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ZAMBIA - ZIMBABWE - MALAWI - NAMIBIA Year 5 | Issue No. 20 Sep - Oct - Nov 2011
Editorial: New Salesian Bishop 3
Rector Major: God’s Call 4
Provincial’s message: Christmas Celebrations 6
Pope: Africa Freshness of Hope 7
X CIVAM Meeting: Kigali 8
Significant Milestone - Liturgy 9
Congress on Salesian Histoy 11
Lufubu: New Challenges 12
News from the Salesian World 13
Good Practices & Famous Quotes 17
Don Bosco in ZMB: Road Map 18
All Roads lead to Christmas 19
PDO: The way forward 21
Salesian Novices 23
ZMB Photo 24
Director: Fr. Javier A. Barrientos
Editor: Fr. Javier Barrientos
Redaction Board: Fr. Dennis Higgins, Walter Thyrniang
Graphic Design: Fr. Javier Barrientos
Photos: Fr. Leszek Aksamit,
Br. Walter Thyrniang, Sylvester Makumba
Fr. Javier Barrientos, John Musonda
Salesian Newslink
ZMB Quarterly publication
Year 5/Nº20 Sep - Oct - Nov 2011
2 Salesian NewslinkZMB
“Come and see
what the Lord has done”!
3Salesian NewslinkZMB
Fr. Javier Antonio
Barrientos sdb
he news of the appointment of Fr qualities, fidelity and personal gifts of the candidate
Clement Mulenga SDB as bishop of who now is to be shepherd of the newly created
the newly created Diocese of diocese of Kabwe.
Kabwe has filled people with joy. Fr I consider that the Congregation although now
Mulenga is to become not only the
deprived of one of its sons in the ministry of the
first bishop of Kabwe, but he is the
young wins an ambassador and father for the youth first Zambian Salesian to become
who carries with himself the Salesian heritage and bishop. Don Bosco, in the early years of the oratory,
who will [most likely] make of the Diocese of when he was about to found the Salesian
Congregation, addressing some of his young Kabwe, “a youth-oriented-diocese”.
collaborators [clerics] told them openly, “I see
bishops and cardinals from among you”. Don
Bosco’s dream and prophecy has also reached our
province. I believe it wasn’t in the mind of the first
Polish Salesians who came to Zambia to look for
vocations in order to make them priests and prepare
them to one day become bishops; their main scope in
their missionary enterprise was to bring the Salesian
charism to this part of Africa and make sure that
young people follow Jesus in the footsteps of Don
The history of the Congregation shows how the
Salesian charism has rapidly spread worldwide, in
the turn of a century. In many countries, the mission
was established and developed gradually, local
vocations were groomed to take up the
responsibility of animation and leadership and
slowly the transition was made, ensuring the
Let all our prayer and fraternal support accompany
continuity of the Salesian charism by care of local
Fr Mulenga who moves to Kabwe to be the head of
the Local Church, a father to all, especially those
The Church, by appointing Fr Clement Mulenga
most in need, a defender of the poor and neglected of
bishop, validates the missionary effort of the
society but most of all a father and friend of the
Salesian Congregation here in this region of Africa;
youth of Kabwe.
it considers worthy of making Fr Mulenga head of a
new diocese and thus confirms its trust in the
New Salesian Bishop
Hopes and Challenges
4 Salesian NewslinkZMB
t the heart of the Old p r o c e s s b e g u n w i t h t h e
Testament there is a call Enlightenment was accelerated.
from God to Moses, on the This had put an end to the societas
day of the burning bush. The cristiana, through the triumph of
Lord said: «I have seen the agnostic and anti-Christian
miserable state of my people ideologies, with their declared
in Egypt. I have heard their appeal to incompatibility between reason-
be free of their slave-drivers. Yes, I am science and faith, the progressive
well aware of their sufferings. I mean disaffection of the middle and
to deliver them out of the hands of the working classes with ecclesiastical
Egyptians and bring them up out of institutions (more rapid in the
that land to a land rich and broad...» cities, more gradual in the
(Exodus 3,7-8). countryside). In Italy the Roman
«I have seen … I have heard … I am well question opened a painful wound
aware… I mean to deliver them ». in the heart of believers. Under the
These are four words about perfect pressure of the lay anticlerical
fatherliness. God does not abandon intelligentia and of the bourgeois
his children. Don Bosco was called to business class, which, through the
incarnate God’s fatherliness in our press, fashioned public opinion
times. a n d l i f e s t y l e s , t h e n e w
A time of wounds generations, being formed in a
school which was progressively
Don Bosco was living and working in a agnostic, became disoriented, an
period of rapid and epoch-making easy prey to ideas and behaviour
change. This change was traumatic, far removed from Christian
especial ly in the social and practice. At the same time, new
ecclesiastical fields. In particular, the forms of poverty were appearing,
For us is a lesson
of hope and courage...
