ZMB Salesian Newslink Year 6 No. 21


Provincial Events:
Provincial Council

Hwange - Youth Festival

Year 6 | Issue No. 21 Dec - Jan - Feb 2012

Editorial 3
Knowing Don Bosco - Pascual Chavez RM 4
Church today: Conformity with God’s will 6
Words of the Provincial 7
Hwange Youth Festival Tell the Story of Jesus 8
New Salesian Bishop 9
A Bishop for the Young 10
A New Diocese with a New Bishop 11
Becoming like Don Bosco 12
Relics & Catholic Church 13
Salesian World - International News 16
Walking the talk 17
Availability for Service 18
Signs of our Time - Thinking Point 19
2011 Graduation Ceremony - Lufubu 20
Salesian World - Local News 21
New Vice Provincial 22
A Family Visit 23
ZMB Photo 24

Salesian Newslink
ZMB Quarterly publication
Year 6/Nº21 Dec - Jan - Feb 2012

2 Salesian NewslinkZMB

Director & Editor: Fr. Javier A. Barrientos
Redaction Board: Fr. Dennis Higgins, Walter Thyrniang
Graphic Design: Fr. Javier A. Barrientos
Photos: Br. Walter Thyrniang, Sylvester Makumba,

Fr. Javier Barrientos, John Musonda,
Alexio Mesi, Fr Ignatius Musenge.

Contribution from: Fr. George Chalissery, Fr. Andrew Reut,

Walter Thyrniang, Clement Mutamba SDB,
David Njolo SDB, Christopher Mukuka
SDB, John Musonda SDB.

Printed: Printing Press - ZMB Provincial House

In this Issue:

2011 Graduation Ceremony - Kazembe

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Fr. Javier Antonio Barrientos sdb

he year we have just begun seems to be quite offer to have among them the Friend
promising, especially in the area of faith journey. The and Father of Youth. Surely lots of
scheduled visit of Don Bosco’s relics is making good works could be done with the
communities, young people and adults around them money that will be spent, yet the
get ready for the big event. It looks as if the reports spiritual benefit of this visit is
from the visit of Don Bosco’s relics to other countries is definitely priceless.
challenging each person in the province to make of this This is a unique opportunity for
visit a special moment of grace. The commission for the young people of Africa to come close

visit of Don Bosco’s relics has come up with the final draft of the journey of to Don Bosco; and since not
Don Bosco in our vice-province and it is now the moment for each everyone can afford travelling to
community to prepare the programme of the celebrations. The entire Turin to visit the Basilica of Mary
Salesian Family in ZMB is already fully involved in the preparations, Help of Christians and thus see Don
Salesians of Don Bosco, Salesian Cooperators, Daughters of Mary Help of Bosco; it is now the same Don Bosco
Christians as well as some Past Pupils are all taking full ownership of the coming to meet the people of Africa,
visit of Don Bosco to Zimbabwe, Zambia and Malawi. It is quite all of them young and old.
unfortunate that Namibia will not be part of the journey of Don Bosco’s Besides the financial challenges it
relics; distance and some other questionable situations are making it poses, there is also another point to
impossible. consider: the African Culture. In
The visit of Don Bosco’s relics will involve lots of coordination between the some places, there is a strong feeling
communities and the provincial commission, and between the provincial that the presence of Don Bosco’s
commission and the Mission Procure of Turin, most especially with Fr relics may not be fully accepted. Yet
Pier-Luigi Zuffetti and his collaborators. Within each country there will be the communities are accepting the
lots of movements of people and most especially deals with government challenge to explain to people the
offices: Customs and immigration; yet all of it is heading towards making religious nature of this visit.
this journey of Don Bosco a successful event. Let’s therefore make efforts to pave
Certainly Don Bosco never thought of physically travelling to the various the way to Don Bosco’s visit by
African countries; although he had the desire to go to Sudan with Daniel encouraging young people and
Comboni. Nevertheless, he dreamt of a line crossing Africa; a line that adults alike to deepen their
went all the way from Valparaiso (Chile) to Beijing (China). This time his knowledge of Don Bosco as well as
remains will travel long distances in Africa. In ZMB alone, the remains of the Catholic doctrine on the
Don Bosco will cover a distance of nearly 6,000 km, blessing on its way all veneration of relics which is the key
those who will come close to him. To have Don Bosco visiting ZMB will cost to this wondrous event; making of
us a fortune but big things do not come cheap. The visit of Don Bosco is Don Bosco’s visit to ZMB in this year
quite a dramatic event because most people believe Africa to be a continent 2012 a year of Grace.
of need, yet the celebrations will not spare even the little money people can



2012A Year of GRACE

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ne thing only do I remember, and it’ s
my earliest memory. We were all going
out from the room where he had died,

and I insisted on staying behind.
«My grieving mother addressed me, ‘Come
John, come with me.’ »
«If papa’s not coming , I don’t want to come,’ I
answered. »
«My poor son, » my mother replied, «come with
me; you no longer have a father. »
Having said this, she broke down and started
crying as she took me by the hand and led me
away. I began crying because she was crying. »
Don Bosco’s first memory is his mother’s hand.
When he gets to know the boys in the Turin
prisons he will say: «If they find a helping hand
and someone to take care of them … they set
themselves to live a good life, they forget the past,
and become good Christians and upright citizens.
This is the origin of our Oratory.»
Reflecting on his boyhood experiences and the
process that led to him setting up his Work, Don
Bosco, in the Memoirs of the Oratory, highlighted
the determining role of the educators and of the
surroundings in which his formation took place:
his family, the Morialdo parish community, the
school at Chieri, the Seminary, the Turin
Ecclesiastical College (Convitto); the caring
attention of Mamma Margaret and of Don
Calosso, the support of his teachers at Chieri, the

The importance of
the circumstances
of life and
of the people
in the formation of
the young Don Bosco





rA home,
a Family,
a Father



Fr Pascual Chavez SDB

became a point of reference and a model of
spirituality, of the choice of life, of paternal
relationships, of care and of assistance, of
dedication… which gave him an effective model on
which to base his preventive system and his way of
working. Years later, looking back at these people
and their approach, Don Bosco drew out important
consequences for his own system.

