East Asia-Oceania|FIS-personal plan of life (2007) – sharing during the extraordinary visitation)

FIS-personal plan of life (2007) – sharing during the extraordinary visitation)

  1. Salesian priest – 45 years of religious profession (made before the priestly ordination)

  • The Eucharist will be the center, the sun, the heart of my priestly daily life

  • Total service: should be my joy! I will do my best to give myself totally to all. I will be available to all, in all – when Christ will call me to be a priest. I will never say NO. Especially for the ministry of the Reconciliation and the ministry of the Word.

  • The prayer: an ongoing dialogue with the Lord trough Jesus Christ in the Holy Spirit. It should be my food, the source of my priestly life and mission. In order to become a man of prayer I will commit myself every day to: celebrate the Breviary ‘in persona Christi et Ecclesiae’, to meditate the Word of God, to personal prayer

  • I will do my best to meet regularly with the Forgiveness of the Father in the Sacrament

  • I will do my best to imitate Christ as a Priest, as a Victim; to look at Mary – my own Mother and Mother of Christ, as the Mother of my priesthood to obtain the grace to be always totally consecrated to Christ for the service of the brothers and sisters.

  • The Holy Spirit should be my Guide, my Soul of my priestly life: confident to Him

Daily offering of my priesthood: Lord Jesus, my priesthood be a SALVATION for all who are far from you, a LIGHT to all who are looking for you, a WAY and EXAMPLE, JOY to all who are following you in your Church. Amen.

  1. Salesian cleric – practical trainee

As a practical trainee, I envision myself to have a deeper living experience of Salesian educative and pastoral action in particular Salesian assistance.

Motto: I can do all things through Christ, who strengthens me!

Goal: To be a good friend of the young!

Human formation:

Develop a good relationship with my confreres and lay mission partners

Take good care of my health’

Take decision and assume responsibility

Spiritual formation

Faithful to the practices of piety

Visit the Blessed Sacrament and Mama Mary

Find, consult a spiritual director for spiritual growth

Intellectual formation

Reflect and plan the lessons before teaching

Take an active part in the planning

Take advantage of the given program for practical trainees

Pastoral formation

Practice Salesian assistance at all times (school and boarding home)

Develop good friendship with the boys

Promote Salesian vocation

  1. Salesian cleric – practical trainee

God’s call for me

  • Very good and useful Salesian – For the young – Especially for the boys who are poor and abandoned – for the poor people

  • To follow Jesus Christ: Obedient, poor and chaste – Imitate closely the life of Jesus that DB lived

My actual situation

  1. Significant points of success in my life

  • I’m happy being a Salesian to continue the mission of Don Bosco

  • I felt very happy and comfortable being and working with the young

  • It’s very touching for me every time I see and share with the poor

  • Don Bosco is a model of my life so that I manage the time to read/know more about him

  • I felt peace and comfort to dialogue with the Lord in my life

  1. The significant points that need attention

  • Need to read more about the salesianity

  • Need to pay more attention to improve the knowledge and personal skills

  • Need to practice the virtues of chastity and poverty

  • Need to be careful with the girls when sent to work with them

My lines of action

  • Go to the chapel early everyday (10 min) a read one article of the Constitutions

  • Every weekend read one story of Don Bosco (Don Bosco day by day - 365)

  • To be friendly and always smile when with the young

  • Faithful to make mediation, Lauds and Vespers daily

  • Practice and learn again personal talents daily 10 minutes (music)

  • Spent two hours daily to read book, preparing for theology

  • Practice to live poor by minimum using the cell phone

  • Check this plan every month, start again the not-yet-finished points

Special goals for this school year

  1. Do well the task as a brother assistant

  2. Reading the book in the view of theology

  1. Salesian brother (temporary profession)

Motto: It is no longer I who lives, but Christ in me (Gal 2,20) - ‘Christ is the reason!’

