Salesian Bulletin (Malta) No. 206 Nov-Dec 2008


novembru-diÇembru 2008
il-206 Óar©a

Il-Festa tal-Óannukah

Marija, Omm il-Óniena

The Christmas Invitation

Fl-1877, Dun Bosco beda jippubblika “Il Bibliofilo Cattolico”. Wara sentejn, semmih
- Bollettino Salesiano”. Kien jo˙or©hu bi ˙sieb li jg˙aqqad lil dawk kollha li g˙andhom
g˙al qalbhom il-˙idma Salesjana fid-dinja kollha, billi jwasslilhom tag˙rif fuq il-˙ajja
tal-Kongregazzjoni Salesjana. Tag˙lim siewi g˙all-˙ajja Nisranija. Insibuh imxerred
mad-dinja kif iddur, mitbug˙ f’aktar minn g˙oxrin ilsien ewlieni … fosthom il-Malti

wkoll fiç-çokon tieg˙u. F’sena jitqassmu ‘l fuq minn g˙axar miljun kopja. Hawn Malta
jo˙ro© ta˙t l-isem ‘˙ajja Salesjana’ u kull xahrejn, barra x-xhur tas-sajf – Lulju, u

Awissu. Jitqassam b’xejn lil kull min jitolbu. G˙alhekk wie˙ed jista’ jikteb lill-Editur:

Óajja Salesjana
c/o St. Patrick’s School, Triq San Ìwann Bosco,

Sliema SLM 1925, Malta.
Tel: 2133 0238 e-mail:

Jie˙u ˙sieb Fr. Joe Cini SDB

Bord Editorjali Fr. Victor Mangion SDB
Margaret Buhagiar
Andre’ Camilleri
Josie Grech

Jg˙inuh ukoll Fr. Charles Cini SDB
Eileen Alden
Joyce Scicluna
Joe M. Busuttil

Óajr minn qalbna lill-˙bieb tag˙na li jibag˙tu xi
˙a©a tal-flus g˙an-nefqa biex il-Óajja Salesjana
jista’ jintbag˙at b’xejn lil

• Dawk li mqar bit-talb tag˙hom jg˙inu
fil-˙idma Salesjana

• Dawk li jg˙inu l-vokazzjonijiet g˙all-˙ajja
Reli©juΩa Salesjana

Infakkru lill-qarrejja tag˙na li l-˙idma Salesjana
Maltija tinfirex ukoll fl-Afrika ta’ fuq, fit-TuneΩija.

Designed & Printed by Salesian Press

Fuqiex se naqraw

Mer˙ba lil Don Bosco 3

Pedago©ija Salesjana
Is-Sistema Preventiva 5

Calendar of Events 7

Il-Festa tal-Óannukah 8

World Book Day 10

Crimes 5 - The Faith 12

Marija, Omm il-Óniena 15

Something to think about… 18

The Christmas Invitation - A Story 20

Making a Difference! 22

Stefan Il-katekista li bata ˙afna
biex sar dak li hu 24

Mornese… Fl-Ingilterra 26

The Mystic of the Passion 28

Visit of the Rector Major 32


Din is-sena 2008 ser tag˙laq bil-kbir g˙alina s-Salesjani; nifhem ng˙id g˙all-
Familja Salesjana kollha f’Malta. Bis-sa˙˙a
tal-festi çentinarji ta’ l-Oratorju tag˙na
ta’ Tas-Sliema, sejrin ingawdu mill-mi©ja
fostna tar-Rettur Ma©©ur tas-Salesjani,
ir-Rev. Fr. Pascual Chavez
Villanueva. Dun Pascual
huwa d-disa’ suççessur
ta’ Dun Bosco fit-tmexxija
t a l - K o n g r e g a z z j o n i
Salesjana fil-ferg˙at kollha
tag˙ha: Saçerdoti, Fratelli,
Koperaturi, Past Pupils,
Devoti ta’ Marija G˙ajnuna
ta’ l-Insara, Volontari Ma’
Dun Bosco, flimkien mal-
˙afna studenti, parruççani
u benefatturi li b’xi mod
g˙andhom konnessjoni

Fil-˙ar©a ta’ ˙ajja Salesjana ta’
Settembru/Ottubru qrajtu fuq kif l-
Oratorju Salesjan ta’ Tas-Sliema qieg˙ed
jiççelebra ç-Çentinarju tat-twaqqif tieg˙u.
Issa baqa’ l-a˙˙ar okkaΩjoni ta’ tlett
ijiem, mis-6 sat-8 ta’ Diçembru. Infatti
il-konkluΩjoni sejra tkun nhar il-Festa tal-
Kunçizzjoni, dik l-istess festa li fiha, 166
sena qabel (1842), Dun Bosco kien beda
l-opra tieg˙u meta, wara li talab Sliema u
ma’ Ωag˙Ωug˙, stiednu sabiex ji©i
g˙andu jitg˙allem il-katekiΩmu.

Malta Salesjana kellha x-xorti tilqa’ b’fer˙
kbir lill-aktar minn wie˙ed mis-suççessuri

ta’ Dun Bosco. L-ewwel li Ωar Malta, u g˙al
darbtejn, kien il-Beatu Dun Mikiel Rua, l-
ewwel suççessur ta’ Dun Bosco (1906 u
1908). It-tlieta ta’ warajh ma tantx ˙ar©u
mill-Italja u ma rajnihomx hawnhekk (Dun
Pawl Albera, Dun Filippu Rinaldi u Dun

Pietru Ricaldone). Il-˙ames
suççessur, Dun Renatu
Ziggiotti, Ωar ˙afna lill-
pajjiΩi fejn kienu ja˙dmu
s-Salesjani, u ©ie Malta
ukoll (1954). Kienet biçça
xog˙ol tqila u iebsa, imma
b’kura©© kbir qajjem ̇ e©©a
©dida u kbira fis-Salesjani
kollha tad-dinja. Is-superjur
ta’ warajh, Dun Alwig
Ricceri ma kellux çans ikun
Malta, imma mbag˙ad,
Dun Egidju Vigano’ Ωar lill-
Familja Salesjana f’Malta
tlett darbiet (1979, 1989

u 1991). Min ©ie wara Dun Vigano’, çoe’
Dun Juan Vecchi, kien marad u miet waqt
li kien Superjur ©enerali u qatt ma kien
Malta. Issa sejrin ner©g˙u nilqg˙u fostna
lil Dun Pascual Chavez g˙at-tieni darba
(2003 u 2008). Huwa ©ej f’isem Dun
Bosco u bl-ispirtu tieg˙u. In˙e©©i©kom
sabiex kemm tistg˙u ting˙aqdu mas-
Salesjani ta’ l-Oratorju u mal-membri tal-
Familja Salesjana fiç-çelebrazzjonijiet.

Nag˙laq billi nixtieqilkom ukoll il-Festi t-
Tajba u Milied Hieni.

Mer˙ba lil Don Bosco


The year 2008 will end in a big way for the Salesian Family in Malta. Because
of the Centenary Festivities of the Salesian
Oratory in Sliema, we shall have the
pleasure of the visit of the Rector Major,
the Rev. Fr. Pascual Chavez Villanueva. He
is the ninth successor of Don Bosco in the
leadership of the Salesian
Congregation in all its
branches: Priests, Brothers,
Cooperators, Past-Pupils,
Devotees of Mary Help
of Christians, Volunteers
with Don Bosco, together
with thousands of
students, parishioners and
benefactors who in some
way are connected to the

In the hajja Salesjana
issue of September/
October you read how
the Salesian Oratory is celebrating the
Centenary of its foundation. Now there
remains the last occasion from 6th to 8th
December. The conclusion in fact will
take place on the Feast of the Immaculate
Conception, which is the same occasion
when, 166 years ago (1842) Don Bosco
had started his work, with a Hail Mary
prayed with a young man whom he then
invited for catechism classes.

Malta has been fortunate to welcome with
joy more than one of the successors of Don
Bosco. The first to visit Malta twice was
Blessed Michael Rua, the first successor, in

1906 and 1908. The three Superiors who
succeeded him did not move much out of
Italy and we never saw them over here (Fr.
Paul Albera, Fr. Philip Rinaldi and Fr. Peter
Ricaldone). The fifth successor, Fr. Renato
Ziggiotti, visited many of the countries
where Salesians were at the time and came

to Malta in 1954. This was
a major task, but through
his courage he kindled
new and great enthusiasm
in all Salesians around the
world. The Superior who
succeeded him, Fr. Louis
Ricceri had no occasion
to come; but then, his
successor Fr. Egidio
Vigano’, visited the Salesian
Family in Malta three times
(1979, 1989, 1991). The
next Rector Major Fr. Juan
Vecchi became very ill and
died while in office.

