N. 1 January-February-March 2007ZMB Province: Mary Help of Christians
Strenna 2007
V Provincial Chapter
Youth Ministry
P. 12
P. 11
P. 7
In this issue:
This is a special year for the province as
we are celebrating our Silver Jubilee. The
twenty five years have passed quickly for some
people, yet it is quite a long time. This year will be
very important for the future of the province since
we are invited to celebrate the provincial chapter
and in this light to renew our efforts in the mission
the Lord entrusted to Don Bosco which now we
carry out in this province.
In like manner, we remember all those who have
started the mission here, and especially those
who have already gone into Eternity: Frs J. Bem,
K. Cichecki, L. Karczewski, K. Kulczycki, T.
Molendowski, J. Ojczyk, E. Szmyt and O.
Zamora. We thank God for their service and pray
that they may now have their eternal reward.
In this Jubilee year we will have our fifth
Provincial Chapter and will be privileged to have
the visit of our Rector Major. This is a great
privilege for us. Let’s remember that the visitation
of Don Pascual Chávez is a privileged moment in
our personal lives to be in touch with Don Bosco’s
IX successor. Let be his presence a landmark in
our spiritual renewal and our personal
commitment to remain faithful to Don Bosco, his
vision and his mission.
I take this opportunity to wish each of you
every good wish and assure you of my prayers.
Yours in Don Bosco,
Fr. Joseph Czerwinski
elcome to new 2007 year with the
first issue of our much awaited W news-link.
I hope that you have had a pleasant
and fruitful Christmas period and that the year
which we have recently begun may indeed be
a happy one.
We move into the new year with
Epiphany image of the star before us – the star
which beacons onto the future and into the
unknown to find the Saviour and to be found
by Him, perhaps in unexpected places and
situations. The star is an invitation to
openness to movement to keep walking in
search of the Lord, to a deep spiritual journey
in search of him, who as our Constitutions
state, is the only One can fulfil one’s life.
I wish you health, joy, peace and great
apostolic fruitfulness in your various pastoral
activities. Let us remind ourselves of this
year’s Strenna and be on the side of Life,
promoting it and specially offering the young
people all the possible means to build up a
culture of life.
This year we begin with the publication
of the provincial newsletter that was requested
during the Assembly of confreres back in June
last year. It is becoming a reality.
It is indeed a big achievement of Fr.
Antonio and all his collaborators to take on this
task to do this newsletter. I would like to
congratulate them and wish them, patience
and perseverance in waiting for the articles …
Shock them and send many news items!
ife today faces
challenges that Lthreaten and
endanger it, that's the
reason why th is
year's theme for the
strenna is on Life,
because as Salesian
Family we cannot
remain indifferent in
face of this situation.
This year's strenna follows the
theme of the Strenna of 2006 because it
is the family where life finds its ideal
Our charism which is deeply based on St
Francis de Sales' spirituality helps us to
appreciate, defend and promote life in
various ways. Our charism challenges us
and prompts us not to remain idle in the
face of evil, but to love life and all the
values that flow from it.
God gave us life and through love and
sustains it through love, that's the reason
we are invited to love life and defend it,
accepting God's love for life.
Don Bosco's humanism moves us
to appreciate life, in all its forms and, to
defend and nurture it, to believe in the
power of good, believing in it more than
lamenting for the evil that surrounds us.
We believe in God who creates life and
supports it with love, and contrary to
what some think, we affirm that God
continues to care for mankind, God is
mankind's best friend and defender.
Sure of this reality, we are invited to
defend life with hope, to proclaim its
value, especially to young people who
are most weak and defenseless, those
drift ing between emptiness and
Therefore, the Salesian Family
commits itself to:
?Accept life with gratitude and with joy as an
inviolable gift,
?Foster life with passion as a responsible
?Defend with hope the dignity and the
quality of every life, above all the most weak,
poor and defenseless.
Modern man has agreed about the value of
human life of the individual and of the corresponding
grounds, thus rejecting all the threats such as death
penalty, torture, misery, war. There are now
international law that safeguard the integrity of human
life. Paradoxically however there have appeared a
proliferation of scenes and episodes that threaten
human life.
