Year 2 No. 8 Oct - Nov - Dec 2008
Novitiate in ZMB
Youth Delegates Meeting
Teachers’ Meeting
First Professions
You will receive power when the Holy Spirit Comes
Editorial 3
Words of the Provincial 4
XXIII World Youth Day in Sydney 5
Teachers Meeting in Chingola 8
New Novitiate in ZMB 9
First Professions 10
Young People and the Cross 11
Salesian Family 12
Novitiate al stero 13
Letters to the Editor 14
Youth Delegates’ Meeting: Dakar 17
ZMB Photo 20
Year 2/Nº7 Jul - Aug - Sept 2008
Director: Fr Joseph Czerwinski
Editor: Fr Javier Barrientos
Redaction Board: Fr Joseph Czerwinski, Fr Bruno
Graphic Design: Fr Javier Barrientos
Photos: Fr Leszek Aksamit, Br Walter Thyrniang,
Fr Antonio Barrientos, Fr George Szurgot.
Year of the XXVI General Chapter
here are many circumstances which show how important province. None can deny that despite difficulties and hinders on
are the times in which we live. There are moments in the way, God is ever present and active in the Church and the life of Thistory in which the right man meets with the right the Congregation. Even when we are faced with substantial
circumstances, as some American historian once said. In our vice- challenges, God shows us that he is in control; and that trusting
province, the right moment is meeting the right people. Against all him we can work marvels in his vineyard.
odds, the novitiate is now a reality. There are ten young men who
have started the year of novitiate in Kabwe. This is certainly one The Lord Jesus is inviting us to follow his example of total trust
sign that God loves the province and most specially he loves the and obedience. Let us remember that when he was invited to the
young people to whom those future salesians will be sent. There wedding at Cana in Galilee, he knew that 'his time' was not yet
have been many hinders in making a reality the novitiate in ZMB, come, nevertheless he trusted Mary's words and he worked out a
however, with God's help all difficulties have been overcome. miracle in the sight of his disciples. He invites us to do the same
Now, it is only for us – ZMB Vice-province – to take up the today. Even though we often find refuge in our own limitations, he
challenge of having such important stage of initial formation here shows us his example of obedience which can enable us to be
in our country. Christ to the people we meet, turning water into wine for the
happiness of this world. This is not only an invitation but a task.
Alongside with these new developments in the Vice-province, we Jesus has shown us the example. We his disciples are to show to the
have also witness some other events at the world level. In the world that his teaching is valid and that he is alive. This is the
month of July thousands of young people have gathered in Sydney witness which the world is in need of today. Let us not deprive the
with the Pope. They have travelled from all corners of the planet to world from this hope by means of lethargy and timidity but instead
share their faith and be strengthened with the power of the Holy following the example of St Paul - whose year we are about to
Spirit. The Vice-province of Mary Help of Christians has been celebrate -, show the world that a life of commitment to Christ is
represented by a group of nine young people. The communities worthy much more than any of the riches this world can offer.
that sent their young pilgrims have benefited with the spiritual
experience of this wonderful event. The province has made efforts The task is all ours, none will do what is meant to be done by each
to send the young people to represent us. Surely the youth from the one of us. As member of the Salesian Movement we commit
province will benefit in the long run from the efforts made in taking ourselves to bring Christ’s light to the world of the young for a
part in this world event. better future and for God’s greater glory.
Following the events chronologically, in the month of August the yours in Christ,
province has witness graceful events such as the first profession
of five of our confreres, the renewal of a bigger Fr Javier
group, most of them students in Moshi
(Tanzania), but the climax of all
them was the final profession of
Bro Jophin George. The final
profession took place in
Lilongwe (Malawi), where Bro
Jophin spent his first year of
missionary life in ZMB. He was
surrounded by the love of the
young people of the Don Bosco
Technical School as well as the
f r a t e r n a l s u p p o r t o f t h e
Community of Lilongwe and those
who travel from Lusaka to witness
such important moment in the life of
Bro Jophin and the province.
The events recalled so far are enough
reason for all of us to be thankful to
God for such wonderful gifts to the
the Formation Stages in ZMB
documents) and planning for the the near future…)
provincial celebrations and vows
becomes easier. Let us support novices and the
he beginning of August
We have also implemented formation community as much as
2008 was indeed a very
resolutions of the last two we are able to. They all need our Timportant time for the
provincial chapters which were prayers and material help.
ZMB Vice Province. On that
calling for the opening of the May Mary, our Lady of the
memorable evening, 14th of
novitiate in ZMB. Rosary and Help of Christians
August ’08, 10 novices: Chewe,
help and protect us on this earthly
P r ince ; L ihoma , Joseph ;
The formation community with journey towards Kingdom and
Lumano, Irvin; Lushibashi,
its Rector, Fr A. Reut, Novice may the Lord’s strengthening
Vernon; Mayamiko, Kennedy;
Master, Fr Rychcik Ch, Socius, peace accompany us all.
Mutwila, Maurice; Mwenya,
Fr Twahirwa G., Assistant Br
Gabriel; Mzwanywa, Joackim;
Mubanga K., and Confessor Fr
Nakholi, Joseph and Raphael,
Mulenga P., is well prepared and
B h e m b e ( A F M ) h a v e
up to this challenging task.
commenced their spiritual and
Kabwe with its spacious house
human formation in our Salesian
and dedicated confreres is indeed
community of the Bl A. Zatti in
a suitable and conducive palace,
for this one of the most important
stages, in the initial formation.
Starting the novitiate in Kabwe is
indeed a significant step in the
… The novitiate is the beginning
development of our Vice
of the sales ian re l igious
Province. For so many years
experience in following Christ.
(almost 20) we have been ‘a
The novice prepares himself to
wandering Aramean’, (going to
become part of the Congregation,
Lesotho, Moshi, Johannesburg,
cultivates communion with his
Rinefield, Moshi and back to
Province… By learning about
Johannesburg) and now we take
their history and following the
into our hands the challenge and
important events he grows in an
the duty of the initial formation of
awareness of the diversity of
y o u n g c a n d i d a t e s . T h i s
vocations in the Salesian Family
consolidation of the initial
and in this way increases his
formation process is of the great
sense of belonging to it… (R 362)
benefit for our Vice Province. By
I d o b e l i e v e t h a t t h o s e
having the novitiate in the
requirements are being met well
province the sense of belonging
by the Kabwe community.
is greater than before on the side
The novitiate is a second
on the novices, confreres and
formation house that we have
communities. Additionally, the
managed to open so far (there are
running costs are being reduced
still many more to be opened in
(no need for expensive travelling
Words of the Provincial
The First Novitiate in ZMB
Fr Joseph Czerwinski.sdb
By Fr Javier Barrientos.SDB
You Will Receive Power When the Holy Spirit Comes
A journey
to the Land of the
Southern Cross
participants to the WYD arrived at the
provincial house from various places, such
as Kabwe, Lilongwe, and Bauleni.
