Hajja Salesjana JANNAR -FRAR 2011il-218 Óar©a
Ìest sabi˙ favur l-annimali abbandunati
Mons. Nikol Cauchi
Praying from the Heart
The Logo of the Salesians of Don Bosco is made up of two superimposed images: in
the background a stylised “S” (Salesians) in white marked to the right and left by two
cuttings between the hills (a road). The second image is in the centre of the globe: an
arrow pointing upwards resting on three perpendicular legs on top of which are three
closed circles making a stylised image of three people: the first of these in the midde
and taller (the Salesian) appears as if embracing the side figures (the young). The three
stylised figures can also be viewed as an arrow pointing upwards (education / formation)
or simply as a dwelling (Salesian house) with three pillars holding it up (reason, religion,
loving kindness).
The coat of arms of the Salesian Congregation shows the shining star, the large anchor,
the heart on fire symbolizing faith, hope and charity; the figure of St. Francis de Sales
recalling the Patron of the Society; the small wood in the lower part reminds us of the
Founder (Bosco) the high mountains signify the heights of perfection towards which
members strive; the interwoven palm and laurel that enfold the shield either side are
emblematic of the prize reserved for a sacrificial and virtuous life. The motto Da mihi
animas, caetera tolle (give me souls, take the rest) expresses every Salesian’s ideal.
Óajja Salesjana
St. Patrick’s School, Triq San Ìwann Bosco,
Sliema SLM 1925 – MALTA
Tel. (+356) 2133 0238 / (+00356) 9986 1586
e-mail: hajjasal@salesiansmalta.org
Il-Bulettin Salesjan, imsejja˙ b’diversi ismijiet, ji©i
stampat f’56 edizzjoni u f’ 29 ilsien madwar id-
dinja u huwa mxerred fi 131 nazzjon
Responsible: Fr. Paul Formosa SDB
Director/ Editor: Fr. Joseph Cini SDB
Editorial Board : Margaret Buhagiar,
Andre Camilleri, Matthew Borg, Josie Grech.
Office: Eileen Alden, Joyce Scicluna.
Design & Printing: Salesian Press, Sliema.
Tista taqra ˙ajja Salesjana fuq il-kompjuter:
Fuqiex se naqraw
Front Cover: Sensiela ta’ xbihat tal-Madonna. Din mis-Santwarju ta’ “Bonaria” f’Cagliari - Sardegna - Italia.
Mons. Nikol Cauchi 9
Ejja u Imxi Warajja 10
Don Bosco Around the World 12
Praying from the heart 14
Malta Salesjana 20
Saint Mary Mazzarello (1) 22
Don Bosco patron of football? 24
Ìest sabiÓ favur l-annimali abbandunati 25
I wish you enough 26
Presentation of the 2011 Strenna 28
Dun Bosco fis-santi u kartolini 30
Lest Li Tqum Minn Ma’ L-Art ÓAbib? 32
Summer Camp in Italy 34
Editorjal / Pedago©ija / Caledar of events /
Something to think about / Marian Apparitions
3Hajja Salesjana
Il-˙ajja tal-bniedem hija vokazzjoni. Meta konna Ωg˙ar
kienu jistaqsuna mistoqsija baΩika tal-katekiΩmu:
“G˙alfejn ˙alaqna Alla?’’ U a˙na tg˙allimna nwie©bu:
“Alla ˙alaqna biex nag˙rfuh, in˙obbuh, naqduh
f’din il-˙ajja u ngawduh g˙al dejjem fil-©enna.’’ Kull
persuna hija ma˙luqa xbieha ta’ Alla u g˙alhekk hija
msej˙a biex t˙obb u biex tkun mag˙quda mal-˙allieq.
Madre TereΩa ta’ Kalkutta darba qalet: “A˙na ma
©ejniex fid-dinja g˙an-numru. A˙na n˙laqna bi skop,
g˙al affarijiet kbar: biex in˙obbu u nkunu ma˙buba.’’
Kull persuna g˙andha vokazzjoni unika xi twettaq fil-
pjan ta’ Alla. Fuq din it-tip ta’ “vokazzjoni’’ jkellimna
r-Rettur Ma©©ur, Dun Pascual Chavez, fl-istrenna ta’
din is-sena 2011 bit-titlu: “Ejjew u taraw.’’
Fl-istrenna, is-suççessur ta’ Dun Bosco jag˙mel
appell mill-qalb lill-Familja Salesjana biex t˙oss
l-ur©enza u l-bΩonn li ssejja˙ o˙rajn u tipproponi
liΩ-Ωg˙aΩag˙ il-vokazzjoni Salesjana. “Araw il-˙aruf
ta’ Alla!... Xi tridu?... Fejn toqg˙od, Rabbi?... Ejjew u
taraw’’(Ìw 1: 36-39). L-istrenna ta’ din is-sena hija
stedina lill-membri kollha tal-Familja Salesjana biex
ikunu gwidi spiritwali g˙aΩ-Ωg˙aΩag˙, b˙alma Ìwanni
l-Battista kien wera lil Ìesù lid-dixxipli, u qalilhom:
“Araw, hawn hu l-˙aruf ta’ Alla!’’(Ìw 1:29).
B˙alma Ìesù stieden lill-ewwel dixxipli biex
jaqsmu l-esperjenza li jkunu mieg˙u, “ejjew u taraw’’,
hekk ukoll permezz ta’ kull wie˙ed minna Ìesù
jag˙mel l-istess stedina liΩ-Ωg˙aΩag˙. Fil-Van©elu
nsibu, illi wara li esperjenzaw xi ˙a©a ferm sabi˙a,
minn dakinhar huma marru u raw fejn Ìesù kien
joqg˙od u “baqg˙u mieg˙u’’ (Ìw 1:39). Imma nistaqsu,
il-vokazzjoni g˙all-hajja Salesjana g˙ad baqg˙alha
valur fil-kultura post-moderna tallum? Ming˙ajr
dubju! Hija sinjal ta’ tama g˙all-umanità li qieg˙da
tg˙ix fi “kriΩi ta’ tama’’ jew b˙alma Timothy Radcliffe
sej˙ilha, “f’dipressjoni kollettiva’’. IΩ-Ωg˙aΩag˙
illum qed ji©u wiçç imb’wiçç ma’ futur ming˙ajr
ebda kunfidenza; mhumiex çerti fejn se jwassalhom.
Il-˙ajja reli©juΩa hija sinjal illi titkellem fuq it-tama.
Is-sinifikat tal-˙ajja reli©juΩa llum jinsab eΩattament
li tkun sinjal provokattiv, li jipponta g˙all-eΩistenza
u l-preΩenza ta’ Alla li huwa m˙abba. Fl-a˙˙ar mill-
a˙˙ar huwa l-fer˙ fil-qalb ta’ dak li jkun li jag˙ti
kredibilità lill-vokazzjoni Salesjana u jsir xhieda
qawwija quddiem l-inçertezzi. G˙aliex dak li a˙na
huwa essenzjalment aktar importanti minn dak li
Meta Ìesù sejja˙ l-ewwel dixxipli, l-ewwel g˙an
tieg˙u kien dak tal-intimità, “biex jibqg˙u mieg˙u’’
(Mk 3: 13-15). Huwa biss wara li esperjenzaw
l-intimità illi ntbag˙tu fuq missjoni. Bl-istess
mod, il-vokazzjoni g˙all-˙ajja Salesjana hija, qabel
xejn, sej˙a g˙all-intimità mal-Mulej. Hija minn
din l-intimità li a˙na mbag˙ad nintbag˙tu biex
inkunu “sinjali u xhieda’’ g˙aΩ-Ωg˙aΩag˙, tal-fer˙
u l-im˙abba ta’ Alla. Madre TereΩa ta’ Kalkutta
darba stqarret hekk: “Óafna nies j©awdu x-xog˙ol
tag˙na mal-vokazzjoni tag˙na. Il-vokazzjoni
tag˙na hija l-im˙abba ta’ Ìesù.’’ Iva, ˙ajja mog˙tija
kompletament b’im˙abba lil Alla, g˙as-servizz tat-
tfal u Ω-Ωg˙aΩag˙, hija xi ˙aga sabi˙a u ta’ min
jg˙ixha tassew.
Fr Joe Portelli SDB.
“Ejjew u Taraw”
“Óafna nies j©awdu x-xog˙ol tag˙na
mal-vokazzjoni tag˙na. Il-vokazzjoni
tag˙na hija l-im˙abba ta’ Ìesù.’’
4 Hajja Salesjana
Human life is a vocation. When we were young we
were asked a basic catechism question: “Why did
God make us?” We were then given a very simple
answer: “God made us to know, love and serve him in
this life and to be happy with him forever in heaven.”
Every human being is created in God’s image and is
consequently called to love and to be united with the
Creator. Mother Teresa of Calcutta once said: “We
have not come into the world to be numbered. We
have been created for a purpose, for great things:
to love and be loved.” Indeed, each person is called
for a specific purpose in life. “Vocation” is precisely
what our Rector Major, Don Pascual Chavez, speaks
about in this year’s Strenna 2011:“Come and see.”
In his Strenna Don Bosco’s successor makes a
heartfelt appeal to the Salesian Family to feel the
urgency of, and the need to call others and propose
the Salesian vocation to young people. “Look, here
is the Lamb of God!... What are you looking for?...
