N. 6 Apr - May - Jun 2008
XXVI General Chapter
ZMB School Structures
Economers Meeting
Retreat in Monze
Editorial 3
Words of the Provincial 4
Pope’s Message to the GCXXVI 6
Spe Salvi: Eternal life? 7
Key to Happiness 8
The Rendiconto 9
ZMB School Structures 10
Salesian Family: Family Celebration 12
ZMB News 13
Letters to the Editor 15
Thinking Point 16
Humour 17
Year 2/Nº6 Apr - May - Jun 2008
Director: Fr Joseph Czerwinski
Editor: Fr Javier Barrientos
Redaction Board: Fr Joseph Czerwinski, Fr Bruno
Zamberlan, Fr Slawek Bartodziej.
Graphic Design: Fr Javier Barrientos
Photos: Fr Leszek Aksamit, Br Walter Thyrniang,
Fr Antonio Barrientos
E-mail: zmbsocialc@gmail.com
Website: www.salesianszmb.org
Year of the XXVI General Chapter
During this first months of 2008, there have been some
he Festivities of Holy Week and Easter have given very important events in province, such as the Rectors’
us a new push in life. It is the Resurrection of Christ meeting, the Economers and administrators meeting,
that gives a new start to humanity. All of us in the ‘ZMB School Structures’, the meeting for the
different ways have committed ourselves to draw the ‘Development Office’ and our participation in the
people who surround us both young and old closer to General Chapter with the presence of Bro Sylvester
Christ. For many people Easter certainly means to rise to Makumba and Fr Joseph Czerwinski. This means
a new life, to broaden their horizons and to look now at something is happening in the province and much
the future with confidence because God is humanity’s more is to come.
Ahead of us is the Solemnity of Mary Help of
For us Salesians of Don Bosco and the Salesian Family at Christians, the ‘II Assembly of Confreres’, the World
large, the General Chapter which has just ended also Youth Day in Australia where our province will also be
means a new Easter in the history of our Congregation. represented, the beginning of the Noviciate in Kabwe,
The Rector Major in his convocation letter to the Chapter and many other provincial events. It is high time for us
said that we as Congregation and Salesian Family need to to get to work together and renew our spirit to make of
go back to Don Bosco; in other words we are like the our mission what Don Bosco dreamt and worked for:
disciples of the Risen Lord, who after being for long time The Glory of God and the Salvation of Souls.
with him did not understand much of his life and mission,
and therefore after his resurrection Jesus commands his
disciples to go back to Galilee where everything started
and look at their own history with a different outlook. We
too, Salesians of Don Bosco, are now invited to go back to
Valdocco where everything started and see what actually
Don Bosco meant for his mission and for followers. To go
back to the roots is an exercise of humility and courage!
Three months have already gone of this year 2008 and
being at the end the first quarter it is good to stop for a
while and evaluate our journey with the young. Don
Bosco’s motto was to work always for the greater glory of
God and the salvation of souls; perhaps it is also good for
us to look at our work and see how far or close we are
from what Don Bosco wanted, because the risk for us is of
becoming builders, contractors, managers, retreat
preachers, parish clerks, sport organiser but nothing else.
To go back to Don Bosco still at the rise of this new
Millennium is a prophetic message, an invitation to
fidelity and a challenge to leave the comfort of the little
successes we cling to, and cast a look back to the origins
of our Society in order to gain strength and dynamism.
talks were on the high theological note
based on the German theologians) For me
however, it was a time for a rest and
very six years Salesians from all recovery as I still was still battling with
over the world gather at our remnants of malaria and flu.
headquarters in Rome to plan for the The chapter was well planned with all the
future and elect the leaders of the necessary logistics put in place starting
Congregation. The twenty-sixth General from the availability of the daily
Chapter was held in Pisana from February newspapers, church and salesian
to April 2008. documents as well as more sophisticated
I must say that my first encounter with the departments of photocopying, printing and
chapter was not a happy one. One week Don Chávez continued by uniting the event intra (internal chapter network) and internet
before my departure to Rome, as I was of the Chapter to the renewal of availabilities. The secretariat was
trying to finalize the things in Lusaka I got Consecrated Life today. This requires three multiliguistic and this was indeed a big
very bad malaria and flu altogether. I was factors to be considered together: “1) a help for those who did not speak Italian
th continuous return to the sources of all not able to flight on 14 February as it was well. We had different language liturgy
Christian life; 2) a continuous return to the scheduled and the flight had to be changed groups, TV Rooms and reading places.
original inspiration behind a given for the following week. In practice it meant In may opinion the organizes did well, so
community; 3) an adjustment of the that I would miss the beginning of the that everybody could feel at home. This was
community to the changed conditions of the chapter and a pilgrimage to Turin, the very helpful indeed as from the beginning
times.”the homely atmosphere was created in
For the Rector Major, the Congregation which everybody fitted well. This also
needs a conversion, taking account of what somehow speeded up my recovery (I
The official opening was done splendidly
rdon 3 of March ’08 in Aula Magna. Many
distinguished guests were present
(Cardinals: R. Farina, O. Bravo and F.
Rode and many Archbishops and Bishops)
as well as the representatives of the Salesian
pilgrimage to the places of Don Bosco and Family.
salesian charisma. As I had not visited those In his opening speech The Rector Major
places before, it was indeed a painful trial Don P. Chavez, explained the theme of the
and experience. I really tired to think and Chapter: “The aim of the GC26 is that of
ask if this was indeed a God’s wish? touching the heart of the Salesian, so that
Don Bosco managed to achieve: an identity Well, having arrived to Rome I discovered every confrere is ‘a new Don Bosco’, his
expressed in “splendid blending of nature that I was not alone who missed the Turin interpreter today!” Identity and Mission
and grace”, made real in “a closely-knit life pilgrimage. Some other provincials and are the two elements which make up the
project: the service of the young”, and a delegates were not able to attend the Church and the Congregation. “her
sense of unity characterised by attention to pilgrimage either and had even more valid identity, that consists in being disciples of
souls.reasons to be absent from this intense Jesus Christ, and her mission, which is
spiritual experince. concerned with working for the salvation of
It is quite difficult to present the whole two I joined the whole assembly for the retreat mankind, in our case of the young.”
months work in one article. (main work in that begun on Wednesday afternoon. I was
Pisana, audience with the Pope Benedict happy to be in Rome and see so many joyful
XVI, visits to Napoli, Assisi, Florence and salesians from all over the world. We were
other places, presentation of different all together over 230 delegates from 98
project, social evenings etc) Instead I will provinces and vice provinces (including
point out the main events that shaped the UPS and General House) The retreat was
whole chapter process. preached by Fr Plascencia Moncayo José
Luis sdb, Vice Dean of the Faculty of Chapter work
Theology in the Salesian Pontifical Br Sylvester and I joined the Commission
University. One which was the English speaking group.
