Don Bosco and Baden Powell

Hand out -6

Don Bosco & Baden Powell

Two practical people who made great contribution towards the development of a boy into a responsible person. Both set out not to write educational treatises, but ended up creating revolutionary educational system using very similar philosophy, tools and methods.

Both DB and BP used the inherent goodness, generosity, natural wonder, curiosity and enthusiasm of a boy to create youth movements- yes a movement, not mere organisation, for a movement keeps growing , moving , progressing, modifying, adopting and reaching beyond its initial diffidence into its full potential, blossoming as a mighty source of and for goodness.

It is alleged that if Don Bosco was canonized already in 1900, Baden Powell would have taken cognizance of his educative pedagogy and incorporated it in to his Boy Scout and Girl Guide programme.

Again if Baden Powell was a catholic, surely he would have been made a saint of the Church. Perhaps…

In his message on the 100 anniversary of Brown Sea Island Camp(22 June 07), Pope Benedict XVI did say that Scouting could turn out to be an authentic path of holiness.

Here is the message of the Holy Father:

For a century, through games, action, adventure, contact with nature, a team spirit and service to others, an integral formation of the human person is offered to everyone who becomes a scout.

.Made fruitful by the Gospel, scouting is not only a place of true human growth but also for a forceful presentation of Christianity and real spiritual and moral development as well as being an authentic path of holiness.

The sense of responsibility inspired by the Scout pedagogy leads to a life in charity and the desire to serve one’s neighbour in the image of Christ the servant, relying on the grace that he bestows especially in the sacraments of the Eucharist and reconciliation.

Scout leaders will remember that their primary task is to awaken and form the personalities of the young people entrusted to them by the families, teaching them to encounter Christ and making them familiar with church life. (God or Dharma for Non-Catholic Scouts)

I pray that scout fellowship be maintained and developed. (Scouting) membership demonstrates what the Body of Christ is. I thank the Lord for the fruits which Scouting has yielded in the past century.

..may pursue the route which calls for greater interaction and offer to today’s boys and girls a pedagogy that form in them strong personalities based on Christ with the aspiration to live the high ideals of faith and human solidarity.

The Scout promise and prayer form a basis and ideal to develop through out life. .

: Always be faithful to your Scout Promise, even when you are no longer a child – and may God help you to succeed.

When a person does his utmost to keep his promises, the Lord himself strengthens him on his way - Pope Benedict XVI - 22 June 07

Don Bosco would have embraced the ideal and practices of Scouting .

As some one said: Don Bosco was Scouter long before Scouting was born and he would have made it fruitful with his brand of Gospel living and Scouting would have accepted it with great enthusiasm.

Here is a comparative study of both these geniuses. Two great Boy-Men of 19th century, whose contribution can only make the coming centuries richer…. Both lost their fathers around 2/3 years of age, but strong Christian mothers formed them so well that they have become surrogate fathers to many a million young fellows all over the world.


Don Bosco

Baden Powell


DB’s QUALITIES – Deeply Human – rich in qualities of his people ( Piedmontish Endurance, Practical Spirit, genius for the real, patience, stubbornness, a big heart that loves big, no half measures, ready for challenges)

Open to realities around him- Filled with gifts and talents – God gave him wisdom and understanding and a heart as big as the seashore. Splendid blending of nature & grace..

“…tender & affectionate…sensitive to friendship

A Man of Harmony: tenderness and austerity, intelligence with practical ability, rectitude and shrewdness, Holiness with deftness in dealing with the world, God and neighbour, obedience and freedom

Deeply man of God – living in God’s presence(God sees you)

Faith in God – DB believed that his work for boys was inspired by God- Religion a fundamental tenet of his system of education.

I mean to consecrate every effort of mine to the greater glory of God -A person attractive to Youth & accepted by the world. Sensitive to the advancement of the lowly


One of the most complete men who ever graced the pages of history”Jorgensen)

Augustine, Francis, Catherine of Siena and Don Bosco must be included among the pinnacles of humanity” ( Hertling).

Baden Powell’s QUALITIES- Endowed with high ideals- English strength of seeing through an action- Paternal benevolence- ability to win over even the enemies- Filled with gifts and talents.( great outdoorsaman –Impeesa,Kantanke, Imhlala Panzi (wolf that never sleeps-big hat-Shoots steady)

A Man of Many hats- Soldier and lover of peace, obedience and Freedom- Intelligent with practical bend, A leader of men who is also a BOY-MAN- discipline and familiarity, reasonableness and spontaneity, demanding and yet kindly in manner.

