Fl-1877, Dun Bosco beda jippubblika “Il Bibliofilo Cattolico”. Wara sentejn , semmieh -
Bollettino Salesiano”. Kien jo˙or©u bi ˙sieb li jg˙aqqad lil dawk kollha li g˙andhom g˙al
qalbhom il-˙idma Salesjana fid-dinja kollha, billi jwasslilhom tag˙rif fuq il-˙ajja tal-
Kongregazzjoni Salesjana. Tag˙lim siewi g˙all-˙ajja Nisranija. Insibuh imxerred mad-dinja
kif iddur, mitbug˙ f’aktar minn g˙oxrin ilsien ewlieni … fosthom il-Malti wkoll fiç-çokon
tieg˙u. F’sena jitqassmu ‘l fuq minn g˙axar miljun kopja. Hawn Malta jo˙ro© ta˙t l-isem
‘˙ajja Salesjana’ u kull xahrejn, barra x-xhur tas-sajf – Lulju, u Awissu. Jitqassam b’xejn
lil kull min jitolbu. G˙alhekk wie˙ed jista’ jikteb lill-Editur:
Hajja Salesjana
c/o St. Patrick’s School, Triq San Gwann Bosco,
Sliema SLM 10, Malta.
Tel. 21 33 0238 e-mail: joecini@onvol.net
Jie˙u ˙sieb Fr. Joe Cini SDB
Bord Editorjali Fr. Victor Mangion SDB
Margaret Bu˙agiar
Andre’ Camilleri
Josie Grech
Jg˙inuh ukoll Fr. Charles Cini SDB
Eileen Alden
Joyce Scicluna
Juliana Kroeger
Joe M. Busuttil
Óajr minn qalbna lill-˙bieb tag˙na
li jibag˙tu xi ˙a©a tal-flus g˙an-nefqa biex
il-Óajja Salesjana jista’ jintbag˙at b’xejn
• Dawk li mqar bit-talb tag˙hom jg˙inu
fil-˙idma Salesjana
• Dawk li jg˙inu l-vokazzjonijiet g˙all-
˙ajja Reli©juΩa Salesjana
Infakkru lill-qarrejja tag˙na li l-˙idma
Salesjana Maltija tinfirex ukoll fl-Afrika ta’
fuq, fit-TuneΩija.
Designed & Printed by Salesian Press
Editorjal/Editorial ....................................
Pedago©ija Salesjana
Ir-Rigal tal-Óajja 2 .........................
Calendar of Salesian Events ................
A˙barijiet minn Tag˙na .................
Dun Ìorg Preca ...............................
Something to Think About
Truths of Life .......................................
World Youth Day.............................
L’Orkestra F’ Savio College...............
Youth Point
I’ll quit tomorrow ........................
Youth Leadership Weekend...............
Chain of Love ...........................
Don Bosco in Nigeria.....................
When a King visits..............................
BorΩa ta’ Studju ................................
Bikeathlon ..........................................
Festa / Austrajla..................................
A Salesian View of the World ...........
Laqd˙a Internazzjonali..........................
It is madness ......................................
Meta Çensa Ltaq˙et ma’ l-Ors.......
ieghed nikteb dawn il-ftit kliem
lilkom, g˙eΩieΩ qarrejja ta’ ˙ajja
Salesjana, fl-a˙˙ar ©img˙a tax-xahar ta’
Marzu meta fiha ja˙btu Ωew© mumenti
liturgiçi li g˙andhom x’jaqsmu ma’ Marija
Santissma. Bdejna din il-©img˙a bil-festa
tal-Lunzjata (it-t˙abbira ta’ l-An©lu) u ser
nispiççawha bil-festa devota u tipikament
Maltija tad-Duluri. FiΩ-Ωew© okkaΩjonijiet
naraw lil Marija mag˙quda b’mod l-aktar
intimu ma’ binha Gesu`. Fl-ewwel kwadru
naraw lil Marija tilqa’ l-missjoni li Alla jrid
jafdalha u nemmnu li f’dak il-mument tnissel
f’©ufha l-Iben ta’ Alla. Fit-tieni ©rajja naraw
il-qalb ta’ Marija, minfuda bid-dieqa u t-
tbatija, ting˙aqad ma’ dik ta’ Binha mislub,
f’g˙aqda ta’ m˙abba g˙all-bnedmin kollha.
Dan kollu fakkarni kif intom tirçievu l-
˙ajja Salesjana fil-bidu tax-xahar ta’
Mejju, ix-xahar dedikat lill-Madonna.
Nixtieq g˙alhekk infakkarkom sabiex
tag˙mlu mezz u ssibu mumenti meta turu
d-devozzjoni tag˙kom lejn Marija, Omm
Gesu`u Ommna. Fil-knejjes u f’˙afna skejjel,
ji©u organiΩΩati mumenti ta’ devozzjoni
lejn Marija u dawn g˙andhom jg˙inuna
napprofittaw minnhom u nissie˙bu ma’
o˙rajn sabiex nuru l-qima tag˙na lejn
Marija. La tinsg˙ux tipprattikaw xi
devozzjoni wkoll fil-familja, sabiex Marija
taqlg˙alkom l-barka t’Alla. Din tista’
tikkonsisti fir-reçta tar-ruΩarju jew qari
mill-Bibbja li jkellimna fuq Marija, jew xi
talba speçjali li ting˙ad kuljum. Tkun ˙a©a
sabi˙a jekk, b˙ala devoti ta’ San Ìwann
Bosco, tag˙mlu n-novena ta’ Marija
G˙ajnuna ta’ l-Insara (15 - 23 ta’ Mejju) u
mbag˙ad tattendu g˙all-purçissjoni devota
li ssir ©o Tas-Sliema nhar il-Óadd, 27 ta’
Dun Bosco kellu g˙al qalbu ˙afna lil dan
ix-xahar propju min˙abba l-im˙abba u d-
devozzjoni kbira li huwa kellu g˙al Marija
Santissma. Kien jissu©©erixxi lit-tfal u lis-
Salesjani xi g˙amil sabi˙ kuljum, f’©ie˙
Marija, u kien ifakkarhom li min i˙obb lil
din l-Omm, i˙obb lil Binha, u li hija
tressaqna dejjem lejH.
am writing these few words to you,
dear readers of ˙ajja Salesjana, during
the last week of March, which started with
the liturgical feast of the Annunciation and
will end with another liturgical feast
commemorating Our Lady, the devotional
and typically Maltese feast of Our Lady of
In both instances we see Mary joined in
a most intimate manner with her Son
Jesus. On the first occasion Mary accepts
the mission that God is entrusting to her,
and we believe that it is at this moment
that her Son Jesus is conceived in her
womb. In the second celebration we see
the heart of Mary wounded with pain and
sorrow, joining itself with the heart of her
crucified Son in a union of love for all
All this brought to my mind the fact that
you receive ˙ajja Salesjana at the
beginning of May, the month dedicated to
the Madonna. I would therefore, like to
remind you to do the best you can to find
time when you may show devotion to
Mary, Mother of Jesus and our mother.
In all churches and in many schools,
occasions of devotion are organized and
these should help us join the Christian
community in its veneration of Mary. Let
us not forget also to dedicate some
moments of prayer in our family. These
may consist of the recitation of the Rosary,
the reading of Bible passages that refer to
Mary or some particular daily prayer. It
would be very nice if, as devotees of St.
John Bosco, you were to pray the novena
to Mary Help of Christians (15 - 23 May)
and then also participate in the procession
in Her honour on Sunday 27th May, in
Don Bosco cherished this month exactly
because of his great love and devotion to
Mary. He used to ask his boys and Salesians
to do some good act, daily, in honour of
Mary and also reminded them that
whoever loves the Holy Mother loved her
Son, and that She brought them closer to
The Model
Fl-ewwel ktieb tal-Bibbja, il-Ìenesi, insibu
Ωew© rakkonti tal-˙olqien. L-ewwel
wie˙ed (1,1-2,4a) jippreΩentalna lil Alla
li jordna u ja˙laq kollox b’armonija
sakemm kollox hu lest sabiex jilqa’ l-
bniedem – “Óa nag˙mlu l-bniedem fuq
is-sura u x-xbieha tag˙na”. It-tieni rakkont
(2,4a – 25) jurina lil Alla fuq “ix-xog˙ol”
tal-˙olqien, li “sawwar il-bniedem mit-
trab ta’ l-art”. G˙alhekk, waqt li l-ewwel
wie˙ed jg˙inna napprezzaw id-dinjita`
tag˙na ta’ ˙lejjaq xbieha ta’ Alla, it-tieni
jispjega d-dg˙jufija tag˙na g˙aliex ma˙luqa
mit-trab li hu fra©li.
