Marzu - april 2008
il-203 Óar©a
Juve! Juve!
Something to think about…
Fl-1877, Dun Bosco beda jippubblika “Il Bibliofilo Cattolico”. Wara sentejn, semmih
- Bollettino Salesiano”. Kien jo˙or©hu bi ˙sieb li jg˙aqqad lil dawk kollha li g˙andhom
g˙al qalbhom il-˙idma Salesjana fid-dinja kollha, billi jwasslilhom tag˙rif fuq il-˙ajja
tal-Kongregazzjoni Salesjana. Tag˙lim siewi g˙all-˙ajja Nisranija. Insibuh imxerred
mad-dinja kif iddur, mitbug˙ f’aktar minn g˙oxrin ilsien ewlieni … fosthom il-Malti
wkoll fiç-çokon tieg˙u. F’sena jitqassmu ‘l fuq minn g˙axar miljun kopja. Hawn Malta
jo˙ro© ta˙t l-isem ‘˙ajja Salesjana’ u kull xahrejn, barra x-xhur tas-sajf – Lulju, u
Awissu. Jitqassam b’xejn lil kull min jitolbu. G˙alhekk wie˙ed jista’ jikteb lill-Editur:
Óajja Salesjana
c/o St. Patrick’s School, Triq San Ìwann Bosco,
Sliema SLM 1925, Malta.
Tel: 2133 0238 e-mail: joecini@onvol.net
Jie˙u ˙sieb Fr. Joe Cini SDB
Bord Editorjali Fr. Victor Mangion SDB
Margaret Buhagiar
Andre’ Camilleri
Josie Grech
Jg˙inuh ukoll Fr. Charles Cini SDB
Eileen Alden
Joyce Scicluna
Joe M. Busuttil
Óajr minn qalbna lill-˙bieb tag˙na li jibag˙tu xi
˙a©a tal-flus g˙an-nefqa biex il-Óajja Salesjana
jista’ jintbag˙at b’xejn lil
• Dawk li mqar bit-talb tag˙hom jg˙inu
fil-˙idma Salesjana
• Dawk li jg˙inu l-vokazzjonijiet g˙all-˙ajja
Reli©juΩa Salesjana
Infakkru lill-qarrejja tag˙na li l-˙idma Salesjana
Maltija tinfirex ukoll fl-Afrika ta’ fuq, fit-TuneΩija.
Designed & Printed by Salesian Press
Fuqiex se naqraw
Editorjal - G˙otja ta’ g˙ajnuna 1/2
Pedago©ija Salesjana 3
Calendar of Events 4
Faniel Haile 6
Juve! Juve! 8
Crimes 2 10
The 26th General Chapter
of the Salesians 14
Something to think about… 16
Ûag˙Ωug˙a Ûag˙Ωug˙ 18
Other Person’s Problem 19
Maltese Past Pupils of Don Bosco NSW 20
IS-SRIEP - theddida g˙al Óajjitna 22
Fil-Mixja lejn Óajja Kkonsagrata 24
Il-“Juventutis Domus” 26
The Mystic of the Passion 28
Salesians in the World 30
Meta ti©i f’idejkom din il-˙ar©a ta’ ‘˙ajja Salesjana’ inkunu d˙alna sew fir-Randan Imqaddes. Fil-
messa©© tieg˙u ta’ din is-sena, il-Q.T.il-
Papa jg˙id hekk: “B˙ala messa©© tieg˙i
g˙al dan ir-Randan, nixtieq nirrifletti xi ftit
fuq l-g˙otja ta’ g˙ajnuna, li tirrapreΩenta
dak il-mod li bih wie˙ed jg˙in lil min hu
fil-bΩonn, waqt li huwa wkoll eΩerçizzju ta’
ça˙da li je˙lisna milli norbtu qalbna mal-
˙wejje© tad-dinja”(1). Hawnhekk jiena wkoll
nixtieq nikkummenta fuq il-fatt ta’ kemm
nag˙tu kull meta nisimg˙u xi appell g˙all-
Dan l-appell g˙all-g˙ajnuna jista’
jaslilna minn xi ˙add mag˙ruf mal-pajjiΩ
kollu (il-Gvern, il-Knisja, xi G˙aqda…).
Ìeneralment, f’okkaΩjonijiet b˙al dawn, il-
Maltin juru rwie˙hom ©eneruΩi: kull sena
naraw “containers” mimlijin bi ˙wejje©,
makkinarju, mediçini jew ikel i˙allu pajjiΩna
lejn dawk l-in˙awi li jkunu ntlaqtu minn xi
diΩastru naturali jew lejn art il-missjoni fejn
qeg˙din jitwettqu pro©etti g˙at-titjib tal-
˙ajja. Imbag˙ad isiru wkoll appelli minn
gruppi Ωg˙ar ta’ nies li ja˙dmu favur min
hu fil-bΩonn f’pajjiΩna. Jidher li jirnexxilhom
jissodisfaw il-˙ti©ijiet ta’ nies imsejkna,
daqqiet g˙al ftit Ωmien, o˙rajn g˙al perijodi
twal. Hekk naraw g˙ajnuna ti©i mog˙tija
lill-immigranti illegali u lil nies o˙ra
f’sitwazzjoni mwieg˙ra. Bosta drabi
l-parroçça ti©i nvoluta f’dawn l-
attivitajiet, u huwa fil-parroçça li
jsiru l-appelli u fis-swali tag˙ha li
jin©abar il-materjal offrut.
B’mod Ωg˙ir jew kbir, xi w˙ud minnha kienu
xi drabi mda˙˙la f’attività ta’ g˙ajnuna lil
min hu fil-bΩonn. Hemm rajna nies ©eneruΩi
˙afna u o˙rajn anqas; dawk li, b˙al ma nsibu
fil-Van©elu, taw ˙afna mill-ftit li kellhom u
o˙rajn li taw ˙afna miΩ-Ωejjed li kellhom
(Mk.12, 44). L-awgurju tieg˙i g˙alina lkoll
huwa li matul dan ir-Randan nitg˙allmu
s-solidarjetà mal-fqar u li dejjem inkunu
sinçerament ©eneruΩi. Il-Papa j˙e©©i©na
b’dawn il-kliem, “Ir-Randan jistedinna
nittrenjaw ru˙na spiritwalment anke billi
nag˙mlu karità, ˙alli nikbru fl-im˙abba
attiva u naraw fil-fqir lil Kristu nnifsu” (6).
G˙otja ta’ g˙ajnuna
hen this edition of ‘hajja Salesjana’
reaches you in the beginning of
March, we shall be well into the
Holy Season of Lent. In his message for
Lent, H.H. the Pope says, “For this year’s
Lenten Message, I wish to spend some time
reflecting on the practice of almsgiving,
which represents a specific way to assist
those in need and, at the same time,
an exercise in self-denial to free us from
attachment to worldly goods”(1). I too wish
to comment on this practice of almsgiving,
which usually translates itself in responding
to some appeal for help.
This appeal may come from a nationwide
entity (Government, Church, Association…).
Generally, on such occasions, the Maltese
prove themselves generous: every year,
containers filled with clothing, machinery,
medicine or food leave our shores towards
needy countries who have suffered natural
calamities or to mission lands where
projects for improvement in life conditions
are being carried out. Then there are also
appeals coming from small enthusiastic
groups of people working for the needy
in our country. They also seem to manage
to satisfy the needs of destitute people,
sometimes temporarily, other times for
longer periods. Thus we see help offered
to illegal immigrants and to other
people in rather desperate situations.
Very often the local parish church
is involved in these activities, as
it is in the church that appeals
are launched and in their
premises that material is
In small ways, at times, some of us have
been involved in the collection of materials
for needy people. We have seen generous
people and not so generous ones; those
who, like the ones in the gospel, gave a lot
from the little they had and others who gave
a lot from what they had over and above
(Mark 12,44). My wish for us all is that
during this Lent we learn to feel solidarity
with the needy and always be truly generous.
The Pope exhorts us in these words: “Lent
invites us to ‘train ourselves’ spiritually, also
through the practice of almsgiving, in order
to grow in charity and recognize in the poor
Christ Himself” (6).
