“Jekk il-˙abba tal-qam˙ ma taqax fl-art
u tmut, hi tibqa’ we˙idha; imma jekk
tmut, tag˙mel ˙afna frott” (Ìw.12, 24)
Il-Óajja hija r-rigal l-aktar prezzjuΩ. Fin-
natura tieg˙u l-bniedem jipprova j˙arisha
b’kull mod. Imma l-˙ajja ma takkwistax
is-sinifikat s˙i˙ tag˙ha sakemm ma
jinstabx xi tfisser u jkun hemm twe©iba
g˙all-mistoqsijiet dwar il-˙ajja nfisha:
“Min a˙na, minn fejn ©ejjin, fejn sejrin, x’inhi
l-˙ajja, x’inhi l-mewt, min hu Alla, min hu l-
Wie˙ed jista’ jg˙id li l-istorja kollha tal-
bniedem mhix ˙a©’o˙ra ˙lief sforz
kontinwu sabiex ting˙eleb kull theddida
tal-˙ajja li tista’ ti©i mill-qawwa tan-natura,
mill-mard, mill-faqar, mill-˙akma in©usta
u, fuq kollox, mill-mewt. G˙alhekk
wie˙ed g˙andu jkun kburi u rikonoxxenti
g˙al-livelli g˙oljin li la˙qet ix-xjenza u t-
teknolo©ija, kif ukoll mill-mod kif hemm
sforz ©enerali sabiex il-˙ajja tal-bniedem
tkun aktar umana. Dan jispjega kif, aktar
minn qatt qabel, sirna napprezzaw il-
valur u d-dinjità tal-˙ajja, anke jekk, fl-
istess waqt, ikollna nammettu li teΩisti
kultura tal-mewt li turi ru˙ha fil-mod l-
aktar krudil u tra©iku tal-gwerer,
in©ustizzji,vjolenza u qerda ta’ l-ambjent.
Progress kbir sar fir-riçerka xjentifika li
tipprova tirba˙ il-mard u ttawwal il-˙ajja.
Imma l-isfida qatt mirbu˙a kienet u tibqa’
l-mewt, li qisha tiddie˙ak b’kull sforz
Pedagogija Salesjana
minn Pascual Chaves Trad. Joe Cini
Ir-Rigal tal-Hajja 5
fiΩiku, morali jew spiritwali, min˙abba l-
fatt li fl-a˙˙ar mill-a˙˙ar kul˙add irid
joqg˙od g˙all-poter tag˙ha. Proprju
min˙abba dan, jidher ferm paradossali
l-kliem ta’ Ìesù, li ma jibΩax ikun
provokanti meta jitkellem man-nies u
jg˙id, “Jekk xi ˙add irid ji©i warajja,
g˙andu jiç˙ad lilu nnifsu, jerfa’ salibu, u
jimxi warajja. G˙ax min irid isalva ˙ajtu,
jitlifha; imma min jitlef ˙ajtu g˙all-im˙abba
tieg˙i u tal-Bxara t-tajba, isalvaha. G˙ax
x’jiswielu l-bniedem jekk jikseb id-dinja
kollha u mbag˙ad jitlef ˙ajtu? Xi prezz
j ista’ jag˙ti l -bniedem biex isalva
˙ajtu?”(Mk.8, 34-37).
Fil-fatt, il-Van©elu kollu huwa paradoss,
taqliba ta’ ta˙t fuq tal-“valuri” tad-dinja.
Din, billi m’g˙andiex soluzzjoni g˙all-
misteru tal-persuna umana, tipproponi
modi ta’ kif wie˙ed ikun fer˙an, li huma
pjuttost ˙arba mill-problemi aktar milli
g˙ajnuna sabiex niskopru it-tifsira tal-
˙ajja u nifhmu l-misteru tal-mewt.
G˙alhekk il-kliem ta’ Ìesù jitlob tibdil
(konverΩjoni) tal-mo˙˙ u tal-qalb. Ìesù
jg˙allem li l-˙ajja hija don ˙ieles li jag˙tina
Alla, li a˙na ma g˙amilna xejn sabiex
jist˙oqqilna, u li l-a˙jar mod li ng˙ixuha
huwa li nag˙tuha lill-o˙rajn. Ìesù
jg˙allimna permezz tan-natura meta jg˙id,
“Jekk il-˙abba tal-qam˙ ma taqax fl-art u
tmut, hi tibqa we˙idha; imma jekk tmut,
tag˙mel ˙afna frott” (Ìw.12, 24). Dan hu
li ji©ri mill-˙ajja tal-bniedem, li, jekk ma
tag˙tix lilha nfisha, tibqa’ mejta. Ìesù
kien hu l-ewwel li ta lil ˙biebu l-a˙jar
˙a©a li seta’ joffri: ̇ ajtu stess. Ma joffrihiex
g˙aliex hija ta’ ftit valur – g˙all-kuntrarju,
g˙andha valur kbir, u min˙abba li hu
g˙andu l-milja tal-˙ajja, jista’ jag˙tiha
b’©eneroΩità kbira, sabiex ilkoll “ikollhom
il-˙ajja, u l-˙ajja bil-kotra” (Ìw.10, 10). L-
imma©ni tar-Rag˙aj it-Tajjeb li jag˙ti ˙ajtu
g˙an-nag˙a© tieg˙u turina biç-çar il-pjan
ta’ Ìesù mwettaq fil-misteru ta’ l-G˙id
(mewt u qawmien) li huwa segwa u li
jixtieq jurina – li wie˙ed jag˙ti ˙ajtu
sabiex jer©a’ je˙odha. Dan ifisser reb˙a
fuq il-biΩa’ tal-mewt, u fuq l-istess mewt,
permez ta’ dik il-qawwa unika kapaçi li
tag˙mel dan: l-im˙abba.