L-isem ADAM(A) juri li ©ejjin mit-trab.
Óajjitna gejja mill-immaginazzjoni ta’ Alla,
minn ˙siebu u minn qalbu. B’seng˙a kbira
l-Img˙allem g˙amel kapulavur. “Ftit inqas
mill-allat g˙amiltu, bis-seb˙ u l-©miel
Ωejjintu, qeg˙idtu fuq l-g˙emejjel kollha
ta’ idejk, kollox ta˙t ri©lejh qeg˙idtlu”
(Salm 8). Il-˙ajja m’ hijiex biss rigal li
naqilg˙u, hija wkoll biçça xog˙ol iebsa u
prezzjuΩa. Irridu nie˙du ˙siebha u
nipprote©uha minn kull ma jheddidha. Il-
˙afna vjolenza fid-dinja tfakkarna f’din it-
theddida g˙all-˙ajja.
Jidher, infatti, li l-˙ajja hija mhedda sa
mill-konçepiment! Theddida o˙ra li
titfisser fi tra©edja, ti©i meta persuna hija
su©©etta g˙all-vjolenza tan-natura (nixfa,
g˙arg˙ar, terremoti, tsunami, nirien) jew
ta’ l-istorja (mard tal-pesta, in©ustizzja,
korruzzjoni, gwerer). L-affarijiet jibdew
Pedagogija Salesjana
minn Pascual Chaves Trad. Joe Cini
Ir-Rigal tal-Hajja 3
imorru ˙aΩin meta l-bniedem iwarrab lil
Alla l-Óallieq u l-Missier tieg˙u, b˙al meta
Kajjin qatel lil ˙uh Abel. B’dan il-mod
jibda t-tixrid tal-˙aΩen u t-tifrix ta’ l-
in©ustizzja li j©ibu l-konfuΩjoni fid-dinja.
Fi Ωmienna, g˙alkemm hemm aktar
rikonoxximent tad-dinjità tal-persuna
umana, din pero` saret aktar vulnerabbli
g˙aliex il-possibiltajiet tax-xjenza u t-
teknolo©ija jirriduçu l-persuna g˙al
prodott li jista’ ji©i uΩat u abbuΩat.
G˙andhom ji©u apprezzati l-isforzi li jsiru
sabiex titjieb il-˙ajja (djar, ikel, mediçina,
tag˙lim, impjiegi, komunikazzjoni) u hekk
ukoll kull ˙e©©a sabiex jispiççaw forom
ta’ skjavitu`, diskriminazzjoni u Ωvanta©©i
(soçjali, kulturali, razzjali, reli©juΩi).
Madankollu, il-qtil ta’ Abel ifakkarna li
meta nwarrbu ’l Alla b˙ala Missier, jintilfu
l-li©ijiet etiçi li jre©u l-˙ajja, u kollox isir
relattiv. Allura jinfeta˙ il-bieb g˙al kull
tip ta’ m©iba li tiΩra’ Ω-Ωerrieg˙a tal-qerda
ta’ l-istess umanita`, speçi ta’ DarwiniΩmu
soçjali bejn l-aktar qawwi kontra l-aktar
Hemm bΩonn li nag˙rfu ’l Alla b˙ala li
j˙obb il-˙ajja u napprezzaw il-˙ajja b˙ala
rigal tieg˙u u mhux b˙ala xi prodott
uman. Dan i©eg˙ilna nkunu responsabbli
ta’ ˙ajjitna u ta’ dik ta’ l-o˙rajn bil-˙e©©a
kollha. Wara l-ewwel dnub ta’ Adam u
Eva, Alla jΩur il-˙lejqa tieg˙u u jistaqsiha
mistoqsija li tis˙aq fuq ir-responsabilta`
li kull wie˙ed g˙andu g˙al ˙ajtu: “Adam,
fejn inti?” (Ìen. 3,9) Imma wara l-qtil
ta’ Abel, lil Kajjin, Alla jistaqsih mhux
fuq ˙ajtu, imma fuq ˙ajjet ˙uh: “Kajjin,
fejn hu ˙uk Abel?” (Ìen.4,9). Minn
dakinhar, hija t-tentazzjoni tal-bniedem
li jsir Kajjin g˙all-proxxmu tieg˙u! U
dan hu dak li nsiru a˙na meta ma ne˙dux
bis-serjeta` kull theddida kontra l-˙ajja
– li hija sagra u trid ti©i m˙arsa mill-
waqt tat-tnissil sal-mewt - sabiex
titwettaq il-˙ajja fid-dinjita`, kwalita` u
milja kollha tag˙ha.
Rosary and Holy Mass in St.Patrick’s Chapel at 6.30 p.m.
Monday to Friday all month of May
Tue 1 Public Holiday
Fri 4 St. Michael Foundation School: Concert at Salesian Theatre
Sat 5 Stella Maris Band Club: Concert at Salesian Theatre
Sun 6 Feast of St. Dominic Savio
Mon 7 Celebrations of St. Dominic Savio at St. Patrick’s School.
Sports Day at Savio College
Thu 10 Prayer Day for Salesian Missions
Sun 13 Feast of St. Domenica Maria Mazzarello
Fri 18 Victoria Nursery School Annual Concert at Salesian Theatre
Thu 24 Feast of Mary Help of Christians. Celebrations in Salesian Houses.
Devotions in Salesian Oratory, Sliema (7.00 p.m.) and St. Patrick’s:
Enrollment of Devotees of Mary Help of Chrstians (6.30 p.m.).
Fri 25 Annalise Kindergarten School Concert at Salesian Theatre
Sun 27 Lectio Divina at Savio College. Procession of Mary Help of Christians
in St. Patrick’, Sliema at 6.30 p.m.
Tue 29 Bl. Joseph Kowalski & 5 Oratory Youths (Polish, killed by the
Nazis during W.W.II)
1 -10 Provincial Chapter (Retreat and Meetings) in Ireland
Mon 4 Schools’ half-day programme begins
Sat 9 Form 5 Graduation Ceremony at Savio College
Sun 10 Prayer Day for Salesian Missions
Fri 15 St. Michael Foundation School Annual Concert at Salesian Theatre
Thu 28 Mnarja Night at Savio College and at Salesian Oratory, Sliema
Fri 29 Feast of Sts. Peter and Paul. Public Holiday. Beginning of Summer Holidays
Wed 4 Bl. Piergiorgio Frassati (Past Pupil)
Sat 7 Bl. Maria Romero FMA
Tue 10 Prayer Day for Salesian Missions
For any other info about the Salesians:
For any other info about Salesians in Malta:
Calendar of
Salesian Events
Ahbarijiet minn taghna
Kienet ix-xewqa ta’ l-istess Arçisqof il-
©did ta’ Malta, Mons. Pawlu Cremona,
li jiltaqa’ mal-komunitajiet reli©juΩi ta’
Malta. U kien f’Dicembru tas-sena l-o˙ra
li Fr. Victor Mangior SDB stieden
uffiçjalment lill-Arçisqof sabiex jiltaqa
mas-Salesjani nhar it-tlieta, 20 ta’ Marzu
©ewwa Savio College, fejn il-komunita`
Salesjana f’Malta kellha tiltaqa’ g˙al
©urnata irtir. L-Arçisqof wasal u mill-
ewwel t˙allat mag˙na waqt li konna
qeg˙din nie˙du l-kafè. Kull˙add xtaq
jg˙idlu xi kelma, u hu, bit-tbissima
karatteristika tieg˙u, kompla ma’ kull
Salesjan. In©barna fis-sala u tkellimna
mieg˙u fuq xi problemi u prospettivi
tal-Knisja ta’ Malta. Wara dan, qaddisna
lkoll flimkien u ̇ assejna ru˙na mag˙qudin
mal-Knisja kollha ta’ Malta, knisja li titlob.