Now, we shall be welcoming Fr. Pascual
Chavez for the second time (2003 and
2008). He comes in the name of Don Bosco
and with his spirit. You are all encouraged
to join the Salesians of the Sliema Oratory
and the Salesian Family in the concluding
celebrations of the Centenary.

I would like to end this editorial by wishing
you a Happy Christmas Season.

Don Bosco Amongst Us


Minn Pascual Chaves - Trad. Joe Cini SDB

“Meta wie˙ed ifassal pjan edukattiv
jew ja˙dem fl-edukazzjoni, Ωgur

jinteba˙ illi effettivament ikun
qieg˙ed jippromwovi drittijiet
mag˙rufa internazzjonalment:

id-dritt g˙all-˙ajja, id-dritt g˙all-
edukazzjoni u ta˙ri©, id-dritt g˙all-

mistrie˙, rikreazzjoni u log˙ob,
id-dritt g˙ax-xog˙ol.” (T.Bertone,
“Don Bosco and Brasilia”, p.251)

(ta’ Edukazzjoni msejja˙) Preventiva

Il-Kardinal Tonini kien darba qal liΩ-
Ωg˙aΩag˙: “A˙na, l-ewwel bnedmin,
imbag˙ad çittadini”(Confronto 2001).
G˙andna dritt ng˙ixu b’dinjita’ f’kull rokna
tad-dinja. Id-dritt g˙all-˙ajja dinjituΩa g˙al
kul˙add irid ikun l-ixprun li jmexxina sabiex
nikkommettu ru˙na g˙all-edukazzjoni ta’
wliedna u ulied uliedna. Id-difiΩa tal-˙ajja hija
l-baΩi ta’ ˙afna attivitajiet konnessi fl-oqsma
tal-politika u tal-kultura. Il-©lieda g˙ad-difiΩa
tal-˙ajja g˙andha tkun il-pont li jg˙aqqad it-
tama dg˙ajfa u l-kundizzjonijiet ta’ l-g˙ixien


mismug˙, kif ukoll il-©u˙, l-g˙atx, l-g˙era
ta’ miljuni ta’ nies minsija. L-isforzi ta’ dawk
li ja˙dmu bla heda g˙ad-dinjita’ tal-mara,
g˙all-paçi, g˙ar-rispett lejn il-˙olqien, hemm
bΩonn li jsiru mag˙rufa.

G˙aldaqstant, g˙alina g˙andha ti©i l-ewwel
il-formazzjoni ta’ persuni li jkunu verament
˙ielsa, kapaçi jikkritikaw, ja˙dmu bis-s˙i˙
fis-soçjeta’ u dejjem ispirati mill-Vangelu.
L-edukazzjoni trid tifta˙ triqat lejn ir-
responsabbilta’, is-solidarjeta’, il-©ustizzja
soçjali. U sabiex l-edukazzjoni tkun ta’ titjib
g˙as-soçjeta’ tal-bnedmin, hemm bΩonn,
l-Ewwel: mentalita’ li taf tikkritika sabiex
ting˙araf sew kull sitwazzjoni. It-Tieni:
˙sieb ta’ ˙addie˙or sabiex tista’ tin˙oloq
relazzjoni tajba ma’ kul˙add. It-Tielet: rispett
lejn id-Drittijiet tal-Bniedem b˙ala punt
fokali ta’ kull edukazzjoni. Ir-Raba’:sehem
s˙i˙ u attiv sabiex dan kollu jitwettaq.
Li nippromwovu d-drittijiet tal-bniedem
jolqot lis-Salesjani fil-la˙am il-˙aj. Is-Sistema
edukattiva tag˙na (is-Sistema Preventiva)
trid tikkopera mal-˙afna agenziji li ja˙dmu
g˙at-tibdil tas-soçjeta’. L-edukazzjoni fid-
Drittijiet Tal-Bniedem, u ta’ dawk Tat-Tfal,
huwa mezz qawwi sabiex in©ibu stat ta’
prevenzjoni mill-faqar ta’ kull tip, sabiex ikun
hemm Ωvilupp s˙i˙ u sabiex nibnu dinja ta’
livell aktar xieraq, aktar ©usta u aktar hienja.

tal-miljuni ta’ foqra fid-dinja ma’ l-orizzont
wiesa’ ta’ ˙ajja aktar umana u ta’ kwalità
g˙olja illi jgawdu biss il-ftit sinjuri. Dawn l-
ideali ma jistg˙ux ikunu nieqsa mill-˙idma
tag˙na edukattiva sabiex ma ninsew qatt li
a˙na bnedmin u li r-razza umana g˙andha
tkun l-ewwel li ti©i pprote©uta.

Fl-1948 il-‘Ìnus Mag˙quada’ pproklamat
id-Drittijiet tal-Bniedem. G˙ad hemm
nies li qatt ma semg˙u bihom. O˙rajn ma
jafuhomx g˙aliex il-gvernijiet tag˙hom
huma l-ewwel li jinjorawhom jew jiksruhom.
Kif nistg˙u nitkellmu fuq dritt g˙all-˙ajja,
meta soçjetajiet ‘Ωviluppati’ huma minn
ta’ l-ewwel li joqtlu l-innoçenti meta
jippermettu l-abort? Kif nistg˙u nitkellmu
fuq edukazzjoni g˙ar-rispett tad-drittijiet
tal-bniedem meta hemm numru kbir ta’ tfal
u Ωg˙aΩag˙ li lanqas biss g˙andhom il-jedd
g˙all-edukazzjoni baΩika? F’Novembru tal-
1989 kienu pproklamati Id-Drittijiet Tat-Tfal.
It-tieni artiklu jitkellem fuq li ming˙ajr ebda
diskriminazzjoni, dawn id-drittijiet kollha
jridu ji©u applikati g˙at-tfal kollha, ming˙ajr
eççezzjoni… X’nistg˙u allura ng˙idu fuq
minoranzi etniçi, il-miljuni ta’ tfal li jg˙ixu fit-
toroq, it-tfal li jmutu bil-©u˙, it-tfal mibjug˙a
b˙ala lsiera jew g˙as-sess, it-tfal ta˙t l-eta’ li
m©ieg˙la ja˙dmu?

A˙na nemmnu li r-razza umana g˙andha
biΩΩejjed riΩorsi sabiex kull bniedem fid-
dinja jista’ jg˙ix b’dinjita’. Imma l-istatistiçi
jikkonfermaw li l-qasma bejn it-Tramuntana
u Nofsinhar dejjem tikber, u waqt li l-
ftit jg˙umu fil-flus, numru kbir ta’ foqra
bilkemm jitrejqu. Huwa mag˙ruf li l-interessi
ekonomiçi huma dawk li jiddeterminaw x’ji©i
l-ewwel. Min hu aggressiv u kompetittiv
huwa apprezzat, u din il-mentalita’ da˙let
ukoll fil-kamp ta’ l-edukazzjoni u fil-ferg˙at
tieg˙u kollha. Huwa min˙abba dan li hemm
bΩonn li l-le˙en ta’ min hu dg˙ajjef ji©i


Calendarof Events
C A L E N D A R O F S A L E S I A N F E A S T S & E V E N T S

For any other info about the Salesians:
Salesians in Malta: / /
/ /

Mon 03 Quarterly Retreat for Salesians
Wed 05 Salesian Cooperators monthly meeting (St. Patrick’s)
Fri 07 First Friday Devotions at St. Patrick’s (6.15 p.m.). Opening of Art
Exhibition in aid of St. Patrick’s Boys, at Hilton – 7.30 p.m.
07 - 09 Take a Lead – Weekend Seminar by SPYS
Mon 10 Prayer Day for Salesian Missions.
Sat 15 Bl. Maddalena Morano FMA
15 - 16 Theatre Play by Atturi Salesjani: “Delitt Perfett”(Thriller)
Sat 22 Symposium for Salesian Family at Salesian Theatre, Sliema -6.00 p.m.
Sun 23 Lectio Divina for Parents at Savio College
Mon 24 Commemoration of Mary Help of Christians : St. Patrick’s (6.30 p.m.)
27 - 30 Book Fair at St. Patrick’s, Sliema.
Fri 28 Salesian Cooperators monthly meeting (Savio College’s)
Sun 30 Sale of Poinsettias at St. Patrick’s