Rabbi, where do you live?... Come and see” (Jn 1:36-
39). This year’s Strenna is an invitation to all the
Salesian Family to be real spiritual guides for the
young, like John the Baptist, who pointed out Jesus
to his disciples, telling them: “Look, here is the Lamb
of God!” (Jn 1:29).
Just as Jesus invited the early disciples to share
the experience of being with him, “to come and see”,
so too through each one of us, Jesus makes the same
invitation to the young. The Gospel tells us that
having experienced something immensely beautiful
from the moment they came and saw where Jesus
was staying, “they remained with him” (Jn 1:39).
But does a vocation to the Salesian life still
have any value in this post-modern culture?
Undoubtedly! It is a sign of hope for humanity living
in a “crises of hope” or what Timothy Radcliffe
called, the “collective depression”. Young people
are facing a future without confidence, uncertain
of where it is leading to, and religious life is a sign
that speaks of hope. The significance of religious
life today lies exactly in being a provocative
sign, pointing to the existence and presence of a
loving God. Ultimately, it is the joy in one’s heart
which gives credibility to the Salesian vocation
and becomes a powerful witness in the face of
uncertainties. For what we are is fundamentally
more important than what we do.
When Jesus called his first disciples his first
motive was that of intimacy, “to stay with him”
(Mk 3: 13-15). It was only after they experienced
intimacy that they were sent out with a mission.
In like manner a vocation to Salesian life is first
and foremost a call to intimacy with our Lord. It is
from this intimacy that we are then sent out to be
“signs and bearers” of God’s joy and love for the
young. This is what Mother Teresa of Calcutta once
declared: “Many people mistake our work for our
vocation. Our vocation is the love of Jesus.” Yes,
a life completely given to God out of love, in the
service of the young, is something beautiful and
indeed worth living.
Fr Joe Portelli SDB
“Come and See”
5Hajja Salesjana
Minn Pascual Chavez – Trad. Joe Cini
G˙eΩieΩ ˙bieb, qarrejja tal-Bullettin Salesjan,
Nie˙u pjaçir insellmilkom fil-bidu tas-Sena l-Ìdida
2011, u nittama li ©©ibilkom il-paçi u l-barka li l-
Missier ried jag˙tina fit-twelid ta’ Ibnu Ìesù. Hekk
kif matul is-sena li g˙addiet kellimtkom fuq Ìesù
tieg˙i, din is-sena sejjer nikteb fuq Il-˙ajja b˙ala
vokazzjoni. Bejn vokazzjoni u missjoni hemm kon-
nessjoni stretta: Ìesù jxandar, isejja˙ u mbag˙ad
jibg˙at. U bi ˙siebni niktbilkom dwar persuna©©i
li b˙ala bnedmin u nsara g˙exu l-˙ajja bis-s˙i˙
g˙aliex skoprew u g˙exu l-vokazzjoni tag˙hom.
L-ewwel pass li rrid nipproponi huwa li mmorru
lura g˙al Dun Bosco! Huwa importanti li nkunu
nafu min xiex g˙adda sabiex niskopru l-kriterji u
l-attitudnijiet li kienu preΩenti fl-attività tieg˙u,
sabiex nix˙tu dawl fuq l-impenn tag˙na favur
il-vokazzjonijiet. Dun Bosco g˙ex fi Ωminijiet
ta’ qtig˙ il-qalb u kuntrarji g˙all-vokazzjonijiet
fil-Knisja. Kienet teΩisti, fost il-poplu u fost iΩ-
Ωg˙aΩag˙, atmosfera mimlija ideat liberali u anti-
Kummenti fuq li Strenna 2011 : Ejjew u Taraw
6 Hajja Salesjana
klerikali. Imma Dun Bosco ma qatax qalbu! Huwa
kien ifittex xi sinjal ta’ vokazzjoni fit-tfal li kien
jiltaqa’ mag˙hom. Fi kliem ie˙or, kien jag˙mel
ru˙u ˙addiem mal-grazzja u d-doni ta’ Alla fi-
hom. Hekk huwa beda jo˙loq atmosfera fejn il-
possibiltà ta’ vokazzjoni setg˙et ti©i milqug˙a u
kkurata. Sabiex imantni din il-kultura, Dun Bosco
pprovda ambjent spiritwali qawwi, msa˙˙a˙ minn
forma sempliçi imma dejjiema ta’ ˙e©©a lejn is-
sagramenti u lejn Marija, u minn apostolat fost
s˙abhom mag˙mul b’entuΩjaΩmu u bla tnikkir.
It-tieni element li fuqu g˙afas Dun Bosco
kienet it-tmexxija spiritwali. Huwa kien direttur
spiritwali attent u prudenti, imsa˙˙a˙ bi m˙abba
profonda lejn il-Knisja.
Kull kultura jin˙tie©ilha mod ta’ ̇ sieb u ta’ attitud-
ni li kul˙add jaqbel mieg˙u, f’komunità mag˙quda
li tg˙ix, tati xhieda u toffri valuri nsara. Kultura
tal-vokazzjonijiet te˙tie© l-isforz sistematiku u
ma˙sub tajjeb tal-komunità. Hija trid til˙aq tlett
aspetti: dak antropolo©iku, li jg˙in sabiex jiftiehem
il-mod kif il-fatt li tkun persuna huwa di©à voka-
zzjoni; dak edukazzjonali li g˙andu l-g˙an li jg˙in
sabiex ikunu apprezzati l-valuri tal-vokazzjoni;
u dak pastorali li j˙ares lejn ir-relazzjoni bejn il-
vokazzjoni u l-kultura li wie˙ed jg˙ix fiha, u jag˙raf
jaddatta ˙idmietu
G˙alhekk, l-ewwel ˙idma ta’ kultura tal-
vokazzjonijiet hija li tfassal u tippromwovi l-idea
tal-˙ajja umana b˙ala sej˙a u risposta. Il-˙ajja hija
ftu˙ lejn l-o˙rajn, li ta’ kuljum tg˙ix relazzjonijiet
ma’ o˙rajn; hija wkoll ftu˙ lejn il-g˙oli, u dan
juri li l-bniedem huwa misteru li Alla biss jista’
jispjegah u Kristu biss jissodisfah. Huma u jikbru,
iΩ-Ωg˙aΩag˙ iridu jiffokaw fuq valuri li mbag˙ad
jitwettqu fl-g˙aΩliet li jag˙mlu. Waqt l-iΩvilupp
tag˙hom huma jibbaΩaw is-suççess fuq pjan ta’
˙ajja u fuq il-kwalità tal-˙ajja li jixtiequ jg˙ixu.
Iridu jiddeçiedu fuq ix-xejra ta’ ˙ajjithom fil-futur
waqt li jkollom diversi g˙aΩliet quddiemhom. U
billi ma jg˙ixux darbtejn, iridu jissugraw jag˙mlu
dawn l-g˙aΩliet. Fuq il-valuri li j˙addnu u l-g˙aΩliet
li jag˙mlu jiddependi is-suççess jew falliment tal-
7Hajja Salesjana
pjan tag˙hom, tal-kwalità u tas-salvazzjoni ta’
Ìesù jg˙idilna çar: g˙ax min irid isalva ˙ajtu,
jitlifha; imma min jitlef ˙ajtu g˙all-im˙abba
tieg˙i u tal-Bxara t-tajba, isalvaha. G˙ax
x’jiswielu l-bniedem jekk jikseb id-dinja kollha u
mbag˙ad jitlef ˙ajtu? (Mk 8, 35-36). Il-kultura tal-
vokazzjonijiet trid tag˙mel dan: tinkora©©ixxi lil
min irid jisma’ dawn il-mistoqsijiet ta’ Ìesù sabiex
jista’ jirrifletti fuqhom. Hija wkoll trid tg˙in lil dak-
li-jkun sabiex jikber u jag˙raf jag˙mel l-g˙aΩliet
tajba favur kull ma hu Bonum (it-tajjeb), Verum
(is-sewwa) u Pulchrum (is-sabi˙) g˙aliex l-iΩvilupp
s˙i˙ tal-bniedem jikkonsisti fl-akkwist ta’ dawn.
Il-kultura tal-vokazzjonijiet trid fl-a˙˙ar nett
tiskopri l-˙ajja b˙ala don u ˙idma li trid issir.
Meta bniedem jiskopri dan, ˙ajtu ssir vokazzjoni,
responsabbli u ˙ielsa. Mill-iskrittura nitg˙allmu li
d-don tal-˙ajja g˙andu fih pjan, u li dan jinkixef
bil-mod il-mod waqt li nirriflettu fuq l-esperjenzi
personali, fuq l-istorja, fuq Alla u kif inkunu
we©ibna g˙alih.
G˙ax min irid isalva
˙ajtu, jitlifha; imma min
jitlef ˙ajtu g˙all-im˙abba
tieg˙i u tal-Bxara
t-tajba, isalvaha. G˙ax
x’jiswielu l-bniedem jekk
jikseb id-dinja kollha u
mbag˙ad jitlef ˙ajtu?