There are countries that use all the available means to
provide high quality of life to their citizens but at the
expenses of entire nations that have to suffer the
consequences of unfair commercial dealings.
However, not all is gloomy as it seems, there are
also signs of positive response to the various situations
in which life is at stake. Our Congregation's response to
the appeal for help during the Tsunami showed its
readiness and compassion for those suffering; in
addition there are some other initiatives such as the
care for the street kids and other young people at risk,
programmes for refugees and immigrants; AIDS
campaigns where education rather than
distribution of condoms makes the difference;
and M iss ions where educa t i on and
evangelisation work side by side in promoting
and uplifting cultures and peoples.
As Salesian Family we are in the right
track but we need to continue putting all the
efforts needed for outreach more people, in a way
that good will be more visible than the evil that
surrounds us.
Our mission is not just love for humanity
but is deeply inspired in the Scriptures where
God is clearly shown to be the defender of life.
There we see also that the life of a human being
is fragile, precarious and fleeting, but it is
something sacred and inviolable for God
breathed his own spirit into man, he created him
in his own image, and out of love.
In face of the attacks on life, nowadays the
duty of promoting an education more sensitive to
the value of life, to respect for it, and in its defense
is of decisive importance. An education that be
integral, enhancing its ethical value.
The family ought to assume its mission
and duty of being a community of life, where to
safeguard life, promote it and care for it.
For us, members of the Salesian Family,
Don Bosco represents our best example of love
and commitment for life, he was full of life, he
learned from his mother to discover the beauty of
nature and of life, and to care for it. In his
appreciation for life, Don Bosco believed in the
possibility of goodness in everyone and the need
to discover the goodness of every one, even
those whom society rejects.
Therefore in the footsteps of Don Bosco
we are called to testify and proclaim that human
life is sacred and inviolable. We assume the duty
of proclaiming it and making it a reality, we
recognise our duty to preach the Gospel of Life, to
celebrate it in the liturgy and in our whole
existence, and to serve it with the various
programmes and structures which support and
promote it.
A positive attitude towards life presupposes:
?Considering life as a gift
Promoting an integral view of life
?Protecting the life of the poor and the
weak, marg ina l i sed , exp lo i ted ,
segregated and abandoned.
?Caring for the youngsters at risk in every
situation (delinquency, violence, sexual
exploitation, marginalisation)
?Accompaniment and help for families in
difficulty (under stress and on the verge
of split)
To educate to the value of life is a task for
all, teachers, parents, educators, catechists, etc.
The commitment to educate to the value of
life is to “help the young to accept and experience
sexuality and love and the whole of life according
to their true meaning and in their close
interconnection since only a true love is able to
protect it.
Let us remember that o u r
settings are the privileged places
to foster a culture of life. There
the young people can br ing
together and organise t h e m
selves what they hear and exper
ience in order to
c o n s t r u c t a
meaningful style of
life for their future.
A valid and very
p o s i t i v e
experience for
young people is the
v o l u n t a r y s e r v i c e
where they put themselves at the service of
others, especially those most in need or
Profound gratitude to God for the gift of life,
celebrating and respecting it in all its forms
Life all in all deserves the respect and love
that God gives himself. The defense of life is
nowadays the major challenge for Christianity.
As Salesian Family we now commit
ourselves to the promotion of life by means of
education, human promotion and evangelisation.
From the Strenna of Don Pascual Chávez
Rector Major
here are still a few places where
spirituality remains superficial, where Tpastoral work is not properly organised,
where we are not really in touch with the
world of youth, where problems remain
concerning the inculturation of the charism,
or where there is little knowledge of Don
Bosco and his work.”
“The evangelisation of the young
through a loving presence and suitable
challenging projects demands that, with
courage and deep faith, we give fresh
impetus to our Youth Ministry which can run
the risk of remaining on the level of
entertainment or education that is limited to
civil or cultural matters or to a generic
approach to the transcendent. Being
reminded of those to whom our mission is
directed obliges us to reflect and to operate
“starting from the young” and not from our
problems, and to return to the young who are
the special “territory” for our mission, the
church were we encounter God.” (RM 394
Going through these and other
passages of Rector Major's letter we have
the impression that he knows the problems
of our ZMB Vice-Province.