Wed 03 Salesian Cooperators monthly meeting – outdoor activity
Fri 05 Bl. Philip Rinaldi. Akkademja in honour of Our Lady at Savio
College.First Friday Devotions at St. Patrick’s (6.15pm) & at Oratory, Sliema (7.30 pm)
Sat 06 Arrival of Rector Major from Rome
Sun 07 Musical by Salesian Oratory: “Elements”. Music by Youths from
Czech Republic during 9.00 a.m. Mass in St. Patrick’s
Mon 08 Feast of the Immaculate Conception of Mary. Evening Mass for Salesian Family with
Rector Major at St. John’s in Valletta (6.30 p.m.)
Gala Dinner in honour of Rector Major at Hilton (9.00 p.m.)
9 - 13 Tour to Rome: in St. Paul’s footsteps. Organised by Fr. Charles Cini
Wed 10 Prayer Day for Salesian Missions.
Sat 13 Annual Christmas Concert at St. Patrick’s (7.30 p.m.)
Sun 14 Lectio Divina for Parents at Savio College
Fri 19 School parties and end of 1st. Term
Mon 22 Party & Disco at Salesian Oratory - Sliema
Wed 31 Te Deum Mass at St. Patrick’s (6.30 p.m.). Past Pupils’ Party at Salesian Oratory, Sliema

Thu 01 Our Lady, Mother of God. World Day of Peace.
Fri 05 First Friday Devotions at St. Patrick’s (6.15 p.m.) & at Oratory, Sliema (7.30 p.m.)
Wed 7 Salesian Cooperators monthly meeting



Il-Lhud g˙andhom festa
jisimha Óannukah, u din

jiççelebrawha fl-istess Ωmien
li a˙na l-Insara niççelebraw

il-Milied. Imma fil-fatt
ma hemm ebda xebh bejn
il-Milied tag˙na u l-festa

Lhudija tal- Óannukah
(Festa tad-Dwal), anke

jekk jinzertaw qrib fl-istess
Ωmien tas-sena.

Id-data taç-çelebrazzjoni tal-Óannukah
ti©i fil-˙amsa u g˙oxrin jum tad-disa’
xahar, li huwa x-xahar ta ‘Chislev’; hekk
jg˙id il-kalendarju Lhudi. Din iddum 8
ijiem, u dis-sena se ta˙bat bejn it-22 u d-
29 ta’ Diçembru.

It-tifsira u l-ispirtu tal-Óannukah
m’g˙andhomx x’jaqsmu ma’ dawk tal-
Milied. Óannukah, msej˙a wkoll il-festa
tad-Dedikazzjoni, tfakkar ir-reb˙a tal-
Lhud kontra s-Sirjani fis-sena 165 q.K.
Dawn kienu g˙amlu kemm fel˙u, g˙al
˙afna snin, biex i©ieg˙lu lil-Lhud jitilqu
l-mod ta’ kif jg˙ixu huma u jadottaw il-
kultura u r-reli©jon Griega. Matul dawn
is-snin ta’ persekuzzjoni, it-Tempju ta’
Ìerusalemm kien ©ie pprofanat bil-
qima lill- allat pagani. Ìuda Makkabew
mexxa moviment ta’ reΩistenza feroçi
u li rnexxiet, kontra dan l-attentat biex
il-Lhud ji©u mjassra. Iç-çerimonja tad-
dedikazzjoni mill-©did u tal-konsagrazzjoni
tat-Tempju (1 Makk. 4:52-59) tat il-bidu
g˙all-festa tal-Óannukah, li bil-Lhudi
tfisser dedikazzjoni.

Skond il-le©©enda, il-Lhud kienu sabu
ftit Ωejt imqaddes g˙aç-çerimonja, li seta’
jΩomm il-lampier tat-tempju mixg˙ul
g˙al jum wie˙ed biss. Imma b’g˙a©eb
ta’ kul˙add, il-lampier baqa’ mixg˙ul
g˙al tmint’ijiem s˙a˙, sakemm instab u


in©ieb Ωejt ie˙or g˙alih. Din it-tradizzjoni
hija mfissra fiç-çerimonja çentrali taç-
çelebrazzjoni tal-Óannukah: il-mixeg˙la
tal-Menorah, dak il-kandelabru bi tmien
frieg˙i, li fl-ewwel lejl tal-festa ji©i mixg˙ul
dawl wie˙ed, tnejn fit-tieni lejl, u hekk
jitkompla sa ma t-tmint idwal kollha (Ωejt
jew xemg˙a) ikunu mixg˙ula fl-a˙˙ar
jum tal-festa. Id-disa’ dawl, imsejjah
shammash, jintuΩa’ sabiex bih jinxteg˙lu
l-o˙rajn kull lejla. Din iç-çerimonja tag˙ti
lill-Óannukah it-tieni isem tag˙ha: Festa

B˙al ma çerti tradizzjonijiet nibtu
madwar il-festa tal-Milied (is-si©ra, ir-
rigali) hekk ukoll numru ta’ drawwiet
distinti jiffurmaw parti mill-osservanza
tal-Óannukah. Minbarra li jinxteg˙el l-

Menorah, il-familja tfakkar it-tmien jum
tal-Óannukah bl-ikla kbira ta’ dak il-jum.
It-tfal jie˙du gost jilag˙bu bid-dreidel,
Ωugraga b’erba’ uçuh, b’ittri bil-Lhudi li
j˙ossu il-fraΩi: Miraklu kbir ©ara hemm.
Il-miraklu ma kienx biss dak taΩ-Ωejt, iΩda
l-fatt tal-fedelta’ tal-poplu Lhudi lejn Alla
tag˙hom u lejn ir-reli©jon, avolja ta˙t
persekuzzjoni ˙arxa u krudila.

Il-Óannukah hija çelebrazzjoni
wa˙danija li turi r-rieda tal-poplu li jg˙oΩΩ
ir-relazzjoni tieg˙u ma’ Alla, akkost ta’
˙ajtu. L-ispirtu ta’ g˙otja s˙i˙a lil Alla hija
parti importanti mill-wirt tag˙na l-insara.
Waqt li niftakru f’din il-festa Lhudija,
nistg˙u nitolbu ‘l Alla jag˙tina dik il-
fedeltà lejH, b˙alma l-Lhud g˙adhom
fidili fl-osservanza tal-festa tal-Óannukah.


Members on the Committee of St. Patrick’s Past Pupils Association and Friends of Don
Bosco, bid farewell, during their last Committee Meeting, to Fr. Alfred Sacco SDB. Fr.
Alfred has just completed six years as Rector of St. Patrick’s School and four years as

Delegate to the Association. As a token of thanks for the work each member does in the
Association, Fr. Alfred gave them each a statue of Don Bosco .

Fr. Alfred Sacco moved to St. Philip Residence in Senglea,
a new presence the Salesians just opened recently.


But that is exactly how World Book Day
celebrations began at St. Patrick’s. The
venue: the school library with its jungle
theme. The stars of the show: definitely
Year 6 and their two coaches, Ms Susanna
Callus and Ms Dorothy Singh.

The day started with Ms Singh giving
us useful information about books, the
kind of information that one finds in
the first pages and which we adults skip
impatiently – unless we need to quote the

Then year 6 hopped in and gave us a
rendition of various old English nursery
rhymes. Ms Singh, who animated the

show, added an anthropological twist,
if you will, by telling us of the origins of
some of the rhymes. Next, a mini tribute
to George Bernard Shaw with an abridged
version of Androcles and the Lion. Johann
Muscat, in jacket and tie, narrated. Aiden
Bouvet, was the cruel tyrant, complete
in flowing robes of state. As befits all
tyrants, he was well protected by a heavily
armoured guard in the shape of Daniel
Schembri. Androcles was tiny Randall in a
white tunic. The lion, in full costume and
painted face, was Roderick Said, with full
sound effects (the same boy who had the
staff peering out of windows for a non-

World Book Day
Libraries are notorious for austere silence. There might be the occasional
whisper of students peering over busy pages. But one does not expect the

whoop-whoop of little Indians or a lion’s roar.

Adrian Scerri


existent police car). They stopped for a
costume change but the show didn’t.
Form 2 stepped in with stories they had
written for the occasion. I must say that
there were glints in adults’ eyes for the
stories very often mirrored the boys’
turbulent lives, and for us who know
them, their clumsy words were more
eloquent than polished verse. Form 1 then
treated us to some book reviews as seen
from children’s eyes. Some people from
the audience were then lucky enough to
be called and interviewed on their own
favourite books. Interestingly, this sparked
off a discussion later on, on how difficult
it is to choose a favourite book.

