FLASH • September 2022 YOUTH MINISTRY SECTOR Salesiani di Don Bosco • Sede Centrale Salesiana
It is a matter of articulating «knowledge»
(which comes from experience) and concrete
«strategies» (which come from tactical deci-
sions). In this regard, it is worth noting:
The context of the Salesian work is very
important. We are talking about a summary of
2 or 3 pages. Explaining the reality, the educa-
tional, cultural, social and pastoral framework
to which reference is made is the first step in
developing a planning process. It is not a statis-
tical fact. Defining the premises is necessary for
those who read the project, it is an act of trans-
parency towards those you intend to involve.
The different ways of reading reality and
the meanings attributed to it, lead to differ-
ent knowledge, different hypotheses and
sometimes contrary operational methods;
it is therefore essential to make explicit and
share the main concerns/challenges of real-
ity. It is not a matter of carrying out a socio-
logical study, but of defining and redefining
what challenges us: as in all areas of human
experience, it is not possible to change what
is not reflected (=known). Without this prior
common awareness, there is a risk that oper-
ational actions will be incongruent, scattered
and repetitive. The SEPP is not born from
nothing, but from the history (positive and
negative) that sdb and the laity of the works
live day by day, individually and/or in groups.
The history of the Salesian work today
takes place in a specific historical period
and in a specific territory. We run the risk
of devising and drafting «ideal» but occa-
sional and scattered objectives, process-
es or actions, which are repeated here and
there, without visualizing and interweav-
ing the most urgent questions. Our proj-
ects must be conceived and implement-
ed within «real contexts» of life expressed,
written, reflected upon.
From this «wisdom» emerge the priority
points of attention and work for all, the nodes
of the project. They correspond to the situa-
tion of the Salesian work and are considered
generators of apostolic resources: it is the uni-
fying part that acts as a pole of reference and
convergence for the programming of the dif-
ferent areas and sectors of pastoral animation.
The renewal of the environments and sec-
tors of pastoral animation is a matter of stra-
tegic and concrete decisions and choices.
The implementation of a pastoral project is
done through actions, thought-out and not
improvised, simple and connected steps. For
this, care must be taken in the formulation
of the precise interventions. The question of
this part is: how to operationalize each of the
proposed processes through an INITIATIVE or
The right interventions reflect a great deal of
contact with «provocative» (stimulating/chal-
lenging) situations that help to reflect and to
see where the essentials of the environments
are, what are the central aspects of the practice.
In summary: the organization of the differ-
ent sectors of pastoral action, articulating them
in a coherent way and seeking an indispens-
able union of wills around the one mission, has
shown more and more clearly the importance
and the necessity of an organic pastoral. The
most notable requirements of an organic pasto-
ral are, on the one hand, to impress on all pas-
toral action an evangelizing character (unidi-
rectionality). This implies demanding the union
and coordination of the work of all the pasto-
ral agents and promoting the convergence of
the action of all the agents in each of the pas-
toral sectors. And, on the other hand, to pro-
gram the action, to establish the goals to reach,
to choose the means to use and to establish
a rational distribution and a promotion of the
available resources, human and material, ade-
quate to the needs of the moment and of the
context in which we act.
Fr. Miguel Ángel García Morcuende
Youth Ministry General Councilor
sdb.org Via Marsala 42 - 00185 Roma • Centralino: (+39) 06 656 121 • Email: pastorale@sdb.org