The surroundings in which he was formed

The circumstances of life in which his education
took place were also very influential in the drawing

welcoming approach and the advice of his confessor,
up of his model of formation: a poor and hard-

his good friends, the stimulating example of Luigi
working family, the supportive peasant community

Comollo, the disciplined structure provided by the
at Morialdo, the atmosphere of the school in Chieri

Superiors in the seminary, the pastoral and spiritual
(where “religion was a fundamental part of the

example and the teaching of Don Cafasso and Don
education”), the serious spirit of discipline and

spiritual atmosphere of the Seminary, the fervent
climate at the Turin Ecclesiastical College

The roots of his strength
(Convitto). All these experiences made a real
contribution to forming in him an idea and the

Also the circumstances of poverty and the hard
practical realisation of an educational community,

peasant’s life in which he grew up played an important
role in encouraging in him attitudes of trust in God, a
spirit of hard work and determination, of sober living
and of creativity. The conflict with Anthony was not
entirely negative, since it increased his desire and
stimulated his inventiveness in finding, in not very
favourable circumstances, possibilities, alternative
means for turning the dream into reality. So too, the
problems encountered in the first years of the Oratory
arising from the Prefect of the City, the parish priests,
the Marchioness of Barolo, or even the lack of
economic resources, of space, of collaborators were
not only obstacles but challenges which stimulated his
creative charity and led him to formulate a strategy for
action that was all his own. He developed a proactive
adaptation mentality in doing good, a trusting attitude of a religious community, of human relationships, of
which came from his confidence in God and led him to the various educational roles, a sense of belonging
do whatever could be done, while waiting for the and of collaboration.
opening up of further opportunities in the future; an
openness to change or to quick adaptation when faced A network for growing up
by the unexpected or by obstacles which he knew how
to get around with cheerfulness and intelligence. He In the thought and practice of Don Bosco there can
also developed a style, based on relationhips and be no education unless it takes place within a well-
communication aimed at keeping people informed organised/regulated and hard working community,
and aware of what was happening, and involving peaceful and friendly, and within a close network of
them, which was to be decisive in the future. human relationships established by affectionate and

attentive educators, who are present with the young
The people who loved him in an active and stimulating way which is capable of

opening up horizons, appreciating talents and
Above all, the people who had formed him, their putting them to good use, shaping characters and
educational dedication, their care, assistance and leading them along the paths of the interior life, with
accompaniment, their example and encouragement, reason, religion and loving kindness.
were for him a important resource. In fact they shaped
his process of formation, and at the same time they

Salesian NewslinkZMB 5


6 Salesian NewslinkZMB

us, so that he may give us hope,
that he may make us feel his VATICAN CITY, FEB. 1, 2012 (
closeness and give us a little light Benedict XVI says that earth can become a place of love,
on the path of life."goodness, truth and beauty if the will of God is done here, as
The Holy Father reflected on it is in heaven.
Jesus' own struggle, as he -- The Pope made this reflection as he spoke today at the
unlike Adam and Eve -- "draws general audience about Christ's prayer in Gethsemane,
the human will back to its full saying that "nowhere else in sacred Scripture do we gain so
'yes' to God. [...] His human will deep an insight into the inner mystery of Jesus as in the
is drawn into the 'I' of the Son, prayer on the Mount of Olives."
who abandons himself totally to "In Jesus' prayer to the Father on that terrible and wondrous
the Father."night of Gethsemane, 'earth' became 'heaven'; the 'earth' of
“Thus," the Pope said, "Jesus tells his human will, shaken by fear and anguish, was assumed
us that it is only in conforming by the divine will, so that the will of God might be
one's own will to the divine will accomplished on earth," the Holy Father said.
that the human being attains his He added that this is "important for our prayer as well."
true greatness, that he becomes "We must learn to entrust ourselves more and more to
'divine'; it is only by going out of divine Providence, to ask God to conform our wills to his,"
himself -- only in his 'yes' to God -the Pontiff stated. "It is a prayer that we must make daily,
- that the desire of Adam and of because it is not always easy to entrust ourselves to God's
us all is fulfilled -- that of being will, to repeat the 'yes' of Jesus, the 'yes' of Mary.”
completely free. This is what
J e s u s a c c o m p l i s h e s i n True man
Gethsemane: by placing the The Holy Father explained the stages of Christ's prayer in
human will within the divine will the garden, noting how "Jesus 'alone' turns to the Father."
the true man is born, and we are "The Evangelist Mark tells us that, 'going a little farther, he
redeemed.”fell on the ground and prayed that, if it were possible, the

hour might pass from him' (14:35). Jesus falls face to the
By Kathleen Naabground: It is the prayer posture that expresses obedience to

the Father's will -- a total, trusting abandonment to him.
"Jesus continues by asking the Father that, if it were
possible, this hour might pass from him. This is not only the
fear and anguish of a man faced with death; it is the inner
turmoil of the Son of God, who sees the terrible flood of evil
that he must take upon himself in order to overcome it, to
deprive it of its power."
Benedict XVI said this is a lesson for our prayer: "[W]e too
must be capable of bringing before God our struggles, the
suffering of certain situations, of certain days, the daily
undertaking of following him, of being Christians, and also
the weight of evil that we see within ourselves and around

From Christ's Prayer in Gethsemane


Conformity to




7Salesian NewslinkZMB

My Dear Friends,

ur minds are fresh with the marvellous feat of the
Zambian Football team that they accomplished in
Gabon, by winning the African Cup of Nations for
the first time in history. The Chipolopolo did

the young to be dreamers, like Don Bosco. Don Bosco did Zambia proud. They played with a determination
not stay with his dreams, he worked very hard to make his and enthusiasm that could not be equalled. In
dreams come to reality. The Rector Major put the words their way to the cup, they demolished football
into the mouth of Don Bosco Himself – as if Don Bosco is giants like Senegal, Ghana and Ivory Coast. It is
writing to the young, from heaven.also important to remember that they dedicated
Don Bosco is challenging youngsters to live their faith to this game to the memory of the 18 members of the
the full carrying out God’s plan for their lives, making their Zambian Football Team that was wiped out due to
lives a life of sacrifice for others and thus to be an air crash in Gabon 19 years ago. This win has
announcers of the Gospel message to their peers – brought Zambia together. Everyone is rejoicing.
young saving the young”. This is the secret of true Congratulations to them and to all Zambians.
happiness. This can be a reality if only young people In December 2011, we were all so happy at the
work with determination and passion spurred on by a Episcopal Consecration of our Salesian, Fr
noble ideal – to bring the love of God they have Clement Mulenga. He was appointed by the Holy
experienced in their lives (through the moments of Father, Pope Benedict XVI, as the first Bishop of
contact with God in prayer, meditation, reading of the Kabwe. This was a blessing from the Lord, as now
Word of God, reception of the Sacraments especially the the Salesian Charism is going to be spread all
Eucharist and experiencing the compassionate love of over Kabwe diocese. Bishop Clement is a deeply
God through the Sacrament of Reconciliation), to their committed Salesian and I am sure that the
fellow companions who may be indifferent, or pre-diocese of Kabwe will be a youth-oriented
occupied to waste their lives running after hungers and diocese.
thirsts that do not satisfy the human heart at depth and
make one feel empty and deceived, chasing after them. Bishop Clement is a very simple and humble
In this, the Chipolopolo Boys give us a good example of person without any air of superiority about him. I
how to succeed in reaching our goals, however difficult had the opportunity to come to know him several
they might be. They had a single aim and they gave their years ago in Nairobi. Again, we worked in the
all to attain it.same community, at Don Bosco Seminary, Moshi,
Don Bosco helped thousands of youngsters while he was Tanzania. He was always very joyful and was
alive on this earth. After his death he continues to help very regular taking part in sports with the Brothers,
millions of youngsters all over the world. He is interested especially in playing Volleyball. In the evening,
in us, loves us very much and prays to the Lord for us after supper, it was a game of dominos!! Before
constantly. Let us stay close to him and I am sure we will his appointment as bishop, he was working as
experience his loving concern and care for us and will Youth Coordinator in the Archdiocese of Lusaka.
help us to transform ourselves into new prophets, Hearty Congratulations to Bishop Clement
apostles for our companions. May God bless you all Mulenga and to the Priests, Religious and Faithful
abundantly!of Kabwe diocese, as they are blessed with a very

