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Salesian Youth Ministry Animation
Number 1. September 2022
Cultivating dreams,
collecting fruits
Local and Provincial
organic planning
Fr. Miguel Ángel García Morcuende
Youth Ministry General Councilor
Salesiani di don Bosco SEDE CENTRALE SALESIANA

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Cultivating dreams, collecting fruits
Local and Provincial organic planning
Fr. Miguel Ángel García Morcuende
Youth Ministry General Councilor
1 Salesian educative-pastoral
model and methodological
We hold with conviction that the true strength
and distinctive character of our Salesian mis-
sion are the strong values that inspire it, the
dreams that these values manage to gener-
ate and the results that are achieved. Every
time we are confronted with our mission,
the awareness arises that we must become
more capable of carrying it out according
to the Salesian educative-pastoral model.
In order to elaborate the educative-pas-
toral proposal («Honest citizens and good
Christians») on which our commitment is veri-
fied, every EPC (every province!) must choose
the appropriate instruments and define the con-
crete steps. For animation, coordination and
governance, it is indispensable to have this
methodological attention that allows us to
trace out ways, to reach the objectives, to use
the resources well and to verify the results.
In our contexts we perceive so many chal-
lenges (social, educative, pastoral) and,
therefore, we need tools to think about the
future, that is, to express the mission in cou-
rageous, thoughtful and well-planned proj-
ects. Planning is:
–– a mental and community process of involve-
ment, clarification and identification (stop-
ping for a moment, taking stock... and then
«launching» the Province/EPC in a concrete
–– an operational tool.
Concretely, the Salesian Educative
Pastoral Project (SEPP) is the updating
of the Preventive System: the general
action plan guiding educative and pasto-
ral processes in a determined provincial
and local context. The unity of the educa-
tive-pastoral interventions requires that
there be a project, according to this glob-
al vision of the person. The project can be
conceived as a kind of «highway signs» that
gives indications on how to move in the
territory of the young people, as Salesians.
The value of the commitment of a Salesian
province/work is tested more and more by
the fruits, and less and less by good inten-
tions or by a good name historically acquired.
There is a lot of talk about planning, and
not only today: we speak of projects, cur-
ricular models, objectives and evaluation.
However, until a few years ago, these terms
and the related problems were far from the
attention of the majority of pastoral workers. In
fact, every leader went ahead without worry-
sdb.org Via Marsala 42 - 00185 Roma • Centralino: (+39) 06 656 121 • Email: pastorale@sdb.org

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Fr. Miguel Ángel García Morcuende Cultivating dreams, collecting fruits
ing too much about planning; when they did,
they relied mostly on intuition and practicality.
2 The main «hindering» factors
Pastoral planning must be framed within
the need to seek new ways of acting that
renew and stimulate pastoral action capa-
ble of effectively evangelizing the world of
young people today.
Nevertheless, we note that we are still trapped
in a pastoral action of activities instead of a pas-
toral approach to processes. Moreover, we run
the risk of responding to pastoral challeng-
es with a «generalization» of the goals to be
achieved. It is said that what we need to do is
to evangelize those who are far away, to under-
take a new evangelization, to renew our pasto-
ral agents, etc. All this is true, but the objectives
are so broad that we can never know with suf-
ficient precision what we want to achieve, let
alone to what extent they are being achieved.
What could be preventing us from planning
adequately? Why do we sometimes resist plan-
ning? What are the fears that we have when it
comes to planning? Today, the recurring objec-
tions/resistances have this profile:
–– «Pastoral work has been done for two thou-
sand years without the need for projects».
We acquire habits of improvisation or rou-
tine in our daily repetitive work that make
us see as useless and costly any rationaliza-
tion of the pastoral activity. We have a long
experience, so why plan what we already
know and are doing every day?
–– «Pastoral work is under the free and unpre-
dictable action of the Spirit and, therefore,
it is not programmable». Planning is all too
human a matter and even an obstacle to
free divine action.
