St Dominic Savio - Hours

6 May



In a very simple style of life, Dominic travelled the road to holiness in the space of a few years, a masterpiece of the Spirit and a fruit of the method of education of St John Bosco.

He was born at Riva di Chieri, Italy, on 2 April 1842, in o a family poor in this world’s goods but rich in faith. His childhood was marked by the event of his first Communion, which he made with great devotion at the age of seven, and by a constant endeavor to fulfill his duties. At the age of twelve there occurred the decisive event: he met Don Bosco who, as a father and secure guide, accepted him at Valdocco to begin his secondary studies. There he discovered the higher perspectives of the life of a child of God in friend hip with Christ and Mary, and embarked eagerly on the road to holiness, understood as a complete self-donation to God through love. He prayed and studied with great seriousness, and became the friend of all his companions. Sensitive to the ideal of Don Bosco’s Da mihi animas, he wanted to save the souls of all of them, and started up the Sodality of the Immaculate Conception, which subsequently gave to Don Bosco his best collaborators.

At the age of fifteen he became seriously ill, returned to Mondonio, his native village, and died there peacefully on 9 March 1857, happy to be going to meet his Lord. He was canonized by Pius XII on 12 June 1954.

Where the celebration has the rank of a Solemnity Evening Prayer I is from the Common of Saints, with the hymn, antiphons and intercessions from Evening Prayer of the Feast.


Ant. Let us praise the Lord our God on the feast of Saint Dominic Savio.

Invitatory psalm as in the Ordinary

Office of Readings


This is the feastday of the Lord’s true witness,
Who on this day received the glory due him.
Let all creation celebrate his goodness,
Cherish his memory.

Prudent in judgment, gentle towards his brothers,
Open, unselfish in the love he offered.
All of his days the Gospel was his wisdom,
Christ his true teacher.

One, then, in songs of praise we sing his glory,
Calling to mind the peace and joy God gave him,
Asking his prayers to help us in life’s battle,
All through the ages.

Glory and praise be to our God forever,
Radiant in splendor, awesome in his power,
Guiding creation onward to fulfillment,
One God, Three Persons.

(P Scagnelli)

Or another suitable hymn approved by ecclesiastical authority.

Ant 1 The Lord poured out his blessings upon him, and he found grace in the eyes of God, alleluia.

Psalms from the Common of Saints.

Ant 2 The Lord blessed his faithfulness and docility, and let him see his glory, alleluia.

Ant 3 The just one will grow like the lily: he will flourish for ever before the Lord, alleluia.

The Lord loved him and bestowed on him all honor, alleluia.
— He clothed him in glory, alleluia.

FIRST READING Rev 14,1-3.4b-5; 19,5-9

From the Book of Revelation of St John the Apostle.

Blessed are they who are invited
to the wedding-banquet of the Lamb

Then I looked, and lo, on Mount Zion stood the Lamb, and with him a hundred and forty-four thousand who had his name and his Father’s name written on their foreheads. And I heard a voice from heaven like the sound of many waters and like the sound of loud thunder; the voice I heard was like the sound of harpists playing on their harps. And they sing a new song before the throne and before the four living creatures and before the elders. No one could learn that song except the hundred and forty-four thousand who had been redeemed from the earth. It is these who have not defiled themselves, for they are’ chaste; it is these who follow the Lamb wherever he goes; these have been redeemed from mankind as first fruits for God and the Lamb, and in their mouth no lie was found, for they are spotless.

And from the throne came a voice crying, “Praise our God, all you his servants, you who fear him, small and great.”

Then I heard what seemed to be the voice of a great multitude, like the sound of many waters and like the sound of mighty thunder peals, crying, “Hallelujah! For the Lord our God the Almighty reigns. Let us rejoice and exult and give him the glory for the marriage of the Lamb has come, and his Bride has made herself ready; it was granted her to be clothed with fine linen, bright and pure” — for the fine linen is the righteous deeds of the saints.

And the angel said to me, “Write this: Blessed are those who are invited to the marriage supper of the Lamb.” And he said to me, “These are true words of God.”

RESPONSORY cf. Rev 14,2; 12,10; 19,5-6

I heard a voice from heaven like the sound of loud thunder; our God has taken possession of his Kingdom: * now is fulfilled the salvation, strength and power of Christ, his anointed one, alleluia.

From the throne there came a voice: Praise our God all you his servants, you who fear him, great and small. Now is fulfilled


From the life of Saint Dominic Savio by Saint John Bosco

(Opere edite, 11, Rome 1976 [187 if] passim)

Death rather than sin

Boys are naturally changeable in carrying out what they propose to do. But it was not thus with

Dominic. As he grew older the virtues that we saw begin and develop in him grew apace and in such harmony that one did not weaken the other.

