Year 3 No. 10 Apr - May 2009
St Paul’s Parish: 30th Anniversary
Cagliero 11: Salesian Missions
ZMB 2009
Lufubu: Memories of Year 2008
Editorial 3
Words of the Provincial 4
ZMB Extraordinary Visitation 5
Accompanying the Young 6
Challenges to the Obama administration 7
Lufubu: Hits 2008 9
Gone to the Father’s house 10
VDB in ZMB Vice province? 11
Jubilee of St Paul’s parish 12
Solidarity with Zimbabwe 13
News from Hwange 15
Thinking Zone: Lenten Reflections 15
News from Kabwe: Don Bosco’s Feast 16
Missions: Cagliero 11 17
Reflections from the Novitiate 19
ZMB Photo 20
Director: Fr Joseph Czerwinski sdb
Editor: Fr Javier Barrientos
Redaction Board: Fr Joseph Czerwinski, Fr Javier Barrientos
Graphic Design: Fr Javier Barrientos
Photos: Fr Leszek Aksamit, Fr Andrew Reut
Fr Antonio Barrientos
Printed: Printing Press - Provincial HouseZMB
150th Anniversary
of the Foundation Congregation
Salesian Newslink | ZMB Quarterly publication
Year 3/Nº10 Apr - May 2009
1. Chawama: 01/3/09 SDB & FMA recollection day
(Lusaka - Zambia)
2. City of Hope: 13/3/09 Youth Day Celebrations
(Lusaka - Zambia)
3. Moshi: 15/2/09 Fr Joseph’s visit to the formation
house during the curatorium meeting (Moshi -
4. Chawama: 09/3/09 Birthday of Fr Leszek. The
celebration started with the solemn evening prayer.
5. Kabwe: 16/3/09 Fr Joseph’s visit to the novitiate.
Fr Joseph and Fr Francois posing with the novices
after the curatorium meeting (Kabwe - Zambia)
Cover: Fr Tresphord Chisanga in the USA
Fr Javier Antonio Barrientos,sdb
Lenten season
Time to amend our ways
and go back to ‘walk with God’
communities and see confreres, but young person that we meet.
informally. Many people would say that the best and
his year is a special year for our Nevertheless, I ask all the rectors and local most effective way is the life witness of our
ZMB Province in all its aspects. It is superiors to take time and prepare the communities being given to the young Tmarked by Anniversaries and communities for this important visit. First people around us. I do not question this.
Celebrations: The 150th Anniversary of of all, the house council should prepare the This is indeed the best way and this is what
the beginning of the Salesian Congregation, program and time table of the visit. Could Don Bosco was doing. However, we all, all
the 50th and 25th Anniversary of the you please make sure that firstly, all the confreres are called: …To encourage young
religious profession of Fr J. Gotter and Frs confreres will be present in the people to be apostles among their own
Ch. Rychcik and P. Skolas inski communities during the time of visitation. companions, taking on various kinds of
respectively, the Silver Jubilee of the Secondly the people and youth that we ecclesial and social service. … To
beginning of the missionary work of the work with are present as well and of course encourage a vocational option for apostolic
Salesian Sisters in Zambia, the Silver the necessary books: chronicle, mass commitment, these young people should be
Jubilee of the missionary work in ZMB of stipends, financial reports, etc., are up to offered a more intensive spiritual life and a
Frs Daniluk A., Kozlowicz, W., Skowron J., date and ready. Don Guillermo carries out m o r e p e r s o n a l a n d s y s t e m a t i c
Szurgot G., Zdzieborski A. and Ziolkiewicz the visitation on behalf of the Rector Major accompaniment… Proposing the Salesian
J. The 15th anniversary of the priestly and I am sure that you will welcome him consecrated vocation to young people is
ordination of Frs Aksamit L. and Malec P. with due respect and joy. part of our fidelity to God for the gift we
These are the major anniversaries but there I have consulted the time table with Don have received…”
are also other anniversaries and Guillermo and he has accepted it. So this is These very beautiful words given to us in
celebrations, as well. more or less final version of the visitation. the final GC 26 document should encourage
So, in this special year, the year of many The visitation will begin in Lilongwe and us to do more for vocations. If we really
meaningful anniversaries, we are going to ends in Lusaka. There will be one month take to heart those words and attitudes, I am
have a special Salesian event as well – THE break as in October as Don Guillermo will sure we will be blessed with many, good
EXTRAORDINARY VISITATION OF go to Rome. and holy vocations.
DON GUILLERMO BASANES SDB, Let us keep in our prayers Don Guillermo Additionally, I would like to mention the a
THE GENERAL COUNCILOR FOR and our province, specially now in the time further aspect of the salesian vocation.
AFRICA AND MADAGASCAR. of Lent. From late last year the Councillor for
As I have already written, I received the Missions Don Klement Vaclav has
decree from the Rector Major announcing ZMB vocational animation…. launched an invitation to all Salesians to re-
the extraordinary visitation of ZMB Vice The 150th Anniversary o the Congregation think and re-discover the missionary aspect
Province this year, 2009, in the months of is a perfect opportunity to reflect and act on of the Salesian vocation. In this regard he
September and November. our vocation ministry in ZMB. We do need has started the on-line magazine Cagliero
As you all know, we were supposed to have vocations; we do need young men who will 11 aimed at rekindling the missionary flame
the visitation next year. However, because carry out the Salesian Evangelizing in the Congregation. He has also invited all
Don G. Basanes has been asked to Mission to the young people in these four p r o v i n c e s w o r l d w i d e t o p l e d g e
participate in the special synod for Africa it countries of Southern Africa. Although we missionaries ‘ad gentes’ for various
would be difficult for him to do the have 9 novices, 5 pre-novices and 5 destinations. It is the hope that also from our
visitation in AFE as it was scheduled for this aspirants we can notice that the numbers in ZMB Vice Province there will be some
year. The AFE Province has 26 these 3 stages of the Initial Formation has candidates who after a serious process of
communities and almost 170 confreres. It not increased as such, on the contrary it is discernment will join the missions on the
would not be possible to do the visitation in decreasing. distant continents.
only two months. Because of that, the I think that we, all confreres of ZMB, have Each and every one of us is a missionary.
Rector Major decided to swop over the to understand and take into our hearts, that Let us re-discover this missionary vocation
visitations in the provinces and this year the the vocation animation is the task of each during this missionary year. (St. Paul)
visitation will be done in ZMB and next and every one of us. It is not only the task May the 150th anniversary of the
year 2010, in AFE. of the vocation promoters in the congregation, help us all to be more zealous
This change has some consequences. The communities and PYD in the Provincial and courageous in continuing working for
first one is that I will not do the canonical House. It is really each confrere’s the Kingdom.
visitation this year. It is Don G. Basanes responsible for attracting and planting the
who will do it. I will try to visit the seeds of religious life in the heart of the
Words of the Provincial
Fr Joseph Czerwinski.sdb
Vocation Animation:
an urgent call to work
with missionary zeal...