–– «It’s always been done this way» (repeti-
tive laziness). Carrying out a planning pro-
cess, with all that it entails in terms of fore-
sight, analysis, cooperation and evalua-
tion, makes little sense and clashes with
ingrained attitudes.
–– «This is how it is done because it is the safe
practice»: «nothing new under the sun» is
expected. It is a passive conformism that
adapts to what others command and say:
there is no need for projects because others
already have them. We are simple executors.
–– On the contrary, «everything changes and
must change»: references must be created
continuously and freely, each person tends
to let his own project prevail.
–– «Excessive desire for results»: this may
be an anxiety related to achieving short-
term goals, with the desire for immediate
answers. It rejects approaches that require
constancy, patience, long periods of quiet
but effective and permanent work.
All this leads us to ask ourselves if pasto-
ral planning is still necessary or if it is a mere
resource and a fad of the past. Is it worth the
effort to elaborate serious and well-done pas-
toral plans or is it better to let ourselves be led
by the Spirit? What is needed for good plan-
ning? What attitudes and methods are neces-
sary to achieve good and effective planning?
3 Complex educative-pastoral
situations with which
we have to deal
Salesian youth ministry, in all its expressions,
is formulated and expressed operatively in
planning. Without it, it would remain in the
realm of principles and intentions without an
effective translation in relation to the pasto-
ral action in its daily life. Pastoral planning
becomes more pressing in light of the fol-
lowing challenges:
Educative and Pastoral fragmentation (lack of
operational unity) is widespread. As a result,
sdb.org Via Marsala 42 - 00185 Roma • Centralino: (+39) 06 656 121 • Email: pastorale@sdb.org

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FLASH • September 2022 YOUTH MINISTRY SECTOR Salesiani di Don Bosco Sede Centrale Salesiana
pastoral workers suffer from a lack of effec-
tiveness and impact of their apostolic action;
everything depends on the ingenuity and
good will of individuals.
There is also the problem of language, that
is to say, common words are often used, but
with different meanings, according to the
mentality and experience of each person.
Words such as co-responsibility, integral for-
mation, evangelization, etc. have different
meanings depending on who is using them.
Pastoral dispersion is also found in an inte-
rior dispersion. The persons need a synthe-
sis to achieve coherence in pastoral action.
Where do we want to go? What should I do?
There are more and more frontiers, demands
multiply, urgencies become pressing; projects
are made, but often without concrete impact;
and even when they are put into practice, they
are rarely evaluated. It is necessary not only to
be aware of that, but also to sensitize, to raise
awareness and empower people to act in order
to take on the educational and evangelising
proposal, specific to the Salesians.
4 The Benefits of Planning
for the EPC/Province
The project: a matter of faith
Pastoral planning does not respond primar-
ily to organizational needs. Planning is done
in the light of faith; it is not immediately part
of a «technical prudence». It places mental
effort at the service of young people. These
considerations apply at all levels and for any
kind of initiative or course, at local and pro-
vincial level.
Above all, it is a decisive, an essential
way of facing reality with the eyes of Don
Bosco: running too much in the planning
process is not a sign of concreteness, but
of superficiality. The planning of pastoral
(ecclesial) action is above all a question of
discernment: listening to what is the Lord
asking of us at this moment in the histo-
ry of these young people? And to discern
is also etymologically, to separate, to dis-
tinguish, to divide; it means to take a posi-
tion, to take sides: «Test everything and
hold on to what is good» (1 Thess 5:21).
Pastoral planning is not reduced, therefore,
to seeking the multiplier effect of our efforts
and institutions. Planning is a mediation that
puts us all in search, in the light of the Word
and with the help of the Spirit: what are the
needs that make us discover the Lord through
the challenges presented to us by the reali-
ty of youth?
