Meet each and every confrere at least once each day
Hold the personal friendly talk with the confreres
Prepare and give the “good-night”
Move around the House (general supervision and encouragement)
Visit the sick and elderly
Prepare the Liturgy, Meditation, Lectio divina, Spiritual Reading, Monthly recollections, etc.…
Take classes in Faith-formation, Life orientation and Education to Love for the senior classes
Hold counselling sessions for students of the school and boarding
Hear the confessions of the day-scholars and of the pupils / confreres of neighbouring Salesian communities.
Pray for confreres and boys
Take the “Gospel class” for the Practical Trainees (once a week)
Give a conference to the confreres (once a fortnight)
Hold the “Community Day” for Ongoing formation (once a fortnight)
Draw up the Community Plan (at start of the year) and evaluate it (half-way through the year and at the end)
Occasional community discernment (on some theme of vital importance to the community)
Follow up individuals showing signs of a vocation and animate vocation groups
Read the documents of the Church and the Congregation and communicate them to the members
Prepare and conduct meetings (House Council, Community dialogue…)
Conduct meetings of the Salesian Family (SDBs plus others)
Conduct meetings of the Educative and Pastoral Community
Take part in meetings of the Province, the diocese, the parish and the local Conference of Religious
Plan and conduct programmes for the formation of lay collaborators
Give three “pedagogical conferences” a year to the lay collaborators