It could also be true that, as a
Province, we “are suffering” the same
problems of the Congregation as a whole.
Re-echoing the motto “Da mihi
animas, cetera tolle” the RM brings us to the
origin of our charisma: the passion and the
urgent commitment of Don Bosco for the
salvation of Youth: “He took no step, he said
no word, he took up no task that was not
directed to the saving of the young…Truly
the only concern of his heart was for souls”
(C 21).
Looking at the present situation in the
Province, sometimes I have the impression
that we just try to “survive”! I am convinced
that we cannot revitalize the Province only by
distributing “properly” our confreres in the
various communities and assigning them a proper job. For me
the secret lays on maintaining ‘high’ the life of the Community
for the mission and for the evangelization.
We are living in community for the mission, we pray for
the youth, we study for them….like Don Bosco said! “We re-
awake” our Province only by offering our humble services
(life) to the young.
The Chapter is a strong call to modify and to change
the values' system to which we belong! The Chapter is calling
us to show a clearer face of Don Bosco for the youth of today.
As many Founders in the Church, Don Bosco didn't give us a
treatise about his spirituality; he left us simple stories of his
real life: he narrated his life, which his boys put in the
“Memorie Biografiche”. To “return to Don Bosco” it is not to
write a project. To “Return to Don Bosco” we have to start or to
re-start to live our consecrated life in deeper way.
Our Salesian life will “narrate” the face of Christ to the
What do I expect from the V ZMB Chapter?
The young people don’t need
our sermons, they need our lives!
youth, following the genuine path of Don Bosco. The young
people ask us to narrate them our life. They don't like our
“sermons”, our arguments: they want our lives! We are not
taking Don Bosco as “our model”, repeating what he did. We
are not preparing any beautiful document. The real
challenge is to prepare ourselves to receive the spirit of God
and He will do everything new!
At the end of the international Congress on the
Consecrated life (Passion for God, passion for humanity)
the Late Pope John Paul II indicated the way to go through
the real renewal:” It is necessary to open our hearts at the
“breath” of the Spirit. It is necessary to make a competition
among each other in the fraternal love and in opening the
gates to the service at the most weak, and abandoned. In
this way the testimony of your chaste, poor and obedient
life, will be the transparency of the kindness of Christ's face”.
In conclusion: What I expect from the Chapter? A real
Pentecost for our Province: we “badly! Need the Holy Spirit.
We need “spiritual” Salesian, “radical” Salesian!
Bruno sdb
V Provincial Chapter
She taught him
a r g a r e t O c c h i e n a
remained widow on the
12 May 1817. Her Mhusband Francis Lewis
Bosco, died age 33 after a short
illness, leaving behind a poor
widow, three children, and his
aging mother.
People who studied
Margaret’s character have
a t t r i b u t e d t h e f o l l o w i n g
c h a r a c t e r i s t i c s t o h e r
personality: profound faith in
God, prudence, fortitude, natural
w i s d o m , f i r m n e s s a n d
tenderness, and total dedication
to those under her care. She was
strong in her decisions and at the
same time very understanding,
d e m a n d i n g a n d c a r i n g ,
welcoming especially those
most in need. In this way she
taught her children the care for
the poor and the compassion for
those suffering.
She accompanied her son John
Bosco young priest when
requested. They left the village of
Becchi together with it lots
memories and a life.
At the age of 58 she
became the mother of the boys
that her son John would take
from the streets. Those boys
were by no means the best of the
town, in cases they were rude,
ignorant , in need of everything.
