- Our school/VTC " _______ " aims to contribute to the building of a more just and humane society, not only through the
training of individuals, but also through participation in the life of the area and the engagement in the educational and cultural
challenges present in society. [...]
- Our school/VTC " _______ " , run by the Salesians of Don Bosco, proposes the integral formation of children and young
people. Through the creation of a school environment signed by a clear and purposeful educational atmosphere and a careful
preparation in the academic field, it enables the achievement of a balanced synthesis – culture, professional competence,
human maturity, the Christian view of life. [...]
- We are a Catholic school/VTC open to all families who wish to share an Educational Project that involves teachers, pupils
and parents. Our school is an ecclesial subject, which unreservedly assumes the educational and cultural experience of faith
and gives young people the opportunity to approach to faith and ecclesial life. [...]
SCHOOL/VTC “______” (persons involved?)
[The EPC: importance and persons involved: SYM Frame of Reference, pp. 199-201. This is not the place to present
roles and duties of the administrative personnel. All this belongs to the Internal Statutes or to the last part or Appendix to
the document on organisation and management. This contains objectives (in line with those of the local SEPP) and
1. – Favour the convergence of intentions and beliefs of all members of the EPC, guiding their efforts to the building of the
educational community, which is both subject and environment of education.
2. – Stimulate and respect the roles and expertise of the Salesians and lay people, parents and young people, united by as
a "community for education," which sees them engaged in joint formation process.
The EPC identifies problems, analyses situations, identifies goals to be achieved and criteria for action; periodically checks
the validity of the programs in terms of the objectives, content, methodology, and the impact of education at the level of the
local Church and territory.
So we propose the following actions:
The community structure is essential to the educational process, especially in the Preventive System of Don Bosco, which
tends to involve young people, parents, lay and salesian teachers, past pupils and support staff in a climate of shared
responsibility as a family.
a) The young: active participants in their own education
Young people, bearers of the right/duty to knowledge, education and education in the faith, are not so much the object of
attention and concern of educators, but those responsible for the choices, and then real protagonists of the cultural,
educational and Christian experience proposed by the school.
They therefore undertake to:
b) The parents are the first educators and share responsibility with the school
Parents have the first responsibility for the education of children. They are called to be coherent with the reasons why they
choose the salesian school. As members, with equal dignity, of the educational community, they participate in the research
and implementation of the educational proposals, strengthening, together with the other teachers, the formation and
educational approach to problems of young people; through their experience they enrich of the educational experience.
To parents, as directly responsible for the growth of children, belongs the responsibility:
c) The teaching staff, animators of the educational process
Teachers, religious and lay, are inserted fully in the educational ministry, according to the identity and the Salesian project
and according to their professional competence.