by efficiency, convinced more on the importance of what we " do" for God, than what God does for us. A
ministry dominated by the logic of appearance, quantity, effectiveness [...] Obstacles to mission, then, consist of the
"poverty" of families and young people. Also with regard to young people, various analysis of their condition converge on
"discomfort " as the main aspect […]
3. Preferred options (long or short term, 3-5 years)
[4 or 5 priorities in the form of general objectives that have an open vision on the future, an inspiring and positive
vision for all the works and their sectors]
1) Renovate and strengthen the educative processes in a way that they guarantee the holistic growth of the young.
2) Offer multiple and varied processes for the human and Christian growth of the young, through personalized journeys
that initiate and educate them in faith.
3) Guide and accompany the young through discernment, helping them in choosing one’s direction in view of apostolic
4) Helping the young in taking leadership roles through experiences of ministry, volunteering and group experiences as
opportunities where they can mature in their faith and service to others