F’Ìunju ta’ din is-sena bdejna noffru
esperjenza lil xi membri tal-Óbieb
Duminku Savio Form 5 biex jag˙mlu
esperjenza volontarja fl-iskola tag˙na tat-
Tunizija. Nittamaw li din l-esperjenza se
tibda tkun attività annwali fejn iΩ-Ωg˙aΩag˙
tag˙na jkollhom opportunità biex jag˙tu
ftit minn dak li jkunu rçevew matul il-
˙ames snin li jkunu qattg˙u mag˙na
f’Savio College. Din hija l-esperjenza ta’
w˙ud minnhom.
Il-grupp ta’ l-HDS Form 5, din is-sena
kellna l-opportunità li nitilg˙u it-TuneΩija,
flimkien ma’ Fr. Louis Grech, fi skola
Salesjana ©ewwa Manouba, fejn jattendu
tfal tal-primarja li j˙addnu twemmin
Musulman. Tlajna bl-iskop li, nie˙du gost
flimkien u mat-tfal, nikbru b˙ala grupp u
li nag˙tu xhieda Salesjana f’xog˙olna mat-
tfal. Il-qofol ta’ l-esperjenza kien li nuru
li d-differenzi, b˙ar-reli©jon u l-kultura,
mhux neçessarjament huma kawΩa ta’
firda, u nies b’dawn id-differenzi jistg˙u
jg˙ixu flimkien f’armonija u paçi.
InΩilna fil-bit˙a ta’ l-iskola it-Tnejn fil-
g˙odu biex niltaqg˙u mat-tfal. G˙all-
ewwel kul˙add spiçça jiskanta lejna billi
rawna strambi, nies ©odda barranin. Però
malajr, fl-innoçenza tag˙hom, l-istudenti
waslu biex xi w˙ud minnhom avviçinawna
biex ikellmuna u jistaqsu min konna.
Sakemm drajna d-differenzi fil-lingwa
s ibn iha daqsxe jn d i f f i ç l i b iex
nikkomunikaw, g˙ax minkejja li kwaΩi
kollha studjajna l-FrançiΩ xorta wa˙da hi
diffiçli biex tpo©©i fil-prattika dak li
tg˙allimt speçjalment ma’ tfal li, b˙alna,
qed jitg˙allmu l-FrançiΩ. Fl-a˙˙ar mill-
a˙˙ar kien il-log˙ob flimkien li g˙aqqadna
mat-tfal u tana l-opportunita li nit˙alltu
mag˙hom u nsiru ˙bieb mag˙hom. Meta
˙ar©u g˙ar-‘recreation’ fl-10 ta’ filg˙odu
Esperjenza fl-iskola Salesjana ta’ Manouba fit-Tunizija
konna nilag˙bu mag˙hom sakemm kienu
jitilqu lura d-dar.
Malajr deher l-apprezzament tag˙hom
meta mat-tieni ©urnata bdew ji©u gruppi
ta’tfal jitolbuna il-firem u jag˙tuna xi rigal
Ωg˙ir li l-valur sentimentali tieg˙u hu kbir
immens. Dawn il-©esti li g˙amlu mag˙na,
˙adna gost ˙afna bihom u bdejna
napprezzaw kemm konna infissru
g˙alihom. Fl-istess ̇ in dawn il-©esti wasslu
biex a˙na apprezzajna l-fatt li ltqajna
mag˙hom. OkkaΩjoni partikolari fejn
deher b’mod çar kemm a˙na konna qed
inkunu ta’mudell fil-˙ajja tat-tfal u kemm
konna qed ni©u apprezzati, anke mill-
©enituri tag˙hom, kien meta ©iet omm
studenta u tatna ftit ˙elu b˙ala
apprezzament g˙al dak li konna qed
nag˙mlu mat-tfal.
Waqt iΩ-Ωjara f’Tunes, kellna l-opportunità
li nsiru nafu iktar lil xulxin b’mod ©did.
Konna qieg˙din ng˙ixu flimkien g˙al
˙dax-il ©urnata u f’dawn il-©ranet rajna
lill-˙bieb li dejjem konna nafu b’mod reali
u ˙afna iktar fil-qrib. Dan il-fatt seta’
wassal g˙al xi argumenti imma konna
kapaçi niddiskutu u nisimg˙u lil xulxin
b’mod matur u nifhmu u naslu g˙all-
konkluΩjoni flimkien. Mumenti b˙al dawn
kienu ta’ ©id g˙all-grupp g˙ax b’hekk
stajna nkomplu nikbru flimkien kif ukoll
nimmaturaw b˙ala individwi.
