N. 5 Jan - Feb - Mar 2008
RM: Strenna 2008
A Marian Shrine in a parish dedicated to Don Bosco
20 Anniversary
Religion in Tough times
ADL: Year of the Youth
Editorial 3
Religion in tough times 4
Words of the Provincial 5
Strenna 2008 6
Monze: Second Annual Retreat 8
20 Jubilee 9
Silver Jubilee: Chingola 10
Silver Jubilee: Lilongwe 11
Salesian Family: New Co-operators 12
Making life choices 13
Letters to the Editor 15
Year 2/Nº5 Jan - Feb - Mar 2008
Director: Fr Joseph Czerwinski
Editor: Fr Javier Barrientos
Redaction Board: Fr Joseph Czerwinski, Fr Bruno
Zamberlan, Fr Slawek Bartodziej.
Graphic Design: Fr Javier Barrientos
Photos: Fr Leszek Aksamit, Br Walter Thyrniang, Fr
Slawek Bartodziej, Fr Antonio Barrientos
E-mail: zmbsocialc@gmail.com
Website: www.salesianszmb.org
Year of the XXVI General Chapter
his is the beginning of a new year, the
starting point of our journey. Last year Twe had had lots of big celebrations at
all levels, Congregation, Province and
Communities. God has given us the
privilege to witness the raising to the glory of
the altars another of Don Bosco’s pupils:
Zefferino Namuncura. He is the first fruit of
Salesian Sanctity among the natives of
South America, raised in the Pampas
(Argentina) he was a boy who understood
Don Bosco’s dreams for the young, to make
them saints; and not just saints for the altars
but saints for the daily life through the exact
fulfilment of their duties.
In our educative approach to the young we
are invited this year to ‘educate the young
with the heart of Don Bosco’. Often we offer
our hearts and our love to the young people,
forgetting to offer them the greatest of all
loves, God’s love for us: Jesus Christ.
As we set out in our journey for this new year
2008 we need to look up to Don Bosco, he
was a man profoundly human, open to the
signs of the time. He lived in a very difficult
time for the Church and yet as a man of the
church he was admired and praised by
many, even those who declared themselves
‘enemies of the church’. This month is
special for each one of us because we
commemorate St John Bosco, the father,
guide and friend of the youth.
This year is also special and dear to us
because at the world level we will celebrate
the XXVI General Chapter, a chapter that
is inviting us to return to Don Bosco. The
chapter is urging each Salesian, each
community, each province and the
Congregation at large to study and imitate
Don Bosco. Therefore, let us entrust
ourselves and our works to him, to look at
the young with his eyes, to love the young
with his heart and to make of the young
saints as he did with those who came
under his care.
May Mary Help of Christians help each one
of us to accomplish the educative mission
the Lord is entrusting to each one of us for
his greater glory and the salvation of the
yours in Christ,
Fr. Javier
Fr Javier Barrientos.sdb
Since the Pledge of Allegiance and The Lord's Prayer are not
allowed in most public schools anymore because the word 'God' is
mentioned.... A kid in Arizona wrote this:
Now I sit me down in school
Where praying is against the rule
For this great nation under God
Finds mention of Him very odd.
If Scripture now the class recites,
It violates the Bill of Rights.
And anytime my head I bow
Becomes a Federal matter now.
Our hair can be purple, orange or green,
That's no offence; it's a freedom scene.
The law is specific, the law is precise.
Prayers spoken aloud are a serious vice.
For praying in a public hall
Might offend someone with no faith at all.
In silence alone we must meditate,
God's name is prohibited by the state.
We're allowed to cuss and dress like freaks,
And pierce our noses, tongues and cheeks.
They've outlawed guns, but FIRST the Bible
To quote the Good Book makes me liable.
We can elect a pregnant Senior Queen,
And the 'unwed daddy,' our Senior King.
It's 'inappropriate' to teach right from wrong,
We're taught that such 'judgments' do not belong.
We can get our condoms and birth controls,
Study witchcraft, vampires and totem poles.
But the Ten Commandments are not allowed,
No word of God must reach this crowd.
It's scary here I must confess,
When chaos reigns the school's a mess.
So, Lord, this silent plea I make:
Should I be shot; my soul please take!
Educating with the Heart of Don Bosco
Fr Javier Barrientos.sdb
Don Bosco’s pedagogy and educative system has shown to be
solid and valid for the formation of the young. Through the years
this educative system has been a source of renewal for entire
nations. Educating and evangelising the young has been one of the
greatest insights in the reform of society, more important than any
social revolution.
Don Bosco believed that reason, religion and loving-kindness
were the pillars of a sound educative system; thus removing one of
them would make the whole system collapse.
Nowadays, in some places in Europe and America to speak of God
and religion, in the name of religious freedom and tolerance, is
being a matter of debate and in some cases is remaining as a
private business, so much so that any mention of religious
affiliation can be used as an argument against freedom and a cause
of discrimination.
The prayer of this youngster from Arizona (U.S.A) shows how
much people speak of many issues that are pretty irrelevant in life,
yet if anyone dares to speak of religion then the situation changes
and it becomes a hot issue.
This month we celebrate St John Bosco, a saint that had as goal for
his educative system to make of the pupils ‘good Christians and
honest citizens’ where being a good Christian qualifies the final
product of being a good citizen.
The Rector Major in the strenna for 2008 invites us to ‘educate
with the heart of Don Bosco’.
Don Bosco in his approach to education was not so much of a
philosopher but instead he was very practical, he always did what
Divine Providence inspired him to be the best for the salvation of
youth. Mamma Margaret had shown him the way to make God the
beginning and end of any effort. She showed little Johnny that
always God comes first. One day after a heavy storm which
destroyed the crops, mamma Margaret would console little
Johnny with the words of Job, ‘God has given, God has taken it
back, in every circumstance blessed be the name of the Lord’, thus
teaching him to love and honour God even in the most difficult
circumstances in life. From mamma Margaret Don Bosco
understood that God’s presence in the life of a young person is
essential. Nothing can replace God’s influence in the human heart,
neither the rules nor the structures .
The task of making God present in the life of young people is now
given to us, therefore let us ‘educate the young with the heart of
Don Bosco’ putting God first in any educative enterprise we
commit ourselves in; and also let us remind the young what Don
Bosco used to say in order to enkindle in them awareness of the
presence of God in their lives: ‘Be always good and remember that
God always sees you’ (MB VI, 234). <
Written by a 15 year old school kid in Arizona
Happy Feast of Don Bosco!