GC 26
Letter from Rome
Fr Pascual Chávez,sdb
his year 2009, is . We thank God and discourses in such a setting. Faith after all is
Don Bosco for the Salesian Spirit gift, and the task of faith companions is that
based on “ Give me Soul and take of encouraging the receiver to open the T
away the rest”. The real question facing us package and embrace the gift for all its
at this time is how to become fire for the worth, eventually praising the gift giver.
young people we are called to accompany in This means that one who accompanies the
a time when so many other things attract and young today on their faith journey is aware
lure and warm and light up their lives. of how important the personal relationship
Today , the young people are in a digital is on the journey in which the young person a certain extent through listening to the
world ( cell phones, IPods, Mps, internet, has to become responsible for the gift. Word of God, through prayer both personal
facebook, MySpace,hi5 etc). We are to Knowing the problematic areas of youth and communal, participation in the Liturgy,
accept the reality and walk with them. culture and sustaining the positive elements YES Retreats, faith sharing and through
I will attempt to speak of spiritual is a really necessary step in this journey of attending to the law of love at heart of God;
accompaniment of the young in the light of accompaniment, so that the companion may to become that love for each other and
our Salesian calling. Accompaniment is not truly make the journey alongside the young, others.
new, it is a practice deeply rooted in the until the young make the choices they need Once again the journey of accompaniment
bible, present in classical literature and to take their won journey in hand. This task has always to be played out on two fronts.
constantly cultivated in the history of both is as difficult as it is a delicate. On the one The first one is the place where the young
western and eastern spirituality even in our hand we are to help young people reflect reside: the life of the young is departure
African spirituality. Today we tend to talk critically on their lived experience so that point. The second is the centrality of Christ
less and less of ‘ spiritual direction’ and the future might be lived in a different way. who becomes the way and the truth and the
m o r e a n d m o r e o f ‘ s p i r i t u a l On the other hand the task is to help the fullness of life to which the young aspire.
accompaniment’, understood as service of young person deepen his or her This is a journey of faith , companioned by
listening, of companion and hope, a understanding of the mystery of Christ so as others who are on their own journey. The
systematic school of the interior life. to discover the fullness of his or her life, its journey is never the same for any two
Accompanying the young spiritually, in this meaning and purpose in its totality, seeking people. What is the common element for all
context, means helping them discover and always to identify with Christ and assuming people is that the journey is allowed to
live Jesus as the unifying center of their the implications of such identification. unfold in day-to-day life.
existence and as the fundamental choice Spiritual accompaniment of the young is not Our task is an awesome one. It is as vital
that directs their vocational orientation. a way of helping the young to grow up. It is today as it is awesome. Only the fire of
This is our task; it is task that demands our rather a way of helping them to grow into God’s love will sustain our passion. Only
own personal soul work. Any process which love. It is a way of assisting the young in this passion will be equal to the task of
seeks to accompany the young in their transforming our endeavours to lead the
human-Christian growth needs to start from young into Christ. Your prayer and mine
an understanding of where the young are. during this special year, then, must be for
The companion needs to immerse himself this passion and for our hearts to burn with
or herself in the complex world of young such passion. Our prayer must be that we be
people. Young people today run the risk of given the souls our hearts seek so that we
going from one experience to another might build in our ZMB Province an
without putting down roots, without making almighty fire of love, not simply for the
stable choices and without defining their young, but more importantly together with
fundamental groups of belonging. the young.
We live in times of exodus. Our young From the Obamaland, wishing you a
people are signs of this. As educator to the their meeting and immersion into Christ, in Fruitful Lenten Season and Happy Easter to
faith our task is an awesome one, some whom God has become visible. The aim is the Salesian Family.
might say even an impossible one. Yet, faith that the young comes to experience God as
may also prove to be the most timely of God is. The means to do this can be taught to Fr Tresphord,sdb
Accompanying the
The souls our hearts seek...
Fr Tresphord Chisanga,sdb
Thinking Zone | Part I
make no apology for talking and some thought it was decidedly un-
writing, in the UK, about a foreign episcopal language.
leader. But expectations of him are so I was very angry toward the Reagan I
high and attention worldwide is glued to administration, but that did not make me
his every step as he reaches the end of his anti-American. And that is the point, anger
first month in office. He is the story of the and resentment toward the policies of a
moment. part icular administrat ion do not
I am obviously referring to Barack Obama. necessarily translate into anti-American
Three months ago as I watched the news sentiment.
that could define an era, I rubbed my eyes
in disbelief and wonder. It could not be true Black role models
that Barack Obama, the son of a Kenyan, When I was nine or so, I picked up a
was to be the next president of the United tattered copy of Ebony magazine. I still For those of us who have looked to
States. don't know where it could have come from America for inspiration as we struggled for
in my ghetto township with its poverty and democracy and human rights, these past
'Resentment and opposition' squalor. It described how Jackie Robinson, seven years have been lean ones.
During the previous administration's term, a black man like us, had broken into major
I'd been asked to suggest one unilateral league baseball and was playing When war began, first in Afghanistan and
magnanimous gesture or action that the scintillatingly for the Brooklyn Dodgers. not long after in Iraq, we read allegations of
incoming US president might make to I did not know baseball from ping-pong. prisoner abuse at Bagram air base in
counteract anti-Americanism abroad. I That was totally irrelevant. What mattered Afghanistan and of rendition to countries
said that while there were clearly pockets was that a black man had made it against notorious for practising torture. We saw the
of anti-Americanism around the world, this huge odds, and I grew inches and was sold horrific images from Abu Ghraib and
was definitely not a global phenomenon on America from then on. learned of gruesome acts performed in the
nor was it directed towards the American Remember the extraordinary outpouring of name of gathering information. Sometimes
people. sympathy and concern after 9/11? That the torture itself was couched in the US
What I certainly could attest to was surely could not have happened, certainly government's euphemisms - calling
substantial resentment and indeed hostile not on such a vast global scale if people waterboard ing an " in te r roga t ion
opposition to the policies of a particular US hadn't genuinely cared. Everywhere, technique".
administration. virtually. To the past administration's record on
I contended, as I do now, that the two are But what happened that all these positive torture, we must add a string of other
quite distinct and separate. warm feelings toward the United States policies that have damaged the standing of
An elucidating example dates back to the were disrupted and turned into the negative the United States in the world: its hostility
years of the anti-apartheid struggle. The ones of hostility and anger? to the Kyoto Protocol on greenhouse gases;
Reagan White House was firmly opposed 'Lean years' its refusal to assent to the Rome Statute of
to applying sanctions against the South the International Criminal Court; its
African apartheid regime, preferring what restrictions on the use of US funding to
it described as "constructive engagement". fight Aids; and the arrogant unilateralism it
Many of us were incensed by this policy has employed in declaring to be enemies
and opposed it with every fibre of our any countries it deemed "against us"
being. because they were not "for us".
I probably dismayed many people when on
one occasion I was told of the latest Reagan 'Bully-boy attitude'
rejection of our call for US sanctions I never imagined in my worst dreams that I
against Pretoria. I retorted, out of deep would live to see the day when the United
exasperation, "The West can go to hell!" I States would abrogate the rule of law and
was then Bishop of Johannesburg, and habeas corpus as has happened in the case
Article from BBC |
Desmond Tutu
Archbishop of Cape Town and Nobel Peace Prize winner
The first black South African archbishop of the Anglican church and veteran
campaigner against apartheid, Desmond Tutu, gives a lecture in London on Thursday
to mark the 75th anniversary of the British Council.
Here, he explores some of the same themes in an article written for BBC News.