Not being enough they would
even make her life impossible,
often during their games they
wou ld des t roy the l i t t l e
vegetables garden she had. One
day after a very hard work of
cooking, mending and assisting
Don Bosco’s boys, she felt the
weight of an unappreciated
work, so she decided to go back
to the quiet life of her dear
Becchi, John Bosco only showed
her the cross hanging on the
wall, then she understood that
her mission was to be among
the boys Don Bosco was trying to
help. Slowly after this incident
she saw in them God’s
wonderful creation just the way
she used to teach little Johnny
back in Becchi.
Upon meeting Dominic
Savio, she told John Bosco,
‘you have many good boys, but
none like Dominic Savio... in
church he looks like an angel
come from paradise’. Margaret
taught John Bosco the love for
God and the awareness of his
presence. She used to say,
‘God sees you’.
D o n B o s c o ’ s
Margaret’s way to educate,
guided by Reason, Religion
and the Loving Kindness.
The Salesian Family
owes to Margaret Occhiena the
wisdom of her life and her
openness to God’s creative
love for all.
By Alberto García
Trans. Antonio B
n Western Christianity, Lent is the period (or
season) from Ash Wednesday to Holy Saturday I(forty days). In Eastern Christianity, the period
before Easter is known as Great Lent to distinguish
it from the Winter Lent, or Advent (known in Greek
as the "Great Fast" and the "Nativity Fast",
Easter always falls on a Sunday between
March 22 and April 25, roughly corresponding to
the Northern Hemisphere's early spring. Ash
Wednesday, which can fall anywhere between
February 4 and March 10, occurs forty-six days
before Easter, but Lent is nevertheless considered
forty days long, because Sundays in this period
are not counted among the days of Lent. The
traditional reason for this is that fasting was
considered inappropriate on Sunday, the day
commemorating the Resurrection of Jesus.
Formerly Lent was referred to by the Latin
term quadragesima, or the "fortieth day" before
Easter. This nomenclature is preserved in
Romance and Celtic languages (for example,
Spanish cuaresma, Portuguese quaresma,
French carême, Italian quaresima. The name
"Lent" comes from the Germanic root for spring
(specifically Old English lencten). Initially the word
simply meant spring, but later became associated
with the fast. The name change occurred in the late
Middle Ages as Catholic sermons were spoken in
vernacular instead of Latin. As such, use of this
term to describe this period is unique to English.
Easter celebrates the Resurrection of
Jesus Christ, while Lent is a time of preparation for
Holy Week (or the Passion Week for Catholics
worshiping in the new rite of the Mass). Holy Week
recalls the events preceding and during the
crucifixion, which occurred in Jerusalem in the
Roman province Judea, around 29 AD.
Fr Christian O’Toole, SJ
Catholic News Agency
The forty day period is symbolic of the forty
days spent by Moses and Elijah in the wilderness;
during the days of Noah God made it rain for forty days
and forty nights (they were in the ark for much longer);
the Jews wandered forty years traveling to the
Promised Land. Jonah in his prophecy of judgment
gave the city of Nineveh forty days' grace in which to
repent. Jesus retreated into the wilderness and fasted
for forty days of temptation to prepare for his ministry.
The Lenten period of forty days owes its origin
to the Latin word quadragesima, originally signifying
forty hours. This referred to forty hours of complete
fasting which preceded the Easter celebration in the
early Church. The main ceremony was the baptizing of
the initiates on Easter Eve, and the fast was a
preparation to receive this sacrament. Later, the period
from Good Friday until Easter Day was extended to six
days, to correspond with the six weeks of training,
necessary to instruct the converts who were to be
he seasons and days of penance in
the course of the liturgical year (Lent, Tand each Friday in memory of the
death of the Lord) are intense moments of
the Church's penitential practice. These
times are particularly appropriate for spiritual
exercises, penitential liturgies, pilgrimages
as signs of penance, voluntary self-denial
such as fasting and almsgiving, and fraternal
sharing (charitable and missionary works).
(CCC 1438)
News for all
Kabwe, House Blessing - on 25 November
the Salesian Community Bl Artemide Zatti
with the presence of the provincial Fr
Joseph Czerwinski officially opened its
premises to the young people.