Makeni-Lusaka, the continuation of
most projects and constructions in
the province. Therefore we are
Dear Confreres, Members and SF invited to begin this new year with
and Friends, enthusiasm and with optimism.
There are many obstacles but the
The year ‘07 has been for us ZMB Lord is always near us to give
Vice Province a year of abundant insights to overcome difficulties,
blessings. God has allowed us to Mary is also with us in our journey
have the Rector Major in our midst; and Don Bosco whom we remember
the request of having the Novitiate this month is showing us the way to
in our province was approved, Bro educate the young.
Walter had overcome
his illness, we had the beatification May God bestow on you His
of Zeffirino Namuncura and like abundant blessings.
these there are many other things to
be grateful to God for.
The new year ’08 is just at the
corner. Have a wonderful and
prosperous New Year ’08 rich in
graces of the Lord and in His
blessings, with peace and love for
the young people in your heart.
Recently, I have found one saying
quite uplifting and I would like to
share it with you.
Your Merry Christmas may had
depended on what others did for
you. But your Happy New Year
depends on what YOU DO FOR
There are many challenges coming United in spirit love and prayer,
up this year, such as the beginning of
the Novitiate in Kabwe, the
construction of the Novitiate in Joseph
Fr Joseph Czerwinski.sdb
The dream and the celebrations
“The Spirit of the Lord is upon me, because chosen as the biblical quotation inspiring
he has anointed me to preach good news to “our pastoral educational service”.
the poor. He has sent me to proclaim release At the beginning of his public life, Jesus Don Bosco could not know about. But for
to the captives and recovering of sight to identifies in this text from the prophet heaven’s sake, preserve it! Change
the blind, to set at liberty those who are Isaiah read in the synagogue at Nazareth his everything, if necessary lose all your
oppressed, to proclaim the acceptable year messianic mission and affirms, in front of houses but preserve this treasure, forming
of the Lord.”(Luke 4, 18-19) his fellow citizens: «Today this scripture in thousands of hearts the way to love and to
has been fulfilled in your hearing » (Lk save the young, that is Don Bosco’s
4,21). heritage.» Let us educate with the
This “today” of Jesus continues in our Aware then of the greatness of our vocation heart of educational mission: we have been and of the gift that we have received in the
consecrated with the unction of the Spirit, Don Bosco, pedagogy of Don Bosco, we want to
through baptism, and we have been sent to commit ourselves to making the words of to develop to their full the young to proclaim to them the novelty the Prophet become a reality in our day.
potential the lives of the life that Christ offers us, in order to In practical terms the Strenna is intended to
foster and develop it through an education focus on:of young people, especially
that frees the young and the poor from the - the subject of Salesian pedagogy and the the poorest and most forms of oppression that prevent them from Preventive System; in particular, I think
searching for the truth, from opening disadvantaged, promoting that this requires further study and
themselves to hope, from living with formation, so as not to lose its richness;their rights. purpose and with joy, from building their - the valid contribution that we can offer in
own freedom. responding to the huge challenges of life
Explanation Fr. Duvallet, for twenty years the and of the family; in this way we also
collaborator of Abbé Pierre in his preserve the link and continuity with the
This Strenna is in close continuity with the apostolate of the re-education of the young, two previous subjects (family and life);
Strennas of the two last years. Life is the addresses to us a significant kind of appeal: - education and the promotion of human
great gift of God, “the lover of life,” which «You have works, colleges, oratories for rights, in particular the rights of juveniles,
he has entrusted to us as a seed so that we the young, but you have only one treasure: as an important way for us to make a
may collaborate with him in making it grow the pedagogy of Don Bosco. In a world in positive contribution through our
and produce abundant fruit. This seed which youngsters are betrayed, squeezed commitment to education to all cultures.
needs “to fall into good soil,” in which it dry, crushed, exploited, the Lord has Fundamental aspects of the Strenna
can germinate and bear fruit; this soil is the entrusted to you a pedagogy in which The aspects that the Strenna invites us to
family, the cradle of life and love, the first respect for the young person, for his consider carefully are fundamentally three:
place where one learns to be human. The greatness and his frailty, for his dignity as a 1. Educating with the heart of Don Bosco,
family welcomes the gift of life with joy son of God prevail. that is to say, living the Preventive System,
and gratitude and provides the natural Preserve it, renew it, rejunevate it, enrich it which is a charity that knows how to make
setting suitable for its growth and with all the latest discoveries, adapt it itself loved (cfr. Const. 20), with a renewed
development. But as with the seed, good to these twentieth century presence among the young, consisting in
soils is not enough; there is also need for the creatures and their tragedies that a f f e c t i v e
patient and laborious efforts of the farmer,
who waters it, cares for it and helps it
to grow. This farmer who helps life
to grow is the educator.
We have been called for precisely
this mission. The text from the
gospel of Luke, that I have
chosen to introduce the
Strenna, describes our
vocation as educators in
Don Bosco’s style. Not
by chance, in the
Salesian Constitutions
these verses have been
Don Pascual Chávez
IX Successor of Don Bosco
Strenna 2008
and effective closeness, in participation, in all his creatures, is ever present at their side Salesian pedagogical experience demands
accompaniment, in animation, in giving and freely gives his life to save them” that we create a spirit of communion
witness, in vocational promotion, in the (Const. 20). regarding the educational ideals of Don
Salesian style of assistance. Above all a 3. Promoting human rights, in particular Bosco, knowing how to involve all those
renewed option for the young who are poor those of juveniles, as the Salesian way of with responsibilities in the various
and at risk, seeking out situations of promoting a culture of life and a change of educational institutions and programmes,
evident or hidden deprivation, having structures. The Preventive System of Don forming in them a critical awareness of the
confidence in the positive resources of Bosco has a great social outreach: it wants causes of youth marginalisation and
every young person, even the most to collaborate with many other agencies in exploitation, a strong motivation that
damaged by life, committing our whole the transformation of society, working for sustains the efforts of every day and an
lives to their education. a change in the criteria and views about active and alternative attitude. All of this
2. Attending to the integral development of life, in the promotion of the culture open to involves a commitment to the formation of
others, in a educators.
