Sampran - Initial proclamation of Christ - notes

2011-Initial proclamation of Christ (=IP)


East Asia

Minutes / insights

What is the initial proclamation?

  • Not only in the chronological sense, not only from the point of the ‘recipient’

  • Let’s learn from Jesus, the First Proclaimer (Gospels) and the Apostles (Acts)

  • Lectio divina of ‘case studies’ is very helpful (John chapter 2-4, Mk 6)

  • Way of living the Church mission (ecclesial style) in order to stir up the interest in the person of Jesus Christ (suscitare interesse)

  • INITIAL PROCLAMATION is a style of ecclesial life, constituted of all forms of personal, community witness, dialogue, word, friendship or action, that arouse the interest in the person (knowledge of) of Jesus Christ, on the part of those who have not yet heard about Him or abandoned or manifest indifference in Christian faith. This is considered as the first step in the process of evangelization.

  • What model of initial proclamation? (4 suggested in Sampran, two complementary models were chosen: Jesus Christ, context, message, proclaimers, methods…

  • In traditional catholic family context the IP is not very difficult. But the fast eroding family life values and broken families are our reality.

  • When most of our time is dedicated to educational, social services, we need to keep the ‘core business’ of initial proclamation (as the gate of evangelization) at the center.

  • First step might be already ‘removing the negative image’ of Catholic Church, through a friendly ‘indirect’ approach.

  • Ecumenical striving is very important in countries with weak ecumenical traditions.

  • As a small flock in Asia we are called to be a ‘creative minority’. The smaller we are, deeper identity, convictions and motivations we need.

  • When we don’t touch in our education process the heart and soul of peoples and cultures, the initial proclamation can’t happen.

  • Consecrated Life should be a powerful stimulus to Gospel proclamation.

  • Elements of a complex process: Work of God (God’s story telling), Poor youth help (they are the start of the faith journey), Witness or anti-witness of Church community, Spirit of God already working in the hearts of youth, in the cultures; Church with a humble, simple life style witness open and reaching to others.

Terminology related to the initial proclamation

(cfr. RM 44;Verbum Domini 97; Lineamenta 2012,19;)

  • Non believers?

  • Non Catholics?

  • Followers of other religions

  • Proclamation (only verbal)? / from the social communication point of view

  • Explicit and implicit proclamation of Jesus?

  • Dialogue, witness and proclamation (3in1:EN 22, RM 44): what kind of relationship?

  • Traditional religions, traditional religiosity

  • Pre-evangelization (? Not used anymore, only 65+ generation)

Stories of initial proclamation are best material to reflect upon (concrete, incarnate, deep)

  • Buddhist parents ask to baptize their children. Why? You don’t ask us to become Catholics, but your life shows us something special (WITNESS value)!

  • Priest or religious humbly present as a volunteer (WITNESS value)!

  • Lay witness is more powerful than witness of consecrated persons (since it’s taken for granted by the other believers)

  • You speak like a Catholic priest (GIA), without knowing his identity.

  • Taiwan atheists are more open than the believers of traditional religions.

  • Personal and community life witness creates friendship, shows God’s love.

  • We are just sawing, other will harvest: need of deep patience in God’s grace effects

  • Some of our Salesians are considered a ‘living Jesus’ by other religion believers (sacrificed and joyful dedication to the service amongst the poor, 5AM each morning)

  • Life witness in basic literacy (Don Bosco brings education – is a bridge for knowing Jesus in Buddhist environment)

  • What kind of wisdom from the Korean statistics (2000-2010) when Catholic Church grew twice (2.5 M to 5M) and in the same period the Protestant Churches diminished about 0.27M of followers (according official government statistics). Are they more exclusive, rejecting some basic elements of cultural/religious nature (Legend about the Grandfather of the Nation), polarizing their followers and the ‘rest’ (terms like Hell, Heaven) at the background of ‘too timid Catholics’, charity approach of many benefits offered to the new converts at the background ‘also government can do this’!

  • When Jesus is all around, how to make the visual expression? (Buddha looking Jesus) We are called to project the face and words of Jesus already present in the heart of history, person and cultures. While reaching out to the hearts of persons, cultures and communities we are progressing in cycles (context, method, formation).

