InTouch 4.5.12

InTouch 4.5.12

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carefully and reflect on it deeply.
the Gospel. Happy Easter!
April 5, 2012
Dear Brother and Sister Salesians:
Today Holy Thursday we begin the
Paschal Triduum, the most sacred
three days of the Lord’s Passover,
and ours. May each of us in the
Salesian Family enter deeply into
the mystery of the Lord’s Supper
today, the Lord’s Passion and Death
tomorrow on Good Friday, the
Lord’s Burial and Vigil in the Tomb
on Holy Saturday, and his glorious
Resurrection on Easter Sunday. This
Paschal Triduum unfolds for us the
heart of the Gospel, and invites us
in, so that with Christ we too might
pass over from death to life.
I say it is providential that it comes
during the Paschal Triduum.
What could give more witness to
Evangelical Radicality than to live
more transparently the Eucharist,
the priesthood, and the Lord’s
example of humble and loving
service that Jesus gives us in the
Holy Thursday washing of the feet?
In the Eucharist, both celebrated
and reserved, Jesus is the ultimate
Salesian assistant: present,
accompanying, serving.
What could give more witness to
Evangelical Radicality than to live
more transparently the Cross of
Jesus, to be present with him there,
to accompany him along with Mary
and the beloved disciple, to help
others, especially the young, carry
their crosses? On his cross and
in his tomb Jesus is the ultimate
Salesian assistant: fulfilling his
promise to give of his last breath for
us, his “poor boys.”
Sincerely in Christ,
Rev. Timothy C. Ploch, SDB
Provincial’s Calendar
    April 2012
5-8 Office and Personal Days
Province Easter Dinner
10 PROVINCE DAY, Three Riv-
ers, CA
11 Directors/Pastors Meeting,
Three Rivers, CA
12 Office Day
13 Travel to San Antonio, TX
14 SNAC West Meeting, FMA
Provincial House
15-17 Provincial Council Meet-
ing, San Luis Rey Parish,
Laredo, TX
18 Travel Day
19 Office Day
Our Christian life is to give witness
to the truth of this Gospel. So too
is our Salesian life. It is for this
reason that the theme chosen
by the Rector Major for the next
General Chapter is evangelical to its
depths. It comes from Pascual, and
it is Paschal through and through,
because it calls us to make our
lifestyle as Salesians more radically
Gospel oriented, in other words to
make out lifestyle as Salesians more
At the end of this issue of InTouch
you will find Fr. Pascual’s letter
announcing the theme of the next
General Chapter: “Witnesses of
Evangelical Radicality.” It’s only
a three page letter. Please read it
What could give more witness to
Evangelical Radicality than to live
more transparently our joy that
Jesus has indeed risen, that he is
with us, that he will come again?
No accident that the Oratory found
its permanent home on Easter
Sunday of 1846, that Don Bosco
was canonized on Easter Sunday of
The prayer to St. John Bosco we are
saying daily in preparation for the
bicentennial of his birth beautifully
connects these two events, the
Pasch and the Chapter, when it
prays for us to understand “that only
in Jesus and in his Gospel can both
we and the young in our care find
true meaning in our lives.” Only in
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Pray for Our Sick
Fr. Pascual Chavez, SDB
Rector Major
Bro. Bruno DePretto, SDB
Beverly Hospital
Bro. Bob Hennings, SDB
Fr. Bob Stein, SDB
Bro. Phil Mandile, SDB
broken ribs
Jay Trinidad
brother of Fr. Mel
heart attack
Greg Wertz
brother of Fr. Jerry
intensive care

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Department of Building and Safety Visits DeSales
By Bro Joseph Lockwood, SDB
March 28, 2012 was a big day
for the renovation project
because the City of Bellflower’s
Department of Building and
Safety inspected the rough
plumbing work on the first
and the third floors and at the
same time inspected the rough
electrical work on the third
The project’s favorite building
Inspector, Kris Anderson,
showed up around 1:30 pm to
begin the inspection. He first
inspected the installation of
the electrical, communication
and fire protection conduits for
the elevator. The electricians
were working and he had
a few comments about the
installation of the conduits.
