of Salesian History
ACSSA has as its objective the
promotion of studies in Salesian
history, facilitating research, updating
and collaboration among its members.
It also animates the Salesian Family
under a historiographic profile and
diffuses knowledge of Don Bosco and
the Congregations, Associations and
Groups that take their origin from him,
always in dialogue with analogous civil
and religious institutions. (Statutes,
Art. 1)
ACSSA attains its objectives through
(a) a congress every five years, (b)
meetings of members according to
geographical areas, (c) contributions
by way of studies, (d) organization of
conferences, (e) promotion and
conservation of sources such as
written memoirs, photographs, radio
and television programmes, (f)
publication of a news bulletin, (g) any
other initiative compatible with the
objectives laid down in the Statutes.
(Statutes, Art. 2)
To be enrolled as an ACSSA member
one should be qualified in the
historical sciences, or be involved at
various levels of research, study and
interest in Salesian history. (Statutes,
Art. 7.1)