Unfortunately one of the participants did
not manage to obtain the visa and thus the
delegation counted only nine members.
he theme of the WYD ’08 celebrated
At the provincial house, the group of in Sydney continues the spiritual
participants to the WYD was welcomed by journey started in the previous world
the provincial community. The afternoon youth gatherings. This time, the Pope
was full of activities which help the stressed on the need for young people to
participants get to know each other and fargive witness to their faith. Christianity is
make the necessary arrangements for the ewell party at Don Bosco not a religion of feelings or just mere liking
trip. Rosary, evening prayer and supper house. The party was till late.of God and some morals but of
were some of the moments of interaction Finally, the big day arrived: Monday 7 July, commitment with the Risen Lord.
among the young. After supper, Fr Antonio a date which none will forget! The day Christianity is about action. The Pope in his
gathered the young people in order to read began with the Eucharistic celebration address to the young people at Randwick
the invitation letter of Pope Benedict XVI followed by breakfast. After breakfast each (Sydney) invited them to stand up and
to the XXIII World Youth Day; during the traveller was given the air ticket, and all proclaim their faith in Christ because the
reading of the letter there were some were asked to check on the passport and world needs the presence of God more than
interactions from the youth who were eager other documents such as the yellow card to
to get into the mood of the avoid unnecessary situations at the airport.
WYD. After the necessary control of documents
On Saturday 5 July, the and luggage the delegation left the
celebration of the eucharist provincial house and went straight to the
gave the tone of the day. Lusaka International Airport.
Activities during this second At the airport the ZMB delegation met with
day aimed at knowing each the delegation of Lusaka archdiocese led by
other, planning the activities Fr Treshpord Chisanga. Both delegations
which could take place upon were to join all the activities as one group.
r e tu rn ing to Zambia , At the airport there were many other young
working out the logistics of pilgrims from other diocese of Zambia. A
the trip and things the like. It total of forty seven people left that day for
was very exciting to know Sydney to participate in the WYD 08. It was
what was coming ahead. Fr an awesome experience. Many priests,
provincial made some sisters and some bishops were present at the
interventions and wished the airport to bid farewell to their young people
young pilgrims a successful who would absent themselves for over two
t r ip and a wonderful weeks. Then, the call to check-in finally
experience in Sydney. came and after hugs and hand-shakes ever before.
In the afternoon the youngsters had ‘free people left the waiting room to go to the To give witness to Christ in the present
time’ in order to finalize details of the trip, boarding desks and is not an easy task, young Christians
purchasing some souvenirs for the people Before taking off some of the pilgrims need to open up to the Holy Spirit to be
they would meet and bidding farewell to expressed their fears about the trip, empowered to bear witness to Christ with
family members and friends. The energy and vigour.
atmosphere was very conducive and people The experience of the WYD 08 has been
could feel that something big was coming particularly interesting and enriching. The
up.delegation that represented the Vice
Next day Sunday 6 July, the group was province of Mary Help of Christians
almost ready for the trip to Australia. Fr (ZMB) during the evaluation of the WYD
Tresphord Chisanga briefed the group cherished the idea of sharing with other
about some of the logistics of the trip. young people of Zambia, Zimbabwe,
Things were simply on track! In the Namibia and Malawi what they have ‘heard
afternoon and evening the young pilgrims and seen’. They said, ‘it is not possible’ to
continued preparing the sketches they were keep to ourselves all the riches of such
to present during the celebrations in the wonderful experience.
Days in the Diocese.The journey to the Land of the Southern
Some of the traditional dances were Cross began on Friday 4, July 2008. The
selected and late at night the group held a
ZMB Youth Ministry
23World Youth Day
ZMB and Diocesan Delegation to the WYD
Johannesburg, international Airport
A Journey
to the land
of the Southern Cross
n a t
e’ experience, It was late in the evening when the
the whole delegation pro delegation arrived at St Raphael’s Parish in
ceeded to board the bus and the train that Cowra; nevertheless, the parish priest and
would lead them to Lithgow. Lithgow is a some parishioners were waiting for the
small town 180 km away from Sydney. pilgrims to take them home and have them
After purchasing the train tickets the ready for the following day’s celebrations
pilgrims boarded the train and the first part in the parish. The whole atmosphere was
of the journey in Australia began. very conducive, and parishioners were
recalling Hollywood movies, but after The trip to Lithgow took nearly two hours eager to get to know the young pilgrims and
taking off their fears were over. The flight to and parishioners there were already waiting take them home. At this moment, the
South Africa (Johannesburg) took nearly for the delegation. Each family that delegation split in pairs and they all went
two hours and this was the first station of the volunteered to host some of the pilgrims home.
journey. At Johannesburg the delegation was given the possibility of having one or The following day the whole parish
waited for an extra hour, due to some two; in most cases, each family picked two community gathered at the parish church to
technical problems with the aircraft. Finally pilgrims. Upon arrival the delegation official welcome the pilgrims and co-
the aircraft of Qantas took off and made it discovered that the weather conditions had ordinate together the week’s programme.
for Sydney (Australia). changed dramatically, namely while the During the week, the ZMB pilgrims joined
Upon arrival some of the anecdotes began. temperature in Sydney was 14°C at the other delegations and visited some
All passengers were requested to declare Lithgow it was only 2°C and most of the Aborigine’s Care centres, Cultural and
not only the money they carry with them but young people were shivering due to the low Heritage sites, as well as some historical
all the items made of wood and fur. temperature. places of Cowra. The masses in the morning
Unfortunately, some of the young travellers The following day, they all gathered at the had special themes and parishioners
refused the authorities to open their parish church where a bus hired by the flocked to see and greet the pilgrims
handbags and luggage, this attitude made parish would take them to Bathurst for the gathered at Cowra from various countries
the customs police become suspicious of opening ceremony of the ‘Days in the of the world.
the delegation, and therefore they started Diocese’. The trip to Bathurst took 45 One of the most wonderful experiences
minutes. The weather was quite during the week was the learning of the
promising, few clouds and a predominant local culture, traditions, history and
blue sky gave a good impression of the struggle with the Western world. This
place. The venue for the celebrations was opened up the eyes of the pilgrims to see the
St Stanislaw’s College, a Catholic College reality of Australia and the work of the
for the diocese of Bathurst. At the college Catholic Church in bringing about
the Zambian delegation met with other reconciliation.