But the highlight of the show was
yet to come. Year 6 had also written
their own books, spun and woven on
computer software, with illustrations
and background music. With their own
limited vocabulary, the boys managed
to produce a story with a plot. There was
the lonely boy who sought, and found a
family to look after him. We had the king

who despised rich women and married
the poor maid. There were two Westerns;
the lone cowboy who becomes the best
of his kind and the Indian chief who must
protect his tribe from drought and wolves.
We also had the true story of a walk in the
park with the dog that turned into a very
wet adventure as the dog decided to go
duck-hunting. The truth can be vouched
by those who were present at San Anton
gardens on that fateful day!

The event came to an end with a little
quiz and treats for the audience. Later, I
attended the Year 6 cast party, proud to
be part of a team that has achieved so
much. For one way or another, all the
school staff was involved.

One might wonder what the fuss
is about. Well, let’s put it bluntly. The
children in question came to St Patrick’s
barely able to read. To think of one day
hearing them reading in English was a
dream. To actually hear them read their
own work is a miracle. Ms Dorothy and
Ms Susanna have a lot to be thanked for.


Crimes 5

The Faith
Excerpts from the book “ Crimes of the Inocent” by Fr. Charles Cini S.D.B.

Abridged extracts

Young people can be divided into four
categories. Those who are far from the
church. Those who are open to a certain
amount of participation and feel a real
need of finding a meaning for their lives.
Resembling the latter, though with different
emphasis, are those young people who
practice religion without motivation: they
comply with regular religious observances,
but without depth or fullness. “Committed
young people” form the smallest group,
but their presence is a real sign of hope.
For them faith is a gift, it is a discovery, a
surprise and always a joy.

Young people are seriously questioning
religion in Malta. The social, political and
cultural environment in which they are
living makes them become very critical of
the gift of faith. They are aware that the

gap between them and the community is
often based on a difference in mentality and
lack of communication. The Sacraments
do not form part of their life anymore.

We are challenged by these young
people who live within the framework
of a secularist life-style which is most
attractive to them but which leads them
to concentrate entirely on the present and
lose all awareness of their destiny.

For young people living in this kind of
atmosphere, where being religious means
being in opposition to the law, questions
about God are of no importance, and
religious terminology has lost all its

Those young people who believe,
prefer to live their faith “in private.” This
isolation of faith is encouraged by various


factors including the mass media where
the challenge of life is experienced by them
in its most distressing manifestations.

Other young people are happy in
their studies, in their family and friends, in
their living standard and spare time, and
reason that there is no need for faith and
an afterlife.

Meeting the young in their own
environment or welcoming them into
ours with disinterested concern, attending
to their requirements and aspirations, are
fundamental steps that precede any other
stage of education to the faith.

Youngsters are ready to give up many
things, but not their autonomy in making
choices, thus their efforts to develop a
mature conscience are rendered more
difficult. The strong emotional drive,
together with the possibilities of access
and choice offered to them from all sides,

are excessive and an obstacle to the
selection of a coherent and harmonized
set of values.

But over and above these limitations the
conscience of young people spontaneously
accepts the “new humanism” and its
values: the sense of freedom, the absolute
dignity of the individual, the right to
decide their personal life-plan, the need
for authenticity and autonomy. These
are elements, which can direct them into
contexts regulated by human laws and
by the Gospel. For success in this task
certain indications must be kept in mind.
The first is that the young person must
be helped to discern good from bad, sin
and its structures, the action of God in
his person and in history. Concentrating
on discernment of this kind as the focal
point of the formation of conscience
means also making clear the purpose of


all moral formation: to develop the ability
to exercise one’s own autonomy and
responsibility in the field of morals.

But it should be remembered that a
Christian conscience is formed only when
the young person is helped to measure
his own life against the Gospel and the
teaching of the Church. In the educational
process, openness to objective truth is
a precondition for acceptance of the
Word of God. Also necessary is a serious
critical formation which can be a form of
protection against ambiguities arising from
false rationalizations, current ideologies,
or superficial judgments of events.

The Gospel, with its proclamation of
the Good News, must enter the life of the
individual and provide him with a vision
of the reality that places at the centre our
relationship with God the Father and his
Son the Saviour.

Faith is indispensable to place oneself
positively in the significant areas of
modem daily life, and face them with

It is not always an easy matter, to pass
from gospel principles to the concrete
circumstances of daily life. A special
catecheses is needed to evaluate the
morality of gestures and behaviour, to
motivate the conscience, and to grasp
the relationship between faith and norms,
faith and culture. The environment and
our own witness are its determining

There is a further important aspect,
the sense of mystery which surrounds the
life of every human being. Alongside the
luminous mystery which binds us to the
Lord and is realized in the Incarnation of
the Son of God and the gift of the Spirit
who dwells in our hearts, there is also
another mystery that we all feel working
in us, the mystery of sin and iniquity. No
victory can conceal from us the weakness
we carry within us even from our earliest
years, and which we always find rooted in
us and renders our steps hesitant on the
road to holiness.

We are creatures, and so we are
finite and limited. We are sinners, and
therefore in need of light and strength.
To educate to the mystery of being
human is to educate to a sense of one’s
own worth and of one’s real possibilities.
The mission is not an easy one. It requires
daily contact with the life and world of
the young, total availability to meet them
in dialogue and spiritual growth, and a
strong experience by the young of the
love and hope which only the Sacrament
of Reconciliation can give to those who
strive to live in harmony with themselves,
with others, and with God.


Marija, Omm il-Óniena
Fr. Sandro Camilleri sdb

Óarsa lejn l-istil ta’ ˙ajja li qed ng˙ixu llum, turina biç-çar li sirna
nag˙tu ˙afna importanza lis-sa˙˙a fiΩika tag˙na, noqog˙du attenti
x’nieklu u kemm nieklu, nag˙mlu eΩerçizzju, eçç. G˙alkemm dan hu
tajjeb, ma rridux ninsew nag˙tu attenzjoni xierqa lil ru˙na wkoll
g˙aliex din hi parti essenzjali minn min a˙na.


Omm il-Óniena kienet taqsam ftit pariri
siewja ma’ Fawstina sabiex tg˙inha fil-
mixja tag˙ha lejn is-sema, biex tkompli
tikber fil-virtu’u fil-qdusija ˙alli b’hekk
ru˙ha tkun tassew post kenni fejn
jg˙ammar Alla. Marija m’hi se tg˙id u
titlobna xejn ©did li ma g˙exitx hi, kif
jidher çar mill-Van©elu. Fawstina dejjem
wettqet dak li talbitha l-Madonna. L-
g˙aΩla x’se tag˙mel int b’dawn il-pariri,
hi f’idejk!

B’ mod çar Marija tg˙id lil Fawstina :
“Jiena nixtieq, g˙aΩiΩa binti, li tipprattika
it-tliet virtujiet l-aktar g˙eΩieΩ tieg˙i u li
l-aktar jog˙©bu lil Alla: L-ewwel hi l-virtu’
ta’ l-umilta’, l-umilta’ u g˙al darb’o˙ra l-
umilta’. It-tieni hi l-virtu’ tas-safa u t-tielet
hi l-virtu’ ta’ l-im˙abba t’Alla. B˙ala binti
je˙tie© tirradja dawn il-virtujiet.

Nemmen li dan hu messa©© çar u
qawwi ˙afna, li dan il-parir li Marija tat
lil Fawstina tridna lkoll insegwuh. G˙al
tliet darbiet l-g˙aΩiΩa Ommna tas-Sema,
sa˙qet ma’ Fawstina fuq din il-virtu’
sabi˙a u rari, - l-umilta’. Nafu wkoll li
din l-umilta’ tidher f’˙ajjet Marija meta
Gabrijel jg˙idilha li ntg˙aΩlet biex issir
Omm Alla, u hi ttenni li hi l-qaddejja tal-
Mulej! Ma tg˙idx, “Hawn jien, l-Omm
t’Alla! Tidher meta tmur iΩΩur u taqdi
lil EliΩabetta, meta taççetta li twelled lil
Binha ©o maxtura f’g˙ar imwarrab u
kiesa˙, ‘il bog˙od minn kul˙add. Marija
tibqa’ twettaq dmirha ta’ omm u mara
tad-dar, tant li fir-ra˙al tag˙ha, g˙alkemm
mag˙rufa g˙all-qdusija tag˙ha, ̇ add ma
basar min kienet verament! X’umilta’! Kif
hi stess ttenni fil-Magnificat, Alla jix˙et
g˙ajnejh fuq l-umli u jg˙ollihom, iΩda
lill-imkabbra jibg˙athom ‘il barra b’xejn.

