
Father, in Your wisdom You have given the Church, among the gifts of the Holy Spirit, the gift of the support provided by the service of authority. Look with love on our Society and place at its head enlightened men, plentifully endowed with the spirit of prayer, capable of discernment and rich in kindness, so that they may safely guide us in the way of Your Will. Through>>>> [Art. 120]

Good Shepherd, give to the superiors of our communities the fullness of Your grace, to enable them to foster unity of purpose among the confreres, and full agreement in their desires and activity. Grant that, like Don Bosco, they may be shepherds full of zeal, and in animating, guiding, deciding and correcting they may lead us to an ever more diligent and joyful fulfilment of our mission. [Art. 121]

God, our Father, grant that all of us may be united around the Rector Major, whom you have given us as our ‘father’ and ‘centre of unity’. While we foster the good of each of our communities, make us solicitous for the unity, growth and perfection of the whole Congregration. This we ask through the intercession of Mary and through the merits of Jesus Christ, our Lord. [Art. 122]

Father, look upon our brothers who offer themselves to You for ever. Pour out upon them Your Spirit of Holiness, so that they may fulfil with Your help all that by Your gift they have promised with joy. May they find in Mary a motherly presence, in Don Bosco their model, in their confreres unfailing support and in the young their stimulus and incentive. Through Christ our Lord. [Art. 117]

Lord Jesus Christ, You have called us to work in a world of upheaval and rapid change. Make us docile to Your Spirit, and grant us, together with perfect fidelity to the charism passed on to us by our father, the ability to renew ourselves each day, in a sincere and permanent effort of formation and may we become better able to respond to the needs and challenges of our times. [Art. 118]

Lord, give us clarity of vision and a docile heart, so that we may discover the signs of Your presence in our life and amidst those to whom You have sent us. Grant that by finding every event and situation a time for favourable growth in our vocation, we may respond with generosity to Your continual call so that ‘all things may work together for our good’ and the good of others. [Art. 119]

Father, ever merciful and faithful, assist with grace the young confreres You have introduced into the Salesian life. Grant that the post-novitiate environment, made up of experience, study and reflection and permeated by prayer may help them to lay the foundation for them to become valid instruments of Your Love amid the young people to whom You send them. [Art. 114]

Lord Jesus, we ask You to be with our young brothers in practical training, so that through contact with young people they may assimilate the attitudes proper to the Preventive System, and by living and working together they may make a mature personal synthesis between vocational values and their activities. Grant that each community be a natural setting for vocational growth. [Art. 115]

God, our Father, You have willed that in our Society, priests and brothers shall live the same vocation and mission. Assist both brothers and priests in the preparation for their specific task. Infuse in them a love of the Church and its teachings and the ability for reflection and generosity in dedication so that they may become effective collaborators in the one work of salvation. [Art. 116]

Lord Jesus Christ, You took Your Apostles away ‘to a deserted place’ and taught them the mysteries of your Kingdom. Enrich our novitiate communities, so that with the zealous collaboration of the superiors and the assistance of the Holy Spirit they may become places of filial communion with the Father and admirable places for preparing for our mission among young people. [Art. 110- 111]

Grant, O Father, the light and strength of Your Holy Spirit to those called to direct and guide those who are beginning their Salesian religious experience. May their ministry be fruitful and full of joy, enriched with wisdom and patient kindness; may they be able to welcome, correct and encourage those entrusted to them to lead them to give themselves totally to You. [Art. 112]

Grant that by daily growth in their friendship with You, our young confreres in temporary profession, may progress in the formation which will render their motivations more solid, and their educative and pastoral activity more competent and effective. May they live with joy and responsibility the period of formation, and may it always be a time of commitment and growth in holiness. [Art. 113]

God of infinite wisdom, grant to those being formed, and to the confreres who guide them, the gift of discernment and the spirit of collaboration so that they may know in depth Your will and faithfully correspond with it. Enlightened and supported by Your Holy Spirit may they persevere in following the formation process, in total dedication to You and their brothers. [Art. 107]

God, our Father, give those who have the responsibility of discerning vocations, faith, wisdom, trust and prudence to judge wisely the suitability of each young confrere in formation. Grant to each young confrere a heart that is strong and free but docile and generous so that they may respond in truth and charity to the obligations of their vocation. [Art. 108]

Lord God, watch over the young men you call to experience Salesian life; guard them in temptation and doubt and give them the courage and joy of deciding in their hearts to follow you. Grant also to our communities the grace to correspond with your gifts by the witness of a life given in joy, to offer to the young a suitable setting for the maturing of the vocations. [Art. 109]