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The will of God is the best prayer |
Society of Saint Francis de Sales
Institute of the Daughters of Mary Help of Christians
Secular Institute of the “Don Bosco Volunteers”
In these last few years the Church has recognised a number of new Blesseds and Saints belonging to various groups of the Salesian Family. This has necessitated an updating of the Salesian Liturgical Calendar and also the preparation of the proper liturgical texts for the Liturgy of the Hours. Contributing to this work of revision and updating has been a Liturgical Commission which I set up and which I sincerely thank. Among the new Blesseds and Saints introduced into the Salesian Calendar have also been considered some figures of note who have had close links with Salesian history such as for example Blessed Pope Pius IX.
The Salesian Family represents within it a variety of vocations which reflect the wonderful creativity of the Holy Spirit in raising up charisms in the Church and who all have Don Bosco as father. We are grateful to God, because we recognise that indeed the Salesian Family is a “Family of Saints”. The different examples of holiness offer us a multiplicity of forms of Salesian spirituality, which have their origins in the same source and offer us the possibility of choosing among so many models of holiness. We therefore have shining examples to imitate and a great variety of intercessors to invoke.
The Proper Calendar and Liturgy of the Hours have received on the part of the Congregation for Divine Worship and the Discipline of the Sacraments a specific approval for each of the three groups of the Salesian Family which have requested it: the Salesian Society of Saint Francis de Sales, the Institute of the Daughters of Mary Help of Christians and the Institute of the Volunteers of Don Bosco. The respective decrees of approval are reproduced.
These texts can be of help to all the groups and the members of the Salesian Family in living to the full the Gospel according to the style which is proper to the charism received, to celebrate the wonders of God in his saints, to continue the commitment to holiness in the liturgy of life. All, therefore, can draw strength and grace from these overflowing riches of the liturgy.
“In the various types and duties of life, one and the same holiness is cultivated by all who are moved by the Spirit of God and who obey the voice of the Father, worshipping God the Father in spirit and in truth. These souls follow the poor Christ, the humble and cross-bearing Christ in order to be made worthy of being partakers in his glory . Every person should walk unhesitatingly according to his own personal gifts and duties in the path of a living faith which rouses hopes and works through charity.” (Lumen gentium 41 ) We are all therefore called to holiness. May this liturgy inspire in us resolutions of holiness. May Mary Help of Christians, Don Bosco and the Saints and Blesseds of the Salesian Family support us in our efforts.
Fr Pascual Chávez Villanueva
Rector Major
Rome, 8 September 2010.
Feast of the Birthday of the Blessed Virgin Mary
Prot, 1443/93/L
Instante Reverendissimo Domino Ægidio Viganò, S.D.B., Moderatore Generali Societatis Sancti Francisci Salesii, nomine etiam Instituti Filiarum Mariæ Auxiliatricis necnon Instituti sæcularis vulgo dicti “Volontarie di Don Bosco”, litteris die 20 iulii 1993 datis, vigore facultatum huic Congregationi a Summo Pontifice IOANNE PAULO II tributarum, Calendarium proprium atque Proprium Liturgiæ Horarum, exclusis vero hymnis et aliis lectionibus quæ peculiari signo typographico indicantur, lingua italica exaratum, ad usum eiusdem Societatis necnon Instituti Sororum Mariæ Auxiliatricis et Instituti sæcularis vulgo dicti “Volontarie di Don Bosco” prout exstant in adiecto exemplari, libenter probamus.
In textu imprimendo inseratur ex integro hoc Decretum, quo ab Apostolica Sede petita approbatio conceditur. Eiusdem vero textus impressi duo exemplaria ad hanc Congregationem transmittantur.
Contrariis quibuslibet minime obstantibus.
Ex ædibus Congregationis de Cultu Divino et Disciplina Sacramentorum, die 23 decembris 1994.
Antonius M. Card. Javierre
+Gerardus M. Agnelo
Archiepiscopus a Secretis
Prot, 280/08/L
Instante Reverendo Patre Francisco Maraccani, Societatis Sancti Francisci Salesii Procuratore generali, litteris die 22 mensis februarii datis, vigore facultatum huic Congregationi a Summo Pontifice BENEDICTO XVI tributarum, textum latinum et italicum orationum collectarum atque italicum lectionum alterarum Liturgiae Horarum in honorem Beatorum nuper in Calendario Proprio inscriptorum, prout in adiecto exstat exemplari, perlibenter probamus seu confirmamus.