8 Hajja Salesjana
Read ˙ajja Salesjana on the website: www.salesiansmalta.org
Pictures of Don Bosco set to reflective music:
Sat 1 New Year’s day. Feast of Mary, Mother of God. World Day of Peace
Tue 4 Beginning of 2nd School Term at St. Patrick’s
Wed 5 Sliema Salesian Cooperators monthly meeting at 6.00 p.m.
Fri 7 Beginning of 2nd School Term at Savio College. First Friday Devotions at St.
Patrick’s - 6.15 p.m.
Sun 9 St. Patrick’s Past Pupils’ Committee Meeting at 9.30 am.
Mon 10 Prayer Day for Salesian Missions
Sat 16 Blessed Luigi Variara – Missionary
Sat 22 Blessed Laura Vicuna – Pupil at Salesian Sisters
Mon 24 Feast of St. Francis of Sales – Patron Saint of the Salesian Congregation
Sun 30 Feast of St. John Bosco at St. Patrick’s Church. AGM of St. Patrick’s Past
Pupils, followed by Mass for Past Pupils and Cooperators, & Festive Lunch
Mon 31 St. John Bosco. Celebrations at Salesian Schools & ½ day holiday
Wed 2 Sliema Salesian Cooperators monthly meeting at 6.00 p.m.
Wed 9 Blessed Eusebia Palomino – Salesian Sister
Thu 10 Feast of St. Paul Shipwrecked. Prayer Day for Salesian Missions.
12 – 13 Thriller by ‘Atturi Salesjani’ : Inhabbru Qtil at Salesian Theatre, Sliema
Fri 25 Sts. Luigi Versiglia & Callisto Caravario – Martyred in China
Wed 2 Sliema Salesian Cooperators monthly meeting at 6.00 p.m.
7 – 8 Carnival holidays for schools
Wed 9 Ash Wednesday: Evening Mass and Way of the Cross at St. Patrick’s:
6.30 p.m.
Fri 11 One Day Lenten Retreat for St. Patrick’s Boys. Every Friday: Way of the Cross
and Mass at St. Patrick’s at 6.30 p.m.
12 – 13 “Counter Balance – 201 File.” A show by Salesian Brigade at Salesian
Theatre, Sliema
9Hajja Salesjana
Mons. Cauchi twieled fl-G˙arb fit-2 ta’ Marzu 1927.
Ìie mrobbi f’ambjent reli©juΩ ma’ Ωew© ̇ utu subien
u tnejn o˙ra bniet. Huwa studja fis-Seminarju ta’
G˙awdex sa ma ©ie ordnat saçerdot nhar id-29 ta’
Marzu 1952. Kompla mill-ewwel bl-istudji tieg˙u u
˙a d-dottorat fil-filosofija u Liçenzjat fix-Xjenzi
Soçjali mill-Università Gregorjana f’Ruma.
Lura f’G˙awdex in˙atar b˙ala Kappillan tal-
Fontana (1956 – 1963) u kien ukoll jg˙allem il-
filosofija fis-Seminarju. Huwa ©ie ma˙tur Isqof
Titulari ta’ Vico di Augusto u Amministratur
Apostoliku ta’ G˙awdex nhar it-2 ta’ Marzu
1967 u kien ikkonsagrat isqof fid-9 ta’ April ta’
l-istess sena. Sar isqof tad-djoçesi ta’ G˙awdex
uffiçjalment nhar l-20 ta’ Lulju 1972.
Il-gazzetti Maltin qalu dan fuqu, meta miet ;
• kien mexxej sempliçi, g˙aqli u umli
• kien dejjem lest biex jisma’ u jag˙ti pariri
• jibqa’ mfakkar g˙all-kitbiet tieg˙u mimlijin
g˙erf u tag˙lim
• qalb Nikol Cauchi kienet t˙abbat mal-bniedem
l-Isqof Cauchi ma˙bub minn kul˙add.
Mons Cauchi kien meqjus minn ˙afna b˙ala
predikatur tajjeb, u wie˙ed li jaf imur ma’ kul˙add :
qassisin, nies fl-awtorità u anki tfal. Huwa baqa’
popolari anke wara li rtira mit-tre©ija tad-djoçesi,
specjalment fl-attività tax-xandir meta kien jie˙u
sehem fi programmi tar-radju minn fejn kien,
b’mod sempliçi, jg˙allem lis-semmieg˙a tieg˙u
waqt li jxandar it-tag˙lim tal-Knisja. Kien juri
tag˙rif profond tal-Knisja u ta’ dak li kien ji©ri fiha;
kien isegwi l-a˙barijiet tad-dinja, juri m˙abbtu lejn
il-letteratura u sikwit jiççajta wkoll. Baqa’ dejjem
qrib il-poplu.
A˙na s-Salesjani nafu sewwa kemm Mons.
Cauchi kien i˙obb lil Dun Bosco, jammira lil dan
il-qaddis u jaf sewwa ˙ajtu u t-tag˙lim tieg˙u. A˙na
grati lejn Mons Cauchi g˙aliex fost il-˙afna kitbiet
tieg˙u ˙allielna Ωew© kotba li g˙andhom x’jaqsmu
mag˙na. L-ewwel wie˙ed huwa l-˙ajja ta’ saçerdot
Salesjan mill-G˙arb b˙alu, Dun Alwi© Mizzi (Dun
Alwi© Mizzi –Salesjan. Gozo Press 2002) u l-ie˙or
fuq Dun Bosco nnifsu (Pariri Spiritwali ta’ Don
Bosco – Lumen Christi Publications, 2005).
Il-Mulej jag˙tih il-mistrie˙ ta’ dejjem.
Mons. Nikol Cauchi
10 Hajja Salesjana
Nieqfu ftit fuq il-mod kif Alla jsejja˙. Ebda
sej˙a m’hi b˙al o˙ra, g˙aliex kull vokazzjoni
ti©i mill-qalb ta’ Alla li biex ng˙idu hekk isejja˙
Ωag˙Ωug˙ biex jikteb mieg˙u l-©rajja ta’ ˙ajtu,
li hija l-grazzja tal-im˙abba ta’ Alla g˙alih.
Ta’ spiss Alla jinqeda mill-ambjent ta’
kuljum taΩ-Ωag˙Ωug˙. Fil-fatt ix-xewqa g˙as-
Saçerdozju jew g˙all-˙ajja Reli©juΩa tista’
ti©i bil-mod, il-mod, mill-im©ieba ta’ familja
tassew nisranija; jew mis-sehem li wie˙ed
jie˙u fil-parroçça jew fl-Oratorju jew f’xi
g˙aqda fejn iΩ-Ωg˙aΩag˙ jimpenjaw ru˙hom
li jag˙mlu xi servizz g˙all-foqra. Dawn
l-attivitajiet i©ieg˙lu liΩ-Ωag˙Ωug˙ jistaqsi lilu
n-nifsu : «g˙aliex ma nibqax nag˙mel dan ix-
xog˙ol tul ˙ajti kollha ? » Óafna vokazzjonijiet
nibtu minn çirkustanzi b˙al dawn.
Minn na˙a l-o˙ra, kull tant ji©ri wkoll li
Ωag˙Ωug˙ li jsib ru˙u f’ambjent ftit jew xejn
nisrani, jid˙ol fih nnifsu u jg˙id : « Hawn
je˙tie© li xi ˙add imidd idejh g˙ax-xog˙ol u
jag˙mel b˙alma g˙amel Ìesù. »
Il-Mulej jista’ jinqeda bi bniedem ie˙or,
ng˙idu a˙na b’saçerdot, jew surmast, jew
˙abib li jg˙idlu : « Qatt ˙sibt li tista’ ssir
saçerdot ? jew reli©juΩ ? jew missjunarju ? »
Xi drabi jista’ ji©ri li xi konferenza fuq il-
vokazzjoni, jew xi ittra ta’ xi missjunarju,
jew storja tal-˙ajja ta’ xi qaddis, i©©ieg˙el
liΩ- Ωag˙Ωug˙ ja˙seb li hu wkoll jista’ jag˙mel
l-istess. Ta’ spiss, waqt xi ©urnata rtir, Ìesù
stess ikellem lir-ru˙ ta’ Ωag˙Ωug˙ u j©ieg˙lu
jifhem kemm hi ˙a©a sabi˙a li jag˙ti ˙ajtu
Ejja u Imxi Warajja
11Hajja Salesjana
g˙al Alla u g˙all-o˙rajn. G˙alhekk, importanti
˙afna li jsiru laqg˙at, jew irtiri fejn Ωg˙aΩag˙
ikollhom esperjenzi ta’ m˙abba kbira lejn
Ìesù, fejn i˙ossu x-xewqa li jwasslu ’l Ìesù lill-
o˙rajn biex i©ibu m˙abba u fara© fejn hemm
faqar u tbatija u niket.
G˙al tifel jew Ωag˙Ωug˙ li jiltaqa’ ma’ saçer-
dot u jara fih xi ˙a©a straordinarja, tista’ tkun
okkaΩjoni li t˙ajru jimita lil dak is-saçerdot.
Hekk kien Dun Bosco. Kemm huma dawk li
saru saçerdoti g˙ax iltaqg˙u ma’ Dun Bosco!