delegations coming from the U.S.A, Once, the days in the diocese were over, the
Germany, India, Pakistan, Ireland, pilgrims travelled back to Bathurst for the
Venezuela, Puerto Rico, Philippines, closing mass with the bishop. Dozens of
Singapore, Congo D.R, South Africa, priests, sisters and thousands of young looking for the leaders of the delegation: Angola, Samoa, Poland, Canada, Brazil people gathered at St Stanislaw’s College two names were given Fr Tresphord and some other countries from Europe and for the final mass and the night concert. It Chisanga and Fr Antonio; both already after Asia. was a wonderful time! By this time, immigration and customs, waiting at the
The opening mass was presided by the pilgrims from different countries knew arrivals waiting room. Suddenly the police
Bishop of Bathurst Msgr. Patrick, who each other in a better way. It was quite easy approached Fr Antonio and he was called
welcomed all the pilgrims, young and old. to identify each other for the handbags inside the immigration offices. To his
During the eucharist, he said that he was
surprise some of the youngsters were still
very grateful to the pilgrims’ efforts to take
there, with gloomy faces, totally terrified by
part in the youth day because he could feel
the police request and almost in an
that people in the diocese felt renewed with
emotional break-down. The situation came
the presence of those thousands of young
to a positive end when the young pilgrims
Catholics from all over the world.
agreed upon showing the custom officers
After this official opening of the ‘Days in the necklaces and carvings they brought
the Diocese,’ the delegation proceeded to from Zambia. Unfortunately, the two drums
Cowra, a small town in the countryside. The that were brought all the way from Zambia
trip took a little more than two hours, the did not pass the test and were confiscated
bus was provided by the diocese of for further disposal. After this first ‘less
Cultural activities
during the ‘Days in the Diocese’
Aborigines’ Kangaroo dance
‘Days in the diocese’, outdoor games
Christian rock concert,
Zambians on the
Welcoming the Pope at Barangaroo
You Will Receive Power When the Holy Spirit Comes
given as well as the scarf, the grey beanie In the afternoons and evenings,
and other items that were made for the the young pilgrims had the
occasion of the youth day. opportunity to join the concerts
offered in various points of town, On the 14 July, all the pilgrims travelled
and some other youth activities. from all the diocese of Australia to Sydney
The ZMB pilgrims joined the for the meeting with the Pope. It was
youths from the Salesian Youth overwhelming to see those thousands of
Movement who gathered at one of colourfully dress young pilgrims who were
the technical schools in the eager to see the Pope and to witness their
outskirts of Sydney. There the faith in the XXIII World Youth Day.
SYM had the occasion to meet Sydney (NSW) opened its streets and
don Pacual Chávez, Rector Major, houses to welcome once again people from
who came all the way from Rome all over the world. Sydney citizens had
to meet the young people gathered witness few years back the presence of
for the World Youth Day. Fr people coming for the Olympic Games, this
Chávez travlled explicitly to meet up of the solemn benediction, penitential time they witness a different type of
the young people. During the evening service, testimonies and a Christian rock visitors: thousands of young people who
programme, the provincial of Australia concert.came to see and hear the Pope. The feeling
introduced the Fr Chávez to the young in the streets of Sydney was amazing, the The following day for the closing mass, the
people gathered at St John’s Technical group of volunteers who had a very Pope was brought by helicopter. He flew
School; and said to the youngsters this: welcoming attitude towards the pilgrims, over the pilgrims greeting them from the
‘The rector major told me that he meets the the young people who were not shy or air; and later on from the Pope mobile. All
Pope every now and then, bishops ashamed to pray the rosary to sing had the chance to see the Pope. Although
everyday and therefore, this time he wanted Christians songs in their own mother the forecast announced rains for the night
to meet the young people.’ The young tongues, etc, was something that amazed and day of the last day of the world youth
people responded with a massive applause the people of Sydney but specially the day, the night was warm with no rains and
to such touching words.Media. Gay movements who announced the day cool with a gentle wind that
On Friday, the major event was the ‘Way of their participation refreshed the pilgrims. It was all
the Cross’ that started at the cathedral and providential.
ended at Barangaroo. This was a very During the closing mass, the Pope
touching moment because it was a live announced that the next World Youth Day
celebration. The biblical moments of the will be celebrated in Madrid (Spain) and
passion of Christ were re-lived and all had thus pilgrims have two years to learn
the chance to witness the suffering and Spanish. To this announcement, the
rejection of Christ during his last days on Spanish pilgrims shouted to the top of their
earth. voices, cheering the Pope.
The following day, all the pilgrims After the closing mass, the pilgrims retired
travelled to the north of Sydney to begin to Sydney were they had to make
the pilgrimage to Randwick, a walk of arrangements for their return flight. The
9km crossing the centre of Sydney and ZMB delegation had the early flight on
reaching the place of the night vigil and Monday 21 July 2008.
a n d the final mass. At Randwick more the five Upon arrival, the delegation gathered at the
most probably who would go hundred thousand of young pilgrims provincial house conference room to
demonstrating against the Catholic Church gathered for the final events of the World evaluate the experience and make plans for
were simply ‘silenced’ by the witness of the Youth Day. I believe, none lost the chance the follow up. Among the things they
young pilgrims. to walk from north Sydney to Randwick. It expressed, it was the feeling of deep
was such an experience of faith lived in The various events in Sydney were gratitude to the provincial and provincial
community. From the highways police privileged moments of prayer and renewal. economer for the efforts made to make a
officers greeted the pilgrims as they walked From the opening mass at Barangaroo to reality the participation of the ZMB youth
by, from the construction site and other the closing mass at Randwick, the whole in this world event.
buildings people also greeted the celebration was a special occasion to think
pi lgr ims, shout ing, ‘Benedic to , over the value and meaningfulness of
Benedicto, Benedicto’ the Pope’s name in Christ’s message to the world but
Italian, to which the youngsters especially to the world of the young people.
responded clapping hands to their tune.In Sydney, the ZMB pilgrims took part in
In the evening, the Pope appeared the catechesis given by three different
sometime around 8pm, and greeted all the bishops: one from the USA, another from
pilgrims. He did so in many languages. Australia and a third one from the U.K. The
The various delegations shouted, catechesis dwelt on the presence of the
whistled and clapped upon hearing their Holy Spirit in the Church and the life of
own language, cheering the Pope’s name. each Christian. The programme of the
The night was spent under the stars (it was catechesis in the parish was made up of a
more than a five star hotel), and it was personal faith testimony given by a young
particularly nice to see the Southern person from the parish, the bishop’s
Cross so near.catechesis and the questions raised by the
youth, confessions and the concluding During the night young people
mass presided by the bishop of the day. participated in the Vigil, which was made
Sydney, Cate
chesis by the
Closing mass at Randwick, SYDNEY
ZMB Youth Ministry
You Will Receive Power When the Holy Spirit Comes
23 World Youth Day
This year’s meeting for the teachers of the Technical Schools of ZMB took place in Chingola. The teachers’
meeting started on Wednesday, 20 August,
a day after the initial scheduled. Schools
present for the event were Don Bosco
Lilongwe (Malawi), Don Bosco Mansa
(Zambia), Don Bosco Kazembe (Zambia),
Don Bosco – Lufubu (Zambia), Don Bosco
Chingola (Zambia) and Don Bosco
Hwange (Zimbabwe). All delegations were
represented by most teachers, the principal
of the school and/or the Salesian in-charge.