G˙alhekk hu importanti li nkunu umli,
biex Alla jix˙et g˙ajnejh fuqna! Lill-
imkabbra Alla ma j©errag˙homx.

U xi tfisser li tkun umli, li tkun tapit ta’
kul˙add u dejjem tbaxxi rasek? Le, Ωgur
li le. Umilta’ gejja mill-kelma ‘humus’,
weraq niexfa li jitmermru fil-˙amrija u li
j˙ammluha u jag˙mluha aktar fertili. Mela
jekk trid li f’ru˙ek jinbtu virtujiet sbie˙, l-
ewwel trid tkun persuna umli li tag˙raf li
kull ma’ hi u kull m’g˙andha huwa kollu
don gratwit mog˙ti lilha minn Alla g˙all-
akbar glorja tieg˙u. Fawstina mhux hekk
dejjem kienet? Qatt ma tkabbret g˙ax
kienu jidhrulha Gesu’ u Ommu. Ftakar li
min jitkabbar jiççekken u min jiççekken

Kemm int persuna umli, kemm int lesta
tag˙mel affarijiet li f’g˙ajnejn is-soçjeta’
huma mistkerr˙a imma f’g˙ajnejn Alla
huma apprezzati, kemm tag˙raf li kull
ma int, ©ie misluf lilek, kemm trodd ˙ajr
‘l Alla ta’ kull ma tak u kemm lesta taqsam
li g˙andek ma’ ˙addie˙or? A˙seb ftit
u ˙alli lil Ommok tinterpellak biex issir
aktar tixbah lilha u ting˙araf li int bintha
jew binha. Nafu li Fawstina spiss kienet
ti©i mqabbda tag˙mel xog˙lijiet sempliçi
u umli fil-kunvent. Hi qatt ma garret u
kollox kienet tag˙mel b’im˙abba kbira
u g˙all-akbar glorja t’Alla, kemm meta
kienet issajjar, jew traqqa’ u tg˙addi l-
˙wejje© tal-komunita’, jew tkun purtinara
u anke meta kienet tie˙u ˙sieb il-©nien

It-tieni virtu’ li Marija t˙e©©e© lil
Fawstina biex tipprattika f’˙ajjitha kienet
dik tas-safa, is-sultana tal-virtujiet kollha.
Fawstina talbet lil Ìesu’ biex jg˙inha
f’dan ir-rigward, u nafu kemm Hu u


Marija g˙inuha biex tikber dejjem iktar

Óarsa madwarna fid-dinja ta’ llum,
mill-ewwel turina li din hi wa˙da mill-
iktar virtujiet mhedda, l-aktar permezz
tal-medja u tal-moda. Qatt daqs fi
Ωmienna m’hi qed ti©i mkasbra din il-
virtu b’mod daqstant sfaççat u bla ebda
˙jiel ta’ mist˙ija u modestja. Donnu
kollox jg˙addi, f’isem il-moda, f’isem il-
modernita’. G˙aliex Marija tis˙aq ˙afna
ma’ Fawstina fuq din il-virtu’? B˙alma d-
dawl tax-xemx, jg˙addi u jsebba˙ ˙©ie©
kristall billi jo˙loq qawsalla ta’ lwien
fih, hekk tag˙mel il-grazzja t’Alla f’ru˙
safja. Aktar ma r-ru˙ tkun safja, aktar
ta˙dem fiha l-grazzja t’Alla, u aktar Alla
jista’ jinqeda b’dik ir-ru˙. Alla wettaq
g˙e©ubijiet f’ru˙ Swor Fawstina g˙ax
kienet ru˙ safja! Mela ejjew noqog˙du
attenti x’naraw fuq it-TV, fil-gazzetti,
fil-magazines u fl-internet, noqog˙du
attenti kif nitkellmu u niççajtaw. Ejjew
nag˙tu kaΩ ta’ kif nilbsu u mhux g˙ax
moda kollox jg˙addi. Ejjew nirrispettaw
lil xulxin, ikun xi jkun l-istat ta’ ˙ajjitna.
U malli ninteb˙u li tebbajna din il-virtu’,
infittxu mmorru nnaddfu ru˙na fil-qrar
– il-g˙ajn tal-˙niena divina, sabiex ma
nostakolawx l-azzjoni tal-grazzja t’Alla

It-tielet virtu’ li Marija titlob minn
Fawstina, hi l-Im˙abba t’Alla li mag˙ha
nistg˙u ng˙aqqdu l-im˙abba tal-
proxxmu, il-kompassjoni u l-˙niena. Il-
Madonna tirrikmanda lil Fawstina biex
tipprattikahom f’silta o˙ra mid-Djarju
(cf. no. 1244).

Meta t˙obb lil xi ˙add, trid turi bil-
fatti u mhux bil-kliem biss, g˙ax bil-kliem

ma naslu mkien, u l-Malti jg˙id li bejn il-
kliem u l-fatti hemm ba˙ar jikkumbatti!
Biex nikbru fl-im˙abba tag˙na lejn Alla,
irridu naqduh fil-proxxmu fil-bΩonn, kif
kienet tag˙mel Swor Fawstina.

Kif tista’ tg˙id li t˙obb lil Alla li ma
tarax u ma t˙obbx lill-proxxmu fil-
bΩonn ma’ ©enbek? Mother Theresa
kienet t˙obb titlob, “G˙inna Mulej
inxerrdu l-fwie˙a tieg˙ek kull fejn
immorru! “– u dan nag˙mluh biss b’atti
ta’ karita’ fil-familja u wkoll barra mid-
dar. Il-kompassjoni u l-˙niena jmorru id
f’id ma’ l-im˙abba tal-proxxmu biex dak
li nag˙mlu, nag˙mluh bil-qalb u mhux
bil-geddum u g˙ax bilfors. Niftakru li
dak li nag˙mlu ma’ min hu fil-bΩonn,
inkunu qed nag˙mluh ma’ Ìesu’ stess.
EΩamina lilek innifsek u ara jekk intix
persuna karitatevoli li t˙obb ‘l Alla fil-
proxxmu, b˙al Swor Fawstina. Ftakar
li ming˙ajr im˙abba, ˙ajtek tkun qisha
platti jçekçku – ̇ afna ̇ oss bla ebda sens
ta’ xejn!

Ejjew mela kif talbet is-Sultana tal-
˙niena lil din is-soru çkejkna, nirradjaw
dawn it-tliet virtujiet – l-umilta’, is-safa u
l-im˙abba t’Alla – tant g˙eΩieΩ g˙aliha
u g˙al Alla.

Tisma’ dan kollu forsi tibda taqta’
qalbek, imma ftakar li g˙al Alla l-
importanti hu kemm tipprova! G˙alih
li jg˙odd hu kemm qed tag˙mel ˙iltek
biex tog˙©bu. Il-bqija ˙alli f’idejh,
sabiex fik u bik, jwettaq ˙wejje© kbar
kif g˙amel fil-Madonna u f’Fawstina li
t-tnejn intelqu f’idejh b’kunfidenza bla
tarf. Afda f’Alla u filwaqt li tag˙tih glorja
bil-fiduçja tieg˙ek fih, Hu jkun jista’
jg˙inek tikber kif jixtieq Hu.


At the End of This Year,
Don’t Forget to Remember!







Something to


At the End of This Year,
Don’t Forget to Remember!







think about…

Keep Smiling…
and have A Happy

New Year

Which leads us to the problem of
Harold. Harold really wanted to be in
the play, too, but he was - well, he
was kind of a slow and simple kid. The
directors were ambivalent - I mean,
they knew Harold would be crushed

if he didn’t have a part, but they were
afraid he might mess up the town’s
magic moment. Finally, they decided
to cast Harold as the innkeeper - the
one who turns Mary and Joseph away
the night Jesus is to be born. He had
only one line - “I’m sorry, we have no
room.” Well, no one could imagine
what that one line was going to do to
everyone’s Christmas.