In textu imprimendo mentio fiat de approbatione seu confirmatione ab Apostolica Sede concessa.
Eiusdem insuper textus impressi duo exemplaria ad hanc Congregationem transmittantur.
Contrariis quibuslibet minime obstantibus.
Ex ædibus Congregationis de Cultu Divino et Disciplina Sacramentorum, die 12 mensis iunii 2009.
( + Albertus Malcolmus Ranjith )
Archiepiscopus a Secretis
( R. P. Antonius Ward )
Prot, 529/09/L
Instante Reverenda Madre Ivona Reungoat, Instituti Filiarum Mariae Auxiliatricis Superiorissa Generali, litteris 7 aprilis 2009 datis, vigore facultatum huic Congregationi a Summo Pontifice BENEDICTO XVI tributarum, textum latinum et italicum orationum collectarum atque italicum lectionum alterarum Liturgiae Horarum in honorem Beatorum nuper in Calendario Proprio inscriptorum, prout in adiecto exstat exemplari, perlibenter probamus seu confirmamus.
In textu imprimendo mentio fiat de approbatione seu confirmatione ab Apostolica Sede concessa.
Eiusdem insuper textus impressi duo exemplaria ad hanc Congregationem transmittantur.
Contrariis quibuslibet minime obstantibus.
Ex ædibus Congregationis de Cultu Divino et Disciplina Sacramentorum, die 12 mensis iunii 2009.
( + Albertus Malcolmus Ranjith )
Archiepiscopus a Secretis
( R. P. Antonius Ward )
Prot, 530/09/L
Instante Reverendo Patre Francisco Maraccani, Societatis Sancti Francisci Salesii Procuratore generali, litteris die 22 mensis februarii datis, vigore facultatum huic Congregationi a Summo Pontifice BENEDICTO XVI tributarum, textum latinum et italicum orationum collectarum atque italicum lectionum alterarum Liturgiae Horarum in honorem Beatorum nuper in Calendario Proprio inscriptorum, prout in adiecto exstat exemplari, perlibenter probamus seu confirmamus.
In textu imprimendo mentio fiat de approbatione seu confirmatione ab Apostolica Sede concessa.
Eiusdem insuper textus impressi duo exemplaria ad hanc Congregationem transmittantur.
Contrariis quibuslibet minime obstantibus.
Ex ædibus Congregationis de Cultu Divino et Disciplina Sacramentorum, die 12 mensis iunii 2009.
( + Albertus Malcolmus Ranjith )
Archiepiscopus a Secretis
( R. P. Antonius Ward )
When the liturgical rank of a celebration is not indicated, it is to be considered an optional memorial
Memorial 15 Blessed Louis VARIARA, priest
For FMA and VDB: Optional memorial
22 Blessed Laura Vicuña, adolescent
For the FMA: Memorial
Feast 24 Saint Francis de SALES, bishop and doctor of the Church
Titular and Patron of the Society of Saint Francis de Sales
30 Blessed Bronisłas MARKIEWICZ, priest
Solemnity 31 Saint John BOSCO, priest
Founder of the Society of Saint Francis de Sales, of the Institute of the Daughters of Mary Help of Chrisians of the Association of the Salesian Cooperators and of the Association of Mary Help of Christians.
1 Commemoration of all deceased Confreres
7 Blessed PIUS IX, Pope
9 Blessed Eusebia PALOMINO YENES, virgin
For the FMA: Memorial
Feast 25 Saints Louis VERSIGLIA, bishop, and Callisto CARAVARIO, priest
Salesian Protomartyrs
Feast 6 Saint Dominic SAVIO, adolescent
Feast 13 Saint Mary Domenica MAZZARELLO, virgin
Co-foundress of the Institute of the Daughters of Mary Help of Christians
For the FMA: Solemnity
15 Blessed Virgin Mary of Fatima
16 Saint Louis ORIONE, priest
Founder of the Little Work of Divine Providence
18 Saint Leonard MURIALDO, priest
Solemnity 24 Blessed Virgin MARY, HELP OF CRISTIANS
Principal Patron of the SDB, the FMA and the VDB.