He preached very well indeed. (Some the (Additionally there were other 3 language
Fr Joseph Czerwinski.sdb
XXVI General Chapter
commissions: Italian, French and Pascual Chávez Villanueva, re-elected as
Portugese) The commission consisted of 50 Salesian Rector Major during the Chapter,
salesians, provincials and delegates from gave the concluding speech of GC26.
different provinces. It took us some time to Next the Moderator, Fr Francesco Cereda,
get to know each other and to elect the declared the Chapter officially closed. As I
President, spokesman and the secretary. have already said the meeting has involved
Don G. Mazzali was elected the President, 232 Salesians, from 129 countries, gathered
Don Pellizzari the spokesman and Don V. in Rome to address the theme, inspired by
Kelment the secretary. Additionly Don E. Don Bosco’s motto, ‘Da mihi animas’.
Capra was elected to the Central Reaction Finally there was a solemn celebration of
Committee. the Eucharist led by the Rector Major
The commission was divided further into himself broadcasted on , produced
four groups that discussed the main chapter by the Don Bosco Missions Media Centre
document. Working together was indeed a of Turin.
challenging experience. First of all we had
to listen to each other and come to some The assembly in Aula Magna
kind of agreement, so that the common The Aula Magna is indeed an impressive
proposals could be formulated and construction by itself. Very spacious and
presented in the commission assembly first well lighted is designed well to host up to
and if approved, taken to the floor of the 250 delegates.
main assembly. This was indeed a hard The Proposals were presented and
work as the group proposals and resolutions discussed in the assembly which voted for
would have to be put together and presented the approval or disapproval. (Placet, Non
to the whole commission assembly. Palcet in Italiano) Interventions in
(practically it meant additional work during assembly varied. Some were very
theoretical and difficult to follow some
were well thought, well presented and
exactly on theme. There were propositions
to commence the new document which
would ‘inflame the hearts of the salesians’
as the present one is very structured and it
would be difficult to put it in practice. This
suggestion however was voted against.
The participation in GC 26 was an on-
going formation process for most of us.
Many delegates expressed this idea. Most the breaks and other free time)
of us agreed on it. The chapter was not so The same process was for the commissions
much the work on the document but most and the main reaction group. We have
importantly the meeting and sharing of the finished the reduction of the main
experiences of salesian confreres from all document in the second week of April. The
over the world. document was voted upon and approved by
th Now the rea l cha l lenge i s the the assembly on Friday 11 April 2008.
implementation of the chapter resolutions On Saturday, 12th April, by a happy
in all the regions and provinces so that our coincidence the date of Easter in 1846 when
salesian charismatic identity will be Don Bosco began the Valdocco oratory, Fr
listen to their appeals for help," the Pope important that the family be an active
continued, especially that of the "most subject.”
materially and spiritually poor.”
"So often it is either unable to make its
specific contribution, or it is absent," he Fascinated by Christ
said. "The predilection for and commitment Benedict XVI exhorted the Salesians to
to young people, so characteristic of Don help youth "above all to know and love"
Bosco's charism, must be translated into a Jesus Christ "and to allow themselves to be
like commitment to the involvement and fascinated by him, to cultivate the
formation of families. [...] To care for evangelical commitment, to want to do
families is not to subtract force from efforts good to one's contemporaries, to be
on behalf of the young, rather it makes apostles of other youth.”
those efforts more lasting and effective. I
encourage you, then, to study ways to From there, the Pope urged the
implement this commitment. [...] This will congregation, "That your effort would be to
be an advantage in the education and form lay people with apostolic hearts,
evangelization of the young.”inviting all to walk in the sanctity of life that
VATICAN CITY, MARCH 31, 2008.- brings to mature courageous disciples and
authentic apostles.”
ince the family should have an active
role in the education of youth, it is The Holy Father said he was Snecessary to expand youth ministry aware that these challenges are
to family ministry, Benedict XVI is telling launched in a context of a "great
the Salesians. educational emergency," whose
The Pope encouraged the Salesians along most grave element is "the
these lines when he received in audience sensation of discouragement The Holy Father concluded by underlining today representatives of that religious that overcomes many educators, especially the need for "solid formation" for all family, in Rome for their 26th General parents and professors.” members of the congregation, "not resting Chapter.
content with mediocre results, overcoming On March 25, the congregation re-elected "At the root of the crisis in education exists the difficulties of vocational fragility, Father Pascual Chávez Villanueva as the in fact a crisis of confidence in life, which favouring strong spiritual accompaniment ninth successor of the Salesian founder, St. deep down is nothing more than a lack of and guaranteeing, through permanent John Bosco, for another six years. trust in the God who has called us to life," formation, educational and pastoral
he said. excellence.”The chapter's theme is a motto of St. John
Bosco, "Da mihi animas, cetera tolle" (give In any case, the Pontiff affirmed, "in the
me souls, take away all else). The Holy education of youth it is extremely
Father commented on the theme, noting
that "its aim is to reawaken apostolic
passion in each individual Salesian and in
the entire congregation. This will help
better to define the profile of Salesians, that
they may become more aware of their
identity as people consecrated 'for the
glory of God'" and "of their pastoral
commitment 'to the salvation of souls.'”
"Another characteristic of the Salesian
model is the consciousness of the
inestimable value of souls," the Holy
Father said.
Thus, the Salesian "should have his heart
open to identify the new needs of youth and
Pope’s Message to the Salesians
Pope Urges Salesians to Focus on Families, says this is the way
to Help in Formation of Youth
ith the Resurrection of Christ a just an act of socialization within the on the other hand, neither do we want to
new life is given to the world; community, not simply a welcome into the continue living indefinitely, nor was the WChrist who rises from the dead Church. The parents expect more for the earth created with that in view. So what do
opens up for us the treasures of the Life one to be baptized: they expect that faith, we really want? Our paradoxical attitude
Eternal. Pope Benedict XVI offers us a which includes the corporeal nature of the gives rise to a deeper question: what in fact
reflection on the meaning of Eternal Life. In Church and her sacraments, will give life to is “life”? And what does “eternity” really
his encyclical letter ‘Spe Salvi’ he gives a their child—eternal life. Faith is the mean? There are moments when it suddenly
closer look at the human longing for a substance of hope. But then the question seems clear to us: yes, this is what true “life”
meaningful life which ultimately is the arises: do we really want this—to live is—this is what it should be like. Besides,
search for happiness. Here there is an eternally? Perhaps many people reject the what we call “life” in our everyday
extract from the letter which dwells on the faith today simply because they do not find language is not real “life” at all. Saint
matter of Eternal Life. the prospect of eternal life attractive. What Augustine, in the extended letter on prayer
“… We have spoken thus far of faith and they desire is not eternal life at all, but this which he addressed to Proba, a wealthy
hope in the New Testament and in early present life, for which faith in eternal life Roman widow and mother of three consuls,
Christianity; yet it has always been clear seems something of an impediment. To once wrote this: ultimately we want only
that we are referring not only to the past: the c o n t i n u e l i v i n g f o r e v e r one thing—”the blessed life”, the life which
entire reflection concerns living and dying —endlessly—appears more like a curse is simply life, simply “happiness”. In the
in general, and therefore it also concerns us than a gift. Death, admittedly, one would final analysis, there is nothing else that we
here and now. So now we must ask wish to postpone for as long as possible. But ask for in prayer. Our journey has no other
explicitly: is the Christian faith also for us to live always, without end—this, all things goal—it is about this alone. But then
today a life-changing and life-sustaining considered, can only be monotonous and Augustine also says: looking more closely,
hope? ultimately unbearable. This is precisely the we have no idea what we ultimately desire,
Is it “performative” for us—is it a message point made, for example, by Saint Ambrose, what we would really like. We do not know
which shapes our life in a new way, or is it one of the Church Fathers, in the funeral this reality at all; even in those moments
just “information” which, in the meantime, discourse for his deceased brother Satyrus: when we think we can reach out and touch
we have set aside and which now seems to “Death was not part of nature; it became it, it eludes us. “We do not know what we
us to have been superseded by more recent part of nature. God did not decree death should pray for as we ought,” he says,
information? In the search for an answer, I from the beginning; he prescribed it as a quoting Saint Paul (Rom 8:26). All we
would like to begin with the classical form remedy. Human life, because of sin ... began know is that it is not this. Yet in not
to experience the burden of knowing, we know that this reality must
wretchedness in unremitting labour exist. “There is therefore in us a certain
and unbearable sorrow. There had learned ignorance (docta ignorantia), so to
to be a limit to its evils; death had to speak”, he writes. We do not know what we
restore what life had forfeited. would really like; we do not know this “true
Without the assistance of grace, life”; and yet we know that there must be
immortality is more of a burden something we do not know towards which
of the dialogue with which the rite of than a blessing”. A little earlier, Ambrose we feel driven.