good shepherd.
Fr George Chalissery SDBThe New Year 2012 is slipping by. Our Rector
Provincial - ZMBMajor, in a message to young people on the

occasion of the feast of Don Bosco, challenged


2012: Hopes &



Fr George Chalissery SDB

8 Salesian NewslinkZMB

Hwange (Zimbabwe) 29/12/2011 –

conference and party games.
The following day, the group
went to Victoria Falls for a
short visit and a picnic. In the
evening, the youth held a
penitential service and a
thanksgiving mass for the year
2011; this was followed by a
music fest which continued 'till
late at night.’ On Monday, the last full day of

The Salesian community activities, the youngsters went on a
On Sunday, the youth programme of Hwange has conducted a 5-day youth pilgrimage to a Marian Shrine, 10km
contemplated the youth mass of the festival to reflect on the Strenna of the away from Hwange. The procession
Solemnity of Mary Mother of God that Rector Major: “Tell the Story of Jesus” was well organised but unfortunately it
was presided by Fr. Treshpord Chota. In which the young people received with was delayed because the police escort
the afternoon, the groups held some joy and enthusiasm. The youngsters came late. By the time they arrived, the
sports competitions which involved who took part in the festival came from t e m p e r a t u r e w a s q u i t e h i g h .
everyone and helped the youngsters places as far away as Bulawayo (320km

from Hwange). The programme was
held at the premises of Don Bosco
Technical College along Bulawayo
Road in Hwange (Zimbabwe).The
festival began with the registration of
the various delegations that came from
Victoria Falls, Hwange and Bulawayo.

Fr Eustace Siame gave the words of from various groups to come together Nevertheless the young people walked
welcome to all delegations and the and to get to know each other better. praying and singing in honour of Mary.
festival started with the opening prayer Some of the youngsters took turns in
and the explanation of the timetable and carrying the statue of Mary Help of
the way the activities would run. Christians, others carried the Don

Bosco flags and banner. During the
On the first day, the youngsters listened pilgrimage, Fr Philani and a religious
to the fist talk that was given by Sister sister shared their vocation stories with
Consolata who spoke on the vocation the youth, while taking a little rest from
experience that tells of the Jesus' Story. the heat. Upon arrival, the parish priest
After the talk, all youngsters went into and the youth executives of the Marian
group work and in the afternoon, after Shrine welcomed the youth groups and
lunch, they returned to give the mass was later on celebrated. All
feedback of their reflection. participants returned to Don Bosco

Centre by truck. The social evening
In The evening programme all the celebrated after mass, officially
youngsters gathered for a second concluded the event.

Tell the story of



By Fr Javier A. Barrientos SDB

Clement Mulenga SDB

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A Bishop
for the YOUNG
A young Bishop

Rome, Vatican City. 29/10/2011.-

His holiness Pope Benedict XVI has appointed
Fr Clement MULENGA SDB bishop of the new
diocese of Kabwe (Zambia). Fr Clement
Mulenga SDB, age 47, at moment of his
appointment as bishop was a member of the
salesian community of Bauleni and
Archdiocesan coordinator for Youth Ministry
in Lusaka Archdiocese. He is the first Salesian
priest from Zambia. Fr. Clement made his first
vows on the Solemnity of St John Bosco on 31
January 1991. Fr Mulenga born in Kasama on
15 August 1965, joined the Congregation in
Lusaka (Zambia) and completed his initial
formation in South Africa and Kenya. In the
year 2002 he went to Rome to the Pontificial
Salesian University (UPS) to study Catechetics
and Youth Ministry, which he completed in
2004. After completing his studies at UPS, Fr
Clement joined the Salesian Theologate in
Nairobi (Kenya) as staff member. After two
years of service in Nairobi he was appointed
Rector of the Salesian Community of Chingola
and a year later made councillor of ZMB Vice
Province. In the year 2007 Fr Clement was
transferred to Moshi joining the Salesian
Community of Formation (Post-Novitiate)
there he worked for three years and in 2010
he returned to Zambia as Youth Coordinator
for the Archdiocese of Lusaka where the
appointment as bishop came to him.
Kabwe until now part of the Archdiocese of
Lusaka is being made a diocese with Fr
Clement as its first bishop.

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Kabwe (Zambia) 17/12/2011.- Episcopal Ordination of Bishop Clement
Mulenga SDB
– Archbishop of Lusaka Telesphord George Mpunde has
ordained Fr Clement Mulenga to the Order of Bishops. In a ceremony that
took place at Kabwe Warriors' Stadium, a decree from the Holy See was read
in which Kabwe was created as Diocese, including some regions of Lusaka
and Mpika Dioceses. After the reading of the Bull from the Holy See,
Consecrating Bishop George Mpundu invited Bishop Mulenga to profess
the Creed and take up the commitment as a bishop in the presence of all the
priests, religious and faithful congregated for the occasion.

To this big event, other bishops from Zambia Episcopal Conference were
present as well as some emeritus bishops and bishops from other dioceses
outside Zambia. The outgoing Papal Nuncio to Zambia, Mgrs. Nicola
Girasoli was also present and addressed all the participants in works of
thanksgiving and encouragement; during this speech the nuncio
encouraged Bishop Clement Mulenga to take care of the clergy.
Archbishop Nicola also thanked the Salesians for the generosity in
giving one of their members to the church.

The homily was given by Card. Medardo Mazombe who spoke on the
history of Kabwe (also called Broken Hill) as a prominent place of the
Catholic Church especially for the quality of vocations and its
important role in the history of the Catholic Church in Zambia. Card
Mazombe, reminded Bishop Clement of his duties as pastor of souls
and head of the local church, who must be ready to give his life for
this sheep, after the example of Jesus the Good Shepherd. During
the homily the Cardinal addressing Bishop Clement encouraged
him to look after the laity, priests and religious of his diocese, who
are the three pillars of the local church. After the homily,
Archbishop Mpundu invited all present to recollect themselves in
prayer and recite the Litany of the Saints imploring God's Spirit
upon Bishop Clement Mulenga.

The Eucharistic celebration proceeded after the rite of
consecration and it ended with the speeches of the President of
the Episcopal Conference Bishop Lungu, of Archbishop
Telesphord Mpundu, Archbishop Nicola Girasoli and the
Minister of Agriculture who represented the President of
Zambia, Michael Chilufya Sata. The Minister offered Bishop
Clement full cooperation with the local church, especially in
the development of programmes to benefit the community.