HOW TO PROCLAIM CHRIST? (open questions)

  • We need a human space to proclaim (relationship). In Asia important is the other, first you speak about his/her favorite color…)

  • We need to be true to the message (credibility)

  • We need a human environment to proclaim (BEC, family spirit, morality taught)

  • We need to show a simple, poor lifestyle which attracts

  • We need courage to tell our own faith (in Jesus Christ) story

  • We need friends open approach to our youth (assistance, accompaniment)

  • Only when we are listening, we will be also listened

  • How is our education, social work becoming an initial proclamation experience?

  • How to reconcile the respect to other religions and convinced proclamation? (it’s not about ‘forcing’ conversions?)

  • How to present Jesus to those, who are self-sufficient, closed in their own religious worldview?

  • Regular invitation on special occasion to all, Catholics and other religion followers (Christmas, Don Bosco, Easter), with attractive songs, dances, dramas

  • Initial proclamation process is very long (GIA: among 100 students 1 baptism during the school period, then after 20-30 years after graduation)

  • Are we still too much fixed on the ‘outcome’ conversion numbers, new believers birth OR are we able to grow as servants / initial proclaimers with humble, constant and patient heart? (MYM, GIA)

  • ‘Jesus storytelling’ is not just to speak about Jesus (Ecclesia in Asia,20 – 1st AMC)

  • Only the ‘local’ community can make the initial proclamation happen!

  • Experience of being loved seems be the first step for 90% (hospitality, listening, forgiveness in not-forgiving environment)

  • Evocative pedagogy

  • We are called take note of ‘attraction or fascination’ chain (Gospel, Acts), powered by friendly relations or small group dynamics. Main actor is Jesus: calling, saving, approaching first and walking along all. Other actor is a person touched by Jesus: listening, obedient to ‘his authority’, surprised and willing transform own life.

HOW TO TRAIN THE PROCLAIMERS? (Formation of our youth, Lay, Salesians)

  • Friendship is most important, making friends

  • Human formation of the missionaries is the first step of training

  • Need to deepen OPEN MENTALITY to other religions (NA 2) and ROOTEDNESS and PROUD in our own religion in the globalized context

  • First step of inculturation, immersion is to learn the language (within 5 years three new languages / SDB) in order to understand and touch the heart and soul of the youth

  • Typical Asian: Buddhist head, Shaman heart, Confucian hands and Modern foot

  • Collecting present doubts, questions, objections and biases as a starting point.

  • Listen to the Pastors, who reflected thousands of times (Asia Synod 1998, Ecclesia in Asia 1999, FABC voice, Bishops of Asia)

WHAT KIND OF PARADIGM SHIFT IS NEEDED (path to go, way to walk)?

  • From doing for Jesus, to BEING with Jesus.

  • From HOW MANY to WHY, HOW to keep on proclaiming

  • From WHAT shall we do to HOW to give our hand to Jesus and his Spirit.

  • From …. To look at our life as initial proclamation mission occasion (cfr. German Church is missing not priest, money but a conviction to be able generate new believers), hence the Gospel of Jesus is the best gift we can share with the youth

  • Jesus Christ does not belong only to Christians, he belong to all humanity!

  • Christian witness is not complete without a verbal ‘proclamation’ about Jesus Christ and Christian proclamation is not credible without a living witness. (cfr. EN 22)

  • The first beneficiary of the proclamation experience is the proclaimer (Christian joy filled, faith strengthened disciple of Jesus, RMi 2;)

  • Three pillars: small community + listening to God’s Word + simple poor serving life

ABSENCE OF (What do we not talk about?)

  • Documents of the Church, especially of the Asian Churches, FABC, Ecclesia in Asia are unknown by the majority of the participants

  • Different and not-so-clear definitions of the IP produce (many) long documents!

  • East Asia is a mosaic or puzzle (to slowly compose)?

  • How do we accept the Asian psychology: is difficult to impossible to reconcile a search for truth and correction in our dialogue (of life). Need of each person to be really autonomous (Asia: group identity, belonging, even decision making) and need to be connective?

  • Need to ask: What are the existential questions of our young people?

  • Do we still need Christianity in my own (peaceful Buddhist) country? Peace loving Burmese have a perception or ‘foreign, violent, war prone Christian countries’.