Practice of almsgiving
Minn Pascual Chaves - Trad. Joe Cini SDB
“G˙andkom djar, kulle©©i, oratorji
g˙aΩ-Ωg˙aΩag˙…imma teΩor wie˙ed: il-
pedago©ija ta’ Dun Bosco. Jekk ti©u li titilfu
kollox, din Ωommuha… Il-Mulej afdalkom
dil-pedago©ija li fiha jirba˙ ir-rispett lejn
it-tfajjel… G˙oΩΩuha, ©edduha, g˙amluha
aktar Ωag˙Ωug˙a, g˙anuha bl-a˙˙ar skoperti,
addottawha g˙at-tfal tag˙kom li jkunu ©ew
ittrattati ˙aΩin…” (Jean Duvallet)
Din is-sistema ta’ edukazzjoni ta’ Dun Bosco
hija arti pedago©ika-pastorali. Hija tuΩa l-
ministeru ta’ qassis f’forma prattika sabiex
teduka lit-tfal fil-fidi. Min juΩa din is-sistema
irid ikollu ta˙lita ta’ doni li tag˙mel lill-
edukatur persuna kapaçi tag˙ti edukazzjoni
b˙al ta’ missier jew omm. Wie˙ed minn
dawn id-doni huwa li tag˙raf iΩ-Ωminijiet li
ng˙ixu fihom u taddatta ru˙ek g˙alihom.
Imbag˙ad hemm o˙rajn, kif sejjer insemmi.
a.- Xe˙ta ta’ artist sabiex t˙allat iΩ-Ωelu pas-
torali ma’ l-g˙erf fl-edukazzjoni. Dan id-
don ta’ ˙e©©a pastorali huwa kontinwa-
ment sfidat mill-klima bla Alla tad-dinja.
Dak li kien imexxi lil Dun Bosco biex
jag˙milha ta’ artist kienet it-tjubija kollha
m˙abba li taf tibni fiduçja, familjarità u
˙biberija. Fis-sistema preventiva hemm
element kariΩmatiku li jitlob m˙abba
fix-xog˙ol (ag˙tini l-erwie˙) u l-qdusija
li tag˙mlek tin˙abb (Mhux biΩΩejjed li
t˙obb lit-tfal. Dawn iridu jkunu jafu li
huma ma˙buba).
b.- F’relazzjoni ta’ solidarjeta’ ma’ min teduka.
L-ewwel pass, “li tersaq lejn iΩ-Ωg˙aΩag˙“
huwa “l-ewwel bΩonn fundamentali fl-
edukazzjoni” (Ìwanni Pawlu II: Juvenum
Patris, 14). IΩ-Ωag˙Ωug˙ huwa l-a©ent at-
tiv fil-proçess edukattiv u g˙alhekk irid
i˙ossu involut personalment fl-iskop li
jrid jintla˙aq. Xejn ma jista’ jsir ming˙ajr
is-s˙ubija ˙ielsa tieg˙u. Hekk Dun Bosco
mat-tfal: jaqsam mag˙hom kull respon-
sabbilta`. Din is-solidarjetà edukattiva
hemm bΩonnha llum meta naraw li çerti
a©enziji edukattivi mhux dejjem ja˙dmu
f’armonija mal-˙tie©a ta’ formazzjoni tal-
karattru taΩ-Ωg˙ar.
c.- B’˙arsitna fuq il-Bniedem Ìdid. L-g˙an
ta’ l-edukazzjoni Salesjana huwa li ssaw-
war f’kull persuna Ωag˙Ωug˙a xbieha tal-
Bniedem Ìdid (Kristu). G˙all-edukatur
Salesjan, Kristu huwa l-aqwa a˙bar li
jista’ jag˙ti liΩ-Ωag˙Ωug˙a. Huwa jurina
lil Alla b˙ala Missier, waqt li jg˙idilna li
a˙na, fiH, ilkoll ulied ta’ dan il-Missier.
Huwa biss it-Triq, is-Sewwa u l-Óajja.
Kull bniedem g˙andu bΩonnU u jin©ibed
lejH, anke jekk ma jindunax. It-tfittix
qarrieqi g˙all-effiçjenza u relativiΩmu
reli©juΩ huwa ta’ ˙sara g˙all-personalità
d.- Permezz ta’ ˙idma tipikament preven-
tiva. Din taf tag˙raf il-periklu minn qabel:
g˙aldaqstant hija aspett poΩittiv ta’ l-arti
ta’ l-edukazzjoni. Hija toffri t-tajjeb b’mod
li jing˙o©ob; tistieden liΩ-Ωg˙ar biex jikbru
©ewwa fihom; toffri liberta` tal-karattru;
tirba˙ il-qlub u t˙ajjarhom jimxu ‘l qud-
diem fit-tajjeb, waqt li jikkore©u d-difetti,
u j˙ejju ru˙hom g˙all-©ejjieni.
e.- Bir-ra©uni, ir-reli©jon u l-im˙abba li
m’humiex sempliçiment valuri umani, jew
reli©juΩi jew sentimenti, imma dinamika li
tipproduçi atmosfera ta’ rieda tajba, ta’
˙idma, ta’ fer˙ u ta’ sinçerità. Dan jitlob
mill-edukatur spiritwalità qawwija li tkun
g˙ajn ta’ m˙abba u passjoni fil-˙ajja ta’
kuljum, murija fi qdusija li ti©bdek, fer˙,
qadi ta’ l-o˙rajn (iΩ-Ωg˙aΩag˙), sagrifiççju,
xog˙ol u qies (˙udli l-bqija).
f.- B’mod li jinteressa liΩ-Ωag˙Ωug˙ fil-˙in liberu
tieg˙u. element fundamentali fl-eduka-
zzjoni tradizzjonali Salesjana hija l-esper-
jenza fil-grupp: mod kif iΩ-Ωag˙Ωug˙ iqatta’
l-˙in ˙ieles tieg˙u. Johnny Bosco waqqaf
L-G˙aqda tal-Fer˙ ma’ s˙abu l-istudenti;
Duminku Savio waqqaf il-Grupp Devoti ta’
Marija Immakulata; Mikiel Magone kien
membru tal-Grupp tas-Sagrament Imqad-
des… Permezz tal-grupp iΩ-Ωag˙Ωug˙ ji©i
f’kuntatt mal-post u mal-membri l-o˙ra.
F’dan, pero`, irid ikun hemm il-˙arsien
kompetenti ta’ l-edukatur, speçjalment
g˙al dawk li jmexxu l-grupp.
3 – 7 Lenten Talks at St. Patrick’s
Wed 5 Monthly meeting for Salesian Cooperators at St. Patrick’s – 6.15 p.m.
7 – 9 Seminar by SPYS at Savio College: Touching Lives Through Sports
Sat 8 Lectio Divina for youths at Salesian Youth Centre, Sliema
Sun 9 Lectio Divina for adults at Savio College
Mon 10 Prayer Day for Salesian Missions
7 – 9 SPYS Seminar at Savio College: Touching Lives Through Sport
Wed 12 Monthly meeting for Salesian Cooperators: Prayer Meeting in
preparation for Holy Week
Fri 14 our Lady of Sorrows. end of 2nd School Term
Sat 15 Transferred Feast of St. Joseph. Also Bl. Artemide Zatti SDB. In St. Patrick’s, Sliema,
a special Mass of St. Patrick for the Irish Community at 10.30 a.m. In the evening, Irish
Dinner at excelsior Hotel organised by “Friends of St. Patrick’s School”.
Wed 19 Reunion of Past Pupils of Savio College. BIKeATHLon at Savio College.
20 – 23 easter Triduum ceremonies at Salesian oratory and St. Patrick’s Church
23 –30 Salesian Pilgrimage to Turin
Mon 24 Monthly commemoration of Mary Help of Christians.
Tue 1 Start of Second School Term
Wed 2 Monthly meeting for Salesian Cooperators at St. Patrick’s – 6.15 p.m.
Fri 4 Prize Day for St. Patrick’s School.
Sun 6 open Day at Savio College
Thu 10 Prayer Day for Salesian Missions
Fri 11 School Leaving Ceremony at Savio College
Thu 24 Monthly commemoration of Mary Help of Christians.
Fri 25 Prize Day for Savio College
26 – 27 Drama by Atturi Salesiani at Salesian Theatre, Sliema.
Sun 27 Lectio Divina for adults at Savio College
Tue 6 FeAST oF ST. DoMInIC SAVIo. Sports Day at Savio College,
Fun Games at St. Patrick’s, celebrations at Salesian oratory, Sliema
Wed 7 Monthly meeting for Salesian Cooperators at St. Patrick’s – 6.15 p.m.
Sat 10 Prayer Day for Salesian Missions. Grand Musical Concert at Salesian Theatre, Sliema
CAlendArof Events
C A L e n D A R o F S A L e S I A n F e A S T S & e V e n T S
For any other info about the Salesians: www.sdb.org
Salesians in Malta: www.salesiansmalta.org / www.salesiantheatremalta.com /
www.saviocollege.edu.mt / www.spysmalta.org/spysint /
www.stpatrickspastpupils.org / www.vocations.salesiansmalta.com
G˙all-a˙˙ar ta’ ottubru 2007, ©ejna mitluba l-g˙ajnuna tag˙na, permezz tat-tabiba Katerine Camilleri, tal-
Jesuit Refugee Service, kif ukoll Mrs. Liliana
Caruana Colombo f’isem il-Community
Chest Fund,. Dawn xtaqu li a˙na nilqg˙u
g˙andna b˙ala resident lil Faniel Haile, ra©el
ta’ 28 sena mill-eritreja, marid bil-kançer li
jwassal g˙all-mewt u kellu bΩonn ta’ kura u
l-wens ta’ komunità madwaru.