Na˙sbu fuq iç-çkejken Mikiel Rua, li ta’
tmien snin iltaqa’ ma’ Dun Bosco fi Pjazza
Emanuele Filiberto f’Turin, qrib l-iskola tal-
Frères. Fil- Memorie Biografiche (MB 2316)
insibu li :
«Mikiel Rua minnufih sar i˙obb lil Dun
Bosco, issa˙˙ar warajh meta ra lil s˙abu
l-istudenti mi©budin lejn dan is-saçerdot
Ωag˙Ωug˙, kollha jridu jqerru g˙andu, u fil-
knisja jqumu bil-wieqfa, jo˙or©u mill-bankijiet,
iduru madwar Dun Bosco u ma jkunux kuntenti
qabel ma’ jirnexxilhom ibusulu jdejh. Kien
idum ˙afna sakemm jasal fis-sagristija biex
iqaddes. »
Mikiel baqa’ msa˙˙ar wara Dun Bosco.
Wara li g˙amel xi Ωmien imur l-Oratorju ta’
Dun Bosco laqa’ stedina ta’ Dun Bosco u da˙al
fl-iskola ta’ Dun Bosco u beda jistudja g˙al
L-istess hu il-kaΩ ta’ Francesco Piccollo;
kien tifel fqir, u Dun Bosco aççettah fl-iskola
bla ˙las. Óass id-dmir li jag˙ti lilu nnifsu lil
Dun Bosco billi jsir Salesjan u jibqa’ ja˙dem
mieg˙u g˙all-©id ta’ tfal iltiema u foqra b˙alu.
Xi w˙ud i˙ossu din is-sej˙a meta jkunu
g˙adhom Ωg˙ar. Dun Bosco jg˙id g˙alih innif-
su: “Ix-xewqa li ng˙ix fost it-tfal, ni©borhom
madwari, ng˙allimhom id-duttrina, kienet ©a
f’qalbi meta kelli biss ˙ames snin.”
Nafu li ta’ g˙axar snin meta kien ji©bor it-
tfal madwaru biex jag˙mlilhom il-buΩullotti
u log˙ob ie˙or, b˙al dak li jimxi fuq il-˙abel.
Qabel ma jibda l-log˙ob, kien i˙oss il-˙tie©a
li ji©borhom madwaru biex jitolbu flimkien.
Dan hu il-mod li tfajjel çkejken wie©eb g˙as-
sej˙a li Alla kien ©a qieg˙ed f’qalbu.
O˙rajn semg˙u s-sej˙a aktar ‘il quddiem
fiΩ-Ωg˙oΩija. G˙andna l-kaΩ ta’ Dun Rinaldi; li
ltaqa’ ma’ Dun Bosco meta kellu ˙ames snin,
g˙ax Dun Bosco kien ̇ abib tal-familja Rinaldi,
u madankollu ddeçieda li jsir Salesjan meta
kellu g˙oxrin sena u aktar ‘il quddiem sar it-
tielet suççessur ta’ Dun Bosco.
O˙rajn wie©bu g˙as-sej˙a wisq aktar tard.
Il-Konti Cays kien membru tal-Parlament u
˙abib kbir ta’ Dun Bosco u kien ilu jtella’ u
jniΩΩel jekk i˙allix kollox u jsir Salesjan. Ra
b’g˙ajnejh miraklu ta’ tifla pparalizzata tfieq
g˙al kollox wara li rçeviet il-barka ta’ Marija
G˙ajnuna tal-Insara minn g˙and Dun Bosco,
u dan g˙alih kien il-waqt ta’ deçiΩjoni biex
isir Salesjan, u baqa’ ma’ Dun Bosco.
Nag˙lqu bil-kliem ta’ Dun Bosco stess:
Dawk li j˙ossu f’qalbhom ix-xewqa li jsiru
saçerdoti jew reli©juΩi, jistg˙u jkunu Ωguri li
din ix-xewqa ©ejja minn Alla; fil-fatt xewqa
hekk tajba u sabi˙a ming˙and Alla biss tista’
ti©i. M’g˙andu jkollhom ebda biΩa’ li ma
jkunux kapaçi jwettqu xewqa hekk g˙olja.
Alla li qieg˙ed f’qalbhom din ix-xewqa,
jag˙tihom il-grazzji kollha me˙tie©a biex
Mit-Taljan ta’ Don Gianni Asti
Maqlub g˙al Malti minn Fr.Joe Fonde
12 Hajja Salesjana
The casket with a relic of Don Bosco was
welcomed on 11 November 2010 by the Daughters
of Mary Help of Christians in Seoul. Sr Cecilia
Choi, Provincial, spoke some words of thanks and
encouragement to the many people who were
present for the arrival of the casket: children,
youngsters, teenagers and adults.
Yesterday 30 November, the pilgrimage of the
casket of Don Bosco in Thailand, came to an end.
Having arrived on Thursday 18 November from
South Korea it was welcomed by a number of
demonstrations and celebration which the Sale-
sian community in the country had been pre-
paring for a long time. “It was a great blessing
Don Bosco Around the World
In preparation for the celebration of the Bi-Centenary of the birth of St. John Bosco
(16th August 1815), the relics of the saint are going around the Salesian world. The
urn contains a life-size statue of the saint, a copy of the one in the Basilica of Mary Help
of Christians in Turin, with some bones of the saint in it. In 2014 it will visit Malta.
for us and for the Salesian Family in Thailand to
welcome the casket of Don Bosco and his relics;
his presence gives a great boost to the renewal
of our Salesian spirituality and to our unity as the
Salesian Family”. With these words the Provincial
Fr John Bosco Thepharat Pitisant commented on
the presence of the saint of youth in his country.
13Hajja Salesjana
(ANS – Phnom Penh) – The pilgrimage of the cas-
ket in Thailand covering over 5,000 kilometres
visiting 29 works was concluded after a visit to
the parish of St Peter in Sampran were it was wel-
comed by about 2,000 of the faithful from a total
Catholic population of about 10,000. Now the rel-
ics are receiving a special welcome in Cambodia
from the Catholics in the country and from the
local authorities.
On Wednesday 1 December, taken by road to the
frontier the relics of Don Bosco were welcomed by
the Social Communication team led by Fr Albeiro
Rodas. From the frontier the casket was taken to
the “Don Bosco Children Home” in Poipet, opened
in 2002 for child orphans and those victims
of human trafficking, and after visiting other
Salesian centres in the city, it arrived during the
night at the main centre in the country the “Saint
John Bosco” house in Phnom Penh.
14 Hajja Salesjana
from the
15Hajja Salesjana
The heart is our meeting place with God; there
we make ourselves present to God’s presence.
Through entering into our heart, we begin to pray:
we enter into familiar conversation with Jesus,
and through him with the Father. As one spiritual
writer well says, “Our lips and our mouth recite
prayers, our intellect practices reflection and
meditation, our heart and our mind are lifted up
to God.’
In Scripture the heart denotes the innermost
core of our being, the centre of our yearning and
longing, our desires and our fears, our generous
responses and our hard-heartedness. ‘Blessed are
the pure of heart, for they shall see God.’ (Matt.
The young Francis of Assisi praying before the
crucifix in the little chapel of San Damiano in Assi-
si, heard Christ crucified call him by name, saying:
‘Francis, go, repair my house, which as you see, is
falling completely into ruin.’ Francis, with all his
abundant energy, willingly obeyed the voice and
immediately set about repairing the dilapidated
chapel of San Damiano. Francis’ biographers tell
us that it was only later that he understood the
Lord’s deeper call to build up the Church, the body
of Christ, through the witness of his life and his
simple and direct preaching of the gospel.
Francis, over and over, posed the question:
‘What is in your heart?’ We too must ask daily: ‘Is
my heart cluttered by cares and anxieties or do
I come to prayer with a clean heart and a pure
mind?’ Francis tells us: ‘This is what God wants
above all else.’ Whether we are beginners or
have been praying for many years, there will be
a battle in our hearts until they are transformed
totally to the likeness of Christ. If we are to begin
to pray seriously, our hearts must be awakened to
the love of the Father revealed through Jesus, his
Beloved. How this awakening happens will vary –
for one it will be by a gradual falling in love with
Jesus; for another through some kind of crisis of
faith; for a third, perhaps through experiencing
God’s overwhelming providence. But no matter
how our hearts are awakened, we must then be
attentive to the Lord’s words: ‘Watch and pray
that you may not enter into temptation; the spirit
indeed is willing, but the flesh is weak’ (Mark
Jesus tells us about this battle through the para-
ble of the sower and the seed. The word of God, he
tells us, is like a seed planted in our hearts. God is
the sower and the word of revelation comes from
him, but our hearts must be receptive to the word.
The first battle of prayer is taking seriously the
biblical summons to pray: ‘Rejoice always, pray
constantly, give thanks in all circumstances’ (1
Thess. 5: 16-18). We may ask ourselves: ‘What dif-
ference will it make if I pray or not?’ This question
comes to everyone at some time. Prayer is like
daily conversation in a normal home. It flows from
a living relationship with our heavenly Father and
with our Saviour, Jesus. Prayer is a sign of life,
of love and let it be said, of reality. The truth is
that all that we have comes as a gift – life, health,
hopes, but most of all, the divine life within us.