The meeting was prepared by the ZMB
School Sub-commission, and had Fr
Oswald Mulenga as the chief facilitator.
The meeting was organised by Bro Walter
Thyrniang, principal of Don Bosco
Lilongwe, who chairs the ZMB School the survey conducted by Bro
Sub-commission. The topic chosen for this Walter in order to determine the
year’s meeting was ‘The Preventive degree of satisfaction teachers
System and its relevance in the African find in their jobs. The exercise
context’. Fr Oswald in his presentation was done professionally and
dwelt on topics of human development teachers cooperated to the
from the Psychological point of view satisfaction of the team.
which later on were linked to the Teachers and Salesians shared
Preventive System and its relevance in meals and recreation together.
Africa, most especially in our ZMB The dining hall of the oratory
countries. The response of the participants was the venue chosen for the
was overwhelming; the interest shown meals. The sessions were
during the sessions and their interventions conducted in the conference
proved the topic to be important. room of the technical school.
The first full day of activities started with Among all the participants the
the Eucharistic celebration which teachers biggest delegation was Don the opportunity of gathering teachers from and Salesians shared in deep spirit of Bosco Lilongwe, led by Bro Walter all the Salesians schools in a forum which communion and thanksgiving for the Thyrniang. allowed them to share their concerns, joys wonders God works in the various centres As part of the programme there was a and challenges as they all belong to the of learning throughout the vice-province. proposed visit to K.C.M mines which was Salesian Educational System.Part of the first day was also dedicated to lately cancelled due to the unexpected visit
of some officials
from Botswana who
w e r e g i v e n t h e
p r e f e r e n c e o f
visiting the mines.
The meeting ended
on a very positive
note by planning the
next meeting which
will take place in
H w a n g e
( Z i m b a b w e ) .
Teachers expressed
their gratitude to the
Sub-Commission for
Teachers Meeting
Schools Sub-Commission
By Bro Bartosz Kulczyk.sdb
Chingola ‘08
Fr Oswald Mulenga, Facilitator of the Meeting
The Preventive System
and its relevance from the African Perspective
SDB’s and teacher during tea break Salesians and teachers praying together
Bro Walter welcoming teachers and Salesians
New Novitiate in ZMB
Kabwe (Zambia) 14/08/2008. In the
presence of Fr Bruno Zamberlan, Vice-
provincial of ZMB, the first novitiate in
ZMB province began. The official opening
ceremony of the new novitiate started in the
mid afternoon with the Eucharistic
benediction. Witnesses to this great event
were Fr Leszek Aksamit, provincial
economer, and the salesians of the Kabwe
community. During the adoration the new
novice master, Fr Christopher Rychcik,
the novices, then, was presented with a province.
copy of the New Jerusalem Bible as sign of The novitiate will be in Kabwe for one full
their commitment to know Jesus Christ in year while the new novitiate is being built
the Scriptures and develop a special in Makeni (Lusaka – Zambia) in the plot of
relationship with him. former provincial house and pre-novitiate.
This year the province of ZMB is blessed The construction works are quite fast,
with the presence of ten novices, nine for though the shortage of cement in the
the ZMB vice province and one for the country is also affecting the works.
AFM province. Nevertheless things are going ahead with
After the official opening of the novitiate, God’s help.
all moved to the refectory were some
snacks were served. In this way the vice made his profession of faith and signed the
province of Mary Help of Christians has document which confirms his appointment
started a new phase in its young history: the as novice master. After Fr Rychcik’s
novitiate. It has been a long process to get it profession of faith, Fr Bruno called the
approved but finally it is a reality. The hope names of each of the candidates and they
is that soon the Philosophical studies will were all entrusted to the care of the novice
also be done here in master for their spiritual journey. Each of
t h e
Work and temperance
will make
the Congregation
(Don Bosco)
The Novitiate Year in ZMB
Initial Formation
By Javier Barrientos
First Professions & Renewals
ZMB Initial Formation
ZMB & AFM United
Bauleni-Lusaka (Zambia) 10/08-2008 The newly professed Salesians spent six joined in for the ocassion.
A group of five young men professed as days at Kasisi Retreat centre in Lusaka The newly professed returned to the
religious in the Salesian Congregation where they had their spiritual preparation province after completing their novitiate
after completing their novitiate in South for the profession. training at Ennesdale Salesian Novitiate in
Africa. The five new Salesians belong to During the mass, a group of five young Johannesburg (South Africa). Fr Jeffry
the provinces of AFM (one) and ZMB (the Salesians renewed their vows in the Johnson was their novice master. Fr Jeffry
other four). The ceremony of the first presence of Fr Bruno Zamberlan, the was very happy and satisfied upon seeing
profession took place at Bauleni. St acting Provincial. his pupils actually professing in the
Matthias Mulumba parish was selected as After the Eucharistic celebration the Salesian Congregation.
the venue for the first professions. Fr participants were welcomed in the The five new Salesians left Zambia on
Bruno Zamberlan received the profession community for the reception. Salesians of Tuesday morning. They are joining the
of the five novices who became Salesians various communities, Salesian Sisters Salesian Community of Moshi where they
by virtue of their profession. The ceremony from the communities of Lusaka as well as will do their Philosophical studies for a
also had the presence of Fr Jeffry Johnson family members of the newly professed, period of three years.
AFM Provincial Vicar. friends and benefactors of the community
Makululu – Kabwe (Zambia)
Way of the Cross for Young People
teaches the Taize chant.
Towards the end of August, she
extended the invitation to those
people who are in close
re la t ionship wi th her to
participate of the way of the
t was on a Sunday afternoon when the cross, on occasion of the feast of
temperature normally rises from 20C to the Exultation of the Cross.