sober style of - With a renewed deliberately pastoral
l i f e , i n a approach. Salesian activity, in whatever
c o n s t a n t situation it is carried out, always includes a
a t t i t u d e o f concern for the salvation of the individual:
selfless sharing knowledge of God and filial communion
a n d o f a with him by accepting Christ, through the
commitment to sacramental life of the Church. Having
justice and the made an option for youth and poor young
dignity of every people, Salesians take as their starting
human being. points where the young people find
Education to themselves, and the possibilities they have
the young through a renewed option for an human rights, in particular to the rights of of making a journey of faith. In every work
education that forestalls evil by trusting in juveniles, is the privileged way to of rehabilitation, of education and of
the good that there is in the heart of every implement in various contexts this personal development, there is the
young person, that develops it with commitment to prevention, to integrated beginning and the implementation of that
perseverance and with patience, that re- human development, to the construction of salvation that will become more explicit as
establishes the personal identity of each a world that is more fair, more just, more those involved become more capable of it.
one, that forms strong individuals, active healthy. The language of human rights also All have a right to Christ. He needs to be
and responsible citizens, people open to allows us to dialogue and to introduce our proclaimed without forcing things too
the values of life and of the faith, capable pedagogy into the different cultures in our much but also without letting things slip by
of having a purpose in their lives, lived world. too easily.
with joy, with responsibility and with We need to do all this:
competence. An education that becomes a - With a renewed decision to become
real spiritual experience that draws on “the involved as communities in specific fields Rome, l June 2007
love of God who provides in advance for of action. The communitary character of
spiritual renewal. The heat helped the group of fourteen Salesians led
participants do away with toxins throught by the Provincial of ZMB Vice
sweating while the reconciliation service province Fr Joseph Czerwinski A
helped also to get renewed in the spiritual made for St Kizito retreat centre
sphere of life.in the diocese of Monze on Tuesday last
The retreat house has been recently week. This is the second retreat for the
renovated and improved. The place is now SDBs in the province. The facilitator
fenced all around making it impossible for (preacher) was Fr Eustace Siame from the
the presence of snakes in the rooms unlike Salesian community of Bauleni.
the previous year. The food was exquisite The group was made up of Salesian
and the timing was strictly observed by the Coadjutors, Salesian brothers (students
participants who always were present to and in temporal profession) as well as
the conferences with many minutes in priests who join the second annual retreat.
anticipation. The facilitator Fr Eustace The retreat started on Tuesday 20/11/2007
made sure each conference last for about at 5:30 pm time of the arrival at the retreat
twenty minutes each, leaving always good house. Fr Joseph Czerwinski addressed the
points for the personal reflection. Each participants with encouraging words,
participant was strongly encouraged to go explaining the importance of the annual
through the text of the Constitutions in retreat in the spiritual growth of each
order to get in touch with the source of the confrere.
Salesian spirituality.The facilitator, Fr Eustace, gave the
The strict silence that was requested by the opening remarks and introduction to the
facilitator was observed by most of the retreat right after the Scripture reading
participants who saw in it a very important during the evening prayer that day. He
tool to reflect lot more on the various topics encouraged each Salesian taking part in the
of the retreat that had as general topic, the retreat to keep absolute silence to make
theme of the twenty six general chapter: room to hear God's word in the silence of
‘Da mihi animas coetera tolle’. Each of the the retreat.
three vows and the Salesian lifestyle were After supper, Fr Pontiano Mulenga (parish
viewed in the light of the spirit of the Da priest of St Mary's Parish) was chosen
mihi animas.director for the retreat and he organised the
Fr Joseph left the retreat house early on timetable for the next 6 days of the retreat.
Sunday. He went to Hwange (Zimbabwe) The sister in-charge of the retreat house
where the provincial council would take gave some introductory remarks about the
place early on Monday.expected behaviour in the house as well as
The retreat concluded on Sunday some of the necessary information about
25/11/2007 after adoration and the the house.
following day in the morning the Finally Fr Joseph Czerwinski gave the
participants were brought back to Lusaka 'good-night thought' to the salesians taking
to the provincial house from where each part in the retreat and the participants were
later on departed to their respective strongly encouraged to put away their
communities.mobile phones not to be disturbed during
the retreat with the unnecessary phone-
calls or SMS which would
end up being disturbing to
the whole atmosphere.
During the retreat the
p a r t i c i p a n t s a v a i l e d
themselves for the animation
of the morning and evening
prayers, the eucharist, the
evening adoration and the
good night.
The whole atmosphere was
very conducive for the
Second Annual Retreat
Bro Kenny Mubanga.sdb
Twenty Years Ago one Polish priest from Fidei Donum, one Salesian b ro the r and four Sa les ian
seminarians left Poland for the missions in
Africa, following the invitation of the
Rector Major Don Egidio Viganò who
launched the Project Africa. On the 14
October 1987 Fr Jan from Fide Donum and
the seminarians Chester Lenczuk, Chester
Zalubski, Andrzej Reut, Eugene Wnek and
Bro Stefan Sieradz started their journey
towards Zambia leaving behind family,
friends and warm memories from home.
The journey had Moscow as its first
destination in order to make the necessary
connections. They flew Moscow via
Budapest. The missionaries assigned to
Zambia were given some money for their
travel allowances: some Russian currency
plus USD 10 which was treasured without
On their stop over in Moscow the group
visited the capital of the Russian
necessity but the consciousness of keeping (provincial house) Bro Stefan Sieradz from Federation and the famous Red Square.
the ten dollars for further use in case of Bauleni (Lusaka) while Fr Andrew Reut Unfortunately, as they were heading for
emergency made the sacrifice mandatory, was the host of the event. Fr Chester Africa none thought of wearing winter
there was no other choice. It was Fr Jan Zalubski was absence since he is in the clothes, therefore as they walked the streets
who spared some dollars to invite the new U.S.A for health reasons.of the Russian Capital the winter was felt
missionaries to Zambia the highly desired The jubilee celebration started with the deep inside.
Coca Cola can that quenched their thirst. Eucharistic celebration which was The money given was more than enough
Once again the missionaries got into the presided over by Fr Chester followed by for any imaginable purchase, visiting
airplane and this time Zambia was their the rosary. Right after rosary Fr Andrew famous places by taxi and other luxuries
final destination. The landed at the Lusaka officially welcomed all to the jubilee were as if taken from a fairy-tale book. For
international airport, and they were celebration. The rosary was followed by lunch caviar was not too expensive to ask.
welcomed by the superior of the supper and some drinks that made Consequently the feeling was that the
circumscription Fr Kasimierz Czichecki, everyone merry and gave the opportunity experience in Moscow was quite positive.
who upon arrival after greeting the new to cheer the Lord and Mary Help of The stay in Moscow was short but very
missionaries collected from them the Christians for the constant blessing and enjoyable foretaste of what was to still to
precious and well kept ten dollars which protection.come.
