Don Bosco's Earliest Biographies
titles in over two dozen languages we find listed a number of early,
modest biographical sketches of Don Bosco and his work that were
intended for, or seem to have reached, only a limited readership--and
that, in any case, never reached the English-speaking public in
translation. 2
In 1881 Dr. Charles D'Espiney published a short anecdotal
biography of Don Bosco in French, the first "serious" biographical essay
on Don Bosco to appear in book form. It achieved immediate and
notable success, and went through numerous reprintings and no less
than ten editions within Don Bosco's lifetime--the thirteenth and last
edition coming as late as 1924.3
Ceria, S.D.B., An American Edition Translated from the Original Italian, Rev. Diego Borgatello.
S.D.B., Editor-In-chief. New Rochelle. New York: Saleslana Publishers, 1985 (vol. 14). 1988 (vol.
15). (cited as EBMJ
Cavaglia, Plera. "Don Bosco lettore della sua biografia. Osservazlonl al volume di A.
Du Boys, Don Bosco e la Pia Societd Salesiana (1884)." Rivista di Scienze dell'Educazione 22:2
(1984) 193-206. (cited as Cavaglli)
McPake, Martin, Some Reflections on the English Biographies of Don Bosco.
Unpublished typescript. [cited as McPake)
Stella, Pietro, Don Bosco: Life and Work, translated. by John Drury. New Rochelle,
New York: Don Bosco Publications. 1985. [cited as Stella, DB:L&W)
_ _ _ _, Don Bosco and the Death of Charles, An Appendix to Don Bosco: Life
and Work, translated by John Drury. New Rochelle, New York: Don Bosco Publications, 1985.
[cited as Stella, Charles)
2 cr. Ricaldone, DB Ed. Omitting a number of publis h ed birthday olTerings, and
several funeral orations and obituaries published on Don Bosco's death In 1888, the followtng
may be cited: Bardcssono dci Conti di Nigra, Don Giovanni Bosco. (?), 1871; (Count) Carlo
Conestablle, Opere religiDse e sociali in Italia. Padova: Tipografla del Seminario, 1878; )Bishop!
Antonio Belaslo, Non abbiamo paural L'Opera di Don Bosco, miracolo dell'Apostolato Cattolica
(Letture Cattolichel. Torino: Llbreria Saleslana, 1979; L. Mendre, Dom Bosco, notice sur son
Oeuvre. Marseille: )?f. 1879; Luigi Bigtnelli, Don Bosco. Torino: Tipografla G. Derossi, 1883; L.
Aubineau, Dom Bosco, sa biDgraphie, ses oeuvres et son sejour ii Paris. Paris: Jossc, 1883; )Un
ancien Magistrat), Dom Bosco a Paris, sa vie et ses oeuvres. Paris: Llbrairic Ressaire. 1883 )119
p.); )Bishop) Marcelo Spinola, Don Bosco y su obra. Barcelona: Tip. Cat6lica, 1884 )111 p.);
Johannes Janssen, Don Bosco und das Oratorium von hi. Franz oon Sales. Steyl:
Missionsdruckerel, 1885.
3 charles D'Esplney, Dom Bosco. Nice: typographic. e t lithographic Malvano-
Mlgnon, 1881 Jelled as D'Eaplney 1881).
In reviewing the tenth edition of 1888, Fr. Louis Cartier wrote: 'The close and
constant relationship that M. d'Espiney has always enjoyed with Don Bosco himself, with Fr.
Rua, Don Bosco's vicar and now his successor, with Father Durando and the entire Superior
Chapter of Turin, and with the Patronage Saint Pierre In Nice, gives his account an air of
authority on which the re ader can rely." )Bulletin Salesien 10 (1888) 97, quoted In Stella ,
Charles, p. 4, n. 15.) Dr. Charles D'Esplney. "a Catholic gentleman of the old school", was a
practicing physician In his native Nice and in the Crau d'Hyere, near Toulon and Marseille. His
acquaintance with, and support of, the Saleslan work In France dated back practically to Its
founding in Nice In 1875. However, he first appears In the Biographical Memoirs In 1879 In
connection with the cure by Don Bosco of Count and Countess de Villeneuve, both patients of
the doctor's at Hyeres (cf. EBM 14, p. 19, 22f. and IBM 14, p. 696f.). In 1881, during another