He then went to the third
floor measuring the electrical
receptacles in the students’
bedrooms, and the light
switches to see if they
meet ADA (Americans with
Disabilities Act) requirements.
Yes, he found a few light
switches that needed to be
lowered. He also wanted all
the conduit boxes labeled to
indicate if they were electrical
or communications or fire
protection, etc.
The electricians speak either
Spanish or Chinese. The
inspector had a little problem
communicating with them
but his message to them
was communicated by the
The next area that needed
inspecting were the rough
plumbing in the common
bathroom on the first floor,
the handicapped showers
and toilets in the common
bathrooms both on the se-
cond and third floors, and
the handicapped bedroom
on the third floor.
At the end of the inspection,
he passed the plumbing
and the electrical work with
a few corrections to be in
compliance with the ADA
Later in the afternoon there
was a meeting with Mr.
Chris Christopoulos, C.B.O.,
Assistant Building Official, the
contractor and the architect
from Barrio Planners to
finalize the grading plan. Mr.
Christopoulos stressed at
the meeting that we must
be in compliance with ADA
Regulations in regards to
concrete sidewalk slopes. At
the same meeting a discussion
with Mr. Christopoulos was
held about the partial removal
of the concrete wall on the
south side of the property to
provide proper visibility for
egressing vehicles from the
apartment building complex.
Frank  Lim  (center)  Juno  Electric  System,  
Alhambra  reviews  with  his  electricians  
the  locations  of  the  conduits  pipe  to  be  
installed  in  the  elevator  wall.
from  the  students’  bedroom  doors.
for  the  electrical  and  plumbing  work.
Alex  DeLeon  reviews  the  sidewalk  grade  
slopes  with  Chris  Christopoulos,  City  of
Salesians  of  St.  John  Bosco
1100  Franklin  Street
San  Francisco,  CA  94109
Phone:  (626)  280-­8   622  #35
E-­ m  ail:
Weekly  publications  will  be
distributed  on  Thursdays.  Please
submit  news  for  publication  by
Friday  of  each  week.
Send  contributions  to:
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Having attended the LA Congress last year for
the first time, I was anxious at what was to come
with this year’s event. I could not wait to get
my tickets in the mail to see if I got the sessions
that I had signed up for. The speakers were
amazing, every one of them that I heard said
something that really touched my heart and
just what I needed to hear in that moment. The
best part of Congress for me was just walking
around in either the arena or the exhibit hall
and stopping to talk to people, hearing their
story and what their ministry is while sharing
with them my story and telling them about the
~Lindsay Durham, FMA postulant
This was my first LA Religious Education Con-
gress and it was incredible in its entirety. The
prayer services were spectacular! (I especially
enjoyed the music and the liturgical dances),
the breakout sessions were informative and
resourceful, and the various events throughout
the day were inspiring and joyful. However, my
favorite part was the celebration of Mass on
Thursday with Archbishop Gomez and 15,000
teens. The energy, enthusiasm and genuine
love for Christ that the young showed was so
uplifting and spirit-rousing. It reminded me of
youth rallies my parish has had back home, but
magnified by thousands. Overall, I was very
pleased with the Congress and look forward to
having the opportunity to take part in it again
~Megan Zeugner, FMA postulant
Paul Kim (Congress Speaker), Steve DeMaio (SDB
Novice), Danielle Rose (Musician), Melissa Benitez
(in discernment with FMA’s), Megan Zeugner (FMA
Postulant), and John Langan (SDB Novice) after the
Contemplative Mass on Friday evening
Archbishop Jose Gomez during the consecration on
Youth Day
I enjoyed the RES Congress 2012. The speakers I attended were
well informed of their subject and presented their material in an
easy to understand way. I also liked the singers and musicians
that performed and helped us pray in the Liturgy. I think my
favorite part of Congress was attending an Armenian Rite Mass.
It was fascinating to experience how another tradition celebrates
our Catholic Faith.
