Study Days Africa 2012 Programme

Study Days on The Salesian Mission

and the Initial Proclamation of Christ in Africa & Madagascar

Addis Ababa, Ethiopia November 5 – 9, 2012

General Objectives of the Study Days

The Study Days are meant to foster reflective discussions and a deeper contextualised reflection on the importance of Initial Proclamation in Africa in order to arrive at a deeper understanding of the challenges and discover new insights and perspectives in view of a renewed missionary praxis.

Program and Schedule of the Study Days

Part I. Situation Analysis(November 5)

Part II. Study & Reflection (November 6-8)

Part III. Formulation of Conclusions (November 9)

November 4Arrival

Part I. Situation Analysis

November 5Liturgical Animation SDB & FMA - Ethiopia

7.00Eucharist (Fr. Genaro Gegantoni) with Lauds / Breakfast

8.30Welcome: SDB & FMA Provincials

Fr. Václav Klement & Sr. Alaíde Deretti

Presentation of facilitators & participants

Presentation of persons responsible of logistics

(Br. Cesare Bullo & Sr. Sr. Rita Varini )

Presentation of the program and Schedule of the Study days

An Overview of the theme of the Study days (2010-today Fr.Alfred)

9.40presentation of the day / Introduction (workshop method)

Moderator of the day: Fr. Alfred Maravilla


10.30Presentation of the situation analysis

(Sr. Ruth del Pilar Mora FMA & Fr. Alex Mulongo SDB)

dialogue with the speakers

personal study of the report


15.00group discussion on the situation analysis: form your own perspective what do you think needs to be added or underlined to the situation analysis?

16.00 pause

16.30 group reporting

17.00Initial Proclamation: Rediscovering its Meaning and Relevance for Africa

(Fr. Alfred Maravilla)

dialogue with the speaker

17.45 group discussion

18.45 group report and / or open discussion

19.15 vespers / Good Night (Sr. Alaide Deretti)

19.30 evening meal

(20.45secretariat meeting)

Part II. Study & Reflection

November 6Liturgical Animation FMA/SDB Africa Anglophone

7.00Eucharist (Fr. Javier Barrientos) with Morning Prayers / Breakfast

8.45presentation of the day / Introduction (workshop method)

Moderator of the day: Sr. Maike Loes

9.00Biblical Reflection - (Sr. Maria Ko FMA)

9.30 Talk: «Initial Proclamation and Dialogue with cultures traditional

religions and urban societies of Africa and Madagascar »

- Fr. Innocent Maganya Halerimana, Miss.Afr.

clarification with the speaker


11.00Response to the talk: Implications to the Salesian mission


dialogue with the speakers


15.00group discussion: discuss the application of the talk to your own context: Challenges, opportunities and new insights


17.00group report and / or open discussion

17.45summarising (workshop method)


18.10sharing of experience on initial proclamation

1 participant (Sr. Adriana Pertusi)

18.45Emerging insights in the discussions today

(SDB & FMA Facilitators)

19.15 vespers / Good Night (Fr. Angelo Regazzo)

19.30 evening meal

(20.45secretariat meeting)

November 7 Liturgical Animation FMA & SDB Africa Francophone

7.00Eucharist (Fr. Lambert Malungu) with Morning Prayers / Breakfast

8.45presentation of the day / Introduction (workshop method)

Moderator of the day: Fr. Alfred Maravilla

9.00Biblical Reflection - (Sr. Maria Ko)

9.30Talk: « Initial Proclamation in Educative Settings »

- Abune Lesanechristos Matheos

clarification with the speaker


10.50Response to the talk: Implications to the Salesian mission

- Sr. Lucia Cargnoni

dialogue with the speakers

11.20a brief group discussion: discuss the application of the talk to your own context: Challenges, opportunities and new insights

12.00group report and / or open discussion


afternoon - visit / tourism

November 8Liturgical Animation FMA & SDB Africa Lusophone

7.00Eucharist (Fr. André Kazembe Nkomba) with Morning Prayers / Breakfast

8.45presentation of the day / Introduction (workshop method)

Moderator of the day: Sr. Maike Loes

9.00Biblical Reflection - (Sr. Maria Ko)

9.30Emerging insights in the discussions today


9.45 pause

10.15 Talk: «From Initial Proclamation to Catechumenate»

- Sr. Patricia Finn, FMA

clarification with the speaker

11.30Response to the talk: Implications to the Salesian mission

- Fr. Joy Sebastian

dialogue with the speakers


15.00group discussion: discuss the application of the talk to your own context: Challenges, opportunities and new insights


17.00group report and / or open discussion

17.45summarising (workshop method)


18.10sharing of experience on initial proclamation

1 participant (Fr. Albert Kabuge)

18.45Emerging insights in the discussions today


19.15 vespers / Good Night (Sr. Roberta Tomasi)

19.30 evening meal

(20.45secretariat meeting)

21.00 – 22.00serata (please prepare an item!)

Part III. Formulation of Conclusions

November 9Liturgical Animation SDB Missions Department & FMA Ambito Missione

7.00Eucharist (Fr. Václav Klement) with Morning Prayers / Breakfast

8.45presentation of the day / Introduction (workshop method)

Moderator of the day: Fr. Alfred Maravilla

9.00Biblical Reflection - (Sr. Maria Ko)

9.30 Talk: «The Opportunities and challenges of Initial proclamation for

SDBs & FMAs in Africa & Madagascar» - Fr. Joseph Minja, SDB

clarification with the speaker

10.30 pause

10.50Response to the talk: Implications to the Salesian mission

Sr. Charlotte Greer FMA

dialogue with the speakers

11.20group discussion: discuss the application of the talk to your own context: Challenges, opportunities and new insights

12.00group report and / or open discussion


14.30Emerging perspectives during these study days in view of a renewed

missionary praxis (facilitators)

15.00separate SDB & FMA meetings


17.15General Assembly to inform about the SDB & FMA discussions

18.30Conclusion: Fr. Václav Klement, Sr. Alaíde Deretti

19.00evening meal / departure

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