Youth ministry

Youth ministry


ACG 380 – Project of animation and government of the Rector Major and his Council, for the period 2002-2008 (p.79-83) January 2003





(According to the same priorities of general animation and animation of sectors, assuming the same objectives and strategies)


(meetings, materials, concrete actions to be fixed with the Provincials)

1. Primacy of the spiritual life in the community


1. Help the rectors become spiritual animators of the local communities fostering salesian spiritual communication (good night talk, conference, fraternal dialogue, Gospel sharing, community day etc.)

2. Encourage in the community the ‘prayerful reading of the Scripture’ (Lectio).

3. Ensure the translation and circulation of the biographies of Salesian Saints

1.Promote community prayer together with our youth and lay mission partners.

1 Salesian Family

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1.Prepare some moments of prayer together with the SF (retreats, celebrations)

2 Missions

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1. Foster a missionary spirituality in the salesian style

Ongoing Formation

1. Rectors meetings: as spiritual and pastoral animators of local communities (regional level: 2 courses)

2. All – Asia Provincial’s retreat preached by Rector Major ( January 25-29th, 2003, Hua Hin - Thailand)

2. Community witness of fraternity and communion

3 Formation

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1.Form a mentality and spirituality of communion

2. Offer some materials for the project of community life (make the most of the everyday moments of community life)

4 Economy

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1. With the Provincials make more concrete and visible the signs of poverty and solidarity of communities in the enviroment

5 Youth ministry

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1. Up grade the SEPP or prepare it, while working as the EPC

5.1 Social communications

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1.Foster more exchange and cooperation among the confreres working in this sector

6 The Salesian Family

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1. Make more effective the “Consulta of the Salesian Family” on the Prov.level

2. Foster the reciprocal knowledge of different groups of the Sales. Family

Intervention in the Region EAO

3. New meaning of the salesian presence among the youth

7 Youth ministry

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1.In every enviroment share the life of young people in need

2.Foster youth groups, the Salesian Youth Movement, Young Volunteers

3.Promote the vocational ministry(specially of Salesian Brothers)

4.Aim at efficient salesian evangelization in the school and parish sectors

5. Involve more lay people in our mission as our “lay mission partners”

8 Formation

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1. Seek to make grow a mentality of animation

2. Involve the confreres in the programming at all levels

3. Make known ‘a new pastoral model of SDB comunity’(Framework)

9 The Salesian family

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1.Foster the lay groups of SF (Cooperators, VDB, CDB, Past Pupils)

10 Missions

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1.Study the possibility of some new presences (AUL,CIN,VIE)

2. Launch the mission ‘ad gentes’ among the confreres, specially in Provinces with many vocations

Intervention of the Councillor for Youth Ministry

1. Stimulate and accompany the knowledge of Basic Framework of Salesian Youth Ministry

2. Foster the Coordination of Youth Ministry at Provincial level

3. Start a process for becoming qualified in some sectors:

    1. Vocational animation

    2. School and parish

    3. Youth in need

    4. Salesian Youth Movement

4.Formation: personal and community commitment

11 Formation

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1. ‘Growth in an inculturated Salesianity’

1.1 Form the SDB’s to become spiritual guides of different groups of SF

1.2 Take care of the formation of Provincials and Rectors

1.3 Insist on assistence and animation as formative practices

2. Accept the RATIO and insist that it is put into practice.

2.1 Prepare and update the ‘Formation Directory’ and ‘Prov.Formation Plan’

2.2 Foster the formation of formators (SDB qualification plan – update)

2.3 Strength the formation communities (personnel, accompaniment, quality)

2.4 Promote the Inter provincial combiner action in the On-going formation field

12 Youth Ministry

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1.Adopt the new pastoral plan of the Congregation (areas of animation)

13 Missions

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1. Continue to update the missionaries present in the Region about the Congregational missionary reflection

14 Economy

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1. Organize some courses for Economers (accounts, solidarity, budgets)

Participation of the Councillor for Formation

1.Meeting with the Provincials and Delegates for Formation

2.Visits to centres of studies, interprovincial formation communities

See to the translations of the principal documents of the Congregation:

* Salesianity (spirituality, education, history)

* The ‘Ratio’ (2000)

* Basic Framework of Sal. Youth Ministry(2000)

* The Common Mission Statement of the SFamily (2000)

* Manual of Delegate for Soc. Com.(2001)

* Manual of Delegate for Missionary Animation(1998)

* The Salesian Rector (1986)

REGION EAST ASIA – OCEANIA: Particular points(2002-2008)

Areas of animation

General objectives



1. Animation of the East Asia –Oceania Region

1.Build up a sense of belonging to the Region

2. Strengthen the solidarity and cooperation between the Provinces

1. Fostering the reciprocical knowledge of the different Provinces

2. Preparing well the Regional meetings

3. Greater networking, collaboration and sharing among neighbouring Provinces

1. Increasing economical and missionary solidarity

2. Studying a process towards an autonomous Circumscription “Melanesia” (PNG, Solomon Islands, adjacent areas)

1.1 Foster the knowledge of English as common regional communication language (initial formation, study abroad)

1.2 Strengthen the existing AustraLasia Link Email news service

1.3 Insert a part in English in the Provincial websites

1.4 Start up a Regional data-bank(formation, youth ministry)

1.5 Exchange Newsletters, Sal. Bulletins, Provincial programming, formation and youth ministry materials

2.1 Prepare provincial meetings involving Provincial Councils and Provincial Delegates

2.2 According to needs continue the regional animation of sectors (meetings, visits, combined action, sharing…)

2.3 Ensure the presence of the Councillors of Sectors.

3.1 Encourage informal meetings: formation, visits to the most significant works

3.2 Encourage the sharing in neighbouring cultural areas (“getting to know you”, learning of languages)

1.1 Growth in economical solidarity and exchange of personnel

1.2 See to help in emergencies, in matters of “twinning”.

2.1 Involve missionary personnel of the Region

2.2 Involve interested Provinces (FIN – PNG, GIA)

2. Inculturation of the Salesian Charism in the East Asia-Oceania Region

1. Follow up a process of expression of the charism in the local cultures

1.Make ever better known the main elements of salesian identity

2. Studying the local cultures

1.1 Facilitate the sharing of formation materials translated into the local cultures (SDB, FS, Lay Formation)

1.2 Form and follow up an interprovincial research group for the Inculturation of Preventive System of Don Bosco

1.3 Stimulate the knowledge of the “fundamental framework” of the Salesian Youth Ministry

    1. Prepare itineraries of education to the faith in non-christian environments (buddhist, animist, muslim, confucian, communist)

    2. Starting from initial formation help a more systematic and deeper knowledge of local cultures.

    3. Make the papal exhortations Ecclesia in Asia, Ecclesia in Oceania essential reference point in our pastoral planning