Baptism expressed the reception of an had said: “Death is, then, no cause for 12. I think that in this very precise and
infant into the community of believers and mourning, for it is the cause of mankind's permanently valid way, Augustine is
the infant's rebirth in Christ. First of all the salvation”. describing man's essential situation, the
priest asked what name the parents had Whatever precisely Saint Ambrose may
chosen for the child, and then he continued have meant by these words, it is true that to
with the question: “What do you ask of the eliminate death or to postpone it more or
Church?” Answer: “Faith”. “And what does less indefinitely would place the earth and
faith give you?” “Eternal Life”. According humanity in an impossible situation, and
to this dialogue, the parents were seeking even for the individual would bring no
access to the faith for their child, benefit. Obviously there is a contradiction
communion with believers, because they in our attitude, which points to an inner
saw in faith the key to “eternal life”. Today contradiction in our very existence. On the
as in the past, this is what being baptized, one hand, we do not want to die; above all,
becoming Christians, is all about: it is not those who love us do not want us to die. Yet
It takes me back to 2005, July, when one Movie. It was my third time to watch it but I of our friends from St Mary’s had a never get bored to watch it. I feel like privilege to go Kenya to attend a watching it over and over!!
Training of Trainers that was organized by On a lighter moment, we had recreation
the Salesians of Don Bosco right there in time where we played Basket Ball. The
Kenya. The Training drew young people game brought all of us together including Fr
from different walks of life, those working Slawek and Fr Antonio with the splitting of
with the Salesians of Don Bosco. the two “girls”, Cheswa and Sharon, one on
the first team and the other on the second
Two years down the line, another big event team. Of course there was winning and
was organized right up in Kenya- Nairobi. losing!!!!
This was a training known as Scaffolding. It Hey! Another good interaction followed
th th when we had a social night. It was so was held from 12 – 17 of August, 2007.
wonderful with each one of us sharing The Scaffolding Training is a programme
different experiences. It was simple but that intends to build Christian Skills among
wonderful.young people of Africa. The seven of us
As we met to conclude our meeting, a from Zambia were sent by Fr Slawek to go
programme for the Chingola workshop was and attend this important Training
drawn up. Each one of us assigned with a organized by the Salesians of Don Bosco.
task. Topics to suite the participants were
put in place. What lies ahead is to work on The two training programmes that were
our assignments to make the forth coming held in Kenya were of great importance to
workshop a success.us who attended and it goes without saying
Every thing went on well. I am looking but I will say it, it was worth sharing with
forward to meeting with the same group! It other young people back home.
was good to be there!!On the first of February, 2008, Fr Antonio
and Fr Slawek brought us (Cheswa, Dan,
Sharon, Abel, Br Ken, Evans and John)
together to see how best we can disseminate
the knowledge that was acquired at the two
Trainings as a follow up. A meeting was
st rdheld at the Provincial house from the 1 – 3
February. This meeting was in two fold, to
look at the Training of Trainers that was
held in 2005, July and also to look at the
Scaffolding that was held in 2007, August.
In the three days meeting, we had to prepare
a plan for a workshop that is to take place in
April, 2008. This workshop will be a
training experience for Animators that will
be drawn from the ZMB Salesian
During the three days meeting, a lot of
interesting things happened. We the young
people were invited everyday to participate
in the Prayers of the Salesians Community.
The reciting of the Rosary, Morning
Prayers, Mass and evening Prayers make
me feel “Salesian”!! Just like the disciples
of Jesus said “it is good to be here”, I felt the
same and I am glad to repeat the same
words, “It was good to be there”. We also
had a privilege to watch the Don Bosco
situation that gives rise to all his
contradictions and hopes. In some way we
want life itself, true life, untouched even by
death; yet at the same time we do not know
the thing towards which we feel driven. We
cannot stop reaching out for it, and yet we
know that all we can experience or
accomplish is not what we yearn for. This
unknown “thing” is the true “hope” which
drives us, and at the same time the fact that it
is unknown is the cause of all forms of
despair and also of all efforts, whether
positive or destructive, directed towards
wor ld ly au then t i c i ty and human
authenticity. The term “eternal life” is
intended to give a name to this known
“unknown”. Inevitably it is an inadequate
term that creates confusion. “Eternal”, in
fact, suggests to us the idea of something
interminable, and this frightens us; “life”
makes us think of the life that we know and
love and do not want to lose, even though
very often it brings more toil than
satisfaction, so that while on the one hand
we desire it, on the other hand we do not
want it. To imagine ourselves outside the
temporality that imprisons us and in some
way to sense that eternity is not an unending
succession of days in the calendar, but
something more like the supreme moment
of satisfaction, in which totality embraces us
and we embrace totality—this we can only
attempt. It would be like plunging into the
ocean of infinite love, a moment in which
time—the before and after—no longer
exists. We can only attempt to grasp the idea
that such a moment is life in the full sense, a
plunging ever anew into the vastness of
being, in which we are simply overwhelmed
with joy. This is how Jesus expresses it in
Saint John's Gospel: “I will see you again
and your hearts will rejoice, and no one will
take your joy from you” (16:22). We must
think along these lines if we want to
understand the object of Christian hope, to
understand what it is that our faith, our being
with Christ, leads us to expect.”