Msgr. Desmond Tutu
Anglican archbishop of Cape Town
Challenges to the Obama Administration
of those described as "enemy combatants" difference between the United States - United States and United Kingdom, and we
incarcerated in Guantanamo Bay. Or that I where people can kick an unpopular will always be deeply grateful.
would hear an American government and political party out - and their own The British Council, where I will speak
its apologists use exactly the same countries. today to mark their 75th anniversary,
justification for detention without trial, as Obama's election has been an epoch- worked with us during those years
had been used by the apartheid government making event that filled the whole world providing educational and cultural
of South Africa - a practice that the United with hope that change is possible. activities. These included training in the
States at the time condemned roundly, as People everywhere identified Obama as UK for 200 black South Africans and
was so utterly right to have done. the bearer of a new hope, someone who working with local groups on language
could electrify crowds with spellbinding teaching and reading in black primary
oratory, galvanizing many out of their schools. The British Council supported
lethargy. Nelson Mandela's work in reforming the
His election also said more eloquently than post-apartheid diplomatic service and
anything else that we black people are not education system.
God's step-children, despite so much
evidence to the contrary. That whatever we UK standing
attempt, we can do it - yes we can. And here I must comment on the UK
In the midst of this celebration, however, a government's role as the US's biggest ally
word of caution is appropriate. In the first this past eight years, in particular in the war
days after 9/11, the United States had the on terror. Your standing in the world has
world's sympathy, an unprecedented wave also suffered as a result of this close co-
of it. President Bush squandered it. operation, although perhaps to a slightly
Obama too could easily squander the lesser degree thanks to other more
goodwill that his election generated if he favourable actions in tackling climate
disappoints. change, interest in Africa's problems and
It would be wonderful if, on behalf of the campaigning on debt relief.
nation, Obama apologises to the world, and The problem today is that you don't have
especially the Iraqis, for an invasion that I the redeeming Obama factor and although
believe has turned out to be an unmitigated you perhaps don't come from such a low
disaster. point, you don't have his advantage of
international goodwill in restoring the
Bridge building UK's perception overseas.
While he's already promised to shut down Going forward, as we strive to create a
So, it was a devastating case of deja vu for Guantanamo Bay, he should also move to stable, prosperous world for all, we need to
some of us, thoroughly disillusioning. ratify the Rome Statute on the International work together with other nations for
The Bush administration managed to rile Criminal Court. justice, equity and peace. We need to
people everywhere. Its bully-boy attitude For many of us, an upright US was a great believe that the values of fairness and
sadly polarised our world. inspiration in our fight against the iniquity compassion are not only yours and mine;
Against all that, the election of Barack of apartheid. I pray that President Obama they are shared by all humanity.
Obama has turned America's image on its will come down hard on African dictators, Most of us do want to see peace.
head. On US election night last November, especially because they cannot credibly And here I want to end with what seems so
I wanted to jump and dance and shout, as I charge him with being neo-colonialist. utterly obvious about what we learned
did after voting for the first time in my The US administration needs to reach out from our particular situation in South
native South Africa on 27 April 1994. to other nations, build bridges, listen. Africa. Peace does not come from the
My wife cried with incredulity and joy as Obama and his Secretary of State, Hillary barrel of a gun but is achieved when
we watched a broadcast of the celebrations Clinton, have spoken of the importance of cultural differences are respected and the
in Chicago, after the election results came smart power and the role of cultural fundamental rights of all are recognised
through. A newspaper here ran a picture of diplomacy in their foreign policy toolbox. and upheld.
Obama from an earlier trip to one of our The sounds and gestures coming from In South Africa, the British Council's work
townships, where he was mobbed by them are most welcome, but they must now today includes Global Xchange, a unique
youngsters. It was tacitly saying that we are carry through on these. volunteer exchange programme with the
proud he once visited us. Keeping the relationships alive between VSO, where teams from both countries
different peoples, and the dialogue going in have been working on Youth Leadership
Caution difficult times is essential. They pave the and HIV/Aids. Global Xchange brings
Because the Bush years have been way for better times. In a world of together young people from the UK and
disastrous for other parts of the world in increasing instability and mistrust and in overseas, living and working side-by-side
many ways, Obama's victory dramatises the face of shared global challenges, we for six months to create positive change
the self-correcting mechanism that need to build understanding and and strengthen community cohesion in
epi tomises American democracy. collaboration between ordinary people, to both countries.
Elsewhere, oppressors, tyrants and their forge the ties which can last a lifetime
lapdogs can say what they like and, for the whatever is happening on the political
most part, they stay put. stage.
But ord inary c i t izens l iv ing in We owe our glorious victory over the
undemocratic societies are not fools; they awfulness of apartheid in South Africa in
may not always agree with US foreign large part to the support we received from
policy, but they can see and register the the international community, including the
Community Celebrations
alesian communities are festive and Christmas. The most particular thing
presences. Lufubu Agriculture about this day is exactly this…the
Training School did not miss out this combination of the two feasts. Well, S
salesian fact. combining 8th and 25th December was not
The year ended, 2008 was packed with so silly a thing after all. It is Mary’s pure
different animated activities. On the 24th heart that leads us to understand Mary’s
of October we had celebrated the Zambia’s YES addressed to Angel Gabriel. 26th
Independence Day in style. The day was December was the Immaculate Christmas
filled with interesting moments: Mass, for Lufubu Community. This day was a big
variety show and Modelling. There we saw hit for both Lufubu SDBs and the young.
two students immerging as Miss
Independence and Mr. Independence. We 31 December 2008, was the climax for us. believing…come and see!
had also a football match, the Mandalaz We started with an intensive general keep
(elders) versus the Young. The Mandalaz up. We lacked those glittering Christmas However, our celebration was not only
proved themselves fit by drawing with the decorations but this did not hinder us from imitoto bread/cakes. We also had other
Young 1-1. At the end of the celebrations making our place smart. In fact Lufubu is activities. First was the evaluation for the
we had one decade of rosary, a goodnight, a naturally beautiful. One shouldn’t worry year ended 2008. In particular, we had a
solemn blessing, and each participant went about those stereotyped glittering papers detailed review of the retreat, which turned
out with a gift of a special sweet from and plastics because in Lufubu, beauty out to be a hit.
Poland. This day was a hit. consists of being natural. Just as one is
fascinated by the scent of the pines in the Soon after the evaluation we had the long
On the 23rd of December 2008, we had a awaited moment: the big spiritual bang. A
retreat. We wouldn’t just have finished the “Thanksgiving prayer for the year 2008
year without a spiritual hit. Look, this is not and the offering of the New Year coming
new. All our houses conduct retreats. But 2009”. Oh!!! This was a must show. Why
this one was a particular one. Imagine were you absent? You couldn’t have
100% of the youths present had their missed it out. We would have laid down the
confessions or at least went for spiritual programme so that you see how that
direction. What do you understand by “a moment looked like hadn’t it been for the
successful retreat”? Look into your heart! limited space. The whole room was filled
After confessions/spiritual direction we with Holy Spirit. Without realising it, we
had exposition of Blessed Sacrament and woods, one can also be uplifted with the were at 10minutes before midnight, a sign
then mass. This day too was a hit. enduring scent of the cows, goats and pigs that the Spirit moved along with us from
Three days later, on the 26th December on the farms of Lufubu. 21:00hrs to 23:50hrs. Didn’t the disciples,
2008, we had an integrated celebration of We are aware of the famous Bemba Peter, John and James exclaim: “Lord it is
two feasts; the Feast of Mary Immaculate proverb: “Umwana ashenda…atasha nyina good that we are here. Lets build three
ukunaya”. So it is with all those who close tents…” (Mk, 9:5), as if to say, “Lord it is
their ears when they hear of Lufubu as if of good to be with you. Lets build a mansion
“bloodshed”, they will never believe that from concrete and metal; we want to stay
wheat flour is not everything. For the first here with you forever”. Just as the whole
time in whole world, we had imitoto bread programme was in style so was the ending.
and cakes for our New Year Celebrations. We ended the spiritual encounter with the
Imitoto bread is very similar to the black Lord after a solemn blessing of Mary Help
bread mama Margaret made for little of Christians animated by Fr. Peter Malec.