L-ewwel reazzjoni tag˙na kienet ta` dubju
jekk nistg˙ux nag˙mlu dan. Ma konniex çerti
kellniex il-˙ila u l-mezzi sabiex nag˙tu lil dan
ir-ra©el l-attenzjoni me˙tie©a. Qatt qabel
ma kellna kaΩ b˙al dan, fejn kien jin˙tie©
daqshekk attenzjoni u kura. Imma malajr, il-
JRS kif ukoll il-CCF serr˙ulna mo˙˙na meta
weg˙duna is-sapport kollu tag˙hom g˙al
kull ma kien je˙tie©.
nhar l-1 ta’ novembru, Faniel in©ab fid-
Dar. Huwa ©ie g˙andna mill-isptar Boffa tal-
Faniel malajr sab postu fid-Dar u wera ru˙u
prudenti ˙afna. Inkwieta li forsi seta’ jkun
ta’ xkiel g˙alina, imma ma kienx! Dak li
a˙na Ωguri minnu hu li Faniel ©ieb mieg˙u
atmosfera ta’ serenità f’darna u g˙en sabiex
jin˙oloq ambjent ta’ kura fejn kul˙add kien
im˙asseb fuq sa˙˙et Faniel.
G˙amilna ˙ilitna sabiex ikollu l-a˙jar kura li
stajna noffru. In-nurse Laura Pullicino mill-
JRS, inkura©©uta mill-Hospice Movement,
kienet iΩΩur lil Faniel kuljum u sa˙ansitra
ti©ri ‘l hawn u ‘l hemm biex twassal lil Faniel
ç-çilindru ta’ l-ossi©nu li ma setax jg˙addi
Matul l-a˙˙ar ©img˙a ta’ ˙ajjet Faniel, ©ie
mill-Amerika ku©inuh Afrom. Dan qag˙ad
fid-Dar sabiex ikun qrib tieg˙u. L-ispeçjalisti
qalulu li Faniel ma setax jivvja©©a. Meta
g˙idna dan lil Faniel, ˙assejna li waqa’ fuqu
diΩappunt kbir, u b˙al qata’ qalbu u waqaf
jissielet g˙all-˙ajja. Meta ̇ adnih l-isptar nhar
il-Óamis, lil Faniel g˙amilnielu l-griΩma tal-
morda. Faniel kien nisrani ortodoss. Huwa
Faniel Haile
B˙al ma jafu l-qarrejja ta’ ‘˙ajja Salesjana’, is-Salesjani jmexxu
Dar g˙aΩ-Ûg˙aΩag˙ ©ewwa Tas-Sliema – “Osanna Pia Bell
Salesian Home”. Ftit ©img˙at ilu ©rat xi ˙a©a ta’ swied il-qalb
u ta’ konsolazzjoni fl-istess waqt. Nisimg˙u l-istorja minn g˙and
id-Direttur tad-Dar, Fr. Savio Vella.
miet fl-iSptar Mater Dei nhar il-Óadd 20 ta’
Jannar fit-3.30 ta’ filg˙odu.
Il-funeral, nhar it-Tlieta 22 ta’ Jannar,
tmexxa minn Mons Philip Calleja u mieg˙u
kien hemm 8 konçelebranti bejn Salesjani u
ÌiΩwiti. Il-Kappella kienet ippakkjata sewwa,
li ma kienx hemm fejn joqog˙du aktar,
bl-immigranti irregolari, ˙afna minnhom
Musulmani. Wie˙ed minnhom mill-eritreja
qara’ mill-bibbja bil-lingwa tag˙hom u anke
g˙amel diskors imqanqal u m˙e©©e©. Wara
marru jidfnuh, u kollha mxew warajh sal-
qabar tieg˙u.
Din l-esperjenza ssarfet f’©id kbir g˙al
kul˙add ©ewwa l-osanna Pia Home. Konna
˙adna ˙sieb Faniel u hu kien mo˙˙u fina.
Ressaq lejn xulxin lis-Salesjani, lill-ÌiΩwiti, lil
tal-Hospice Movement u lil tal-Community
Chest Fund. Ódimna flimkien sabiex nag˙tu
lil dan ir-ra©el, li kien bata tant f’din id-
Faniel Haile
dinja, esperjenza ta’ kura u m˙abba. Faniel
kien miΩΩewwe© u kellu tifla li qatt ma
raha g˙ax twieldet wara li kien telaq minn
pajjiΩu. Huwa ˙allasna g˙al mitt darba billi
g˙allimna na˙dmu flimkien u napprezzaw
is-sapport ta’ xulxin.
Is-‘supporters’ Maltin tal-Juventus ixxalaw bil-kbir meta t-tim favorit tag˙hom ©ie Malta g˙al ‘training camp’ (6 – 12
ta’ Jannar2008) u biex jilg˙ab partita ta’
˙biberija mat-team tal-Valletta. Óafna
kellhom ix-xorti jaraw mill-qrib lill-‘players’
Juventini u jkellmuhom jew je˙dulhom
Din ix-xorti messet ukoll lit-tfal ta’ l-iskola ta’
St. Patrick nhar il-erbg˙a, 9 ta’ Jannar 2008.
G˙alkemm il-“media” ta’ Malta tkellmu fuq
dan l-avveniment, in˙oss il-bΩonn ner©a’
insemmih u li nniΩΩel din id-data g˙aliex
fil-memorja ta’ ˙afna mit-tfal ta’ l-iskola
ta’ St. Patrick’s, ‘supporters’ tal-Juventus,
dan il-jum kien b˙al ˙olma li ©rat tassew.
Infatti dak inhar, mhux anqas minn erba’
players tat-tim Juventin ©ew iΩuru lit-tfal ta’
l-iskola ta’ St. Patrick’s u jg˙addu sieg˙a u
nofs mag˙hom. Il-players li ©ew kienu n.
Legrottaglie, A.nocerino, C.Molinaro u
R.Palladino. Il-grupp kien immexxi mit-‘team
manager’ Gianluca Pessotto. Mag˙hom ©ew
ukoll il-President tal-‘Juve Vero Amore Club’
ta’ Malta, Dr. M. Schiriha, kif ukoll uffiçjali
tat-tim u nies tal-medja.
Malli wasal, dan il-grupp ta’ nies baqa’ sejjer
fil-bit˙a ta’ l-iskola fejn irçevew il-mer˙ba
kollha entuΩjaΩmu tat-tfal. Saru xi diskorsi
qosra mill-President tal-Club tal-Juventus
ta’ l-iskola, Joe Gauci, mil-President tal-Juve
Club ta’ Malta, Dr. Sciriha u minn Gianluca
Pessotto. Imbag˙ad il-players lag˙bu ftit
football mat-tfal, iffirmaw ˙afna ritratti u
kalendarji, qag˙du jie˙du ritratti mag˙hom
Juve! Juve!
u jkellmuhom.
Ma kien hemm g˙a©la ta’ xejn u kollox
mexa ˙arir. Hafna mill-˙addiema ta’ St.
Patrick’s ukoll niΩlu fil-ground jaraw u
jkellmu lil dawn il-players. Kienu mumenti
ta’ fer˙ u pjaçir. It-tfal ©rew minn player
g˙all-ie˙or biex ikunu Ωguri li kellmuhom
kollha. Imbag˙ad, kull min kien hemm,
in©abar fi grupp wie˙ed kbir sabiex
jittie˙du ritratti ta’ tifkira.
Billi qabel ma waslu, il-players saru jafu
li l-iskola St. Patrick hija wkoll Istitut,
xtaqu jaraw fejn jg˙ixu t-tfal. G˙alhekk,
akkumpanjati minn Fr. Antoine li huwa
l-inkarigat, huma Ωaru l-in˙awi fejn t-tfal
jistudjaw, fejn jieklu u fejn jorqdu. Urew
interess kbir u staqsew ˙afna mistoqsijiet,
anke fuq Don Bosco u fuq is-Salesjani -
wara kollox huma ©ejjin minn Turin!
Prosit u grazzi lil min organizza din iΩ-Ωjara
li ©abet fer˙ kbir lit-tfal tag˙na.