Kien hemm ukoll mumenti fejn b˙ala
grupp g˙ami lna x i xog˙ol ta ’
manutenzjoni fl-iskola. F’okkaΩjonijiet
b˙al dawn Ωvi luppajna sens ta’
kordinazzjoni flimkien b˙ala grupp u kif
ukoll sens ta’ komunikazzjoni, g˙aliex
dejjem ˙dimna b’mod effettiv biex
g˙amilna xog˙ol tajjeb. Dan ukoll g˙inna
nikbru flimkien u nsiru nafu iktar lil xulxin.
Kull filg˙axija konna nin©abru b˙ala grupp,
madwar il-mejda tal-Mulej, fil-kappella
Ωg i̇ra tal-komunità u flimkien niççelebraw
il-quddiesa. Dan kien mument çentrali fil-
©urnata fejn konna nqattg˙u ftit ˙in mal-
Mulej u nirringrazzjawH.
Meta wasalna biex nitilqu, l-iskola kienet
di©a spiççat, iΩda xi w˙ud mit-tfal xorta
baqg˙u ji©u biex jiltaqg˙u u jilag˙bu
mag˙na. Fl-a˙˙ar ©urnata, qattajna Ωmien
itwal mis-soltu mat-tfal u dakinhar urewna
id-diΩappunt tag˙hom li konna se nitilqu
u bdew jitolbuna biex noqog˙du iktar jew
ta’ l-inqas ner©g˙u mmorru. Anki a˙na
˙assejna l-istess sentimenti u kul˙add kien
xi ftit jew wisq iddiΩappuntat li se nitilqu.
Fl-a˙˙ar mill-a˙˙ar nistg˙u ng˙idu li din l-
esperjenza kienet wa˙da poΩittiva li
g˙enitna nikbru b˙ala grupp, kif ukoll
individwalment. L-iskop ta’ l-esperjenza
intla˙aq b’mod verament s˙i˙ u kabbarna
rabta kbira bejnietna u bejn it-tfal minkejja
l-kulturi u r-reli©jonijiet differenti. Dan seta’
jsir bis-sa˙˙a tal-komunita Salesjana ta’
Manouba li laqg˙atna g˙andhom u kienet
ta’ g˙ajnuna kbira g˙alina. Se˙˙ ukoll bl-
g˙ajnuna ta’ l-g˙alliema ta’ l-iskola li g i̇nuna
kull meta setg˙u, u xi drabi anke ˙ar©u
mag˙na biex juruna l-pajjiΩ tag˙hom. Grazzi
ukoll lill-komunita ta’ Óad-Dingli li offrewlna
din l-opportunità g˙ax kien bis-sa˙˙a
tag˙hom li din l-esperjenza kienet suççess
u ˙alliet il-frott f’kul˙add.
Bernard Briffa u David Agius
Isn't it strange how a Lm20 note seems like
such a large amount when you donate it to
church, but such a small amount when you
go shopping?
Isn't it strange how 2 hours seem so long
when you're at church, and how short they
seem when you're watching a good movie?
Isn't it strange that you can't find a word to say
when you're praying, but you have no trouble
thinking what to talk about with a friend?
Isn't it strange how difficult and boring it is to read one chapter
of the Bible, but how easy it is to read 100 pages of a popular novel
or magazine?
Isn't it strange how everyone wants front-row-tickets to concerts or
games, but they do whatever is possible to sit at the last row in Church?
Isn't it strange how we need to know about an event for Church 2-3
weeks before the day so we can include it in our agenda, but we can
adjust for other events at the last minute?
Isn't it strange how difficult it is to learn a fact about God to share it
with others, but how easy it is to learn, understand, extend and repeat
Isn't it strange how we believe everything that magazines and newspapers
say, but we question the words in the Bible?
Isn't it strange how everyone wants a place in heaven, but they don't
want to believe, do, or say anything to get there?
Isn't it strange how we send jokes in e-mails and they are forwarded
right away, but when we are going to send messages about God, we
think about it twice before we share it with others?
Although it has been 150 years since
the passing away of St. Dominic Savio,
(9th March 1857), he is still very much
alive in the hearts of all those who
attend Savio College and who daily
strive to emulate his leadership qualities.
However, Domenico wouldn’t have
reached the goals he did if it were not
for the guidance of another great saint,
Fr. Giovanni Bosco. Hence, when two
Salesians in Malta came up with the
brilliant idea of literally following in Don
Bosco’s footsteps by going up to
Piedmont, Italy, from where he hailed,
and trace his footsteps, the experience
wouldn’t have been complete without
also including a visit to all the places
linked to Domenico’s short but very
significant life.
The dream came true on Easter Sunday,
8th April 2007 when 49 eager pilgrims,
with ages ranging from 11 to 65, joined
forces and as one Salesian family made
up of students, close lay Salesian
collaborators, parents, teachers and
Salesian priests from Savio College and
the Sliema Salesian Oratory, flew to
Malpensa, Milan from where they were
whisked off to Colle Don Bosco, on the
outskirts of Turin, to start their one
week Salesian adventure that was to be
an experience of a lifetime. Although the
days were jam packed with various visits
and activities, there was always time
reserved for mass and for evening prayers
because as Salesians we firmly believe in
bringing God into all that we do and say.