By Cheswa Flora Mubanga
Confidence in superiors is one of the “Every month let each one, in a brief and things which contribute in a special concise manner, open his heart to his way to the well-being of a religious superior, and in all simplicity and faithful
society, and to the peace and happiness of confidence lay him all his secrets, with the
each member. same simplicity and candour that a child and concern to guard and guide them in
By this confidence the members open their has, when it shows its mother the scratches, times of danger and in difficulties of all
hearts to their superior to find relief for their bruises, wasp stings it may have received. kinds arising from the time and place.
troubles they may have, anxieties In this way each one shall give an account, There is a third reason why sincerity and
connected with their duties cease, and the not so much of this acquisitions and confidence with superiors is important:
superiors are able to make provision to progress, as of his losses and failings in the they are thus the better enabled to arrange
avoid unpleasantness and discontent. They exercise of prayer, virtue and the spiritual for and provide what is best for the whole
get to know the moral and physical strength life, indicating also his temptations and Congregation of whose wellbeing and
of the confreres and in consequence can interior troubles not only for his honour, together with the honour of each
give them those tasks for which they seem consolation, but for his humiliation too. member, by their office they have the duty
best suited. Should any disorder creep in, it Happy are those who sincerely and to take care. When anyone therefore deals
is at once discovered and a remedy applied. devoutly practise this rule, which contains frankly with them, and gives a full account
For this reason it has been laid down that a portion of that holy infancy which is so of himself, the superior while safeguarding
each one should meet with this superior at much recommended by our Lord from the member ’s honour and never
least once a month. In this connection out which proceeds and by which is preserved compromising him, can then have regard
Constitutions say that each member should all true tranquillity of mind.” for the general good of the whole
make known with simplicity and readiness Rectors are earnestly recommended never Congregation. But if the member does not
his external faults against the rule, progress to omit receiving the rendiconto of the so open his heart, he could perhaps expose
made in virtue, difficulties met with, and members, and let all be persuaded that if to danger both his own honour and his own
whatever else he feels the need to reveal to they make it well, with perfect openness soul, and also the honour of the community
receive counsel and comfort. and humility, they will find in it great relief itself, which depends in some measure on
of soul, and powerful aid to progress in his own.
The chief points with which a such virtue, and the whole Congregation will Very great indeed is the happiness and the
rendiconto ought to deal are: greatly profit by it. satisfaction of a religious who is as an open
1. health; One point in which I recommend the book to his superior to whom all that
2. Study or occupation; greatest clearness is that of vocation. Let no disturbs him is well known; if the is charged
3. Whether he is able to fulfil his mystery be made about this with superiors. with office, then he can put his whole trust
obligations and what diligence he shows; This is the most important point of all, in God who will come to his aid and keep
4. Whether he has sufficient time to because on it depends the thread of life we him free from trouble. “Lord,” he will be
perform his religious duties and what have to lead. Unhappy he who hides doubts able to say “I did not put myself here; I
diligence he shows in fulfilling them; he has about his vocation, and determines made known my lack of qualities, my too
5. How he manages at prayer and to leave without seeking good advice and small spiritual worth: you, Lord, it is who
meditation; without the opinion of his spiritual director. have sent me; you have commanded it. Do
6. With what frequency, devotion and fruit Such a one might endanger his eternal you therefore supply for my own
he approaches the sacraments; salvation. shortcomings”. With this trust he can say
7. How he observes his vows, and whether The first reason why it is important and with St Augustine: “Lord, give me what
he has any doubts about his vocation. But, it necessary to deal with superiors in all you command and command what you
should be noted well, that the rendiconto sincerity is because it enables them the will.”
concerns external matters only and not better to govern and direct the members. God is placed, as it were, under an
matters for confession; The superior is obliged both to rule and obligation of giving what he asks. But he
8. Whether he has any vexations or direct; this is his office. To be a Rector and who is not open, who does not reveal his
troubles, or feels any coolness towards superior is precisely this. But if he does not weakness, what consolation can he expect?
anyone; know them because they are not open with It is neither God nor obedience that sends
9. Whether he knows of any disorder to him, he cannot possibly direct and help him, but his own will to put himself
which a remedy can be applied, and them with counsel and suggestion. forward; he is an intruder, neither called nor
especially if it is a case of preventing some The second reason which makes what has
bidden and he will not succeed. ■offence against God. gone before the more obvious, is that the
(Const. p.241-245)Here now, are some words of St Francis de greater the knowledge the superiors have of
Sales on this subject: the confreres, the greater will be their care
The ‘Rendiconto’ &
Its Importance
From Left: Fr Eugene, Fr Jan, Bro Stefan, Fr Andrew & Fr Chester
Kenny Mubanga who was in Lusaka for ■A Trip to the north of Zambia
some business and who joined the team in In Zambia the workshop for the
the trip to the Luapula region. On the way implementation of the ZMB School
the team made a brief stop over to visit the Structures took place in two places: Mansa
sisters who work at the mission in Kasanka. (for the communities of Kazembe, Lufubu
They welcomed the visitors with joy and and Mansa) and Chingo la . The
offered them a good cup of coffee and some participation of the Salesian confreres and
other snacks. After the lunch break, the the teachers was quite remarkable. The trip
journey continued and the team arrived in rdto Mansa started on Monday 3 February in
Mansa in the mid afternoon and they were
morning. The School Structures Team
welcomed by Fr Andrew and Fr Michael.
made up by Bro Walter Thyrniang, Fr
Soon after the arrival of the team coming
Slawek Bartodzjei and Fr Antonio had the
from Lusaka, the delegation from Lufubu
task of explaining to Salesians and teachers his way of dealing with government and
and Kazembe also arrived at the
of our technical schools the ‘ZMB School society, etc.
community’s house. The delegations of
Structures’ as well as giving them some Lunch followed the morning sessions and it
Kazembe and Lufubu came in a very good
inputs on the Preventive System. This was also hosted at the community. After
spirit of family life and spirit of poverty.
exercise was supposed to have taken place lunch teachers and Salesians went to the
The Isuzu pick-up was ‘manned’ with all
in September last year but due to the playground to share some sport
the participants, four priests, and five
absence of the provincial youth delegate it competitions. The game chosen for this
teachers. (see photo)
was postponed to this date. occasion was volleyball and the teacher
The meeting started with the evening
The ‘ZMB School Structures’ is the fruit of defeated the Salesians for a narrow margin.
prayer which set the mood of the workshop.
the work done by the ‘Schools Sub- It was a very colourful scene to see:
Right after evening prayer Fr Michael
commission’ in the last two years. In April teachers most of them young, and Salesians
welcomed all the participants of the
of all ages, heights, shapes, weights, and
workshop as well as the facilitators. Fr
skills! (see photo).
Antonio gave the good night thought and
gave the opening remarks. Supper
followed the evening prayers. During
supper, Salesians and teachers shared the
meal in spirit of friendship and the desire to
get to know each other in a better way.
As it is usual during the rainy season there
was a general black out in the whole town,
but that was not a hinder to the meeting.
