
Lord Jesus, You manifest Your will for us especially through the confreres You have placed at our side. Grant to formation personnel a living awareness of their task, the ability to dialogue, kindness of heart and unity of purpose. Make them docile instruments of Your Spirit so that they may be able to transmit truthfully and joyously a genuine sense of vocation and mission. [Art. 104]

Lord, every stage of life is a time for work and holiness; as was Your own in Nazareth, and Don Bosco’s in his years of formation. We pray for our young confreres in formation: grant them the abundance of Your Spirit that they may assume with generosity responsibility for their own vocations sustained by the prayers of their brothers and by the love of the young who await their service. [Art. 105]

Lord, our God, enlighten the superiors and all the confreres of our provincial community, so that with the strength of Your Spirit and the warmth of Your love, they may be able to direct the work of formation, dedicating themselves to it by prayer and example, so as to sustain, confirm and renew in every confrere the grace of Your call.

[Art. 101]

Lord Jesus, You took upon Yourself the task and challenge of growing in God’s grace and accompanied Your Apostles in the purification of their humanity. Grant to the young men you have called to serve you in the Salesian Society the joy and generosity of applying themselves to their own formation, so that their commitment may grow to maturity in the school of Don Bosco. [Art. 102]

Lord Jesus, grant to our communities the gift of unity in diversity so that each priest, brother and deacon may be able to grow in the one Salesian vocation. Make us attentive to the Spirit, able to put to good effect the personal talents of each member in complementary respect and harmony, so as to express authentically among young people the richness of our charism. [Art. 106]

Lord, may the confrere working in formation gain wisdom, intelligence and largeness of heart so that they may fulfil joyfully and effectively the mission entrusted to them. Grant that the formation environments may be animated by Your Good News and enlivened by the Spirit and become places of welcome, encounter and stimulus for a full and fruitful response to Your call. [Art. 103]

Lord Jesus, You gave the Virgin Mary as Mother and Teacher to Don Bosco. Grant that we too may live to the full, under her motherly guidance, the values and commitments of our vocation. Help us to conform to the light of your Person and your Good News, so that among those to whom You send us, we may be, faithful and creative educators and pastors in the style of Don Bosco. [ Art.98]

God, our Father, You have called us by name and united us in a spiritual family for the benefit of the young; grant that each one of us as members of communities may be united in Christ and open to the needs of the times. May each community create an ever more suitable environment for experiencing the Salesian life and mission after the example of the first community of Valdocco. [Art. 99]

Almighty God, Your Wisdom fills the universe, sowing in all peoples the seeds of Your Holy Presence. Give us the attention of mind and generosity of heart to remain faithful to Don Bosco’s charism; help us to preserve our unity of Spirit and perceive all that is true, noble and just among the people to whom you send us that we may bring them back to you, the source of all goodness. [Art. 100]

Lord Jesus, in Your life You were unceasingly united to the Father. Grant that I may meet You and the Father in everything, especially in my brothers and young people. May my apostolic work be an occasion for living in greater union with You; may my every thought, word and deed become a sacrifice pleasing to the Father, in communion with your perfect sacrifice for the salvation of all. [Art. 95]

Lord, Jesus Christ, You called Your Apostles and prepared them with patient love to spread the Good News. You have us also called us to continue the work you inspired in Don Bosco for the benefit especially of poor youth. We praise and bless You for this great gift. We ask You to support us daily by Your grace in the constant task of our formation, that we may fully correspond to Your call. [Art. 96]

Spirit of God, we recognise the gift You have given us and the Church in Don Bosco, our Father and Teacher, in his preference for the young and in his witness of holiness. Grant that every Salesian may find in him the model for their vocation, and may continue his presence and activity among youth of the present day, moved by the zeal of ‘da mihi animas, cetera tolle.’ [Art. 97]

Mary, Mother of God and Mother of the Church, we believe that you hold a unique place in the history of salvation, and that you are the teacher and guide of our Family. We entrust ourselves to you with filial love: as the Immaculate Conception you educate us to the fullness of self-donation, as the Help of Christians you give us courage and confidence in the service of the People of God. [Art. 92]

God, our Father, you have passed on to us the gift of our vocation and mission also through the work of our deceased confreres. Grant that we may live in communion with them, by faithfully continuing their work and following their example. Bestow quickly on them the fullness of the beatific vision, and allow us to share it with them in Christ, our Lord, who lives and reigns for ever and ever. [Art. 94]

Father, incite in me a deep desire to speak personally with You through Jesus Christ in the Holy Spirit. Help me to express in my own words the joy of being Your son, and grant that I may find in meeting with You support for my apostolic life so as to keep always alive my love for You and for my brothers and strengthen my dedication to the young. I ask You this through Christ, our Lord. [Art. 93]