His intellectual capacity, apart from, soldiering , is very marked, and in singing,, painting and amateur acting as well as in literature, this versatile sabreur takes keen pleasure when not engaged in the sterner pursuit of hunting men.-Churchil

Faith in God a fundamental principle of scouting: Religion a true part of a boy’s character, a development of soul, and a not a veneer that may peel off. It is matter of personality, of inner conviction….

Scouters and Guiders, are not only doing a great work for your neighbours’ children, but are also helping in practical fashion to pass God’s kingdom of peace and good will upon earth

True Spirit of Scouting comes from another world,.From Kingdom of God”

Arch.Bp of Canterbury at 3rd World Jamboree- ARROWE PARK-1929


Few men have rendered greater service to the cause of humanity than Robert Baden Powell and none deserve a higher place in the temple of fame, and in the esteem of their fellowmen.”


DB consecrated to Boys – ‘Young at the centre of his life’

DB’s unified plan of life :‘I will spend it(mylife) entirely for you’

The last thought of DB to his Salesians:’ It is up to you work now to save youth-’love what the boys love”

Happy in the out doors – walks-trips,camps, games

Doing things with boys –‘ I can’t live without boys’

His own boys carried on his work: Cagliero, Rua, Albera etc “monk or no monk I will be with DB”

Lambs becoming Shepherds DB taught them separately and made them leaders.

Deep esteem and respect for young as person. – that is the reason for DAIOLOGUE with boys as equal partners in the process of turning them into better citizens. Drawing out each boy and finding out what makes him’tick’

Boys responsible for the welfare of other boys : Savio, Besucco, Namunkura, Magone, (Vicuna)

In every youngster, even the most wretched, there is a sure albeit secret, opening towards goodness. It is an educator’s first task to look for this opening this responsive chord of his heart, and make the best possible use of it.’-DB

DB wanted consecrated persons at the centre of his work, persons oriented to the young and their holiness”

In scouting the boy comes first – It is they who made the initial steps in organising Scouting- the leaders must be Boy-Men, having the spirit of boy in them with the capacity to enjoy what boys enjoy: nature, adventure, challenges.

The Boys of the Brown Sea Island camp(Percy Everett,Arthur Primmer, Bob wroughten,Brian evans Lombe, George Rodney) becoming the back bone of scouting. BP taught his leaders separately and made them lead. (boys leading boys- Patrol system)

Trying to understand the Boy – ‘they are the most complicated, most contradictory creatures the CREATOR ever made.’

Boys are human beings, individuals about eleven years of age or older. They are no longer children, nor are they men. They have reached that turbulent stage between Childhood and man hood, where physical changes, urges and instincts tend to take over and leave them little peace.” They need help and friendly guidance.

Treat boys as boys- treat them as persons in their own right.

Do things with boys- Patrol system ‘Allow them to make mistakes and trust them to learn from their mistakes

Scouting took boys seriously and spoke directly to their self respect.

Find the 5% of good that is in each boy and develop it to 80 -90%

Scout trg’s success- drawing the best out of boys- depends on the personal example of the SM- Their loyalty to the boys and the movement. Keep to the higher aims of Scouting.



Don Bosco wanted a congregation totally at the service of poor youth. This his will was explicit, decisive, absolute….”

He knew there was little glamour in working for poor youth

Aware of the problems that affect poor youth in an industrilising nation – (break up of families- dangers of living in a frontier situation, in the fringe of cities)

DB dealings with the employers of boys- demanding proper working conditions. First examples working agreements on paper. Boardings in order provide better environment- Tech schools to teach and equip them better in life. Even providing them with a mother.

Scouting is meant for boys who do not have real mentors in life. – BP was not too worried about the good boys they had families and even fortune. He said What about the average and the bad? don’t allow them to slide away. When they need guidance most we cannot be absent. This is where Scouting should help.

B.P aware of the 19th century world entering an Industry phase – Big towns attracting young people whom dwindling farm incomes could not support- wars creating orphans.