Sar il-˙in ta’ l-ikel u Mons. Cremona
ng˙aqad mag˙na fi spirtu ta’ ˙biberija u
fraternita`. Fl-a˙˙ar ta’ l-ikla ©ie mog˙ti
tifkira taΩ-Ωjara tieg˙u, tifkira tipika
Salesjana, li kienet tikkonsisti f’inkwadru
- pittura ta’ Marija G˙ajnuna ta’ l-Insara.
Matul ir-Randan, Ωmien ta’ grazzja, nieqfu
sabiex nirriflettu fuq ˙ajjitna u lejn fejn
mexjin sabiex naraw fejn hu l-Mulej f’nofs
il-programmi ta’ jiemna. Dan kien l-iskop
tal-laqg˙at immexxija minn Fr. Eric Cachia
SDB g˙all-istudenti ta’ Savio College. Il-
klassijiet tat-tielet, ir-raba’ u l-˙ames sena
niΩlu Tas-Sliema, fl-Oratorju tas-Salesjani,
g˙al dawn il-laqg˙at, nhar it-12, 13 u 14
ta’ Marzu 2007. Is-su©©ett prinçipali kienet
l-im˙abba eterna ta’ Alla g˙alina, u sabiex
is-su©©ett jolqot u jiftiehem, kien hemm
reçtar, diskors, laqg˙at, diskussjoni,
adorazzjoni u quddiesa. Minn dak li ntqal
wara mill-150 student li attendew
akkumpanjati mill-Fathers Salesjani,
g˙alliema u “facilitators” din l-esperjenza
kienet utli u interessanti. Kien ˙in meta
l-istudenti nqatg˙u mir-rutina tal-klassi
u l-lezzjoni, sabiex jikkonçentraw fuq
verita` aktar g˙olja li ˙afna drabi tintesa.
Irrealizzaw li kull meta j˙ossu li hemm
Alla li j˙obb u dejjem lest jismag˙hom,
jistg˙u jiffaççjaw il-˙ajja b’aktar ser˙an
tal-mo˙˙ u entuΩjaΩmu.
Numru sabi˙ ta’ volontarji, impjegati
tal-HSBC Bank, in©abru ©ewwa St.
Patrickís School, Tas-Sliema, sabiex
ifakkru l-hekk imsej˙a ‘Corporate Social
Responsibility Day’. Il-mod originali kif
g˙amlu dan kien li nhar id-19 ta’ Marzu,
festa pubblika u Festa ta’ San ÌuΩepp,
dawn il-50 impjegat jew impjegata, xi
w˙ud minnhom ma’ wl iedhom,
Ωew©hom jew marthom, ing˙aqdu ma’
membri tal-Care Staff ta’ St. Patrick’s,
sabiex jag˙tu dehra ©dida lil wa˙da mill-
‘Houses’ li ti©bor fiha tmint itfal. (Is-
Salesjani, hawnhekk, joffru kura
residenzjali lil 32 tifel minn familji fil-
bΩonn, li l-eta` tag˙hom tvarja minn 9
sa 16-il sena). Kien hemm minn beda
jbajjad il-˙itan, o˙rajn qabdu jiΩbg˙u s-
sodod, jew inkella l-‘lockers’ u l-
gwardarobbi. Wara ftit sig˙at ix-xog˙ol
kien lest u beda t-tindif. Grazzi u prosit
Hija tradizzjoni ta’ bosta snin li ©ewwa
l-iskola ta’ St. Patrick’s f’Tas-Sliema, nhar
is-17 ta’ Marzu, festa ta’ San Patrizju, issir
quddiesa speçjali g˙all-IrlandiΩi li joqog˙du
Malta. Jidher avviΩ fuq il-gazzetti u bosta
IrlandiΩi u ˙bieb tag˙hom Maltin jin©abru
g˙al-din il-quddiesa. Din is-sena n-numru
qabeΩ bil-bosta dak ta’ snin o˙ra. Na˙seb
li dan ©ara g˙ar-ra©uni li billi issa Malta
qeg˙da fl-Unjoni Ewropea, hawn aktar
IrlandiΩi f’Malta b˙ala residenti, kif ukoll
numru sabi˙ ta’ turisti. Din is-sena wkoll
g˙o©bu jonora din l-okkaΩjoni ç-Charge`
d’Affaires ta’ l-Irlanda g˙al Malta. Wara
l-quddiesa kien hemm tè, kafè u gallettini
g˙al dawk kollha preΩenti, li kollha j˙obbu
jie˙du u joqog˙du jitkellmu ma’ xulxin
u jg˙idu l-a˙barijiethom lil xulxin. Din is-
sena kien hemm xi ˙a©a o˙ra speçjali -
ikla tipika IrlandiΩa, organiΩΩata minn Fr.
Antoine Farrugia SDB u l-Care Team
tieg˙u. G˙al din l-ikla mtlew il-postijiet
kollha li kien hemm suççess g˙all-
organizzaturi u serata ta’ fer˙ g˙al kull
minn attenda.
minn E. Alden
um li çertament sejjer jitniΩΩel fl-istorja
ta’ Malta ser ikun it-3 ta’ Ìunju 2007.
Dakinhar, fil-belt tal-Vatikan, ©ewwa
Ruma, se ssir iç-çerimonja solenni li fiha
Dun Ìor© Preca jsir l-ewwel qaddis Malti.
Ìorg Preca twieled fit-tnax ta’ Frar ta’ l-
1880 fil-belt Valletta, Malta. Wara li ©ie
ordnat saçerdot kien mog˙ti l-ministeru
pastorali tal-knisja ta’ San Gejtanu, il-
Óamrun. Kien attiv ˙afna fit-tag˙lim tad-
duttrina kattolika liΩ-Ωg˙aΩag˙ u lit-tfal. Fl-
1907 waqqaf is-Soçjeta` tad-Duttrina
Kristjana li a˙na nafuha fil-qosor b˙ala
M.U.S.E.U.M. mil-Latin “Magister utinam
sequatur Evangelium universus mundus” li
tfisser, “Mg˙allem, mhux li kien li d-dinja
kollha tag˙mel dak li jg˙id il-Vangelu!”
Il-membri lajçi ta’ din is-soçjeta` kellhom
iqaddsu ru˙hom u jxerrdu l-Kelma t’Alla
fost in-nies. Dun Ìor© kiteb ˙afna kotba
fuq id-domma, il-morali, u l-ispiritwalita`.
Iddedika ˙ajtu g˙all-predikazzjoni u feta˙
˙afna çentri g˙at-tag˙lim tal-katekiΩmu.
Wettaq il-ministeru tieg˙u b’tant ˙e©©a li
kul˙add kien jafu b˙ala qassis veru qaddis.
Kien ra©el ta’ fidi u appostlu ta’ din il-fidi.
Il-˙ajja tieg˙u spiritwali kienet mimlija bit-
talb u meditazzjoni fuq l-Iskrittura Mqaddsa.
B˙ala appostlu tal-misteru ta’ l-Inkarnazzjoni,
xerred id-devozzjoni kbira li kellu g˙all-
kliem tal-Van©elu, “Verbum Dei Caro
Factum Est” - Il-Kelma t’Alla Saret Bniedem
(Gwanni 1, 14.) L-umilta` kienet il-baΩi ta’
l-ispiritwalita` tieg˙u. Kien qaddej t’Alla,
twajjeb u umli. Meta miet f’Santa Venera
nhar is-26 ta’ Lulju 1962, kul˙add kellu l-
istess fehma ta’ kemm kien bniedem qaddis.
Il-kawΩa g˙all-beatifikazzjoni tieg˙u nbdiet
fl-1975. Ìie kkonfermat u aççettat mill-
Vatikan l-ewwel miraklu tieg˙u b˙ala prova
tal-qdusija tieg˙u. Fid-9 ta’ Mejju tal-2001,
il-Qdusija tieg˙u l-Papa Ìwanni Pawlu II,
©ie Malta biex imexxi ç-çerimonja tal-
beatifikazzjoni ta’ Dun Ìor© Preca.