Memorial 29 Blessed Joseph KOWALSKI, priest martyr For FMA and VDB: Optional memorial
12 Blessed Francis KĘSY and companions, martyrs
Memorial 23 Saint Joseph CAFASSO, priest
7 Blessed Maria ROMERO MENESES, virgin
For the FMA: Memorial
2 Blessed Augustus CZARTORYSKI, priest
26 Blessed Zephyrinus NAMUNCURÁ
Memorial 22 Blessed Joseph CALASANZ and Henry SÁIZ APARICIO,
priests and companions, martyrs
5 Blessed Albert MARVELLI
13 Blessed Alexandrina da COSTA, virgin
24 Saint Louis GUANELLA, priest
Founder of the Servants of Charity
Solemnity 25 Anniversary of the dedication of a particular church
(when the date is not known)
Memorial 29 Blessed Michael RUA, priest
Memorial 13 Blessed Artemides ZATTI, religious
For FMA and VDB: Optional memorial
15 Blessed Madeleine MORANO, virgin
Memorial 5 Blessed Philip Rinaldi, priest
Founder of the Secular Institute of the Don Bosco Volunteers
For the Institute of the Don Bosco Volunteers: Feast
Note:The texts (Hymns and/or alternative Second Readings) marked with * which are not specifically approved by the Congregation for Divine Worship and the Discipline of the Sacraments, have been inserted as permitted by the Decree of the same Pontifical Congregation dated 23 December 1994, Prot. 1443/93/L (cf. page 7 of the present publication).
15 January
Blessed LOUIS VARIARA, priest
(For the Daughters of Mary Help of Christians and the Volunteers of Don Bosco: Optional Memorial)
LouisVariara was born at Viarigi (Asti, Italy) in 15 January 1875. At twelve years of age he entered the Oratory at Valdocco, four months before the death of Don Bosco. The memory of Don Bosco had such an influence on the boy as to direct him towards Salesian life. He began the Novitiate in 1891 and he completed it with religious profession in the hands of Blessed Michael Rua.
In1894 he met Fr Michael Unia, the missionary of the lepers in Agua de Dios, in Colombia, who invited him to follow him. Just over a year after his arrival in Agua de Dios, Fr Unia died and the cleric Variara took up his inheritance. In 1898 he was ordained priest. With the model of the Oratory at Valdocco in his thoughts he transformed that place of suffering into a small city of joy, where it was possible to live a deep spiritual life. As their spiritual director, he perceived in some young leper girls the dispositions for the religious life; and since no Congregation accepted a leper or even the daughter of a leper, the first idea came to him of young consecrated women, even though lepers. In this way he began a new religious Institute, which he named and placed under the protection of the Sacred Hearts of Jesus and Mary.
In the meantime, there began for Fr Louis a period of suffering and misunderstandings so that the Superior transferred him to different places. But his health was deteriorating. On medical advice taken to Cúcuta, in Colombia, he died on 1 February 1923, at 48 years of age. Buried in Cúcuta, his remains were taken in 1932 to Agua de Dios, where they now are.
John Paul II beatified him in Saint Peter’s Square on 14 April 2002, the third Sunday of Easter.
From the Common of Saints: Saints noted for works of mercy; or from the Common of Pastors. Psalms of the day, from the psalter.
Office of readings
Second reading
From “Letter” 34 of Blessed Louis Variara, priest
(Barranquilla, 29 November 1919; Generalate, Central Archives)
Doing everything with Jesus, for Jesus and in Jesus.
My beloved daughters in the Heart of Jesus, [...] see to it that whatever you do, is done in ipso, cum ipso et in ipso, I mean that you ought to see to it that you do everything with Jesus, for Jesus and in Jesus; if I might, I would say to you that Jesus ought to be like the condiment which gives taste to all your work. Remember that the various practices of piety prescribed by the Holy Rule and also the devotions which each one practises personally are only like small fountains from which each one has drawn in order to nourish the spirit of piety which ought to sanctify all the other moments of your life.