The first day started in earnest with a
mass in the little chapel in front of Don
Bosco’s childhood home. A visit to Don
Bosco’s birth place, nestled on the
rolling hills of Becchi, followed. The
original house of his childhood is still
there: the house where he dreamt his
famous dream at nine years of age, a
dream that hinted at what was in store
for him throughout his long fruitful life
under the guidance of Our Blessed
Mother, Mary Help of Christians. We
also visited the Sanctuary of Don Bosco,
built on the actual spot where he was
born, his old parish Church in
Castelnuovo, where both he and
Domenico Savio received their first
Holy Communion, and an old
farmhouse, Cascina Moglia, still almost
intact, where he had to work to earn
a living and save money to fund his
studies for a couple of years.
The following day we hiked from Colle
Don Bosco to some neighbouring
hamlets linked to the lives of Don Bosco,
Domenico Savio and Mamma Margherita
(Don Bosco’s mother). We first went
to Murialdo, were one can mill around
the house where the Savio family lived
for ten whole years. It was impressive
to simply walk around the house and
remember that the saintly Domenico
here lived his normal but extraordinary
life. Mass was celebrated in the quaint
chapel of Murialdo where both Johnny
Bosco and Domenico Savio attended
mass regularly. It was also here that Don
Bosco received his first private tuition
in Latin, from the humble parish priest
of the little village, Don Calosso.
Mondonio was next on the trek. It was
here that Domenico spent his last few
months and where he actually died. It
was here that we resumed our walk on
the arduous climb up to Capriglio, from
where Mamma Margherita hailed. There
we visited the church where she married
Francesco Bosco, Johnny’s father. In that
same place, all the married couples who
joined us on our pilgrimage, renewed
their marriage vows. Midway through
our pilgrimage we were ready to go
down to Chieri, where Johnny attended
school, and later the Seminary. We also
visited the Caffe’ Pianta, the bar where
he worked as a waiter. The humble
corner where he huddled to do his
homework is still there to remind us all
how hard he worked to become the
great priest we know today. We then
headed down to Turin and visited
Valdocco, the Mother-house of all the
Salesians. It was here that Don Bosco,
together with his mother, welcomed his
first batch of street urchins, chimney
sweeps, brick layers, etc as they sought
work in the bustling city of Turin. It was
the time of the Industrial Revolution
when many thronged from the fields to
the beckoning city with the hope of a
better future. Alas, many times, their
dreams were dashed to smithereens as
they found a bleak, tough existence.
In Valdocco we celebrated mass in the
tiny chapel where it all started - the
Pinardi Chapel which initially was a mere
shed left unused by a certain Signor
Pinardi who was willing to hand it over
to Don Bosco. At the end of this special
mass, the four Salesians who participated
in this pilgrimage renewed their religious
vows. And that was a very touching
moment indeed! Once in Turin we then
opted to visit the famous Museo Egizio
which is considered amongst the best
Egyptian museums in the world. Superga
followed afterwards and the sight of the
sprawling city of Turin down below was
indeed a sight to behold.
The following day we returned to
Valdocco to take our time and roam
around this very important Salesian spot.
After celebrating mass in Don Bosco’s
rooms, we visited the magnificent basilica
of Our Lady Help of Christians that was
built by Don Bosco. He always insisted
that each stone of this awesome church,
represents a grace Our Blessed Mother
had granted to someone who, in return,
thanked Her by contributing to the
building. It was here that we literally met
Don Bosco face to face. Here, Don
Bosco’s body is encased in a glass coffin,
just like our own Dun Gorg Preca is
here in Malta. His actual remains lie
within this statue and to be able to share
a word with him, tete-a-tete, was indeed
a special moment in time for all the 49
pilgrims on this Salesian pilgrimage in the
footsteps of Don Bosco.
More visits in Turin followed. In the
afternoon we visited the Consolata
Church, the Duomo, where the Turin
shroud is kept, the Church of St. Francis
of Assisi, where Don Bosco met
Bartolomeo Garelli on the 8th December
1841. At the Juventus (football) shop
our lads shopped to their heart’s delight
while the two Salesian tour leaders
grabbed a pizza and a little moment of
respite. The last day of our pilgrimage
took us to the mountain peaks of
Sestriere where all could enjoy the
magnificent beauty of the rugged
mountain peaks covered in a thick blanket
of snow. Our pilgrimage came to an end
with a visit to the Salesian novitiate in
Pinerolo, where we were able to meet
Stefan Busuttil, a fellow Malteser and a
past pupil of Savio College, who is
enjoying and relishing this experience as
he delves deeper into his commitment
to the Salesian life.
Evening prayers were held, throughout
all the week, under the stars by Don
Bosco’s home in Becchi. There we
prayed, sang, shared and thanked the
Lord for such an awesome experience.