Let us say at the outset that pastoral plan-
ning means exercising the virtue of hope, which
gives historical form to the ideal for which we
strive, is based on faith and translates into the
gift of self. «What we have behind us and what
we have before us is irrelevant compared to
what we have within» (O. W. Holmes). The
exercise of hope implies a series of demands:
–– The elaboration of a local or Provincial proj-
ect requires, first, interior freedom; namely,
freedom from any negative past experiences
we have had. Without inner freedom, we will
remain prisoners of the disappointments we
have experienced, of the failures we have
seen despite our serious commitment, to
the point that we may be convinced that it
is not worth trying again. Freedom from the
present, not to live it as a closed or oppres-
sive time, a time that cannot be changed.
Freedom, finally, before the future, not to
be paralyzed by the fear of failure, by the
worry of «what will come next», by the anx-
iety of the unknown.
–– This interior freedom will allow us to exer-
cise pastoral intelligence, in determining
what is the greatest possible good here and
now. Pastoral intelligence helps us to over-
sdb.org Via Marsala 42 - 00185 Roma • Centralino: (+39) 06 656 121 • Email: pastorale@sdb.org

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Fr. Miguel Ángel García Morcuende Cultivating dreams, collecting fruits
come our tiredness (or lack of energy) to
decide, to opt for what seems to us to be
God’s will, and to overcome the perplexity
(or uncertainty) that comes with making a
choice, accepting our limits.
–– Along with inner freedom tempered by pas-
toral intelligence, patience is needed, both
in terms of waiting for the right time (wait-
ing for things to be ripe), and in terms of
concentrating all energies on what is pos-
sible today, thus preventing these energies
from being dispersed and exhausted in ner-
vous activism, sterile immediacy, or useless
complaining and anger. The patience need-
ed to cope with the difficulties of planning
will also be necessary when the time comes
for implementation.
The project reflects the type
of EPC/Province
The existence (or not) and the quality of the
design clearly show the EPC/Province model
that is intended and pursued:
–– An EPC/Province of an administrative-bu-
reaucratic type: the decision is the prerog-
ative, the privilege of a few, generally one
person (director, parish priest or the pro-
vincial and his closest collaborators). The
project has a «top-to-bottom» character
or profile: the sdb and the laity receive it
ready-made and are called to put it into
practice and, if necessary, to collaborate
in its realization.
–– An EPC/Province based on improvisation,
there is an overlapping of initiatives and pro-
posals on parallel lines. It reflects a «weak»
planning: there is a lack of thought-out,
shared and verified processes and relation-
ships. There is no relationship with clear
and thought-out intentions (projects), with-
out the concern to converge on common
objectives and around the person of the
young people.
–– However, in an EPC/Province based on
co-responsibility, spaces for mobilization
and exchange open up; the diversification
of participation bodies (councils, commis-
sions, groups) generates a true decen-
tralization and creates areas of responsi-
bility. The elaboration of the SEPP or the
OPP requires a co-responsible communi-
ty that in turn builds it, a «synodal» style
that expresses and creates communion.
Project builds and educates
the EPC/Province
The dynamics of the project highlight certain
processes relevant to the life of the EPC/Province,
on the communicative level (communication
between persons and different groups), on
the level of decision-making (common shared
choices) and on the structural level (appropri-
ate use of available resources and attention
to their regeneration). It is a reminder of the
ecclesiology of communion. That is why we
need time to reflect together: planning is an
sdb.org Via Marsala 42 - 00185 Roma • Centralino: (+39) 06 656 121 • Email: pastorale@sdb.org

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FLASH • September 2022 YOUTH MINISTRY SECTOR Salesiani di Don Bosco Sede Centrale Salesiana
exhausting and time-consuming undertaking
(whereas pastoral work is always in a hurry!).
A project presupposes an explicit reference
to one’s own identity and its operative imple-
mentation (the desire-need to put into prac-
tice certain fundamental values and options in
a concrete situation and with some clear and
known addressees). It is not planned according
to existing structures or tasks, but to the sur-
rounding reality. Always towards an action to
be carried out in and from the future, express-
ing simultaneously what we want to be and
what we tend to do.