Johnny…smooth on the tongue and yet
hard on the stomach. It is made from very After the blessing, everyone disembarked
special seeds very rich in oil. This oil is just the room and rejoined the sight were an old
as good as olive oil. Seeing is bull, made of cloth and paper, was set to be
2008 HITS
Cl Christopher Kunda,sdb
chrisk loso@yahoo.fro
memories from last year’s celebrations
t was on the 10th day of the first month, Mr. Faustino Chilekwa is no more on this
January, when we just got into the New Earth.
Year, 2009, when the angels had a task I
to look for someone to facilitate the making Highlights of his life
of the sweet melodies in the continuous Mr Faustino Chilekwa was a very active
praise and Worship of the Almighty God in member of St Mary’s parish. He belonged
Heaven. At around 18:45hrs, Zambian to the Association of the Salesian Co-
time, the angels came across a man in his operators. Mr Chilekwa made his promise
Fifties, teacher by profession, living in as Salesian co-operator during the visit of
Kabwe, a town of the Central province in Fr Pascual Chavez to Zambia, back in the
Zambia. This man was a very devoted son year 2007. He was the secretary of the
of God, blessed with a talent of making group.
people happy through the sweet melodies He used to translate the homilies in the
he composed. He was a member of the parish from the English language into the
famous Angels’ Choir of St Mary’s Parish. vernacular language (Bemba). By the time
“What a man!” the angel Michael he died he was retired from teaching at
resounded in his surprised voice. Caritas Convent Girls School, where he
Coincidently, when angel Michael was taught the English language.
asking for this devoted man’s name, the His commitment in Church went also
man was on the phone talking to his only towards enhancing family life. He
child, who lived far away from home. He belonged to the movement Marriage
mentioned his son’s name, Damiano so the Encounter.
angel thought that was the man’s and went Mr Faustino will be remembered by family
to write it down on the selection list. No! and friends for his cheerfulness and
No! No! Angel Gabriel corrected, that’s the availability to church work. He lives also in
son’s name, this man’s name is Faustino the memory of the many salesians who
Chilekwa. It was corrected, the name was passed through St Mary’s parish.
written and the task was done.
sacrificed. This symbolised the burning would stay “alive and kicking” after the they are full of disappointments, so be
away in flames of all the habits that long overnight celebrations. The Holy patience for what you’re doing. Everything
hindered us from making Don Bosco Year Mass started at 09:00hrs with Fr. Rector as you do it reflect inwards personality.
2008 a successful one. The rising up of the the main celebrant. Our school choir was as My Angel don’t cry for beads. Yours
smoke there meant the offering to the Lord violent in Lord as ever. Tell us… is there faithfully,
of the New Don Bosco Year 2009. We any other better way than this to conclude Lufubu Community wishes all ZMB
prayed for a fresh start with renewed spirits the Christmas and New Year celebrations? confreres a fruitful apostolic year 2009.
and vigour. After the burning, Fr. Eugene But wait, the Mass was not the least and the Let this Year 2009 be a Hit and not a miss!
gave a blessing and in the name of the last. At 12:00hrs we had a festive lunch,
Rector and the community officially then was another memorable moment, the By Cl Chris Kunda sdb
announced the new apostolic Don Bosco “Wish Giving”. Each student was given a
Year 2009. At this moment, “let the music post card on which was asked to write a
play and the floor open for the long awaited small wish for the New Year. The card was
Disco with its subsequent recreational to be addressed to, “My Angel”. The cards
night activities (laugh)”. Everything was where put in a small box from which each
pleasant. No one even desired to go back participant picked one but not his/her own.
home. Everyone seemed to be happy to be So at 14:00hrs we met. The Rector was
there; it was a start afresh with Don Bosco. present. Animated by the salesian family
It’s however, easy to understand the spirit, the messages were read by each
enthusiasm in the young people that kept participants. Most the messages were heart
them all through that night… “the spirit of taking. One of the confreres picked a card
salesian festivity”: good organisation; with the following message. (I copy it as
interesting party games; dances; talk shows literary as possible).
and all these sandwiched with emotional Dear angel, hope and trust you have
breaks under candle light with tea and celebrated your Happy New Year 2009 in
imitoto cakes. Good Manner, The word of encouragement
But that was not all. After such a long but about your future, here at Don Bosco
interesting celebration we did not forget the Agricultural COLLEGE is be a Good
feast of Mary Mother of God, 1st January. citizen and hard worker to win your go. The
We couldn’t believe that the young people world is not innocent as you think because
Salesian Family
Gone to the Father’s House...
+ Mr Faustino Chilekwa,
Salesian Cooperator
Kabwe Centre
Born 1956, died 2009
Salesian Family
Fr Bruno Zamberlan,sdb
od’s works are born in poverty, in a visionary man, a Saint! He sowed “in it? You don’t need any “permission” to be a
humility and they are consolidated silence”! Salesian, do you?
in the silence” (Don Rinaldi). Only in 1978 the Volunteers of Don Bosco The Salesian Co-operators were set up in G
(VDB) became a Secular Institute of the Province by the initiative of two local
We know that the Salesian Congregation Pontifical Right. communities (Kabwe and Chingola) and
was born among a lot of ecclesiastic and Today the total members are 1,277: 25 in now other two Communities are following
p o l i t i c a l i n t e r f e r e n c e a n d Africa, 422 in America, 132 in Asia and 698 the example by starting the journey of
misunderstanding. in Europe. formation of other two groups. To involve
Don Bosco use to say: “If I knew in advance The VDB Institute was born and grew up in ourselves in promoting the Salesian Family
the sufferings I supposed to go through in the spiritual family of Don Bosco: the is not an “extra job”, we cannot do this,
founding the Congregation, I would not thinking, the pastoral choices, the criteria because “we don’t have nothing to do”. To
have started”. Yet this year we are of formation, the words and the testimony promote other branches of the Salesian
celebrating the 150 Anniversary of our of life express and divulgate the salesian Family and to work together with them,
Congregation. spirit in the Church and in the world. “creating a vast movement of persons for
Probably we don’t know how Don Rinaldi the salvation of the young of today” it is
(so-called the replica of Don Bosco) started In the last meeting of the Conference of actually the strenna of the Rector Major for
this Institute of women where the members Provinces and Vice provinces of Africa and 2009 (see also Const. 5b). But how can we
are living in the world, for the world and Madagascar (CIVAM) held in October work with them if we don’t have them
they don’t belong to the world: they are lay, 2008, we received two members of the among us? Who is the one supposed to look
consecrated Salesians in the world! VDB Institute who came from Rome to be at it? “Let us COMMIT OURSELVES” the
among us and to sensitize the house about strenna starts with. The “neighbouring”
Fr Felipe Rinaldi started the first group of 7 their plan of promoting and consolidating provinces have started already. The VDB
young ladies in 1917, when he was the their Institute. Institute is present in Kenya, Angola,
chaplain of the Oratory of the FMAs in Mozambique, D.R.C and South Africa.
Turin. For more than 60 years this vocation Mary Help of Christians Vice-Province If we don’t work as “Salesian Family” our
was not recognized officially by the (ZMB) doesn’t have VDBs. Isn’t this the own identity is at risk!
Church. Don Rinaldi, like Don Bosco, was right time to start and do something about
within the ZMB Vice province yet?
