SMD 2011 Poster

The poster for Salesian Missions Day 2011


The invitation Jesus gave his disciples - “Go into all the world …” (Mt 28,19) – is also being repeated today.

Don Bosco accepted and repeated the appeal involving young people making them protagonists in life plans and evangelisation initiatives.

The mosaic, the work of the artist Mario Bogani, is on the external facade of the church at Colle Don Bosco, and reminds us of how the spirit and the activity of the saint of youth were a prolongation of Christ Himself: a new incarnation of the Good Shepherd who loves his flock.

The photographs of young volunteers show how the invitation “Go into all the world…” has been taken up everywhere: young volunteers ready and willing to proclaim the Gospel in different parts of the world.

At the bottom on the left is a photograph of Seán Devereux, a volunteer from England, killed in Somalia in 1993. An example of self-giving taken to its extreme limits: the gift of one’s life for the salvation of others.

The curved lines, with different forms, show how the Gospel adventure continues in time and takes on a variety of expressions.