SDB Birthdays
7                              Nick  Reina
8                                          Tho  Bui
~Stephanie Donham, FMA postulant
10                Mike  Herbers
11                        Steven  Way
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17                Carmine  Vairo

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(ANS – Rome) – The Vicar
General, Fr. Adriano Bregolin,
has issued a short report
on the health of the Rector
Major Fr. Pascual Chávez
for the benefit of Salesians
and members of the Salesian
Some time ago, the news was
given, especially to the Salesian
Provincials, that the Rector
Major has had some health
problems. In order to ensure
that everyone is aware of the
real state of affairs, I should
like to make clear that the
main problem regards a liver
condition which has recently
been diagnosed as Hepatitis C.
This illness was probably
contracted some time ago
when our Rector Major, in the
course of two serious operations,
was given some blood
transfusions. It would seem
the sources of this illness are
not the most serious type and
this makes the outcome of the
cures being implemented more
effective. It is therefore a health
situation which
is not serious but
is to be treated
with due care
and attention. In
these months the
Rector Major has
been under the
care of doctors at
the Pathological
Liver Centre at
Borgo Trento
in Verona and
by those at the
Haematology Department of the
Gemelli Polyclinic in Rome. The
treatment provided so far has
been aimed at preparing the
best physiological conditions
to begin the specific treatment
of the illness. The Rector
Major is not suffering from any
particular problems. He is living
a normal life. He s working
hard and, as always, is content
in his work of governing and
animating the Congregation. In
the next few weeks time he will
begin the specific treatment,
which will mean that he will
be staying at the Generalate
on a more regular basis.
During the next few months
his travels, especially abroad,
will have to curtailed. The
Rector Major asks me to pass
on his gratitude to all the
Salesians, the Daughters of
Mary Help of Christians and
all the members of the Salesian
Family for their prayers offered
of his behalf and for his health.
- Fr. Adriano Bregolin,
Vicar of the Rector Major
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Young People:
(ANS – Rome) – World Youth
Day is an annual event: at
international level every two
or three years and at diocesan
level in the intervening years
on Palm Sunday. Benedict XVI
has given young people in the
dioceses throughout the world
his message for the XXVII WYD,
which inevitably recalls that
held in Madrid last August and
looks forward to the next one
in Rio de Janeiro. Fr. Fabio
Attard, Councillor for Youth
Ministry takes us through the
This message of the Pope for
WYD 2012 starts from the
invitation to rejoice found in
the Letter of St Paul to the
Philippians: “Rejoice in the
Lord always !” (4,4). The Pope
offers a simple reflection
beginning in the hearts of
the young – a heart made for
joy; he proposes Christ as its
source; and invites them to see
life as the place for joy.
1. The first challenge is to
know how to respond to the
question, “Where is the source
of joy?” The Pope begins
with Jesus because he shows
fully the joy that God has for
everything that lives. It is
meeting Jesus that leads one
to a great inner joy. We find
this in Jesus’ ministry, and
also in that crucial moment at
the hour of his passion when

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at the end of his earthly life
at supper with his friends he
says: “As the Father loves me,
so I also love you. Remain in
my love... I have told you this
so that my joy may be in you
and your joy may be complete”
(Jn 15:9,11). Jesus wants to
lead his disciples and each
one of us into the
fullness of joy that
he shares with the
Father, so that the
Father’s love for
him might abide
in us (cf. Jn 17:26).
The same joy-
filled experience
is reported in
the Gospels on
the day of the
“Peace be with
you!” (Mt 28,8-
9). It is the joy of
Christ, the living
one, the victor
over evil, sin and death.
and finally by a commitment
to “allowing fraternal love to
grow in your lives and in those
of your communities.” These
three elements that lead to the
joy of love.
3. The Pope then refers to the
approaching “Year of faith”
Fr.  Fabio  Attard  with  youth
2. If Christ is the source our
life is to be lived in joy. He then
turns to the question: “How
to preserve Christian joy in
the heart?” He gives a simple
answer: “Dear young people,
do not be afraid to risk your
lives by making space for Jesus
Christ and his Gospel.”
This goes hand in hand with
a life of faith: “Joy is the fruit
of faith. It is being aware of
his presence and friendship
every day: “The Lord is near!”
This is the way based on faith
enlightened by the Word,
nourished by the liturgy, by the
celebration of the eucharistic,
the sacrament of penance
which will be a help and
encouragement. At the same
time he speaks about two
young people, Pier Giorgio
Frassati and Chiara Badano
who lived that joy to the full.