Issa kien hemm bΩonn li biex il-Beatu Dun
Ìor© ikun jista’ jsir Qaddis, ise˙˙ miraklu
ie˙or. Dan twettaq u ©ie kkonfermat.
G˙alhekk l-Arçisqof ta’ Malta, Mons. Pawl
Cremona, fl-14 ta’ Frar, b’fer˙ kbir ta l-
a˙bar lill-membri tas-Soçjeta` MUSEUM li
l-Papa Benedettu kien se jag˙mel
konçistorju fit-23 ta’ Frar biex il-kardinali
u dawk preΩenti jaççettaw lil Beatu Dun
Ìorg, flimkien ma’ erbg˙a o˙ra, b˙ala
qaddis tal-knisja. Hekk ©ara, u issa nistennew
bil-˙erqa il-jum sabi˙ tat-3 ta’Ìunju!
To anyone with children of any age,
here's some advice. Bill Gates recently
gave a speech at a High School about 11
things they did not and will not learn in
school. He talks about how feel-good,
politically correct teachings created a
generation of children with no concept
of reality and how this concept set them
up for failure in the real world. Love him
or hate him, he sure hit the nail on the
head with this!
Rule 1:
Life is not fair - get used to it!
Rule 2:
The world won't care about your self-
esteem. The world will expect you to
accomplish something BEFORE you
feel good about yourself.
Rule 3:
You will NOT make $60,000 a year
right out of high school. You won't
be a vice president with a car phone
until you earn both.
Rule 4:
If you think your teacher is tough,
wait till you get a boss.
Rule 5:
Serving burgers is not beneath your
dignity. Your Grandparents had a
different word for burger serving -
they called it opportunity.
to think about
Rule 6:
If you mess up, it's not your parents'
fault, so don't whine about your
mistakes, learn from them.
Rule 7:
Before you were born, your parents
weren't as boring as they are now.
They got that way from paying your
bills, cleaning your clothes and listening
to you talk about how cool you
thought you were. So before you save
the rain forest from the parasites of
your parent's generation, try delousing
the closet in your own room.
Rule 8:
Your school may have done away with
winners and losers, but life HAS NOT.
In some schools they have abolished
failing grades and they'll give you as
MANY TIMES as you want to get the
right answer. This doesn't bear the
slightest resemblance to ANYTHING
in real life.
Rule 9:
Life is not divided into semesters. You don't
get summers off and very few employers
are interested in helping you FIND
YOURSELF. Do that on your own time.
Rule 10:
Television is NOT real life. In real life
people actually have to leave the coffee
shop and go to jobs.
Rule 11:
Be nice to nasty people. Chances are
you'll end up working for one.
P.S. If you can read this - Thank a teacher!
: F
The recent meeting of Salesian Provincials
from East Asia-Oceania has featured a
detailed overview of preparations for
the July 2008 World Youth Day, along
with the various preparations for a
'Salesian moment' as part of the event.
Fr Bernie Graham, the Salesian Youth
Ministry Delegate and contact person
for the WYD preparations in Salesian
terms, stressed that there is a single
official channel for everything to do with
the WYD preparations, headed up by
Bishop Anthony Fisher of Sydney, and
his organising committee. Indications
so far are that the Sydney 2008 event
will be larger than the 2000 Sydney
Preparations are in hand through the
official channels for an SYM opportunity
- precise date and times still depend on
allocation by the central organising
committee, but a request has been made
for a five-hour programme giving
appropriate space and time to
contributing SYM groups.
The Koln experience, where there was
a tendency for participants to get 'lost'
in adjoining streets (it was akin to a
street party) has been taken into account
this time. All information on the Salesian
event will be available through the AUL
province website. Fr Bernie indicated
that the larger number of Salesian
participants, the better the chances will
be of gaining a more prominent slot in
the main events, hence it is important
for intending participants from other
parts of the Salesian world to (1) identify
themselves to the Salesian organizing
group, again using the website as guidance
and (2) making moves now to gain access.
While the Australian Government is
obviously facilitating entry, there are still
conditions in a difficult post 9/11 world.
Best to enter as a tourist, not for other
motives. It will also be useful, in the
overall procedures for registering for
the WYD officially, to indicate 'Salesian'
belonging - that way allocation of persons
to main areas will ensure that Salesian
identified groups are similarly located.
to be bigger than the 2000 Sydney Olympics
2008 World Youth Day
L-Orkestra tal-‘Bosco Fest’ hija mag˙mula
minn grupp kbir ta’ Ωg˙aΩag˙ li l-etajiet
tag˙hom ivarjaw bejn il-˙dax u l-g˙oxrin
sena. Dawn iΩ-Ωg˙aΩag˙ mhux kollha
jattendu l-Kulle©© Savio, f’Óad-Dingli.
Matul is-sajf, dan il-grupp jiltaqa’ kull
©img˙a g˙all-re˙ersals b˙ala preparamenti
g˙all-Bosco Fest. Din l-orkestra hija
mmexxija minn Fr. Louis Grech SDB.
Matul is-sajf, dan il-grupp jqatta’ wkoll
©img˙a ‘live-in’ fejn il-membri ta’ l-
orkestra jqattg˙u flimkien ©img˙a mill-
isba˙ mimlija attivitajiet. Din is-sena, l-
orkestra daqqet il-muzika tal-‘musical’
famuΩ ‘Oliver’ u akkumpanjat il-kantanti
u l-atturi li ̇ adu sehem fil-Bosco Fest 2007.
L-Orkestra ta’ Savio College
Din is-sena, l-orkestra ta’ Savio College,
immexxija wkoll minn Fr. Louis Grech
SDB, hija ffurmata minn madwar 20 tifel
ta’ etajiet differenti li jattendu fl-istess
kulle©©. Xi w˙ud mill-membri ta’ din l-
orkestra jiffurmaw parti mill-orkestra
tal-Bosco Fest. L-istrumenti li nsibu f’din
l-orkestra jvarjaw ˙afna g˙ax insibu
strumenti b˙all-kitarri u o˙rajn iktar
klassiçi b˙all-klarinet. Matul dan iΩ-Ωmien,
qeg˙din nippreparaw biex indoqqu xi
siltiet g˙all-Prize Day. Kull nhar ta’ Erbg˙a,
niltaqg˙u matul ir-rekreazzjoni tan-nofs
sieg˙a biex nag˙mlu xi re˙ersals u fl-istess
˙in nie˙du gost flimkien b˙ala grupp.
Esperjenza li Ωgur qatt ma ninsa hi dik
tal-‘live-in’ li kellna f’ Jannar ©ewwa l-
istess kulle©©. Kienu erbat ijiem li fihom
g˙amilna minn kollox - lg˙abna, ˙adna
gost, g˙amilna xi re˙ersals u fuq kollox
ersaqna iktar viçin t’Alla waqt is-
sessjonijiet ta’ talb li kien ikollna. Ûgur
li dan il-‘live-in’ ma kienx ikun daqshekk
sabi˙, li kieku ma kienx g˙all-˙idma tal-
‘leaders’ u Fr. Louis li tant ˙adu ˙siebna
matul dawn it-tlett ijiem.
Personalment, in˙ossni tassew komdu
f’din l-orkestra g˙ax qeg˙din grupp veru
sabi˙. Hija esperjenza fejn filwaqt li qed
nie˙u gost, qed nitg˙allem affarijiet ©odda.
Ûgur li meta jg˙addi Ω-Ωmien nibqa’
ng˙oΩΩ din l-esperjenza hekk sabi˙a
b’nostal©ija kbira!
minn Rafael Axisa - student ta’ Savio College - Form 4
L-Orkestra F’Savio College
Loving someone with an ongoing drinking or drug problem
can be a devastating, heartbreaking experience. I know
firsthand the desperation, the anger, the guilt, the loneliness
one can feel. As much as we may try to rationalise and be
noble about a relative or friend's addiction, it is extremely
difficult to love that person while hating their drug-affected
Contact SPYS Tel: 21454546, 21456251
Break the denial
The rising to such challenges is the key
to loving and living with an addicted
person. When I was faced with addiction,
I had to grow in knowledge and
experience, and change some of my
attitudes in order to cope. It was not
easy, but with the help of others and
God I made it. You can too. One of the
reasons addiction is so hard to deal with
is that it is characterized by "denial" -
both on the part of the addicted person
and the people close to that person.