The night of the pageant the church
was packed, as usual. The Christmas
story unfolded according to plan -
angels singing, Joseph’s dream, and
the trip to Bethlehem. Finally, Joseph

The Christmas Invitation
A Story

It was the biggest night of
the year in a little town called

Cornwall. It was the night of the
annual Christmas pageant. It’s

an especially big deal for the
children in town -- they get to try
out for the roles in the Christmas

story. Everybody wants a part.


and Mary arrived at the door of the
Bethlehem inn, looking appropriately
tired. Joseph knocked on the inn
door, and Harold was there to open
the door.

Joseph asked his question on
cue - “Do you have a room for the
night?” Harold froze. After a long
pause, Harold mumbled his line, “I’m
sorry - we have no room.” And, with
a little coaching, he shut the door.
The directors heaved a sigh of relief
- prematurely. As Mary and Joseph
disappeared into the night, the set
suddenly started shaking again - and
the door opened. Harold was back!
And then, in an unrehearsed moment
that folks would not soon forget,
Harold went running after the young
couple, shouting as loud as he could
– “Wait! Don’t go Joseph. Bring Mary
back! You can have MY room!”

I think little Harold may have
understood the real issue of Christmas
better than anyone else there that
night. How can you leave Jesus
outside? You have to make room for
Jesus. And that may be the issue for
you this Christmas. What will you do
with this Son of God who came to
earth to find you?

Jesus is the One who trades a
throne room for a stable and the
praise of angels for human mockery.
This is the Creator who gives Himself
on a cross! The Bible gives us the only
appropriate response: “The life I now

live I live by faith in the Son of God
who loved me and gave Himself for
me.” (Gal. 2:20) You look at what
Jesus did to pay for your sin on that
cross, and you say those life-changing
words - “For me.”

Jesus is at YOUR door this Christmas.
Maybe He’s been knocking for a long
time. Maybe He won’t keep knocking
much longer. All your life - even
the events of the last few months
- have been to prepare you for this
crossroads moment with Jesus your
Saviour. Don’t leave Him outside any
longer. Open the door this Christmas
Day. “Jesus, I cannot keep You out
any longer. Come on in. You can
have my room... my life.”


Striving to make a positive difference in
somebody’s life is something that brings
joy and happiness to the person concerned.
However striving to make a difference in your
own personal life is even more challenging
but brings about a more positive and fulfilling
experience and personal growth. Are you ready
to make a difference?

This was the theme of this year’s Salesian
Summer Camps in Dingli. Around a total of
500 boys and girls drew benefit from the full
and enriching programme which was very well
planned and animated by Fr Louis Grech and
his team of around 40 animators and helpers.

Summer is a time for fun and the Salesian
Summer Camps were undoubtedly full of
fun. However these summer camps give us
an opportunity to challenge youngsters in a
positive way and this will help them to grow in
a holistic way, whilst giving the youth a golden
opportunity to find a deeper meaning of life in
Jesus Our Lord.

In a world full of material wealth one tends to
get lost in a web of all that shines but is not
golden. One must be made aware that all starts
and finishes with the Lord. The importance of
having an ongoing relationship with Christ
in our life is something that you might not
encounter in everyday life. It entails making
that small but significant difference. We
encourage our youths to make this difference
and explore the Jesus Experience first hand.
I can truly say that all the youths did benefit
from this wonderful experience.

As Don Bosco used to say, the Eucharist
is the centre of every Salesian Activity and
here at Savio College we strive to give the
young person a different experience. Mass
and prayer sessions which were prepared in
a creative way by the animators were part of
the daily programme and were the focus of
our activities. Don Bosco used fun and games
as a means of education in every activity. All
our activities were meant to help educate in an
enjoyable way.

Makinga Difference!
Andrew Fiorini Lowell

Obo. Salesian Animators


Where does one start? The list is endless.
Activities were full of fun and adventure. They
varied from football sessions, tournaments, the
annual and most awaited treasure hunt around
the roads of Buskett after dark to the water fun
games where water shortage is not a problem
and getting wet is not an option!

Holding a prayer service at Ghadira is not
something you see every day but believe me
it happened. We also managed to draw some
people who were not part of the group to join
in. God works wonders even in the middle of
a sandy beach!

Formation is a word that implies assisting
a person to “grow”. We challenged our
youths to sessions that were meant to help
them think about topics relevant to them. In
a spirit of discussion, self growth happened

Thursdays where a special day at Savio
College as the youths got a chance to show
off their talents in front of their parents and
families. The Family has a special place in every
Salesian House and within the Salesian system
and every family had a chance to experience

the Salesian joy and educational experience
first hand.

At the end of every camp the winner
was announced to the cheers of the campers
together with a final farewell and best wishes
for the future.

For the very first time the same opportunity
was extended to a group of approximately
100 girls who attended for their own summer
camp, guided by the same Salesian values of
joy, optimism and love. The camp was ably
led by Mrs. Mariel Gauci together with a
group of Salesian sisters, animators and VDB’S
(Volunteers of Don Bosco). The activities in this
camp included, the craft of jewellery making,
a visit to the national pool, together with daily
mass and specially organised prayer sessions
which were the focus of all activites in the

Every good thing comes to an end but
memories remain imprinted in the hearts
of many. Memories of an uplifting Salesian
experience with a difference, where the Lord
was the main focus.


F’˙ajtu kollha qatt ma kellu arlo©©
jew sandli. Jimxi dejjem ˙afi u saqajh
˙raxu u ibbiesu tant! Madankollu hu
˙afif daqs wie˙ed Ωg˙ir, fil-vja©©i
jg˙a©©el quddiemi biex jurini t-triq.
Meta n˙ares lejn saqajh ˙fief, bieΩla,
ji©uni f’mo˙˙i l-kelmiet tal-Bibbja, -
Kemm huma sbie˙ ir-ri©lejn ta’ dawk
li j˙abbru l-paçi u l-©id!

Stefan kien ikkonverta wara ˙afna
tbatija u sagrifiççji. Dak iΩ-Ωmien,
peress li kien l-ewwel wie˙ed, hu ©ie

li bata ˙afna
biex sar dak
li hu

Ìrajjiet minn ˙ajjet Dun Karm Attard SDB, kif jaf jirrakkonta hu stess –
©rajjiet li se˙˙ew fl-Indja fejn hu ˙adem g˙al 60 sena s˙a˙.

A˙na g˙andna grupp ta’ r˙ula
fil-bog˙od , li huma ©odda

g˙aΩ-Ωona tag˙na u li g˙adhom
kemm kellhom l-ewwel insara.

Hemm jie˙u ˙siebhom katekista
xi˙, bniedem g˙aqli u fuq tieg˙u.
Kien hu l-ewwel wie˙ed f’dawk l-
in˙awi li aççetta li jsir nisrani. La

jaf jikteb u l-anqas jaqra, imma
billi spiss jag˙milha ta’ xhud

fiΩ-Ωwi©ijiet, tg˙allem bi tbatija
kbira j˙arbex ismu – STEFAN.


mkeççi mir-razza kollha tieg˙u u
mwarrab mir-ra˙al, hekk li l-anqas
lejn il-bir ma seta’ jersaq. Anki l-mara
tieg˙u fittxet li titilqu kemm-il darba;
u niesha g˙amlu g˙alih bl-ikrah, tant
li darba g˙al ftit ma ˙allewhx tal-

Ìurnata wa˙da, waqt li Stefan
kien f’ra˙al ie˙or fejn mar dabbar
rasu, bag˙tu jsej˙ulu u jg˙idulu,
‘Wie˙ed minn uliedek marid’. Meta
wasal id-dar, it-tifel kien ©a mejjet!
Óadd ma resaq lejn Stefan biex
ifarr©u. Óadd ma resaq jg˙inu jidfen
lil dik il-kreatura. Stefan ̇ a liç-çkejken
fi drieg˙u, qabad iz-zappun u kollu
mbikki (qisu Abram sejjer b’IΩakk
g˙as-sagrifiççju) telaq wa˙du biex

Tlett xhur wara re©g˙et waslitlu
l-a˙bar, li ie˙or minn uliedu kien
˙aΩin. Fi ftit sig˙at it-tifel miet. G˙al
darb’o˙ra kellu jaqsam ir-ra˙al bit-tifel
u z-zappun, ta˙t il-˙ars ikrah ta dawk
preΩenti. ‘Hux hekk trid? qalulu, li l-
ispirti jeqirdu r-razza tag˙na kollha?’
… Imma Stefan baqa’ sod, jitlob
irrassenjat il-˙in kollu.