The first wrote: “You ask me
if I am happy. How could I
not be? As long as faith gives
me strength, I am happy. A
Catholic could not be other
than happy... The goal for
which we were created
involves a path which has its
thorns, but it is not a sad path.
It is joy, even when it involves
pain” (Letter to his sister
Luciana, Turin, 14 February
1925). While Chiara declared:
“It was really a moment of
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God’s presence. I was suffering
physically, but my soul was
singing” (Letter to Chiara
Lubich, Sassello, 20 December
4. Finally, the Pope urges young
people to be missionaries of
joy. Someone following Christ
cannot be happy
if others are not.
Joy has to be
shared. A joy that
come from the
faith conviction
that we are never
alone, that God is
always holding us
in his hands!
Two other
quotations worth
quoting which the
Pope mentions:
one from Blessed
Mother Teresa of
Calcutta: “Joy is
a net of love by
which you can catch souls; God
loves a cheerful giver. Whoever
gives with joy gives more.” The
second is from the Servant of
God Paul VI: “In God himself, all
is joy because all is giving.”
“Joy is the fruit
of faith. It is
being aware of
his presence and
friendship every day:
“The Lord is near!”
– Pope Benedict XVI

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Salesian Cooperator
Anne Conway Gibbs was born
in Scottdale, Pennsylvania on
November 1, 1921. She was the
fourth of five siblings raised
by James and Mary Conway.
Her Catholic faith was always
a strong driving force in her
life. In elementary school, the
depression hit her family and
community very hard. At a
young age, she began teaching
religious education in a deprived
part of town following the
closure of the Catholic schools.
At 21, she enlisted in the Coast
Guard. While serving in the
Coast Guard for three years,
she met her future husband,
Richard Gibbs, originally from
Milwaukee, Wisconsin.
After they were both discharged
from the Coast Guard, they
married on June 13, 1946 in
Scottdale, PA. They settled in
Milwaukee, Wisconsin and on
May 6, 1947 had their first child,
Mary Anne. They relocated to
Bellflower, California in 1953 in
hopes of finding more stable
employment for Richard and to
be closer to her sister Margaret.
After relocating, she worked for
the telephone company for two
years. On November 1, 1957 they
had their second child, Alice
In 1955 Anne began work as
a bookkeeper for Don Bosco
Technical Institute in Rosemead,
being among the first employees
when the school opened. She
served there for 31 years, and
in “retirement” worked as a
bookkeeper for three more
years at her parish, St. Dominic
Savio, and then part time for the
Salesian Community.
Being part of the St. Dominic
Savio parish and serving as
a Salesian Cooperator were
integral parts of Ann’s life. In
fact, she was very involved in
the beginnings of St. Dominic
Savio, where she helped to start
the parish CCD program before
the FMA arrived. She also put
together a library of religious
books for the parishioners, with
sections for adults and children,
and a religious goods shop in
the Parish Hall after Sunday
masses. Fr. Joe Boenzi recounts,
“It was in the Hall that I first got
to know Anne Gibbs when I was
9 years old. I used to get books
from the library and read them
during the period after Sunday
mass when my parents were
socializing with people. In those
days I would have little chats
with “Mrs. Gibbs” about church,
mass, good books: she always
had good suggestions for me in
that area.”
Ann helped form the first St.
Dominic Savio Parish Council
and served as its President.
Her many means of service in
the parish included serving as
Coordinator and President of the
Women’s Council, Coordinator
of “Renew,” Coordinator of RCIA
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and participation in Eucharistic
Ministry, Pre-Baptism Ministry
and Bereavement Ministry. Anne
enjoyed working at countless
fiestas at Savio. She was also
very active in the Inter-Faith
celebrations in Bellflower.
She was very active with
ACCW serving as her parish
representative, 2nd Vice
President and twice served as
President of the Southeastern
District of ACCW. She was
also President of the Savio
unit of Cooperators, and the
Province Coordinator for all
the Cooperators in the Salesian
Western Province from 1997-
2003. In 1984 Ann Gibbs was one
of the key players in reviving
the practice of the Province Day,
using the format of the Religious
Education Congress for the
gathering, and involving all
members of the Salesian Family.
