
Lord Jesus, You once said; “I was a stranger and you welcomed me.” Helps us to see in everyone who has recourse to us that You Yourself are the mysterious guest knocking at our door, so that those who You send to us may find in our welcome and availability the path to attain more certainly to You in the Common House of our Father.

[Art. 56]

Father, may we keep our minds and hearts open to the good of the Church and the world. May we be always ready to accept the good qualities of the world we live in and use and develop them for the coming of the Kingdom. May we generously set aside our own tastes and inclinations to make ourselves all things to all people after Jesus and Don Bosco. Through Christ our Lord. [Art.57]

May we grow in our awareness of ourselves as a provincial community. May we all learn to know, understand and help each other in the fulfilment of our common mission. May each one of us see it as his responsibility to pray for and procure vocations to the Church, the Congregation and the Salesian Family. Grant that we share in the joy, sorrows, successes and misfortunes of each community. [Art. 58]

Father, give greater breadth to our love, ecumenical dimensions to our desires and universal openness to our plans. Make us happy to have brothers who differ in race and language. May we be one with them in their efforts to spread Your Kingdom, desirous of promoting and sharing true unity around our superiors and witnesses of the presence of our Father and Founder. Through>>>>>[Art. 59]

Father, bestow on us an abundance of Your Spirit, that we may be fully conformed to Christ Jesus in unceasing participation in the Paschal Mystery as a pure offering to please you. Grant that we may cleave totally to you, loving and serving you above all else. May we become a loving prophecy of your Saving Presence among all, especially the young.

Through Christ our Lord. [Art. 60]

Lord, increase our generosity daily, and help us to live our holy vows in the brotherhood of our religious family as a way of pure love. By following the evangelical counsels with joyful enthusiasm, may we be freed from everything opposed to charity and be ready to love all who are sent to us, especially young people who are on the margins of society. Through Christ our Lord. [Art. 61]

Father, grant that by living our vocation in complete fidelity, we may become living witnesses among the young to the Good News of the Beatitudes. May all we say and do manifest Your love and the Supreme Sense of Existence in Jesus Christ to them and to all those we meet and deal with in our everyday lives. Through Christ our Lord.

[Art. 62]

God, my Father, you accepted the humble offering of my freedom and love on the day of my profession. Conform my heart to that of your Son that henceforth it may beat only for the Kingdom. Help me to discern the signs of Your Presence in the world so that like Don Bosco, I may be live a joyful and active hope, which bears witness at every moment to your justice and forgiveness. [Art. 63]

Lord, send us your Spirit of Truth and enable us to read the signs of Your Will which you continue to show us in the Good News and in our Constitutions, in the dispositions of our superiors and in the circumstances of every day of our lives. Make us always ready to respond to you in loving generosity and fidelity. Through Christ our Lord.

[Art. 64]

Father, grant that the service of guidance and animation rendered by our superiors, and our own ready, sincere and cheerful obedience, be, for the Congregation and the social environment in which we live, a guarantee of continuity of faith and a path to holiness, the source of energy in all our work, and of joy, peace and hope. Through Christ our Lord.

[Art. 65]

Father, in listening to your Word and sharing the Bread of Your Son, we have the true sources of cohesion with each other. Grant that we may always seek together what You would have us do. Help us accept with faith the decisions of our superiors and to fulfil them with love so that our life of obedience may be the instrument of our salvation and that of those entrusted to our care. [Art. 66]

Lord, grant that our obedience always be an act of intelligence, freedom and responsibility. May it be an act of living faith which enables us to see Your will in everything. May we always follow Your ways and so reach the liberty of the Children of God conformed to the image of Your Son the perfect Man and our Saviour. [Art. 67]

God, our Father, You have led us in Your Spirit to offer our freedom for Your service by the vow of holy obedience. Help us to live it as a sacrifice pleasing to You in humble submission to our brothers and in the faithful observance of our Constitutions for the good of the community and of the young people to whom we are sent. Through Christ our Lord.

[Art. 68]

Father, give us the clarity of vision that will enable us to see in our superiors and in their directives an indication of Your loving designs. Helps us to grow in availability, to sacrifice in accordance with your will, our desires and personal interests, so as to become more like Your Son in the complete giving of ourselves for the salvation of our brothers and sisters.

Through Christ our Lord. [Art. 69]

Instil in us a spirit of filial confidence and grant that we may express and develop it through frequent and cordial colloquy with our superiors as Don Bosco wished. In this way, we believe, we make a constant contribution to the building of the community on the model of Your Divine Family, so as to become effective signs among young people of Your Saving Presence. [Art. 70]

May we believe with a living faith that our obedience is a participation in the death and resurrection of Your Son. Grant that in moments of difficulty we may be able to raise our eyes to Christ nailed on the Cross. May he teach us how fruitful it is to obey and help us testify that the grain of wheat which dies in the obscurity of the dirt of the earth brings forth much fruit. [Art. 71]

Lord Jesus, from being rich You chose to make Yourself poor to enrich us with Your immense generosity. May we who have followed You in the way of poverty live our choice with joy so that like Your Apostles and Don Bosco, we may entrust ourselves to Your Providence and be free to dedicate ourselves entirely to the service of Your Good News.

[Art. 72]

Lord, our God, we thank You for giving us in Don Bosco a model of evangelical poverty. Grant that we may imitate him in detachment of heart so that we may share in the Church’s mission for the building of a world of justice and peace. Sustain us by Your grace so that by the example of a simple life lived in community we educate the young to a true sense of the value of money and possessions. [Art. 73]