4.1. Synthesis of the historical writing of Eugenio Ceria
In the evaluation of the historical writing of Ceria his personal formation and the spirit holding sway
in the Salesian institution in the broad sense need to be taken into account. The fact should not be
underestimated that in the fields of the theological, pedagogical and philosophical sciences the Salesians
were at the beginning of the foundation of their own centres of studies: it is sufficient to recall that the
foundation of the Pontifical Salesian Athenaeum is dated 3 May 194024. As far as the issue we are dealing
with is concerned, it is important to know that, at the time, the focus of historical interest for the few
Salesian scholars there were was the Founder, followed by the first Superior General of the FMA Mother
Maria Domenica Mazzarello, with the exception of some of the eminent figures of the early days. All the
historical work of Ceria is entirely of an hagiographical nature based on the edifying and apologetic
dimension, and written in a rather triumphant spirit, for the most part due the fascination that the political
ascendency of the political systems of an extremely totalitarian character - communism, fascism, national-
socialism and “francoism” was exercising on the cultural world including the ecclesiastical one. Therefore to
give a balanced judgement on this era of study it is absolutely essential to Sitz im Leben, that is to say to
take into account everything that forms part of that historical moment of the birth of an organisation or of
a person (the cultural formation of the author, currents of ideas, social, religious and political movements).
It is of supreme importance to bear in mind a meandering crisis in Catholic university circles, which had
arisen in the context of a rigid opposition on the part of the Catholic hierarchy to modernism25, the open
approach of which to the contemporary world, from many points of view positive, had to wait until the
Vaticanum Secundum to be considered as the shared/common patrimony of the Church.
The Salesian Eugenio Ceria is well-known as the author of the nine volumes of the Memorie
biografiche…. [volumes: 11-19 (volume 11 published in 1930 and the final one in 1939)], as well as the
important book Don Bosco con Dio, printed in 1930, a work which enjoyed considerable popularity in
Salesian circles and was recently re-printed. He is also the author of the Vita del Servo di Dio sac. Filippo
Rinaldi, Torino, SEI 1948, as well as the Vita del Servo di Dio don Michele Rua, primo successore di san
Giovanni Bosco, which came out in 1949, and he was the editor of the Epistolario di S. Giovanni Bosco (vol. I
– 1955; vol. II – 1956; vol. III . 1958 e vol. IV – 1959). Torino, SEI.
The work in which we are interested bears the significant title which gives the method employed in
its presentation, that is chronological, not thematic26. These are the four volumes of the Annali della
Società Salesiana. These constitute the very first attempt at a synthesis of historical writing. The first
volume came out in 1941, the second in 1943, the third in 1946 and the final volume in 195127. The first
volume bears the subtitle Dalle origini alla morte di s. Giovanni Bosco (1841-1888). The second and the
third deal with the Il rettorato di don Michele Rua. The fourth concerns Il rettorato di don Paolo Albera.
Therefore they cover a period of time from 1841 to 1921, eighty years of the history of the Salesian
Congregation. On the other hand the happenings of the FMA and of the Association of the Salesian
Cooperators are somewhat in the background, and the number of pages devoted to them various from
volume to volume according to the circumstances. It should be noted that Ceria does deal with the
24 On the origin of the founding and on the first steps of this Salesian academic institution see: José Manuel PRELLEZO,
Don Pietro Ricaldone e la formazione dei salesiani: alle origini dell’Università Pontificia Salesiana, in Sabino
FRIGATO (a cura di), Don Pietro Ricaldone quarto successore di d on Bosco 1932-1951. A cinquant’anni dalla morte 25
novembre 1951. Torino, Salesian - Pontifical University FT-Sezione Torino 2001, pp. 31-73.
25 In this regard see the chapter Il modernismo in Giacomo MARTINA, Storia della Chiesa da Lutero ai nostri giorni.
Vol. IV. L’età contemporanea. Brescia, Morcelliana 1995, pp. 81-117; as also the word Modernismo in Dizionario
storico del cristianesimo by Carl Andresen and Georg Denzler. Italian edition edited by Marina Airoldi and Dorino
Tuniz. Cinisello Balsamo (Milano), Edizioni Paoline 1992, pp. 419-422.
26 The method explicitely confirmed by the Author in the Premessa where one reads: “The title Annali indicates the
chronological method followed in this present work. Rather than proceed by periods more or less artificially divided, we
follow the high road, marked by the passing years; the journey can begin in 1841” (E. CERIA, Annali della Società
Salesiana. Vol. I. Dalle origini alla morte di s. Giovanni Bosco (1841-1888). SEI, Torino 1941, p. VII).
27 Eugenio CERIA, Annali della Società Salesiana. Vol. I. Dalle origini alla morte di s. Giovanni Bosco (1841-1888).
SEI, Torino 1941, 779 p; Vol. II. Il rettorato di don Michele Rua. Parte I. Dal 1888 al 1898. SEI, Torino 1943, 773 p;
Vol. III. Il rettorato di don Michele Rua. Parte II. Dal 1899 al 1910. SEI, Torino 1946, 926 p; Vol. IV. Il rettorato di
don Paolo Albera. SEI, Torino 1951, 471 p.