Before the final blessing, during his address as bishop of the
local church, Bishop Clement, explained the reason of his
motto: “amare et servire”. He said that he chose that motto
because he feels the need to be Christ-like in his ministry, who
came to love and to serve. Bishop Clement said that his
programme of his pastoral ministry in Kabwe will be youth
oriented. The total of participants nearly reached 10,000
people, a record in the history of Kabwe; priests present were
above 140 and the sisters were twice as many.

Kabwe deanery has now become a Diocese and the first
Zambian Salesian Priest has become its first bishop!

Laus Deo!



12 Salesian NewslinkZMB

dreams for the young people. He used only his head, heart,
legs, and hands to put all his dreams to reality. It was not easy
and neither did it happen in a blink of an eye. It took him all his
life to understand his dream at 9. With God beside him he
managed to do it in his life and today we remember him
through the congregation called Salesians of Don Bosco. This
congregation works mostly with and for the young.
Don Bosco was a man who loved the young people such that he
died for them. This aim was to bring them closer to God. The
love that he had for the young people is called “Predilection for
Youth”, meaning special love for the youth.
Don Bosco lived for the young people because at that time
young people were exploited. Don Bosco well understood the
right of the young people. It really touched his heart to see how
they suffered and how they were treated. His aim was to make
them happy, to put a smile on their faces and to bring harmony,
love and peace among them. So that he could eradicate cruelty
and violence among them. He well understood that they were
lacking basic needs e.g. food, shelter, protection, love,
attention, clothing, spiritual guidance, entertainment,
education, but all this that they were lacking were given to
them by Don Bosco. He lived for them, played, worked and
prayed with them and also he loved each one of them.
Don Bosco was a hero, Teacher, a leader, a Guide and icon. A
father and friend of youth who won many souls and was a
friend of many. Don Bosco was such a Dolphin, one that lived a
friendlier life to the youth of his time. Therefore, like Don
Bosco let us be Dolphins to each other; in short let us be Don
Bosco to each other, a friend and sister/brother to our fellow

ow I wish we could be like
friendly Dolphins. Dolphins

are friendly animals. They live in
groups called pods. They make some
kinds of sounds like; squawks,
whistles, moans, grunts and clicks and
use these sounds to talk to each other.
If only we could be friendlier to each
other like Dolphins, we could win more
souls of the young people. God is using
you and me to bring our fellow youths
closer to him. He knows that we could
be the best instruments he can use.
For that matter he wants you and I to
take his request and be friends of
many. Don Bosco the great achiever, as
he lived a humble life he had great

Becoming like



By Mercy Chisanga



elics &
atholic hurch

A Biblical, Theological and Historical Foundation of the Veneration of the Relics
of the Saints in the Catholic Church written by Doctor Christopher Owczarek,
Salesian of Don Bosco from AFE Province on occasion of the visit of the relics of
Don Bosco to his province.

God fittingly does honour to such relics
by performing miracles in their presence

Has then the Catholic Church “baptized” and theologically

justified those pagan or, we can say, purely human
hat are the relics? practices and even developed them? Or, as Reformer
Relics are the material remains of the saints which Martin Luther maintained, was the worship of relics a

are venerated as signs of their continued presence in the money-making invention of the worldly Church that
world. The word relic comes from the Latin reliquiae, deserved and deserves a condemnation?
meaning "remains" or "something left behind". They may We need to state this right away: the Church has not
be the physical remains of a saint (a bone, a hair, skull, a invented the veneration of relics, as she has not invented
limb, etc.), an item that the saint wore (a shirt, a glove, etc.) the Incarnation of Christ nor his Resurrection. As in the
or an item that the saint owned or frequently used (a case of the Incarnation and Resurrection of Jesus, those
crucifix, rosary, a prayer book etc.) or even e piece of cloth who came to believe in him did so because of the
that touched remains of a particular saint. overwhelming evidence of his supernatural power and

presence even after his death. Similarly, in case of relics,
Is the Veneration of the Relics peculiar to the Catholic i.e., the material remains of saints, believers simply
Church? witnessed some extraordinary events associated with
The veneration of relics is to some extent a primitive them.
instinct, and it is associated with many other religious Regarding Christ's Incarnation and Resurrection we read
systems besides Christianity. At ancient Athens the in 1 John 1:1-3:
supposed remains of ancient heroes, Oedipus and Theseus “That which was from the beginning, which we have
enjoyed an honour which is very difficult to distinguish heard, which we have seen with our eyes, which we
from a religious cult. Miracles and healing were only rarely have looked upon and touched with our hands,
attributed to them; their presence protected the city, as the concerning the word of life — the life was made
tomb of Oedipus was said to protect Athens. The tomb of manifest, and we saw it, and testify to it, and
Theseus, instead, became a sanctuary

and a place of refuge for runaway slaves

and all men of low estate who were

afraid of men in power.

As for the Far East, the famous story of

the distribution of the relics of Buddha,
proclaim to you the eternal life which was with the an incident which is believed to have taken place
Father and was made manifest to us — that which we immediately after his death, seems to have found
have seen and heard we proclaim also to you…”.remarkable confirmation in certain modern archaeological

John clearly stresses the materiality of his experience of discoveries. In any case the extreme development of relic-
Christ. worship amongst the Buddhists of every sect is a fact
What the early Christians proclaimed was not a fruit of beyond dispute.
their imagination, reflection or prolonged studies but of an

13Salesian NewslinkZMB


experience that could be verified by Peter came by at least his

the senses. shadow might fall on some of

Already during his ministry on earth, them. The people also gathered

Jesus displayed his divine power f rom the towns around

through his word and deeds. The Jerusalem, bringing the sick

clothes he wore when approached with and those afflicted with unclean

faith could transmit his healing power. spirits, and they were all

We read in the Gospel according to healed.”

Luke 8:43-48: 43 Then in 19:11-12:

“And a woman who had had a flow of “And God did extraordinary

blood for twelve years and could not miracles by the hands of Paul,

be healed by anyone, came up behind so that handkerchiefs or aprons

him, and touched the fringe of his were carried away from his

garment; and immediately her flow of body to the sick, and diseases

blood ceased. left them and the evil spirits

What happened to that woman came out of them”.