The latest movie on Don Bosco entitled
‘Don Bosco: a Mission of Love’ was shown
Returning in the afternoon for the last after supper. The movie was the delight of
session, all the teachers together with the the Salesians and the teachers, and it also
2006, the principals of our schools came Salesians went in to groups to discuss how gave a view of what Don Bosco meant with
together in order to address the concern of much of the ‘ZMB School Structures’ his educative system; his work on behalf of
the school organisation. After many apply to their reality. It was very the young and especially the core of his
meetings and reflections the commission encouraging to see how Salesian and mission and work: the education and
came up with a fully drawn plan and it was teachers were both very interested in trying evangelisation of the young, especially
presented to the provincial and his council to figure out the way they could draw their those more in need.
for approval. Once the ‘ZMB School own school structure. After forty five The celebration of the eucharist was the
Structures was approved’ by the provincial minutes there was a moment in which they beginning of the activities in the second
and his council it was then ready for its all shared their conclusions and also day. For the Eucharistic celebration all
implementation on experimental basis. manifested their views on the whole were present Salesians priests and brothers
The journey to Mansa was a wonderful workshop.as well as the teachers. Fr Slawek made
experience of Salesian spirit and action. Bro Walter concluded the afternoon session some important remarks on the Salesian
The hundreds of kilometres that separate
spirit that is key to our educative system.
Lusaka from Mansa gave the opportunity
The morning eucharist was combined with
of bonding as team. Bro Walter had arrived
the morning prayers which was also very
two days earlier in order to prepare part of
much appreciated by the teachers of our
the stuff to be presented to the
communities. Fr Antonio after some parish
In the workshop during all the sessions the
activities joined the group on Sunday
movie of Don Bosco was the continuous
evening. Also we had the company of Bro
point of reference: his lifestyle and work,
encouraging all the participants to get Technical School in Lilongwe. He Structures’ to foster development in the
together to implement the school structures introduced the topic of the ‘ZMB School school, and especially to improve in the
and work according to it in order to make Structures’ by giving a brief history of the quality of service given to the students.
their work in the schools more effective. development of the commission and the Fr Antonio gave the final remarks and
In the evening of that day, the second part model of the school structures for the Vice- imparted the blessing upon the participants
of the movie Don Bosco ‘Mission of love’ province. Bro Walter presented the ‘ZMB wishing them a good academic year and
was shown to the participants. School Structures’ through a power point, inviting all of them to look forward to the
Early the following day the team left in which the roles, people and capacities teachers meeting that is coming up in
Mansa for Chingola after the celebration of were clearly defined. He added that in the August 2008.
the holy eucharist. case of Chingola, certainly more aspects of On Sunday after mass and breakfast in the
the school structure apply unlike Kazembe community the team left Chingola for
and Lufubu. Some teachers raised very Lusaka.■ A trip to the Copper Belt
valuable questions and they were answered
The team of the ‘ZMB School Structures’ and some taken into consideration for ■The Final Stage: the reached Chingola at midday after a short further study.
stop over in Kapiri Mposhi and Kitwe. In Country of the LakeAfter the morning sessions, the teachers of
Kitwe Bro Kenny Mubanga remained to thOn Monday 10 March the team left
continue his holidays visiting his relatives. Lusaka for Lilongwe. The meeting which
He is the new principal of the Agricultural was scheduled earlier on was postponed
School in Lufubu; for this reason [although due to the sudden death of the Vice-
on holidays] he decided to take part in the principal of the Salesian Technical School
workshop together with the community of Lilongwe. On that occasion Bro Walter
and teachers of the school. called the workshop off in order to allow
After the arrival the afternoon was free, the people have enough time for the
and the team was able to have some rest funeral, burial and bereavement. This time
before the full day workshop on Saturday. the workshop was carried out in the way it
Bro Walter visited the premises of the was planned by the team. The workshop the school joined the community for a Salesian Technical School in Chingola and started on Tuesday evening with the delicious lunch prepared in the dining hall also had the opportunity to address the evening prayer that was led by Bro Jophin of the Salesian community. During lunch students as they were about to go home for and it was held in the underground chapel teachers and Salesians were all invited to the weekend. He reminded the students that of the community. The whole community join the afternoon games in the in everything in life they always have a set joined the prayers. The prayers ended with multipurpose hall of the oratory. The game of choices to make; and thus it is always up the ‘good night thought’ given by Fr Paul chosen for the event was basketball. This to each person to make the right choices Skolasinski who encouraged the teachers time the Salesians won the match by 55 to and live by the principles of one’s faith and to participate fully in the workshop and be 29. The basketball match was a good morals. open to learn new things, and he gave them occasion to get together and share the
an African proverb which was the delight Salesian spirit through sports.
of the listeners. After prayers the teachers After the sports activities the workshop
were offered supper in the dining hall of the resumed its last session by inviting
school, some members of the community teachers and the Salesian community of
joined the teachers but not all. On the same Chingola to go into groups and work out
day at 8:30pm the workshop started with their understanding of the school
the movie ‘Don Bosco: Mission to love’, structures. The participants were given
just as it was done in the previous fifty minutes for the exercise. They divided
communities. The purpose of showing the themselves into three groups in which one
movie on Don Bosco was simply to give of two Salesians was also present. On their
the teachers a first hand experience of return to the computer lab (place chosen for In the morning the community, teachers knowledge of Don Bosco, his life and his the workshop) the different groups and some volunteers joined together for the mission. The previous workshops proved presented their work and were able to celebration of the holy eucharist. Fr valid this point because as members of a answer some of the questions raised by the Antonio presided over the celebration; he Salesian institution, teachers and Salesian facilitator.also addressed the teachers and the community are invited to imitate Don Summarising the whole workshop, Bro community, focusing on the need to Bosco’s love for the young and his desire to Walter strongly encouraged the Salesian harmonize efforts for better results in the make of them ‘Good Christians as well as community and the teachers to start education of the young. good citizens’ by means of education. After working with the mind of the ‘ZMB School The first session started sometime before the movie the teachers retired for rest; they
nine o’clock and the first topic was on the used the school premises to spend the
Salesian Preventive System. Teachers and night.
Salesian raised some questions and The following day the teachers joined for
expressed their views on the preventive the eucharist in the room next to the
system. For some of them it was the first computer lab where the workshop would
time to hear of such. For others the Salesian take place. During mass the teachers had a
Preventive System of Don Bosco is a very active participation. It was very
system that cannot be applied to our encouraging to see them singing so
schools because “according to the ‘culture’ energetically during mass.
with this kind of approach the student will After mass the teachers had time for
lack ‘respect’ to the teachers”, some said. breakfast and also for a short preparation
The second session was run by Bro Walter for the seminar.
Thyrniang, principal of the Salesian The first session started at 8:30 am and the
continuation ...
input was given by Fr Slawek Bartodziej Having finished with this first part of the who embody the communities.
on motivation skills. The main reason for it session, Bro Walter began with the
was, in most of our ZMB countries people presentat ion of the his tory and Finally, a word of thanks to the various
often lose hope of a better future. People development of the ‘ZMB School communities for their participation in the
are just weighed down by uncertainties and Structures’. A copy of it was given to each seminar, for coming together with their
problems that come from the situation that participant. teachers and other staff members to the
surrounds them. They hardly look at all the After the presentation teachers and seminar. It shows concern and sense of
possibilities they have. The potential that is Salesians had the opportunity of asking belonging to the province, especially
in each person is enormous but oftentimes question regarding the School Structures because this exercise will enable the
they are unaware of it; therefore the stress that now are to be implemented in all the schools to work with the same pattern and
on motivation skills was needed. technical schools of the Vice-province. hopefully when the future developments
The second session was given by Fr Concluding the workshop Bro Walter come, people will be able to know where
Antonio Barrientos, and it dwelt on the answered the questions of the teachers and they stand and were they want to go.