Crimes 2
Best Remedy Against Drugs:
“Timely Intervention”
Excerpts from the book “ Crimes of the Inocent” by Fr. Charles Cini S.D.B.
The family can play a positive role and
exercise great influence when it assumes
its power to prevent drug addiction or to
rehabilitate the addicted person.
“All drugs are potentially destructive…
Cannabis is now known to have adverse
effects on the brain, impairing judgment,
memory and co-ordination. It affects the
lung, interfering with pulmonary functions
and carries a greater risk of cancer than
heavy cigarette smoking. It attacks the
immune and reproductive system. More
subtly, but no less harmfully, it prevents
adolescents from becoming mature,
responsible adults by offering them an
escape from the inevitable tensions and
difficulties of growing up”. (Drugs, by
eddie Fitzgerald, SDB).
“doctor, my son is a drug addict”
The number of parents complaining that
their son is a drug addict is, unfortunately,
increasing daily. They suffer a great deal;
feel powerless, guilty and skeptical in their
dramatic and frustrating situation.
The doctor’s first duty in such a crisis is to
console the parents, to help them remain
calm and tackle their problem in the best
possible manner. The son who has tasted
the beguiling bliss of drugs for the first
Abridged extracts
time in his life should not be terrorized.
Drug-taking is a very common experience
nowadays whether it is taken for curiosity’s
sake, or just to feel free, or because of any
other reason.
The family’s aim should be to respond
by gently distracting the youth from an
experience which is better not repeated
and to try to lead him on to other interests,
other friends, other ways of living. The
family should be protective, reassuring,
close at hand and show active interest in
the youth’s welfare.
With the youth’s co-operation and the
help of a psychologist it should examine
in depth why the youth has taken to
drugs and should harness all its energies
to assess, and if necessary, change its
methods and rearrange family customs.
This change in attitude guarantees more
personal involvement by the parents and
puts the son’s guilt in perspective.
A natural deterrent
The family atmosphere is still a very
positive aspect, and although it is not
clinically sufficient on its own to guarantee
the youth’s rehabilitation, it is the best
deterrent capable of nipping in the bud
the danger of drugs and of protecting
the youth from a dull and boring future.
When the drug addict is in danger of
losing his very own life, he has generally
been for quite some time “without a
family”. The dictionary gives this meaning
of ‘family’- the fundamental base of each
social group as composed of parents and
their offspring, and which may extend to
include ancestors and relatives.
Generally, both father and mother assume
authority and wield power over the family,
but they rarely realize that they too have
much to learn from their own children.
The average family is very traditional in its
structure; sometimes it is even oppressive
which in today’s world is anachronistic
and sterile and does not augur well for
the education of the children. The image
of the conservative, respectable, “good
family,” handed down from father to son,
is one where “good” means “wealthy
and all-important”; but does not mean
“healthy”, “on good terms with one
another” and “ready to dialogue”. And
therefore continue to be surprised when
a good family produces a drug addict, a
homosexual or a criminal.
on coming face to face with an anti-social
and ill-mannered youth we generally
condone the parents and continue to pass
judgment on the scapegoat instead of
understanding him.
There are sufficient reasons to understand
why today the family is in a crisis - the
great number of broken marriages, the
generation gap, which continues to widen
and the menace of drugs, which serve as
a challenge and an escape from reality.
However the family is the cornerstone of
society which no ideology or culture has
ever succeeded to substitute or eliminate.
The healthy family is not hierarchical. It
should move with the times and change
in form and in its interrelationships. There
should be reciprocal respect and not
just one authority. There should be an
automatic exchange in roles according
to the exigencies of the times. The
family should be democratic and not a
dictatorship; it should accept dialogue
instead of authority. It is a “clan” as
regards body and blood but there should
be no “godfather”.
except for a few cases, a youth who
continues to take drugs after his first
experience shows that the family is not
sufficiently healthy; it shows a family
whose members are too far apart from
one another, incapable of dialogue, tied
down to conventional methods, which are
not at all effective.
negative factors
Here are the main negative family factors
which contribute to the development of
the drug addict’s personality: conflict and
disagreement; absence of one or both
parents; the lack of a loving dialogue
between father and son; exaggerated or
inadequate maternal affection between
mother and daughter; non-existence
of a suitable and adequate discipline
in the education of the children,
psychological and emotional problems,
and disappointing family patterns. In all
these cases drug-taking is interpreted as a
possible answer to an inferiority complex
and a total isolation of the youth from the
rest of the family.
The factors influencing the drug addict
are not found only within the family.
Today the “peer-group” has a very
strong influence; some would say an
even stronger influence than the family.
Sometimes it can be extremely difficult for
the family to overcome the bad influence
of the peer-group. no matter how difficult
it may be, I still believe that with the full
co-operation of the affected person, there
is every reason to hope for a cure and the
restoration of peace and happiness for all.
“It is simply not true to say that parents
are helpless or that there’s nothing they
can do. The present situation is bad but
not hopeless. The battle is not lost. It is
important for parents to realize the
power they actually have. By means of
individual and collective action parents
can effectively prevent drugs from
entering their own home, and succeed
in curbing the spread of drugs in our
society” (eddie Fitzgerlald, SDB).
on 3 March, in the Salesian Generalate
House in Rome, the 26th General Chapter of
the Salesian Congregation will begin. 233
Salesians, from every part of the world, will
gather around the Rector Major Fr Pascual
Chávez, to reflect together on how best to
respond to the needs of young people today,
maintaining the fidelity and the vivacity of
the charism of Don Bosco expressed in the
motto “Da mihi animas cetera tolle”.
The opening will be preceded by a series
of events which will see the members of
the Chapter taking part in a pilgrimage to
the places associated with Salesian history,
Turin and its surroundings, examining the
situation of the Congregation and making
a Retreat. on 12 April the GC26 should be
What the General Chapter is:
According to the Constitutions of the
Society of the Salesians of Don Bosco, the
General Chapter “is the principal sign
of the Congregation’s unity in diversity”
(Constitutions 146), described also as “the
fraternal meeting in which Salesians carry out
a communal reflection to keep themselves
faithful to the Gospel and to their Founder’s
charism and sensitive to the needs of time
and place.” The General Chapter constitutes
the “supreme authority”, to whom it belongs
to “lay down laws for the whole Society, to
treat of matters of greater importance”.
The Theme of the GC26
“Give me souls, take away the rest”, the
motto that Don Bosco chose for his
pastoral activity, and then for the Salesian
Congregation. This expresses Don Bosco’s
spiritual and pastoral programme and sums
up the charismatic identity and the apostolic
passion of the Salesian.Underlying the choice
of the theme is the need for the Salesians
not to lose the vigour and the originality
of the charism lived and proposed by Don
Bosco, and, at the same time, to read in the
signs of the times new ways of responding
to the needs of youth.
The theme “Da mihi animas”, has been
divided into four main areas to facilitate
further consideration:
• evangelisation: mainly undertaken in
the field of education;
• The proposal of Salesian consecrated
• evangelical poverty, expression of a to-
tal self-giving;
• new frontiers for the Salesian mission
where the young are to be found now-
During the Chapter there will be the renewal
of the General Council with the election or
The 26th General Chapter
of the Salesians
Returning to the charismatic identity
and the apostolic passion of Don Bosco
confirmation in office of the Rector Major
and the Councillors who, according to the
decision of the previous Chapter (GC25 in
2002), can remain in office for a maximum
of two six year periods.
The Salesians
The Salesians in the world number: 15.750
Priests: 10,720
of the Salesians
Brothers: 2,092
Clerics: 2,805
Permanent Deacons: 17
Bishops: 116
novices: 484
Provinces and Vice Provinces: 96
(+ Generalate and the Vatican Community)
Canonically erected houses: 1,847.
Countries in which the Salesians are
present: 129.
People come into your life for a
reason, a season or a lifetime.
When you know which one it
is, you will know how to relate
to that person.
When someone is in your life
for a reASOn, it is usually
to meet a need you have
expressed. They have come
to assist you through a
difficulty, to provide you with
guidance and support, to aid
you physically, emotionally or
They may seem like a godsend
and they are. They are there
for the reason you need
them to be. Then, without
any wrongdoing on your
part or at an inconvenient
time, this person will say
or do something to bring
the relationship to an end.
Sometimes they die. Sometimes
they walk away. Sometimes
they act up and force you to
take a stand.
What we must realize is that
our need has been met, our
desire fulfilled, their work is
done. The prayer you sent up
has been answered and now it
is time to move on
Some people come into your
life for a SeASOn, because your
turn has come to share, grow
or learn. They bring you an
experience of peace or make
you laugh. They may teach
you something you have never
done. They usually give you an
unbelievable amount of joy.