was not just an isolated event, If just a shadow cast by Peter's body

for as the Gospel according to or a handkerchief that touched the

Mark (6:56) tells us: body of Paul were bringing healing,

“...wherever he came, in this was a clear indication that their

villages, cities, or country, they bodies were the dwelling place of

laid the sick in the market the Holy Spirit and the divine

places, and besought him that power emanated from them. (Cf. 1 Cor
refined gold, and laid them in a they might touch even the fringe 6:19). Christians expected that even
suitable place, where the Lord will of his garment; and as many as after their death, the time would come
permit us to gather ourselves together, touched it were made well.” when their bodies would rise to
as we are able, in gladness and joy, and Jesus promised his disciples that those everlasting life, transformed and
to celebrate the birthday of his who believe in him would do the glorified but still their bodies (cf. 1 Cor
martyrdom.” This is the keynote works he was doing and even greater 15:35-57); that is why, right from the
which is echoed in a multitude of b e g i n n i n g ,
similar passages found a little later in t h e y
the Christian writers of both East and venerated the
West. Other accounts attest that the bodies of their
faithful visited the burial places of the great apostles
saints and miracles occurred. After the and martyrs
legalisation of Christianity in 313, the and wished to
tombs of saints were opened and the b e b u r i e d
actual relics were venerated by the close to them
faithful. A bone or other bodily part in order to be
was placed in a reliquary — a box, r a i s e d
locket, and later a glass case — for together with
veneration. Wherever the relics of them.then these (John 14:12). This prophecy
great saints were known to exist, In this regard, a really touching story is came true after the ascension of Jesus.
Christians confidently expected the letter written by the inhabitants of In the New Testament we find the
miracles to take place. In 415 AD the Smyrna, about 156 A.D., describing description of such great works in the
disinterred body of St Stephen the martyrdom of St. Polycarp, their life of the apostles Peter and Paul. We
wrought miraculous cures and bishop. After he had been burnt at the read in Acts 5:14-16
pilgrims flocked to his shrine in stake, as the Smyrnaeans say, “we took “... they even carried out the
Jerusalem.up his bones, which are more valuable sick into the streets, and laid
St. Ambrose (ca. 337-397), bishop of than precious stones and finer than them on beds and pallets, that as

we took up his bones,
which are more valuable than precious stones

and finer than refined gold,
and laid them in a suitable place,

where the Lord will permit us to gather ourselves together,
as we are able, in gladness and joy,

and to celebrate the birthday of his martyrdom

14 Salesian NewslinkZMB


Milan in northern Italy, and St. Augustine (354-430), rather than to the Creator, but we venerate the relics of the

bishop of Hippo in northern Africa, declared in their martyrs in order the better to adore Him whose martyrs they

writings that they had not merely heard and read about the are.” St. Cyril of Alexandria (376-444) added: “We by no

marvels witnessed at the tombs of the martyrs, where “the means consider the holy martyrs to be gods, nor are we

blind and cripples are restored to health, the dead recalled wont to bow down before them adoringly, but only

to life, and devils expelled from the bodies of men”; they relatively and reverentially”.

did not only hear about such miracles as many did but saw The great medieval theologian, St. Thomas, had this to say

them with their own eyes. regarding the relics: “Those who have an affection to any

The early Fathers often quoted the event linked to Elisha's person hold in honour all that was intimately connected

bones in order to demonstrate the efficacy of the relics. We with him. Hence, while we love and venerate the saints who

read in 2 Kings 13:20-21.20 were so dear to God, we also venerate all that belonged to

“So Elisha died, and they buried him. Now bands of them, and particularly their bodies, which were once the

Moabites used to invade the land in the spring of the temples of the Holy Spirit, and which are some day to be

year. And as a man was being buried, lo, a marauding conformed to the glorious body of Jesus Christ. Whence

band was seen and the man was cast into the grave of also”, adds St. Thomas, “God fittingly does honour to such

Elisha; and as soon as the man touched the bones of relics by performing miracles in their presence”.

Elisha, he revived, and stood on his feet”. The teaching of the Catholic Church with regard to the

St. Cyril, bishop of Jerusalem (313-386), after referring to veneration of relics is summed up in a decree of the Council

the miracle worked by the body of Elisha, declares that the of Trent, which enjoins on bishops and other pastors to

restoration to life of the corpse with which it was in contact instruct their flocks that “the holy bodies of holy martyrs

took place: “shows that even though the soul is not present and of others now living with Christ—which bodies were

a virtue resides in the body of the saints, because of the the living members of Christ and 'the temple of the Holy

righteous soul which has for so many years inhabited it and Spirit' (1 Cor 6:19) and which are by Him to be raised to

used it as its minister". And he adds, "Let us not be foolishly eternal life and to be glorified are to be venerated by the

incredulous as though the thing had not happened, for if faithful, for through these [bodies] many benefits are

handkerchiefs and aprons which are from without, bestowed by God on men […].

touching the body of the diseased, have raised up the sick, As we can see, the argument in favour of the veneration of

how much more should the body itself of the Prophet raise the relics is not a fruit of some complicated theological

the dead?” doctrine but it is based on the facts on the ground, namely,

Later on in the Middle Ages, after various barbarian the miracles occurring when the relics of saints are

invasions, the conquests of the Crusades, the lack of means approached with faith. In this way, the Incarnation aspect of

for verifying all relics, and less than reputable individuals Christian faith is manifested, that is, God continues to

who in their greed preyed on the ignorant and superstitious, manifest his power through the agency of the material

abuses did occur. Eventually, these abuses prompted the body.

Protestant leaders to attack the idea of relics totally. Many a

times their reaction was grossly exaggerated. For example,

since pieces of the True Cross of Christ were one of the

most highly sought after relics; many churches claimed to

possess a piece of it, so many that John Calvin famously

remarked that there were enough pieces of the True Cross

to build a ship from. However, a study carried out in 1870

found that put together the claimed relics weighed less than

1.7 kg.

What is the Catholic doctrine regarding the

veneration of relics of the saints?

In fact, right from the beginning the Church strived to keep

the use of relics in perspective. In his Letter to Riparius, St.

Jerome (d. 420) wrote: “We do not worship, we do not

adore, for fear that we should bow down to the creature

Don Bosco’s casket

15Salesian NewslinkZMB


S WSalesian W dorl
International SWNE

16 Salesian NewslinkZMB

The Rector Major has approved a new group in the Salesian

Family: the “Visitation Sisters of Don Bosco” (VSDB). The

official approval of the VSDB was given on 24 January, feast of

Saint Francis of Sales. The Institute of the “Visitation Sisters Of

Don Bosco” is a Religious Congregation of diocesan right,

founded on 31 May 1983 by Archbishop Hubert D'Rosario SDB.

On the day of the Foundation, there were 8 Sisters : at present the

Congregation has 106 professed, 16 novices and 9 aspirants and 18

houses in the north east of India.

The General Council has approved the creation of a new Province

in India. From the division of the Guwahati Province dedicated to

“Mary Help of Christians” , that of Silchar has come into existence

and will begin officially on 24 May. In the new Province of Silchar

there will be 210 Salesians, of whom 24 are students of Theology,

32 postnovices and students, 9 outside the Province and 11

novices. There will be 26 canonically erected communities and 8

foundations non- erected. For initial formation there will be the

prenovitiate, the novitiate and the theologate.

The Vicar of the Rector Major, Fr Adriano Bregolin, is visiting

Vietnam just now. With his secretary Fr Saimy Ezhanikatt, Fr

Bregolin arrived on Saturday evening, 28 January at the “Tan Son

Nhat” airport in Ho Chi Minh City. Awaiting them were several

Salesians, led by the Provincial Fr Giuseppe Tran Hoa Hung, Sr

Teresa Uong Thi Doan Trang, Provincial of the Daughters of Mary

Help of Christians and some Salesians- Cooperators and past


3. Ho Chi Minh, Vietnam - 28 January 2012 (ANS)

2. Rome (Italy) - 24 February 2011 (ANS)

1. Rome, Italy - (ANS – Rome) (ANS)

The Salesians in the world number 15,560. The total is made up of

15,439 professed, to which are added 414 novices and 123

Bishops. Among the perpetually professed there are 1609 Salesian

Brothers and 10,433 Salesian priests, while the temporary

professed number 3397.