Society has promoted the myth that an
"alcoholic" means a shiftless bum with
no willpower, living on skid row, and
that a "drug addict" lives a squalid,
criminal existence, shooting up every
It’s hard to believe that someone we
love is so afflicted. Many highly respected
members of the community, many
devoted family people, are alcoholic.
Many law-abiding citizens who use only
prescription drugs are substance abusers.
The first step toward dealing with your
loved one's addiction is facing up to it.
Learn the facts
Search for information from valid
sources, like Caritas and Sedqa, so you
will learn a lot, quickly. Visit bookstores
and read the current books on addiction.
You will learn that addiction is a disease
affecting the body, the mind, and the
spirit. You will learn that people do not
drink compulsively because they are
weak or depraved - they drink because
they need to; they are addicted to
alcohol. People do not misuse drugs
because they are abnormal - they behave
abnormally because they misuse drugs.
In addition, you will learn that addiction
is usually a family problem. Both the
addict and the "co-addict" family member
are subject to "cycles of addiction" that
are uncannily similar. Both addict and
co-addict deny, rationalize, and blame
others for the situation. And while the
addict is compulsively using drugs or
alcohol, the co-addict is compulsively
trying to stop this behavior. Ultimately,
both feel hopeless.
Stop trying to change the addict
Once you have learned about addiction,
your immediate reaction may be to want
to reeducate your loved one. Don't try
it! Unless your friend or relative asks
for help, your efforts will be useless and
probably harmful. Under the influence
of the drug, the addicted person's denial
is so powerful that he or she may just
resist even more. You can't cure your
loved one single handedly just because
you want to, or with bribes, threats, or
information. The disease has to be
approached systematically.
Seek out an expert counselor
You need to consult an expert who can
give you an objective, experienced
judgment about your situation. You must
attend available support groups and ask
members about community services.
Such people are willing to help and have
answers about the addictive process.
Services are available through local
agencies and the local hospital outpatient
program (Detox). With your counselor,
you will begin to formulate a plan. The
counselor may say, for instance, "Go to
AL-Anon (Alcoholic Anonymous) and
keep working on yourself," or he or she
may feel that your situation is critical
and suggest treatment or intervention.-
Intervention requires family members
to meet with the addicted person under
the guidance of a professional counselor.
The family as a group then insists that
the addicted person enrol in a treatment
programme. When we hesitate to break
our isolation by reaching out, it is usually
pride that is stopping us, or our need to
protect the addict. Reaching out helps
us to fight the addiction and to resist
the symptoms of the disease
Reach out to the addicted person
One of the most difficult tasks in loving
someone with an addiction is maintaining
communication with him or her. In
reaching out to the addicted person, you
need to detach yourself from the
symptoms of the disease - the abnormal
behavior, the irresponsibility, the lies,
the cheating and stealing. You need to
see the drug-affected actions as part of
the sickness and your loved one as a
sick person. You need to resist taking
the blame for causing the misuse of
alcohol or drugs. By remaining calm and
dignified when verbally accused, you let
the addicted person know that the
accusations are a blaming device based
on untruth and need not be
acknowledged. Detaching lovingly -
without anger and resentment - is simply
not accepting the blame for the addiction
and not reacting to the symptoms of the
disease. Sometimes, this non-combative
but firm stance can jolt the addict into
wanting to seek help. It's much harder
to continue an addiction in the face of
In times of crisis you may practice "tough
love." Steel yourself against coddling and
over-protectiveness. The suffering you
are trying to ease may be the very thing
needed to bring the addict to a realization
of the seriousness of the situation.
Reach out to God
Asking for God's help in prayer every
day will enable you to keep your problem
in perspective. God can do for you what
you cannot do for yourself. You have
only to ask that his will be done and that
he give you strength to cooperate with
I find that whenever I take control and
try to force issues, things become worse,
but when I rely on God, the answers
come. When you reach out to God, you
can live and act as his child, walking in
dignity and grace. Additionally, you will
be able to see others - especially the
alcoholic or drug abuser - as his children
and accord them the same dignity and
When the addict reaches the limits of
desperation and hopelessness, he or she
may ask for help. Now your knowledge
of addiction will prove invaluable. Get
help right away! The addicted person
should actually make the contact to
insure that he or she is taking this step
freely. Remember that recovery takes
time and usually unfolds progressively.
You will need to stay in close contact
with a support group. As you and your
loved one recover together, you will
learn much about facing life and accepting
The Salesian Pastoral Youth Service
organised a Youth Leadership
Training Weekend for young people
from Malta and Gozo.
During the weekend entitled 'Take
a Lead', the participants were involved
in a process of self-discovery and
trained to be better Christian leaders
in their respective environment.
The Salesian Pastoral Youth Service
aims at catering for the psychological,
social and spiritual needs of the
young. This holistic development
helps the young to reach out and
have the courage to stand up and be
counted. The formation of young
people is an investment which
guarantees the building of a better
The Salesian Pastoral Youth Service
will be organizing a month outreach
in India in Summer. Those young
people interested in being involved
please contact S.P.Y.S on 21454546
or e-mail info@spysmalta.org.
He almost didn't see the old lady,
stranded on the side of the road, but
even in the dim light of day, he could
see she needed help. So he pulled up
in front of her Mercedes and got out.
His Pontiac was still sputtering when
he approached her. Even with the
smile on his face, she was worried.
No one had stopped to help for the
last hour or so. Was he going to hurt
her? He didn't look safe; he looked
poor and hungry. He could see that
she was frightened, standing out there
in the cold. He said, "I'm here to help
you, ma'am. Why don't you wait in
the car where it's warm? By the way,
my name is Bryan Anderson."
Well, all she had was a flat tyre, but
for an old lady, that was bad enough.
Bryan crawled under the car looking
for a place to put the jack, skinning
his knuckles a time or two. Soon he
was able to change the tyre. But he
had to get dirty and his hands hurt.
As he was tightening up the lug nuts,
she rolled down the window and
began to talk to him. She told him
that she was from St. Louis and was
only just passing through. She couldn't
thank him enough for coming to her
aid. Bryan just smiled as he closed
her trunk. The lady asked how much
she owed him. She already imagined
all the awful things that could have
happened had he not stopped. Bryan
never thought twice about being paid.
This was not a job to him. This was
helping someone in need, and God
knows there were plenty who had
given him a hand in the past. He told
her that if she really wanted to pay
him back, the next time she saw
someone who needed help, she could
give that person the assistance they
needed, and Bryan added, "And think
of me."
He waited until she started her car
and drove off. It had been a cold and
depressing day, but he felt good as
he headed for home. A few miles
down the road the lady saw a small
cafe. She went in to grab a bite to
eat, and take the chill off before she
made the last leg of her trip home. It
was a dingy looking restaurant. The
waitress came over and brought her
a clean towel to wipe her wet hair.
She had a sweet smile, one that even
being on her feet for the whole day
couldn't erase. The lady noticed the
waitress was nearly eight months
pregnant, The old lady wondered how
someone who had so little could be
so giving to a stranger. Then she
remembered Bryan.
After the lady finished her meal, she paid
with a hundred-dollar bill. The waitress
quickly went to get change for her
hundred-dollar bill, but the old lady had
slipped right out the door. She was gone
by the time the waitress came back. The
waitress wondered where the lady could
be. Then she noticed something written
on the napkin.
There were tears in her eyes when she
read what the lady wrote: "You don't
owe me anything. I have been there too.
Somebody once helped me out, the way
I'm helping you. If you really want to pay
me back, here is what you do: Do not
let this chain of love end with you."
Under the napkin were four more $100
Well, there were tables to clear, sugar
bowls to fill, and people to serve, but
the waitress made it through another
day. That night when she got home from
work and climbed into bed, she was
thinking about the money and what the
lady had written. How could the lady
have known how much she and her
husband needed it? With the baby due
next month, it was going to be hard. She
knew how worried her husband was,
and as he lay sleeping next to her, she
gave him a soft kiss and whispered soft
and low, "Everything's gonna be all right.
I love you, Bryan Anderson."
