sede centrale salesiana
Via Marsala 42 - 00185 Roma
Il Consigliere Generale per le Missioni
11 December 2024
Prot 24/ 0591
Identity and Mission
1. The Identity of the Mission Office at Congregational Level 1
The Mission Office is an expression of the Salesian Congregation’s missionary spirit at the service of Don Bosco’s charism. “To support missionary activity, the Rector Major with the consent of his Council and in agreement with the local provincial, may set up mission offices to serve the whole Congregation. Their organisation and method of functioning will depend on the provincial or provincials in whose territory the offices operate, in the light of a statutory agreement made previously with the Rector Major, and in agreement with the General Councillor for the Missions and with the Economer General.” (R. 24; cf. R. 106, § 2).
2. The Purpose of the Mission Office at Congregational Level
Each Mission Office at Congregational level has its own historical development in response to the needs of the Congregation. However, its main purpose is to be at the service of the Rector Major to support the missionary commitment of the whole Congregation through initiatives of information and animation to stir up interest in the Church and society on the missionary activities of the Salesians of Don Bosco, to support the formation of Salesians, new missionary presences and other indications of the Rector Major.
The contribution of the Mission Offices makes possible the start and growth of many missionary projects and continues to be a sign of the involvement of many people in the missionary commitment of the Congregation.
The Mission Office maintains a strong sense of communion with the Salesian Congregation by supporting its worldwide mission, in particular through activities and projects to foster integral evangelisation and integral human development, especially of poor and marginalised young people (C. 6, 30).
The Mission Office at congregational level always functions in accordance with the guidelines established by the Rector Major and his Council and the directives provided by him through his authorised representative.
3. The Statutes
The Mission Office at Congregational level is regulated by its Statutes, which guarantee the Salesian values, Salesian spirituality and Don Bosco’s Preventive System. They are approved by the Rector Major with the consent of his Council. Any revision of the Statutes requires the approval of the Rector Major and his Council.
4. The Governing Board
The Mission Office has a Governing Board that meets at least twice a year and as often as deemed necessary.
Being a Mission Office at Congregational level, the Councillor General for Missions (C. 138), the Economer General (C. 139) and the Regional Councillor responsible for the territory (C. 140) are ex-officio members of the Board. The Local Provincial or his representative is also an ex-officio member (R. 18).
5. The Director
The Rector Major with the consent of his Council, after hearing the opinion of the local Provincial and/or the Provincials concerned, appoints the Director of the Mission Office at Congregational level, Salesian or lay, for a period of three years, renewable but for no more than three consecutive terms.
The Director oversees the day-to-day management, operation and development of the Mission Office in accordance with its Statutes and in line with the guidelines of the Rector Major, personally or through his representative.
The Director, with the consent of his Board of Management, presents to the Governing Board the annual budget and final balance sheet or statement. It is the Director’s task to implement the decisions of the Governing Board.
The Director, with the Board of Management, has autonomous decision-making discretion for requests according to the limit set by its Statutes or by the Rector Major. Above this limit the Governing Board, to which the director will send requests for authorisation, is competent for control and operation.
6. Board of Management
A Board of Management supports the Director in the effective fulfilment of the goal of the Mission Office. Its composition and members are determined by the Statutes. The Director regularly convenes the Board of Management.
The Chairperson of the Board of Management, the members and their term of office are determined by the Statutes.
7. Funding
The Mission Office at Congregational level gives priority to the financing of projects indicated by the Rector Major. Adequate documentation of the prior authorisation of the Rector Major and his Council, required by the Salesian Constitutions, must be presented for requests to finance buildings, open and close houses or change the scope of existing works, construct new buildings, demolish existing ones or make substantial modifications, acquire, alienate, exchange, mortgage or rent property (C. 132 §2, 12; 165 §5; 188 §1, 5).
Funding requests are submitted exclusively by the Provincial, who also certifies that the funding request is in line with the Overall Province Plan (OPP) with the support of his Province Mission Office or Province Planning and Development Office (PDO). Likewise he ensures transparency and administrative accountability.
Funds received for the formation of Salesians and projects must be accounted for according to international accounting standards. Without this accountability, requests for funding of new projects will not be possible.
8. Pastoral Care
For many people, the Mission Office is the only experience of Christianity or the church. Hence, it provides pastoral care so that people who share their resources, regardless of their religious affiliation, have a spiritual perspective, draw closer to God and are in a new spiritual communion with the wider human family.
It also promotes the Christian attitude of stewardship of God’s gifts (Mt 25:14-30) among all stakeholders: donors, missionaries and beneficiaries, and a vision of development that involves the whole person and encompasses all aspects of our humanity, including evangelisation and defence of the integrity of creation.2
The recognition and close relationship with donors is an expression of our gratitude for their commitment, demonstrated through donations and gestures of solidarity.
9. The Missions Sector
Although every Mission Office at congregational level is independent, the Missions Sector, through a contact person of the Sector, coordinates and promotes networking, builds synergies and solidarity in view of a more effective realisation of its identity and mission.
These guidelines were approved by the Vicar (ex. SDB C. art. 143) and the General Council at its 10 December 2024 session. They come into force on 6 January 2025.
Fr Alfred Maravilla, SDB
General Councillor for Missions
1 These are currently Don Bosco Mission (Bonn, Germany), Missioni Don Bosco (Turin, Italy), Misiones Salesianas (Madrid, Spain), Salesian Missions (New Rochelle, USA).
2 Cf. “The Province Mission Office. Guidelines and Orientations”, in AGC 443, p.44-45.