Preventive System of Don Bosco. The last in this way he winded up the meeting by
session was given by Bro Walter putting forward the challenge to work with
Thyrniang on the ‘ZMB School one mind and heart for the better service to
Structures’. Bro Walter started by asking the young and honour of the institution.
the teachers to go on groups and answer
some questions he had prepared. The In this way the programme of the School
questions aimed at evaluating the teachers’ Sub-commission for the ‘ZMB School
view of the school structure and Structures’ ended on a positive note. It
organisation as it is at present. At midday needed a lot of effort to visit the various
both teachers and facilitators went for communities and meet with the Salesians
lunch break. After lunch the session and the teachers and staff, but it will
continued and Bro Walter invited the certainly need more efforts and courage to
different groups to come forward and implement the suggested structure in all
present their answers to the whole the technical schools. The challenge is
assembly. given to the communities and the rectors
Kabwe – Zambia (15/March/2008):
Solemnity of St Joseph and the feast of Bl.
Artemide Zatti.
d. Two of the Co-operators helped out with
the readings. During the sermon Fr Andrew
explained to those present some of the most
important moments in the life of Bl.
Artemide Zatti.
After mass, everyone joined for supper in
the dining hall of the community. The
evening unfolded according to the
programme and towards the end of the
social evening the chairman of the Salesian
Co-operators expressed his gratitude to the
community in the person of Fr Andrew for
having had the time of sharing this especial appreciated by the youth. As soon as the
time with the community after a day of meeting was over the Co-operators got
youth activities. The Salesian Co-operators themselves ready for the afternoon
Fr Andrew, in turn, expressed his happiness of Kabwe joined the Salesian community celebrations.
in celebrating Bl. Artemide Zatti not just as to celebrate the patron of the Salesian The programme started with the movie:
a Salesian community but as a Salesian community, Bl. Artemide Zatti, alongside ‘Don Bosco, a Mission of Love’ which was
Family. He left open the invitation to the Solemnity of St Joseph which this year was the delight of the Co-operators who in
Co-operators to continue with the life of to be celebrated in advance because of the some cases watched it for the first time. The
commitment and love for the young.Holy Week. movie explained for itself the mission of
The Salesian Co-operators arrived in the the Salesian Family. The movie was
community in the mid afternoon. They followed by
were very excited to take part in the t h e
community activities. It wasn’t the first celebration
time they joined the community for some o f t h e
common activities, but this time the Eucharist. Fr
occasion was rather formal and it was A n d r e w
meant to celebrate this particular Salesian R e u t , t h e
feast with the importance it deserves. Some rector of the
of the Co-operators were already in the community,
centre from the morning hours since they p r e s i d e d
also took part in the cultural workshop o v e r t h e
organised by the parish for the young celebration
people. The morning programme gathered w h i l e F r
around three hundred young people and the A n t o n i o
presence of the Co-operators was highly concelebrate
Salesian Co-operators - Kabwe Center
order to unify the economy. During the ■ Meetings of the
meeting, two sessions were used to explain
Administrators and Economers to the participants how to operate RECOM.
There was a feeling that in some
communities will be rather difficult to
The annual meeting of the follow the mentality of RECOM because
Administrators and Local Economers of of the complexity of the activities, while
the ‘Mary Help of Christians’ ZMB Vice- for other communities it suits their needs
Province took place at Chawama and it promises to ease their accountability
provincial house and it was chaired by Fr and transparency.
Leszek Aksamit. In the meeting Fr Leszek Towards the end of the meeting, Fr Leszek
thanked all the participants for their briefed the participants of the importance
presence and the good work they are of making the inventory of the province to start the Development Office carrying out in the communities. There communities. It is an exercise that will as soon as possible. He indicated that for were some members who did not manage have to be carried out in all our this year a Director for the Development to attend the meeting due to their lack of communities, and the data will have to be Office will be appointed and that Fr Joseph travelling documents. However the forwarded to the provincial economer by has already come up with a name, though majority of the members were present. Two June this year 2008. it’s not yet known to all. The cooperation of members were late in the meeting due to Although not physically present, Fr Joseph G e r m a n N G O ’s w i l l h e l p t h e
Czerwinski, ZMB provincial, sent his establishment, training of personnel and
greetings to the participants and running of the office at least during the first
encouraged them to carry on with the work three years until it gets started and runs
in a professional manner. appropriately.
The members were quite optimistic of the
future of the Development Office and hope ■ Financial Commission /
it will soon get started since most of the Development Office
communities in their pastoral work will
eventually benefit from the efforts of the
The Financial
commission met at Chawama provincial
■ Format ion Commiss ion house as it was scheduled in the provincial some technical problems (a car
calendar 2008. The commission studied breakdown) and they had to be towed all Meeting
the needs and possibilities of the launching the way from Monze.
for the Development Office in the Vice The meeting started on Tuesday 4 March
Province. Fr Leszek welcomed the and during the first session in the morning
members of the financial Commission and the documents of the Congregation, The members of the
introduced the new member of the Provincial Directory, and OPP in matter formation commission met at Chawama
commission Fr Javier Barrientos, who as concerning finances were read to the provincial house on 6 March in the
the new provincial youth delegate also participants. During the meeting Fr Leszek af ternoon. The chairman of the
belongs to the commission.also expressed his view on the financial commission Fr Bruno Zamberlan, vice-
After introducing the new member to the activities of the communities and the provincial, welcomed the members of the
house, Fr Leszek continued the meeting by province as a whole. He also gave a full list
briefing the participants of the short history of the communities that had submitted their
of the Development Office in the vice-financial reports for the year 2007 and the
province.budget for the year 2008. Unfortunately,
Later on the members of the commission not all the communities had submitted their
also expressed their views on the need of respective reports and thus the full
setting up a new Development Office in the information was not available.
vice-province. A draft of the desired On the second day the new accounting
Development Office was drawn and it will software ‘RECOM’ was introduced to the
be sent to Fr Joseph Czerwinski, provincial participants. This accounting software is
of ZMB, for further clarification.what the Congregation means to
Fr Leszek also mentioned the will of the implement in the whole Salesian World in
th thLusaka-Chawama (4 -5 March 2008)
Reports, Planning and Introducing
thLusaka-Chawama (6 March 2008) Future
launching of the Development Office for
the ZMB Vice-province:
thLusaka-Chawama (6 March 2008)
P rov inc i a l Fo rma t ion P l an and
forthcoming ‘General Assembly of ZMB
confreres 2008’:
formation commission and explained to same time they tried to understand what
them the need of this first meeting of the other people appreciate and value about Being a part of the ‘YES’ (Youth Encounter
year in order to work out the Provincial themselves. At the end of the day they all the Saviour) retreat , that took place on the
th thFormation Plan and also the forthcoming were able to realize that they are a gift of 11 to 13 of April 2008, was a wonderful
General Assembly of Confreres that will God to one another, called to be witnesses and very enriching experience.
