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Second Scheme (Meditation on the passion
according to Luke)
C In the Dame of the Father, and of the San, and of the
Holy Spirito
A Amen.
C Christ, who goes ahead of us on the way to Calvary,
be with you.
A And also with you.
C Brothers, let us meditate on the fulfillment of the
Scriptures in the events of the condeinnation and death
of the SOli of Man. Let us listen to the testimony of
the apostles and share their dismay. We shall go up to
Calvary, together with Jesus, to have an experienc.e of
fai!ure and death and to bave a foret,aste with him of
the joy of tme lire. United with him; Jet uspray and
C We adore you, O Christ, and we bless you.
A Because, by your holy cross, you. bave ,edeemed the
R Lk. 9,51-56; 18,31-34.
C Christ has given his lire for uso
A Let us also give our life for our brothers.
C Lord Jesus, your journey to Calvary is an invitation to
us to follow you. It is a difficult invitation to
understand and we often forget it or leave it aside.
Lord, send us your Spirit so that he may help us to
reflect on your journey to Calvary and to understand it
clearly, so that we may be able to live il, through the
choices of each day, through the events of daily lire.
A Amen.
C We adore you, O Christ, and we bless you.
A Because, by your holy cross, you bave redeemed the
R Lk. 19,37-38.41-44.47.
C Christ has given bis lire for uso
A Let us also give our life for our brothers.
C Lord Jesus, just as the disciples in the gospels, we too want
always to recognise you as the King of peace and justice.
You know, however, that often we invoke you only with our
lips and we fai! to recognize you in our daily lire. Send us
your Spirit, O Lord, so that we may never reject you. Help
us, Lord Jesus, to be faithful to you. You afe the eternal
God, theWord of the Father, who lives and reigns for ever
and ever.
A Amen.

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Ninth Station: JESUS ON TUE ROAD
C We adore you, O Christ, and we bless you.
A Because, by your holy cross, you bave redeemed the
R Lk. 23,26-31.
C Christ has given his lire far uso
A Let us also give our lire for our brothers.
C Lord Jesus, we accept your invitation and we ask you far
pardon. The world does not yet recognize you as the
Saviour. We afe also responsible far this, far we afe not
fully comllÙtted in our witnessing to you and in sharing
our faith with others. You, Lord of mercy, pardon uso
A Amen.
C We adore you, O Christ, and we bless you.
A Because, by your holy cross, you bave redeemed the
R Lk. 23,33-38.
C Christ has given his lire far uso
A Let us also give our lire for our brothers.
C Lord Jesus, your teaching is demanding and it is difficult
far us to lave our enemies. Without you, we cali do nothing.
May your cross be far us the model of lave and strength
to overcome alI our intemperance and facile discourage~
ment. You afe lire bcyond dcath and thc covcnant against
A Amen.
Eleventh Station: JESUS WELCOMES
C Wc adorc you, O Christ, and wc blcss you.
A Because, by your holy cross, you bave redeemed the
R Lk. 23,39-43.
C Christ has given his lire for uso
A Let us arso give our lite for our brothers.
C Lord Jcsus, wc, sinncrs, also ask you for hclp and pardon.
After being in the shadow of pain and dcath, you rosc and
asccndcd to hcaven, and arc now with the Father in your
Kingdom. Do not forgct your scrvants who havc placcd
thcir h~pc in you so that, on thc glorious day of thc resur-
rcction, alI thc rcdecmcd may contemplate your face with
joy. You afe mercy and pardon.
A Amen.
1Welfth Station: JESUS DIES
C We adore you, O Christ, and wc blcss you.
A Because, by your holy cross, you bave redeemed the
R Lk. 23,44-49.

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C Christ has given bis lire far uso
A Let us also give ourlife for our brothers.
C Lord Jesus, you gave up your spirit to the Father, in fulfil-
ment of the Scriptures. A cry of suffering covered your race,
and grief far the sin of mankind wrapped in paio the
loneliness or death. Lost in sin, we too stray in silence and
gloom. Help us to hope beyond ali failure. You afe the God
of salvation, who died far uso
A Amen.
Thirteenth Station: JESUS IS BURIED
C We adore you, O Christ, and we bless you.
A Because, by your holy cross, you bave redeemed the
R Lk. 23,50-53.
C Christ has given bis lire for uso
A Let us also give our lire for our brothers.
C Lord Jesus, with deep respect, some of those who were with
you bave placed your body in a new sepulchre. But that
tempIe which was so cruelly destroyed was not destined far
corruption and the tomb would far ever be empty. You afe
the hope and guarantee of our resurrection.
A Amen.
Fourteenth Station: JESUS IS RISEN AS
C We adore you, O Christ, and we bless you.
A Because, by your holy cross, you bave redeemed the
R Lk.24,1-7.
C Christ has given bis lire far uso
A Let us also give our lire for our brothers.
C Lord Jesus, darkness will not obscure your name. What
was impossible far man becomes possible far God, and a
song of victory will rise up from Jerusalem at the dawn
or the new day. The Lord is risen indeed, and he will
maIiifest himself to everyone who seeks him with a sincere
heart. O Lord, remain with us always.
A Amen.
CONCWSION: cf. First Scheme, p.158.
'Stabat Mater' in Latin (p.978), or in English (p.980) could
be sung during the Way of the Cross.
The journey of mankind is beset by sin and sufferings. Thorns
and tribulations pierce and wound man, who invokes the help
of the Omnipotènt. Let us pray, with our gaze fIXedon the cross
and attentive to the cry of grief which rises from mankind.
These afe Celebrations of the word, built around different
themes that afe expressed in texts containing choral recitation.
Their goal is to help us to meditate on the passion, in harmony
with the liturgical season of Lent.