There are 1823 canonically erected Salesian houses in the world,

to which can be added a further 142 non-erected foundations.

Countries in which the Sons of Don Bosco are now 131i n 2011.

4. RMG Salesian numbers the statistics for 2010 (ANS)

and plans of youth in their various
youth groups, the exhortations and
pronouncements of our political
leaders one striking and common

n my experiences of teaching Mathematics, I element is that all want to be better
discovered that many students are at home with whatever the case. There are a lot of
calculations involving even numbers in contrast to good talks. At face value the world
calculations involving other types of numbers. This seems amicable. People seem

may sound weird but I think there is some logic on it. The human resolute and peaceful. However, I
situation reveals to us that reality is bipolar. Many things are tend to think that the beginnings of
conceived of as “either or”, we talk of reality being in two the past years in the past decade had
dimensions. Reality portrays either: male or female, positive or similar sentiments. The question to
negative, good or bad, virtue or vice etc. And the human mind is ask now is; where have things gone
well attuned to this “either or”- this bipolar mode of being does wrong? Have we diluted the spirit of
influence our thinking. I think that even numbers assume such a goodness? This is because there is an
mode since the number ‘2’ is their baseline; there is neither undeniable retrogression in life.
middle term nor the so called ‘remainder’. In such a reality, Many young people wander on the
decision making is highly facilitated: indifference is absurd. s t r e e t s w i t h h a r d l y a n y
People become more reflective. As such, their thoughts become accommodation; there is little
more resolute when presented with a reality of “either or” because access to quality education due to
it carries the nuances of either life or death. I therefore then lack of funds or scarcity of places in
summon the Even Mind to reign in our world that is highly colleges/universities. Many youth
assailed by doubts, confusion and disbelief. Nevertheless, we have ended up losing their sense of
should not replace the Even Mind with a Reflex Mind. The latter God and Church thereby trailing the
proposes the reflex actions; I press the switch and I get power on, life of loose morals for convenience
the “press and get” mentality where things seem automatic. The sake!
former rejects such a robotic life and proposes contemplation, T h i s r e t r o g r e s s i o n I
going beyond the expected with the purpose of achieving attribute to: the failure to walk the
integrity which could be construed in Mathematics as a whole Talk, failure to translate our love for
number. Even Numbers into life, and failure

This year, the month of January had given me a wakeup to live with an Even Mind. We have
call. Having listened to people’s petitions in churches, the talks preferred to talk the Talk than

Clement Mutamba SDB

better LIVING


The need for an ‘Even Mind’ for a

Walking the



17Salesian NewslinkZMB

Continues on P.22

hear that the apostles wanted to send the great crowd
away. But Jesus’ decision was to do the opposite – he
let the crowd stay. He even fed them with five loaves
and two fish. He made himself available to them.
The second gospel passage is also from Mark (1:35-
38). We hear that in the morning, long before dawn,
Jesus got up and left the house and went off to a lonely
place and prayed there. Simon and his friends set off
in search of him, and when they found him they said:
“Everybody is looking for you”. Jesus answered: “Let
us go elsewhere to the neighbouring country towns so

e make ourselves available for that I can preach there too, because that is why I
service in response to God calling came”. Jesus’ decision was to do the exact opposite of
us to this service as the boy Samuel W what his disciples requested. He wanted to make his

responded, as prophet Elijah responded, and message available to everybody and not just to a few.
as the Apostles and disciples of Jesus
responded. The Father’s Will
Being called to service is a great grace; and it is Jesus’ availability for the service of others was always
only by grace that human being can respond to regulated by his Father’s will. He came to do his
that call to availability for service. It is the love Father’s will, and that was his criterion for
of Christ that urges us on, to use the discernment. Every single action and activity of Jesus
expression of St. Paul (2Co 5:14) – it is the was the result of his discerning what the Father
Lord who gives us the spirit of Love to dedicate wanted him to do in every particular circumstance. “I
our lives to the service of the people. have come from heaven not do my own will, but to do
But what does availability mean? I am the will of the one who sent me”. (John 6:38). All our
available, if and only if I am present. availability, like that of Jesus, must be regulated by the
Availability means being present. But that is same criterion, namely, the Father’s will. Hence, we
not enough. It means also being ready to should pray, not only for the grace to be generous in
serve; availability then means being present making ourselves available for the service of God and
and ready to serve. It is possible, as we know, His holy people, but also for the spirit of wisdom and
to be physically present, but not ready to discernment so that all our activities are regulated,
serve. not by our own wills, but by conforming our wills to

the will of God.
Jesus our model
Our model of availability is Jesus himself. Limits to availability
There are two incidents in his public life that There are some lessons we learn through very painful
should help us to understand what availability experience. One of these lessons is that there are
for service is, and what availability for service limits to availability. These limits arise from our real
is not. The first gospel passage is from Mark situation as human beings. Sometimes it may be God’s
(6:30-44): “When Jesus saw the large crowd, will that we say a polite but firm ‘no’ to requests for
he took pity on them because they were like our services. Each of us is limited in our talents, our
sheep without a shepherd”. In verse 34, we abilities, our strengths and our skills. We need the

Availability for

at the heart of the Christian vocation

Fr. Tony Goeghegan, SJ

18 Salesian NewslinkZMB


humility to admit and accept this truth about
ourselves. Our availability is limited by the
humbling fact that we are not gifted in every
way, but only in some ways. We have all different
Another limitation on our availability is the
God-willed priorities in our life programme.
Each one of us has been given a task to do. A
mother’s task is to look after her children. That
is her priority task. That is the task she must do
first. A doctor’s task is to heal patients. A priest’s
task is to minister to God’s people. If they
neglect their God-given tasks and instead spend
their time on other activities, they are not doing
God’s will.
A further limitation on our availability is the
time factor. We cannot be available to everyone
at the same time. Human beings cannot give full
attention to more than one thing or person at
the same time. Individuals deserve our full
attention such as, for example, Jesus gave to
Zacchaeus, to the Samaritan woman, to the
penitent thief, and to Peter. By that very fact of
making ourselves available to one particular
person, we are making ourselves unavailable to
all other at that particular time.
We have to accept with humility the truth that
we human beings are effective for only a limited
number of hours every day. Human beings
spend at least one third of their lives asleep, that
is, in a state where they are simply unavailable
to others. Some tasks can be so fatiguing that we
are left completely tired after a usual day’s
work. Beyond that point, we are not really
available. Our energy and stamina have a limit.
However, we are consoled by the fact that Jesus
himself needed sleep when he was tired out –
and Jesus was also sensitive to the fact that the
disciples also needed rest: “The apostles
rejoined Jesus and told him all they had done
and taught. Then he said to them: ‘You must
come aside to some lonely place all by
yourselves and rest for a while’.”

ello thinking people!