Up at the Colle and in touch with
their Salesian roots, all pilgrims
embraced their Salesian identity and
made it ever more their own. They
all grew even prouder of the rich
heritage Don Bosco imparted to us
all. May this experience be the spark
that will ignite the hearts of all who
attended this pilgrimage with deep
love for the Lord by living their daily
lives in an extraordinary way.
Contact SPYS Tel: 21454546, 21456251
Christmas is a time for giving. Exchanging gifts touches our lives in an
intimate way because of the inner spiritual link this expresses between
giver and recipient.
When our children were small, there was always great excitement about what
presents they were going to get. As parents we would try to decipher their
expectations and desires but we would also try to prepare them to change their
ideas. We believed that it was OK to take their hopes into account, but not to
encourage whims. Games were chosen that would stimulate learning or were good
for socializing. Our presents were to be tokens of our affection and not just something
to give immediate pleasure. Precisely for that reason, we often offered them the
opportunity to join us during the holidays for the experience of trying something
new and doing it together.
The years have rolled on since then.
Today we prefer to ask them what they
would find useful or interesting.
Sometimes we might ask them to buy
their own presents. We are no longer
able to tune in perfectly to their needs
and tastes, because we realize presents
are one thing, gifts are another.
Presents tend to be things we are
expected to give on specific occasions,
like anniversaries and birthdays. Presents
give pleasure, but basically they are not
life changing. Gifts, on the other hand,
are unexpected. They surprise us. They
are of the spirit, and cannot be quantified.
There is no occasion or reason why we
should be given them. Yet we are aware
that they touch our life in a mysterious
and intimate way. Gifts include: a piece
of advice given and accepted; a moment
shared; an exchange that has done us
both good.
It is hard to list straight off what gifts we
have offered our children over the years.
The truth is that, most probably, each
of us has tried to be a gift for the other
as we walked in simplicity and with that
genuineness which is found within a
family. I can honestly say, presence -
being there - is one of the greatest gifts.
I am aware that times are changing. In
the beginning, by being available, sharing
our experiences and thoughts with them,
we tried to help our children keep on
track as regards themselves and the
world. Then there was a long period
when we tried to be at their side as
travelling companions, listening to them
and supporting them on their journey.
Now we have to slow down to let them
go ahead with greater commitment and
growing autonomy. In this way their
sense of responsibility and enterprise
can develop fully and they will be able
to prove themselves.
At this stage of the journey, our children
are grown up and should be well
equipped to set out in life. They have
learnt to accept us and love us in spite
of our weaknesses and inconsistencies,
our poverty and other shortcomings
which are signs of an adult life which is
usually marked with tensions and
sufferings, disappointments and regrets.
I think I will only give one gift, and I will
not even bother to wrap it up, because,
the more ordinary it is, the more
fascinating it will be. This year I will give
our children a taste for the future. They
are at a stage where they will have to
make certain decisions. Like many of
their own age, they could get stuck in
the present through fear and the difficulty
of looking to the long term, or settle for
a tomorrow that will only be a repe-
tition of today. I hope that this gift will
help them keep the enthusiasm and
freshness of their adolescent years; the
will to dream on a big scale and act on
the small things; to be persevering in
their projects, and not be put off through
fear of making mistakes or by the
temptation to adapt to reality. And I
want them to keep their willingness to
put themselves at the service of the
world with generosity and competence.
Some Gifts to give your children
this year:
1. Hug each other and swear eternal
love in front of the children.
2. Always keep promises. Never
3. P r e p a r e g o o d
answers to ‘How
are babies born?’
4. They will always do
what you do, not as
you say. Be models for
5. Get them into the habit of
good reading.
6. Get them used to finishing what they
7. Tell them about your life, and
especially when you were their age.
8. Help them join a group, a team, a
music band.
9. Be firm and keep your values and
basic principles.
10. Let them face the consequences of
their actions.
11. Before punishing them, make sure
they have understood the three whys:
why it is forbidden; why they have to
make up for it; and why they are not
to do it again.
12. Assure them you will always be there
for them, no matter what has
13. Teach them to recognise their
mistakes without blaming others and
to put up with failures.
14. Never forget the goodnight kiss even
when they are already asleep (or are
over 30).
15. Don’t put off till tomorrow what you
want to do with them today.
Tomorrow never comes.
16. Tell them you love them. Tell them
again. And again.
17. Ban foul language in your presence.
1 8 . Answer their questions. Or
they will stop asking.
19. Never go to bed with
an unresolved conflict.
20. Teach them to
distinguish between
good and ev i l .
Exercise together.
21. Never underestimate
their fears, anxieties, doubts,
22. Let them often hear the magic
words, ‘I’m proud of you’, ‘I trust you’,
‘You can do it!’
23. Love them as they are. This is the
best gift of all.
24. Tell them more often: ‘Because I am
your father/your mother, and I am
responsible for you. Full stop’. That
is more than enough reason.
25. Get them into the habit of excusing
themselves and saying sorry.
26. Parents who are calm and serene
have children who are calm and
27. Never compare them with others.
28. Keep their secrets secret.
29. Don’t try to appear infallible in their
30. Pray with them each night.
gur li ˙afna mill-qarrejja tal-˙ajja
Salesjana, mid˙la sew tal-Familja
Salesjana, Semg˙u wkoll bil-Volontarji
ta’ Dun Bosco (VDB). Però huma ftit in-
nies li jistg˙u jg˙idu li ltaqg˙u ma’ VDB.