25C or even 28C degrees that a group of T h e i d e a s e e m e d v e r y
young people, novices of the Holy Family challenging due to the various
Missionary Sisters, Salesian novices and commitments of the people
Salesian co-operators gathered at Don involved. Nevertheless, Agatha
Bosco sub-station of St Mary’s Parish. The continued with the preparations
purpose of the gathering was not for sports, for the way of the cross.
or for a meeting, it was instead to walk On the actual day, it seemed as if
through Makululu shanty compound nothing would happen although initial song, it all got started. Songs,
carrying the cross and meditating in the announcement were read in the parish, Scripture passages, reflections made both
mysteries of our Lord’s passion and death. inviting people to join the way of the cross in Bemba and English guided the whole
The whole idea came from Agatha as a way to celebrate the liturgical feast of exercise. Slowly people got into the mood
Zyniewicz, Polish volunteer in Kabwe, the Exultation. One of the first things that of prayer and it was the first time to see
who prompted by the example of the Taize needed to be done on that particular day young people gathered around the cross,
group of Nairobi (Kenya) invited the was, to find the cross, a cross that would be praying and singing to the Lord, walking
various groups to come and take part in the seen and that would eventually be carried through the shanty compound undisturbed
Way of the Cross. Agatha is a graduated by people participating in the walk. by the music from the taverns. It was a very
Fortunately, a cross was found in the touching scene to witness: sisters, novices,
community. It was a two-metre-high cross young people walking slowly while
made of hard wood. As part of the praying, bearing witness to Christ who
decorations, the novices prepared a crown endured the shame and pain of the cross. It
of thorns which was tied to the cross. And took nearly two hours to reach St Mary’s
thus, the way of the cross was more likely to Parish but it was a wonderful experience of
begin. Texts were ready, the cross was faith and commitment among the young.
ready and some of the people invited were After the way of the cross all had the feeling
also ready. that the walk did change their attitude
The cross was lifted from the ground and towards each other; the endless rivalry
carried from the Salesian community of between the youth from St Mary’s and the
Kabwe to the starting point in Makululu. youth from Don Bosco, although far from
The novices did the carrying of the cross over, at least, it was lessened, and both
architect who came to Zambian back in and it took nearly one hour to reach the groups are now looking forward to come
July sent by the Mission Procure of church in Makululu. In the midst of the heat together for activities which build them up.
Krakow. Before coming she participated in and the admiration of people, the cross The presence of Agatha in the life of the
many gatherings of the Taize movement in made its way silently toward Makululu. youth group is being of great help to build
Europe. Currently she is engaged in the People from the bars and those passersby them up by means of sharing her faith
construction of the playgrounds in Kabwe, were surprised to see few youngsters experience and especially her life.
yet in her free time she’s busy with the carrying a huge cross led by a ‘musungu
youth choir, Salesian novices and novices girl’ towards the shanty compound.
of the Holy Family Sisters. To them all she The way of the cross was scheduled to
begin at 3pm. To the surprise of many, those
who would take part in the pious exercise
were on time, already waiting for it to
begin. While waiting, for the choir
members of Don Bosco, some more
youngsters arrived as well as the sisters of
the Holy Family who were driven by Fr
Christopher Rychcik and dropped off at
With a solemn invitation made by Bro
Kenny Mubanga,sdb the whole group
gathered around the cross and after the
Young People & The Cross
Youth Ministry
By Kenny Mubanga
them, what kind of society are we A Youth is like endangered
creating? Let us look at Don Bosco, the species
pioneer and lover of youth; he had a great
passion for the young ones. Let us look at he world has changed; things that
him and follow his example.young people were not doing
before, that were only preserved to
Mwila Charlesthe grown ups have now turned around”,
Secretary – Salesian Cooperatorsmany people say. They further
Kabweoutrageously mention that the youth of
nowadays have lost direction. How far, if
we examine these sentiments, it is
realistic? Or what are we doing to
bring the young ones to Christ? When
we condemn our children in this way,
are we being fair? The youth are like
endangered species who when not well
protected can be snatched by vultures, in
this case the vices that can ruin their
lives. Young people need protection,
guidance and presence of elderly persons
to lean to in case of problems. But if they
are kept at a distance, we are creating a
time bomb that will be disastrous when it
erupts. Spiritual guidance is very
important because through such we show
them good ways. It is – these good ways –
that will bring salvation and eternal life to
them. To champion this course, it is very
important that as parishioners and
citizens of the world we support the great
works the Salesians are doing for the
young people.
In this time of social instability where our
cultural fibre has broken down, we
require well-established networking with
the youth to turn their lives around.
It is often said, ‘you will reap what you
sew’ – by continually condemning our
children, we are cursing them indirectly,
instead of blessing them as parents and
companions to these lovely ones. We
often forget that these same people will
grow to join our ranks, and if we neglect
Salesian Co-operators - Kabwe Center
Young People Today Volunteers in
Hi! Uli shani ?!
We are two polish volunteers: Agnes and
Agatha. We came to Zambia on 18 July
2008 to implement a sports project for Don
Bosco Centre in Kabwe. Thanks to the help
from the Polish government and many
people involved in a Salesian Volunteer
Organisation in Poland it is possible now to
prepare some training/sports facilities and
to build two basketball courts, one
volleyball court and one ablution block
with changing rooms, showers and toilets.
Our coordinator in Kabwe is Fr Javier
Antonio for both sports and construction
projects. The community is very
supportive and we really feel at home.
The whole project began with sports:
training and competitions run by Agnes.
And then on 5 August we started the
construction of the sports facilities.
While Agnes is the coach, Agata takes care
of the building site following the works
done by MEL company. After one month,
we have now in memory many of
successful training sports: volleyball,
football, basketball, athletic sports and
many, many of games and exercises.
On the building site there are already some
changes, we made main site ground works
and started the excavation. Thanks to the
help of some of the youths we made even
more progress, it is not just a project for the
youth centre but each youth feels like it is
‘our project.’ Besides, we started to learn
Bemba; we have also joined in the deanery
celebrations of the year of the youth.
We also joined the youth in some of the
Bemba masses, because during the
sometimes we don’t have mass with the
community in Don Bosco Centre. We know
that after our stay here some things in our
lives will never be the same again, and we
thank God for that!Agnes, Volunteer in Kabwe, returns home
By Agata Zyniewicz
Genzano di Roma (Italy) / 08/09/2008: church was full of the faithful; about 100
On the beautiful day of the 8th September priest at the altar and many nuns among the
2008 the Salesian Congregation has grown young people and invited guests. The
with the new 11 Sons of Don Bosco who signing was beautifully performed and
made their first religious profession on the animated by the parish youth choir who
11th September 2008 in Genzano di Roma. also gave a witness to the congregation
Among them was Fr Gilbert Twahirwa, with a meaningful participation in the Holy
who has been sent by the Superior of ZMB Eucharist. Before the final blessing, the
Vice Province, Fr Joseph Czerwinski, to Novice Master invited the newly professed
undergo the formation in the Salesian Salesians to the total and wholehearted
International Novitiate in Genzano di commitment in the service to the young
Roma in Italy. and never allowing mediocrity to be part of
For those who may not know, Fr Gilbert, their Salesian life.
