East Asia-Oceania|Evaluation of Proceedings


SALESIAN BROTHER Vocation promotion and care

Phnom Penh, Kingdom of Cambodia

I. Evaluation of Proceedings: Please take note that there were only 53 respondents. Comments were summarized if the respondent(s) meant the same idea.

Encircle the number that corresponds to your evaluation and give a comment to support it. Thank you! Excellent Good Fair Enough Needs Improvement

1 234


Fr. Cereda 30 1900

Comments: better if he is present. Eye opener. Good reminders. Substantial

Bro. Ed 26 2430

Comments: inspiring. Very honest.

Bro. Benedict 16 25110

Comments: admire his courage to speak in public. Reminds me that there are other cultures.

Fr. Phuoc 16 3240

Comments: theologically stimulating

Fr. Dung 21 2471

Comments: experiences of young professed helpful.

Fr Chrys 27 2311

Comments: very clear ideas and guidelines but should allow for exceptions.

Bro. Mon 28 2310

Comments: I learned a lot. Some good ideas to adapt.

Bro. Das 27 2311

Comments: challenging ideas. A comprehensive vision of vocation promotion. Content enriched by experiences.

Schedule: 12 3083

Comments: not so heavy. It’s a rush. Need more time for reflection. A little tight. Balanced schedule. Need time to rest in the afternoon.

Mixed Group Sharing: 23 2460

Comments: fostered greater openness. Good to understand the realities of the region.

Assembly Reporting 10 3390

Comments: too long at times. Need more time for interaction and deepening. Better if secretaries were chosen beforehand like the group leaders.

Province Meeting 21 25 6 0

Comments: very important part of the process. Need more time. Confronted local realities. Excellent time for concrete lines of action.


Comments: better in chapel than meeting room. Good homilies and music. Preparation by provinces is important for good liturgy. Better if liturgy is in the morning when still fresh.

Morning Prayers 13 3280

Eucharist and Evening Prayers 15 3431

Venue 25 2521

Comments: first hand experience of mission work in Cambodia. Stairs were not friendly to older confreres.

Food 24 2631

Comments: excellent food.

Accommodations 31 1650

Comments: comfortable. A little noisy at night.

Transportation 24 2270

Comments: we enjoyed the local transportation.

Tour of Prison, Museum, City 19 22111

Comments: some places not visited like royal palace and pagoda. Afternoon activity was too long. Some places visited invited us to deep reflections about humanity.

Staff Support 32 2001

Comments: welcoming and very supportive.

Other Comments: I admire Thai province for extraordinary hospitality. They gave a good opportunity to meet many very fine salesians from the region. There was a strong spirit of collaboration.

Cultural show: excellent

Tour of Shops: good idea of work done in Cambodia.

II. What do you think are the TOP 5 (Five) ACTION PLAN of your respective provinces which can be an inspiration for the other provinces in the EAO region?

Answers to these questions were consolidated by provinces and submitted to Fr. Clement. Some answers are given below…

Formation of rectors, Rectors to give importance to salesian brothers

formation of guides – salesian brothers, place brothers in formation houses if possible, prepare brother formators and vocation animators

Formation program for salesian brothers, systematization of formation plan, involve brothers in giving inputs to formandi, professional training and specialization of brothers

Support EAO-SB regional seminary

Share inputs of seminars to all confreres, information dessimination to all members of salesian family, mission partners, salesian brother seminar as province, improve sb vocation awareness

Campus ministry for vocation promotion, vocation promotion materials, publications/ translation of documents, vocation promotion team to include brother, vocation camp, financial support for vocation promotion

Change in local name to address brothers

Prayer for SB vocation, Set up time to pray for brother vocations i.e. 15th of the month as zatti day

Address issue of clericalism

Celebrate SB’s profession days, take care of SB’s

III. What are your suggestions for the EAO region in terms of:

Answers to these questions were consolidated by provinces and submitted to Fr. Klement. Some answers are given below…

  1. Regional gathering (i.e. every 4 yrs?):

Every 3 years for core group, every 6 years for all brothers…

Follow up resolutions of congresses

Every 3 years

Every 4 years but not longer than 6 years

Duration determined by purpose of meeting (longer duration if gathering, shorter duration if planning)

A program is always good only for 3 years, after that need to be revised.

Form a committee of brothers to organize the congress

  1. Areas of collaboration or networking:

    1. What kind of collaboration or networking do you need from the other provinces?

Exchange programs, data, formation plans

China needs brothers from other provinces

Materials for on going formation needed

Sharing of vocation promotion materials

Exchange of brothers

Regional seminar on salesianity

Professional training - skills

Information sharing thru EAO website

Teachers for English

Need Salesian Brother in Mongolia (short or long term duration)

Support EAO –SB Specific formation in Manila

Brothers to be involved in on going formation team for EAO region

    1. What kind of collaboration or networking are you willing to give the other provinces?

Student exchange

Exchange of brothers

Brothers to give seminars

Specific formation for Brothers in Manila


An important appeal: On behalf of Mongolia, I would like to invite any lay brother to come to Mongolia. There is only one Salesian brother. We are facing difficulty in managing our technical school and conducting staff development programs. If the Salesian brother interested to come cannot come for a long time, you can come for at least two to three months.

We badly need your help. Please give us a hand. Your help will be appreciated very much. Please! Please! Please! From Bro. Andrew Le Phuong, SDB.