Human growth

  • After two years of practical training, trim down by at least 30 lbs

  • Have a check up of my blood and cholesterol

  • Exercise everyday for at least 30 minutes

  • Finish re-writing of my Autobiography, start gathering data for our family tree

Spiritual growth

  • Spend 30 minutes every day in front of the Blessed sacrament

  • Journal every day

  • Be regular in spiritual direction (monthly), in rendiconto, in confession (bi weekly)

Intellectual growth

  • Master the English grammar

  • Be updated in computer hardware/ software, re-learn mathematics, read a book

Pastoral growth

  • Be available always for the young, be present always during assistance

  • Update in the Youth Ministry, the situation of the youth by reading books, Internet

  • Promote actively the Salesian vocation, especially to Salesian Brotherhood

  1. Salesian priest (5 - 10 years after ordination)

I envision myself as a Salesian who is living testimony of Don Bosco for young people, a man of prayer, committed to his religious consecration and mission, journeying with young people and abreast with the issues and signs of the times

I envision the Youth Ministry where I’m assigned to be a movement of young people who are Christ-centered, imbued with the Salesian Spirituality, deeply human and responsible in order to become active agents of change in their family, school and society.

I therefore, commit myself to:

  • Impart meaningfully and with enthusiasm Gospel and Salesian values to my charges

  • Life faithfully a life of prayer

  • Study the life of Don Bosco and life his ideals

  • Take up ongoing formation personally and/or if the superior so requires

  • Be knowledgeable with issues affecting especially the world of the youth

  1. Salesian Rector

Life motto: I’m your beloved Son, you are my beloved Father’


Shepherd after the heart of Christ and Don Bosco: Shepherding

Being: I’m attentive to the Word, I am an effective communicator of God’s Word

Doing: I ponder and pray the Word, I live by the Word, I share the Word

Skills: Solid biblical knowledge, homiletics, communication, retreats& recollection, rich source of illustrations, public speaking

Activities: Vigil preparation of the daily readings, meditation, solitude, accept retreats, talk commitments, weave talks, Give a homily as much as possible, gather materials for homily

Inner work: I choose life-giving, loving thoughts! I choose growth-enhancing feelings! I see goodness and goodwill in people, I see the giftedness and opportunity in every moment, I seize every moment to enjoy fully the Joy of life.

Beloved son of the Father: Loving and growing

Servant of the Word: Proclaiming

Companion in life’s journey: Accompanying

  1. Salesian priest (10 years of ordination)

God’s call: “ a simple and happy Salesian priest”

My actual situation

  1. Simplicity

  • I have been brought up in a very simple family lifestyle

  • Though not a minimalist, I go for the bare essentials in life

  • I was born poor and wish to remain simple and poor

  • I have lived among Salesian communities with simple lifestyles

  • In dealing with people, it’s always very easy to be simple

  1. Happiness

  • I’m happy where and what I’m now

  • My joy is to spread happiness around me

  • Young people need models for happiness and cheerfulness

  • A happy disposition heals more than strain relationships

  • I will be happy wherever I will be

My lines of action

  1. HUMAN

  • To have an annual executive health check up

  • To do daily exercise (be it in sports or otherwise)

  • To take no rice during supper and minimize my softdrink intake

  • To read one good book in one month

  • To continue some computer lessons and updating

  • To have attained a masteral degree in Education Management

  • To remember people during their birthdays and other important dates

  • To have constant contact with my family members


  • To do daily meditation and Holy Mass

  • To prepare everyday my Sunday homilies

  • To do an extra 30 minutes a day in front of the Blessed Sacrament

  • To gain and write some daily spiritual insights

  • To pray the Rosary and my Breviary everyday


  • To read a book on Don Bosco and the Salesian everyday (Memoirs of the Oratory)

  • To spread the devotion to Mary Help of Christians and the Salesian saints

  • To work for vocations to the Salesian priesthood and brotherhood

  • To be constantly in contact with the young and their world (Oct, 2005)