Around 400 young people, religious and
priest gathered for the event. The whole
ceremony started with the Eucharistic
celebration presided by Fr Joseph. After
mass Fr Joseph proceeded to the blessing
of the surrounding grounds and the new
house, he was escorted by the young
people who amidst songs expressed their
joy for the event.
Vatican – Progress in the Cause of Pope John Paul
I (Luciani) (ANS – Vatican City: 4 January 2007) -
Yesterday at the Congregation for the Causes of
Saints, there was the official opening of the
documents regarding the diocesan enquiries into the
heroicity of the life and virtues, as well as the
reputation for holiness of the Servant of God Pope
John Paul I, (Albino Luciani: Canale d'Agordo, 1912 –
Vatican City,1978). The diocesan enquiry had been
solemnly closed in the Cathedral at Belluno on 10
Brazil – A Human Rights Award for a Salesian
(ANS – Cuiabá: 3 January 2007) - On 14 December
2006 Brother Mário Bordignon SDB was presented
with the State Human Rights Award, in the presence
of the Legislative Assembly of the State of Mato
Grosso . The Award was g i ven on the
recommendation of the State Deputy Mr. José
Ságuas, a Past Pupil of the Salesian house of Alto
Araguaia. Brother Mario Bordignon, a member of the
Native Missionary Council (CIMI), is recognised as an
active defender of the rights of the native people of the
State of Mato Grosso.
Poland, December with heartfelt sadness the
province heard of the news of Fr Leszek’s
mother death. After months of serious illness
and having exhausted all means of medical
research, Fr Leszek’s mother surrendered her
self to the Lord. May she rest in peace!
Chawama, Provincial’s operation - on the
third week of December Fr Joseph Czerwinski
was driven by Br Stephen to Katondwe Mission
for an operation. He spent there some days of
quiet and rest.
Salesian house in Kabwe
Chawama, Italian visitors - from 24
November the Province received the visit of
Missioni Don Bosco. The team made up of
Br Antonio, and two assistants Luca and
Alessandro visited all the communities of
Zambia. Their purpose is to prepare the
DVD for the jubilee. They are expected to be
back in January to complete the documental
with the rest of the communities.
Chawama, 2-4 of January the Preparatory
Commission for the V Provincial Chapter met in
order to brief the Provincial Moderator Fr Bruno
Zamberlan regarding the visitation to the
communities. Some other details regarding the
logistics of the forthcoming chapter were part of
the agenda.
India, Mr. Probus K. Grain Thyrniang, the father of
Br. Walter Thyrniang, sdb, has passed away in India.
He was 75 years old and suffered from the stomach
Zambia, Mrs. Elisabeth Chikuta Makina, the
mother of Fr. Makina Patrick, sdb, has passed away
after a short illness in Solwezi.
hat you are young is enough for
me to love you”. This is what
John Bosco used to say to his Tyoung friends and he proved it
through his actions. Young person was at
the centre of his heart. This is, no doubt,
the basic requirement for the effective
Youth Ministry. Effective Youth Animators
are those who have interest in the young
person and willingness to commit
himself/herself to the work with and for
the young.
In the time of preparation for our
thforthcoming 5 ZMB Provincial
Chapter we are being encouraged
to reflect on our presence and
effectiveness among the young
entrusted to our care.
Many young people today
are troubled by what is going on in
the society at large. This leads
them to all sorts of abuses e.g.,
drugs, sex, alcohol. The Church
and the Salesians working within the
local Church have a tremendous
potential to offer troubled young people
some effective programs that can
prevent many other youth from having
the same problems. For the program to
be effective one must recognize the
diverse needs that young people have.
But again having nice programs that will
address the needs of young people is not
enough, one must be present among the
young. Passing on information alone is
not what young people expect from us.
What young people need today are not
adults who just hand over information but
adults who hand over themselves and
the secret of their own faith. We need to
share God's love with young people, help
them to grow in the Christian faith, and
develop a genuine sense of community
with one another. In turn young people
have a potential to help us and the
st31 Solemnity of St John Bosco
th13 Curatorioum in Moshi
th th15 -16 Curatorioum in Lubumbashi
th24 Novena to Mary Help of Christians
th th6 -12 Formation – CIVAM: Ethiopia
th nd20 -22 PC - Lusaka
th24 Novena to Mary Help of Christians
th th10 -11 Retreat – Members of the Chapter
th th12 -17 Provincial Chapter
th18 Feast of the Province
th24 Novena to Mary Help of Christians
church grow.