Commenting on the Strenna ‘09
Lord, teach me to get old in a Christian Help me, Lord, to be useful to others by
Give me the grace to look with gratitude way. contributing with my joy to the
Convince me that the ones who take me enthusiasm of the one who got towards the happy home you prepared for
out from my responsibilities, the ones responsibility and by accepting my exit me.
who don’t ask for my opinion, the ones from the field of activities in the same way Lord, teach me to get old looking at
who occupy my place, are not unjust we accept with total simplicity the sunset YOU, the sun of my life.
people. at the end of the day.
Take away from me the pride of my past Finally I give you thanks, God, my Lord “The life of the aged confreres takes on a
experience and the feeling that I am for this quite hour I am passing through: new apostolic significance” (Const. 53).
indispensable. I recognize now how much You loved me.
(Reflection on page 18)
The Sun of the AGED people
- Prayer -
News from Nkhotakota (Malawi)
abwino sayitanira (Good things are w h o m o u r p a r i s h i s
not advertised) so goes the Chewa dedicated) and pears jubilee
adage, they say ‘it manifests itself’. celebration of becoming St. Z
This is probably why we have been quite on Paul’s Parish.
this part of the Salesian world. People
speak little about us, this is perhaps Celebrations began two days
because we don’t say much about prior to the main celebration.
ourselves. Indeed, we believe it is not good On 14th November we
to be blowing one’s own trumpet. Even began the day with retreat
though this is so, we have thought it wise for the parishioners. We
this time to put ourselves on the Salesian concluded the event with
map of the Province. For it is always good a d o r a t i o n a n d H o l y
to share with others what we are doing on Eucharist. There was an opportunity to St. Edmound School as the venue. The
the shores of Lake Malawi. make a special entry to the celebration, a place was decorated to its maximum;
spiritual journey. This event of spiritual people gathered to the upper limit,
St. Paul’s parish is one of the biggest journey was well participated and well everything was ripe and right to begin the
parishes (territory wise) in Lilongwe conducted. The next day was the day of get- celebration. Holy Eucharist was presided
diocese even to the extent to say in Malawi. together, a day set apart for the youth of our over by Msgr Sonkhani and concelebrated
Its Parish Priest Fr. Louis Malama says it parish and youth centre. Our youth centre by 10 priests and one deacon. The beauty of
has about 18,500 Catholics and 1,500 organized the whole Saturday to celebrate the event was most of the former parish
catechumens. It stretches from one end of in different ways. Morning we undertook priests were there to recall the development
the district of Nkhotakota to the other end. cleaning, decorating and ordering the place of the parish. We thanked God whole
This parish is situated on the eastern end of for the main celebration. It was a wonderful heartily for the wonders He has done in the
Malawi along the shores of Lake Malawi scene to see our Muslim youths, parish. To be part of this day and to join us
and is bordered by Nkhatabay in the north, Protestants, and Anglican youths in thanking God we had the PS Mary
participating whole heartedly to make this Shawa and our area MP Hon Clement
event beautiful. In the afternoon we had Stambuli and many other distinguished
different activities to mile stone the day of guests. Radio Alinafe aired the whole
youth. There were matches organized, such programme live and made it known to the
as volley ball, foot ball, Net ball and chance whole country the wonderful work God has
games for small children. It was a tough done in our parish. The auspicious
event to win the grand prize, every team luncheon made the day mere energetic and
fought till their last molecules of energy to more relishing.
win the MK 1000. The small children were Months passed by, life is back to normal,
made happy by giving them gifts. The day but people still remember that day when we
was not finished. In the evening we had the together celebrated the goodness of God in
Don Bosco Band from Lilongwe our parish.
performing musical show which went up to
11pm. To add spice to the band there was
Salima (south) and Mpherere (West). Chisomo Cultural group from Lilongwe
performing the traditional dances of
16th November was a red-letter-day in the Malawi.
history of St. Paul Catholic parish. The
colourful celebration gave rise to a vivid Day three, the real celebration day, on
remembrance in the parish and in the hearts Sunday morning 16th November a history
of all those who participated. It was a marking day for the Nkhotakota Parish.
double celebration, year of St. Paul (to The holy Eucharist was begun at 9.00am,
Cl Jophin George,sdb
jos 11@yahoo.comdb1
DON BOSCO YOUTH CENTRE unending because our presence is felt and it quiet sure that the team together with our
In Nkhotakota youth apostolate has not is appreciated. One meets life where there catechists will build our youth not into
been at its best because constantly we have are youths and it is vividly seen in the tomorrow’s church but today’s church.
faced the problem of full time youth parish.
animators who are Salesians. Many times News from our youth centre.
we have only one or two priests who devote Where do we stand?
much of their time to parish work. Yes they We do not have so glorious things to blow We have a beautiful youth centre, we call it
have to do so for there is no way out. The our trumpet. But we also can proudly and beautiful because it is well participated. We
parish is TOO big for two priests think of it honestly stand and say we have achieved have two foot ball teams, two volley ball
when there is one!!!!. Don Bosco said that certain glory. We had youth animation team, and two net ball teams. We also have
Salesians need to be constantly with the programme for Mtimawoyera parish small children and junior volley ball teams
young people encouraging them and together with our youth in August. In the animated by the two polish volunteers. At
sharing in their problems. same month we had training of trainers present we are conducting a league match
programme at the Diocese level. A joined for foot ball and net ball in the district level.
What we need is to have people who are programme with Don Bosco youth centre The event will be concluded on 21st
committed and who are not afraid to take up from Lilongwe in October. Again in the February when we shall celebrate Don
any work at any place, putting into account same month we had youth programme for Bosco feast with our youth.
what our father founder said that being a the Madisi parish together with our youth.
Salesian is being a missionary. A youth All these programs were carried out in our DISTANCE ADOPTION PROJECT
apostle in a bush or in a
town doesn’t matter the The project was started in 2005, the project
p l ace , bu t you th . is supported by different organization
Congratulations to the mainly from Poland and America, at first
Salesians who forerun the project started with 237 beneficiaries
this youth apostolate but currently we have 955 beneficiaries
and who planted and within Nkhotakota district and these
watered it generously b e n e f i c i a r i e s a r e o f d i f f e r e n t
with care. They were denominations.
a n d a r e r e a l Our focus is on education but some times,
missionaries. One can we do provide some sort of help basing on
proudly say they have the status of the family where the child is
experienced missionary coming from. Meanwhile, we have 131
life being among the Secondary students who are studying here
people and most of the in Nkhotakota and other districts, also we
times live in the grass have 37 students who are at Don Bosco
root level. centre. Technical College in Lilongwe, 10 in other
We have also started youth training colleges and other students are in primary
At St Paul’s parish, there are a number of programme for the out stations of our school. We provide our beneficiaries with
activities that the youths do. Among others, parish. We had two days training school fees, exercise books, school
the youths run the Behaviour Change programme in Chikowa. We catered about uniforms, work suits, transport even
Program at the parish level in trying to help 180 youths from that main centre. We also blankets to those needy beneficiaries due to
most of the young people who are standing facilitated in Chipati one of the main the cold weather in some places. The care
on a moral staircase. We also have a tri- centres, for 100 youths. Other programs we provide is highly appreciated and
monthly youth get together where the are on the way to make a change. spoken aloud. May the good Lord bless our
youths from the whole parish do meet at one Youths are always in our mind, every hour generous donors with choicest blessings.
of the centers to share their experiences as and every day of our life our mind goes in We also thank God for making us an
young people. Sports are also an integral search of what is best for them. This gave instrument in his hand to carry out this
part of our programs. We do organize rise to the idea to conduct a retreat and work.
interaction programme with other parish animation for the youth of our parish to The world is looking at Obama, the first
youth to open up horizon and numerous enter into the New Year. We started the black chief executive to occupy the famous
opportunity to the youth of our parish. Our programme on 28th December and ended White House, who proclaimed that the
youth feel that they are loved and cared for. on 1st of January 2009. Every one was change has come to America and who
This is what a youth has to tell the world “I surprised by the big participation of 210 redefined the power of democracy. We have
am who I am today because of Salesians youths from our parish and their well not reached as high as Obama, but we
who love me and with lots of opportunity” behaved participation. We also had Muslim dream like Obama one day we will be able
says James Mangwiro. The testimony is youths, Anglicans and Protestants. It was to actuate all the potentials of Nkhotakota.
heart breaking too see Muslim youth
kneeling in front of Blessed Sacrament for
the adoration on the last day of last year.