Illum, Stefan jirrakkonta u jg˙id,
‘Jiena sofrejt ˙afna biex sirt u bqajt
nisrani. Issa wara daΩ-Ωmien kollu lest
inkompli nsofri. Batejt meta anqas kont
naf x’se j©ibli l-KristjaneΩmu. Wara
tant snin ta’ dieqa u tbatija, mhux se
nabbanduna din ir-reli©jon ta’ Kristu.
L-aktar issa, li ˙afna mxew fuq il-
passi tieg˙i u ˙addnu l-fidi.’Minn din
l-esperjenza, il-katekista Stefan ˙are©

tag˙lima g˙alih in-nifsu u g˙alija
wkoll. Spiss nisimg˙u jg˙id, ‘Mhux
biΩΩejjed tg˙id li l-KristjaneΩmu sabi˙
u tajjeb; kollu ta’ xejn jekk dawk li
jisimg˙uk ma jkunux imqanqlin minn
Alla’. U jiena ©ieli g˙idtlu, ‘Allura kif
nag˙mlu biex nipperswaduhom?’
Mg˙obbi bl-eta u b’fidi b˙al dik ta’
S.Pawl, Stefan jitkellem fuq Ìesu
daqslikieku kien jag˙milha mieg˙u,
u jwie©eb: “Irridu noqog˙du dejjem
attenti biex naraw min huma dawk
li huma disposti u msej˙a mill-Mulej.
Intant a˙na g˙andna nitolbu l-˙in
kollu fis-skiet ta’ qalbna – ‘Mulej
qanqal lil dawn in-nies’ “. Qalha
wkoll Ìesu: Óadd ma ji©i g˙andi jekk
Missieri ma jqanqlux!

Dan il-katekista qatt ma qara
l-Van©elu, imma tg˙allem bl-
amment ˙afna passi minnu kif ukoll
il-KatekiΩmu. Hu kapaçi jitkellem bla
waqfien. F’˙alqu ma fadallu ebda
sinna imma fommu ˙elu u lil min
ikollu quddiemu jaf jg˙idlu kelma
tajba u f’waqtha. Jaf ukoll ikanta u
jirrakkonta stejjer minn ˙ajtu g˙al
sig˙at s˙a˙. In-nies iddur u tross
mieg˙u, ma tixba’ qatt tisimg˙u;
©ieli g˙addew il-lejl jitkellmu u
jargumentaw flimkien. U˙ud ifakkruh
biss li dalwaqt jisba˙ g˙ax is-sriedak
qed jiddnu u l-baqar bdew igorru
˙alli jo˙or©u!

Hawnhekk ukoll hawn min jiççajta
mieg˙u u jg˙id li Stefan il-katekista
g˙andu sebat erwie˙! Ma jag˙ja qatt
u kollox ji©ieh Ωew©!


Nie˙u gost ̇ afna nirçievi ‘hajja Salesjana’.
G˙alhekk ˙sibt li nikteb xi ˙a©a fil-
qosor dwar il-˙ajja tieg˙i b˙alissa.
Jiena qieg˙da ©o skola b˙ala Teaching
Assistant. Nitqassam bejn erba’ klassijiet
li jmorru mir-Reception Class sa Year
2. Dan i©ibni f’kuntatt ma’ 132 tifel u
tifla. Nassisti wkoll waqt il-˙in ta’ l-ikel,
ji©ifieri nkun fost it-tfal waqt li jieklu l-
lunch tag˙hom. Dan hu dover li n˙obb
nag˙mel, g˙aliex f’waqtu nkun qalb it-
tfal kollha ta’ l-iskola: g˙andna 310 din
is-sena. Imbag˙ad, kull nhar ta’ Erbg˙a,
wara l-iskola, nift˙u il-Junior Club, li
jifforma parti mill-Mornese Centre u li


(Sister Maria Debono FMA)

Sr. Maria Debono,
it-tieni mix-xellug.
Sr. Agnes Azzopardi,
it-tielet mil-lemin

Sr. Maria Debono FMA hija
soru Salesjana minn G˙awdex.
Meta saret soru hija g˙addiet

diversi snin fil-komunita’
tas-Sorijiet Salesjani ta’

Victoria, G˙awdex, kif ukoll
fl-iskola Laura Vicuna ta’
l-G˙asri. Hemmhekk hija

kienet g˙alliema. Dawn l-
a˙˙ar snin hija qieg˙da

ta˙dem f’komunita’ ta’ Sorijiet
Salesjani f’Elmthorpe – Cowley

– Oxford, fl-Ingilterra.



qieg˙ed qrib ̇ afna ta’ l-iskola. Ìo dan il-
Club nilqg˙u daqs 45 tifel u tifla li l-eta’
tag˙hom hija ta’ bejn id-9 u l-11-il sena.
Il-Club ikun miftu˙ mit-3 sal-5 ta’ wara
nofs in nhar. It-tfal jg˙addu l-˙in jilag˙bu
l-football, rounders, hockey, eçç. u jimlew
il-bit˙a kollha. Meta tag˙mel ix-xita u
jkun il-bard, jintefg˙u jilag˙bu billiards,
table tennis, table soccer u log˙ob ie˙or
ta’ ©ewwa. Xi w˙ud i˙obbu jitg˙allmu
jag˙mlu xi craft work u jg˙addu l-˙in
hekk. Imbag˙ad dejjem nispiççaw il-˙in
tal-log˙ob b’talba çkejkna u ˙sieb sabi˙:
id-drawwa Salesjana tal-Lejl it-Tajjeb..
Kull nhar ta’ Tnejn ukoll ikollna is-Senior
Club. Dan huwa g˙at-tfal minn 11-il
sena ‘l fuq. Hemm inqas tfal mill-Club
l-ie˙or u dawn ji©u g˙andna mis-6 sat-8
ta’ filg˙axija. Óafna minnhom huma tfal
li kienu studenti tag˙na.

Dover ie˙or li jiena responsabbli
g˙alih huwa l-klassi tal-katekiΩmu. It-
tfal li ng˙allem qieg˙din jit˙ejjew g˙all-

Ewwel Tqarbina. Veru n˙ossni g˙al qalbi
mag˙hom! Dan kollu minbarra li rrid insib
˙in sabiex ng˙in fid-dar tal-komunita’
tag˙na, u xi xog˙ol tal-Provinçja ukoll.
In˙obb il-fatt li xi kultant immorru
f’komunitajiet o˙ra g˙al xi laqg˙at,
g˙aliex hemmhekk niltaqa’ mas-sorijiet
l-o˙ra s˙abi li nkun ili ma nara. Fix-xahar
ta’ Lulju li g˙adda, grupp minna kellna
x-xorti mmorru Ìerusalemm g˙al 10
jiem sabiex nattendu g˙all-irtir spiritwali
tas-sena. Kienet g˙alina esperjenza mill-
isba˙, li nawgura lil ˙afna minn s˙abi
jkollhom ix-xorti jag˙mluha.

Hadt gost ̇ afna naqsam mal-qarrejja
ta’ ˙ajja Salesjana dawn il-ftit ˙sibijiet
fuq ˙ajti. Itolbu g˙alija.

L-istampi juru lil Sr. Maria Debono
FMA mal-komunita’ tag˙ha – dik liebsa l-
iswed, fuq il-lemin. Fuq ix-xellug hemm
soru o˙ra Maltija, Sr.Agnes Azzopardi.
Is-soru bil-velu hija Sr.Teresa Bergadano
li kienet G˙awdex g˙al xi snin.

Sr. Maria (xellug) mal-komunità
tag˙ha. Is-soru bil-velu,

Sr. Teresa Bergadano li kienet
G˙awdex g˙al xi snin



The Mystic of the

The life and spirituality of Ales-
sandrina Maria da Costa, the
Portuguese woman who was bed-
ridden for over 30 years and for
the last thirteen years lived on the
Eucharist alone. Alessandrina was
a Salesian Co-operator, and her
spiritual director was the Salesian
Fr.Umberto Pasquale

Doctors made the most of the situation
to carry out some experiments. They
stuck pins under her nails and near her
eyes, and she never felt anything. In the
‘performance’ of the journey to Golgotha
with the crucifix on her shoulders, she
experienced the three falls, remaining
fixed to the floor, as if crushed by the
weight of the cross. Once, a doctor tried
to lift her up and realised that she had
become very heavy. He asked another
doctor for help, but the two of them
were unable to lift her even a millimetre.
Alessandrina appeared to be stuck to the
floor. Once the ecstasy was over, she was
light again: in this period she weighed

just 75 pounds. During this phase of
the crucifixion, she did things that
surprised the doctors and those present
during the phenomenon. Alessandrina
continued to lie flat on the floor, with
her arms open and feet together. She
placed her right hand to the ground and
then her left as if she were offering them
to the crucifiers. A violent curling of the
fingers was noticed, and when she was
asked for an explanation about it later,


she used to reply that it was because she
had been nailed at the wrists.