they did not spend during the trip. The The following day the programme The missionaries left Moscow for Lwanda,
moral of the story is … continued with the morning prayers, the the capital of Angola. From minus twenty
Today nearly twenty years later, in Kabwe Eucharistic celebration and lunch that degrees Celsius the team experienced
(Zambia) on Tuesday 11 December 2007, ended the event.thirty degrees Celsius and was quite
five of the six missionaries gathered once Lots of memories were recalled and the fact suffocating, nevertheless the team of new
again to celebrate God’s call to the of getting together gave new strength to missionaries did not get discouraged; after
religious and missionary life in the continue in the missionary work, all Africa was the place they volunteered to
Salesian Congregation. Fr Jan who came revitalised with the motivations that live and work in. Due to the hygienic
from Mpunde where he develops his prompted each to leave Poland for the conditions that were very inadequate in
missionary work, Fr Chester Lenczuk mission in Zambia. Lwanda due to the civil war some fell sick.
came all the way from Hwange The high temperature in Lwanda made the
(Zimbabwe); Fr Eugene from Lusaka Happy Anniversary!¤desire to have a can of Coca Cola quite a
20Jubileeth Fr Eugene Wnek.sdb
From Left: Fr Eugene, Fr Jan, Bro Stefan, Fr Andrew & Fr Chester
hose of us who been to Malawi
know the Magnificent church in TBalaka. It was said to be the
biggest Church in Malawi. Yes it was.
t was an ordinary Sunday afternoon the
Not now. Recently a copy of Majagore
24th June 2007. A team from
was constructed in the City of Blantyre.
Kachebere arrived at Don Bosco Youth
And in Lilongwe, Mtima Woyera
Technical Institute for football match. I was
Parish is building up an enormous
preparing myself to go to a meeting.
church half the hill on which it stands.
“Brother, there are not enough players, can
Church going and church looking
you join us?” “Of course” I said and I run
people are confused, which is the
to fetch my boots.
biggest among them.
cooperation of the Christians. Surely the
The game was 1-0 for Don Bosco when I Salesian who went to Malawi 12 years ago In Don Bosco campus, Marian Shrine is
collided with a player and felt to the dreamed of a Shrine, is coming true, Fr. burgeoning fast. The 1000 + sitting
ground. I was unconscious for a while. Fr. Leszek who was form the beginning the Capacity Sanctuary will sure be an
Waldemar took me to a near by hospital. master planner, is still instrumental in this attraction in Malawi and a pride of Area 23
The medical officer did not find anything project.in Lilongwe. A long Term plan for a long
wrong but I had severe pain in the
time is materialising now. Fr. Pascual
abdomen. I was given pain killers and Well, if the parish located in area 23 is Chaves proudly blessed the foundation
sleeping pills. I slept in the examination dedicated to St. John Bosco. How come we stone of the Church in the presence of three
room.are building a Marian Shrine? I do not know envying bishop witnessed by a dignified
where the original idea came from. But for group of Salesians and a throng of hopeful
During the night I suffered pain and my now let us leave this bone of content to Our Christians.
belly was heavy and swollen. I cried and Lady and Don Bosco to battle it out in
called for help but no one came. Fr. heaven; we should concentrate on finishing
Waldemar found me in agony the following the Church.
morning. He too looked for doctors or
nurses; he was told that the hospital staffs Oh! I heard the Church in Kabwe is coming
were on strike. Finally a doctor came and up very fast. Passers by are surprised, the
after examining me said that an operation church tower will be taller than the Celtel
must be done immediately. It took a few tower in the parish compound they say. I
hours to organise an Ambulance to transfer wish it is the competition of good and evil.
me to another hospital for the operation. In In the end the Salesians will reap the
Kamuzu Central Hospital on the way to the reward. Missionaries like Fr. Gotter are
theatre I felt into a coma. That was the 25th proud of the mighty churches they have
June.completed in Kazembe and other places.
Dear Confreres, Members of SF and I heard of another Missionary who was not
A lot of hard work has been put in by those Friends, able to finish a village church; gradually the
responsible. Let me mention the tireless I ask you to pray through the intercession Christians said that it was his church. What
effort of Fr. Louis Malama who is of Bl A. Zatti for the grace of healing for Br. a pity. This led me to think if we should
overseeing the construction. Fr. Peter the Walter Thyrniang, sdb the School Principal abandon the Shrines we have started, for
Parish priest has so far managed to get the of the Lilongwe Technical College. the people to finish; will they not turn to us
While playing football on Sunday 24th of later and say that, they are our
June he was injured and had to undergo the buildings? Not their Church!
operation of stomach. His spleen was Maybe we should build the people
damaged as well as other parts. so that they can construct their own
Presently, he is after the operation on the churches. ¤
ICU ward recovering, he doctors say that
his condition still remains critical.
A Shrine to Mary Help of Christians
On the News
By Bro Walter Thyrniang.sdb
nLet us keep him in our prayers and ask the been disconnected and he breathes on his Merciful Lord for the grace of healing own. Though he is still in ICU ward he is
through the intercession of Bl A. Zatti. already preparing himself to walk. I found
In Don Bosco, him today sitting in the big armchair close
Joseph to his bed. His is still in pain and under the
treatment of morphine. Each time he makes
Dear Confreres, Members of the SF and a considerable move, either trying to sit or
Friends, going back to the bed, he is injected with
This is the latest update from Johannesburg the pain killers. This pain will continue till
SA. Br. Walter was airlifted form Lilongwe the wound will be stitched again
to Johannesburg on Saturday 30th of June. sometimes next week. His temperature is
He was brought to one of the best hospitals also high above 38 degrees. He slowly
in Santon City near Johannesburg. Fr. communicates with me talking and
Leszek has accompanied him and he is narrating the story of the accident in
there on the spot. Malawi.