This is not our achievement, “the glory goes
to God”.
We finished Youth leaders’ election
according to the criteria set by the diocese
of Lilongwe. We trained all the leaders from
all the out stations and from them elected
our parish executive team. We had two days
leadership training program. Now we are
INFO: News from Zimbabwe
ur world today, as ever before, see young people celebrating life as though invite the reader to think of the Good News
desperately needs liberation. there was nothing to worry about. But the of Jesus as not just a message about his life
Today’s headlines are filled with message in the activities of these jubilant and death, leading to salvation. His O
bad news- recurring wars raging around the youngsters stood clear that he who has a message also concerns the meaning of
globe, famines devastating entire why to celebrate life can bear with any salvation and how he intends to save human
countries, environmental catastrophes, stumbling block. I should think as race from its recurring problems caused by
natural and man-made disasters, abject Christians or, not to exclude anyone, as human recklessness. Thus the Gospel holds
poverty holding entire nations in its grip, human beings, our life has a purpose. We the key to the glorious destiny of mankind.
violent crimes increasing in spite of man’s were all created for happiness and our lives Sadly enough, humankind has reduced the
efforts to deal with them – the litany of are incomplete until we radiate this Gospel to the story about the person of
tragedies is endless. happiness round about us. If quid quid agit, Christ while overlooking the deeper and
agit propter finem (whatever acts does so vastly more encompassing message he
Why do we see so much sadness, sorrow for its proper end), as human beings we brought – the Good News that dispels
and suffering around us? Where is it all cannot act for any other end except for darkness from people’s hearts. This Good
heading? Why is the world in such a happiness. It comes as no surprise News is the baby Jesus born to us on 25th
precarious condition? With all this kind of therefore, that, talking to his boys, Don Dec.
unpleasant news one wonders if there is any Bosco would say, “I have only one wish for
hope for the future of humanity. How could you – to see you happy always.” May this Good News be the light to
a Zimbabwean, living in Zimbabwe, today enlighten our hearts so that from that
believe that there is such a thing as These “Christmas shows” by the (St. Teresa inward light we may be the light of the
Christmas? The obvious truth for most and Oratory) young people were all entire world in return, for indeed our
Zimbabweans is that they pass through Christo-centric. Imitating the Shepherds Christian life is incomplete until we
festivities without having these festivities and the Magi who carried around the become different from the world; the
passing through them! This also boils down message of joy and hope to the world, these difference that comes about as a result of
t o the in fe rence tha t fo r mos t enthusiastic youngsters, under the fatherly our being rooted in Christ. To this end, let
Zimbabweans, living in the country, to be is guidance of Fr. Chester (SDB) made a us be “carriers” of Christmas always and
to exist without living. In fact a pilgrimage from place to place, with their everywhere for Christmas does not end
Zimbabwean today could best be described well-rehearsed Christmas carols, infusing with 25th December, but begins with it.
as a being that exists ahead of hope in the hopeless and dispelling
himself/herself; always looking forward to darkness from the troubled souls of their
the day when Christmas will really mean fellow country folk; and showing that there Bro. Louis Jere, sdb
Christmas and not just 25th December. is more to human life than
But when exactly that day will be remains a grieving, that grieving will
question yet to be thematized. always be there for those who
want to and that happiness
It is from this catastrophic context that the too will always be there for
young people under the Salesians of Don those who opt for it. It all
Bosco in Hwange, last Christmas season, depends on one’s perspective
proved themselves great heralds of the as one psychologist – John
Good News. When everyone else was busy Powel- would say in one of
on their feet, looking for ways and means of his writings, that “happiness
survival in this rather “inhabitable” is an inside job.” Christmas
Zimbabwe of today, these lighthearted is indeed a celebration of the
young people showed to their fellow life giving Christ who comes
Hwangeans why Mary chose the better part to be born in our hearts,
than Martha, her sister. It was so fantastic infusing therein joy and
and surprising in the eyes of many people to peace. It is here that I want to
with EMPTY stomach
Cl Louis Figo Jere,sdb
A reflection on the Christmas celebration of the Christian community of St
Teresa parish (Hwange) that celebrated this great feast with all its splendor
despite with the socio political situation in which they live.
Suffering with
Lenten Reflections
elebrating the Lenten season in the body.” (Gal 6: 17)
year of St. Paul, gives us a rich Indeed it is of great value and respect to
background on how to view journey with our Lord Jesus Christ in this the following line of thought.C
sufferings on a wider perspective. Indeed Lenten season. Bearing in mind all the Denial: we see that people once they are
this season invites us to swim against our peop le su ff e r ings f rom va r ious faced with trouble, they do not seem to
sub-marine spirituality that resurfaces only uncertainties, which may be spiritual, admit. One would say “Why me? It can’t be
when there is trouble, but rather to have physical or emotional complaints. In the me. Everybody wishes that something bad
solid foundation of faith, which is build in same way, it would be very christian that could happen somewhere else. When this
Christ Jesus. On the same subject I wish to we look at the summit of this season, which stage is been neutralized, one turns to move
convey some reflections picked out from invites us to a more prayerful life, not to another stage.
the letters of St. Paul, which will help us to forgetting about fasting and almsgiving. Anger: in this aspect the person is prone to
uphold this season with a Pauline As a matter of fact we are all invited to easy irritation, and the person may turned
perspective, so to speak! Bearing in mind ponder on the best way we could allow this to be easily provoked and in most cases the
what Paul himself tries to mention in his season rejuvenate our souls with a renewed person doesn’t act wisely, but resort to
letter to the Corinthians that; “all fighters at mind and soul on how to accept suffering reacting to situation negatively, or in
the game go into strict training. That is how and pain. Perhaps to respond to this honest manner which is rather rude. He realizes
I run, intent on wining. That is how I fight demand, it requires us to look at a number that indeed he/she is in a moment of trial
not beating the air.” St. Paul knew about of steps on how best the all scenario could and he can’t turn the tables at all, at all. In a
such perseverance when he had to write be achieved. nutshell, one ends up been irritated by
about it in his letters. Moreover, Studying this subject I have tried to identify anything that seems to promote guilty in
speculating on this rich spirituality of the five steps recommended by Scott Peck. him/her.
