
29 October



Michael Rua was born in Turin in 1837 and entered the Oratory of Valdocco in 1852. Two years later he was among the first to whom Don Bosco suggested the formation of the Salesian Society. After becoming a priest he was always at Don Bosco's side and in 1865 became his Vicar. This office he filled so effectively that in 1884, at the explicit request of the Saint, Leo XIII decided that he should be the Founder's successor, and confirmed him as Rector Major in 1888.

His strict fidelity earned for him the title of "The Living Rule"; and his fatherliness was so imbued with delicacy that he was also called a "sovereign of kindness". By his wise and far-seeing actions, sometimes considered even socially daring, he enriched the Oratory with gymnasiums and group activities; he anticipated state regulations by drawing up appropriate curricula for the professional schools; he instituted technical and commercial courses alongside the classical ones, and set up hostels for boarders. As the number of confreres increased and the work developed, he opened the whole world to the Salesians, giving particular attention to the missionary expeditions. Through the lengthy journeys that he undertook to visit Salesian works in Europe and the Middle East to give encouragement and support to the confreres, he always referred back to the Founder: "Don Bosco used to say...", "Don Bosco used to do...", "Don Bosco would want...".

He died on 6 April 1910, and at his beatification on 29 October 1972 Paul VI remarked: "The Salesian Family had in Don Bosco its origin, and in Don Rua its continuation. He drew all his teachings from the Saint; he derived an authentic ethos from his Rule; and he made the Saint's holiness the model to be followed. Don Rua instituted a genuine tradition."

The Mass texts are an invitation to celebrate the wonderful initiative of the love of the Father, who in Blessed Michael Rua offers the People of God a further eloquent and efficacious sign for bringing back mankind to the holiness of its first beginnings. The secret is to be found in a life consecrated entirely to Christ for the sake of the kingdom (Pref.)

The assembly is conscious of this, and therefore asks to grow in holiness through listening to the word and sharing in the table of the body and blood of the Son (Offertory). Those who are called to educate the young (Coll.),

find this holiness in their model Don Rua: a specific and practical plan inviting them to be vigilant in prudence, assiduous in charity, and readily available for the service of the poor and lowly (After comm.), in a word to keep the commandments as a condition for remaining in God's love (Comm. ant.).

Sharing in this holy Eucharist is therefore, for every member of the faithful, a commitment: — to make known the true countenance of Christ (Coil.); — to express in life the mystery of the love of the Father (After comm.); and to walk before the Lord in integrity and virtue (Entrance ant.).


The law of truth was in his mouth; he walked in peace and justice with me.


God our Father,

you have given to your priest, Blessed Michael Rua,

the spiritual heir of Saint John Bosco,

the ability to form in the young your divine image;

grant also that we,

who are called to educate young people,

may make known the true countenance of Christ, your Son.

He is God, and lives and reigns with you, in the unity of the Holy Spirit, for ever and ever.

Readings from the ferial lectionap, or:

1st Reading: 2 Kings 2,1.6-15; or 1 Cor 12,31 - 13,8a Gospel: Mt 6,25-34; or Mk 10,17-23.28-30

Holy, holy, holy Lord, God of power and might,

heaven and earth are full of your glory.

Hosannah in the highest.

Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord.

Hosannah in the highest.


If you keep my commandments, says the Lord, you will remain in my love,

just as I have kept my Father's commandments and remain in his love.


Lord, our God,

you have nourished us at your table

on this memorial of Blessed Michael Rua;

following his example, make us vigilant in prudence,

zealous in charity, and readily available

for the service of the poor and lowly,

so as to express in our lives

the mystery of your Fatherly love.

We make our prayer through Christ our Lord.


Father, may the gifts we offer you be the sign of the spiritual offering of ourselves.

Changed into the body and blood of your Son, may they bring about our sanctification.

Grant this through Christ our Lord.


The sign of a life consecrated to God

Y. The Lord be with you g. And also with you.

Y. Lift up your hearts.

We lift them up to the Lord.

V. Let us give thanks to the Lord our God. I. It is right to give him thanks and praise.

Father, all-powerful and ever-living God,

we do well always and everywhere to give you thanks.

Today we honour your saints

who consecrated their lives to Christ

for the sake of the kingdom of heaven.

What love you show us

as you recall mankind to its first innocence,

and invite us to taste on earth

the gifts of the world to come!

Now, with the saints and all the angels we praise you for ever:

as we sing together the hymn of your glory:

Blessed MICHAEL RUA (1)

We are called by Christ to be the salt of the earth and light of the world; let us. then pray to the Father with trust and confidence:

I. Protect your children, Lord.

  1. For God's holy Church: that it may be continually renewed through the holiness of its children, we pray to the Lord.

  2. For the society of our time: that its members may not give way to temptations to atheism, consumerism and the inordinate seeking after pleasure, but strive to build their daily lives on the values of the Gospel, we pray to the Lord.

  3. For those of the Salesian Family who exercise the service of authority: that they may be faithful interpreter's of the charisma of Don Bosco, we pray to the Lord.

  4. For the young: that with the fraternal assistance of their educators they may grow in age, wisdom and grace, before God and men, we pray to the Lord.

  5. For all of us who are celebrating this Eucharist: that as we await the coming of the kingdom, we may be able to discern the signs of the times and meet the Lord in all our fellow creatures, we pray to the Lord.

  6. Other intentions.

Hear, Father, the prayers of your family: help us to walk in a manner worthy of the vocation we have received, so that we may bring forth fruits of good works. Grant this through Christ our Lord.

Blessed MICHAEL RUA (2)

In this memorial of Blessed Michael Rua, let us make our trusting prayer to God our Father, and ask that he may grant to us and all the baptized the gift of fidelity to the Gospel.

R. Father, renew us in heart.

  1. For the Church: that holiness may flourish among its members, and that the example of the Saints may be an effective call to conversion and renewal, we pray to the Lord.

  2. For all God's creatures: that they may respond to the plan of creation and help each other to discover and use nature's hidden powers so as to further the material and spiritual advancement of every individual, we pray to the Lord.

  3. For the Salesian Family: that in fidelity to Saint. John Bosco it may fulfil its mission among poor and abandoned youth, we pray to the Lord.

  4. For young people: that they may accept with generosity the message of the Gospel and live it assiduously in the Christian way of life, we pray to the Lord.

  5. For all of us gathered in this holy assembly: that in docility to the action of the Spirit we may welcome the word of God, which sustains us each day in our pilgrimage of Christian life, we pray to the Lord.

  6. Other intentions.

Hear, 0 Father, the voice of your family; and since we trust entirely in your help, may our prayers be rewarded with the abundance of your blessings. Grant this through Christ our Lord.