Rwandese, was a diocesan priest who did The second part of the celebration, the
his formation and studies in Zambia. After reception of the invited guests, took place
three years of priestly service and pastoral in the Salesian Novitiate, about 500 meters
work in the Archdiocese of Lusaka, he felt away from the Holy Trinity church, where
the call to continue his priestly service to the youngest Salesians took care of their
the Lord as the Salesian of Don Bosco; as families and friends. There was also quite a
he has found himself so well among the good number of the guests who made sure
young people and was very much that Fr Gilbert did not feel far away from
appreciated in his youth pastoral ministry. his loved ones on such a important
After the canonical year of the novitiate occasion. Among them there were: a group
formation under the guidance of the of Salesians from UPS (Salesian Pontifical
Novice Master, Fr Angelo Santorsola, sdb, University) from Rome with Fr Vincent
Fr Gilbert, together with his ten co- and Fr Slawek representing the ZMB
novices, have made their temporal vows of Salesians, Salesian Sisters from Zambia
obedience, poverty and chastity which was and Rwanda who do their studies in Rome,
received by Fr Alberto Lorenzelli, sdb, the Fr Gilbert’s nephew who came all the way
Superior of the Central Italy Province, who from Rwanda and the two Rwandese
entrust their lives to Christ for real so that presided over the celebration of the families, one from Holland and one from
the Kingdom of God may grow. As you HolyEucharist. After having made his first Belgium.
have said YES to Christ’s invitation to Salesian vows, each Novice had received Among Fr Gilbert’s guests was a big
follow Him more closely as Salesian, let the medal of Don Bosco and a copy of the number of the Italian Youth Scouts to
the Holy Spirit inspire many others, good Salesian Constitution and Regulations. whom he ministered on Sundays during the
and holy young men and women, to say to The liturgical part of the celebration took whole year of the novitiate; it was so
Christ: “Lord, here I am.”, and bring them part in the Genzano parish church of the touching to see the way the young ones
to the Salesian door ready to follow the Holy Trinity; indeed very beautiful church were expressing their love and gratitude for
footsteps of Don Bosco in his great love for from outside and even more appealing with the time they have spent together. For us,
the young.his beauty and art inside. The whole the Salesians from ZMB, it was a moment
celebration was very well to be really proud to have such a Confrere
prepared belonging to our Vice Province.
As Fr Gilbert is coming back to live and
work in Zambia he needs our prayers, so
that people, especially the youth, may see
in him and through him the person of
Jesus Christ, who is our Lord and Savior
who loves us all.
Dear Fr Gilbert, you are a wonderful gift
of Mary Help of Christians to the
Salesian Family and all the young
people; you were born Salesian on the .
day of our Lady’s birthday. May your
presence among the youth inspire them to T h e
Doing the Novitiate al Stero
ZMB Initial Formation
First Profession of Fr Gilbert
By Fr Slawek Bartodziej
Bauleni - Lusaka: II General Assembly
4 provinces (AFE, ZMB, Habari (news) from Moshi
AGL and AFM). The
Our presence in the province this time around
formation stuff members of
was just more than the community
Moshi Community are ten in
experience itself but the provincial
total (two in practical
experience. It all began with the Provincial
training). On the other side
Assembly which was culminated in the
of the community, there are
celebration of the provincial feast day. Just
nine novices who just began
before we had to leave the province for Moshi
their journey and they are
it came to our knowledge that our passports
expected to move on to
this time around would not be handled by the
Morogoro sometime this
guys at Nakonde and Tunduma boarder posts.
year when the construction
For this reason we thank the provincial for the
of the new novitiate block is
facilitation, which in actual fact cut our 3
completed. Thanks for the
days journey to two hours. We arrived in
wonderful time we spent
Moshi to a gigantic welcome the following
back home in the province,
day after a stopover in Dar-as Salaam. Fr
m a n y t h a n k s t o t h e
George Chaliseri, the new rector of Moshi radical movement from the world of the mind communities that welcomed us. In a similar
community and other confreres were at the to the world of the heart, from the assertive way we are as well happy that we are back
airport waiting for us. As a result of less world of arguments to the receptive one of home here in Moshi.
fatigue from the journey some of our brothers reflection. It was a challenge for all of us to
took some time to play some games with the get in touch with that often-repressed Written by John
novices in the afternoon. It was indeed feminine dimension of ourselves. This shift
incredible! Two days later in the company of demanded silence as a prerequisite, and in **************
the preacher of the annual retreat, Fr Eustace
Siame, we left for a retreat in Maua this case, this was a real challenge since we
(Tanzania). Maua retreat centre, run by the were all fresh from our holidays and
Franciscan sisters it's just about a stone throw community experiences and had so much to
from the great Mt Kilimanjaro. Maua is share with each other! Our retreat preacher,
indeed a beautiful cold place with ever-green Fr. Eustace made it clear at the beginning
vegetation. The experience of the retreat was that we would have the whole year to share
in my own opinion one of the greatest those experiences. Thanks to divine
moments of an authentic renewal. No doubt intervention, we managed to spend a whole
all the six days of the retreat were spent in the week in total silence. At least the exernal
near presence of God. On the fourth day of silence… If I were to say the same about the
the retreat Fr Joseph Pullikal (provincial of internal silence, I may lie on behalf of my
AFE) joined us, it was indeed a blessing! colleagues whose hearts I cannot read. It
Days later, a contingent of brand-new- was a great experience for us since being
Salesians arrived from Zambia in the Salesian is sometimes mistakenly
company of Cl Alexio Mesi who just come synonymised with being noisy. We did
back to finish what he had started thus to make profit from the long hours of personal
begin his second year of Philosophical Retreat on Mount Kilimanjaro reflection each day.
studies. For sure all of us understand what it Somewhere in the vast rainforest on the Our retreat theme, “chosen in Christ”
all means with the beginning of the academic slopes of the great Kilimanjaro, 35 young (eph1:4) was perfect since this retreat
semester. In the spirit of Article 19 of our Salesian philosophers spent a week in a preceded the renewal of our religious vows
Constitutions and regulations we pray that special encounter with the Lord. Maua, as the which took place on the last day of the retreat.
our confreres in the first years will be able to retreat centre is called, is a quiet place, hidden This theme was further divided into sub-
adjust vigorously to the demands of our post- from the 'world of the clever', and is a perfect themes which focused on a) the God who
novitiate community. portrait of nature's grandeur; beauty beyond chooses b) The person chosen c) The
At the moment the community here any verbal description. Adorned with a different elements in the life of the chosen
comprises of thirty five students spread over variety of birds and tropical plant species, the
place provides an ideal atmosphere for
reflection and a silent cosmological proof of
God's existence. Moreover, the tree-tops of
Maua uncover the secret of the mysterious
snow-cap of Mount Kilimanjaro (the abode
of the divine). It may take me a minimum of a
thousand pages to describe the beauty of
Maua, and so for convenience's sake, let me
go straight into the retreat experience itself.