Dan g˙aliex il-Volontarji ta’ Dun Bosco
huma persuni kkonsagrati li jg˙ixu fid-
d in ja , ming˙a jr ebda s in ja l l i
jiddistingwihom minn persuni o˙ra.
F’dan l-artiklu, Volontarja Maltija, li
pprofessat l-ewwel voti f’Diçembru li
g˙adda, se taqsam mag˙na l-istorja
Meta talbuni naqsam l-esperjenza tieg˙i
tas-sej˙a li g˙amilli l-Mulej, infxilt ftit.
Kif taqbad tiddeskrivi storja ta’ m˙abba
ma’ xi ˙add daqshekk sabi˙ u majestuΩ,
u fl-istess ˙in daqshekk umli u mimli bl-
Nista’ ng˙id li sa minn çkuniti kont attirata
lejn Ìesù. Niftakar li kull filg˙axija, waqt
li kont nipprepara l-basket g˙all-iskola,
kont dejjem inpo©©i l-ktieb tar-reli©jon
fuq quddiem, minkejja li kien ikun ikbar
minn kotba o˙ra. Meta tawni l-Bibbja
tat-Tfal b˙ala rigal, ma stra˙tx qabel
qrajtha kollha, minn qoxra sa qoxra. L-
opportunita’ ta’ tqarbina kuljum ma kont
nitlifha qatt. Kont nitkellem ma’ Ìesù
b˙ala l-ikbar ˙abib... Niftakarni no˙lom
li xi darba nsir soru...
Mal-mi©ja ta’ l-adoloxxenza pero, dal-
˙olm mhux talli spiçça, talli kont nag˙mel
nervi ta’ kelb jekk xi ̇ add jazzarda jsemmi
l-kelma “soru”. Quddiesa kont nisma’
wa˙da l-Óadd, g˙ax bilfors. Fil-fond ta’
qalbi kont di©a’ qed nisma le˙en çkejken
isejja˙li, imma dan il-le˙en ma ridtx naf
bih. Ippruvajt na˙arbu b’kull mod. Ósibt
li jekk inkompli nimbuttah kien ˙a jaqta’
qalbu minni u j˙allini bi kwieti...
U ta’ ©entlom li hu, ma qag˙adx idejjaqni
u jiffittani. Imma sabni darba wa˙di u
˙addanni bl-im˙abba kollha tieg˙u...
Kienet tg˙annieqa qawwija u ©entili fl-
istess ˙in. Infqajt nibki, u hemmhekk kont
naf li ma stajtx inkompli na˙rab jew nibqa’
passiva g˙as-sej˙a tieg˙u.
Smajt l-ewwel darba bil-Volontarji ta’
Dun Bosco ming˙and id-direttur
spiritwali tieg˙i. Hu ippreΩentahieli b˙ala
wa˙da mit-toroq li stajt nie˙u fil-mixja
tieg˙i wara Ìesù, u permezz tat-talb u
l-meditazzjoni fuq il-Kelma, il-Mulej urieni
li din kienet it-triq li xtaqni naqbad.
Kienet sorpriΩa kbira g˙alija meta kelli
l-ewwel laqg˙a ma’ Volontarja, u skoprejt
li kienet tfajla li ming˙alija kont di©a nafha
sew! Kienet tfajla li, ming˙ajr ma tag˙mel
xejn partikulari, kienet tolqotni bil-mod
sempliçi u mimli m˙abba li bih kienet
tilqa’ lill-persuni ta’ madwarha. Sirt naf
li l-Volontarji ma jag˙mlu xejn li
jiddistingwihom mill-persuni l-o˙ra, ˙lief
fl-im˙abba u ©eneroΩità li jpo©©u f’kull
˙a©a li jag˙mlu u f’kull persuna li jiltaqg˙u
mag˙ha. Ovvjament, din l-im˙abba
to˙ro© mir-relazzjoni esklussiva li huma
g˙andhom mal-Mulej. Huwa g˙alhekk li
jipprofessaw il-voti tal-faqar, kastità u
ubbidjenza. B˙ala Salesjani jippruvaw
jg˙ixu r-relazzjonijiet fuq ix-xog˙ol,
familja, divertiment, appostolat... fuq l-
istil ta’ m˙abba ta’ Dun Bosco. Huma
ma jitkellmux dwar is-sej˙a tag˙hom,
biex ix-xhieda tag˙hom tkun iktar
effettiva, partikolarment f’dawk l-ambjenti
li m’g˙andhomx x’jaqsmu mal-knisja.
Issa li ˙adt l-ewwel voti, nista’ ng˙id li l-
Mulej qed imexxini fuq avventura
verament kbira. B˙ar-risposta li ta’ lill-
ewwel dixxipli tieg˙u, “Ejjew u taraw”,
kuljum jistedinni biex nitlaq kollox, nimxi
warajh, u niskopri fejn joqg˙od permezz
tal-persuni li niltaqa’ mag˙hom. U
minkejja l-faqar u ç-çokon tieg˙i, nista’
verament, b˙al Marija, ng˙id li Hu “qed
jag˙mel mieg˙i ˙wejje© kbar!".