To face the challenges of today, our youngsters need
somebody they can rely on, somebody that can
encourage them and support them in achieving their
goals. Are you that somebody? Is it not the charism of
every Salesian to work with the youth? If you happen
to be unable because you realized that you
should have been a
Jesuit or
F ran c i s c a n
t h e
Youth Seminar in Kabwe 30-31 December 06
To live and work together is for us
salesians a fundamental requirement
and sure way of fulfilling our
least you can do is to identify and empower
those who have the charism of working with
the youth.
These could be the laity who are mature
and well balanced people. Clearly this person
must have a genuine interest in the youth and
be able to relate easily with them. He or she
must be able to work in a team, lead a genuine
committed Christian life, which is integrated
with daily life, and should be able to profit from
basic training in the knowledge and skills
necessary for their work. G.K. Chesterton, the
famous English author said:” To teach John
maths, I must know maths; but first of all I must
Birthday Celebrations
th 6 Fr Siame Eustace
th 7 Br Jere Louis
th15 Fr Dziatkiewicz Paul
Cl Ngosa Dennis
th19 Cl Kunda Christopher
st31 Fr Mulenga John Bosco
st 1 Fr Zamberlan Bruno
rd 3 Br Makumba Sylvester
th16 Fr Skowron Joseph
th19 Fr Załubski Chester
Cl Mesi Alexio
nd 2 Fr Chenginiyaden Thomas
th 5 Fr Grzegorzewski Thomas
th 9 Fr Aksamit Leszek
th10 Fr Makina Patrick
th12 Cl. Kaunda Jacob
th16 Fr Gotter Joseph
nd22 Fr Czerwiński Joseph
th25 Fr Chisanga Teresford
th26 Cl Kabanga Gasiano
th29 Fr Kim Alexander
know John”. What we should look for in the
youth animators in not theoretical knowledge
of youth work but real knowledge of the real
people he or she is working with.
The best way to understand what the
youth are like is to invest time and energy
getting acquainted with the youth rather than
reading about them. The book can tell you only
a few things. You need to look for every
possible opportunity for direct contact both
with individuals and groups of young people.
Many youth animators err thinking that the time
to keep in touch with the young person in the
class or at the church. You must take time to
visit your youth as individuals and that will
definitely will enhance your ability to
SITUATIONS. Only in this way we can be the
bearers of God's love for the young.
By Fr Andrew Reut
want to share with you about the Workshop that
took place at the youth centre (Kabwe) from the
30-31 December 2007, and personally what I Ienjoyed during the same.
The timing was perfect, we were told to come at
08:00 hrs and by that time everyone was present and
the programme had started right in time. Those few
who did not manage to be by then, were told to wait
until break time, namely 9:30 hrs.
We began with ‘win a partner’ an ice breaker led
by Fr Slawek. This activity made people feel alive. It
was my first time doing this, so I really enjoyed it and
learnt a lot from it.
Next on the programme was our first session
carrying the theme ‘The aims of Don Bosco in his life’.
This was to help the poor children to become g o o
d and responsible youths. He used to
enter their world by liking their
activities, making s u r e t h a t
t h e y a c c e p t e d
him i n t h e i r
Once he managed to make them his friends he would
easily invite them to take part in catechesis,
sacraments and other religious practices.
In order to spice up the session Fr Slawek gave
us religious questions to define but most of them we
totally new to us, so we had to get together in pairs or
small groups in order to answer them. It was fun!
Shortly after we went for a break and we had tea
and bans. The break took about 30 minutes. I
personally didn’t like it because I don’t like tea but my
friends made me drink it, which later on resulted in a
stomach pain, so I sad while everyone else enjoyed the
rest of the session.