B.P’s insistence on Knowing the Boy and his Home situation, culture, economic situations


SALESIANS as fathers &brothers

Rapport with boys – love boys and loving what boys love

The youngsters should not oly be loved, but they themselves should know that they are loved.” “seeing themselves being loved in the things they like, they begin to love things they like less, like discipline, study & self control “ (Buzzetti in Dream from Rome)

The story of the fisherman baiting his hook with what fish love and not what the fisherman loved….

Wherever DB went

There were droves of young boys surrounding him in festive mood…”

Scout leader to be BOY-MAN- being able to place himself on a right plane with boys- knowing the needs, outlooks, desires of boys of scout age. Able to enjoy with the boys the out doors, to enter into the boy’s ambitions

The business of Scout master is to draw out each boy and find out what is in him and then to catch hold of the good and develop it to the exclusion of the bad.”

Scoutmaster an elder brother, a model for both good and bad in the boys.

Starting with Brown Sea Island, to World Jamborees where ever BP went he was acclaimed by boys and pronounced the ‘Chief Scout of the World’.here cometh the dreamer accompanied by nearly 2(30) million youngsters’

B-P’s Keynote address to 3rd Int.Congress on Moral Education(1922): “Education in love in place of fear” for general voluntary trg in goodwill & service in the place of old resented regressive discipline or opposite self indulgence



DB’s invitation ‘Come and see’- Salesians followed his methodlogy….”Don Bosco diceva cosi, DonBosco faceva cosi….”

Use of REASON, RELIGION,KINDNESS to make good citizens of this world and of the world to come.

  • DB began all is undertakings with very little, but he began

DB was almost always in Debt, but that did not stop him

  • DB’s ability to read the signs, people and events enabled him to intervene with practical means and save the day.

LEARNING BY DOING – putting action before learning

One of the FOUR bases of Scouting is learning Handicraft and practical skill . They inculcate an appreciation for work and provide a skill which starts as hobby and leads to life sustaining craftsmanship.

Fro BP “Hobbies are an antidote to Satan’s little games”

  • BP began his enterprise with the young as quickly as possible with the Brown Sea Experiment. He had little(Camp was in debt) but he began



Let the boys do whatever is most amenable to them”

Use REASON, boys are capable of understanding

Think of me not as your superior but as your friend….put your confidence in me” 2 parts of the The dream from Rome

Db cultivated friendships for the joy of sharing and for working together. “See to it that all those you deal with become your friends.”

BP said “trust the boy even when he makes mistake- The basic methodology of Scouting: THE PATROL SYSTEM is based on this principle of FRIENDSHIP & TRUST between boys themselves and between boys and their adult leaders.

To get hold of the boys you must be their friend

Keep that which is committed to thy TRUST”



I want you to be Happy” ‘Serve the Lord in gladness’- the 11th commandment of DB’s house.

Glee Club Societa della Allegria No long faced saints

In Don Bosco House you become a saint being happy”-Dominic Savio

DB placed cheerfulness among the first constituents of his pedagogical system “Let nothing disturb you” “The fruit of the Spirit is love, joy and peace.”

Today’s young people are often sceptical, sad and even in despair. At times their optimism is too naïve. The Salesian’s joy with all its realism seems to give confidence to the disillusioned young.

He (DB) completely enveloped all of us in an atmosphere of joy and happiness” -Albera

I have had a happy life, and I want each one of you to have as happy life –BP

Enjoy Life

Happiness cannot be found in Success or in Self Indulgence

Happiness is not mere pleasure, nor the outcome of wealth. It is the result of active work rather than passive enjoyment of pleasure.

Happiness only through……

Being healthy and strong, contended with what you have

Looking at the brighter side of life and by giving happiness to others. Serve others to be happyThe most worthwhile thing is try to put happiness into the lives of others. BP called this ‘happifying’

By trying to leave this world a better place;

By being prepared and by not wasting time.

JOY of LIFE through reverence to God, fellowmen, self and nature



Education for body, Spirit and soul – for creating and living in communities. The reason for establishing the Sal,Society- to spread this education around the world.

Reason for starting clubs, Youth groups, sodalities, Past Pupils’assn Co-operators

Teaching to be aware of dangers to the young and methods to prevent them.

Teaching is not only a harmony of two intelligences which understand each other and together open up to the knowledge of truth, but even more it is the sympathy of two hearts which feel for each other and together open to a love doing good to all.”

Total education for 1.Character building for 2. Physical strength and health, for 3.Learning handicraft and Vocational Skills and 4.for service to fellow men.