I missed the last issue of news link because I was too busy

thinking about my examinations. It's another new year

and we need to think about new things.

2011 was a very good year for ZMB vice province; it began

with a new provincial and ended with a new vice

provincial and a new Salesian bishop of the new Kabwe

diocese. While the provincial was unexpectedly from

outside the ZMB territory, the bishop was supposed to be

a farmer in Lufubu as speculated by some but emerged

from an apostolate that was supposed to be stopped two

years ago.

Think – they are signs of ZMB times.

I am sure the freshness of the past year will carry on and

thing will keep happening in 2012 but I think we are well

balanced as the vice provincial comes from our short

tradition scenario. I am sure that with the three highest

hierarchy positions now under one roof, the planning and

animation of the Vice Province will be better and more


I have just returned from Lilongwe - my first visit since I

left last year. I was very impressed by the way the

Salesians are working and the many projects and

programmes going on. I hear the same from Hwange and

Lufubu; I believe it is the same in all our presences.

What lessons have we learnt from 2011? What signs will

we leave in 2012? What changes and development could

we implement?

It would be good to think more positively about our own

vice province, to be more daring in our undertakings, to

believe in our personal abilities and appreciate the

contribution of others.

To lessens the discord among us; within our


That's the point.

Signs of our

Bro. Walter Thyrniang SDB





19Salesian NewslinkZMB

for SALESIANS only...!

Lufubu (Zambia) 14/12/2011.- The Salesian
Agricultural Training College 'Don Bosco' in
Lufubu has celebrated the 2011 Graduation
Ceremony for the second year students of
Craft Certificate in Agriculture. The
ceremony was well attended by parents of the
graduates and especially Fr. Michael Merizzi,
Apostolic Administrator of Mansa Diocese
who was the guest of honour.

Fr Czeslaw Lenczuk, Rector and Principal of
the Technical College thanked all those
present for their support and constant help in
making the event a success. The graduation
ceremony started with the Eucharistic
celebration that was presided by Fr Michael
Merizzi, apostolic administrator of Mansa. In After the speeches the graduates were presented with their
his homily, Fr Michael reminded the graduates certificates that bore the logo of TEVETA, a government
of the importance of setting up their goals in institution that recognises the studies done at Don Bosco
life and most especially of putting all their trust Lufubu.
in God who never lets down anyone who trust

Towards the end of the ceremony, a group of students of the in him.
first year performed a sketch in which they showed the

After the eucharistic celebration all importance of moving from fishing to farming, especially in
participants moved to the graduation hall a context like Luapula province where the fishing industry
where the graduates entered in a solemn has slowly declined.
procession dressed with their colourful green

A representative of the graduates also expressed his gowns. The guest of honour addressed those
thanksgiving to the Salesian Community, and most present and after him, the authorities of
especially to Fr Czeslaw who made possible the TEVETA Lufubu and Kazembe town also greeted those
certification. The students also thanked all teachers and staff present and most especially the graduates for
member for their efforts in educating them to become Good their efforts in reaching this particular
Christians and Honest Citizens as was Don Bosco's desire.moment.

echnical Education offers young people the possibility of acquiring skills needed to

open up new roads in their lives, but it also gives them the sense of purpose in life, Tespecially in a society that marginalises people without necessary qualifications
and technical knowledge needed in the world of work. Education and Evangelisation ought

to work hand in hand to offer young people the tools to construct a better society, but also

a better society with God.

20 Salesian NewslinkZMB





2011 Graduation

Don Bosco Agricultural College - LUFUBU

Fr. Tony Goeghegan, SJ

S WSalesian dorl

Bauleni-Lusaka (Zambia)
28/01/12. Celebration of the
Solemnity of St John Bosco at

Mansa (Zambia) 10/12/2011.
Rector of the Community, a
Karate Master.

Bauleni-Lusaka (Zambia) Kitwe (Zambia) 21/12/2011. Tri-
2 9 / 0 1 / 1 2 . N e w S a l e s i a n monthly Recollection in Kitwe.

Mansa (Zambia) 08/12/2011.
Chimese celebrated in style the
birth of the Oratory.-

Chingola (Zambia) 23/12/2011.- Chingola (Zambia) 20/12/2011.
Salesian Employees Celebrate Evaluation and Planning for the
Christmas. year 2012.

principal. The participants of the
meeting were the Head of
Departments, namely Mr. Mbao,

- Young people of Mr. Musa, Mr. Chinkonkolo, Mr.
Bauleni anticipated the feast day Chanda, Mr. Mutale, and the
of St John Bosco to the 28 Salesian community members.
January. The day was filled with
jubilations marked by a variety of Christmas reflection which was
ac t i v i t ies . A mu l t i tude o f animated by Fr Mariusz Skowron
y o u n g s t e r s f r o m B a u l e n i - Fr Oswald and Fr. Slawek Bartodziej
community turned up for the Mulenga SDB, rector of the respectively. After the reflection,
event. The program began at 7:00 Salesian Community of Mansa everyone was invited to dine
hrs with Mass presided by the spending time with the young which included a Tombola game
Rector of the community, Fr. people of the Karate Club. Kids and a lucky pick competition
Chisanga and ended at 19:00 hrs from the neighbouring townships which was animated by Br. David
with Football Finals. Other of Mansa gather at Don Bosco Njolo. In this way, the community
activities included were: Don Youth Centre to learn the Martial celebrated the Festivities of the
Bosco Quiz, Netball and a variety Arts with Fr Oswald who also Nativity of the Lord Jesus in a
of social games. Viva Don Bosco! takes the occasion to talk to them family atmosphere.

about God and this love for

– On the day of the All confreres from the Salesian

Thanksgiving mass of Bishop c o m m u n i t y o f C h i n g o l a
Clement Mulenga sdb, the participated in the tri-monthly
salesian Family of ZMB grew in recollection organized by the
numbers by 6. Five women and rector of the community and
one man made their promises as guided by Fr. John Lesa, a
Salesian Cooperators before Fr. Franciscan Friar, Guardian of the
George Chalissery, provincial of Franciscan Community in Kitwe.
Z M B . T h e n e w S a l e s i a n In his Reflections Fr. Lesa
Cooperators are adding zeal to highlighted the ‘Kenosis’ (Self
the already existing nucleus of emptying) of a religious in trying to
Cooperators at Bauleni. do the will of God. He encouraged Young

each Salesian confrere present to people of the Oratory enjoyed a
embrace the spirit of humility and day of celebrations on occasion of
acceptance of God’s will so as to the foundation of the Oratory of
create a genuine loving and Valdocco. The day started with the
f ra te rna l commun i ty. The eucharist and ended with a prize
recollection ended with a short giving ceremony. The joyful
outing in Kitwe which summarized atmosphere kept everyone on
all the Community’s major their toes racing towards the
spiritual exercises in the year prize. The day of the Immaculate
2011. Conception lighted the hearts of

many with the joys that can be
found only in a heart that loves

- Employees of Don - Chingola staff
Bosco Youth Centre Chingola members spent a full day at the
gathered at the community school premises to evaluate and
premises to celebrate the Nativity plan school activities for the 2012
of our Lord. The whole event school academic year. The staff
began at 12:00 hrs with some meeting was chaired by Fr.
C h r i s t m a s C a r o l s a n d a Mariusz Skowron, the school

21Salesian NewslinkZMB

22 Salesian NewslinkZMB

walking the Talk. We have opted for an ‘Odd
Mind’ instead of an ‘Even Mind’. We have
chosen to live irresolutely. We have shunned
away from asking ourselves the ‘why’ questions.
We are inclined to ‘what is in it for me?’- A reflex
mind which I compare to the so called pay-as-
you-earn. The year 2012, should begin to bring
some positive differences in our lives.