Believe it, it is real. But only for
a season!
lIFeTIMe relationships teach
you lifetime lessons, things
you must build upon in order
to have a solid emotional
foundation. Your job is to
accept the lesson, love the
person and put what you have
learned to use in all other
relationships and areas of your
Something to think about…
Something to think about…
It is said that love is blind but
friendship is clairvoyant.
Thank your friends for being a part
of your life, whether they were for a
reason, a season or a lifetime.
Kellem, ikteb jew çempel lil :
Sr. Elsa Gretter’s FMA
20, Republic Street,
Victoria VCT 1012
Tel. 21556614
Fr. Louis Grech SDB
Savio College,
Buskett Road,
Dingli DGL 2702
Tel. 21454546
G˙addejt xi ˙in fit-talb dwar dan?
Qatt ˙sibt bis-serjeta` jekk tridx issir reli©juΩa jew reli©juΩ?
Óassejt xi darba xewqa li ssir g˙alliema jew g˙alliem?
Qatt ©ie f’mo˙˙ok li forsi tista’ ssir edukattriçi jew edukatur Salesjan?
Tkellimt xi darba fuq dan ma’ min jista’ jmexxik u jispjegalek?
A rat looked through a crack in the wall to see the farmer and his wife opening a package. What
food might it contain? He was aghast to
discover that it was a rat-trap. Retreating
to the farmyard the rat proclaimed
the warning; “There is a rat-trap in
the house, a rat-trap in the house!”
The chicken clucked and scratched,
raised her head and said, “excuse me,
Mr. Rat, I can tell this is a grave concern
to you, but it is of no consequence
to me. I cannot be bothered by it.”
The rat turned to the pig and told him.
“There is a rat-trap in the house, a rat-
trap in the house!” “I am so very sorry
Mr. Rat,” sympathized the pig, “but there
is nothing I can do about it but pray.
Be assured that you are in my prayers.”
The rat turned to the cow. She
said, “Like wow, Mr. Rat, a rat-
trap! I am in grave danger. Duh!”
So the rat returned to the house,
head down and dejected, to
face the farmer’s rat-trap alone.
That very night a sound was heard
throughout the house, like the sound of
a rat-trap catching its prey. The farmer’s
wife rushed to see what was caught. In the
darkness, she did not see that it was an
enormous snake whose tail the trap had
caught. The snake bit the farmer’s wife.
The farmer rushed her to the hospital.
She returned home with a fever. now
everyone knows you treat a fever with
fresh chicken soup, so the farmer took his
hatchet to the farmyard for the soup’s main
ingredient. His wife’s sickness continued
so that friends and neighbours came to sit
with her around the clock. To feed them
the farmer butchered the pig. The farmer’s
wife did not get well. She died, and so
many people came for her funeral that the
farmer had the cow slaughtered to
provide meat for all of them to eat.
So the next time you hear that someone
is facing a problem and think that it does
not concern you, remember that when
there is a rat-trap in the house, the whole
farmyard is at risk.
Other Person’s
on a warm and friendly day, the first Sunday
in February 2008, the Maltese Salesian Past
Pupils of Victoria celebrated the feast of St.
John Bosco, known to the oratory boys as Dun
A procession in the beautiful grounds of
Rupertswood Salesian College, Sunbury, led
into the building’s heritage Chapel, were soft
church music greeted the congregation.
The Celebrant of the Mass was the
Association Chaplin Father Joe Pulis SDB. In
the Liturgy Father
Pulis spoke about
Dun Bosco and the Salesian Missionaries. He
spoke to a full chapel who participated in the
celebration singing the praises of the Lord
with ‘gusto’. The church part came to an
end with the Benediction. After the Spiritual
side of the feast, all members were invited
to a free Barbeque. Thanks to our volunteer
cooks and servers, it was not long before all
members present, were served. A full stomach,
a glass of wine, chats
galore and the warm
air stewed perfectly into
an afternoon siesta for
some; others, instead,
played table games or
bocci or preferred a stroll
in the gardens. It was
late afternoon before the
celebrations came to an
I would like to
thank the President and
committee members
for a job well done in
organizing the Feast
of St. John Bosco, our
Joe Sacco
The Feast of St John Bosco
In Melbourne Australia
Maltese Past Pupils
domenic Bonello was born in Sliema Malta in
1925. At the age of 7, he attended the Salesian
oratory in Sliema till he joined the army during
World War 2.
In 1955 Domenic married Annie neè
Privitera and together they migrated to
Australia and settled in Melbourne.
In 1958 Victor Pulis and Frank Azzopardi,
both past oratory pupils, established the
Maltese Salesian Past Pupils Association of
Victoria, with Domenic Bonello as one of its
first members. In 1959 Domenic was elected
as Public Relations officer, a position he held
for a number of years.
The Association went dormant for a while,
but Domenic Bonello and the late John Portelli
kept the name registered.
In 1989 Father Victor Mangion, visited
Melbourne and a reception was laid in his
honour. It was during this reception that the
Association came to life again. John Portelli
was elected
President and
Domenic Bonello
vice President.
Domenic has
been active ever
since, he had
held the position
of President
for 3 times and Vice President for the rest of
the years till the end of 2007 when Domenic
decided to retire because of health reasons, a
retirement well earned.
In 1998 Domenic was made Life Member
of the Association, a reward well deserved
Domenic Bonello, on behalf of all the
members of the Association, I would like to
thank you for all your years of service and wish
you a healthy retirement.
Joe Sacco
Retired after nearly 50years service to
The Maltese Salesians Past Pupils of Victoria
of Don Bosco NSW
Spiççajnieha ˙aΩin tassew is-sena li g˙addiet! Wara l-festa tal-Milied wie˙ed mit-tfal li a˙na nΩommu
mag˙na, miet. Kien tifel ta’ ˙dax-il sena,
rieqed flimkien ma’ s˙abu meta f’nofs ta’ lejl
ingidem minn serp. Din ˙a©a li qatt ma ©rat
u a˙na ma nistg˙ux nifhmu, g˙ax is-serp li
sibna kien wie˙ed komuni, mhux velenuΩ.
Il-kamra qieg˙da f’Ωona umda qrib ix-xmara
u allura t-tfal ma jorqdux fuq ˙asira g˙all-
qieg˙a ta’ l-art. A˙na konna irran©ajnielhom
friex merfug˙ mill-art, speçi ta’ sodda.
B’hekk kul˙add kien mo˙˙u mistrie˙ g˙ax
is-sriep ©eneralment jitkaxkru ma’ l-art u
jfittxu l-umdita’. Mela x’fettill u das-serp jitla’
fuq is-sodda tat-tifel, il-Bambin biss jaf! Barra
hekk fil-kaΩ tag˙na ma kienx il-kobra, imma
serp jg˙idulu ‘Kathla’ li anqas fih metru tul.
Fuq dahru g˙andu xi strixxi suwed u jing˙ad
li lil min jigdem jag˙millu g˙add ta’ marki
T H e D D I D A G Ó A L Ó A J J I T n A
Ìrajjiet minn ˙ajjet Dun Karm Attard SDB, kif jaf
jirrakkonta hu stess – ©rajjiet li se˙˙ew fl-Indja fejn hu
˙adem g˙al 60 sena s˙a˙.
daqs kemm ikollu rigi suwed. Imma l-gidma
tieg˙u, g˙alkemm tista’ tikka©una xi ˙ass
˙aΩin, ma ©©ibx il-mewt.
naturalment hekk kif it-tifel ˙ass it-
tingiΩa stenba˙ jg˙ajjat u mieg˙u qajjem lil
kul˙add. Skond ma bdejna naraw a˙na, is-
serp gidem lit-tifel f’g˙onqu g˙al darbtejn.
Malajr is-serpent instab u ©ie maqtul. Lit-
tifel ˙adnih g˙and it-tabib tal-post li tah
injezzjoni. Imbag˙ad ©rejna bih lejn l-isptar
tal-belt fejn, kull ma sarlu biex isalvawlu
˙ajtu, kien kollu ta’ xejn.