Graduated training that allows the young to move ahead at his own rhythm.

Encouraging the child in its natural desires, not instructing in what adults think they ought to be. Education need not be a labour.

Learning in small sips – learning by doing

A particular focus for each age group: Cub- the play way, Scouts- the skill way S.Scouts- education to reach beyond self, to look wide(people- nature, culture, community)Rovers- the service way.

Be aware of temptations of wine, women, horses(gambling), irreligion- methods of prevention(Rovering to Success)



Play ground Don Bosco’s best class room. It is where one can mingle with boys to get to know them and win their hearts.

Don’t curb boy’s initiatives “play, jump, make noise…don’t sin”

Strong cassock- a Salesian requirement for active presence during games. DB first in playing games.

The dream from Rome talks of recreation as the reason for lively cheerfulness at the Oratory – Games are the places to grow in friendship- ‘Teachers no more but brothers’

Scouting itself is a game- a game with a purpose. Don’t go against the energies of the boy. They are running in the right direction- just guide.

One of the objectives of Scouting is provide attractive games that promotes boy’s health and strength and help to develop character.

Through games we can inculcate pluck, discipline, self-control, keenness, fortitude, leadership and unselfishness.

Get out into God’s open to open minds and hearts to wonders and beauty

Scouting is a game of adventure, that quicken the mind,braces the will and makes men good comrades.. making boys healthy, happy and helpful, fit for loyal service of God and country.”… Scouting is different. It is a game all can play whatever the country, class or creed.”

B-P an amazing man, he won the Kadir cup, has seen lots of active service. They think no end of him as a rising soldier but fancy a senior officer kicking his legs up like that before a lot of subalterns.” – Winston Churchill


Use all manner of means for the welfare of the Young.

Music, magic, tricks, hike, treks, dramatics, Campfires, craft learning, story telling –anything ‘even drag the tongue from Turin to Mt. Superga’

Get collaborators to share the job. Getting involved with laity and lay organisations and imbuing them with DonBosco’s spirit (34 GC mandate)

Co-opt parents, Church, other educating institutions

Proficiency/merit badges spanning a wide spectrum of activities and skills. To each according to his inclination and talent. All kinds of activities that appeal to the boys and are beneficial to them are accepted. “Find out from them by listening or by questioning which activities appeal most to them, and then see how far you can get these going.”

Enlist all outside help to teach new techniques and subjects.



`Things done under compulsion are not pleasing to God.”

I detest punishment…getting things done under threat of punishment is not my way...not my system”. The essence of DB’s system is not mere avoidance of beating, and ill treating but rather it is shepherding with loving kindness… teaching with reason and intellect

Not with blows, but with love will you conquer them.”

DB blamed for apparent disorder caused by the spontaneity he encouraged among his boys.

Boys like Fun, Fighting and FEEDING. Teachers like silence, safety and decorum. There is every possibility these two will clash and the teachers will try to coerce them into doing what they think is right BP says boys will win this clash as they have done in the past.

The Honour system and the personal responsibility method has no room for coercive methods


HANDBOOK ‘Il giovanne provodutto” – ‘the Companion of Youth’ - hand book for the young- facile with pen

Scouting for Boys” in 6 parts .Facile with pen(40 books 20 pamphlets


CAN DO - Everything is possible – He never stopped with ‘dreaming’ only- with generous heart and firm mind everything could be made ‘real’

never give up you are bigger than the trouble’.

The word IMMPOSSIBLE is not in the lexicon of Scouts – Kick the ‘IM’ out

The example of a rail road – the lines seem to converge and no room for trains, but when you go near there is always room.



Make Scouting attractive -BP



Hurry to do good works” one of the last words of DB

If we do good, we shall find good”

Think well of all, speak well of all and do good to all” Ricaldone’s summary of DB’s ideas

Don Bosco an innovator in finding new ways for doing good.

Be faithful to the GOOD TURN resolution everyday.

In defence, their shield is the shield of God; in attack, their sword is the sword of truth; their common enemy is the petty jealousy and suspicion of mankind; their batttelfield is the world; their objective-goodwill and God’s will among men”-Sir Charles Maclean



little by little, do them right now”- Begin quickly

Softly, softly, catchee monkey.”


INFLUENCE OF WOMEN- Mother Mama Margaret- Marchioness Barola-Mary mazzarello

Olave Soames Baden Powell- Agnes Baden Powell.


