
(1)O Centro Salesiano de Formação Profissional (CFP)
(1)O Oratorio-Centro Juvenil Salesiano
(1)O repensamento da pastoral juvenil salesiana
(1)Orientamenti per la Pastorale nelle Educazione Superiore_it.pdf
(1)Orientamenti per la Pastorale nelle Educazione Superiore.pdf
(1)O Voluntariado na missão salesiana
(1)O Voluntariado na Missão Salesiana.pdf
(1)O Voluntariado na Missão Salesiana_pt.pdf
(1)Parafia i sanktuarium powierzone salezjanom
(1)The parish and shrine entrusted to the Salesians
(1)A Paróquia e o santuário confiados aos salesianos
(1)Pastorale des Jeunes et Famille
(1)Pastorale des Jeunes-Le projet organique
(1)Pastorale des Jeunes-Manual|ch.1
(1)Pastorale des Jeunes-Manual|ch.2
(1)Pastorale des Jeunes-Manual|ch.3
(1)Pastorale des Jeunes-Manual|ch.4
(1)Pastorale des Jeunes-Manual|ch.5
(1)Pastorale des Jeunes-Manual|ch.6
(1)Pastorale des Jeunes-Manual|Presentation
(1)Pastorale Giovanile e Famiglia
(1)Pastorale nelle IUS_it.pdf
(1)Pastorale nelle IUS.pdf
(1)Pastoral Juvenil e Familia
(1)Pastoral Juvenil e Familia pt.pdf
(1)Pastoral Juvenil e Familia_pt.pdf
(1)Pastoral Juvenil-Manual|Cap.1
(1)Pastoral Juvenil-Manual|Cap.4
(1)Pastoral Juvenil-Manual|Cap.5
(1)Pastoral Juvenil-Manual|Cap.6
(1)Pastoral Juvenil-Manual|Parte III
(1)Pastoral Juvenil-Manual|Parte IV
(1)Pastoral Juvenil-Manual|Parte V
(1)Pastoral Juvenil-Projeto orgânico inspetorial
(1)Pastoral Juvenil y Familia
(1)PEPS_Ispettorial_ Proposta_1_fr.doc
(1)PEPS_Ispettorial_ Proposta_2_fr.doc
(1)PEPS_Locale_ Proposta_1_es.doc
(1)PEPS_Locale_ Proposta_1_fr.doc
(1)PEPS_Locale_ Proposta_1_it.doc
(1)PEPS_Locale_ Proposta_1_pt.docx
(1)Politiche 2003-2008.pdf
(1)Politiche 2012 - 2016.doc
(1)Politiche per 2016-2021.pdf
(1)P|Pastoral Juveni-|Manual
(1)Preventive System and Human Rights: Educating to human rights
(1)Preventive System and Human Rights: Educating to human rights|A portal for the preventive system and human rights
(1)Preventive System and Human Rights: Educating to human rights|educational priorities in the ambiguities of globalization
(1)Preventive System and Human Rights: Educating to human rights|Human rights as an effective way of fulfilling the Salesian educative mission
(1)Preventive System and Human Rights: Educating to human rights||RM Final address
(1)Preventive System and Human Rights: Educating to human rights|The most significant values of the Preventive System
(1)Preventive System and Human Rights: The Salesian Mission and Human Rights, especially Childrens' Rights
(1)Programma comune 1 (1998-2001).pdf
(1)Programma comune 2 (2003-2007).pdf
(1)Programma comune 3 (2007-2011).doc
(1)Programma Comune 4 (2012-2016).docx
(1)Programma Comune 5 (2016-2021).pdf
(1)Projeto Intercâmbio do Voluntariado Missionário Salesiano do Cone Sul
(1)Proposal - World Consultative Group for Technical Schools and Centres
(1)Propuesta educativo-pastoral|El carisma salesiano
(1)Propuesta educativo-pastoral|Elementos básicos
(1)Propuesta educativo-pastoral|La propuesta educativa de los Oratorios y Centros Juveniles Salesianos
(1)Propuesta educativo-pastoral|Premisas
(1)Propuesta educativo-pastoral|Presentación
(1)Propuesta educativo-pastoral|Sociedad y tiempo libre
(1)Proyecto del voluntariado misionero juvenil
(1)Proyecto orgánico inspectorial