  • Personal challenge to put together FAITH=LIFE, CULTURE, RELIGION!

  • Educating our youth to be ‘good Muslims’ and honest citizens (not corrected).

  • Difficulty to express Christian faith in Khmer terms.

  • Language of heart is not enough, we need to learn the language of the culture well, and continue whole life (CG26 – for all Salesians: talking 20 min, repeated by 30 Khmer teacher later on).


  1. Personal level of insight before starting the topic (2 points write, share with 1)

  2. Confront after the key talk, in the group sharing

  3. Confront after the full day

DIALOGUE with CULTURES (in Asia much overlapped with religions or even identified)

  • Deep roots of our Buddhist culture of our ancestors

  • All of South East Asia countries are influenced by modern Korean culture (soap opera, pop song, youth music and way of dressing)

  • Modernity is doing away of mystical, sacred values (animist environment insight), our youth are more becoming secularized, losing the meaning of life, all classic science is ‘godless’ presenting a superficial worldview (don’t look beyond the surface of reality)

  • Need to educate the youth how to make the experience of God

  • Old and young Christians living in the fast changing cultural globalized context

  • Youth are confused by cultural values being attacked or manipulated

  • Working with the migrants (CIN< KOR>GIA), double identity ‘choose it’!


  • Emerging religious movement with a strong influence (El Shaddai, Couples for Christ, Charismatic movement) and VC

  • Best allies are other Christians (need of ecumenical dialogue and alliance), although our reports sound quite negative regarding our Protestant Churches relations

  • Shaman invites the (materialistic) priest to give thanks to God?! Believe, that 500M of ethnic people around the world will help us to recover the God presence-sense

  • God is present in all religious experiences, need to discover his presence.

  • Challenges of relativism or syncretism (our own!), meditative cultures (vs. our own superficiality amidst the high religious sensitivity of Asia).

  • What good news for the Buddhist? Your life has a much value! Meet urgent needs of the people. Buddhist countries moral is to follow the group (fixed marriages), but the DB past pupils are trained in an ‘evangelical’ way’, rejecting the parents matching. Especially to bring ‘forgiveness’ to Asian context is a good ‘news’, out of frame!

  • In multi-religious context we need to be ‘more firmly rooted in Jesus’ and more ‘listening’ to other religion believers and their tradition and culture.

  • Rather controversial symbols taken from other religions (Lotus in Catholic Church considered as stolen ‘from our religion’ claimed by Buddhist or considered by old Catholics as ‘not Christian’ (since they are accustomed to ‘western style’ art as ‘typically’ Catholic or Christian.

DIALOGUE in the POVERTY context: new frontiers

  • GC26 new frontiers: Poor youth, Social Communication, Family, Project Europe

  • For us is always more challenging working with the poor, than working for the poor!

  • Attention to the migrants as group in need, as well as resource of IP

  • Global realities in local perspective: urbanization, new media,

  • Quite rare connection between a ‘managerial’ model of our social, developmental work and initial proclamation: coming with terms of THINK, FEEL, CAN, WANT.

  • Two main convictions: (1) values are based on unique, personal experience of ‘consumers’ vs. deep personal experience of God; (2) no firm is big enough in scope and size to satisfy the experience of one consumer at time, all are compelled to networking.

  • What is Jesus brand? Don Bosco brand? (values, personality, delivered ‘good’). Related to the poor: they are blessed, there is the Kingdom of God (vs. UN world bank language)

  • Humanizing evangelical poverty loved by God (even amidst of Chinese materialistic pragmatism – satisfaction with essentials, Mama Margaret ‘I was born poor, I live poor and want to die poor) and de-humanizing poverty hated by God: misery, lack of essentials, fruit of social injustice for which God will judge the rich). Only the POOR of both sides can evangelize the poor (Blessed are you, poor..!)

  • Empower the poor to be protagonist of their own development, growth.

  • Order of Playground (1), Home (2), School (3), Parish (4) methodological (Vivat)


  • Sharing of the concrete experience of initial proclamation, analysis, conditions

  • Introduction SDB (five points to consider), FMA, FAQ, Goals of Study Days

  • Convocation letter and Conclusion letter to the Provincials

  • Conclusion FMA, SDB (homily and main insights): Return to Jesus, Community witness and Integral educative passion; IP as a ongoing conversion challenge, Scripture message of Biblical scholar presence (Lectio), Witness and proclamation.