G˙all-aktar informazzjoni dwar il-VDBs
tistg˙u tikkuntatjaw lil xi Salesjan jew
tiktbulna fuq l-email address:
Ìrajjiet minn ˙ajjet Dun Karm Attard SDB, kif jaf jirrakkonta hu
stess - ©rajjiet li se˙˙ew fl-Indja ta’ Fuq fejn hu ˙adem g˙al 60 sena s˙a˙.
Ìrajja l i missjunarju Ωag˙Ωug˙
jirrakkonta lil Dun Karm Attard SDB
Ûjara fl-Ir˙ula
Kont ili ˙mistax il- ©urnata naqsam
xmajjar u boskijiet biex nil˙aq inΩur l-
ir˙ula. Ma’ l-a˙˙ar ra˙al kien wasal il-
jum tas-Sibt, u hawn xtaqt kieku nfittex
ne˙les, ˙a ner©a’ lura lejn id-dar peress
li ˙assejtni g˙ajjien mejjet. B˙as-soltu
anki f’dan ir-ra˙al jiena qaddist, qarart,
g˙ammidt, Ωewwi©t u g˙allimt id-
Kien jonqosni biss l-a˙˙ar ˙a©a, li jien
kont dejjem nobg˙od nag˙mel (g˙ax
m’g˙andix prattika) imma li n-nies kienet
tistenna b’tant ˙erqa: it-tqassim tal-
mediçini lill-morda.
U min ma kienx marid? KwaΩi r-ra˙al
kollu dar mieg˙i, jistennew u jaraw x’se
ntihom. U˙ud bdew propju jivvintaw
il-mard. Sa kien hemm min ©iebli l-kelb
g˙ax qal li qabditu l-marda ta’ l-g˙atis!
Jiena kont nipprova nikkuntenta lil
kul˙add. Imma meta ma kellix il-kura li
kont na˙seb, kemm biex ne˙les ˙afif
anke biex ma nag˙lix, b˙ala rimedju
kont nag˙tihom naqra ilma komuni mill-
flixkun kbir tieg˙i! Fil-veritàdin kienet
l-aktar “mediçina” li fejqet lil ˙afna nies
billi ma kienx ikollhom affarijiet kbar.
IΩda nag˙tiha wkoll lil dawk li jg˙iduli li
qed ibag˙tu b’qalbhom, peress li ma
rridx nissogra xort, o˙ra ma’ organu
hekk delikat fil-bniedem.
Mediçina lix-Xwejja˙
Imma dak inhar, xi˙ akka tar-ra˙al jismu
Akwilin, baqa’ l-a˙˙ar wie˙ed mill-folla
sabiex jg˙idli bil-mod f’widinti, li dik il-
mediçina (l-ilma) ma kenitx fejqitu mill-
u©ig˙ f’sidru u mill-qtig˙ ta’ nifs. Bir-
ra©un, deher jit˙addet bis-serjetà kollha
u allura talabni xi ˙a©a a˙jar. Fta˙t il-
bagalja u bdejt infittex u naqra
“directions” ta’ fuq xi fliexken u
stoççijiet. Fl-a˙˙ar kont sibt xi ˙a©a li
forsi tajba g˙alih. Im˙asseb u b’nofs
qalb, tajtulu biex jie˙u minnu. U x-
xwejja˙ Akwilin pront ˙arab minn
quddiemi bla ma tani çans nag˙millu xi
Hekk kif sibt ru˙i wa˙di, g˙a©©ilt ˙a
nfittex nitlaq li ma tmurx tinqala’ xi
˙a©’ o˙ra. L-aqwa li kul˙add kien moqdi
u kuntent. G˙addiet il-©urnata tal-Óadd
u seba˙ it-Tnejn. G˙al-˙abta ta’
nofsinhar grupp ta’ r©iel ©ew ˙abbtuli
l-bieb tad-dar. Fta˙t u ndunajt li kienu
dawk tas-Sibt li g˙adda “Father, ©ibnielek
hawn il-katavru ta’ wie˙ed xi˙ li miet
f’daqqa wa˙da l-biera˙.” Qalbi g˙amlet
tikk. G˙al mument g˙ajnejja ddallmu.
Óassejt rasi ddur bija. Kelli nΩomm
biex ma naqax. Ridt kieku nistaqsihom
xi ˙a©a, jew x’jismu l-mejjet, iΩda
telg˙etli g˙oqda fi grieΩmi u ma fla˙tx
nitkellem. Bdejt ng˙id biss: “Imxu,
imxu” u ©bidthom g˙all-warajja lejn il-
knisja. Hemmhekk xi qraba kienu ©a
po©©ew it-tebut mag˙luq fl-art quddiem
Grazzi Mulej!
Stordut kif kont, g˙amilt ir-reverenza
lis-Sagrament, se naqa’ u ma naqax.