Prayer acknowledges that gift; prayer deepens
and strengthens our relationship with God, Our
Creator, Redeemer and Life-giver. Yet the battle
of prayer takes place not just in how we think
16 Hajja Salesjana
about prayer but in how we live. In the parable of
the sower, Jesus teaches us that just as the seed
depends on the various conditions of the terrain
for growth, so prayer depends upon the state of
our hearts. Are we committed to daily prayer? In
order to pray daily, we must first make decisions
about the place and time of prayer. We need to
choose a quiet place, free (as far as possible) from
distractions, whether it be a special corner of the
house, or outside in a park, or in a church. But it
should be somewhere that is available to us at the
time we choose for prayer. Often the morning is
the best time, since we are fresh and our minds
quiet. It will take effort to establish a regular pat-
tern of prayer. But we must not give up.
Once we begin to pray, there arise a hundred and
one reasons why we have something better to do.
The seed that falls on rocky ground can well apply
to this universal struggle to persevere in prayer.
Our prayer must be founded on our desire to love
Jesus, to follow him more closely, and not on any
legalistic interpretation that just wants to ‘get our
prayer time in’. Such ‘devotion’ will inevitably dry
up with the pressure of work and family life.
The seed that falls among thorns and gets
stifled points to many of the difficulties that we
experience in our modern lives. First of all there
are the daily preoccupations that can tend to take
over our whole existence. The mother can well say,
‘How can I pray when all my energy is taken up by
the family?’ The businessman or woman can ask:
‘How is it possible to get time for prayer when I
am working all hours and worn out at the end of
the day?’ And yet when we make the effort to
pray, even at personal cost, there is peace in our
hearts. We can find to our surprise that our lives
are simpler, our hearts calmer, our minds clearer:
we know the presence of God.
As we come into the presence of the Lord, it is wise
to recall and affirm in our hearts some of the basic
truths of our faith. Our deepest battle of prayer is
on the level of faith. It may help to reaffirm our
faith: ‘I know that God created me out of love, has
cared for me and will care for me; I know that Je-
sus gave his life for me out of love; I know the Holy
Spirit is with me, the gift of Jesus at my baptism;
I know that Jesus is interceding for me before the
heavenly Father.
Such acts of faith strengthen us, particularly in
times of anxiety and discouragement. In moments
of anxiety, we can trust and ask what the Lord
wants us to learn. In times of discouragement,
when our prayer is dry and God seems far away, we
must learn, with Mary, to ‘keep all these things in
our heart’, to hold fast to the basic truths that we
have affirmed, and to continue to trust and pray!
“Our lips and our mouth recite prayers,
our intellect practices reflection and meditation,
our heart and our mind are lifted up to God.”
17Hajja Salesjana
“A good priest is a truly human person who
expresses his love for God in prayer and in
love for people. These gifts are sanctified
and focused through the grace of ordination
when he becomes ‘a man for others’.”
Cardinal Cormac Murphy – O’Connor
• Do I really want to follow Jesus and show
his love to others, especially to the young,
as Don Bosco did?
• Is prayer and my own relationship with God
at the centre of my life?
• Do I want to be honest and ‘real’ before
God and others?
• Do I enjoy the life and company of other
people? Am I approachable?
• Am I concerned for the young, the poor
and vulnerable?
way of life?
Are you
being calledto the
And to the
If you believe you have a calling to be a
Salesian priest then contact the voca-
tions director, Fr. Louis Grech SDB at:
Tel. 21 454546 / 21 456251
or e-mail: vocations@salesiansmalta.org
for more information
18 Hajja Salesjana
to think about…
19Hajja Salesjana
1 Prayer is not a “spare wheel” that you pull out when in trouble,
but a “steering wheel” that directs in the right path
2 Do you know why a car’s windshield is large and the rearview
mirror small? Because our past is not as important as our
future. Look ahead and move on
3 Friendship is like a book. It takes few seconds to burn, but a
long time to write.
4 All things in life are temporary. If going well, enjoy them, they
will not last forever. If going wrong don’t worry, they can’t last
long either.
5 Old friends are gold! New friends are diamond! If you get a
diamond, don’t forget the gold! Because to hold a diamond, you
always need a base of gold!
6 Often when we lose hope and think this is the end, God smiles
from above and says, “Relax, sweetheart, it’s just a bend, not
the end!”
7 When GOD solves your problems, you have faith in His abilities;
when GOD doesn’t solve your problems He has faith in your
8 Can there be anything worse than losing your eye sight? Yes,
losing your vision!
9 When you pray for others, God listens and blesses them; so
when you are safe and happy, remember that someone has
prayed for you.
10 Worrying does not take away tomorrow’s troubles, it takes
away today’s peace.
20 Hajja Salesjana
Malta Salesjana
Salesian Brigade: Lejl barra
15 il-membru tal-Brigade, immexxija min
Lieut. Joe Camilleri u Jesmond Cassar,
qattg˙u il-lejl ta’ bejn it-30 u l-31 ta’ Ottubru
©ewwa Fort Campbell, Selmun, Mellie˙a.
Matul dan l-eΩerçizzju huma kellhom iç-
çans jimxu fil-kampanja u jit˙arr©u fil-
qari tal-kumpass u tal-mappa. Imbag˙ad
kellhom ukoll isajjru u jlestu l-ikliet, kif
ukoll opportunità li jixxabtu mal-blat ta’
Rdum Rxawn. Wara l-quddiesa ta’ filg˙odu
fil-kappella ta’ Selmun, daru dawra mal-
Forti Campbell, mag˙ruf g˙at-trinek tieg˙u
u g˙all-postazzjonijiet ta’ machine guns
u 6-inch guns. G˙al darb’o˙ra il-membri
kellhom l-opportunità ta’ avventura, sbu˙ija
fin-natura, xog˙ol ta’ flimkien fid-dixxiplina
u l-fer˙. (Wiehed jista’ jara ritratti fuq
www.salesjani.org, (hit gallery, Salesian
Brigade,2010 SB Centenary, Camp/Outdoors
2010, 2010Selmun Sleepover)
Ûjara liç-çimiteru
IΩ-Ωjara ta’ kull sena liç-çimiteru tal-
Addolorata mill-Past Pupils u ˙bieb
ta’ Dun Bosco saret nhar il-Óadd 7
ta’ Novembru. Huwa l-Kumitat ta’
St. Patrick’s u l-President tieg˙u, is-
Sur Saviour Bianchi, li jorganizza din
l-okkaΩjoni. Fr. Eric Cachia qaddes
fil-Knisja g˙al madwar 30 membru li
attendew. Apprezzata ˙afna kienet
il-preΩenza ta’ Fr. Victor Mangion u
l-Brothers Leli Gatt u Robert Falzon.
Inkora©©anti n-numru ta’ membri Ωg˙aΩag˙. Wara l-quddiesa il-grupp mar fuq il-qabar ta’ nies
li kienu membri tad-diversi ferg˙at tal-Familja Salesjana sabiex isir talb g˙all-ru˙ il-mejtin. Il-
Kostituzzjonijiet tas-Salesjani jg˙idulna li “m˙abba u rikonoxxenza g˙andhom jintwerew lejn
il-konfratelli, qraba, ˙bieb u benefatturi msejj˙a min Alla g˙all-eternità, permezz ta’ talb ta’
suffra©ju g˙al ru˙hom…”(Reg. 76)
21Hajja Salesjana
Laqg˙a tal-Brothers
Il-Brothers Salesjani li jinsabu fil-perijodu ta’
formazzjoni tag˙hom, flimkien ma’ 2 aspiranti,
g˙adhom kemm bdew kors ta’ darba fix-xhar fuq
is-Salesjanità. Kull xhar, wie˙ed mis-Salesjani
ji©i mistieden jitkellem fuq su©©ett mag˙Ωul.
L-ewwel laqg˙a saret f’Ottubru, u Fr. Manuel Ca-
milleri SDB tkellem fuq San Fran©isk ta’ Sales u
l-importanza tieg˙u fil-˙ajja Salesjana fi Ωmienna.
Fr. Manuel g˙amel konferenza sabi˙a u ppresenta
wkoll selezzjoni ta’ kotba u siltiet g˙all-qari fuq
Ta˙ri© g˙al min ser i˙arre©
“Don BoscoYouth-Net ivzw” re©g˙u orga-
nizzaw programm ta’ ta˙ri© fuq 6 ijiem g˙al
Ωg˙aΩag˙ li ser ikunu huma stess mexxeja fit-
ta˙ri© ta’ o˙rajn. Dan il-programm jiΩviluppa
il-kapaçitajiet sabiex Ωg˙aΩag˙ jistg˙u ikunu
mexxejja fi pro©etti Ewropej fl-oqsma ta’ at-
tivitajiet tad-Don Bosco Youth-Net ivzw. Il-
programm jinkludi tag˙rif teoretiku, ta˙ri©
prattiku, evalwazzjoni u tmexxija individwali,
u dan kollu bbaΩat fuq sitwazzjonijiet prattiçi
li dawn il-leaders jistg˙u jiltaqg˙u mag˙hom
fit-twettiq tal-˙idma tag˙hom. Dan il-kors sar f’Savio College, Dingli u fih ˙adu sehem 23 ru˙ li
©ew mill-Awstrija, Belgju, Polonja, u bnadi o˙ra ta’ l-Ewropa. Dawn iΩ-Ωg˙aΩag˙ jit˙arr©u sabiex
iwaqqfu u jmexxu pro©etti ta’ çertu livell g˙al Ωg˙aΩag˙ o˙rajn dejjem fl-ambjent Salesjan.