The commitment to planning is a strong
instrument to safeguard oneself from exter-
nal influences that, often unconsciously, mod-
ify the action and the very intentionality of
the EPC/Province, adapting it in fact to needs
that are not originally evangelical (and some-
times even incompatible with the Gospel). On
the other hand, the triggering of spaces for
sharing preserves the members of the EPC/
Province from the temptation of a «narcissis-
tic» and «self-referential» mission.
The EPC/Province also must manage con-
flicts; in fact, they can become a cause of deep-
ening and growth, or of authoritarian involu-
tion, or of tragic division, when participation
capable of transforming the conflict into a
factor of change, is not activated. It is pref-
erable to accept confrontations than to run
away from reality. Genuine planning supports
this constructive effort. Conflicts are inevita-
ble in the climate of human events, but their
positivity is neither evident nor automatic. In
this sense, communication is crucial.
OPP/SEPP of the Province creates
a sense of ownership
Feeling part of a group/community is the
fruit that such a planning process produc-
es in those who elaborate it first, more
directly, and in those who participate in
it: for those who elaborate it, it means a
sincere and positive desire to build; for
those who participate, it means the advan-
tage of knowing where they are going and
at what speed, and of giving their own con-
tribution by sharing the reasons.
This sense of belonging is an indispensable
element for us. Therefore, we must seek the
highest level of trust that is realistically possi-
ble, according to the situations, the people
and the type of EPC/Province in which we
live. Planning is crossover with stimuli and
contacts, with vertical and horizontal links,
with actions aimed at achieving the objectives
that are ours and that we all pursue togeth-
er, with personal responsibility and comple-
mentary roles. The first attitude to strength-
en the bond is trust. We humanize ourselves
through relationships of trust with others (not
against others).
OPP/SEPP of the Province
triggers testimony
Planning places the EPC/Province in the liv-
ing fabric of the territory. The «topographical»
determination becomes a task and respon-
sibility of evangelization towards the pop-
ulation of an area.
A planning mentality is essential to act effec-
tively and wisely in the educative-pasto-
ral field. Without planning, there is no care-
ful analysis of reality (fidelity to the young)
and a clear and shared definition of pastoral
objectives (fidelity to God) with appropriate
strategies, within the established deadlines.
We are called to work in concentric circles, as
Jesus did when he addressed the crowd, the
72 disciples, the 12 apostles, the three cho-
sen ones... with different attitudes, paths and
sdb.org Via Marsala 42 - 00185 Roma • Centralino: (+39) 06 656 121 • Email: pastorale@sdb.org

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Fr. Miguel Ángel García Morcuende Cultivating dreams, collecting fruits
Another advantage is that the planning
reminds us what idea of person (Salesians,
lay people and young people) we want to
form. What anthropology and for what project
of life. In a context in which we are «domes-
ticated» and become insensitive because we
are full of so many things, in contact with
«provocative» situations, we must reflect on
the totality of the person and the harmonious
and integral empowerment of mind, heart and
body, the insistence on the unity of life, on the
search for a unitary meaning. Consequently,
planning refers us to the central aspects of
our educative-pastoral proposal.
The educative-pastoral proposal of the SEPP
of the Province and the proposal of the OPP
must be organic, intelligent and courageous.
The planning forms the capacity to listen, dis-
cern and decide.
Listening is...
–– to get out of our points of view, our schemes,
our needs, our security.
–– to be ready to welcome, to make room for the
other and for the reality that surrounds us.
–– to participate, to share, to let oneself be
«wounded» by the events that happen,
by the life that is told to us; an attitude to
grasp and take charge of presences, silence
situations, deprivations, aspirations, facts,
Discern is...
–– to distinguish, take responsibility, regard-
ing the problems of the area.
–– to understand that preferential love for the
poor is an inevitable criterion of Salesian
–– to compare what is there, to understand
how to respond to what God is asking of us.
–– to activate the most important and urgent
processes in relation to people’s real needs.
–– to create an intervention strategy, lines and
instruments of action, as a reference guide.
–– to relate Salesian principles and values to
the situation on the ground.