Let us continue praying for him through the He asked me to greet you and thank you for
intercession of Bl. A. Zatti. the prayers and affection. Let's continue to
J. support him in our prayers!
Dear Confreres! Yours in Don Bosco
Greetings from very cold Johannesburg! I Leszek
would like to up date you on the health
condition of our Brother Walter. I visit him What happened?
twice a day though the distance from Bosco The accident cause serious abdominal
Walkerwille to the hospital in Santon City injuries. The intestines ruptured in two
is very far. Today Br. Walter is in stable spots. I developed septicaemia. Two After a month in the Hospital, I was
condition but still not fully conscious. operations were the best the doctors could discharged. Before that I had to learn to
Doctors told me that they will not remove do, before flying me to South Africa. walk. My body weak, my breath short and
the support system unless he is fully the operation wound still fresh and open.
awakened. Good news is that today the I began to recover slowly. The ulcer
machines work on minimum so that he deprived me of solid food besides causing Dear Confreres, Members of the SF and
hopefully will start to breath normally on life threatening bleeding. The insertion of Friends,
his own. This is to prepare him to remove drainage pipe into the chest cavity was a I would like to share with you the good
the system as soon as possible. I was told night mare of pain. news. Today in the afternoon Br Walter was
that this may happen tomorrow. Good news from SA. discharged from the hospital in Standton
Let’s hope and pray that this will be j SA. Fr Stan Jagodzinski, sdb brought him
possible! I was told as well that he will to Bosco House in Walkerville. Br Water
most probably remain in the ICU unit till Dear Confreres and Friends of will remain in South Africa for sometime as
end of the next week. After that he will have Br. Walter! he would have to go for the regular medical
the next, third operation. As it is now the checkups. On Wednesday 1st of August, Br
wound is opened and kept under control in Once again greetings from Johannesburg! Sylvester Makumba, sdb will go to SA to
order to avoid the collection of any fluids in This time I have quite a good news for you accompany him there in the convalescing
his abdomen. Though the health condition regarding the health situation of our dear process.
of Brother Walter is stable, he is still Br. Walter. Since yesterday morning he has My sincere words of thanks go to Fr Stan
seriously sick and in a very intense pain. He been progressive in his convalescence. The sdb, who showed indeed the fraternal care
needs our prayers and support! Healing doctors managed to control his high and very practical help in time of need as
process started, but there is a long way for temperature and this saved him from well as to Sr Zofia fma, who accompanied
his full recovery! Let’s continue to pray for another possible operation of the abdomen. him in hospital.
him to God through the intercession of Bl I was informed by the three doctors who Words of thanks and gratitude to all of you
Artemide Zattii for the grace of healing. take care of Walter, that apart of some who supported him with prayer and best
Leszek problems with the lungs he is doing well wishes. This is indeed one of the miracles
and maybe at the end of this week he will be through the intercession of Bl A. Zatti.
I opened my eyes a few days latter. I did not moved out of ICU ward. Today he was j.
know where I was. Fr. Leszek told me that speaking very clearly and he was promised
we were in Johannesburg, South Africa. by the doctors that tomorrow he will start to Dear Confreres, Members of the SF and
eat a solid food. Today also he spent most Friends,
Dear Confreres, Members of the SF and of the day in the armchair and he was able Br Walter is recovering fast indeed. He is in
Friends, to walk slowly within the premises of the our Salesian community in Bosco Centre in
This is the latest news form SA. Br. ICU section with the assistance of the SA. He is being accompanied there by Br
Walter is reconvening slowly. Thank you physiotherapist. Tonight together with Sylvester. As soon as he is strong enough to
very much for all the prayers and support. Sister Zofia, fma we have found him travel, he will come to Zambia to continue
J. enjoying watching the television. his convalescence here.
With this good news let’s continue to pray
Greetings from Johannesburg! together for his quick recovery and return j.
I would like to share with you some news to the province.
regarding the health situation of Br. Walter. With prayer and thinking of you,
As the days pass he is slowly recovering. Yours in Don Bosco
Most of the life supporting machines have j.
our months have passed. I am now
healthy again. Left with memories Fand a big scar on my tummy. I lost
25kgs but not a bit of my Salesian joy. I Thinking point
gained much more …
ecently Fr. Provincial discovered Among other reasons we concluded that
Many who knew my condition believe it is that Don Bosco was rather short in because all the selected Salesians were in
a miracle that I am still alive. I am sure it is. Rstature. Discussing on this topic the Chapter retreat. Rectors, Superiors and
God who loves Life, let me live again. some said that most of the great chosen delegates of the province were not
personalities in the history were short at Monze this time.
Thank you Fr. Waldemar, Fr. Provincial, people. Besides Don Bosco; the like of
Fr. Leszek and my confreres for saving my Napoleon and Hitler. Nearer to us is Mr. Some thing to think about!
life and providing me with the best medical Chilumba.
attention possible. Fr. Leszek, Fr. Stan, Sr. Br. Walter
Sofia and Br. Makumba ‘surrounded me Of course in ZMB province there are many
with care and affection’ (Cont 53; in the short people. Fr. Provincial also realised
most difficult moments of my life. The that he is not so tall. Sure this is a great
sisters in Mpanshya mission took care of province.
me during the convalescence period. To All
the Salesians, Salesian family and friends Those of us who attended the retreat in
who prayed for me; Monze will agree with me that the
participants took part with such a
THANK YOU. seriousness and devotion that the effort of
Fr. Provincial to get them talking was
almost futile. I was discussing with Fr.
Br. Walter Eustace the retreat facilitator as to what
brought about such reflective atmosphere.
s you may be aware, this year 2008 help the young persons know God more also planned for a visitation of Small
is the ‘Year of the Youths’(for the than ever and to assist them build their Christian communities to continue with AArchdiocese of Lusaka). This in potentialities as future leaders. We can only our inculturation programme which we
itself is a call for a lot of commitment to the do this by fully getting involved, giving started early in 2007. In this way we shall
co-operators and the church at large, to them guidance necessary to achieve these try to address some of the concerns of our
goals. young persons in relation to the norms of
There are quite a number of
interventions that we have We look forward to the celebration of the
outlined to assist our young feast of Don Bosco at the end of this month.
ones, not only at St Mary’s There is need to prepare ourselves
C h u r c h , b u t e v e n t h e spiritually for this event, the cooperators
surrounding centres. Such together with the youths; in this regard we
activities include gardening, will have together a recollection just before
social games, cookery, crafts, the actual feast.
functions for school going and Lastly, I just want to wish everybody a
many other life skills. The prosperous and enjoyable new year 2008
monies to be realised from which must reflect a sign of love to one
some of these activities is another. <
intended to assist the most in
needy in our parish. We have Mwila Charles, secretary
Dwarfism in ZMB?
Salesian Co-operators - Kabwe Center
*** Vision 2008 ***
Da mihi animas, coetera tolle
Kabwe – Zambia: 26/12/2007 sharing a light supper. only their views but also their desire to
Next after the ‘light supper’ the programme make a radical change in their behaviour.
he Kabwe oratory group gathered at continued. The group started the recitation This concluded the first day of the seminar,
the Salesian youth centre in the of the rosary, activity that later on was and before going to rest Fr Antonio gave the Tevening of the 26 December in carried out everyday in the evening. The group the traditional ‘Good night thought’.
order to start their annual youth seminar. group seemed to be quite uniform and most The second day started very early and
This year as special request from the people knew the prayers and also the way to despite the cold and the rain the youngsters
youngsters the seminar lasted for six days lead the recitation of the rosary. Once the made to the tent-conference hall to begin
and linked with the celebration of the New rosary was over, the whole group was the day activities with the morning prayer.
