Fifth corpus29
People of our generation, who have no direct knowledge and only a superficial understanding of the
events leading to the origins and development of the Salesian work in China, rightly seek better
documented accounts that fill that void. As Pietro Stella put it, “every Order or Congregation, at a given
point of its development, feels the exigency of setting its history on a critical foundation, especially as
regards its origins”.30 The fifth corpus of research materials belongs to that mold. But (what we might
call a more) scientific or critical type of historiography did not come to the China Province by chance.
Remotely, it has been the fruit of the scientific activities of the Salesian Historical Institute and – more
directly - of the initiatives of ACSSA. The first research quoted in this section - The first twenty years of
the Orfanato of Macao - was published in 1996 on the occasion of the symposium on Insediamenti e
iniziative salesiane dopo Don Bosco held in Rome the previous year. The several papers that followed
were mainly prepared for regional symposia organized by ACSSA.
Since its inception in late 1981, the Salesian Historical Institute and the systematic editorial activities it
launched, helped develop a new mentality, a new ideological and methodological approach to Salesian
historiography. What the Congregation wished to achieve, and the program the scholars embarked on,
effectively reached the whole Salesian world through the establishment of ACSSA, born in October 1996,
thereby providing formation, methodological tools and opportunities to a growing group of “cultori di
storia Salesiana”, history enthusiasts who might not have received formal training.31
As one can see in the case of Pietro Stella, essentially a self-made historian,32 formal training though
desirable is not indispensable. What are essential, though, are passion and some degree of dexterity in
29 SOCOL, CARLO. The first twenty years of the Orfanato of Macao between ideal and reality (1906-1926), in FR. MOTTO,
Insediamenti e iniziative salesiane dopo Don Bosco. Saggi di storiografia, Roma LAS 1996, pp. 275-325. ID. “Una istituzione
che si occupa della classe operaio”. La Escola de Artes e Oficios di Macao nel suo primo ventennio (1906-1926), in FR.
MOTTO (Ed.), L’Opera Salesiana dal 1880 al 1922, II, Esperienze particolari in Europa, Africa, Asia, Roma, LAS 2001, pp.
413-438. ID. The history of Salesian education in China, in XU XIAOZHOU and R. GIANNATELLI (Ed.), Educational
innovation: perspectives of internationalization, Hangzhou, Zhejiang University Press 2006, pp. 26-35. ID. The Birth of the
China Province and the Expansion of the Salesian Work in East Asia (1926-1927), in IMPELIDO NESTOR (ed.), The
Beginnings of Salesian Presence in East Asia, ACSSA Varia 2, Don Bosco Press, Makati, 2006, pp.47-61. ID. The Salesians of
Don Bosco, In Ha L. - Taveirne P. (ed.), History of Catholic Religious Orders and Missionary Congregations in Hong Kong,
vol.2, Centre for Catholic Studies, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong, 2009, pp. 540-618. ID, The Implantation
of the Salesian Charism in China (1906-1936): Ideals, Challenges, Answers and Results, in Kapplikunnel M. (ed.), The
Implantation of the Salesian Charism in Asia Ideals, Challenges, Answers and Results, ACSSA Varia 7, Kristu Jyoti Publications,
Bangalore, 2009, pp. 123-154. ID, Situation Report: SDB Chinese Province, in Evangelization and Interreligous Dialogue XI,
Salesiani – Dicastero per le Missioni, Roma, 1994, pp. 21-23. ID, Don Bosco’s missionary call and China, in Ricerche Storiche
Salesiane, XXV-2, Lug-Dic 2006, pp. 215-294. FRANCESCO CASELLA, Profilo biografico storico-documentario di Mons. Michele
Arduino ultimo vescovo di Shiuchow, Roma 2000. ANJOS AMADOR, The First Salesians in East Timor: 1927-1929, in
IMPELIDO NESTOR (ed.), The Beginnings of Salesian Presence in East Asia, ACSSA Varia 2, Don Bosco Press, Makati, 2006,
pp.111-137. FERRERO MICHELE and SOCOL CARLO, The Salesian educative work in Macau 1906-1926: the “Escola de
Artes e Oficios”, Paper delivered at The Third International Conference on Macaology ─The Intellectual Construction and
Academic Development in a Global Perspective: with Macaology as an Example, Beijing 15-16 Nov 2012, and soon to be
30 Quoted in PIETRO BRAIDO, Pietro Stella, Storico professionale, Maestro di storiografia di Don Bosco e Salesiana, in RSS 51
(6), p.183
31 STANISLAW ZIMNIAK, Cenni storici sull’Associazione Cultori di Storia Salesiana (ACSSA) e sulle sue realizzazioni, in RSS 51
(2008) 157-162.
32 BRAIDO, Pietro Stella cit. p. 186.