Alessandrina then used to make a
completely inexplicable movement: she
raised herself from the ground with her
arms outstretched, without bending her
body or her legs, remaining rigid as if
she were being held up by something,
her heels acting as a hinge. Clearly she
was unable to carry out this movement
using her own strength, so there was
evidently another force, which raised
her off the ground. She then shook all
over as if the cross had received a blow
from below: giving the impression that
the entire cross was being lowered
into a hole in the ground in order to
be secured. She remained immobile
in this position for a few minutes. She
then fell to the ground and the agony
finished with her flat on the ground.
Her breathing became more and more
laboured; she raised her eyes upwards
and shouted out cries of pain; her chest
deflated as if her breathing mechanism
were paralysed. She uttered several
phrases, some barely perceptible, the
last of which was, “Father, I entrust my
spirit into your hands.” Her head fell to
the left and for a few minutes she gave
no signs of life. She tried to raise her
head a few times but without success.

The phenomenon of re-living Christ’s
Passion lasted from 3rd October

1938 until 27th March 1942. It was
repeated 182 times. The ‘passion’
of Alessandrina was then no longer
visible, but continued invisibly. She then
experienced another miraculous event:
total fasting accompanied by anury, the
absence of urine, which continued until
her death. She ate and drank nothing for
13 years and 7 months. She nourished
herself with the Eucharist alone which
was brought to her every morning by
the parish priest. Jesus had said to her:
“You will no longer feed yourself on
earth. Your food will be my flesh: your
blood, my blood.”

Alessandrina suffered a lot from her
thirst and hunger pangs, but if she
drank even a drop of water, she
immediately convulsed in a sudden
spasm of vomiting. This phenomenon
roused the curiosity of medical science.
No doctor believed that such behaviour
could exist and many professors visited
Alessandrina. While the faithful believed


it to be a miracle, the doctors, many
of whom were atheists, wished to
prove that this was all a hoax, and they
managed to convince Alessandrina to
undergo scientific tests in a hospital
environment. She agreed, but on one
condition: only if she could receive
Communion every morning.

In June 1943, Alessandrina was taken to
a hospital near Porto, and entrusted into
the care of Professor Gomes de Araujo,

of the Royal Academy of Medicine
in Madrid, a specialist in the diseases
of the nervous system and arthritic
pains. Alessandrina remained there for
40 days, isolated from everyone else,
under the strict control of the famous
doctor’s assistants, who watched her
night and day. The doctors wanted
to force her to eat. They bullied her
and made her submit to humiliating
physical examinations, but were unable
to explain anything. They were forced
to conclude that they were faced with
an inexplicable case. Professor Araujo,
once the 40 days passed, bid farewell to
Alessandrina saying “I will come to visit
you in Balasar, not as a medical spy, but
as a friend who admires you.” And from
then on he was no longer an atheist.
This long and miraculous fast, which
has been scientifically proved, is one of
the mysterious ‘signs’ of the presence
of the supernatural in the earthly life of
Alessandrina. Her body nourished itself
for 13 years on the Eucharist alone.
Doctors noticed that the Host remained
intact in her stomach for 24 hours, that
is to say, until the moment arrived to
receive the Eucharist again. Her body, in
that time, was thus a living tabernacle.
Re-living Christ’s Passion, the long and
complete fast, and many other signs
were witnessed during the earthly
existence of Alessandrina Maria da
Costa, the young Portuguese woman
whose beatification is expected soon.



Kellem, ikteb jew çempel lil :

Sr. Elsa Gretter’s FMA
20, Republic Street,
Victoria VCT 1012
Tel. 21556614

Fr. Louis Grech SDB
Savio College,
Buskett Road,
Dingli DGL 2702
Tel. 21454546

G˙addejt xi ˙in fit-talb dwar dan?

Qatt ˙sibt bis-serjetà jekk tridx issir reli©juΩa jew reli©juΩ?

Óassejt xi darba xewqa li ssir g˙alliema jew g˙alliem?

Qatt ©ie f’mo˙˙ok li forsi tista’ ssir edukattriçi jew edukatur Salesjan?

Tkellimt xi darba fuq dan ma’ min jista’ jmexxik u jispjegalek?

Saturday 6th December 2008
13.30 Hrs. Arrival of the Rector Major at

Malta International Airport,
Salesian Boys and Girls
Brigade Salute

14.00 Hrs. Light refreshments at St.
Patrick’s & Rest

17.00 Hrs. Departure from Delegation
House for Dar Osanna Pia
followed by a brief meeting
with Salesians in charge and
youths at Hostel

18.00 Hrs. Departure for San Filippu
Community, Senglea

18.30 Hrs. Tour of the House &
Explanation of the Project

19.00 Hrs. Evening Prayers with Maltese
Salesian Delegation followed
by a meal together

22.00 Hrs. Departure for Delegation
House & Rest

Sunday 7th December 2008
09.00 Hrs. Departure from Sliema to

09.45 Hrs. Ferry to Gozo
10.45 Hrs. Eucharistic Celebration at

Oratorju Dun Bosco
12.00 Hrs. Lunch with FMA’s & Gozitan

15.00 Hrs. Departure from Mgarr

16.30 Hrs. Arrival in Malta & Rest
18.00 Hrs. Visit the Youth Centre and

meet the Young
18.30 Hrs. The Elements: A Biblical

Musical held at the Salesian
Theatre. There will be also be
unveiling of commemorative
plaque at the Theatre

21.00 Hrs. Visit St Patrick’s Residential
Care followed by dinner at
St. Patrick’s Community

22.30 Hrs. Rest

Visit of the
Rector Major

Salesian Familyto the
of Malta and Gozo


In this page you have the programme of the visit of the Rector Major to
the Salesian Family in Malta. He comes on the occasion of the Centenary
Celebrations of the Salesian Oratory in Sliema. These three days of his
visit will see the closing of the celebrations marking the centenary. Yet
his visit is not limited to Sliema; he will be visiting and meeting as many
groups of the Salesian Family as possible. You are invited to be present
and take part in whichever occasion is suitable for you.
6-9 December 2008

Monday 8th December 2008
09.00 Hrs. Departure for Savio College

09.20 Hrs. Visit to Balzan House Hostel

& SPYS quarters
10.30 Hrs. Arrival at Savio College

– Welcome by young
people followed by a joyous
encounter with them.

12.15 Hrs. Lunch with Savio College
community & the
representatives from various
Salesian youth entities.

14.00 Hrs. Departure to Sliema followed
by rest

18.15 Hrs. Departure to Valletta’s St
John Co-Cathedral

18.45 Hrs. Arrival and SBGB Salute
19.00 Hrs. Solemn Mass of the

Immaculate Conception at
St John’s Co Cathedral

20.30 Hrs. Centenary Dinner with
Salesian Family at Hilton

9th December 2008
Departure to Rome
End of Sliema Oratory Centenary




Poverty, Penance, Prayer
When Rene Laurentin, a distinguished Marian scholar,
collated and analysed the chance words of Bernadette,
he “was greatly surprised that they almost grouped
themselves under the key words of the message of
Lourdes: poverty, penance and prayer”. And these are
the overarching components of Our Lady’s message
from Lourdes, and indeed the Christian message.
Bernadette most certainly reflected these attributes
throughout her life. Our Lady entreats us all to do the
same. Poverty is that attitude that God seeks most from
us, as preached by Jesus in the Beatitudes; penance is
the continual actions we take in acknowledging our
weaknesses, repairing them and thereby returning as
soon as we can back to God’s love; prayer is seeking
that intimate dialogue with God, not necessarily only
through words or song, but also through our intentions
and our actions. All three should be bound in that
inestimable element of the Almighty: Love.

From “Lourdes” by D.Baldwin – CTS

L-Isba˙ xewqat ta’ Milied qaddis u hieni
A Blessed and Holy Christmas

Xewqat tajbag˙all-festi li Ìejjin
lill-qarrejja, benefatturi u ˙bieb kollha

minn g˙and Fr. Joe
u dawk kollha li jg˙inuh f’˙ajja Salesjana

For unto us a child is born, Unto us a child is given;
and the government shall be upon his shoulder

and his name shall be called

‘the Mighty-God’
‘the everlasting Father’

and ‘Prince of Peace’. (Isaiah 9:6)