Ye a r ’ s E v e , gathered in the tent in order to receive the Some of the youngsters volunteered to
which make a full instructions for the well running of the wake up earlier and prepare breakfast for
week experience seminar. the larger groups.
away from home. Part of the experience of making life
choices the youngsters were divided in
At 5:30 pm the groups in order to keep some places clean
y o u n g s t e r s as well as to do the dishes after every meal
arrived at the so that the larger group may be able to
y o u t h c e n t r e continue the programme without delays.
carrying with The youngsters here also seemed to be very
them their heavy committed and happy to share some
l u g g a g e , responsibilities in the running of the
prepared for the seminar.
six day seminar. On Thursday we had the first full day of the
In their faces it seminar. The sessions went on smoothly
was easy to see and time flew swiftly so much so that some
the excitement of of them lost the notion of time and place.
During the introductory remarks a heavy t h e n e w The dynamics, songs and sharing made the
rain started with a thunder storm and experience, as whole difference since they were quite new
lightning that only spiced up the w e l l a s t h e and appropriate to their age.
programme.concern of what it Each youth was given a copy book, a pen
The programme started with the would be like and a hymn book that they could hang on
introductory movie/conference of Pam because there their necks and use as a name tag.
Stenzel that was the delight of the audience. were many days During the meeting we had the wonderful
They learnt a lot because like most and the risk was cooperation from a group of women from
teenagers always thought that the worst to have boring the Salesian Co-operators who volunteered
thing that could happen to a girl is to get moments. The to cook the meals for the youngsters.
pregnant at an early age, but pregnancy is r e g i s t r a t i o n As a conclusion of the morning and
not a disease just as Pam said; people get ended at 6:00 pm
through from pregnancy but from the many when a l l t he
sexual transmitted diseases there is no way participants were
back.in. They were
After the movie the youngsters were welcomed by Fr
invited to gather in small groups of three to A n t o n i o , t h e
five people in order to share their views on organiser of the
the conference. Later on, when the sharing event. After a
in small groups was done they all gathered brief moment of
back in a big group to bring up the self-introduction
conclusions. Many of the youngsters who the group was
were touched by the conference shared not c a l l e d u p o n
Annual Seminar
By Fr Javier Barrientos.sdb
Da mihi animas, coetera tolle
programme continued: cleaning of the encouraged to make some resolutions for
surroundings and mass before supper. In the year 2008, and if possible to come up
the evening the first part of the movie with a simple but effective project of life.
‘Don Bosco – a mission of love’ was The Eucharistic celebration concluded the
shown them. The movie was the delight seminar and in the afternoon the
of most youths who at the end expressed participants were given free time to prepare
their views on the movie and on what themselves for the celebrations of ‘New
they also expect of us Salesians of Don Year’s Eve’.
Bosco. The aim of the movie was to Interviewing some of the youngsters they
reinforce the ideas of ‘determination’, expressed the feeling that despite the six
‘commitment’, and the ‘pursuit of goals days spent at the centre sleeping on the
and dreams’ which were the topics of ground, it seemed to have been shorter
the sessions in the morning. period because of the activities and the
On Saturday, the group joined the whole programme that was very dynamic.
morning mass in the parish. The mass afternoon sessions we had the Eucharistic
was presided over by Fr Andrew Reut. After Concluding this report I could say that the celebration as thanksgiving to God for the
mass the youth returned to the centre to young people need to be challenged and wonders of his creation and the gift of each
continue the programme. On this day the also given the opportunity to know some of young person. In the evening of the second
sessions demanded the youth divide the psychological forces and dynamisms day we held the traditional ‘social evening’
themselves in age-groups in order to help working inside them in order to be able to which this time was modified quite
the sharing in small groups since the take decisions which eventually will help substantially since the youths were invited
psychological development is not the same them grow in all dimensions. A constant to entertain the larger group by offering
even among those who are in their late teens reminder of their task in life is what we read songs as soloists, duet and three at most.
and early twenties. In the afternoon the in the gospel when Jesus tells all ‘You are The whole experience helped them come
weather allowed the games outdoors. The the salt of the earth and the light of the out with the talents they have. The
squad ball and the Russian flag were the world’ and not just ‘you will be or your experience was a very joyful moment since
games in which the participants put all their might become’ but that ‘you are’. The most of them were surprise to hear for the
skills to make their teams win. The final emphasis on personal choices makes them first time their peers singing in such a
outcome was a draw for both teams. In the stronger and also responsible. It is our task professional way. The spirit was so high
evening of the third day the second part of to help them make good choices by that some of them asked to go second round
the movie of ‘Don Bosco – a mission of educating and evangelising them at all with songs; the idea was welcomed by the
love’ was shown. After the movie, Fr times. <group. After the singing the group remained
Antonio gave the good night and this ended for a while dancing and celebrating the joy
the fourth day. Also in the evening we had of being together. At that particular moment
the birthday celebration of one of the a heavy rain started but it did not disturb the
participants who later was caught unaware. programme.
The short birthday celebration ended with On the third day the programme followed
the traditional happy birthday song and the the pattern of the previous day with a small
wishes from the friends.change in the afternoon when the Holy
On Sunday the programme was a different Childhood joined the youth group for the
from the previous days since in the morning Christmas celebration.
the youth joined the mass at the parish. On The young people participating in the
this particular day at the parish there was seminar prepared a Christmas play and
the launching of the year of the youth, and
the youths were requested to perform a
drama during the last mass. They quickly
prepared a small sketch which was the
delight of the people from the parish.
In the afternoon due to the heavy rain the
group went into evaluating the year
programme which was due in the evening.
One of the major points was the issue of
having for the next year a stronger
executive’s team as well as reinforcing the
commitment with the centre and the
participation in the meetings of the youth of
the Small Christian communities.some carols which later on offered the
In the evening the youths were given to children of the Holy Childhood as part of
study the movie ‘The Pursuit of Happiness’ t h e C h r i s t m a s c e l e b r a t i o n s .
which made them reflect on the choices Unlike the previous two days on this third
people make in order to achieve otherwise day of the seminar there was no rain and
impossible dreams.thus it was possible to hold the Christmas
On the last day of the last session was given programme outdoors. After the Christmas
to the participants and they were strongly celebration with the Holy Childhood the
Making life choices: annual seminar
Da mihi animas, coetera tolle
continuation ...