As soon as he came to the Orators his gaze fell upon a poster containing in bold letters these words:
“Give me souls, take away the rest.” He paused for a moment and then exclaimed, “Oh, I see! Here you do not deal in money, but in souls. I hope that you will deal with my soul too.” From then on he began to reveal that exemplary life, steady advance in virtue, and precision in his duties that would be hard to rival.

On the evening of December 8, 1854, day of the definition of the dogma of the Immaculate Conception, Dominic, with the advice of his confessor, went before our Lady’s altar and renewed the promises he had made on his first communion day. Then he repeated over and over again: “0 Mary, I give you my heart. Jesus, Mary, be always my friends! I beg you, please let me die rather than commit a single sin!”

Dominic had been at the Oratory about six months when he heard a sermon on the way of becoming a saint. This sermon was like a spark which kindled Dominic’s heart with an intense love of God. “I feel,” he said, “a great yearning, a strong need of becoming a saint. Now that I see that one can be happy and holy too, I absolutely want to become a saint! I must! God wants me to become a saint, and I must become one! I want to become a saint, and I will not be happy till I become one!”

Dominic had such a calm, equable disposition that one might think God created him with it. But his teachers and those who knew him intimately assure us that this was the result of great effort helped by God’s grace.

Dominic chose a confessor, to whom he went regularly. His preparation for communion was thorough and devout; his thanksgiving knew no bounds. Among the graces with which God enriched his soul was that of fervent prayer. Several times he appeared to be wrapt in ecstasy. When asked about it, he replied, “I seem to see such wonderful things! Paradise seems to open above me!” The first suggestion Dominic was given to become a saint was to try to win souls to God. This thought became the constant desire of his life. He preferred to read the lives of those saints who had spent their days working to save souls. He often spoke of the missionaries. Often he was heard to say, “If I could only win over all my schoolmates to God, how happy I would be! How many souls need our help!” The desire to win souls to God never left him.

Dominic died with the smile of heaven on his lips.

RESPONSORY Ps 14, 1-2; cf.Mt 7,21

O Lord, who shall sojourn in your tent? Who shall dwell on your holy mountain? * He who walks without blame and does justice, who thinks the truth In his heart.
He who does the will of my Father shall enter the kingdom of heaven. He who walks



From the life of Saint Dominic Savio by Saint John Bosco

(Opere edite, 11, Rome 1976 [200 ffj)

I want to belong entirely to our Lord

Savio had been at the Oratory for about six months when he heard a sermon on how to become a saint. The preacher dwelt on three thoughts which made a profound impression on Dominic’s spirit: “It is God’s will that we act like saints. It is not at all difficult to become a saint. There is a great reward in heaven for those who become saints on earth.” For Dominic, that sermon was the spark that set his heart aflame with the love of God. He said nothing for several days, but he was more serious than usual so that his companions and I noticed a change. Assuming that it might be some physical indisposition, I asked him whether he did not feel well. “Oh no,” he said, “what is troubling me is really good for me.” “What do you mean?” “I mean I am troubled with a yearning, a great need to become a saint. I had not known that it was so easy, but now I understand that you can be cheerful and still be a saint. I absolutely want, I have to become a saint. Tell me how I should go about achieving my goal.”

I praised his resolve, but I urged him not to worry, since it is hard to discern the Lord’s will when the spirit is troubled. First of all, I wanted him to achieve a natural and lasting cheerfulness. I also encouraged him to persevere in fulfilling his scholastic and religious duties, but I recommended that he join his companions in all the recreational activities. One day I told him that I would like to give him a present that would please him, but I wanted the choice to be his. He answered promptly, “I want you to make a saint of me. I want to give myself entirely and forever to the’ Lord. I know that I must become a saint. If I do not, I shall accomplish nothing. God wants me to be a saint, and therefore I must do his bidding.” On another occasion, the director wanted to give the students of the house a token of special affection and asked them to write him a note about their wishes. One can easily imagine the many foolish and extravagant requests he received. Savio wrote a few words on a slip of paper:
“Please save my soul and make a saint of me.” Once, when the roots of words were discussed, he asked, “And what does Dominic mean?” “Dominic means ‘of the Lord,” I said. “See,” he replied, “am I not right in asking that you make a saint of me? Even my name says that I belong to the Lord. I do want to belong entirely to him. Therefore I must become a saint and I will not be happy until I become one.”