Apostle Paul, it is rather wise that I offer a Perhaps, if we try to follow them in good Bargaining: in this stage the person tries to
few reflections to give us a great sense of faith, there is a possibility that we shall be look at the possibility of faking it as though
direction on how understand suffering in in good position to attaining a sound it is fine but it is not. In this stage one seems
Jesus Christ, and the glory yet to be Christian maturity. These steps include the to be aware of the situation, and he is trying
revealed to those who suffer for the cause following: denial, anger, bargaining, to comfort himself that all will be fine
of right. The reflections comes out in the depression and acceptance. The stated sometime somehow.
following suit: steps may sound rather unusual, but that is Depression: this is the next step where one
- “Rejoice always. Pray without ceasing. In the reality, and fact of life. is caught in real trouble, and sometimes a
all circumstances give thanks, for this is the For many are the times when we are struck person may become depressed over being
will of God for you in Christ.” (1 Thes 5:16) by different sufferings and fail to stand the depressed, what a sad situation to bear!
- “We even boast of our afflictions, situation, as we should. Bearing in mind Again, we see in this stage that the person
knowing that affliction produces our faith in the risen Lord. On the same seems to be very aware of his situation, that
endurance, and endurance, proven discipline, it may be rather wiser than wise indeed that and that is happening. In most
character, and proven character, hope, and that I try to give a short elaboration on the cases life doesn’t seem to make sense at all.
hope does not disappoint, because the love stated stages of growth towards maturity, in The person becomes depressed over being
of God has been poured out into our hearts depressed from time to time. He becomes
through the Holy Spirit that has been given suffocated with a great sense of guilt. In the
to us.” (Rm 5:3-5) last instance is the stage of acceptance. In
- “What will separate us from the love of this domain a person tries to admit the
Christ? Will anguish, or nakedness, or essence of his situation, and admits all what
peril. Or the sword?” (Rm 8:35) may fall on him/her at anytime. In this stage
- “Yet I live, no longer I, but Christ lives in it is most likely to see patients putting on a
me; insofar as I now live in the flesh, I live smile despite being in the most delicate
by faith in the Son of God who has loved me situation, which may be a matter of life and
and given himself up for me.” (Gal 2:20) death.
“From now on, let no one trouble me; for I Concluding all aspects of the discussed
carry the marks of Jesus branded on my stages, it is of great importance that the
this Lenten season
Novice Gabriel Mwenya
Salesian Novitiate
Box 80090 - Kabwe
spiritual aspect is infused in this scenario.
Anyway, the first thing one should do is –to
pray without condemning yourself because
we turn to feel inconsistent, unworthy or
even guilty. Never to lose hope, prayer
without ceasing will do us good. Always we
should bear in mind that it is not sweetness
of spirit that produces prayer- It is the
prayer that produces sweet prayer.
Yes, I have tried to note a number of
circumstances here and there, it is my
prayer that they help us to live with our
shortcomings and value our own interior
goodness, especially in this period of Lent.
Sooner than soon we shall be celebrating
Easter- we know that we are Easter people,
and Alleluia is our song. As St. Paul is
saying to the Galatians;” therefore let us
celebrate the feast, not with the old yeast,
the yeast of malice and wickedness but with
the unleavened bread of sincerity and
truth.” We should also remember that part
of our strength is the will to see the good
beneath the surface of confusion and
he day prepared by the Lord has
dawned, the event was scheduled for
January 31, 2009 Feast of St John T
Bosco. Perhaps in reporting on this event it
would be of great importance to start by
describing the nature of the occasion as it
was pictured on the very day.
To begin with, the event was manned with
people of all ages, young and old!
To call spade a spade, and not big spoon, even have compromised my dignity as a
Don Bosco feast day was a splendid son/daughter of Don Bosco. If the reaction
success from was rather less pleasing to be branded a
the rising of the sun to its setting. 'Bravo to youth of Don Bosco with sound humanistic
Fr. Gilbert!' and the entire Salesian values which find its roots in the Gospel
Community for organizing such a splendid values then, it is time to re-think the whole
event. of our doing, since Don Bosco invited us to
The festive day was celebrated in be good Christians and good Citizens for a
accordance with the inscription of Don better tomorrow. Perhaps it would of great
Bosco, which states; "you can play, run, sense to reach to the inner dungeons of life
jump and shout, but do not sin". Based on and reflect what should be the best turn up
the same domain, the young people were for me for a better tomorrow. Perhaps, we
indeed very glad to dance to the tune of the should also reflect on the fact that yesterday
day (Don Bosco's feast). As they were is gone, we have only today, and tomorrow
esteemed by the entertainment performed may not be ours. Time to act is now! As
by various lay groups, and the Small some people have it that the only way we
Christian communities from Makululu can hope for a better tomorrow is by taking
centre, the whole event had a different care of today. The 'here and now' is in our
flavour, variety is the correct word! hands; we should not just react, but rather
Perhaps to flow in the spiritual domain, it act in a manner that is perceived as rich and
would be wise to say that the day was well outstanding in grace and faith. At last the
celebrated in line with what is stated in the dream of Don Bosco should be made our
book of Ecclesiastes 11:9, “…young own, only if and if we do we what Don
people, enjoy your youth, be happy while Bosco demands of us to be holy, will we
you are still young, do what you want to do, jump sky high in celebrating the feast in
and follow your hearts desire, BUT good manner!
remember that God is going to judge you
for whatever you do”.
Perhaps to split the stone to pieces, the
celebration should try to help us reflect
deeply on our nature as youth, and our call
to happiness in Don Bosco whom we
honour with great respect as the father and
guide of youth on a spiritual journey
towards holiness. In a nutshell, this feast
should call for a point of deep reflection to
see how best I for once, as an individual,
acted on various situations which could
Mr Mike Zulu
Youth Centre - Box 80090 - Kabwe
Don Bosco
News from Kabwe
Mission Animation
Dear confreres and friends of the Salesian missions!
The Lenten period invites us to rediscover the roots of our faith in Jesus Christ crucified and risen. The
Easter event is at the heart of the Church's mission. In the Church's thinking “mission animation activities
are always aimed at specific purposes: informing and forming the people of God for the universal mission
of the Church, giving rise to vocations ad gentes, and eliciting cooperation for evangelisation.” (John Paul
II, Redemptoris Missio 83)
It is possible that we are not all fully aware of the urgent needs of the Salesian missions in the five
continents. I am suggesting that in your prayer and interests you involve the mission territories which now,
in 2009, are most in need of missionaries ad gentes and pray that many of our young confreres (including
the not so young!) can respond to a
missionary calling from the Lord in this Salesian Holy Year and generously offer themselves to the Rector
Major for missions ad gentes. This means in practice: praying and getting others to pray, speaking with
young people in our settings, presenting the urgent needs of the missions viva voce and through media .
Fr. Václav Klement, SDB
General Councillor for the Missions
So that all groups of the Salesian Family in the China Province may develop good
formators, leaders, guides» Throughout the China province territory the Church is
facing many socio-cultural changes,which which demand responses deeply rooted
in the Gospel of Christ. Groups of Religious in the Salesian Family are involvved in
vocation ministry, and lay groups (Salesian Cooperators and past pupils, VDB,
CDB) need a solid Christian and Salesian formation.