Ondo is a town of 250.000 people in the
heart of the rain forest of Nigeria, the
most populated country of Africa
(124.009.000 – UN 2004). The young
people are the first identity card Nigeria
shows: 44% of the population is between
1 to 14 years of age. The UN estimation
for the year 2025 indicates an increase
of people up to 203 millions. Don Bosco
Centre is a catholic mission established
in 1982. Following the inspiration and
pedagogical method of Saint John Bosco,
whose educational institutions are spread
in 140 Countries all over the world, the
youth have been always the main focus
and for their uplifting different set of
activities have been put in place.
Nigeria has many natural resources. It is
the fifth exporter of crude oil world
wide. But this richness unfortunately is
not fairly distributed. The 2% at the top
level of the society own the same amount
of resources available for the 55% of the
lower level.
A real development, able to move
positively the local economy needs
technology. Don Bosco Training Centre
offers to the Nigerian youths professional
training through a technical school
accredited at federal level, with a three
years course diploma in metal work,
automobile and furniture or alternatively
a two years vocational course.
At present the students are more than
250 coming from different areas of the
The youth of Africa: as an answer, not as a problem
Don Bosco in Nigeria
There are many challenges to face in
carrying on this kind of educational
service but there are also good signs of
hope, especially from the past pupils
who are able to find job opportunities
and help in their turn those who graduate
after them.
The Students belong to different religious
denominations but the deep religious
sense of life typical of the African culture
and the atmosphere of friendliness and
cooperation of the Centre helps to
welcome and respect each other, sharing
common moment of prayer and
reflection every day.
The Centre is a welcoming home for all
the young people who wish to meet
new friends and join in those activities
that most correspond to their interest:
music, sport, cine-forum, internet… All
this is done in a sound environment
inspired by christian values, with group
activities that enhance the human and
moral growth of the members and
empower them in becoming on their
turn animators of the younger ones.
During the time of school holiday
hundreds of kids fills the premises of the
Centre and special holiday camps with
morning and afternoon programmes are
organized. The Centre is a welcoming
home for all the young people who wish
to meet new friends.
Don Bosco Parish serves the south-east
area of the town, that is the poorest
zone. There are two main points of
reference in the Parish. One is within
the don Bosco Centre and constitute
the main community and the other one
is in St Leo Mass Centre, 20 minutes
east side. Many programmes of
evangelisation and catechesis are
organized together with social activities
aimed to help and sustain people in
serious need, like the tie and die
workshop where a group of women –
mainly widows - prepare traditional
dresses and in this way find a way of
survival for their families.
There is a vast programme of scholarship
for orphan and children with serious
family problem through which hundreds
of them are supported in their education.
Often this support is the only way out
for those who face serious sickness or
need surgical operation. There is no
subsidy from the government and
unfortunately is not uncommon that
curable diseases will lead young people
to death for lack of the financial means
necessary to afford the due medical care.
The increase of AIDS is one of the most
urgent challenge that calls for an intensive
action in awareness and formation
especially of the young people.
The mission of don Bosco attracts many
young who wish to follow his footsteps
and spend all of their life on the service
of the new generations. This requires
appropriate programme of formation.
Three subsequent levels are set up:
“come and see”, pre-noviciate and
noviciate. From 30 to 40 of these friends
are living together with the community.
Some of them are coming from other
English Speaking Countries of West
Africa (Sierra Leone, Liberia, Ghana).
It is an experience rich in promises and
delicate in its demands.
Fr. Richard Ebejer SDB
SIHANOUKVILLE: 15th February 2007
King Norodom Sihamoni presided over
the opening ceremony for the Don Bosco
Foundation's Hotel-School, during his first
visit to Sihanoukville since his coronation.
The King praised the efforts of the Don
Bosco Foundation to help the government
develop Cambodia's human resources and
offered some words of advice for the
nearly 1,000 technical school students on
hand. "Please study hard, respect the
principles of the school and respect your
teachers in order to get the skills to further
the future development of the country,"
King Sihamoni said.
The Don Bosco Foundation is an
international Catholic organization that
provides schooling and technical training
for disadvantaged youths in 128 countries.
The new Don Bosco Hotel School opened
Feb 5 to 50 students hoping to learn the
hospitality trade, said Brother Roberto
Panetto, the school's director. They join
the 300 students already receiving training
for careers in, among other fields,
automobile repair, electrical work, welding
and secretarial work at the Don Bosco
Technical School to which the hotel school
is attached. The new school will function
as both a school and a hotel so that
students can get firsthand experience
dealing with guests. The hotel has 19
guestrooms whose rates will be $30 to
$35 per night when it opens early in March.
Various NGOs help the Don Bosco
Foundation identify and screen potential
students from orphanages and poor families
throughout the country. Students receive
free schooling, room and board at the
technical school. Depending on their
background and language skills, students
are placed in one of four programs: front
office, housekeeping, food and beverage
service or cooking.
To help students learn to deal with
customers, the foundation opened an
Italian-style ice cream shop two weeks ago
in Sihanoukville. The kitchen and food
preparation areas are state of the art. After
six months of schooling, students will
receive on-the-job training at hotels in
Sihanoukville, Siem Riep and Phnom Penh
for one month. Those who show promise
will study one more year.
Twenty-years-old student Sam Bunlom
said she hopes to eventually work in the
front office of a Sihanoukville resort. The
daughter of poor farmers in Takae
province, she said that she is learning
valuable skills that she never could have
acquired at home."I am happy. If I could
not study here, I would have to work in
a garment factory."
Picture shows King of Cambodia cutting ribbon
of new D. Bosco Hotel School and Rector of
Salesian Community Fr. John Visser.
When a
King visits
it gets noticed!
X’inhi BorΩa ta’ Studju?
Hija somma ta’ flus li tg˙inna biex in˙allsu
parti mill-formazzjoni ta’ Ωag˙Ωug˙ li qed
i˙ejji ru˙u biex isir saçerdot.
Kemm trid tag˙ti biex twaqqaf BorΩa ta’
Kapital ta’ Lm250.
Je˙tie© li bilfors tag˙ti s-somma f’daqqa?
Le. Wie˙ed jista’
jag˙tiha biçça
biçça tant fix-
xahar jew tant fis-
Je˙tie© li bilfors is-
somma tkun
mog˙tija minn
wie˙ed biss?
Le. Jistg˙u
jiftehmu flimkien
iktar minn
wie˙ed, u
kul˙add jag˙ti
sehmu. IΩda min
jo˙ro© wa˙du s-
somma kollha, ikun
Fundatur ta’ dik il-BorΩa.
Jista’ wie˙ed i˙alli l-BorΩa
b˙ala legat wara mewtu?
Jista’. U min jag˙mel hekk, jista’
jikteb fit-testment: “In˙alli b˙ala legat
lis-Salesjani ta’ Dun Bosco, is-somma
ta’ Lm g˙all-formazzjoni ta’
Ωag˙Ωug˙ Malti fl-istess Soçjeta’.
Borza ta’
The scholastic calendar of Savio
College is studded with a myriad of
extra curricular activities and one
which always is greatly anticipated
and expected is the Bikeathlon which
is indeed a great occasion.
This activity has been happening at
the College for quite a number of
years now and it all started when a
Salesian came up with the brilliant
idea of cycling together as a school
to a particular destination, while
others walk their way there.
Eventually, our Sports Master took
over this activity and thanks to his
hardwork, he manages to coordinate
all that needs to be done making
every edition of the Bikeathlon a
truly memorable and festive Salesian
This year over 200 students, together
with parents and members of staff
cycled from Dingli to the Razzett tal-
Hbiberija at Marsascala. They stopped
at various Feeding Stations on the
way to literally refuel their energy
with drinks, bread and chocolate ably
prepared by the PTA and many other
generous parents, who willingly
helped our Sports Master with the
coordination of this event. Other
parents were marshals on the way
to ensure that all the cyclists pass
through the right route. The Police
Force and St. John Ambulance also
gave us a great helping hand by joining
us all the way to ensure the physical
safety of all participants.
In the meantime, a hundred strong
group, made up of students, parents
and Salesians, opted to go on a three
hour walk around the beautiful
countryside and waterfront of this
lovely part of our island. The weather
was very beautiful and this made the
occasion even more pleasant.