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C Christ has given bis lire far uso
A Let us also give ourlife for our brothers.
C Lord Jesus, you gave up your spirit to the Father, in fulfil-
meni of the Scriptures. A cry of suffering covered your face,
and grief far the sin of mankind wrapped in pain the
loneliness of death. Lost in sin, we too stray in silence and
gloom. HeIp us to hope beyond alI failure. You afe the God
of salvation, who died far uso
A Amen.
Thirteenth Station: JESUS IS BURIED
C We adore you, O Christ, and we bless you.
A Because, by your holy cross, you bave redeemed the
R Lk. 23,50-53.
C Christ has given bis lire far uso
A Let us also give our lire for our brothers.
C Lord Jesus, with deep respect, some of those who were with
you bave placed your body in a new sepuIchre. But that
tempIe which was so cruelIy destroyed was noi destined far
corruption and the tomb would for ever be empty. You afe
the hope and guarantee of our resurrection.
A Amen.
Fourteenth Station: JESUS IS RISEN AS
C We adore you, O Christ, and we bless you.
A Because, by your holy cross, you bave redeemed the
R Lk. 24,1-7.
C Christ has given bis lire far uso
A Let us also give our lire for our brothers.
C Lord Jesus, darkness wiII noi obscure your Dame. What
was impossible for mali becomes possible far God, and a
song of victory wilI rise up from Jerusalem at the dawn
of the new day. The Lord is risen indeed, and he wilI
manifest himself to everyone who seeks him with a sincere
beaTi. O Lord, remain with us always.
A Amen.
CONCWSION: cf. First Scheme, p.I58.
'Stabat Mater' in Latin (p.978), or in English (p.980) could
be sung during the Way of the Cross.
The journey of mankind is beset by sin and sufferings. Thorns
and tribulations pierce and wound mali, who invokes the help
of the Omnipote'nt. Let us pray, with our gaze fixed on the cross
and attentive to the cry of grief which rises from mankind.
These afe Celebrations of the word, built around different
themes that afe expressed in texts containing choral recitation.
Their goal is to help us to meditate on the passion, in harmony
with the liturgical season of Lent.

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C Christ has given bis lire far uso
A Let us also give ourlife for our brothers.
C Lord Jesus, you gave up your spirit to the Father, in fulfil-
meni of the Scriptures. A cry of suffering covered your face,
and grief far the sin of mankind wrapped in pain the
loneliness of death. Lost in sin, we too stray in silence and
gloom. Help us to hope beyond alI failure. You afe the God
of salvation, who died far uso
A Amen.
Thirteenth Station: JESUS IS BURIED
C We adore you, O Christ, and we bless you.
A Because, by your holy cross, you bave redeemed the
R Lk. 23,50-53.
C Christ has given bis lire for uso
A Let us also give our lire for our brothers.
C Lord Jesus, with deep respect, some of those who were with
you bave placed your body in a new sepuIchre. But that
tempIe which was so cruelIy destroyed was noi destined for
corruption and the tomb would for ever be empty. You afe
the hope and guarantee of our resurrection.
A Amen.
Fourteenth Station: JESUS IS RISEN AS
C We adore you, O Christ, and we bless you.
A Because, by your holy cross, you bave redeemed the
R Lk.24,1-7.
C Christ has given bis lire far uso
A Let us also give our lire for our brothers.
C Lord Jesus, darkness will noi obscure your Dame. What
was impossible far mali becomes possible far God, and a
song of victory wilI rise up frolli Jerusalem at the dawn
of the new day. The Lord is risen indeed, and he wilI
marìifest himself to everyone who seeks him with a sincere
heart. O Lord, remain with us always.
A Amen.
CQNCWSION: cf. First Scheme, p.158.
'Stabat Mater' in Latin (p.978), or in English (p.980) could
be sung during the Way of the Cross.
The journey of mankind is beset by sin and sufferings. Thorns
and tribulations pierce and wound mali, who invokes the help
of the Omnipotent. Let us pray, with our gaze fixed on the cross
and attentive to the cry of grief which rises frolli mankind.
These aFe Celebrations of the word, built around different
themes that aFeexpressed in texts containing choral recitation.
Their goal is to help us to meditate on the passion, in harmony
with the liturgical season of Lent.