15. We know that communication has changed shape, but the underlying principles are always
the same. In the inter-generational and multicultural context of many of our communities,
we can always cultivate the gift of exchange and the construction of communion and frater-
nity in a shared mission.
16. Today, every Salesian is “connected”. It is important to accept a different way of living and
working with an open mind. It is about cultivating our ability to understand people, to feel
part of the mission of the community without losing the desire to serve others with joy and
17. The digital universe is a vast land of wheat and tares.8 Digital technologies open broad pros-
pects for human and cultural development. However, navigating prudently9 and wisely in
this universe is critical. This does not mean labelling behaviours or prescribing strict rules,
but adopting gospel and Salesian discernment. It is essential to know that political, economic
and ideological interests lie behind the digital world. Knowing this and knowing how to avoid
risks therefore becomes essential. It would be interesting to think of moments and spaces for
sharing and forming people in the pastoral, educational and ethical use of these means.
18. Experience is golden. In this scenario, your life experience is valuable, because ethics returns
to the centre of reflection on digital communication. It becomes a lighthouse for navigation
in its oceans. In fact, the algorithms that underlie digital communication can lead to reckless
consumption, data manipulation, damage to privacy, and the spread of hidden ideological
currents. Precisely for this reason it is important to learn how to protect yourself, carefully
manage your personal data and your own and others’ privacy. Finally, protect your physical
and psychological health.
19. We are aware that the digital world is not only a risk, but also a great source of opportunity, if
lived with an educational and ethical approach. The network is a fundamental tool for the
exchange of information, collaboration, study, research, evangelisation.
20. We continue to communicate with an open heart to our confreres and with eyes attentive to
reality. We must always remember that living digitally with a critical spirit allows us not to
8 Cf. Mt 13:24
9 “The prudent person is creative: he or she reasons, evaluates, tries to understand the complexity of reality and
does not allow him or herself to be overwhelmed by emotions, idleness, pressures and illusions.” (Cf. Pope Francis,
General Audience. St Peter’s Square Wednesday, 20 March 2024)