At around 1.30pm, all cyclists flocked
into the Razzett tal-Hbiberija to the
great cheering welcome of all other
A yearly, much expected, event
Paul Formosa SDB
Il-Maltese Past Pupils ta’ NSW fl-
Awstralja ççelebraw il-festa ta’ San
Ìwann Bosco nhar il-Óadd 18 ta’
Marzu, minflok fil-31 ta’ Jannar. Dan
sar fil-parroçça ta’ Our Lady of
Victories ©ewwa Horsely Park. Il-
quddiesa solenni kienet iççelebrata
minn Fr. Carmelo Sciberras flimkien
ma’ Fr. John Briffa SDB u Fr. Claude
Borg MSSP. Minbarra numru sabi˙
ta’ membri, attendew ukoll il-Konslu
Ìenerali, Ms Joanne Pisani u Mrs.
Jane Borg g˙all-MCC. Wara l-
quddiesa saret purçissjoni quddiem
l-istess knisja fejn ing˙ad ir-ruΩarju
u tkantaw innijiet reli©juΩi.
Wara dan kollu, kul˙add mar fil-
Marion Hall g˙ar-‘refreshments’.
Hemmhekk huma kienu milqug˙a
mill-president, is-Sur J. Fabri u
membri l-o˙ra tal-kumitat. Il-
president ta ˙ajr lil dawk kollha li
˙adu sehem jew li b’xi mod taw
g˙ajnuna sabiex din il-festa tista’ ssir
u tirnexxi.
minn Victor Grech
Over the last 15 years, more or less,
globalization has reached India to a
remarkable degree. The next ten years
will see India becoming an economic
superpower with all the associated evils
such as consumerism, materialism and
an ever widening gap between the
“haves” and the “have-not”. The Indian
population is still prevalently rural and
agricultural, even though at the present
time development is taking place in a
vast range of modern industries. India
has a large number of well instructed
people, all competent in the English
language, which enable it to become a
leading exporter of services and high
level technical software. The enormous
and still increasing population is at the
same time its main resource in terms of
human capital, together with pressing
social and economic problems, made still
more difficult by the widespread caste
The origins of Christianity can be traced
back to St Thomas the Apostle in 52
AD; the Syro-Malabaric Church claims
descent from St Thomas himself. A great
impulse was given by the arrival of St
Francis Xavier in 1542 and by the
missionary work of the Jesuits. After
their suppression in 1776 the foreign
missionaries of Paris (M.E.P.) took their
p lace and d id much work in
A part of the Jacobites group (which
centuries earlier had left the Catholic
Church due to the excessive Latinizing
policy of the Portuguese missionaries),
returned to full communion with the
Roman Catholic Church in 1930. Thus,
besides the Latin Rite Church, there are
two other Catholic Churches in full
communion with Rome. The Syro-
Malabar Church and the Syro-Malankara
Churches are headed by their own Major
Archbishops; the Major Archbishop of
the Syro-Malabar Church is also a
Cardinal. At present, in India there are
three Cardinals in office, one of whom
(Ivan Cardinal Dias of Mumbai) has been
recently appointed Prefect of the
Congregation for the Evangelization of
At a political level there has been a longstanding conflict between
India and Pakistan over the question of Kashmir; three times it has
erupted into war between the two countries. Recently, however,
there seems to be less tension and a greater openness to dialogue
A Salesian
View of the World
prepared by Fr. Victor Mangion SDB
There are over 24 million Christians in
India (2.3% of the total population), of
which Catholics form 1.98 %. There are
21,931 priests (12,207 diocesan and
9,724 religious); consecrated religious
number 102,102, of whom 12,802 are
men and 89,300 women. 68% of the
clergy and the religious come from the
South of India, from the States of Kerala,
Tamilnadu, Mangalore and Goa. Some
of the Syro-Malabar dioceses of Kerala
have a high percentage of Catholics (Pala
in Kerala has 50.64% of Catholics), while
there are dioceses in North India, with
less than 0.02% of Catholics.
The Catholic hierarchy was set up in
India in 1886; in 1923 the hierarchy of
the Syro-Malabar Church, and in 1932
that of the Syro-Malankara Church were
established. In addition to the National
Catholic Bishops’ Conference (CBCI),
from 1987 onwards there have been
three other distinct Bishops’ Conferences
for the three Catholic Rites (Latin, Syro
-Malabar and Syro-Malankara).
The greatest challenge the Church has
to face in India is working for the poorest
and the oppressed with a clear evangelical
vision and witness; and the fostering of
ecumenical and inter-religious dialogue
among the members of the various
religions and sects.
to be continued …
The Rector Major, Fr. P. Chaves, with young Indian students
Persuni involuti fil-qasam tax-xog˙ol maΩ-
Ωg˙aΩag˙, Professjonisti responsabbli mid-
djar tat-tfal u ˙addiema soçjali residenzjali
minn Franza, mill-Ungerija, Irlanda, Slovenja,
Spanja, Italja u Malta, iltaqg˙u ©ewwa l-Iskola
tas-Salesjani ta’ St. Patrick’s f’Tas-Sliema bejn
il-5 u d-9 ta’ Marzu biex jiddiskutu u jaqsmu
l-ideat u l-esperjenzi tag˙hom f’dan il-qasam.
Il-programm kien jinkludi preΩentazzjonijiet
minn uffiçjali tad-Dipartiment ta’ l-Istandards
fil-˙arsien Soçjali, Ωjajjar minn rappreΩentanti
tad-Dipartiment tal-˙idma u Politika Soçjali
ta’ l-Universitajiet ta’ Malta u ta’ North
Carolina, interventi mill-Kummissarju tat-
Tfal u ta˙ri© mog˙ti mill-A©enzija Nazzjonali
taΩ-Ωg˙aΩag˙ ta’ l-Unjoni Ewropea. Hu intiΩ
li jkun hemm diversi ‘workshops’ fejn il-
parteçipanti wkoll jag˙tu l-preΩentazzjonijiet
tag˙hom u jiddiskutu l-‘policies’ u l-prassi
f’dan il-qasam ta’ xog˙ol delikat maΩ-Ωg˙aΩag˙,
minn lenti ewropea.
L-iskola Salesjana ta’ St. Patrick’s hija dar
residenzjali fejn tilqa’ tfal subien li l-familji
tag˙hom ikunu g˙addejjin minn problemi
soçjali u familjari. Fi spirtu ta’ ̇ idma li ja©©orna
ru˙u minn Ωmien g˙al Ωmien, matul is-sena
li g˙addiet din l-iskola inawgurat servizz ta’
terapija g˙at-tfal infushom kif ukoll g˙all-
familji tag˙hom u minn Ωmien g˙al Ωmien
tniedi inizjattivi favur tfal u familji fil-bΩonn
fi ˙dan is-soçjeta` Maltija.
St. Patrick’s bdiet tipparteçipa fil-Programm
Ωg˙aΩag˙ ta’ l-Unjoni Ewropea fl-2004 bil-
progett, ‘Arts and Living’. Permezz tas-Servizz
Volontarju Ewropew, voluntiera minn Franza
g˙amlet esperjenza ta’ xog˙ol mat-tfal g˙al
sena s˙i˙a fl-2005. PreΩentament voluntiera
o˙ra, din id-darba mill-Ungerija, qed ta˙dem
flimkien mal-‘Care Staff’ ©ewwa St. Patrick’s.
Diversi membri tal-‘Care Team’ ta’ St.
Patrick’s f’dawn l-a˙˙ar sentejn ukoll kellhom
l-opportunita` jattendu korsijiet ta’ ta˙ri©
offruti mill-Youth Programme ta’ l-Unjoni
Jitniedi f’Malta Studju
Internazzjonali dwar
il-qasam tax-Xog˙ol
Residenzjali maΩ-
Mr. Johann Ciantar &
Fr. Antoine Farrugia SDB
St. Patrick’s, Sliema
5 - 9 ta’ Marzu 2007
To hate all roses because you got
scratched with one thorn‚
To give up on your dreams because one
didn’t come true‚
To lose faith in prayers because one was
not answered‚
To give up on your efforts because one
of them failed‚
To condemn all your friends because
one betrayed you‚
Not to believe in love because someone
was unfaithful or didn’t love you back‚
To throw away all your chances to be
happy because you did not succeed on
the first attempt.