Salesian missionary intention – March 2009
Thinking Zone
beginnings of our Society. It is an oliche and a vast enterprise of teaching The Missions:
apostolic impetus that makes us seek souls and Christian press. and after having spent
Ultimately the Full Result of and serve God alone". Don Bosco's fifteen years to found three groups of
Don Bosco's Energetic Charity missionary commitment is nothing other disciples, three branches of the Salesian
than the ultimate result and lively Family in view of the future, broadening
manifestation of the energy and impulse out his prayer further: "Da mihi etiam
of pastoral charity. We could take up here animas gentium!" (Give me the souls of t the beginnings there is (after
St Paul's hymn to charity (1 Cor 13,:4-7), the people), and sends out his first God's grace) the heart of Don A
adapting it to Don Bosco's life: "Charity is missionaries, giving them as the first of Bosco. What strikes us most about Don
strong; charity is dynamic; charity is brave. twenty 'reminders':"Seek souls, not money, Bosco is his unity. In all of history he is one
Charity never tires, never stops, never honour, recognition" (MB XI, 389). On his of the most amazing examples of unity
says: enough! Charity has great horizons death bed, 26 January 1888, he would tell between the human and his work. From his
and immense desires. Charity refuses to be Bishop Cagliero: "save many souls in the dream at 9 years of age until his final
limited and accepts sacrifices. Charity missions!" (MB XVIII, 530). The missions: illness at 73, we see the development of a
invades times and space to embrace the the ultimate, great wave flowing out of Da clearly identified vocation: the da mihi
universe". Thus we can explain three main mihi animas!animas on behalf of the young and the
stages in Don Bosco's life, the three ever- Don Rua gives only this interpretation poor. Don Bosco was a holy person from
widening ripples from his pastoral love. when he writes in January 1897: "Our the beginning; he was passionate, and this
From around 1841- 1850, he says to the wonderful father Don Bosco, devoured by noble, holy passion was urged on
Lord: "Da mihi animas iuvenum!" (Give burning zeal, broke into that cry: da mihi constantly by love.
me the souls of the young), and founds his animas and it was this need to save souls Our Constitutions say in article 10:
first work for the young. From 1850 - that convinced him the Old World could be "Under the inspiration of God, Don Bosco
1860, at a time of great danger for the faith left in peace for a while and to send his sons lived and handed on to us an original style
of the ordinary people, he adds: "Da mihi to the far distant missions in America" (Sal of life and action: the Salesian spirit. It is
animas plebium!" (Give me the souls of the Bulletin, Jan. 1897, p.4).summed up and centred in pastoral charity,
people), and founds his Letture Don Rinaldi appl ies even more characterized by that youthful dynamism
C at t meaningful words in 1925, the fiftieth which was revealed so strongly in our
anniversary of our missions: "His great Founder and at the
had built up the apostolic zeal of a
Francis Xavier over many years,
nurtured by a divine flame that had him
launch out into the future on the basis of
his dreams…. I look back on our beloved
father through the distant memories of
my Salesian vocation, right at the time
of his greatest missionary fervour; and
it has left an indelible impression on
me: he really was a missionary, an
apostle consumed with passion for
souls" (ACS 1925, n.6, p.367).
"A giant of charity", Pope Pius XI
This time we would like to share a reflection on the same topic. We must accept that the sunset is important like the sun rising and
the sun at middle-day. Yes it warms differently! The sun doesn’t
would like to say: You must experience this new stage in life! It feel ashamed to go down; it doesn’t feel less beautiful or less
is very hard for everyone to recognize that he has arrived at the important when the evening is approaching! Isunset of his life; to accept it when you know that there is still a
lot to be done! When the way to do the things has to be changed: to There is still one reflection to be made: perhaps the nature is more
be present in the background, in prayer, in trust and in silence. merciful with itself than the people among themselves: nobody
pushes the sun to retire, nobody denies the sun a right to continue to
One of my favourite Spanish religious writer, Martin Descalzo, (the send “its” light, week light but necessary, true light and some times
one who wrote “The Journal of the Council Vatican II”) sculptured more beautiful than the one during the day.
this sentence: “There are two very bad things in life: an old person How proud the sun feels to be sun…and to be sun till the last
who thinks he is still young and an old person who thinks he is dead. moment of his existence in the sky!
There is a third beautiful thing: an old person who assumes the last
part of his life with so much courage and enthusiasm like the first “The aged confreres, in their return, accepting their condition
one!” (Razones: Salamanca 2001). and serving the community in whatever way they can, are
source of blessing for it, they enrich its family spirit and deepen
its unity” (Cont. 53)
The Sun of the AGED people (Reflection to the prayer on page 11...)
By Fr Bruno Zamberlan sdb
By Fr Klement Vaclav sdb
From the Novitiate
hen that friend is with me, all is Blessed Sacrament and that friend will
right with my world and nothing remain with me.
seems difficult I can’t live and be well without that friend.W
When that friend is missing in my life, If that friend is not your best friend, ‘guess
everything is quite hard. what?’ Then mankind’s enemy is your best
When that friend does not speak to the friend.
depth of my heart, comfort is worthless, but If that friend is not your best friend you
if that friend speaks only one word to my always end up being heartbroken and
heart, I feel great joy in my inner being. desolate.
Oh, happy hour when that friend calls me You act foolishly then if you centre your life
from suffering to spiritual joy! How dry on anybody or anything else apart from that
and hard my life becomes without that friend. Don’t ever wish that any one should love
friend. How foolish and empty if I want It is better to have the whole world against you and only you, and do not make the same
anything other than that friend. What can me than to hurt that friend. mistake; rather let that friend be at the
the world offer me without that friend? But how can the whole world be against me centre of all your friendship.
To be without that friend is an unbearable for being a friend to that friend, for that ‘Guess what?’ Who is that friend other than
hell and to be with that friend is a sweet friend is everything to be the whole world. JESUS?
(Get ready for part two entitled “that friend …a paradise full spiritual joy. If that friend is Therefore to be with that friend is to win the
sign of contradiction”)with me no enemy can harm me. whole world.
The person who finds that friend finds a So from among all those very dear to you let
Written by Chifundo Lihomagood treasure – indeed, a good beyond all that friend alone have a special love.
Achimwene productiongood. The person who loses that friend Let me love all things for the sake of that
loses the very self in his\\her life. It is misery friend
to live without that friend. Of all the friends that I have, I should love
It is a great blessing to live and follow the that friend in a unique way, for that friend is
words of that friend. To know how to talk to the only one who will be good and faithful
that friend is a great art of human dignity - to the end of my life.
prayer. To know how to cling to him is the Through him and in him let me love friends
greatest wisdom among all the great and all my enemies, and pray that many a
wisdoms of philosophers’ life. people may come to know and love that
Let me be humble and peaceful among my friend above all.
other friends and that friend will be with me Never wish to be more highly praised or
always. more loved than others, for this belongs
Let me be devout and adore him in the only to that friend who has no equal.
N Chifundo Lihoma
Salesian Novitiate Box 80090 - Kabwe
Part I
Recollection day at the farm
i s eh
s g k
Nov ce r
ear in a s
Novices posing with the Director of Novices
One of the novices writes his personal
reflections on the need for a deeper
and stronger relationship with Jesus
1 2 3
4 5 6
7 8 9
10 11
1,2,3 Makeni: New novitiate in ZMB (Lusaka - Zambia).
4 Poland: Fr Joseph Czerwinski’s visit to Fr Zyga.
5 Kabwe: Novices during manual work (Zambia).
6 Chawama: Farewell party to Cl Alexio Mesi (Zambia).
7 Visit of Fr Joseph to new church in (Zambia).
8 Morogoro: Blessing of new novitiate of AFE (Tanzania).
9 Chingola: Evening prayer during the birthday of Fr Leszek
10 Chingola: XV Graduation ceremony, 06/02/09 (Zambia).
11 Chingola: Body building club (Zambia).
12 Prague: Wedding invitation of Mr Jiri Stercil (former
volunteer in Chingola).