Is-7 ta’ Novembru f’Tunes
Dan il-jum ifakkar lit-Tunesin meta il-
President presenti El Abidin Ben Ali ̇ a f’idejh
il-poter mill-president u fundatur tal-Istat
tat-Tunesija moderna Habib Bourghiba fl-
1987. Dan il-jum huwa jum nazzjonali u ji©i
ççelebrat b’bandieri, parati u diskorsi. Fil-
jiem ta’ qabel, l-iskejjel jiççelebraw b’diversi
attivitajiet qabel ma jkollhom il-vaganzi
ta’ xi jiem g˙al din l-okkaΩjoni. Fl-iskola
tag˙na tal-Manouba kellna festa nhar it-2
ta’ Novembru meta t-tfal tal-‘Kinder’ libsu
bl-abjad u a˙mar u Ωifnu u kantaw g˙at-tfal
l-o˙ra ta’ l-iskola. Imma xi ftit mill-istudenti
l-kbar ukoll ˙adu sehem mag˙hom fiç-
22 Hajja Salesjana
Peasant of the Fields
A hot Italian sun beat mercilessly on the handful
of workers in the rocky field, burrowing into the
soil, skillfully setting the delicate vines in place
and tying them with wisps of straw onto thin
sticks. Gradually, one by one, they began edging
away toward the shade, till a single girl remained
in the field, her swift fingers deftly caressing the
vines and sealing them into place.
“Mary”, called a friend, “come on in out of the
hot sun. It’s much more comfortable here!”
Mary looked up. “But no work was ever done in
the shade!” she laughed. “Since when have you all
become afraid of the sun?”
“We’re not afraid. We just prefer to wait till it
sets lower in the sky!” retorted a young man.
“Cowards”, the girl in the field chided. “The sun
is God’s gift to us! You’ll never have any wine this
winter if you hide in the shade!”
A peasant woman laughed heartily. “Some girl,
that Mary Mazzarello! She can beat anyone of us
in the field!”
“Mary” teased a young fellow resting under a
tree, “Did you hear that? Is it true you can beat us
working on the farm?”
“On the farm and anywhere!” came the decided
“No use teasing her, lad,” broke in Mr.
Mazzarello, going out to join his daughter in the
field. “Ever since she was just a tiny thing of a girl,
she has never given in to anybody. Her mother
and I know too well!”
As Mary bent back to her work her thoughts
were far from boasting, even far from the friends
that called out to her from the shade. Her eyes
were fixed on the tiny vines that seemed to look
to her hands for assistance in their first moments
of life. Those hands, roughened and cut by pebbles
and briars, were meant to be helpful hands, to
Mary Mazzarello
This is the story of a “woman
with a backbone,” as Pope
Pius XI called her. The story
of a soul who passed through
a life of hunger, toil and
contradiction. The story of a
leader, a foundress, a saint.
23Hajja Salesjana
labour for others – hands of tender mercy to
comfort and heal, to lift and strengthen. She was
eighteen now and, though most girls at eighteen
think only of love and marriage and a warm hearth
and children nestling in their arms, such thoughts
seemed alien to her mind. Much as she admired
the sincere and well-intentioned approaches of
the young men of Mornese whom her mother
made her find every opportunity to meet, she
could not think of herself as a housewife. She felt
there was another call for her, other tasks than a
housewife’s reserved for her.
Father Pestarino, the pastor of Mornese, who
had guided her in her spiritual life ever since her
First Communion, would tell her in good time when
prayer and meditation had revealed God’s will to
him. Till then, she would labour, a peasant among
her people, yet not entirely one of them. The work
grew tedious. Impatiently she tugged at a handful
of tendrils. They broke, and petulantly she flung
them aside. No she must not lose her patience,
even in the hot sun. Had she not promised these
hours of broiling heat to the Lord who had come
to her that morning in Holy Communion? She must
check these outbursts, even if only as reparation
for the many girls of her age who lived beyond the
citadel of hills that protected Mornese and who,
Father Pestarino said, often bartered away their
souls for false pleasure.
Poor deluded children! Maybe someday in the
future she might be able to help them. But what
could she do for the Lord – she, an ignorant farm
girl who could neither read nor write even her own
name? Yes, she knew her catechism thoroughly,
and she could do sums faster on her fingers than
the village clerk could on paper, but with all that,
she was still an illiterate peasant and would have
to be content with just menial tasks in God’s work.
Yet, what had Father Pestarino told her – God
doesn’t need the learned ones nor the earthy
ones of the world? Her heart leaped for joy! Those
hands could work for God!
Angel of Mercy
Typhoid took over the town of Mornese. The vil-
lagers sealed themselves and their children be-
hind barred doors praying that the grim spectre
of death would not demand a victim among them.
“Oh Mary, what are we going to do?” a child
whined. “Mother and father are sick, and my big
brother is almost dying, and there’s no one to take
care of us!”
“Hush, hush, lad,” comforted the girl. “I told
you not to worry. I’ll take care of my little cousins.”
Mary ran up the stone steps and pushed open
the door to find bedlam. Quickly and efficiently,
Mary cooked a hot meal, washed and put the
children to bed and fed the sick with her own
hands, all the while uttering a thousand gentle
phrases that brought comfort and hope to the
stricken family. Then she began the impossible
task of cleaning a week’s accumulation of dirt.
Mary proved an angel of mercy to her aunt
and uncle. Her soft words and the tender touch
of her hands eased the burning brows of her
feverish patients, promised assurance of health,
and instilled a deep, comforting resignation to
the Divine Will such as they had never before
experienced. The little ones took to her as to a
mother and clustered about to hear her tell of the
Lord that loved and cared for them. Day and night
she would not spare herself. She would only grasp
tiny moments of sleep between tasks.
Within a week her aunt and uncle were able to
get on their feet again and hearts bubbling over
in gratitude, they could only show their thanks
through eyes brimming with tears. Mary accepted
it all with that humility and gentleness that
characterized her entire life of mercy, and then
she returned to her mother. (to continue...)
24 Hajja Salesjana
In spite of the fact that FIFA had forbidden the
use of religious symbols and gestures most of the
players don’t seem to take any notice and openly
express their religious faith. Maradona, for ex-
ample, during the World Cup has been seen with
some rosary beads as the matches were played.
In fact many professional and social settings
have their holy protector; St Isidor of Seville is
the patron of the Internet, St Clare of Assisi of the
television, St Joseph of Copertino of space travel,
the Archangel Gabriel of telecommunications.
Although some sports have patrons such as St
Sebastian for athletics, football still lacks its
holy protector. And who could be the patron
of football? The reply of Sellner, and others
involved, is unequivocal: Don Bosco. The reason?
The characteristics of football: youth, friendship,
artistic skill and celebration are all associated
with Don Bosco.
In his article Sellner gives a short biographical
sketch of the saint mentioning how he roamed
the streets of Turin looking for boys and a suitable
place to gather them together, demonstrating
all his own personal skills in games, artistry
and creativity which helped him in his mission
of education. Sellner gets to the point. As John
Paul II declared Don Bosco “Father and Teacher
of Youth,” “Benedict XVI would have the chance
of making a mark in the world of football by
proclaiming Don Bosco patron of football.”
It was a Salesian who brought to our attention
the article in the Austrian daily – Fr Bernahard
Maier, chaplain to the Austrian Olympic and Para-
olympic squads. Sellner’s suggestion recognises
the great contribution Don Bosco and his Salesians
have made to games and sport as occasions for
education and human development, emphasising
their value in bringing people together over the
We hope to see further developments …
Don Bosco patron of football?
The journalist Albert Christian Sellner in the pages of the Austrian daily “Der Standard”
(3-4 July) has proposed Don Bosco as the patron of football and suggested to the Pope
that he should promote this recognition. Sellner notes that many footballers pray and look
up to heaven as they are playing and yet there is no official patron for the profession.
25Hajja Salesjana
favur l-annimali
Biex ifakkru l-Jum iddedikat g˙al ˙arsien ta’ l-
Annimali, l-istudenti ta’ St. Patrick’s ©ewwa tas-
Sliema iddeçidew li jag˙mlu xi ˙a©a iktar prattika
u utli mis-snin ta’ qabel.
Barra kelliem li ta’ kull sena ji©i jag˙ti tag˙rif
fuq is-servizzi u s-sitwazzjoni li l-annimali
abbandunati jkunu fiha, din is-sena ddeçidew li
jisponsorjaw kelb. Peress li l-iskola ta’ St. Patrick’s
hija Ωg˙ira ˙afna t-tir principali kien li almenu
jisponsorjaw kelb wie˙ed, pero’ l-©eneroΩità
ttie˙det u minflok wie˙ed sponsorjaw ˙amest
iklieb, bl-istaff minn dipartimenti o˙ra jaghtu
wkoll sehemhom.