If you were to think of spending a considerable length of time without in any way exteriorising this spirit, or if by some serious misfortune you were to suffocate it in your heart, how would it be possible to sustain that intimate relationship, that ineffable family connection which Jesus himself has decided to establish between Himself and our souls by means of Holy Baptism?
There would not exist any communication between that God, whom we call with the sweet name of Father, and we who have the good fortune to be called his children. In that sad situation that spirit of living faith by which we are deeply convinced of the truth of our Holy religion would begin to grow weak; in this way in whatever situation we may find ourselves, we feel the influence of this faith. Without this spirit of piety,we would not obey the Holy Spirit who very often visits us, instructs us, consoles us and supports us in our weakness.
On the contrary, if this spirit is well cultivated, then, thanks to its influence, our union with God is never interrupted, but is communicated to all our actions even the most ordinary, giving them an intimately religious character and raising them to a supernatural merit making them participate like a sweet smelling incense in that never-ending worship which we ought to offer to God. In doing this, as Saint Gregory the Great says, our life becomes the foundation of that happiness which the blessed enjoy in heaven.
However, if this relationship exists between God and the Christian soul, what might not happen between God and the religious soul from the moment that the ties which bind them by religious profession are so solemn and intimate? At the moment the Holy Vows are pronounced the soul is wedded to Jesus Christ, to him one is consecrated without reserve, to him one offers all one’s faculties, one’s feelings, one’s life. The soul therefore belongs entirely to God. For these reasons there is nothing more important that the religious ought to cultivate than the spirit of piety; she ought to possess it to such a high degree as to be able to communicate it to those at her side.
Responsory 1Pt 3, 8-9; Rm 12, 10-11
R/. You should all agree among yourselves and be sympathetic; love the brothers, have compassion and be self-effacing; * that is what you are called to do, so that you inherit a blessing.
V/. Love each other as much s brothers should, and have a profound respect for each other. Work for the Lord with untiring effort and with great earnestness of spirit;
R/. that is what you are called to do, so that you inherit a blessing.
Concluding prayer as at Morning Prayer
Morning Prayer
Scripture Reading Rm 12, 1-2
My brothers, I implore you by God’s mercy to offer your very selves to him: a living sacrifice, dedicated and fit for his acceptance; the worship offered by mind and heart. Adapt yourselves no longer to the pattern of this present world, but let your minds be remade, and you whole nature thus transformed. Then you will be able to discern the will of God, what is good, acceptable and perfect.
Short Responsory
R/. The law of God guides him, * his mind is fixed on God.
The law of God guides him, his mind is fixed on God.
V/. His steps will never falter
* his mind is fixed on God.
Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit.
The law of God guides him, his mind is fixed on God.
Ant. At the Ben. If there is love among you, then all will know that you are my disciples.
United in the liturgy of praise, let us invoke Christ the Lord, so that following the example of Blessed Louis Variara, we may serve him in holiness and justice all the days of our life:
Sanctify you people O Lord.
You were tempted in every way that we are, but you did not sin,
–Lord Jesus, have mercy on us.
You came to serve and not to be served,
– Lord Jesus, teach us to serve you in our brothers and sisters
You call everyone to perfect love,
–Lord Jesus, sanctify your people.
You have told us to be the salt of the earth and the light of the world,
–Lord Jesus, enlighten your people.
In Blessed Louis Variara you have given us a model of total self-giving to our brothers and sisters weighed down in body and in soul,
–Lord Jesus grant to the “Daughters of the Sacred Hearts of Jesus and Mary” and all the members of the Salesian Family love for those most in need.
Our Father.
O God of infinite goodness, who through the death and resurrection of your Son has saved the world, graciously grant, through the intercession of the priest Blessed Louis, that we too, called to share in the mystery of suffering, may be fervent witnesses to your Father’s love. Through Our Lord Jesus Christ.
Evening Prayer
Scripture reading Rm 8, 28-30
We are well assured that everything helps to secure the good of those who love God, those whom he has called in fulfilment of his design. All those who from the first were known to him, he has destined from the first to be moulded into the image of his Son, who is thus to become the eldest-born among many brethren. So predestined, he called them; so called, he justified them; so justified, he glorified them.