I hope that as you go on your way, you
don’t give in to madness,
Remembering always‚
Another chance may come up,
Another friend, a new love,
A new strength.
Be persistent‚
Look for happiness in every day.
The sure path to failure is to give up!
It is often through failure that future
success comes - Keep Trying!
Kull darba li l-missjunarju jmur iΩur ir-
ra˙al ta’ Khanar, wa˙da mill-ewwel nies
li jersqu jsellmulu hi dejjem Çensa. Din
mara xi˙a u g˙amja miskina, imma
nisranija mill-a˙jar. Ti©ik ˙asra minnha
taraha ©ejja bil-mod, b’id wa˙da sserra˙
fuq il-bastun u bl-o˙ra ma˙ru©a ‘l barra
quddiemha biex t˙oss fejn hi miexja ˙alli
ma titfixkilx.
Çensa kellha iben wie˙ed biss li kien
jie˙u ˙siebha, imma dan miet ftit taΩ-
Ωmien ilu u issa l-imsejkna ©iet wa˙edha.
Madankollu hija ma taqtax qalbha. Çensa
tg˙ix billi ta’ kuljum tmur t˙abbat bieb
bieb g˙and l-insara. Mhux biex titlob il-
karita`, imma biex tne˙˙i l-˙liefa mir-
ross qabel dan jintefa’ fil-borma g˙at-
tisjir. Kul˙add jafha lil Çensa u kulhadd
jistennieha sabiex jafdalha fardal mimli
ross u mbaghad hi jkollha sehem minnu.
L-istorja l-img˙oddija tag˙ha hi tassew
ta’ qsim il-qalb. It-tfal Ωg˙ar iduru mag˙ha
u jistaqsuha g˙aliex hi ma tarax. U Çensa
er˙ilha tirrakkonta g˙al min jaf kemm-
il darba, meta hi kienet taqsam il-bosk.
Ir-ra˙al ta’ Khanar hu wie˙ed mill-aktar
ir˙ula mbeg˙din tal-missjoni. Hemmhekk
g˙andhom jinsabu boskijiet u ©ungli minn
dawk il-kbar. L-iljunfanti, it-tigri u l-orsijiet
jimlew dawk il-postijiet. L-ors jista’ ja˙bat
g˙alik avolja int ma tkellmux. Hu jieqaf
dritt fuq saqajh ta’ wara, u jaqbeΩ fuq
dak li jkun minn warajh. Meta l-vittma
jkun fl-art l-ors jaqlag˙lu g˙ajnejh! EΩatt
hekk li ©ralha l-povra Çensa.
Hi kienet ©ejja bl-ilma mix-xmara meta sfat
attakkata minn ors kbir. Waqqag˙ha ma’ l-
art u b’difrejh qalg˙alha g˙ajnejha t-tnejn u
˙allieha mg˙arrqa f’demmha qieg˙da tmut.
NiΩlet ix-xemx u da˙al il-lejl. Binha Edwin
kien jistennieha tasal lura. Meta ra li qed
iddum ma tasal, mar jg˙arraf lin-nies tar-
ra˙al, li dawn, kollha bit-torçi mixg˙ula
f’idejhom telqu jfittxu lil Çensa. KwaΩi
kollha marru lejn ix-xmara billi Edwin
qalilhom li ommu kienet marret i©©ib l-
ilma. U fit-triq sabu lil Çensa mitlufa minn
sensiha, ©o g˙adira demm. Kienet g˙adha
˙ajja anki jekk flok g˙ajnejn kellha Ωew©
toqbiet fondi tal-biΩa’.
In-nies dewwewlha l-feriti kollha li kellha
f’©isimha imma g˙all-g˙ajnejn ma setg˙u
jag˙mlu xejn. Imbag˙ad binha Edwin kellu
je˙odha ‘l hawn u ‘l hinn kull fejn kien
je˙ti©ilha tmur. Imma issa li Edwin kien
miet, Çensa drat tmur wa˙edha kullimkien.
Hi tilfet l-g˙ajnejn tal-©isem imma l-g˙ajnejn
tal-fidi tag˙ha saru aktar jaraw lil Alla.
Tiggustaha, taraha ©ejja fix-xita g˙all-
quddiesa. Hi ˙abiba ta’ kul˙add. Meta
jkun hemm xi ˙add marid dejjem issibha
fl-g˙arix tieg˙u sabiex titlob g˙alih. Kull
darba li l-missjunarju jg˙addi sa Khanar,
Çensa tkun l-ewwel u l-a˙˙ar wa˙da li
ssellem bil-qalb g˙aliex taf li l-missjunarju
dejjem ja˙sbilha g˙al ftit ˙wejje© u xi
gverta g˙ax-xitwa.
Fr. Paul Formosa sdb Delegation Economer
Savio College, Buskett Road, Dingli, RBT 09.
Tel: 2145 4546
awk li huma l-iΩjed fil-periklu l-aktar jin˙tie©u g˙ajnuna. Dawk li
m’g˙andhomx le˙en je˙tie©u xi ˙add jiddefendihom. San Ìwann Bosco
kien jafu dan. Hu ˙adem f’˙ajtu kollha g˙aΩ-Ωg˙aΩag˙, g˙all-foqra u g˙al
dawk li huma l-aktar fil-bΩonn.
Huwa fatt ta’ swied il-qalb li llum ˙afna Ωg˙aΩag˙ huma:
vittma ta’ min juΩahom biex jistg˙ana
abbuΩati sesswalment
uΩati mill-mexxejja tad-droga
imça˙˙din minn valuri essenzjali fil-˙ajja
Int tista’ tg˙inna. Meta qed tag˙mel hekk, int tkun qed tie˙u sehem fil-˙idma
ta’ Dun Bosco. Alla biss ikun jaf il-©id li tkun qed tag˙mel.
A˙na s-Salesjani, fil-quddies u t-talb tag˙na, niftakru f’dawk kollha li jg˙inuna
b’xi mod jew ie˙or. Ma tit˙ajjarx tg˙inna int ukoll? Il-Mulej li qal: “dak
li tag˙mlu ma’ l-içken fost ˙utkom tkunu qed tag˙mluh mieg˙i”, Ωgur
ibierkek g˙al kull g˙ajnuna li tista’ tag˙ti.
B˙ala g˙ajnuna g˙all-missjoni tag˙kom. Naf li din ma tqieg˙ed
l-ebda obbligazzjoni fuqi u li nista’ nwaqqaf il-kontribuzzjoni
tieg˙i meta rrid.
Iva, nixtieq ng˙in lis-Salesjani. Se nibg˙at
8th December 1854:
proclamation of the
dogma of the Immaculate
Conception of Mary.
After the celebration of
Vespers, on that
memorable day, Dominic
Savio remains behind in
the chapel of St. Francis
of Sales, and kneels in
front of the altar of the
Madonna. Then he
consecrates himself
entirely to Mary, repeating
a prayer he had said on
the day of his First Holy
“Mary, I give you my
heart; let me always be
yours. Jesus and Mary,
may you always be my
friends. But let me die if
I were to disgrace myself
even once with sin.”
(From “La Madonna
di D. Bosco” by
C. De Ambrogio
and G. Del Col)
r-Rettur Ma©©ur, qieg˙ed, din is-sena,
jistedinna sabiex in˙arsu lejn wie˙ed
mill-isba˙ doni ta’ Alla li hija L-ÓAJJA.
Hu jag˙tina ˙jiel fuqiex nimxu meta
Ejjew ni©u mmexxija mill-im˙abba
ta’ Alla g˙all-˙ajja.
Imbag˙ad jistedinna sabiex
f’dawn iΩ-Ωminijiet
meta l-˙ajja hija mhedda
mill-kultura tal-mewt,
a˙na, b˙ala Familja
Salesjana, nikkommettu
ru˙na sabiex
nilqg˙u l-˙ajja b˙ala
don sagru ta’ Alla,
in©ibu l’ quddiem
il-˙ajja b’servizz
niddefendu d-dinjità
u kwalita` ta’ kull
˙ajja, specjalment
tad-dg˙ajjef, tal-fqir
u ta’ l-innoçenti.
. P
- S