Dan kien kaΩ tassew stramb g˙ax fil-fatt,
hawnhekk l-uniku serp ta’ min jibΩa’ minnu
huwa l-kobra, mag˙dud b˙ala annimal li
jag˙mel ˙afna g˙all-©rieden, Ωrin©ijiet, u
flieles li soltu jinstabu fid-djar u wisq iΩjed
fl-g˙arajjex. G˙alhekk l-attenzjoni hija
dejjem kontra l-kobra. Meta xi ˙a©a ftit
kbira tkun ilha mitluqa f’post, wie˙ed ma
jmurx ine˙˙iha jew ji©borha kif ©ieb u la˙aq,
jekk qabel ma joqog˙dux attenti minn xi
Daqs xahar ilu, propju qrib il-bieb tad-
dar, jien kelli bΩonn inne˙˙i sprall tal-˙adid
li minnu jg˙addi l-ilma tax-xita. Óadd
ma ried jissogra jersaq lejh u jaqilg˙u. Xi
˙addiema ©abu mag˙hom Ωew© vireg twal
tal-˙adid. Bdew ida˙˙luhom mill-bog˙od
u ji©bdu bihom. Malli bexxqu sew il-grada
dritt tfaçça serp kobra li qam fuq tieg˙u u
ried jattakkana. L-g˙ajat tag˙na lkoll ©abar
in-nies. Qajjimna pandimonju. Bil-biΩà u
bit-tbissim fuq wiççhom, tlett Ωg˙aΩag˙
kura©©uΩi rnexxielhom jaqbdu lil dak il-
kobra u joqtluh fil-post. Kos … jien, dejjem
in˙alli l-bieb miftu˙ sa tard fil-g˙axija, min
jaf kemm-il darba kien da˙al g˙andi jitkixxef
u jara jsibx xi ˙a©a!
KwaΩi kull˙add fl-ir˙ula tag˙na g˙andu
l-esperjenza ta’ xi qatg˙a kbira mill-kobra.
Ibda mis-soru ta’ l-orfanatrofju li g˙odwa
wa˙da da˙let fil-gallinar tat-ti©ie© u kellha
to˙ro© ti©ri ‘l barra g˙ax kobra kien g˙amel
tra©edja s˙i˙a – ˙mistax-il ti©ie©a ma’ l-art
avvelenati, tlieta moribondi u Ωew©t iflieles
Anke l-katekista g˙andu x’jirrakkonta.
Dan kien g˙addej riekeb ir-rota meta bla
˙sieb induna li kien g˙adda minn fuq
kobra. Is-serp pront qomos u beΩaq il-
velenu, imma b’xorti tajba mar kollu mar-
rota ta’ wara. Inzertat kienet ukoll in-niΩla
u hekk il-katekista seta’ ja˙rab bil©ri minn
fuq il-post.
Il-˙aΩen tas-serp g˙addejt minnu
jien ukoll meta ˙sibt li kont qtilt wie˙ed.
X˙ettu f’˙ofra kbira ta’ bir li konna bdejna
in˙affru. Xi jiem wara, bla ˙sieb ta’ xejn
jien inΩilt inkejjel il-fond tieg˙u. Hemm
isfel il-kobra qam dritt dritt quddiemi
jixxengel donnu fis-sakra. Ìismi qam
xewk xewk u bdejt ng˙odd ru˙i b’mitluf.
F’daqqa wa˙da ©ietni sa˙˙a barranija u
stajt nitla’ fuq tar©a g˙olja li l-˙addiema
kienu ˙allew. Minn hemm il˙aqt is-sellum
imdendel u tlajt ‘l fuq nirringrazzja ‘l Alla.
Ftakart imbag˙ad f’parir li kienu tawni
n-nies t’hawnhekk, “Lis-serp je˙tie© li
taqtag˙lu rasu!” Issa Ωgur ma kontx se
ninsa iΩjed.
dak inhar ukoll, ©ewwa l-knisja ta’ l-oratorju, waqt il-quddiesa ta’ nofs-in-nhar, saret çerimonja Ωg˙ira imma
sinifikattiva. Wie˙ed ©uvnott, Kenneth Micallef,
©ie aççettat fil-prenovizzjat.
Il-prenovizzjat huwa dak il-perijodu ta’ ftit
xhur li f’waqtu, dak li jkun aççettat, i˙ejji
ru˙u sabiex jibda n-novizzjat. Huwa Ωmien
meta Ω-Ωag˙Ωug˙ ja˙seb aktar bis-serjetà fuq
il-pass li jkun sejjer jag˙mel meta ji©i aççettat
g˙an-novizzjat, u fl-istess ˙in ikun segwit mis-
superjuri tieg˙u aktar mill-qrib. Hekk, wara ftit
xhur huwa jibda l-˙ajja reli©juΩa fin-novizzjat
li jdum sena, u li jag˙laq billi huwa jag˙mel
l-ewwel voti. A˙na nifir˙u lil Kenneth u nitolbu
Meta nsemmu lil Kenneth Micallef f’dil-mixja
tieg˙u fil-˙ajja kkonsagrata lil Alla, ma nistg˙ux
ma niftakrux fiΩ-Ωg˙aΩag˙ l-o˙rajn li wkoll
Fil-Mixja lejn
Óajja Kkonsagrata
Nhar il-Óadd, 27 ta’ Jannar, l-a˙˙ar Óadd tax-xahar, fil-knejjes
tag˙na ta’ l-Oratorju u ta’ St. Patrick’s f’Tas-Sliema, iççelebrajna
l-festa tal-fundatur tag˙na San Ìwann Bosco.
Bros. Jeramy, Gerald u Robert f’Turin
qieg˙din f’din il-mixja lejn konsagrazzjoni
totali fil-˙ajja reli©juΩa u lejn is-saçerdozju.
Jekk nibdew mill-ewwel tar©a, li hija dik ta’
qabel ma ˙a Kenneth, insibu dak iΩ-Ωmien
li nsej˙ulu aspirantat. B˙alissa hemm tlett
Ωg˙aΩag˙ aspiranti li, waqt li jkomplu l-istudji
tag˙hom fl-università, qieg˙din jaraw jekk
il-Mulej hux qieg˙ed isej˙ilhom g˙all-˙ajja
reli©juΩa fi ˙dan is-Soçjetà Salesjana. Jekk
imbag˙ad, wara l-prenovizzjat nibdew telg˙in
‘l fuq, insibu li g˙all-grazzja ta’ Alla, g˙andna
lil xi ˙add kwaΩi f’kull tar©a li twassal g˙as-
saçerdozju. Mela jekk wara l-prenovizzjat ti©i
s-sena tan-novizzjat, hemmhekk insibu lil Bro.
Robert Falzon, ©ewwa Pinerolo, qrib Turin, li
mar hemm f’Settembru li g˙adda u li jag˙mel
l-ewwel voti f’Settembru li ©ej.
Fix-xahar ta’ Settembru tas-sena li g˙addiet,
kien spiçça n-novizzjat tieg˙u u ©ie lura
Malta Bro. Stefan Busuttil li b˙alissa qieg˙ed
jg˙allem ©o Savio College waqt li jkompli xi
studji ta’ speçjalizzazzjoni. Flimkien mieg˙u,
imma sena qablu, insibu lil Bro. Clive Mifsud
li f’Settembru ta’ din is-sena, jitla Torin
sabiex jibda l-kors tat-teolo©ija li jwasslu
g˙as-saçerdozju. Hemmhekk huwa jiltaqa’
ma’ Ωew© Salesjani Ωg˙aΩag˙ o˙ra li di©a`
qieg˙din fl-ewwel sena tal-kors tat-teolo©ija,
u dawn huma Gerald Mangion u Jeremy Vella.
Bil-g˙ajnuna ta’ Alla, daqs tlett snin o˙ra,
dawn it-tnejn jil˙qu saçedoti.
niΩΩu ˙ajr lil Alla u lil Marija G˙ajnuna ta’ l-
Insara g˙al dawn il-vokazzjonijiet li g˙o©obhom
jipprovdulna. nitolbu g˙all-perseveranza ta’
dawn iΩ-Ωg˙aΩag˙, u g˙all-kura©© fil-qalb ta’
Ωg˙aΩag˙ o˙ra li j˙ossu lil Alla jsej˙ilhom biex
jag˙tu ˙ajjithom g˙all-qadi tieg˙u fil-Knisja,
fuq l-eΩempju u l-passi ta’ Dun Bosco.
Ghandek ritratt fil-folder, iehor fil-hajja
Salesjana no.200 pagna 13 u iehor li tatna
Kenneth Micallef (fin nofs) mall-˙bieb ta’ l-Oratorju, Sliema
Mas-seb˙ tal-5 ta’ Mejju 1907 intlem˙u xi ˙addiema tal-©ebel bil-bqaqen u b’xi qoffa, fuq roqg˙a blat quddiem
St. Patrick’s u mill-ewwel imxiet il-kelma li s-
Sur Fons Maria Galea ser iwettaq ˙olma o˙ra
li kellu. Huwa xtaq jibni dar li kellha sservi ta’
klabb g˙aΩ-Ωg˙aΩag˙ studenti universitarji, u
dawk li ja˙dmu maç-çivil. Is-Sur Fons kien
tal-fehma li dawn iΩ-Ωg˙aΩag˙ kellhom jedd
g˙all-post diçenti fejn iqattg˙u sieg˙a Ωmien
bejniethom. Mo˙˙u kien
dejjem jhewden li kien
xieraq li wie˙ed
ja˙seb biex
ji©borhom u
xi mkien li
minnu setg˙u
jiksbu ©id biss.