Short Responsory
R/. The Lord is good; * he loves good deeds.
The Lord is good; he loves good deeds.
V/. His face is turned towards the upright man.
* he loves good deeds.
Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit.
The Lord is good; he loves good deeds.
Ant. at Magn. Anything you did for the least of these who are mine, you did for me.
Come you blessed of my Father inherit the kingdom prepared for you from the foundation of the world.
Blessed Louis Variara looked to Christ the good Samaritan, who came to the assistance of every one weighed down in body and in soul; trusting in his intercession, we make our prayer with confidence:
Listen O Lord and have mercy on us.
Lord Jesus, he healed the leper, with him we pray:
–If you want to you can heal us.
Lord Jesus, you healed the servant of the Roman centurion; with him we pray:
– Say but a word and we shall be saved.
Lord Jesus, you walked on the water; with Peter we pray:
–You are the Son of God: come to us sinners.
Lord Jesus, you listened to the Canaanite woman; with her we pray:
–Come to our help and give us the bread of children.
Lord Jesus, you pardoned the thief who was dying on the cross with you; with him we pray:
–Remember us when you come into your kingdom. Admit our deceased brothers to the contemplation of your face.
Our Father.
O God of infinite goodness, who through the death and resurrection of your Son has saved the world, graciously grant, through the intercession of the priest Blessed Louis, that we too, called to share in the mystery of suffering, may be fervent witnesses to your Father’s love. Through Our Lord Jesus Christ.
22 January
Optional Memorial
(For the Institute of the Daughters of Mary Help of Christians: Memorial)
Laura Vicuña was born at Santiago, Chile, on 5 April 1891, and was educated in line with the preventive system of St John Bosco at the "Mary Help of Christians" College in the Argentinean Andes. As a happy and joyful adolescent she soon became a model of friendship with Jesus, of apostolic charity among her companions, and of fidelity to her daily duties.
In complete trust she endured with heroic fortitude physical and moral sufferings well beyond her age. Faithful to the inspiration of the Holy Spirit, she did not hesitate to offer herself as a victim to bring her mother back to the way of salvation. She died on 22 January 1904 at Junín de los Andes, Argentina.
John Paul II beatified her on 3 September 1988 at Castelnuovo Don Bosco, Asti, on the Hill of the youthful beatitudes.
From the Common of Women Saints. Psalms of the day, from the psalter.
Office of Readings
Second Reading
From the “Life of Laura Vicuña” written by Fr Augusto Crestanello
(Sacra pro causis sanctorum Congregatio, Beatificationis et Canonizationis Servae Dei Laurae Vicunia, Summarium, Roma 1969, 227ss passim)
From her entrance to the College, says the Sister Superior, there was evident in Laura a degree of common sense above her age and a true inclination to piety. Her innocent heart found no peace or rest except in the things of God. Even though still a young child, her devotion was profound without any affectation or exaggeration.
In everything she was simple and natural. While praying it was clear that her mind was fixed on what she was doing. Rarely was she aware of what might be going on around her, and it was frequently necessary to tell her that someone was calling her or that it was time to leave the chapel.
The same attention she showed in fulfilling all her other duties. She had well understood and she applied to herself the saying: "Age quod agis" ("Do well whatever you are doing"), and with a holy freedom of spirit she moved joyfully and willingly from church to classroom, and from there to workshop or any other activity, or to recreation.
"For me", she used to say, "praying or working is the same thing; it is all the same to me whether I am praying or playing, praying or sleeping. By doing as I am told I am doing what God wants me to do, and that is what I too want to do; this is my best way of praying".
"After she had got to know what piety really means", wrote her Sister Superior, "she loved it and attained so high and constant a gift of prayer that even in recreation she was evidently absorbed in God".
"It seems to me", she used to say, "that it is God himself who keeps alive in me the awareness of his divine Presence. Wherever I am, in class or in the playground, this knowledge is with me, and it helps me and strengthens me".
"But", objected her confessor, "will it not happen that if you have such thoughts always in your mind it will lead you to neglect your duties?"
