Don Albera's Visits During Don Bosco's Last Illness
Paolo Albera describes the devastation experienced by "the heart of a son" who
loses his father. We realize that this description applies as much to himself as it
does to Bishop Lasagna: Paolo Albera feels like an orphan.30
Paolo Albera believed that Salesians must continually strive to live as
worthy sons of Don Bosco. He returned to this theme often in his writings31 ll1d
talks,32 and this concern lies at the core of his understanding of his own role as
superior. He obeyed Don Bosco and he strove to imitate him, but he did not stop
at externals. Fr. Albera longed to live Don Bosco's spirit. Like Elisha with the
prophet Elijah, Fr. Albera had sensed and dreaded that he must soon separate
himself from Don Bosco. His prayer may well have been: "May I receive a
double portion of your spirit...33 And if this prayer could never be put into
words, lest it offend Piedmontese reserve, it seems that this gift was indeed given
to him. In the years that followed, the people in Marseilles recognized Don
Bosco alive in Fr. Albera.34 His confreres recognized this same spirit, and elected
him to the Salesian general council in 1892 as spiritual director general. His
deep spirituality was linked with an unassuming manner that endeared him to
adults and young people. In 1910, after the death of Blessed Michael Rua, it was
Paolo Albera who was chosen as Don Rosco 's second successor. He was, as the
people of Marseilles called him, "le petit Don Bosco" - little Don Bosco.35
3oWhen Michael Rua died in 1910, Fr. Albera reflected in his spiritual journal
that the Salesians were "again orphans of our father." Cf. ASC, B0320109, entry for
April 6, 1910.
31Fr. Albera often used the phrase "son of D. Bosco" to carry a sense of heritage,
duty, fidelity; cf. e.g. Albera, Mons. Luigi Lasagna, 283, 335-336, 344, 368; Leuere
circolari, 53, 107, 108, 110, 113, 146, 155, 163, 194, 214, 227, 228, 230, 240,
248, 260, 263, 264, 270, 271, 272, 310, 311, 323, 324, 330, 331, 334, 335, 336,
358, 366, 368, 370, 371, 379, 435, 438, 440, 470, 472; Lettere circolari ai
Salesiani militari, 32 printed circular letters (Torino: 19 March 1916 - 24 December
1918, ASC, E223), 3:2, 4:2, 6:2-3, 10:1 -3, 22:3-4.
32cf. Paolo Albera, "Tutto per Gesu: lstruzioni per gli Esercizi Spirituali," AMs.,
1893, pp. 74-75, ASC, 80480113 ; "Raccolta di lstruzioni predicate dal Sign. D.
Albera, Catechista Generale de' Salesiani, in occasione degli Esercizi Spirit. Tenuti in
Foglizzo agli Ascritti Salesiani ii Marzo 1894," Ms., 1894, p. 27, ASC, B0480115;
"Notes confidentielles prises pour le bien de mon rune," AMs., 1898, ASC,
B0320104: entry for 9 November 1898; "l struzioni Direttori," AMs., 1903. pp. 2 1,
39, ASC, B048013; pp. 44, 45, ASC, 80480137; "Esercizi Direllori 1910,"
[Ins tructions for the Spiritual Exercises preceding the Eleventh General Chapter of
the Salesian Society] AMs., 1910, insert p. 1, ASC, B0480138.
33cf. 2Kgs 2:9.
34cf. "Moteur et Moteur," Bulletin Salisien 13.4 (April 1891): 67-68.
350n the night of Paolo Albera's election as rector major, the Osservatore
Romano reported that D. Bosco's spirit had been transfused into Paolo Albera:
"Basti dire che in Francia egli e designato col nome di Petit don Bosco. I salesiani ,
sotto la sua direzione, non potranno fare a meno di prosperare," [Quoted in