Il-benefiçarji ta’ dan il-pro©ett huma l-AAA
li b˙alissa qed jag˙tu kenn lil iktar minn 120
kelb. Barra minn hekk taw ukoll xi ˙a©a Ωg˙ira
tal-ikel lil-Noah’s Ark. Meta wie˙ed iqis kemm il-
santwarju hawn ©ewwa Malta, l-impenn tag˙na hu
effettiv daqs qam˙a fir-Russja. G˙alhekk, filwaqt
li l-istudenti ta’ St. Patrick’s se jibqg˙u j©eddu dan
il-pro©ett kull sena, it-tama tag˙hom hi li skejjel u
organizzazzjonijiet o˙ra jag˙mlu kampanji simili
u jg˙inu lil dawn is-santwarji. Il-ftit ming˙and il-
˙afna jag˙mel differenza.
26 Hajja Salesjana
I wish you enough
Recently I overheard a Father and daughter in their last moments
together at the airport. The departure of her plane had been
announced. Standing near the security gate, they hugged and the
Father said, ‘I love you, and I wish you enough.’
The daughter replied, ‘Dad, our life together
has been more than enough. Your love is
all I ever needed. I wish you enough, too, Dad.’
27Hajja Salesjana
They kissed and the daughter left. The
Father walked over to the window where
I was seated. Standing there I could
see he wanted and needed to cry. I tried
not to intrude on his privacy, but he
welcomed me in by asking, ‘Did you ever
say good-bye to someone knowing it
would be forever?’
‘Yes, I have,’ I replied. ‘Forgive me for
asking, but why is this a forever good-
‘I am old, and she lives so far away. I
have challenges ahead and the reality
is - the next trip back will be for my
funeral,’ he said.
‘When you were saying good-bye, I heard
you say, “I wish you enough.” May I ask
what that means?’
He began to smile. ‘That’s a wish that
has been handed down from other
generations. My parents used to say it
to everyone...’ He paused a moment and
looked up as if trying to remember it in
detail, and he smiled even more. ‘When
we said, “I wish you enough,” we were
wanting the other persons to have a life
filled with just enough good things to
sustain them.’ Then turning toward me,
he shared the following as if he were
reciting it from memory.
‘I wish you enough sun to keep your
attitude bright no matter how gray the
day may appear.
I wish you enough rain to appreciate the
sun even more.
I wish you enough happiness to keep
your spirit alive and everlasting.
I wish you enough pain so that even
the smallest of joys in life may appear
I wish you enough gain to satisfy your
I wish you enough loss to appreciate
all that you possess.
I wish you enough hellos to get you
through the final good-bye.’
He then began to cry softly and
walked away...
28 Hajja Salesjana
Presentation of the
29Hajja Salesjana
involvement and spiritual accompaniment
which is sustained by intense love for the
Church and the world.
Show the beauty, the appropriateness
of our Salesian vocation for today and its
variety: a life completely given to God in the
service of the young is well worth living.
Live our lives and help the lives of others to
be understood as vocation and mission. And
all this as a great gift which is experienced
with God at the centre, in fellowship with all
consecrated men and women dedicated to
the poorest and most needy.
Be aware of the central, obvious place of
consecrated persons in the carrying out of
the Salesian mission. This was Don Bosco’s
belief and experience.
Create a culture of vocation as was the
case at Valdocco, one marked by seeking the
meaning of existence, with transcendence
as its horizon, sustained and supported
by profound values, a planning mentality,
and aimed at a culture of fellowship and
Ensure accompaniment through the
quality of our personal lives, our education
to love and chastity, our responsibility
for history, starting them out in prayer,
apostolic involvement.
Make the Salesian Youth Movement
a privileged place for the journey of
vocational discernment: where young people
experience and show how the current of
communion flowing around Don Bosco,
his pedagogical values, and Salesian
Youth Spirituality results in a volunteer
movement and projects of life.
Evangelisation and vocation thus become
two inseparable elements. Furthermore,
a criterion of the authenticity of good
evangelisation is its ability to give rise to
vocations, to see to the growth of projects
of gospel living, to completely involve those
who are evangelised to the point where they
become disciples and apostles.
Following on from the Strenna for 2010,
“Lord, we want to see Jesus”, about the
urgent need to evangelise, I am making a
heartfelt appeal to the Salesian Family now
to feel the urgency of, the need to call
Dear brothers and sisters, every member
of the Salesian Family, I therefore invite you
to be true spiritual guides for the young,
like John the Baptist pointing out Jesus
to his disciples and telling them: “Look,
here is the Lamb of God!” (Jn 1:36),
so they can follow him to a point where
Jesus, aware that they are following him,
turns to them directly with the question:
“What are you looking for?” and they,
overcome with the desire to profoundly
get to know who this Jesus is, ask him:
“Rabbi, where do you live?” (Jn 1:38),
and he invites them to share the experience
of being with him: “Come and see”. They
will have experienced something immensely
beautiful from the moment they “came
and saw where he was staying and they
remained with him” (Jn 1:39).
Here then is the pedagogical
direction we must take:
Make the Valdocco experience our
own; it creates a family environment of
great spiritual worth, one of apostolic
30 Hajja Salesjana
Dun Bosco
fis-santi u kartolini
minn Renè Sacco
il-Sitt parti
Appell: Nixtieq nie˙u din l-opportunità biex nistieden lil min g˙andu xi santi ta’ Dun Bosco li
jista’ jiddisponi minnhom biex jg˙addihomli ˙alli titkompla tikber il-kollezzjoni. Il-kollezzjoni
tinkludi ukoll lil S. Fran©isk ta’ Sales, S. Domenico Savio, Maria AwΩiljatriçi, u l-erwie˙ tajba
kollha Salesjani. Ni©bor ukoll domni, bolli, midalji u materjal ie˙or b’konnessjoni ma’ Dun
Bosco jew is-Salesjani. Grazzi bil-quddiem.
Bil-g˙ajnuna ta’ Alla g˙addiet sena minn meta
bdejna din is-sensiela dwar ‘Dun Bosco fis-santi
u l-kartolini’, u nistg˙u ng˙idu li din is-sensiela
qajmet interess ©mielu. Kellna diversi kummenti
favorevoli u anke xi kontribuzzjonijiet ta’ materjal
g˙all-kollezzjoni. B’inkora©©ament mill-editur tal-
‘Hajja Salesjana’, Fr. Joe Cini SDB ser inkomplu
is-sensiela iΩda b’dehra daqsxejn differenti.
Ósibna biex g˙al din is-sena nΩidu aktar fin-
numru ta’ santi li nuru u nnaqqsu xi ftit f’dik li hi
kitba dwarhom. L-iskop huwa li kemm jista’ jkun
naraw aktar santi u kartolini dwar Dun Bosco u
napprezzaw kemm il-qima lejn il-patrun tag˙na
hija tassew kbira u mxerrda tista’ tg˙id mad-dinja
Nixtieqkom tinnotaw li din is-sensiela hi
bbaΩata l-aktar fuq santi pjuttost antiki u li wie˙ed
m’g˙adux jiltaqa’ mag˙hom malajr. JeΩisti numru
©mielu ta’ santi moderni ta’ Dun Bosco, iΩda peress
li ˙afna minn dawn g˙adhom jiççirkolaw, nistg˙u
insibuhom ming˙ajr wisq diffikultà u g˙alhekk kien
meqjus sewwa li wie˙ed jikkonçentra fuq dawk
tal-img˙oddi. B˙alma konna g˙amilna l-a˙˙ar
darba (il-˙ames parti), did-darba wkoll inkomplu
nuru ftit santi o˙ra bis-su©©ett tax-xog˙ol u
l-edukazzjoni. G˙alkemm il-kwadri li naraw f’dawn
is-santi huma xog˙ol ta’ artisti differenti, innotaw
is-similarità fil-kompoΩizzjoni tal-gruppi, b’u˙ud
mill-karattri sa˙ansitra ji©u rripetuti (ara nru.
6.5 u 6.6), kif ukoll il-figura dominanti ta’ Dun
Bosco fiç-çentru. Dan l-arran©ament ta’ forma
triangulari huwa wie˙ed mill-iΩjed uΩat mill-
pitturi fix-xog˙ol tag˙hom. L-isfond (background)
insibuh ivarja bejn l-imma©ni ta’ Marija G˙ajnuna
tal-Insara u dik tal-faççata tal-baΩilika ddedikata
lilha ©ewwa Turin (Valdocco).
Il-kartolina nru. 6.2 aktarx li hi riproduzzjoni
ta’ ‘basso rilievo’ forma ta’ medaljun, iΩda l-figura
Ωg˙ira ta’ Marija AwΩiljatriçi fl-isfond tag˙mel dan
daqsxejn dubbjuΩ. Din il-kartolina, stampata l-Italja
min S I.G. Fedetto & C ta’ Turin ma g˙andha xejn
aktar fuq wara, l-istess b˙al ta’ warajha nru 6.3,
biss din nistg˙u ng˙idu li hi ta’ ori©ini ÌermaniΩa.
Is-santa nru. 6.4 ©iet stampata Milan minn Stab.
31Hajja Salesjana
Pezzini u g˙andha talba bit-Taljan b’imprimatur
tal-Vigarju Ìenerali Petrus Mozzanica, datata 1 ta’
April 1934.