take place late June 2008. of the Risen Christ in the world of today. Around 60 young people from different
The chairman explained how poor has been The workshop ended with the evaluation parishes of Kabwe Deanery gathered
the response from the confreres of the vice- and planning for the YES Retreat that will together for 3 days to encounter Christ. It
thprovince. He had sent a format to all the take place on the 11 to 13 April 2008, at was a time of reflection on Paschal
confreres of the vice-province to hear ‘first Don Bosco Youth Centre. Mysteries, a time of dying to oneself and
hand’ their views on the needs of the rising with Christ. We were able share our
province as far as the formation of the SDB ideals looking into the future. Certainly it ■An accident in Luapula
is concerned. Unfortunately few answered was an opportunity to encounter Christ in
Provincethe call, and in addition of those few most of his Word, in Sacraments and in each other.
them were only the confreres in formation Even difficult conditions of sleeping in
Bro Kenny f rom the communi ty o f Mosh i . tents and in the garage of Salesian
Mubanga was involved in a car accident, Nevertheless, the Provincial Formation Community in Kabwe added to the beauty
together with Gertrudis, a Lady Volunteer Plan ought to be drawn, therefore the of the retreat and made it even more
working in Lufubu: both were admitted at commission entrusted its making to Fr meaningful.
Mwense hospital; Kenny was discharged Tresphord Chota who will present the draft I have really been enjoying being a
almost immediately (he sustained just in the next meeting in May 2008 before the ‘Yesser’. This has made me realize that I
external injuries in his body and a meeting of the provincial council. can take full participation in the life of the
headache), the Girl was unconscious, but The second and also urgent topic was the Church and bring Christ to others who need
now she is recovering. The accident took planning for the forthcoming General his healing touch and guidance.
place about 15 km before Mwense. It was Assembly of the Confreres. The moderator I thank God for Don Bosco Youth Centre.
around 2, 30 at night. The Girl was the has been appointed and is Fr Chester Phaides Banda
driver and she fail asleep as she was Lenczuk (Hwange Community). The ‘YES’ Animator
driving. The red Isuzu of Lufubu drove into commission expressed its concerns about
two poles aside of the road and overturned the purpose of the meeting, namely its
three times. Both drivers had driving goals, objectives, strategies and the like.
licences, but never drove long distances During the meeting some other urgent
before and during the night. The goods topics were also tackled, such as the
disappeared from the car together with holidays in the province for the Salesian
some spare parts. In the morning the Police students of Moshi and Lubumbashi, the
informed the Salesians of Kazembe, who situation of the new practical trainees, and
came at the place where the accident the first professions.
occurred together with the Rector of The meeting ended late in the afternoon and
Lufubu.all the points of the agenda were discussed
and addressed in a way that was adequate.
The next meeting is already scheduled for ■ Live ‘Palm Sunday Celebration’
May 2008.
: The ■ Workshop for Youth Leaders
creativity and initiative of the church
leaders of the Christian Community of A GIFT YOU ARE was the theme of the
Kasavasa made lively the Palm Sunday workshop that was conducted by Fr.
celebration with the inclusion of a donkey Andrew Reut for the Youth Animators of
in the procession. The parishioners joined Kabwe Deanery involved in the animation
other two Christian denominations and of the ‘YES’ Retreat. ‘YES’ stands for
walked together while acclaiming the Lord Youth Encounter the Saviour. The purpose
as they followed the procession. Fr Antonio of the workshop was to assist the young
was mounted on the donkey and the whole Youth Animators on their journey of
celebration became lively and colourful.personal growth and value development as
they are trying to reach out to others.
Through sharing their experiences they
learnt how to appreciate and value
themselves as an individuals but at the
■ ‘YES’
a t D o n
B o s c o
Y o u t h
Friday 11/04/08
Lufubu – Zambia: Tuesday 11/04/08 A
miraculous intervention:
Kasavasa – Zambia (22/03/08) The
Celebrations of Holy Week in the
outstations of St Mary’s Parish
Kabwe - Zambia (28-30 March/08):
Kabwe -
Z a m b i a :
think. On Monday I was again teaching
morning and afternoon at Feltham Young Don Bosco said, “Work, work, work.” The
Offenders’ Institute. Though I want to former Indian president told all the Indian
keep going to Feltham as long as I possibly Youth, “Dream, dream, and dream.” I think
can, there will come a time when I may only the combination of those two great thinking
be able to do the morning session, as my make a life beautiful and faithful one. It was
Dear Javier, batteries run gently down. I can see that something inconceivable, thirteen years
It was a very pleasant surprise on 5 happening, but there’s lots else will need to ago, that I would be working in Africa, a
February to receive your airmail letter from happen first. continent with multiple realities. Thanks to
Zambia, dated 28 January. I was surprised Much of yesterday was spent preparing the God and to Don Bosco. Life moves fast as if
it reached me so quickly. February J & P Message, which I hope you it is a supersonic, may be it moves faster
It was good to hear your Mission Appeal have received. This afternoon, I went to than light. I arrived at Lusaka international
experiences were so positive. Here 95% of see a very fine student production of a Airport, with much expectations and
the Mission Appeals are done by the musical. The students were finishing a enthusiastic to touch the land of Africa, on
stDirector of our Missions Office, but I have three year course to become professional 31 August 2007. I was warmly welcomed
done just a few myself. The money raised actors and actresses. I could only admire with opened arms. My brief stay at
is always useful and important, but there their vitality and professionalism. provincial house gave a very big chance to
seems to be a general understanding I spent Sunday at Brighton, on the south meet a number of confers and to become
between all the UK religious orders that the coast, visiting some family members who part of them. My first apostolic assignment
primary aim of the Appeal speaker is to are having to face a number of problems. I was in Don Bosco Lilongwe, in Malawi the
inform public opinion about the unjust can’t do anything much to help. Just being warm heart of Africa. If I get a chance to
imbalance between the richer countries of there does seem to give some moral rename I would like to call it as a lovely
the world and the poorer. The media do not support. heart of Africa. Life here, in Lilongwe, I
give a balanced picture in these matters. Isn’t that what we Salesians have to do most must tell you is very beautiful, colourful
Someone with first hand experience of of the time? Normally we can’t produce and I am enjoying every bit of it. Apart from
Africa is able to speak of all the strengths of visible dramatic signs of change in people’s the warm welcome of my confers, I also
Africa’s peoples. So many of the problems lives. It is by our sustaining presence, received the first kiss of the dragon-
they face are simply the result of the USA understanding, and interest that we are able Malaria. Attacked four times continuously,
and the EU ‘robbing’ Africa in a whole to assist, to be channels of God’s grace, if generously and vigorously, without giving
variety of ways. you will. I lack the charism of natural me a chance to undo the operated
warmth. It is a great gift in the service of command. Gospel says, ‘those who have
God. So many people react to a show of more will be given more.’ It was the same
warmth and welcome. That was never my when I was operated for appendicitis.
style, but I think it may be one you already Painful experience, but I felt the nearness of
have, and could cultivate still more. my confers. Life is gorgeous, very vibrant
There’s too much of the Schoolteacher in and with much challenges. Here with youth
me, always trying to push my students of technical institute, in the youth centre
further and further! and in the parish bring in a variety of
Salesians so often have to go into a new experience and
work and start from scratch. You will soon new panoramic
begin to learn what the youngsters need. v i e w. I a m
They are so often more than ready to tell h a p p y a n d
any adult who is prepared to listen to them. contended that I
They need to feel that the Salesian is not have chosen to
trying to push them around, but is there be part of these
alongside them, working with them to help new challenges
them to move forward towards goals they in Africa. Life
already know they want to achieve. With brought in lots Sending you an email seems to be the
their initial achievements behind them, the of new faces, fastest way I can now reply to your letter,
young people will see their horizons new friends, hoping that your electricity will soon be
extending, and you can assure them they new people to restored so that your computer can now
truly have the potential to do more than live with, new receive it. As for my taking so long to get
they ever imagined when first you met situation to adjust, new face to love and round to writing back I cannot blame delays
them. new weather to acclimatise. Some one in the postal delivery service for my
“If only I’d had more faith, how much more asked me during my short stay in Africa. Do slowness in replying!