Naturally, a retreat is a difficult but necessary
experience for young enthusiast ic
philosophers since it demands from them a
Sharing views
Letters to the Editor
‘Unity in Diversity’
II General Assembly Group photo
i.e. prayer, the vows, faith, fire (zeal), and
holiness. In well prepared presentations, the
preacher and participants went through the
ideal characteristics of THE religious in
relation to the above-mentioned elements.
Guided by scripture, each person would
reflect on each element and measure himself
against the ideal so as to identify where to
make amends. It was indeed an enriching
experience to the extent that even those of us
who are naturally allergic to solitude ended
up seeking more of it! Clement, our president understand the teaching of the Catholic
and George our opposition leader even Church more in depth. I suggest that knew before.
proposed to the rector that we should have catechetical lessons should be taught in our In the afternoon we were having tournaments
annual retreats after every two weeks! This parishes so that the youth may know and and the organisers used to record the points
proposal though, was put down by the reality understand well the teachings of the Church and performance of each group. In the
of the high demands of our philosophical and not only wait for big functions like this evenings, sometimes we use to have movies,
pursuit. one. entertainment and dancing. There was good
The main gains we got from the retreat were, Second, the presence of the Holy Father at the first aid service, to those who presented
among others, 1) the revival of our World Youth Day shows that the Church injuries during the games, immediate health
enthusiasm in our Salesian vocation, 2)the really cares for the youth. The youth are the care was offered; those who got sick were
opportunity to examine our Salesian lives and leaders of today; therefore, they need a big administered the necessary medication.
make resolutions on our way forward 3) To support from the elders. The presence of the Everything was good, but most of all, the
get a break from the life of routine 4) To Pope at World Youth Day celebration participants had good time to rest. I liked that
familiarise ourselves with the art of silence strengthened and gave us (young people) the the volunteer Agnes was very social with
and reflection. In addition to this, we had a courage to serve the church and work with the everyone.
very beautiful reconciliation service. As we church. I believe the Church will not stop There were also some negatives in this
start our new academic year, organising world youth gatherings. gathering, such as: the participants had poor
we start it on a very high Finally, I liked the way the function was time management, others were getting sick
note, thanks to our organized, and I suggest that the provincial due to the heavy training; some girls did not
“retreat in paradise!” youth festivals be modelled on the World have adequate sports attire and made them
Youth Day. I also encourage the province to feel uncomfortable for being deprived of the
Written by continue organising youth gatherings in this opportunity of making some of the exercises.
Simbarashe province. All I can say is that, 'the workshop was a
Muza. sdb Written by James Mangwiro success! I wish that in the future the
Malawi workshop will include some talks on drug
****************** abuse, alcohol related problems, malaria,
***************** HIV and AIDS, TB, since these topics are
things that youths face on daily basis and very
Sports Week at Don Bosco Kabwe often we do not have enough information.World Youth Day Experience
The sports week was held at Don Bosco
uring the World Youth Day in Youth Centre – Kabwe from the 17 to 23 Written by Rita
Sydney there were many things that I August 2008. The invitation was extensive to KamandaDexperienced and I can say these all the young people of the oratory. I also felt
experiences have changed the way I look at that I had to draw the participants from all
life and faith. Here are some of the things I sections of my congregation (Catholics) to
would like to share: this wonderful opportunity.
First, the catechesis in the parish we which we The activities at the youth centre were based
had every day in the morning, were on building valid moral stands through
conducted by different bishops form different interaction with one another.
parts of the world, and this assisted me to The workshop was very educative in the
grow spiritually and through the questions sense that cooperation was demonstrated
that the bishops were given, helped me among fellow participants, respect was
maintained and time was observed. Also the
diet was good. This made all to be attentive to
what was happening. Early in the morning it
was very interesting because everyone was
called for training (especially running) which
was good to our health. Running was
encouraged by the volunteer Agnes who told
us that it would make our body strong.
Another activity which was very motivating
in the morning was the group work in which
we had group discussions and after the panel
and presentation of the conclusions reached.
Here we learnt many things some of us never
Letters to the Editor
Baul ni - Lusaka: II General Assembly
Letters to the Editor
Why Lufubu is my Better Option? in the company of Fr Joseph greeted by a utilize whatever they had learnt for the
The Lufubu community is located in the huge welcome organized by the School and benefit of their respective places. On the
interior of the Luapula province of Zambia. the oratorians. Later in the afternoon Fr other hand the local Ward Councilor earlier
The community of Lufubu is just about 12 Basanes took some time to visit the farm. advised the students not to bury their skills
km from Kazembe which happens to be the As a matter of fact Fr Guillermo could not but to use them to sensitize their families
headquarters of the Mwansabombwe the hide his happiness. and neighborhoods about the importance of
chiefdom of the Mwatakazembe of the Barely a week after Fr Basanes left, we agriculture as an alternative to the
Lunda people. Lufubu as the residential woke to yet another celebration but this endangered fishing occupation in the area.
area posses itself as a good destination for time around it was the XII graduation Later in the day, Fr Adam Wiacek, the
our apostolic service since the young ceremony. More than 30 students made to rector, advised the graduates to be vigilant
people count to more than a half of the total the podium to begin their journey into the of their spiritual and physical life. Among
real world to show their acquired skills in the graduating students were three young
general agriculture and farm management. couples of less than 30 years of age.
The District Agriculture Officer (DACO) Speaking of the young couples, it is
was at hand to give the certificates. The perhaps part of what the Pope spoke about
DACO in his speech highlighted the when he implored the chapter fathers
current enormous agricultural challenges (2008) during the audience to "be
world over, with which he singled out the decisively open to family ministry". For
souring food prices and the adverse effects sure empowerment and training of the
posed by the HIV/AIDS. He implored the families (young couples in the context of
graduates to expertise their acquired skills Lufubu) is far more important and one of
to mitigate the challenges as much as they the most effective means to reach out to the
can locally. The DACO, further masses of young people. In any case the
acknowledged the problems the school was young people spend more time with their
population. I am glad to honestly say that currently facing such as library, kitchen, families than our centers of apostolate as
the community of Lufubu in its apostolic shortage of staff etc. The DACO wrapped such it stands to reason that ministering to
mission endeavors to bring an indelible and up his speech by thanking the Salesians families would be the short-cut way to see
holistic transformation of the young and officially closed the graduation the young people become good citizens and
people. Among others the community ceremony by saying to the students "go better Christians. For this reason, Lufubu
seeks to transform the mentality of the ahead and fulfill your dreams ". Among the Community is my better option.