Thank God, 2012 is an even number,
mind you I don’t mean to say that before there
were no years that were even as numbers. The
opposite is true and yet the difference lies in the
fact that we did not live with an ‘Even Mind;
mentality, a mentality that seeks and works
towards wholeness. It is a great privilege that
2012 is also a leap year making it meaningful for

thfriends born on 29 February.
The year 2012 for us Salesians and all

members of the Salesian Family invites us to
renewal. In the 2012 Strenna, Fr. Pascal Chavez -
Rector Major invites us to re-ask ourselves the
‘why’ question that perhaps Don Bosco asked
himself all through his life. Why being
? In the 2012 Strenna: “LET US MAKE
BOSCO”. The Rector Major has put before us
the core of our vocation and Salesian
spirituality. If you mark his words well, the
Rector Major does not ask us to talk about Don
Bosco instead he asks us to know and to imitate
him as prerequisites for making the young our
mission. We need to renew the zeal and
resoluteness, to be that Shepherd we promised
God to be to the youth. To live with a
contemplative mind, a mind that brings a smile
even in the midst of the greatest pain ever
possible. Walking the Talk is a clear indication
of living with an Even Mind, a mind that does
not offer ‘remainders’. It is a mind that propels
integrity and happiness. All these can be and
will be found in the mind of Don Bosco, who
throughout his life was wholly occupied by the
young. This then is not only limited to SDBs and
FMAs but to all members of the Salesian Family.
It could be in your home as a lay Cooperator or
on the playground as a youth. We are all invited
to seek and work for personal wholeness as well
as that of the youth who are the beneficiaries of
our love.


Lusaka (Zambia) 07/12/2011.- New Vice-
Provincial. The Rector Major of the Salesian
Congregation, Fr Pascual Chavez, has appointed
Fr. Leszek Aksamit as the new Vice-Provincial of
ZMB. Fr Leszek A. takes over the office from Fr.
Czeslaw Lenczuk who served as Vice-Provincial for
a period of three years.

Fr Leszek is at the moment the Rector of the
Salesian Community of Chawama, the provincial
house of ZMB, and he hold the post of Director of
the Development Office. The new appointment of
Fr Leszek will now imply a re-shuffle in the
province and someone will eventually have to take
over his office as he will now dedicate most of his
time to the confreres of initial formation.

Fr. Leszek made his profession of faith and then he
was welcomed as the new Vice-Provincial of ZMB.
Salesians from communities in Lusaka, Salesian
Sisters and Cooperators joined together to
celebrate the eve of the Feast of Mary Immaculate,
which was the occasion the provincial of ZMB took
to announce the news of this recent appointment.

New Vice-Provincial of ZMB

23Salesian NewslinkZMB

Thorn Park – Lusaka (Zambia)

Novices from ZMB and AFM Provinces
visited the FMA Community of Thorn Park
on occasion of a get together as Salesian
Family. Fr Christopher Rychcik, Br
Sylvester Makumba and the 8 novices of
ZMB and AFM (Flavious, Luciano,
Solomon, Boniface, Don, Faith, Diwani
and Moses) visited the Salesian Sister of
Thorn Park on Saturday 2 December
2011. The gathering fostered the family
spirit and the sharing of experiences of
Salesian Spirit. The Sisters welcomed the
novices and their Master in a very friendly
manner, making them feel at home. The
celebration began with a moment of
prayer that was followed by some singing
and outdoor activities, some dancing and
exchanging of gifts. The novices
performed some traditional dances to the
delight of the sisters who in turn also sang
and danced for the novices. They all
joined together for lunch and towards the
end of the celebrations, novices and
sisters helped with the dishes. The
traditional Well of Mother Mazzerello was
the occasion to a group photo and thus
the novices said goodbye to the sisters
and returned to the novitiate.

A Family Visit to the FMA

Easter Camp 2012
Live the Mysteries of Holy Week in a youthful
way with the Easter Camp ‘Christ Lives’.
Young people from various corners of
Zimbabwe, Zambia, Namibia and Malawi will
gather at the Salesian Novitiate in Makeni from
5-9 April 2012. All communities are invited.
Don’t miss it out!

For more information contact us:
International +260 963 752 104
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Kazembe (Zambia) 08/12/2011. 2011
Graduation Ceremony-
Fr Eugene Wnek
poses together with twelve of the students of
Don Bosco Carpentry School in Kazembe who
graduated with flying colours on the Feast of
Mary Immaculate.
The graduation ceremony had Fr Waldemar
Molenda as the guest of honour. All graduates
after the eucharistic celebration expressed their
joy and gratitude to the Salesian Community for
having helped them to reach such an important
goal in their lives. Some of them will return to
their villages to help the development of their
communities while others will remain in town.

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13 ZMB PHOTO - Issue No 21
1. Hwange:
Group photo of the Provincial Council performance of Christmas Day.

during the first PC of the year 2012. 8. Kabwe: Fr Javier A. Barrientos greeting
2. Bauleni: Fr Geoge Chalissery welcomes the children after the 9:00 am mass in Makululu.

new Salesian Cooperators into the Salesian 9. Lusaka: Novice Moses Chilambe together with
Family. children of Kalemba Hall.

3. Chawama: Fr Leszek Aksamit makes the 10. Kazembe: Fr Piotr Malec together with young
profession of faith as he takes up the office of people from the Carpentry School on a
Vice-Provincial. relaxation day at the Falls.

4. Chawama: ZMB Band during a performance on 11. Hwange: Fr Tresphord Chota during the
occasion of the Feast of St John Bosco. moment of catechesis at the Youth Festival.

5. Harare: Fr Pontiano together with John 12. Kabwe: Youngsters from the youth group
Musonda SDB and Willem Mukuve SDB in prepare themselves for the performance of a
front of the Cathedral during a community Christmas play.
outing.. 13. Bauleni: Bp Clement Mulenga during the

6. Harare: Youth animators of Harare Oratory thanksgiving mass offered at Bauleni. During
during a session of evaluation and planning. . mass a group of 5 new Cooperators made

7. Makeni: Girls of City of Hope during a their promises.