I could have done!” You know who said you feel like going to back to India? I just Nor can I blame ill health. I can only thank
that?! sang that simple chorus: “no turning back, God for the way my health continues to be
God be with you in all your efforts. no turning back.”so strong for a man of my age! Last
Bro. JophinSaturday, I did an 8 mile hike, the second
half exploring on my own, and this
■ My First Year in the ProvinceSaturday I am to lead another one 10 miles I
Letters to the EDITOR
alawi experience heavy
rainfall this year. It is still Mfalling. Good for the
maize and tobacco plantation, not so
for the roads, bridges and other
The rainfall caused stream of waters
every where. In Don Bosco Campus,
the water washed long sections of the
walls at the north, east and near the
gate of the campus.
Looking at the collapsed walls I am
reminded of the Great China Walls
and the Berlin Wall. While the former
is a sign of glory and security the
other is a remnant of division and
separation. I wonder which wall has
fallen in Don Bosco Campus.
The walls have fallen, they have to be
rebuilt. I have heard of some other
places as well, where walls are being
erected, bridges being built and other
construction in progress.
I hope they all represents something
good and noble, and will not be
washed away soon.
Coming closer to community life,
there are numerous fallen walls. We
are also constructing some. Are we
building the Great China Wall or the
Berlin Wall between ourselves?
Br. Walter
here is a Zambian proverb which
says: Basa basa tabashisha bwino. TA rough English translation would
be: carving in a hurry does not produce
good results. This proverb has a direct
application to the day-to-day life not only them need to be respected according to
of the youth but also of every living their own growth rates. However, for
human being. Today, education is being most, development and growth towards
perceived more and more as an ongoing maturity is quite a slow and gradual
type of activity than an engagement that is process. It is even more striking to take
limited to the youthful stage of life. note that even adults are in motion,
Ongoing education covers the entire moving towards the realisation of their
lifespan of a person. This is important personal holistic growth; this can be on
because life itself is a ‘big and necessary t h e b i o l o g i c a l , p s y c h o l o g i c a l ,
school’, which makes ongoing education sociological, or other levels. Since in
possible and indispensable. Today we live many areas the growth process is a slow
in a ‘fluid’ world in which almost nothing one, and in many cases by no means
automatic, the young person surely needs
a lot of time and the necessary assistance
to move towards maturity.
The variations in the growth
process that I have already mentioned also
apply to the spiritual realm of each person.
From this point of view, as a unique
person, the youth needs to grow at his/her
own rate. But this does not mean that there
is no struggle involved in the development
and growth; nothing comes on a silver
platter. There are many struggles that are
involved, and this is another good reason
why young people need a lot of help as
they grapple to find their path in life. Faith
education has, therefore, quite a bit to
consider as it contributes to the maturation
of the faith of the young person, especially
those who are somewhat deprived and
is fixed; there are changes almost
everywhere. Because of this, there is need By: Fr. Clement Mulenga SDB
for ongoing education to help one cope
with the necessary changes taking place.
These may not only be out there in the
world, but also in the life of a specific
person. These might include: physical,
psychological, spiritual changes, and the
In the light of all this, youth
pedagogy needs to have a genuine respect
for the pace of growth of the youth.
Although such modern social sciences as
developmental psychology divide the
lifespan of a human being into
developmental stages, it is not always that
everybody fits neatly into such pigeon
holes. This is so because the tempo of
human growth varies from person to
person. For this reason, there are some
who grow fast, some grow according to
the stipulated ‘normal’ stages and others
move along at a snail’s pace. But all of
The Shipwreck
(Petauke - Zambia)
I am aply to my job of security guard to you
boss in you company of Shoprite. I
complete to Grade 8 examination
certificate in 1997.
I am 27 ears to be Born of age and no
mallied and no childish.
My father is dead long time ago and my
mother mary in Zimbabwe country
there 10 years now, no see she so nobody
known to help me.
My certificate is just sitting home for itself,
but passes in Mathematics, Geography,
Science and all subjects but fail in English
because of Bemba teacher, Mr Mulenga,
teaching me is jelos of myself .
Me wear expenses cloth than Bemba
The only survivor of a shipwreck was teacher.
washed up on a small, uninhabited island. I here people you want security guards to
He prayed feverishly for GOD to rescue you company and I tell you I Am one of that
him, and every day he scanned the horizon job experience for 2 years. I shot thief dead.
for help, but none seemed forthcoming. I want to Join the company of you and chase
Exhausted, he eventually managed to build criminal out with me Ak47.
a little hut out of driftwood to protect Please consider my aplication careful and
himself from the elements, and to store his call me any time because me Have
few possessions. One day, after scavenging celphone. I am red for interview with you. I
for food, he arrived home to find his little am very hornest and can speak English free.
hut in flames, with smoke rolling up to the Please also greet yo wife.
sky. The worst had happened, and And rememba that English is not our
everything was lost. He was stunned with mother land!!
disbelief, grief, and anger. "GOD, how
could you do this to me?" he cried. Yours in faith
Early the next day he was awakened by the Plasma
sound of a ship that was approaching the Screen Phiri
island. It had come to rescue him. "How did
you know I was here?" Asked the weary Luangwa
man of his rescuers. "We saw your smoke valley, in
signal," they replied. chipata near
country of
lake of
MalawiThe Mystery of Life
A Job Application from a Petauke
Life's a gamble - life's scramble
Fret and turmoil - strife and noise;
Life's a worry - what's the hurry?
Give me peace and quiet joys.
Life's all clamour - fake and glamour
tinsel shams and vulgar show
Fight for money - aren't folks funny?
rushing madly to and fro.
Give me leisure - simply pleasure
Time in which to stand and stare;
time to wonder - time to wander -
Time to dream and time to spare ...
Time for gazing - time for raising -
weary eyes to leaf and wing
Time for praying - time for saying
Thanks dear God, for everything!
Thinking point...
1 Fr Joseph and Bro Sylvester (Rome)
2 Retreat Monze
3 Father John (ATE Province)
4 Fr Andrew and Kabwe Co-operators
5 Fr Slawek and KEY Animators
6 Economers Meeting
7 Fr Norbert Lesa (Community Animation)
8 ZMB School Structures (Manza)
Recreation with the teachers