We were then called back for the second
session. The theme was on ‘self-esteem’. Here we
were taught how to discover our self esteem, checking
through little signs whether it is low or
normal. I discovered that mine was
slightly high and I still have to work on it.
After the input we went out in groups to
answer some questions we were given.
In my group I was chosen to be the
secretary, so the time we returned to the
room I had to present the answers to the
whole group.
Then lunch came, which I
enjoyed because of the music that was
played. After lunch we went to the tent to
play some group games.
After the games we went back to
the classroom to continue with the third
session, this time it was conducted by Fr
Antonio. During the session and just
before mass he taught us a Hebrew
song which was fun learning because
the words were kind of difficult to
Having finished the afternoon
sessions we had mass, it was done by Fr
Andrew while Fr Antonio played the
Right after mass we had supper,
it was funny because normally I have
supper around 20:00 hrs but this time it
was only 18:00 and we had to eat. After
supper we prayed the Rosary together
with the Salesians.
By the time we finished with the
rosary, we were invited to go back to the
classroom for the evaluation of the
activities of the year 2006. During the
evaluation some people were bored and
others were dozing, so we were invited
he Annual Meeting of the Salesian
Brothers was held from 1-2 of TNovember 2006. For the meeting
all the brothers of the Province were
present. Fr. Provincial was the chief
coordinator of the meeting. Bro. Emile
Dube from New York was the special
invited guest to share on the topic “The
Salesian Brother”.
In the first opening session of
the meeting Bro. Emile presented
about –“The History of the Salesian
Brother.” He presented this topic on
the Power Point. He said that it is
difficult to ascertain whether the idea
of the Salesian Brother was born
together wi th the idea of a
congregation or whether it was the
result of later experience.
The lay Salesian has the same
aim in life as the priest, namely the
Christian formation of young people,
but he goes about it in a different way.
Later he brought out the identity of the
Salesian brother. He said, “The
Salesian Brother is a unique being,
created by and through the love and
goodness of God. He is a member of
the entire human family. He is a
baptized Christian, a member of the
Catholic faith. He is a consecrated
religious. He is a professed member
of the congregation of St. Francis de
Sales, a Salesian of Don Bosco.” The
aim of the Salesian Society is to unite
its ecclesiastical, clerical and even lay
members, so that they may attain
perfection by emulating the virtues of
our Divine Saviour, especially by
helping the impoverished young.
In the Second Session Bro. Emile
spoke to us on the enrolment of many
different occupations of the Salesian
Brothers in the history of the Salesian
Congregation. The Salesian Brothers are
known for the great contribution to their
apostolate especially on working classes.
He also spoke about the lives, mission and
the spirituality of Brother Simon Srugi and
Blessed Artemede Zatti. He exalted them
for their holiness and great dedication in
their mission as Salesian Brothers in the
Congregation. Again he brought out the
mission and the vision of the Salesian
Brothers in the present context in the world.
In the present context the Salesian Brothers
are well skilled in many fields of the
Salesian missions. He also said that the
young generation Brothers should come
forward to be better informed in the society
to take up the challenges in their own
During the meeting all the brothers of
the Province brought out the concern of the
young Salesian Brothers. In our region the
vocations of the Salesian Brothers are not
well accepted and understood. So it is a big
challenge for the Province how to promote
the Salesian Brothers' Vocation. During the
meeting all the brothers agreed that not only
the Vocation Promoter is responsible for the
promotion of the young Salesian Brother
but all the confreres of the Province are
responsible. After all Holiness is not a
privilege of the elect, but the duty of every
Christian. Thus, the Annual Meeting of the
Province ended.
By Br Martin B
The Annual Meeting of the Salesian
Lunch during the seminar, Dec 2006
to do some dynamics were singing and the body
movements made people wake up. We were
Around 22:00 hrs we went to sleep. The
boys remained in the classroom while girls went
to the new youth office. For the boys it was a
long night due to the mosquitoes. On the other
hand ours was noisy, short and interesting. I
forgot to mentioned that Fr Antonio got all our
mobile phones so I was kind of missing my
friends that night.