  • Daily wrap up / Emerging Insights (day 1-2-3-4: IP, cultures, religions, scheme)

  • Lectio divina (Acts 8, John 1-2, John 3-4, Luke 1, Mk 6) by Maria Ko, ppt, text

  • Liturgy (Evangelization of peoples, St. Versiglia & Caravario: ppt

  • Guided visit to four historical churches of Bangkok & Catholic History of Thailand (wonderful insight of the dawn of foreign missionaries work, resistance and insight from the local point of view: mixture of French evangelizing zeal and colonialism)

  • Key talks and reply, questions in the assembly (Fr. Niphot, Fr. Ponchaud, Mr. Vivat)

Digital archives of the EA mission study days 2011

Dear all, Swasdee kha, now I have update vdo clips and photos on youtube and piccasaweb ... about your study Days onThe Salesian Mission and the Initial Proclamation of Christ in the Three-fold Context of East Asia at Sampran Thailand,  on August 14 – 18, 2011. So I let you all know it. Thanks again for the rich as a witness. May God bless you all. Have a good Mission! yours Sr.Wirinthip,fma ( sent on August 23,2011
Summary Salesian Mission 2011 - ENG

Summary Salesian Mission 2011 - ITA
Summary Salesian Mission 2011 - Look Back
Photos on the last day

Participants Email list




FMA,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, "Sr.Nitaya yawasang"

Salesians of Don Bosco group sharing for the conclusion (August 18,2011, PM)

Initial proclamation of Christ

  • For the missionaries need for immersion and listening time (not just giving our own idea from the beginning)

  • Missiology a compulsory subject in the specific formation period (theology): for the missionary preparation and also that the community does understand a missionary

  • Clarify some misunderstanding about IP (it’s for all? It’s mission ad gentes?)

  • Make aware our superiors, fellow confreres that there is a lot of youth in need of the IP and our own task is to help them to meet Jesus Christ. Catechesis as we already do, is not enough for this goal.

  • We should be clear about missio ad gentes and inter gentes. In our EAO context the ‘inter gentes’ is to be more stressed.

  • Still to give the IP mentality to our lay mission partners is not considered

  • Need of a personal, community process of conversion. Need of our own evaluation in order to go deeper, need to be more identified with Jesus, to shine his Light!

  • Is challenging to reach out as a parish priest absorbed by the catholic community issues(KOR)

  • Policy of other religions followers employment in our institution (IP impact!), real issue is the natural selection (Sophia University with a lay, non catholic president). SDB are the only Congregation with Salesian priests as principals in our schools!

Missionary animation

  • Might be useful to bring the IP as MA topic for one year (SMD – Asia focus 2012!)

  • More volunteer formation needed (SALVO)

  • In all of our settings to implement the PSDB as the way of evangelization

  • DIAM should be involved in the Provincial animation structures (regular access to the Provincial council and Rectors Meeting) with a specific agenda. Need of more managerial type of decision, animate those who are animating others!

  • Need to address the EAO provincial with a letter after this study days.

  • Experience of past 6 years of lines of action (Volunteers, rectors meeting, SYM meeting invitation for volunteers, creating awareness slowly with a constancy). SALVO separate, not under the YM – it’s effectively under the Provincial services.

  • Need of mission immersion of the young confreres, not only intellectual inputs

  • GIA model of MA: 4 pillars (Cagliero11 in Japanese; Annual local community visit with a specific ‘missionary’ message on the recollection day; DVBG since 1991, Annual DVBG reporting with a Missionary Festival – kind of Harambee).

  • MYM as a ‘sleeping’ province with few education works (compared to SJ, FMA!)

CS – group sharing

  • Our Lord is sending people to us to share our faith and witness our relationship

  • Listening need: God is speaking through our surrounding

  • Effort to be ‘ordinary life witness’ – demanding basics while ‘offering’

  • A space as lay man among 0.5M of foreigners in the country

  • First is the personal witness (you are not a wolf, you a kind person)

  • As foreigners suggested not to ‘advice’ about very delicate intra-ecclesial matters