RESPONSORY cf. Prov 23,26; 5,1

My son, give me your heart, and let your eyes observe my ways: * you will become a perfect man, alleluia.

Be attentive to my wisdom, incline your ear to my advice: you will become…



From the Apostolic Exhortation Christifideles Laici of John Paul II

(n.16; MS 81 [1989] 416-418)

Called to holiness

The Second Vatican Council has spoken significantly on the universal call to holiness. It is possible to say that this call to holiness is precisely the basic charge entrusted to all the sons and daughters of the Church by a Council which intended to bring a renewal of Christian life based on the Gospel. This charge is not a simple moral exhortation but an undeniable requirement arising from the mystery of the Church: she is the choice vine whose branches live and grow with the same holy and life-giving energies that come from Christ; she is the Mystical Body whose members share in the same life of holiness of the Head who is Christ; she is the Beloved Spouse of the Lord Jesus who delivered himself up for her sanctification (cf. Eph 5,25ff.). The Spirit that sanctified the human nature of Jesus in Mary’s virginal womb (cf. Lk 1,35) is the same Spirit that is abiding and working in the Church to communicate to her the holiness of the Son of God made man.

Everyone in the Church, precisely because they are members, receives and thereby shares in the common vocation to holiness. In the fullness of this title and on equal par with all other members of the Church, the lay faithful are called to holiness: “All the faithful of Christ of whatever rank or status are called to the fullness of Christian life and to the perfect fulfillment of their own state of life.” (LG 40.42).

The call to holiness is rooted in Baptism and proposed anew in the other Sacraments, principally in the Eucharist. Since Christians are reclothed in Christ Jesus and refreshed by his Spirit, they are “holy.” They therefore have the ability to manifest this holiness and the responsibility to bear witness to it in all that they do. The Apostle Paul never tires of admonishing all Christians to live “as is fitting among saints” (Eph 5,3).

Life according to the Spirit, whose fruit is holiness (cf.Rom 6,22; Gal 5,22), stirs up every baptized person and requires each to follow and imitate Jesus Christ in embracing the Beatitudes; in listening and meditating on the Word of God; in conscious and active participation in the liturgical and sacramental life of the Church; in personal prayer; in family or in community; in the hunger and thirst for justice; in the practice of the commandment of love in all circumstances of life and service to the brethren, especially the least, the poor and the suffering.

RESPONSORY Eph 5, 8-9; Mt 5,14-16

You are light in the Lord; walk as children of light. * For the fruit of light is found in all that is good and right and true, alleluia.
You are the light of the world: let your light shine before all men. For the fruit


Concluding prayer as at Morning Prayer.

Morning Prayer


The Voice of God is raised once more
To guide us through the night and din:
“Whoe’er would rest in timeless joy
Must follow him that, still a boy,
Death’s self would choose eer sin”.

Thy life was like the Spring’s first rose,
An hour in bloom, then lightly falls;
In death it wins more fragrant sway,
As still thy little hour of day
The world from death recalls.

The Church of Christ thy crown proclaims

The prize of life that pure heart won:
The dew that on thy heart was shed
Fell from Angelic Wheat whose Bread
Enfolds the Virgin’s Son.

Pray, Dominic, for all who wend
The way of Sales thine own steps bless’d;
And pray that God his clear light end
The souls thy fondest dreams caress’d.


Or another suitable hymn approved by ecclesiastical authority.

Ant 1 You remained faithful unto death and so the Lord has crowned you with glory, alleluia.

Psalms and canticle from Sunday, Week 1.

Ant 2 Sing hymns to the Lord, you his faithful, give thanks to his holy name. alleluia.

Ant 3 My song and my strength is the Lord: he has been my salvation, alleluia.

READING 1 Jn 3,1-2

See what love the Father has given us, that we should be called children of God; and so we are. The reason why the world does not know us is that it did not know him. Beloved, we are God’s children now; it does not yet appear what we shall be, but we know that when he appears we shall be like him, for we shall see him as he is.


The law of God is in the heart of his holy ones, * Alleluia, alleluia. The law of God...
Their path is straight and sure. Alleluia, alleluia. Glory be to the Father ... The law of God...

Benedictus ant. Dominic, dedicated wholly to the Lord, you walked before him in holiness and justice, alleluia.


Let us give praise to God our Father who deigned to reveal to little ones the mysteries of his Kingdom, and let us say:

Glory and honor to you, O Lord.

Father, you brought Dominic Savio to birth in a family rich in Christian virtues:
— bless our families, and help parents in their duties as educators.

You inspired Dominic with the burning desire to become a saint:
— grant that we too may offer our lives completely to you with joy.

