NGO 2010 Advocacy


October 16,2010


VIS, COMIDE, JYD, SM-Tom, NPL, PDO INK, Missions Councilor

Points of the sharing:

  1. Formation of the Salesians SDB – on the way

  • Overcome the bias of an ordinary SDB regarding the ‘advocacy’(positive key)

  • Make advocacy part of the New provincial course (annual occasion – Pisana)

  • Follow up of the 2009 Congress on Preventive System and Human Rights

  1. Different levels of ‘Advocacy’ considered

  • Provincial/ national level which is connected to very concrete situation is prefered

  • Regional level as model: South Asia (India), Interamerica (Opcion fundamental?)

  • World level: UN – New York (Tom), UN – Geneve (Carola) and their need of good practices, connections with the grass root level needed for the UN level advocacy and lobbying.

  1. At the institutional level of the Salesian Congregation

  • Some provinces have Justice and Peace Commission (JPIC), we can learn from that – South Asia

  • Need of SDB institutional policy (long term goal) of the RM and his Council: what the Congregation does want (Position paper on important issues)?

  • Central Press Office (=Ufficio Stampa SDB, connected to the ANS) after 4 years now in the phase of realization (slow speed of the Congregation is a reality).

  1. Possible exchange of information and coordination among the NGOs

  • Point of reference for exchange of information (Who?)

  • Make more visible the Human Rights (Congress 2009) at the NGO’s websites (use the link of the of the VIS)

  • Dream: Start a Working Group of DBN (sharing of information, good practices)


Tutto esatto e va bene. Dal mio punta di vista desidererei che chi e' più direttamente coinvolto ci facesse arrivare via E Mail le informazioni su quanto viene programmato in questi centri sui diritti umani ed ancora e su questi mi piacerebbe avere una lista in cui ci sentiamo particolarmente coinvolti (Noi Per Loro).


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