The following morning we had morning
prayer and then breakfast. It was good, but
again I had to drink tea with milk, thing that I
dislike very much.
After the first morning session we had
the mass this time it was Fr Antonio who
conducted it. Fr Andrew had gone to the parish.
We concluded the mass and then we had
lunch that was followed by planning for the year
2007. It was quite fast and it seems very
interesting what will take place this year.
All in all I enjoyed the seminar and I learnt
a lot. We were told we’ll have three seminars
this year. I’m already looking forward to it.
By Jane Kabwandy
From Mansa
he Christmas Celebrations at Chimese
thyouth centre started as early as 17
thTDecember 2006 and through to 7 January
2007. The three weeks period was packed with
various performances from various groups within
and outside the centre.
The activities exhibited were; Christmas
Carols by a combination of youths at the centre
from Small Christian Communities, a Christmas
play in the church on the Christmas eve mass by
youths from Small Christian Communities, a
variety show in Don Bosco’s main hall with
attendance of 550+ youths and 150+adults from
different parts of Mansa.
This was performed in various Christian
households including SDB and FMA communities
within the parish by youths from different small
Christian communities. The preparations started
th th around 5 ended on 16 December 2006. This
performance was appreciated by a lot of
Christians who exhibited this development as the
youths quickly adapted themselves to a
combination of the modern musical instruments
like a keyboard, guitar and the traditional drums.
The group involved about 30+ youths of 18+ girls
and 12+ boys. The whole 18 day program, ended
with a hope of better to come performances not
only in the youths but also the community at large.
thThe event took place on 25 December
2006 at Don Bosco Chimese in the main hall from
13:30 hrs to 18:30hrs. With preparations starting
in good time, the performances proved to be lively
and well organized by the local youth
entertainment committee together with the youth
executive and unconditional support from the
Salesians at Chimese, i.e. Fr. Michael, Fr.
Eugene, Fr. Andrew , Br. Moja Sr. Elida and
aspirant Oswald.
Christmas and E
nd of the Year
On the day of the show, a capacity of 550+
youths and 150+ adults were in attendance at the hall
with anxiety and an expression of high expectations on
their faces. This wasn't turned down as the youths put
up a good performance in various categories, i.e.
rumba and raga dances, miming both local and
international, Gospel Songs, Drama (sketches and
comedy), modeling in assorted categories (office
wear, casual wear, sports wear and the exciting
Traditional wear). Different competitions in balloon
Blowing (boys and girls), Chair elimination game and
many more…..
Emerging winners never went empty handed
as the preparation include Encouraging presents, like
Cloths, Shoes, Foodstuffs and many more……….
The breath taking show was record breaker in the
history of festive celebrations in the region. Reports
from outside reviewed the interest of most parents as
children were occupied in the preparations and had
little or no time to engage themselves in bad vices such
as Beer Drinking, Drug abuse as exhibited before. This
interest called for more, Hence the success of another
thback to school to school show on the 7 of January
Youths also took their time to prepare a
Christmas play of the birth of Jesus according to the
Gospels. The drama portrayed was a true expression
of how the youths have read and understood the
gospel. Ample time was taken beginning from 7th to the
thactual performance date 24 December 2006,
19:00hrs during the Christmas Eve mass, presided
over by Fr. Michael, with Fr. Andrew, Fr. Eugene and Br.
Moja in attendance.
Young people felt
the unconditional help of the
Salesian Community
1 Kabwe: Bro Stephen dancing
2 Bauleni: New Chapel
3 Kabwe: House blessing
4 Bauleni: Br Martin & Pre-novices
5 Lufubu: Fr Andrew with some
6 Lufubu: Boys at the workshop
7 Late Fr Casimir founder of the
Salesian Mission ZMB
8 Chingola: Fr Clement with some
9 Mansa: Fr Andrew during the
Advent celebration
10 Kabwe: Children during the
shooting of the Christmas movie
11 Bauleni: Fr Chisanga during
Sunday Mass
12 Mansa: Fr Bruno holding a huge
13 Kabwe: Fr Joseph during the
blessing of the new house