Lufubu - Zambia (21/12/2007) i m m e d i a t e c e s s a t i o n o f
Death of Mr Banda. hostilities and “conditions to be
Today early in the morning Br created to make dialogue,
Banda E. the Principal of our peace, reconciliation and a
Agriculture Training Center in return to normal possible.”
Lufubu died suddenly as he was
rushed to hospital in Mbereshi. A N S - L v i v – U c r a i n e
The immediate cause of death ( 1 0 / 1 / 2 0 0 8 ) T h e F i r s t
as diagnosed by the doctor was publication of the Don Bosco
the high blood pressure. He Publishing House – The first
suffered from it for a number of two books have appeared from
years although recently there the “Don Bosco Publishers”, set
was an improvement. up last year in the Ukraine by the
Mr. Banda was 47 years old and Salesians of the Byzantine-
was working in Lufubu first as a Ukraine rite Delegation. social and political situation in
teacher and instructor and from “St. John Bosco, educator of Kenya continues and the
2003 as a Principal of the center. youth,” by Milena Rudnytska, number of victims and those
The funeral arrangement will be and “The Salesian Spirit” by Fr displaced remains unclear; in
communicated later. Onorino Pistellato, Superior of fact, a number of organisations
May his soul rest in peace and the Delegation, are the titles of are providing help and support
May the merciful Lord receive the f irst two publications for the people.
him into his Kingdom. produced by the Publishing From a letter sent to the Editor’s
Let us also give our prayerful House, which are in line with the Office it is learned that the
support to his wife, children and renewed attention being paid to Salesian houses in Kenya have
the family in this difficult time of Salesian education as proposed not been directly involved in the
bereavement. by the Rector Major in his violence of recent days.
Strenna for 2008.The Salesians in the “St John
Chingola - Zambia (5/12/2008) The purpose of the “Don Bosco Bosco” Province, which in
Opening of the Academic Year Publishing House” in Lviv, in addition to Kenya includes
The salesian community of which two Salesians and some Sudan and Tanzania, are
Chingola, teachers and students lay people are working is to use working with the “Development
of the various trades with their publications in the Ukraine Office” to find out ways to help
relatives held a meeting in language to make the saint of the people.There are about
preparation for the beginning of youth known and to promote the 300,000 displaced people who
the academic year 2008. Bro C h r i s t i a n are living in very precarious
Andrew Falek, Principal of the educa t i on situations in police stations,
Training Centre welcomed all and culture public gardens or as refugees
and explained to parents and o f t h e with relatives and friends in more
s t u d e n t s t h e r u l e s a n d young. peaceful parts of the country.
regu la t ions fo r the new Bishop Cornelius Kipng’eno
academic year. Arap Kori, of the Eldoret diocese,
as the ZENIT Agency reports,
A N S - N a i r o b i - K e n y a while condemning the violence
(10/1/2008) – The international that he says is the result of
operation of solidarity has political and ethnic tensions, has
already begun while the unstable launched an appeal for an
allow someone to dream about studies. order to help
One day I was approach by one of the finding a place
Salesians of the community and asked me to s t ay fo r
straight forward about my projects now that t h o s e w h o
I had finished the school, and here I was a were in need of
bit puzzled with the question, but at the a suitable place
£ Beginnings? Everything has got a same time excited to express my dreams to live during
beginning, a start, there is a source of about the future. Nevertheless at the same this academic
everything, a plant comes from a seed, a time I felt that it was just a dream that most year. Fr Lesa and the community have been
tiny seed, a journey starts with a step, time probably would never see the light, but certainly very supportive. Thanks to all.
starts with a second and everything starts dreaming is still free of charge, isn’t it? On Saturday 5 January there was a meeting
with something. And here I am two days already in this new for both parents/guardians and the pupils.
Now here’s something that started with just experience studying something I always Having our families quite far and most of
nothing, a journey that brought change to liked and what is most important something our relatives busy, we had Fr Antonio as our
many lives of many youths this southern that can help me get started in life by nearest relative and family member. He
part of the hemisphere. making a short career. was the only non-Zambian relative
It all started 25 years ago, with just a few You might wonder what is it all about; well, representing five of us. It was a very
devoted people, the salesian priests and I need to say that I am a student of IT at the colourful scene to see.
brothers, prepared to give their lives just to Don Bosco Youth Centre in Chingola and I thank God for his help and the presence of
see the dream and wish of Don Bosco live as a matter of fact I’m proud of doing it the Salesians in my life.
on and to make the youths of the world see representing my friends from Kabwe May God bless them all.
joy in the spirit, 25 years or rather the silver whom I miss and I’m looking forward to
jubilee as it is called, it has now spread to 4 reach through this letter. A youth from the oratory
countries and that’s Zambia, Zimbabwe, The experience is not an easy one. The rules
Namibia and Malawi but these are not the of the school are quite demanding but the § This new experience is the fruit of the
only countries in Africa that the salesians atmosphere is quite friendly and I enjoy effort of many people to give you and your
are no! They are more than just four studying morning and afternoon. The friends this opportunity. It is now up to you
countries they are places where God’s school is a bit far from home but I think I’ll to make the best of it. Hard work and lots of
kingdom has reached the lives of the youth. make it, because it is worth the effort. enthusiasm in the studies will certainly
I’m very happy and grateful to the Kabwe make you reach the end. Courage and keep
Thanks be given to God for Don Bosco community for this opportunity because the good spirit! ¢
and the Salesians! they have made all the necessary
arrangements for the five of us here to study £ Good bye to you Fr Antonio
Martha Mwela Nyongani and get a qualified information that can Thank you for every thing you have done
help us later on in life. for me more especially were education is
§ God in his infinite goodness had thought We arrived few days ago in Chingola, for concerned. Without you I don’t know what
of the young people of Africa. For this some of the group it was the first time to be I would have been doing by now. Since you
reason he has sent the sons of Don Bosco to in Chingola, a beautiful and busy city, the came in Kabwe my life has really changed,
educate and evangelise the youth of Africa. dream-city for many who come looking for my brother from nowhere stopped caring
Today the salesians of Don Bosco are a job and better opportunities in life due to for me, of which I complain to my God
present in most African countries bringing the boom of the mining activity. most of my days, but I comfort myself
God’s word to the young people. Here is The trip from Kabwe has been very through reflecting about don Bosco’s life.