I s - S a l e s j a n i
kienu di©a bdew
il-˙idma tag˙hom
©ewwa St. Patrick’s
u l-influwenza tag˙hom
qalb iΩ-Ωg˙aΩag˙ bdiet tin˙ass
ukoll barra l-erba’ ˙itan ta’ l-
Istitut. G˙alhekk kienet tidher
˙a©a sewwa li joffri din id-dar - klabb lilhom.
Wara li tkellem mad-Direttur ta’ St. Patrick’s,
it-talba tieg˙u malajr intbag˙tet Turin g˙all-
approvazzjoni tas-Superjuri.
L-ewwel ©ebla ta’dan il-bini tqieg˙det u
tbierket fis-7 ta’ April 1908. Dun Anton Urso
li kien in˙atar l-ewwel direttur ta’ dan il-klabb,
Il-“Juventutis Domus”
F’g˙eluq il-100 sena mill-ftu˙ ta’ l-Oratorju
tas-Salesjani ta’ Tas-Sliema
wara l-quddiesa f’St Patrick’s, stieden lin-nies
biex jattendu g˙al din ic-cerimonja qasira tat-
tberik ta’ l-ewwel ©ebla. Il-©ebla tbierket minn
Fr Patrick o’Grady id-Direttur ta’ St. Patrick’s.
Fil 5 ta’ Mejju 1908 wasal bil-lejl Don Michele
Rua, ir-Rettur Ma©©ur tas-Salesjani, l-ewwel
suççessur ta’ Don Bosco. L-g˙ada fil-g˙axija
Don Rua, u Fr o’Grady flimkien max-xhieda
l-Markiz L. Testaferrata olivieri u l-Markiz on.
A Mattei marru man-nutar P.
Mifsud fid-dar tas-Sur Fons
biex jiffirmaw il-kuntrat
u hekk b’dan l-att
i l - “ J u v e n t u t i s
D o m u s ”
g˙adda f’idejn
nhar is-7 ta’
Mejju 1908 sar
il-ftu˙ uffiçjali ta’
l-ewwel parti tad-
‘Domus’, it-teatru. Saret
akkademja, tbierek mill-
Mons. S. Grech u l-Gvernatur Sir
Henry Fane Grand ippreΩenta
ç-çwievet tal-post lil Don Rua.
G˙al dik l-okkaΩjoni Don Urso li kien muΩiçista
tajjeb, bil-g˙ajnuna ta’ ˙afna ˙bieb, laqqa’ u
mexxa orkestra li kienet tg˙odd 65 strument u
kor ta’ 138 ru˙ imqassma f’erba’ vuçijiet.
Il-bini kompla jiΩdied. Fl-istess Ωmien tbiddel
id-Direttur g˙ax Don Urso kien mar Sqallija
g˙all-eΩerçizzji u b’xorti ˙aΩina miet mirdum
Dun Salomone u A. M Galea
fit-terremot ta’ Messina. Id-Direttur il-©did
Don Vincenzo Allegra feta˙ skola fil-parti l-©dida
tal-bini u semmieha Kulle©© San Alfons. Dan
il-kulle©© Ωviluppa f’Savio College tal-lum.
Is-Sur Fons baqa’ miexi bla mistrie˙ fil-˙idma
tieg˙u g˙all-©id tat-tfal u Ω-Ωg˙aΩag˙ u ried li
dawn ikollhom ukoll post fejn jilag˙bu u fejn
jitg˙allmu d-duttrina. U hawn giet Ωviluppata
n-na˙a l-o˙ra tat-triq li hija mag˙rufa b˙ala
l-oratorju Don Bosco fejn hemm il-bit˙a tal-
log˙ob u l-knisja. Il-knisja fil-fatt ©iet iddedikata
b’tifkira ta’ Don Urso. Din is-sezzjoni infet˙et
fis-7 ta’ Ìunju 1908.
Grajjiet b˙al dawn ma jistg˙ux jibqg˙u
g˙addejjin, mitt sena wara, bla ma jitfakkru kif
inhu xieraq. BiΩΩejjed li wie˙ed jiftakar kemm
kien hemm Ωg˙aΩag˙ li rçevew edukazzjoni
nisranija u fer˙u flimkien f’partiti tal-futbol
u laqg˙at soçjali o˙ra matul is-snin. Xieraq
ukoll niftakru f’tant Salesjani u Lajci li ddedikaw
˙inhom g˙al dan il-g˙an. G˙alhekk ̇ sibna biex
niddedikaw din is-sena b˙ala sena tal-Ìublew
fejn infakkru l-persuna kbira tas-Sur Fons Maria
Galea, filantropu Malti mag˙ruf. Inroddu wkoll
˙ajr kbir lil Alla g˙al tant snin ta’ ˙idma fost it-
tfal u Ω-Ωg˙aΩag˙.
Fr Victor Mangion SDB
Il-“Juventutis Domus”
Dun Anton Urso - L-ewwel Diretur
Salesian oratory • 1908 - 2008
16th January Press Conference
Launching of the official centenary
programme at 11.00a.m.
at the Salesian Theatre, Sliema.
Refreshments will follow.
31st January Solemn Mass in honour of St John
Bosco at St Gregory’s Church,
Sliema presided by Archbishop
Paul Cremona
at 6.30p.m. Refreshments will
23rd - 30th March “on the Footsteps of Don Bosco”
Annual pilgrimage at Turin.
10th May Classical Music Concert at the
Salesian Theatre, Sliema.
7th June Foundation Day
Family day and fun games for
members, parents and
friends. A commemorative plaque
will be unveiled
by Fr. John Horan SDB, Provincial.
8th June “Jisimni Giovanni”
A Musical about Don Bosco.
7th December “The elements”
A musical prepared by the youths
of the Salesian oratory,
Sliema, under the patronage of the
Rector Major, Fr. Pascual
Chavez SDB. A commemorative
plaque will be unveiled.
8th December Thanksgiving Mass in honour of
our Lady Immaculate Conception
at St. John’s Co-Cathedral, Valletta
presided by the Rector Major,
Fr. Pascual Chavez SDB.
Gala dinner.
This marks the end of the
centenary celebrations.
By renzo Allegri
The Mystic of the
The life and spirituality of Alessandrina
Maria da Costa, the Portuguese woman
who was bed-ridden for over 30 years,
and for the last thirteen years lived on the
Eucharist alone. Alessandrina was a Salesian
Cooperator, and her spiritual director was
the Salesian priest, Fr.Umberto Pasquale.
(Continuation of the interview with Fr. P. Liberatore)
But her existence was also marked by diabolical
oppression and human incomprehension. The
devil disturbed her in all ways, by tempting
her, assailing her body, throwing her from
her bed, and physically wounding her. no
less was the suffering derived from human
incomprehension. By this, I don’t just mean
people who acted out of prejudice, but also
men of the Church, who, acting with the best
of intentions, increased her suffering. I refer to
the surveys carried out by the diocesan Curia
of Braga, the Archbishop’s letter containing
a series of prohibitions, the result of doubts
expressed about her on 16th June 1942 by
a commission of three priests, and finally the
sending away of her confessors.
And what about the humiliation of undergoing
intrusive medical tests at the hands of several
doctors entrusted with the task of verifying her
fast? Some obstinacy is difficult to believe.
All of this suffering certainly had a
particular aim or a specific mission then?
Alessandra’s mission is implicit in her very
spiritual identity. As I told you before, she
experienced in her life a physical participation
in Christ’s suffering. Her mission was that of
stirring up the world about sin, stimulating
conversion, and offering at the same time the
living evidence of the sufferings of Christ.
She wanted to Close Hell is the title of a book by
Father Pasquale Umberto, her spiritual director.
He himself, while present at an ecstasy, heard
her say: “ oh Jesus, close the doors of Hell!
Place me as a barrier across the threshold so
that no one else loses him/herself! Leave me
there until the end of the world, until there are
no more sinners to save.”
on her tomb, Alessandrina wanted the
following to be written: “Sinners, if my body’s
ashes can be of use to save you, come closer,
walk over them, tread on them until they
disappear, but do not sin anymore, never
again offend our Lord! Sinners I would like to
tell you many things. But to write it all there
would not be enough space in this cemetery.
Convert. Do not offend Jesus! He is so good.
Stop sinning. Love Jesus; love Him!”
Her mission is to take upon herself the sins of
humanity and expiate them with the aim of
salvation. on one occasion, no one present at
her bedside was able to lift her off the ground
despite the fact that she only weighed 30 kgs.