NATURE LORE- Walks- picnics – wide games in the Dora valley – developing keen sense of observation. – The story of cabbages

B.P makes his own Browning’s: “Books in running brooks, Sermons in stones and goodness in everything.”

Scout Spirit is unlocked by the romance of woodcraft and nature lore. –for learning reverence to God, man & nature.



DB’s service to the cholera affected Turin-DB mediating between Church and the State- not merely nationalistic- a missionary at heart who considered the whole world and all people as his own

Duty to country a big part of Scout’s promise- Scouts doing duty during the World wars(25,000)- so many (10,000)laying down their lives for their country.

The great War hero definitely became an advocate of peace in later years and wanted Scout movement to become universal Brotherhood of service: “Where the young citizens male and female, in all countries are brought up to look upon their neighbours as brothers and sisters in the human family allied together with the common aim of service and sympathetic helpfulness towards each other, they will no longer think as herefore in terms of war as against rivals, but in terms of peace and goodwill towards another.”



Show your love and concern to the boys first – “The youngsters should not only be loved, but they themselves should know that they are loved.” – ‘Word in the ear’- The ‘Good night talk’

Communicate your trust in the boy- your willingness to be a BOY-MAN-To work with them and through them. Make use of the communication channels available in the Patrol system(CoH) the Individual Talk- The camp-fire yarn



DB’s charism is not totally expressed if lay people have no part in it. There are enough number of people willing to share their joy of life, their experiences, their good fortune with others- co-opt them Today’s EDUCATION demands so many varieties of inputs, we need others to help us to educate

As VOLUNATRY movement Scouting depends on the good will of the public- Use the Show and Tell methods to gain the good will of the people around and ask help for training, progress etc. Technical and adventurous activities will need experts and equipment which may not be found within Scouting. BP always asked his army friends to help out


YOUNG MAKE MISTAKES – DB as a Father with a heart as wide as the sea shore welcomes the misguided youngster who is helped to take up his own life and transform it. The prodigal is offered hope and recovery. God’s saving grace is open to every one who is willing to give his soul.

Due to the spirit of adventure, penchant for reaching beyond their ability, stupidity, boys very own make up and also because of lack of experience and discipline. Boys will make mistakes’.



This stone(foundation stone of St. Francis de Sales Church) is a mustard seed, it will grow as big as a tree with many boys seeking refuge beneath.”

Don Bosco& Salesians remind Bp. FultonSheen of the miracle of multiplication of loaves

The Scouting acorn sown in Brownsea Isalnd in 1907 has grown into a huge oak straddling the whole world(22 boys at Brown Sea island to 28 million today in all the countries of the world excepting 7.



If I wanted to do good, I had to leave politics aside”-DB

Party politics is where selfishness exists in thousand different ways, politicians’ selfishness is the cause of wars, strikes and other evils.-BP


THE RIBBON OF OBEDIENCE to make sure the continuance of DB’s system of education

A scout is disciplined and obedient



a little bit of paradise will set everything right” – the well provided young man is one who is ready to face his last end with abundance of good works performed during lifetime.

Preparing for happy death essential-DB willing even to give up the favour of a wealthy benefactor because he did not like boys preparing for death. every month at the oratory

Try to leave this world a little better than you found it and when you turn comes to die you can die happy in feeling that at any rate you have not wasted your time but have done you best.’Be prepared ‘ in this way to live happy and to die happy-BP

God gave to Don Bosco a big heart to love:”Kindness is the principal trait of the character of DonBosco (Caviglia)

If any one should ever ask to provide a short summary of what B-P was all about and why we should still follow his advice and methods, all you really need to remember is He cared.” - Norman MacLeod

I thank you Father, for you have hidden these things from the wise and revealed them to little “, says Jesus in the Bible about the great knowledge he found in children. We should thank God for the experiential knowledge God had given to BP and DB. They have grown in hard circumstances, but learned much about themselves and the boys of their age. They loved the boys and God gave them all the means to develop any boy, of any caste, creed or religion, of any time or circumstances into noble citizens of his country. Similar wonders do happen and should continue to happen in every Don Bosco school (and Boscouts Troop)” – +Fr. C.A. George sdb.(Scout master DB,Egmore, Manipur, Shillong, Kochi, Bangalore)