Progetto Europa rifiugiati e migranti IRL


  1. Which works (houses) in your province are involved in the migrant/refugee ministry?

The Malta Delegation has one presence that provides shelter for homeless young people. Some beds (around 50%) are offered for young immigrants.

  1. Where are the migrant/refugees present in your settings? (parish, school, vocational training, refugee center, hostel, chaplaincy, Oratory Youth centers )

The home is run as a youth hostel, forming part of the work of the Oratory, although the house is not placed physically as part of the Oratory. The confreres running the house forms part of the Oratory Community, and the Community House Council are responsible for the running of the Hostel.

  1. Who are the destinataries? (youth, families, groups)

The destinaries are young people between 17 and 20 years of age.

  1. Where are the migrants (or majority of them) from? Ex: country, ethnic group..

They mostly come from African Countries, the majority from Somalia. We also have some coming from sub-saharan countries, like Ivory Coast, Nigeria, Ghana and Sierra Leon.

  1. How many confreres are involved in this ministry (local level, provincial level..)?

The Delegation has so far one confrere who is directly responsible for the running of the project.

  1. Special needs, suggestions, open questions regarding the migrant ministry?

We feel the need of a more comprehensive approach to the Immigrant issue within the Congregation. A creation of a network on immigrants’ issues should help in creating a more supportive environment for confreres working directly with immigrants, especially if confreres already working in countries of origin of the young immigrants are involved in the process of analysis of the situation of the young people. Confrères working within the receiving countries need a supportive set-up within the congregation that would give them a clearer vision of what is needed to help immigrants build a better future for themselves, especially when it comes to social integration.

In the case of Malta, the immigrants themselves do not seek social integration as their intention is to relocate themselves to another country within mainland Europe, or America. What we can offer is temporary shelter and a safe environment where the immigrants can find the necessary preparation for a swifter transition to another country.