In 1993 Anne was honored by
Pope John Paul II with the Pro
Ecclesia et Pontifice award.
In 2008, Anne moved to
Washington State where both
her daughters reside. She
lived with Mary Anne and
her husband Bob in Medical
Lake, WA and was able to
make frequent visits to see her
daughter Alice and her husband
Joe and boys in Covington,
WA. She enjoyed being close
to her daughters and their
husbands, grandchildren and
great grandchildren. At age
90, Anne died peacefully on
March 12, 2012 with both of
her daughters at her bedside.
Surviving relatives include her
brother Joe, daughter Mary
Anne and husband Bob and
their 3 daughters, her daughter
Alice and husband Joe and their
4 children as well as two great

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“Jesus  said  to  her,  ‘Woman,  why  are  
you  weeping?  Who  are  you  looking  
for?’  Supposing  him  to  be  the  
gardener,  she  said,  ‘Sir,  if  you  have  
taken  him  away,  tell  me  where  you  
have  put  him,  and  I  will  go  and  
remove  him.’  Jesus  said,  ‘Mary!’  She  
turned  round  then  and  said  to  him  
in  Hebrew,  ‘Rabbuni!’  -­-­  which  
means  Master.  Jesus  said  to  her,  ‘Do  
not  cling  to  me,  because  I  have  not  
yet  ascended  to  the  Father.  But  go  
to  the  brothers,  and  tell  them:  I  am  
ascending  to  my  Father  and  your  
Father,  to  my  God  and  your  God.’  So  
Mary  of  Magdala  told  the  disciples,  ‘I  
have  seen  the  Lord,’  and  that  he  had  
said  these  things  to  her.”    (John.  20,  
“Talking  to  Jesus,  thinking  he  is  the  gardener,  
Mary  only  recognizes  him  at  the  calling  of  her  
name.    Mary  reaches  out  to  embrace  Jesus,  
but  he  prevents  her  from  this  embrace  saying,  
‘Do  not  cling  to  me,  for  I  have  not  ascended  
yet  to  my  God  and  your  God,  to  my  Father  and  your  Father.’    Michael  Winstanley,  SDB,  explains  this  powerfully,  
clarifying  that  Jesus  is  saying  to  Mary  that  she  must  not  cling  to  her  old  understanding  of  Jesus  but  come  to  a  new  
reality  that  moves  her  beyond  discipleship  toward  membership  in  his  own  family.  Now  his  God  is  her  God  and  his  
Father  is  her  Father!    Wow.”  -­  Fr.  John  Roche,  SDB
Happy  Easter,  
Salesian  Family!
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Via della Pisana 1111 - 00163 Roma
Il Rettor Maggiore
All the Salesians in the Congregation
Prot. 12/0115
Rome, 4 April 2012
Dear Confreres,
Today, 4th April, Wednesday of the Holy Week, we have concluded the plenary session of the
General Council in which we have reflected on the theme and the aims of the next General Chapter.
Even earlier in the Council we had discussed the challenges that the Congregation faces today. The
Team Visits that followed made us perceive further elements to understand the situation better.
Now, the choice of the theme of the GC aims to answer these challenges, in order to help the
Congregation to move ahead on the path the Holy Spirit shows us in the present historical context.
Theme of GC27: “Witnesses of Evangelical Radicality”
This chosen theme of witnessing to Evangelical Radicality finds in Don Bosco’s motto “work and
temperance” (cfr. Const. 18) an explication of his project of life, “da mihi animas cetera tolle”. It
aims to help us to deepen out charismatic identity, making us aware of our call to live the apostolic
project of Don Bosco faithfully.
The theme is vast. For this reason we wish to focus the attention of GC27 around four areas: living
the grace of unity and the joy of our Salesian consecrated vocation as gift from God and personal
project of life; having a deep spiritual experience, by taking on Jesus’ obedient, poor and chaste
style of life and action, thus becoming seekers of God; building fraternity in the life and activities
of our communities; generous commitment to the mission, journeying with the young to give hope
to the world.
Fundamental Objective of GC27
GC27 aims to help every confrere and community to life the apostolic plan of Don Bosco faithfully.