Lunda people towards agriculture which is dignitaries present for the graduation was
not so much favored at the moment. The the senior village head man for Lufubu. In Written by John
good days of my community experience his humble words he pointed out the Moshi
began with the visit of the region superior appropriateness of the Salesian work in
for Africa-Madagascar, Fr Basanes Lufubu and further encouraged students to
Guilliermo. Fr Basenes arrived in Lufubu
Dakar (Senegal) 26-30/09/2008: Regional Meeting for Youth
Ministry Delegates of Africa - Madagascar
By Fr Bruno Zamberlan (ZMB Delegate)
r. Pascual Chavez, our Rector Major, is really committed to
"wake up the Salesians in the Congregation", calling them Fall to face the challanges of today's youth at risk. The
Salesian himself, his vocation, is at risk, if he does't meet the
youth with the heart of Don Bosco, cannot be called Salesian.
During this coming 6 years we shall implement the "Da mihi
animas, cetera tolle" of Don Bosco at all levels, starting from the
"Don Bosco of today" (SDB and co-responsible lay people).
The expression "lay collaborator" disappeared in the last general
Chapter: they are not our "Altar Servers, but co-operators.
The members of the new general council are very committed to
help the provinces to come back to Don Bosco, coming back to the
youth at risk.
The Regional, Fr. Guillerme, the Councellor for the Youth
Ministry, Fr. Fabio and his secretary, Fr. D. Sequiera, were the
animators of the meeting. All Provinces were represented, except
one: Madagascar. After short evaluation of the YM in the
provinces, we chose some major challenges for the next six years
in order to come back to Don Bosco.
We shall be re-educated together in the Salesian passion of Don
Bosco for the youth.
Youth Delegates Meeting
Meeting for Youth Ministry Delegates awards to young people who have made a
for Africa and Madagascar Region. special contribution through their social
(ANS – Dakar) – Today 30 September sees commitment.
the conclusion of a meeting for Youth Reihard Heiserer, Director of “Jugend
Ministry Delegates from the Africa- Eine Welt”, says with great pride: “The
Madagascar Region which began last three young men who received the awards
Friday the 26th in Dakar, Senegal, - Peter, Thomas and George – are an
organised by the Youth Ministry example for everyone. After spending a
Department. year as volunteers in Salesian projects
In addition to the Delegates, present at the overseas, on their return to Austria they
meeting were Fr Fabio Attard, Councillor continue to support the Salesians and their
for Youth Ministry, Fr Guillermo Basañes, youth projects for disadvantaged children
Councillor for the Africa-Madagascar and young people.”
Region, Fr Dominic Sequeira, from the Peter Rinderer devoted a year of his life to
Department Team led by Fr Attard and Fr poor children in a Salesian centre in
José Antonio Vega, Superior of the Vice Tijuana, Mexico. This experience as a
Province of Tropical Equatorial Africa, as volunteer led him to begin a process of broadcast on Rai1.
the Youth Ministry coordinator in the vocational discernment. Back in Austria he According to information provided by the
Region. spent some time in an aspirantate in RAI, there are 1144 readers involved in
The meeting began with Mass at which Fr Vienna, and now he is making his novitiate this veritable Biblical marathon being
Manuel Jiménez, Superior of the Salesians in Pinerolo in order to become a Salesian.broadcast from the Roman Basilica of the
in French-speaking West Africa who George Urschitz and Thomas Strasser Holy Cross in Jerusalem. Non-Christian
hosted the event presided. Afterwards Fr worked together for a year in a Vocational readers including some members of the
Fabio Attard gave a report on the Training Centre at Sunyani in Ghana, Jewish community will read passages from
conclusions of the meeting for those taking giving computer courses to about 300 the Old Testament in a hall near the
part in the 26th General Chapter coming young people. With the help of these two Basilica. The list of readers includes
from Africa-Madagascar with the volunteers the students were able to start a politicians, journalists, university
Councillors just elected for Youth small business enterprise. With the money lecturers, personalities from sport, the arts
Ministry, the Missions and Social earned from repairing and assembling and show business as well as Catholic and
Communication. computers, the young Ghanese were able Orthodox Bishops and representatives of
In the course of the meeting, each Delegate to finance their own studies and improve the Reformed Churches.
was able to speak about the situation their standard of living.Interspersed with the reading of Sacred
regarding Youth Ministry in his Province Thomas Strasser, 22 years of age said: “I Scripture will be 86 pieces of music
of Vice Province. This, together with a am very pleased to have received this inspired by the Bible.
study of the GC26 Guidelines, provided award; I'll invest the money for my next Some Salesians are also among the
the basis for the subsequent work of project. In October I'm going to work for a readers. Fr Pascual Chávez, Rector Major
Regional planning for the next six years. year in the Don Bosco Vocational Training of the Salesians, tomorrow 8 October at
Centre in Lilongwe, Malawi, to organise a 21.27 (GMT+1), will be reading chapter
***************** course and other activities similar to those 18 from the Book of Proverbs; Cardinal
in Ghana”. George Urschitz, at present Oscar A. Rodríguez Maradiaga,
Bible Reading Day and Night studying in Austria, also continues to archbishop of Tegucigalpa (Honduras), on
7/10/2008 - Italy – The Bible night and day support “Jugend Eine Welt” and the Thursday 9 October at 7.59 (GMT+1), will
(ANS – Rome) – With the reading last Salesians, organising presentations and read chapter 29 of the book of the prophet
Sunday 5 October of chapter one of the collecting funds for the project in Ghana Isaiah; and finally Cardinal Tarcisio
Book of Genesis by Pope Benedict XVI and holding meetings to get other young Bertone, Secretary of State of the Holy
there began in the Basilica of the Holy Austrians involved. Father, will conclude with chapter 22 of the
Cross in Jerusalem in Rome, "The Bible Apocalypse on Saturday 11 October.
night and day," a continuous reading of the
sacred text from beginning to end night **********
and day until next Saturday. 7 days and 6 Awards to Jugen Eine Welt
nights of reading without interruption or (ANS – Vienna) - On 26 September 3
comment, of the Old and New Testaments. young people former volunteers with the
Organised by Vatican Radio, in Austrian NGO “Jugend Eine Welt”, were
collaboration with Raiuno and Rai given awards by the German Foundation
Educational, on Italian State Television, it “Filippas Engel”. Each year the
is being broadcast by the Rai Edu 2 channel Foundation belonging to the family of the
and on a specially created web site. The Princes of Sayn-Wittgenstein-Sayn, gives
first and the last hour are also being
ANSWorld News from
Salesian World
1 5
1 Kabwe: Celebration after the official
opening of the novitiate
2 Bauleni: Newly professed Salesians
during a presentation
3 Rome: Fr Gilbert during the reception
after his first profession
4 Moshi: Renewal of vows
5 Lilongwe: Final Profession of Bro Jophin
6 Kabwe: Volunteers and youths
7 Kazembe: Before and after fire
8 Chingola: Teachers’ meeting