From his childhood you drew Dominic towards the Eucharistic mystery of your Son:
— help us to celebrate the Eucharist with living faith and share with joy in the gift of your love.

You led Dominic to discover that to love you is the source of immense elation:
— help us to find happiness in communion with you and in the generous service of our neighbor.

As they awaited the coming of the Holy Spirit, the disciples were assiduous in common prayer with Mary, the Mother of Jesus:
— may she extend her protection to all who strive to live in your friendship.

Our Father.


O God, the source of everything that is good, in Saint Dominic Savio you have given to young people a wonderful example of charity and purity; grant that we too may grow as your children in joy and love, till we attain the full stature of Christ. He is God, and lives and reigns with you in the unity of the Holy Spirit, for ever and ever.

Prayer during the day

Hymn appropriate to the time of celebration. Antiphon and psalms of the feria.


READING Rom 8,9-11

But you are not in the flesh, you are in the Spirit, if in fact the Spirit of God dwells in you. Anyone who does not have the Spirit of Christ does not belong to him. But if Christ is in you, although your bodies are dead because of sin, your spirits are alive because of righteousness. If the Spirit of him who raised Jesus from the dead dwells in you, he who raised Christ Jesus from the dead will give life to your mortal bodies also through his Spirit which dwells in you.

The Lord leads the just man along straight paths, alleluia.
— And shows him the Kingdom of God, alleluia.


READING 1 Jn 5,2-4

By this we know that we love the children of God, when we love God and obey his commandments. For this is the love of God, that we keep his commandments. And his commandments are not burdensome. Whatever is born of God overcomes the world; and this is the victory that overcomes the world, our faith.

Blessed is the man who fears the Lord, alleluia.
— And finds joy in his commandments, alleluia.


READING Phil 4,8.9b

Finally, brethren, whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is gracious, if there is any excellence, if there is anything worthy of praise, think about these things. And the God of peace will be with you!

May those who hope in you rejoice, alleluia.
— You will abide with them and they will be happy for ever, alleluia.

Prayer as at Morning Prayer.

Evening Prayer


Blest are the pure in heart,
For they shall see our God;
The secret of the Lord is theirs,
Their soul is Christ’s abode.

The Lord who left the heavens
Our life and peace to bring,
To dwell in lowliness with men,
Their pattern and their King:

Still to the lowly soul
He doth himself impart,
And for his dwelling and his throne
Chooseth the poor in heart.

Lord, we thy presence seek;

may ours this blessing be;

Give us a pure and lowly heart,

A temple fit for thee.


Or another suitable hymn approved by ecclesiastical authority.

Ant 1 I keep your words in my heart, in your will lies all my joy, alleluia.

Psalms and canticle from the Common of Saints.

Ant 2
The beginning of wisdom is the fear of the Lord, discerning is the man who remains faithful to him, alleluia.

Ant 3 I bless you, Father, Lord of heaven and earth: all these things you have revealed to little ones, alleluia.

READING 1 Cor 1,27-30

But God chose what is foolish in the world to shame the wise, God chose what is weak in the world to shame the strong, God chose what is low and despise d in the world, even things that are not, to bring to nothing things that are, so that no human being might boast in the presence of God. He is the source of your life in Christ Jesus, whom God made our wisdom, our righteousness and sanctification and redemption;


The Lord loved him and bestowed on him all honour, * Alleluia, alleluia. — The Lord...
He has clothed him in glory, — allelula, allelula.

Glory be to the Father... - The Lord...

Magnificat ant. Before the throne of God and the Lamb, together with the choir of the chosen ones, Dominic sings a new song, alleluia.


Let us exult and call upon God, our Father, who bids us be holy as he is holy:

Be you our guide, O Lord.

Father, you inspired Saint Dominic Savio to choose Jesus as his friend before all others:

— draw young people to your Son that they may find in him the sense of their lives.

In Don Bosco you gave to Saint Dominic Savio a strong and prudent spiritual guide:
— grant that children and adolescents may find open and sincere hearts in their educators to the faith.

You bestowed on Dominic, an apostle among his companions, a generous heart for meeting the needs of all:
— instill in young people the desire to direct their lives to the service of their neighbor.

From his childhood, Dominic entrusted himself completely to the Virgin Mary:
— foster in the hearts of the young a strong and tender love for their heavenly Mother.

Dominic died in the firm hope of attaining paradise:
— grant to the faithful departed to be welcomed by you, who are happiness without end.

Our Father.

Closing prayer as at Morning Prayer.


Of the occurring day of the week.