(70 pounds). When asked why, she answered,
“My Cross bears the weight of the world.”
Didn’t Alessandrina also have many celestial
Yes, she lived a strong experience with the Lord
with external manifestations such as ecstasies.
In her lifetime she had many visions of and
conversations with Jesus. Following the orders
of her spiritual directors, there are records of
what she used to say during her ecstasies (her
sister used to take notes). The Lord enriched
this soul also with some very special gifts:
she could tell who had sinned, she carried
out physical healing, and above all she was
responsible for many conversions, which was
what concerned her the most.
Her spiritual life thus developed along
a particular ascetic path typical of
She had a special calling to a life of suffering.
It all began with her tragic escape while
defending her chastity. Her via crucis began
then and it involved extreme detachment and
total sacrifice. The Lord said to her; “Rarely will
you feel comfort your heart will live in pain
but you will have a smile on your lips.” And
she willingly accepted this plan, both the pain
and the witnessing of joy. one of her moving
pleas was: “Put a smile on my lips, dear Lord,
a deceiving smile!” In fact visitors were struck
by her joy and ignorant of how much she
suffered. only a few were able to fathom the
suffering she hid behind her smile. She used to
celebrate the anniversaries of her illness, and
in 1950 she celebrated…her silver anniversary
with her bed! (to be continued)
Her mother
and sister
SAleSIAnS in the World
Week of Salesian Spirituality
every year in January, at the Salesian
Headquarters in Rome, a week of Salesian
Spirituality is organised. The topic for this year
was Don Bosco’s System of education. There
were more than 300 participants.
Dr. Giovanni Maria Flick, Vice President
of the Constitutional Court, spoke about his
experience as a pupil and as a great admirer
of Don Bosco, emphasising the themes of
cheerfulness, solidarity and respect for the
individual in Salesian education.
In his talk entitled “Let us educate with
the heart of Don Bosco,” Fr Pascual Chávez,
referring to his Strenna for 2008, indicated
some elements that bring quality to education:
the educator, the educational atmosphere,
the educational programme and experience.
A Salesian education cannot do without the
faith: “evangelisation and education interact,
within the Preventive System, mutually and
intimately,” Fr Chavez said. “ Don Bosco’s
praxis is a pedagogical and pastoral art, given
that he had transformed the ardent charity
of his priestly ministry into a concrete project
of education to educate young people in the
An interesting novelty in this XXVI in the
series of Spirituality Days has been display of
small stands, in which the various groups of
the Salesian Family presented their own specific
charism and illustrated some of the things they
are doing in the field of education.
A Monument and a Square dedicated
to don Bosco in Tierra del Fuego, latin
It stands on a cylindrical base one metre
high and three metres in diameter, covered in
stones from around the area which hint at the
mountain range overlooking the villages and
the southernmost city of the world: Ushuaia.
Base, pedestal and statue cover 7 by 7 metres
in all, in line with the four cardinal points of
the compass.
There is only a hint of faces to the figures,
allowing each onlooker his or her own reflection
in them. on the other hand the representation
of Don Bosco is distinguished by the classically
brushed hair and how he stands in relation to
the others. The sculpture stands in a square
by the same name, `Don Bosco`, and it plays
with the sunlight the way Henri Moore does
with his sculptures. The mutual relationship
between Don Bosco and the youngsters is
the message aimed at the spectator, be he or
she a local resident or someone on the tourist
circuit. The sculpture stands in front of the
historical church built by Salesian missionaries,
and near other works of singular interest in the
immediate area surrounded by the two avenues
running along the Maypú coastal area. The
monument to Don Bosco was inaugurated on
18 november 2007 close to the Beatification
of Ceferino namuncurá.
Salesians in Bulgaria
Pope John Paul II wanted the Salesians, after
the fall of communism to be in all the Balkan
countries. The Rector Major, Fr egidio Viganò
asked the Czech Salesians of the Prague
Province to take up Bulgaria, as its mission
territory. The mission began in the city of
Kazanlak, where the Byzantine Rite Catholic
community had already been without a priest
for 40 years.
During the communist era both orthodox
and Catholics were persecuted systematically.
Hundreds of priests and monks – orthodox
martyrs, and five Catholic martyrs now
beatified (during the visit by Pope John Paul II
to Bulgaria in 2002) were witnesses of fidelity
to Christ the Lord over the period 1949 – 1989.
Catholics now are but 1% of the Bulgarian
population 7.5 million inhabitants.
now in Bulgaria there are seven Salesians
from the Czech Republic. There is a daily
oratory in Kazanlak attended by around 50
youngsters made up of Catholic, orthodox
and non-believers. other than sports activities,
some clubs are open during the weekend.
The oratory apostolate is tied to formation
of leaders, once a week. From 2007 the first
Salesian Cooperator Centre formation has
Many Salesian Cooperators, volunteers and
confreres have visited Bulgaria over the past 15
years. one expression of mutual enrichment
has been the many icons made by Bulgarian
orthodox artists at Cvetkova
A Concert for darfur
Darfur, a region situated in the west of Sudan,
in the Sahara desert is the scene of one of the
greatest human tragedies. After about twenty
years of civil war, in 2005 peace agreements
were signed which in spite of all the promises
have not brought order to the country: the
victims of the disorders reached two million,
while the refugees number about 4 million.
The Salesians are playing a significant role
in Sudan, and in collaboration with VIS, are
carrying out various projects for assistance and
development. The Christmas Concert held 9
December 2007, at the Teatro Filarmonico in
Verona was in aid of the Darfur region. The
Show was introduced by Mara Venier, well-
known to Italian TV viewers, and thanks to
the contributions of a variety of Italian and
International artists, provided encouragement
and thoughts for reflection in support of the
solidarity campaign for Darfur launched by
the ‘Don Bosco in the World’ Foundation.
Two items were directly connected with
the evening’s project: the song of Mattafix,
“Living Darfur”, accompanied by some images
from their video which documents the plight
of the Darfur refugees, and niccolò Fabi who
sang “Millions of Days.” During his song some
of the images he had filmed himself recently
in elobeid, where he had met Fr Donati, the
Salesians and the youngsters from the centre,
were shown. At the end of his performance
he said: “There are some very special people
there who manage to give the youngsters
hope for the future.”
The Rector Major wished to express
personally his thanks on behalf of
the Don Bosco Foundation to the
performers and presented them with a
scroll and a silver medal of Don Bosco.
Immaculate Conception
On 25th March, the Feast of the Annunciation, Bernadette
once again experienced the irresistible urge to answer Our
Lady’s summons to the grotto. To her great joy Our Lady
appeared, and after having said the rosary, Bernadette braced
herself to pursue her visitor’s identity. “Mademoiselle,
would you be so kind as to tell me who you are, if you
please?” At the fourth asking Our Lady ceased her smiling,
extended her hands and raised her eyes, saying in the local
patois with which she habitually addressed Bernadette,
“Que soy era Immaculada Councepciou (I am the Immaculate
Conception).” On completion Bernadette hurried straight
to the presbytery, accompanied by her aunt repeating these
strange ‘grown-up’ words over and over again for fear of
forgetting or getting them wrong.
From “Lourdes” by D.Baldwin – CTS –
I am the
Don Bosco,
inti kont imqanqal mill-ispirtu s-Santu,
bl-g˙ajnuna ta’ Ommna Marija,
sabiex tag˙ti sehmek g˙as-salvazzjoni taΩ-Ωg˙aΩag˙.
inti kont mog˙ti lilna mill-Mulej b˙ala missier u g˙alliem,
u tajtna pro©ett mill-isba˙ g˙all- ˙ajja
fil-motto tieg˙ek “ag˙tini l-erwie˙ u Ωomm li jibqa’ ”.
imnebba˙ minn alla, int g˙addejtilna
spirtu ewlieni ta’ ˙ajja u ta’ ˙idma,
li l-qalba tag˙hom hija l-karita` pastorali.
ag˙mel li qalbna tkun imkebbsa
bin-nar tal-˙e©©a u qawmien evan©eliku
sabiex inkunu sinjali kredibbli ta’ l-im˙abba ta’ alla
ag˙mel li nag˙rfu nilqg˙u b’serenita` u fer˙
il-˙ti©ijiet ta’ kuljum u s-sagrifiççji tal-˙idma tag˙na
g˙all-glorja ta’ alla u s-salvazzjoni ta’ l-erwie˙.
ag˙mel li l-Kapitlu Generali jg˙inna
insa˙˙u l-identita` kariΩmatika tag˙na
u jqajjem fina ˙e©©a apostolika.
Talba lil San Ìwann Bosco
(Fl-okkaΩjoni tal-Kapitlu Ìenerali tas-Salesjani)
. P