Zambia we have just reached the 25th year adventurous because we had a very severe Don Bosco was a poor person, but made the
and many more are to come. ¢ weather conditions but thank God we effort to go ahead in life, helping many poor
reached safely to our destination. youths and now he’s one of the richest in the
£ A new experience in our lives Upon arrival we visited the Don Bosco world for the love he offered to all. I hope
Few months ago we never thought Youth centre and we had some group one day I will be like him. For God help
something like this would ever happen to photos with Fr Antonio who gave us a ride. those who help others.
us. Life seemed to continue its normal Later on we went to town where some of Finally I have come to conclude my ‘O’
course but something special changed the our family members were waiting for us level syllabus and you have still continue
route. I used to come to the youth centre in near the post office. In some cases none of caring for me. This year I will be in
Kabwe from time to time, meet friends, the relatives showed up. Those who did not Chingola the town in which I have never
engage in the various activities of the have the family arrangements were kindly been. May the Good Lord continue guiding
oratory and youth group. hosted by the Salesian community until the you until the end of your life! If don Bosco
I had finished my grade 12 a year ago and lodging arrangements were made; and in all happen to be with us today he would have
looking at the possibilities of my family I the cases it was done against the time appointed you to be his assistant.
could certainly not think of any further because the lessons were to start just three Father I really want to live a Salesian life,
study, at least for the time being because as days after arrival. Some of the oratorians not as a priest but as brother so that one day
we know the financial situation in our from Chingola showed concerned for the I may fully imitating you.
country is nothing that would actually situation and put themselves at work in I want to be nothing but hammer in the
Letters to the EDITOR
AND AGAIN”. Even though he is not with
us physically he is besides us to keep us
company, he is behind us to catch us
whenever we fall, and he still lives in you
and me.
Let us try again and never stop believing. hands of the best carpenter, God himself, religious classes and his games and
We are some people in life.working for a better future, hoping that He especially his smile that he shared with
STAY SAFE, ONE LOVE TO YOU ALL.may do for others like me what he is doing everyone.
now in my life. I believe God put Fr. Peter at the centre and
Bernard Chipepo - Kabwewith the youth just so that he can infect us
Christantos Martin Malama with his love, laughter and good humour. It
§ Life itself is a challenge. Society a times has been a blessing knowing him and we
is busy with problems of different sort. § The ways of God are mysterious and pray for him where ever he goes that he will
Adults seem to be concerned with many often give us the feeling that God is not continue leaving a big mark on everyone.
things but the young ones. Parents often are present in our lives, especially when we
busy with work, finances, insurances, face difficulties. However, our faith tells us We can only offer so much but the Lord has
mortgages and the like but they dedicate that we are never alone. God is always offered us more that we can ever use the
little time to the children. The challenge for present in our lives even when we do not see whole of our lifetime. With Fr Peter,
all is to remember that one day the youth him. He continues walking with us through Chester and Chota the youth group has
will be also adults, and when that will the mediation of people who does some developed greatly and we look forward to
happen the hope is that you will not make good to us in God’s name. ¢ the coming year with lots of hope and belief
the same mistakes you see happening that with God everything is possible.
around you. If you are different from what £ Hie,
the adults are for you today, the you have I am sorry to say I am not able to fully I promise as soon as I get the opportunity to
more changes to make a better world for compile an article right now as I am busy. finish the article I will email it.
the young ones that will come after you. This year seems to be going in the right More news,
Don Bosco was a great saint. He suffered a direction, with the grace of God all the
lot in his life, but he was always aware that youth are in good health and attending to Cheers,
he would not be the cause of the same the numerous activities taking place. Charity Maseko
suffering for others. That’s the reason why Christmas Day was a joy to the youth as we Hwange, Zimbabwe
he changed his attitude towards people and had the chance to dance and sing to our
especially towards the young ones, because hearts content. Fr Chester had the Holy § Hi Charity, good to hear some of the
he understood the pain it causes to be Childhood to sing Christmas Carols and do news from Zimbabwe. Life itself is a
young in a society of adults who don’t a Christmas Play. pilgrimage, there are times to say ‘hi’ and
remember that one day they were also The dedication that the children showed also times in which we say ‘bye’ when
young, and that there were many things that when preparing for this special day was someone departs from us. What is
made them unhappy. Keep trying and never amazing. The church looked beautiful, it important is to treasure the good example
stop believing in a better world. ¢felt like we were beyond earth and in a very somebody has given us, in this way their
special place were one felt very pure and memories will continue present in our
fulfilled. minds. On the other hand to look forward to
New Year's Eve was celebrated by all with someone coming is a wonderful
an all night prayer which saw everyone experience, it shows how open the heart is
enter the New Year with a cleansed spirit to welcome anyone who God sends to us. ¢
full of joy and peace.
For the youth the joy had to come to a short £ TRY AGAIN
halt as we had to say goodbye to Fr. Peter
who was leaving for Zambia. The youth You might be asking yourselves,
cried their heats out but to no avail we had ‘Who is the real problem here?
to part and pray that everything that he Is it us the youths who seem to have a
shared with us will remain always in our problem with society or its society...?’
hearts and minds. I would say society has turned its back on
Fr. Peter showed great support to the youth us and everything we do won’t please it,
throughout our ups and downs. He has because very time we take a turn we bump
supported us in our project of Candle- into problems, problems of which our
making, he was there when we had to travel society is inflicting on us, hence leaving us
all over the country looking for para-wax to with a bad reputation’, A reputation so bad
make the candles. He has believed always that society itself. We say ‘TWO CAN
that we can make it and I see now that the PLAY THE GAME’. Doesn’t want to look
youth have derived great strength from at us ever again. But the question is ‘What
him, seeing that he has never given up are the youths supposed to do when society
when things have been tough. has turned it’s back on us. Shall we also turn
All the youth look forward to the new Priest our backs on them? Right? Right! Wrong!
who is coming to the community and we Even we fall on our backs, we should lie
are already preparing hugs and kisses to there’ We must get up to prove our
welcome him to his new home. The Centre capability. Don Bosco said only for words
is also going to miss Fr. Peter for his to give encouragement “TRY AGAIN
... more letters
If God cares for the little flowers of the
fields how much more will he care for
each one of us, his little children.
in Pictures
2 3
1. Makeni: Rector Major blesses
the foundation stone for the
future notiviate
2. Chingola: New co-operators
3 Chingola: Opening of the new
academic year
4. Kabwe: New church
5. Monze: Fr Zyga
6. Kabwe: visitor from S.O.M
7. Monze: Fr Eustace presiding
over the eucharist during the II
annual retreat.