
In imitation of Christ with his disciples and following the example of Don Bosco, may we be able to follow the generous and difficult way of the Preventive System and provide efficacious help to young people as they develop the seeds of goodness and grace with which the Creator has endowed them. May we live this with each other in community, as well. Through Christ our Lord. [Art. 38]

Lord, open our hearts to a true sympathy and understanding towards the young. May we feel at home amongst them and generously offer our lives to them. May we always be open to them and be able to sustain them in their growth to freedom. May we share with profound truth and cordial participation in all their lawful interests and aspirations. Through Christ our Lord. [Art. 39]

We pray in gratitude for Don Bosco and the Valdocco experience. May we strive to bring him to life again in ourselves and, with him as our inspiration, to make every one of our works an authentic Valdocco: a home that welcomes, a parish that evangelises, a school that prepares for life and a playground where friends can meet and enjoy themselves.

Through Christ our Lord. [Art. 40]

Grant, O Good Shepherd, that our Salesian works may always provide a real response the the real needs of the young. Never let us forget that out primary aim is to bring young people to Christ and that beyond that the Salesian is always open to legitimate pluralism, taking the initiative,being flexible and if needs be working in an unstructured way to meet the young where they are. [Art. 41]

God, our Father, You achieve Your one aim of salvation through a variety of means. May we do so in kind in our works. May we live in every situation and circumstance the charism of Don Bosco, and aim always and ultimately to benefit the young, ordinary people and those who are far from the faith. May a welcoming family atmosphere exist in our communities. Through Christ our Lord. [Art. 42]

Jesus, may we be able to communicate the message of salvation and holiness by expressing it in every ’language and culture.’ May we be able to find in each context in which we work, apt instruments to effectively pass on the Good News. May we forge ahead with the courage and creativity of Don Bosco in the use of whatever means of mass media is prevalent in our time. [Art. 43]

Father, may Your Spirit help us to know, understand and love each other in mutual collaboration. Make us glad to have so many brothers at our side. Grant that we may be solid, specific and courageous in our aims and efforts as we try to be truly united around our leaders for the achievement of your loving designs. Through Christ our Lord.

[Art. 44]

God our Father, you sow the seeds of hope in the young. Bless our young confrere, guide them in their choices and sustain them in their difficulties, so that in generous acts of self-giving and in more direct contact with other young people they may be effective mediators of the Good News and give to our commitment new enthusiasm in the spirit and style of Don Bosco. Through >>>>>>>>>>[Art. 46]

God, our Father, You distribute Your gifts in a variety of ways and direct them all to the common end of salvation. Grant that in our communities the common riches and diverse gifts with which You endow lay and priestly members may be received by each one with gratitude and used to good effect for the harmonious building up of Your Kingdom, especially among young people. Thru>>>Art. 45]

God, our Father, raise up in our communities able and generous lay people. May Your Spirit inspire and guide them to share our mission of advancing the Kindgom with us in all the incarnated context that entails in education, evangelisation and promotion of voations. May faith and charity inspire our relationships so that we may be able to realise with them a true Church experience. Through>>>>>[Art. 47]

God, our Father, by virtue of its apostolic mission You insert each of our communities in a particular local Church. Grant that under the guidance of the Bishop and in collaboration with other forces in the Church, wider community and local neighbourhood, we may all be able to cooperate for the education and promotion of the wellbeing of young people. Through Christ our Lord. [Art. 48]

Blessed Trinity, make our communities clear reflections of the mystery of Your communion. May we love each other in a family spirit, in the total sharing of every good, so that we may build a true communion of persons, to manifest to others the presence and power of Eternal Love, and direct them to You the One True Good. Through Christ our Lord. [Art. 49]

Father, we recommend our brothers who are close to death. Sustain them in the hour of their final sacrifice. Revive our hope in the face of death and help us to work for You to the end. Keep united in charity which will not pass away those still in pilgrimage on this earth with those already enjoying their heavenly repose in Christ, your Son, our Lord.

[Art. 54]

God, our Father, grant that our community may be able to welcome and understand our sick and aging brothers and sustain them in a family spirit. Give to each one of them the grace of a living faith, so that in union with the passion of Christ, they may fulfil in accordance with Your will their salesian vocation by perfecting their offering of love for the brothers and the young. Thru>[Art.53]

Father, You welcome all who come to You; put in our hearts the same spirit of welcome for each brother. Make us able to accept and open ourselves in trust to our brothers, so that in sincere and mutual love we may form a true family united in Your service. Grant us the strength to act in community with a constructive spirit and so help build Your Church in charity. Through >>>>>>>>>>>>[Art. 52]

Lord, send us your Spirit of Love so that brotherly friendship may reign among us, fostering communion in joy and sorrow and sustaining us in moments of difficulty. Grant us charity, faith and simplicity that we may be able to listen to Your Word, speak to You together and share our apostolic plans and experiences in real co-responsibility, guided only by the search for your Glory. [Art. 51]

Father, you have called us to live in community and have given us brothers to love. Make effective amongst us the sacred bonds which bind us together and to You, so that we may grow every day in our commitment to live communion, and so form one heart and one soul to love and serve You, to help and sustain each other in Christ our Lord. [Art. 50]

We pray that our rectors may be living images of Christ, the Good Shepherd. May we see in our rectors the presence of the Heavenly Father and love, honour and collaborate with them in the common work entrusted to us. May they be given the spirit of true fatherliness, to enlighten them and make them for every brother a skilled guide in the ways of the Lord. [Art. 55]