and sweated blood far us
the justice of God, they may make reparation far the in- justices of meno
R In bis frightful anguish of not being equal to what is demanded, he
A Our Father... Hai! Mary... Glory be... Eternal rest...
must struggIe to arrive at the word of as- selle lt is.truly a wrestling
match with hirnself; he must struggle until he produces the "Thy will be G Thc third mystcry: Jesus is crowned with thorns far uso
dalle" by overstraining in uttermost weakness. The disciplesafe not up to R Seen from the outside, scenesof the Passion succeed one another,
the mark in their calling and they leaveJesus alone. We see theit failure: alwaysshowingnewaspects of the work of salva- tion. The King's crown
they sleep far sheer sadness, far desperate confusion, but also because of is pressed iuta bis head until it has become.anchored in flesh and balle.
a failure in their obedience, which cannot utter the "yes"of faith to the The tnorns of con- tempt lodge deep. These thorns represent
bit- ter end, which is not watchful and prayerful enough.
everythingthat rejects the God of majestic humiliation, the God who
washes feet, the God who squanders himself in the Eucharist. lt could be
G Let us pray far the dying, who afe about togivethe supreme assent of religion as a work or self- perfectioning or as a bulwark erected against
their lire to God's wilI.
God, or religion as ritualism and fiere tradition, as bourgeois con- vention
A Our Father... Hai! Mary... Glory be... Eternal rest...
or as magie.ltcould be a godlessnessthat oscillates betweenthe Eastern
and Western extremes, either as denial of the worId or as materialistic
communism, with alI their possible variations. In every case what is
G The second mystery: Jesus is scourged far uso
involved is the worIdas self-sufficient,aworld far which God, in the event
R The imprisonment, the hearings and the condemnation bavealready that he does exist, is but means to its own goals.
taken pIace when Jesus is led to the whipping post. The consequences of •
the greatest misjudgment in human history beginto take effect. For
G Let us pray far our departed parents who, through their words and
berealIof mankind is gathered. What God the Father is11Oidingin bis piety, taught us the "religion that is pure and without stain".
hand is the Lamb of God, which takes upon itself the sin of the world, A Our Father... Hail Mary... Glory be... Eternal rest...
truly and bodily. What is involved bere is a kind of perverse sacrament
that effects interiorIy what it signifies in the extemal image: the
G The fourth mystery: Jesus carried for us the weight of the cross.
sufferings which are being driven into the body of Jesus afe in truth the R "For us": these two words occur in every sorrowful mystery and we
sins of the world, knocked forcibly iuta ali bis divine and human person... will here consider them expressly.This "for us" is the first and
In its totality, Christianity never ceases being Incarnation: God's
fundamental word or Christian faith, the root from which has developed
incarnation in Christ, the incarnatil;m of 'sin in Christ, and Christ' s
the entire tree or the Creed and of dogmatics. It is in this that the
incarnation in our corporeal existence.
Christian principle is
G Let us pray far ali the victirns of the meaningless violence of man, of
everyage and condition, that, with Christ, made