5 For a proper approach
The question of operational tools is not
secondary. This last point is intended to
raise awareness of the criteria for good pas-
toral planning: easy to use, brief text, under-
standable to all.
What is the life cycle of SEPP?
Starting point
(Awareness that every work
has contextual issues)
Arrival point
(General objectives - final)
4 dimensions in different pastoral settings
and areas of pastoral animation
(Whom to work with and how to work
- choice of interventions - timing)
sdb.org Via Marsala 42 - 00185 Roma • Centralino: (+39) 06 656 121 • Email: pastorale@sdb.org

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FLASH • September 2022 YOUTH MINISTRY SECTOR Salesiani di Don Bosco Sede Centrale Salesiana
It is a matter of articulating «knowledge»
(which comes from experience) and concrete
«strategies» (which come from tactical deci-
sions). In this regard, it is worth noting:
The context of the Salesian work is very
important. We are talking about a summary of
2 or 3 pages. Explaining the reality, the educa-
tional, cultural, social and pastoral framework
to which reference is made is the first step in
developing a planning process. It is not a statis-
tical fact. Defining the premises is necessary for
those who read the project, it is an act of trans-
parency towards those you intend to involve.
The different ways of reading reality and
the meanings attributed to it, lead to differ-
ent knowledge, different hypotheses and
sometimes contrary operational methods;
it is therefore essential to make explicit and
share the main concerns/challenges of real-
ity. It is not a matter of carrying out a socio-
logical study, but of defining and redefining
what challenges us: as in all areas of human
experience, it is not possible to change what
is not reflected (=known). Without this prior
common awareness, there is a risk that oper-
ational actions will be incongruent, scattered
and repetitive. The SEPP is not born from
nothing, but from the history (positive and
negative) that sdb and the laity of the works
live day by day, individually and/or in groups.
The history of the Salesian work today
takes place in a specific historical period
and in a specific territory. We run the risk
of devising and drafting «ideal» but occa-
sional and scattered objectives, process-
es or actions, which are repeated here and
there, without visualizing and interweav-
ing the most urgent questions. Our proj-
ects must be conceived and implement-
ed within «real contexts» of life expressed,
written, reflected upon.
From this «wisdom» emerge the priority
points of attention and work for all, the nodes
of the project. They correspond to the situa-
tion of the Salesian work and are considered
generators of apostolic resources: it is the uni-
fying part that acts as a pole of reference and
convergence for the programming of the dif-
ferent areas and sectors of pastoral animation.
The renewal of the environments and sec-
tors of pastoral animation is a matter of stra-
tegic and concrete decisions and choices.
The implementation of a pastoral project is
done through actions, thought-out and not
improvised, simple and connected steps. For
this, care must be taken in the formulation
of the precise interventions. The question of
this part is: how to operationalize each of the
proposed processes through an INITIATIVE or
The right interventions reflect a great deal of
contact with «provocative» (stimulating/chal-
lenging) situations that help to reflect and to
see where the essentials of the environments
are, what are the central aspects of the practice.
In summary: the organization of the differ-
ent sectors of pastoral action, articulating them
in a coherent way and seeking an indispens-
able union of wills around the one mission, has
shown more and more clearly the importance
and the necessity of an organic pastoral. The
most notable requirements of an organic pasto-
ral are, on the one hand, to impress on all pas-
toral action an evangelizing character (unidi-
rectionality). This implies demanding the union
and coordination of the work of all the pasto-
ral agents and promoting the convergence of
the action of all the agents in each of the pas-
toral sectors. And, on the other hand, to pro-
gram the action, to establish the goals to reach,
to choose the means to use and to establish
a rational distribution and a promotion of the
available resources, human and material, ade-
quate to the needs of the moment and of the
context in which we act.
Fr. Miguel Ángel García Morcuende
Youth Ministry General Councilor
sdb.org Via Marsala 42 - 00185 Roma • Centralino: (+39) 06 656 121 • Email: pastorale@sdb.org