
(1)ACSSA 2013: A look into the history of Religious Orders in the Philippines 05 a
(1)ACSSA 2013: Archival work in the Archives of the Caritas Sisters 10 a
(1)ACSSA 2013: DQM Thailand Historiography 02
(1)ACSSA 2013: FMA Japan Historiography - article presentation 06
(1)ACSSA 2013: FMA Japan Historiography - book presentation 06
(1)ACSSA 2013: FMA Philippines Historiography 02 a
(1)ACSSA 2013: FMA Thailand Historiography 05 a
(1)ACSSA 2013: FMA Vietnam Historiography 03 a.
(1)ACSSA 2013: Historiography of Religious Congregations in Europe 02
(1)ACSSA 2013: Phases of the Historiography of the FMA Institute 04
(1)ACSSA 2013: Quo vadis the writing of religious history 01
(1)ACSSA 2013: SDB China Historiography 04
(1)ACSSA 2013: SDB Myanmar Historiography 01 1.
(1)ACSSA 2013: SDB Philippines History 02 1.
(1)ACSSA 2013: SDB Vietnam Historiography 06
(1)ACSSA 2013: Seminar list of participants
(1)ACSSA 2013: Seminar Program
(1)ACSSA 2103: Historiographical study of Religious Congregation 01
(1)ACSSA 2103: Intl Aspect of Archives 07 a
(1)ACSSA 2103: Management of Historical Information 08
(1)ACSSA 2103: SIHM History - Rooted in charism 11 c.
(1)ACSSA Nairobi Paroles aux Pionniers
(1)ACSSIHM History - Be all to allSA 2013:
(1)AFE Salesian History Decade 1980-1990
(1)Africa-Madagascar|La Regione Africa - Madagascar
(1)Africa-Madagascar|Opere e Salesiani - 2003
(1)Africa-Madagascar|Paesi d’origine dei confratelli
(1)Africa-Madagascar|Statistiche e cenni storici del «Progetto Africa»
(1)Africa-Madagascar|Statistiche generali degli SDB in Africa (2003)
(1)Africa-Madagascar|The Africa - Madagascar Region
(1)Africa-Madagascar|What it means to be young in South Sudan Today?
(1)Album du centenaire Fevrier
(1)Album du Centenaire Janvier
(1)Aspects of pastoral care