In continuity with GC26, it wishes to further strengthen our charismatic identity. Such an aim is
already presented to us in the first articles of our Constitutions: in fact, we Salesians are called to
“carry out the Founder’s apostolic plan in a specific form of religious life”1; besides, in our specific
Const. 2
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form of life “our apostolic mission our fraternal community and the practice of the evangelical
counsels are the inseparable elements of our consecration which we live in a single movement of
love towards God and towards our brothers.”2
Fruits of GC27
We hope that GC27 will render our Salesian life more authentic and hence visible, credible and
fertile. This is possible if our life is strongly and vitally built on God, and will strengthen our
charismatic identity if it is rooted in Christ and his Gospel with courage and conviction. It is again
for this motive that in the past six years we were committed to starting afresh from Don Bosco,
reawakening the heart of every confrere with the apostolic passion of the “da mihi animas cetera
tolle”. Faithfully living the apostolic project of Don Bosco, i.e., living our charismatic identity, will
make us more authentic; when identity if lived, it gives rise to visibility, credibility and vocational
fruitfulness. The visibility we talk of basically refers to the wonderful witness to our vocation, and
not to the care of an outward appearance. If we faithfully and happily witness to the apostolic
project of Don Bosco, that is, to our Salesian consecrated vocation, then will our lives become
attractive and fascinating, especially to the young and we will become vocationally fruitful.
Other Tasks of GC27
Besides the study of the theme, GC27 has other special tasks. First of all there is election of the
Rector Major and of the members of the General Council for the term of 2014-2020.
Then it has to carry out and verify some requests made by GC25 and GC26, or some changes they
had introduced:
There is the important revision of the organization and structure of the departments of our
mission: youth ministry, missions and social communications 8Cf. GC26, 117, 118)
Reflection on the organization of the three Regions of Europe (Cf. GC25 124, 126, 129);
this becomes still more necessary due to the decision to reorganize the six provinces of
Spain into only two after GC27.
We need to evaluate the assignment of the charge of the Salesian Family to the Vicar of the
Rector Major that was done as demanded by constitutional change by the previous Chapters
(Cf. GC25: 133 and GC26: 116)
Finally, this “revision calls our attention to the entire structure of the General Council” and
requires that GC27 make an evaluation of the structures that animate and govern the
Beginning of GC27
Even if the Letter of Convocation will be sent to you in May, I would like to inform you early that
GC27 will begin on Saturday, 22nd February 2014 in Turin, the cradle of our charism; work will
continue then in Rome, in our Headquarters.
Const. 3
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Moderator of GC27
I have appointed Fr. Francesco Cereda as the Moderator of General Chapter; I thank him for his
availability to take on this commitment.
Technical Commission for GC27
On 2nd April, as per art. 112 of the General Regulations, I have appointed the Technical
Commission for GC27, made up of the following confreres: Fr. Fabio Attard, Fr. Pier Fausto
Frisoli, Fr. Filiberto Gonzalez, Fr. Maria Arokiam Kanaga, Bro. Jean Paul Muller and Fr. José
Miguel Nuñez. This commission will develop come guidelines that will appear in AGC 413: the
itinerary for the preparation of GC27: guidelines for work on the Chapter theme; suggestions for the
preparation and celebration of the provincial chapters; juridical norms for the elections.
Dear Confreres,
I wish to conclude this announcement of GC27 inviting every single confrere, community and
province to foster the atmosphere and the attitudes for the concrete living out of “work and
temperance”. I invite you also to accompany this event with prayer to Don Bosco, that I gave you
already at the beginning of the three-year preparation for the Bi-centenary.
Today, as always, God calls us to holiness in Salesian life. This is possible if we live like Christ and
our beloved founder and father. Don Bosco lived his life with a radiant face and with great joy and
zest. At the same time he also lived it with great evangelical radicality, expressed in the twin words
of “work and temperance”.
We are nearing the Bi-centenary of his birth. We need to reach the moment having regained the joy,
the enthusiasm and the pride of being Salesians, so that we can honestly and convincingly propose
the wonder of our vocation to the youth of today.
To Mary, Immaculate Help of Christians, I entrust GC27, and above all each and every one of you,
dearest confreres, whom I love with the heart of Christ Jesus.
Don Pascual Chávez V., SDB
Rector Major
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