"Ah no, Father", she replied. "I know that this thought helps me to do everything better and does not disturb me at all, because it is not that I am always thinking of it but that without thinking of it directly at all, the memory makes me happy".
ResponsoryCf. Ps 70,17; 74,2; 88,1; Is 49,2
R/. O God, you have taught me from my youth: * I proclaim your wonders still.
V/. He held me safe in the shelter of his hand:
R/. I proclaim your wonders still.
The concluding prayer as at Morning Prayer.
Morning Prayer
Scripture reading Rm 12, 1-2
My brothers, I implore you by God’s mercy to offer your very selves to him: a living sacrifice, dedicated and fit for his acceptance; the worship offered by mind and heart. Adapt yourselves no longer to the pattern of this present world, but let your minds be remade, and you whole nature thus transformed. Then you will be able to discern the will of God, what is good, acceptable and perfect.
Short Responsory
R/. God is her support * with the light of his face.
God is her support with the light of his face.
V/. She can never waver: God is with her,
* with the light of his face.
Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit.
God is her support with the light of his face.
Ant. al Ben. God has revealed to little ones the mysteries of the Kingdom
Let us make our prayer in filial exultation to God our Father, the source of all holiness, and let us say:
You are our life, O Lord
Father, in every age you enrich the Church with ever new models of youthful holiness:
–grant that we may be faithful to our baptismal promises, and so experience the joy of following Christ.
You inspire the making of courageous decisions in imitation of your Son:
–accept the offering of our life that we may grow in communion with you and with our neighbour.
You willed that the Christian family should be an image of your love:
–grant that parents may live their self-donation with faithful generosity.
By the gift of your Spirit you rendered the young Laura strong in faith, pure in heart, and heroic in love:
–stir up in adolescents and young people the will to serve you through joyful dedication to their companions.
You who nourish and renew us with your word and sacraments:
– make us a sign of your loving kindness for those we meet today on our path through life.
Our Father.
Father, in your infinite tenderness, you united strength of spirit and purity of innocence in the young girl Laura Vicuña; through her intercession give us courage to overcome the trials of life and to show the world the happiness of the pure of heart. Through Our Lord
Evening Prayer
Scripture reading Rm 8, 28-30
We are well assured that everything helps to secure the good of those who love God, those whom he has called in fulfilment of his design. All those who from the first were known to him, he has destined from the first to be moulded into the image of his Son, who is thus to become the eldest-born among many brethren. So predestined, he called them; so called, he justified them; so justified, he glorified them.
Short Responsory
R/. God has chosen her * He chose her before she was born.
God has chosen her. He chose her before she was born.
V/. He brought her to live in his own dwelling place,
* He chose her before she was born.
Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit.
God has chosen her. He chose her before she was born.
Ant. At the Magn Greater love has no man than this,:
that a man lay down his life for his friends.
Let us give thanks with joy to God our Father for the wonders he has worked in his saints, and let us say:
Father, hear our prayer.
Raise up in your Church wise and enlightened leaders:
–that they may help young people to know and courageously embrace your plan of life.
Protect the young who live amidst the difficulties and temptations of the present day:
–that they may not be overcome by selfishness, loneliness and confusion.
Give to those who are suffering in body and spirit the wisdom of the cross:
–that following the example of Blessed Laura they may come to know the purifying and redeeming value of affliction.
Strengthen and sustain the missionaries of the Gospel:
–that they may foster authentic human and Christian values for the progress of peoples.
Remember those who have today closed their eyes to this earthly life:
–admit them to your heavenly dwelling with the angels and saints.
Our Father.
Father, in your infinite tenderness, you united strength of spirit and purity of innocence in the young girl Laura Vicuña; through her intercession give us courage to overcome the trials of life and to show the world the happiness of the pure of heart. Through Our Lord
24 January
Bishop and Doctor of the Church
Titular and Patron of the Society of St Francis de Sales
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1 Feast |
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2 Love of God |
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3 Second Reading |
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4 Responsory 1 Cor 7, 34; Psal 72, 26 |
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5 Blessed JOSEPH KOWALSKI, priest and martyr |
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6 Second Reading |
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7 Responsory |
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