Óadt l-ilma mbierek mis-sagristija u
ersaqt lejn it-tebut waqt li g˙amilt f’rasi
li ma n˙ares lejn ˙add. Ûgur li g˙ajnejn
kul˙add kienu fuqi u f’qalbhom kienu
qed jg˙ajtuli “Assassin!” Xi ˙add
staqsieni jekk kienx hemm bΩonn li
jift˙u l-g˙atu biex jien inroxx l-ilma
mbierek fuq il-katavru. “Le,le, le!” Dak
kien jonqosni... li nara wiçç il-mejjet...
l-aktar jekk kien g˙adu b’g˙ajnejh
Dak il-˙in g˙idt talba li ©ietni f’mo˙˙i.
Berikt it-tebut bis-sinjal tas-Salib u
kul˙add deher iroddu mieg˙i. Malajr
refg˙uh u telqu bih lejn iç-çimiterju. U
l-knisja re©g˙et saret ba˙˙.
Jiena, mismut, intfajt g˙arkobbtejja çass
quddiem Ìesù. Ma fla˙t ng˙id xejn u
bqajt issummat g˙al ˙sieb li kont qtiltu
jien! Wara fit minuti, taptipa ˙afifa fuq
spallejja ˙asditni. “Father, dik il-mediçina
li tajtni g˙amlitli tajjeb ˙afna. G˙andek
xi ftit ie˙or?” Kien ix-xwejja˙ Akwilin!
Toqol kbir waqa’ minn fuqi u raddejt
˙ajr ’l Alla b’qalbi kollha.
Nepal, a landlocked country in southern
Asia, lies in a strategic location between
China and India;it is a mountainous
country, rising from a height of 70 meters
to Mount Everest at 8,850 meters; it has
8 of the world's 10 highest peaks.
Nepal is among the poorest and least
developed countries in the world with
almost one-third of its population living
below the poverty line. Nepalís economic
prospects are rather poor due to its
technological backwardness, its
landlocked situation and remote
geographic location, its susceptibility to
natural disasters, and above all its internal
civil strife, fanned by Maoist guerrillas.
The precarious situation has also reduced
tourism, which in better times was a key
source of foreign exchange.
Nepal has a population of 29 million, ruled
by a king and a parliament of ministers.
The political situation is volatile, if not
quite anarchical. A typical example was
the massacre of ten members of the royal
family, including the king and the queen,
in 2001 by the crown prince, who then
took his own life. The majority of the
Nepal population is Hindu. Conversion
to another religion is forbidden by law
and punishable with imprisonment.
In 1628 the Jesuit missionaries brought
the Catholic faith to Nepal, but the work
of evangelization begun by them has
greatly diminished. Today, the Catholics
number about 8,000 (0,02%), with 50
priests (12 diocesan and 38 religious),
164 consecrated religious, (40 men and
124 women).The Christian mission, in
terms of an explicit proclamation of the
Gospel, is forbidden.
Kuwait, a small, oil-rich country, lies in
the Middle East, between Iraq and Saudi
Arabia, bordering the Persian Gulf.
Though rich in petroleum, it depends
almost wholly on food imports, and 75%
of the drinking water must be distilled
or imported. It has a population of about
2,650,000, including 1,300,000 non-
nationals, 85% of whom are Muslim,
while the remaining 15% consists of
Christians, Hindus, Parsis, and others,
almost all expatriates
The origin of Christianity in the region
can be traced back even to apostolic
times. At present, of the total population
about 158,500 are Catholics (5.98%),
belonging to the various rites. There is
a Catholic Bishop and a Cathedral in
Kuwait City, and three other places of
worship, with 12 priests, of whom 9 are
religious. Consecrated religious are 22,
of whom 13 Sisters.
Yemen is another country in the Middle
East, with a population of almost
21,000,000, practically all of whom are
Muslim, with a negligible number of
Jews, Christians and Hindus. The
northern part gained independence
from the Ottoman Empire in 1918,
while the British withdrew from the
southern part only in 1967. When South
Yemen adopted a Marxist stance,
thousands of Yemenis from the South
took refuge in the North, and the
exodus brought the two regions into
conflict with each other. Finally in 1990,
both regions were merged into the
Republic of Yemen. Now the country
enjoys comparative harmony.
There are only about 4,000 Catholics in
a total population of 21 million, and these
too are mostly Filipino and Indian
expatriates, with a smattering of Iraqis,
Sudanese, Lebanese, Jordanians,
Americans and British. There are 5
Salesian priests as chaplains to the
Missionaries of Charity of Mother Teresa,
but they also provide for the spiritual
needs of the small Catholic population.
There are 4 communities of the
Missionaries of Charity of Mother Teresa,
with 24 Sisters, belonging to various
nationalities. In 1998 three of these
Sisters were gunned down by an Islamic
fundamentalist; they were the first
martyrs of the Missionaries of Charity
to lay down their lives for the Faith in
the service of the poor. In some of the
centres where the Salesians work,
formation programmes are conducted
to enable the expatriates to withstand
the inducements of the Islamic
fundamentalists and the Protestant sects.
At present the situation is improving
after the President in 2000 ordered the
Prime Minister to restore the Churches
and adjoining lands in Yemen to the
Catholic Church.
Farmers thresing grains in the village of Sikha, Nepal