Is-santi nru. 6.1 u 6.6 g˙andhom talba
bil-Françis. Tal-ewwel ©iet ippubblikata mill-
Provinçjal, filwaqt li t-tieni wa˙da li hi forma ta’
novena g˙andha ‘nihil obstat’ tal-Vigarju Ìenerali
J. Leconvet datata 18 ta’ Novembru 1938 u ©iet
stampata fil-Bel©ju mill-kummissjoni Propaganda
Salesjana. Bin-numru 6.5 g˙andna santa tifkira
tal-ordinazzjoni saçerdotali ta’ Jaak Goemaere
SDB li saret fis-sena 1954. Il-lingwa uΩata fuq din
is-santa tixhed li hi ta’ ori©ini OlandiΩa.
Mill-a˙˙ar li ltqajna, apparti s-santi li rnexxieli
n©ib minn barra, Ωdiedet ukoll santa sabi˙a u
pre©jevoli donazzjoni tas-Sur Joe Camilleri.
32 Hajja Salesjana
“X’©ara?’’, qal bejnu u bejn ru˙u Kristinu, ra©el xwejja˙,
sinjur Ωg˙ir, li kien jg˙ix ©ewwa dar Ωg˙ira imma sabi˙a,
f’ra˙al imwarrab. Dan Kristinu kien i©ib ir-rispett ta’ kul˙add.
33Hajja Salesjana
Qam mis-sodda, u niΩel fil-kçina biex jara
mnejn kien ©ej dan il-˙oss. Ra ’l-qattusa fuq il-
bank tal-kçina t˙ares l-isfel. Dawwar ˙arstu l-isfel
ukoll u ra wie˙ed mill-platti tal-fidda li kellu, fl-art,
u bid-daqqa li ˙a mal-art tg˙attan. L-g˙araq beda
jxoqq g˙alih. Dak il-platt kien ilu g˙andu Ωmien, u
kien g˙al qalbu ˙afna, imma issa tg˙attan. Imma
malajr tbissem, g˙ax hu ried li dan il-platt jer©a’
jie˙u l-forma, u hekk kien ser jag˙mel.
Ìabar il-platt u r˙iela lejn il-kamra tal-g˙odda,
po©©a bilqieg˙da fuq il-banketta, u qieg˙ed l-platt
fuq il-mejda. Qabad il-martell f’idu, u beda jag˙ti
daqqiet ˙fief fuq il-platt. Il-forma tal-platt kien
jafha bl-eΩatt, kienet impin©ija f’mo˙˙u, g˙alhekk
ma kellux problemi.
Dam g˙addej ˙afna fuqu, iΩda ma’ kull jum
stajt tara l-platt jie˙u l-forma li kellu qabel. Fl-
a˙˙ar il-platt re©a’ kellu l-forma ta’ qabel, iΩda
kellu ̇ afna grif irqaq ’l hemm u ’l hawn.
Kristinu ried je˙les minnhom, g˙ax xtaq li l-platt
ikun ileqq b˙al ma kien qabel. Qabad çarruta, u
beda jillostra u jillostra. Kull darba jittawwal lejn
il-platt biex jipprova jara r-riflessjoni tieg˙u, iΩda
s’issa kienet g˙adha mçajpra. Baqa’ sakemm fl-
a˙˙ar, ©urnata minnhom, ˙ares lejn il-platt u ra
lilu nnifsu çar daqs il-kristall. Issa kien kuntent.
Dak ried! Issa meta t˙ares lejn il-platt kont tibqa’
b’˙alqek miftu˙, kien isba˙ minn kif kien qabel.
Il-platt huwa a˙na. Kemm-il darba waqajna u
©arrabna daqqiet fuqna, u grif; dawk huma ˙afna
wkoll! Forsi ma konniex nindunaw, iΩda n˙ossuna
f’xi mumenti li m’a˙niex kif konna qabel. Alla,
b˙al Kristinu, ji©borna mill-art g˙ax jit˙assarna,
u ja˙dem fuqna sabiex ner©g˙u ni©u b˙al qabel.
Hemm mumenti f’˙ajjitna fejn ner©g˙u nqumu
fuq saqajna, iΩda jkun g˙ad fadlilna dawk il-grif.
Il-Mulej jibqa’ jnaddafna sakemm jibda jidher
wiççu fina, sakemm a˙na nibdew nirriflettu ’l
Alla ©o fina. Forsi d-daqqiet tal-martell ser
iwe©©g˙una, iç-çarruta ˙a ddejaqna, iΩda
hekk iridna nsiru, nsiru nirriflettuh, nxandruh
b’kull kelma li to˙ro© minn fommna. Irridu
minn issa nibdew nitolbu l-g˙ajnuna ta’
Alla ˙alli jekk qeg˙din mitfug˙in fl-art,
inqumu, jekk qeg˙din mimlijin grif,
nibdew inleqqu. T˙allix lil min jag˙fsek
iktar l-isfel, qum u kun sod. Int trid
tibda tleqq? Lest li tqum minn mal-art
˙abib? Kura©©...
Mark Schembri
34 Hajja Salesjana
Every summer, when I used to see friends of mine
going abroad to do some sort of voluntary work, I
always wished that one day I could have the same
experience. They always described it as being such
a great moment in their life. Finally my opportunity
arrived, and in no time I found myself living in Italy
for a month.
For the first two weeks, I was a leader in a
Summer School called ‘Estate Ragazzi’ and for
the rest of the month I took part in two formation
camps for leaders.
My first couple of days at the Summer School
were the hardest part of my experience since I had
no idea what to expect and there was no one I knew.
In the mornings there was a play school for children
under eight years old called ‘La Ludoteca’, followed
by the ‘Estate Ragazzi’ in the afternoon. I found it
a bit difficult at first to socialise with some of the
leaders, but then I started to get to know them, and
I quickly made friends. This helped to make my two
weeks pass so fast that it was soon time for me to
pack up my things and part for another adventure.
The first formation camp was called ‘Vogliamo
vedere GesÙ,‘ which started during my third week.
Here I made many friends of my age, who were
from different oratories of the FMA’s sisters in Italy
(‘Figlie di Maria Ausiliatrice’). We learnt about Jesus
and how to see him in other people. The fourth week
was an internal camp. Here the leaders all came
from the oratory of Taranto. As some of the leaders
from the first camp also attended the second camp,
a great bond was created between us.
I couldn’t believe that a month without my family
and friends could pass so fast.
I learnt how to be more confident and
independent, and also made friends with many
great people whom I still keep in contact with, even
now. I’m very grateful for having had this amazing
opportunity for such a wonderful experience and I
will cherish it for the rest of my life.
Angele DeBono
Summer Camp in Italy
Çempel lil Fr Eric Cachia SDB fuq 21 331 447
Hija somma ta’ flus li tg˙inna biex in˙allsu parti mill-formazzjoni
ta’ Ωag˙Ωug˙ li qed i˙ejji ru˙u biex isir saçerdot Salesjan.
Kapital ta’ b600
Le. Wie˙ed jista’ jag˙tiha biçça biçça, tant fix-xhar jew tant fis-sena.
Le. Jistg˙u jiftehmu flimkien iktar minn persuna wa˙da u kul˙add jag˙ti sehmu.
IΩda min jo˙ro© wa˙du s-somma kollha, ikun fundatur ta’ dik il-BorΩa.
Jistà. U min jag˙mel hekk, jistà jikteb fit-testment: “In˙alli b˙ala legat lis-Salesjani ta’ Don
Bosco, is-somma ta’ g˙all-formazzjoni ta’ Ωag˙Ωug˙ Malti fl-istess Soçjetà.
BorΩa ta’ Studju
Huwa fatt ta’ swied il-qalb li llum ˙afna Ωg˙aΩag˙ huma:
• vittma ta’ min juΩahom biex jistg˙ana
• abbuΩati sesswalment
• uΩati mill-mexxejja tad-droga
• imça˙˙din minn valuri essenzjali fil-˙ajja
Int tistà tg˙inna. Meta qed tag˙mel hekk, int tkun qed tie˙u sehem fil-
˙idma ta’ Don Bosco. Alla biss ikun jaf il-©id li tkun qed tag˙mel.
G˙in il-˙idma Salesjana
Dawk li huma l-iΩjed fil-periklu l-aktar ji˙tie©u g˙ajnuna. Dawk li m’g˙andhomx le˙en
je˙tie©u xi ˙add jiddefendihom. San Ìwann Bosco kien jafu dan. Hu ˙adem f’˙ajtu kollha
g˙aΩ-Ωg˙aΩag˙, g˙all-foqra u g˙al dawk li huma l-aktar fil-bΩonn.
On February 11, 1858,
Bernadette Soubirous
went collecting wood
with two other girls
along the Gave River
in Lourdes, France.
As they reached the
Cave of Massabielle,
her companions ran
on ahead leaving
Bernadette alone.
Suddenly, there was a
strong wind and the
Cave was filled with
light. She looked up
and saw a beautiful
Lady, wearing a white
dress with a blue sash,
a Rosary in her hands,
and two golden roses at
her feet. The white lady smiled and invited Bernadette
to pray the Holy Rosary with her. Three days later,
Our Lady appeared again and asked Bernadette to
come back for sixteen days, to pray for the conversion
of sinners, and to tell the priests to build a chapel
there. She also invited her to drink from a spring of
miraculous water nearby. Bernadette obeyed, followed
by thousands of people, but none of them had the grace
to see the apparition. When she asked for her name,
the Lady replied: “I am the Immaculate Conception”.
Apparitions of Our Lady
Our Lady of Lourdes