to renew our fidelity
Don Bosco’s choices are determined
by the call of God, the Lord of history
massive internal and external migration, ideas in tune with the requirements and the tastes
cultures being uprooted, the exploitation of the of the times and of the young, but responses,
work-force and moral brutalisation of the prompt and really effective (since they were far-
poorest groups in the population. sighted and the result of a process of discernment
and of a genuine love of God) to new problems, new
Saving the young challenges, new needs, new “satanic”attacks,
starting from a solid faith, an unwavering hope,
It was precisely this historical context, these from an total gift of himself to God and to his
social traumas and these tensions which were for brothers (and sisters), from an inner freedom, the
Don Bosco the stimulus and the valuable result of purification and self-detachment. He
occasion to discern the voice of God. While wrote to a priest who was discouraged: «Is there
others argued, condemned, bewailed the sad work to be done? I shall die on the field of work
state of affairs of their times, he was able to sicut bonus miles Christi. Am I good for little or
perceive God present and active in human nothing? Omnia possum in eo qui me confortat.
history. Trained as he was to feel himself a pastor Are there thorns? With the thorns changed into
called to work for the salvation of the human flowers the angels will make you a crown in heaven.
race, especially for that of youth, he became Are times difficult? They always were, but God will
immersed in his own times, critically, but never fail to come to your help: Christus heri et
lovingly and creatively, fully a part of the often hodie» (25 October 1878, Ceria, Epistolario di S.
deeply-felt events taking place around him, Giovanni Bosco, III, 399).
ready to give his life for the mission which he felt
himself called to undertake, convinced that the
grace of God is stronger than any human obstacle
and effectively supports anyone who works to
spread in peoples’ hearts Christ’s Kingdom.
The situation of the poor boys he met in Turin in
the ’40s and ’50s, but also ecclesial, political-
social events and the new laws, encouraged and
shaped in practical ways his gift for education,
his pastoral zeal, his natural talents, and they
led him towards a discernment which was
proactive and preventive.
In the decades which follow, the situations will
change, new problems will arise, but his way of
thinking and his spiritual approach will lead him
to expand his horizons, to formulate activities
and plans, to multiply his operations, co-
involving ever growing hosts of disciples,
supporters, benefactors and well-wishers. In this
way the expression “poor and abandoned boys”
will acquire an ever broader significance, not
only in socio-economic terms, but also spiritual,
cultural and moral.
For us it is a lesson of hope and of courage, an
invitation to shake ourselves, and to renew our «I can do all things in Him who gives me
strength!» fidelity, our commitment, and our trust in
His modernity consists in this: not only new
Salesian NewslinkZMB
our lives, depending on the amount of care we
undertake to prepare ourselves for it. The feast of
My Dear Friends, Christmas brings to our minds the obvious note of
hope that we can begin again, that our past does not
We are surprised at the speed at which this year has need to determine our lives. We can break out from
moved. We are at the threshold of a new year 2012. our past and live more meaningful lives in the
This is an indication that we were happy at what we future. This will not just magically happen on
were about during the past year. Otherwise it would Christmas Day. We need to take each day of our
have looked as if it were ages for the days to move preparation for Christmas and bring Christ into our
on. life of that particular day…. - to let ourselves be
We are a few days away from Christmas and we all guided by His values, His teachings, His plans, His
sing that famous advent song ‘We long to see Thee wishes. This is the way to bring Christ into our lives
so’. Where in many places especially in the U.S. and the best preparation we can do for the
and Europe, people try to take away Christ from Celebration of Christmas.
Christmas, ‘Happy Holiday!’ (instead of Happy
Christmas)…. ‘Holiday tree(instead of Christmas Many young people fear to let Christ into their lives,
tree)!!!’ - we want to emphasize the fact that because they feel they cannot live their lives as they
without Christ, celebration of Christmas has no want, they will lose their freedom, they will have to
meaning. Christ decided to share our human nature be observant etc. But this is an unfounded fear.
and become one like us to give us hope and courage There is an inner lasting joy that comes to us in
that things can be better. He came to show that in letting ourselves be guided by Christ and His
spite of apparent hopeless situations, every values.
situation can be redeemed. This is the essence of In one of his exhortations to young people, Pope
Christmas – the reinjection of hope brought about Benedict XVI told young people: “If we let Christ
by Jesus, in a hopeless world . So taking Him out of into our lives, we lose nothing, nothing, absolutely
Christmas makes ‘no sense’ of the celebrations. nothing of what makes life free, beautiful and great.
……….. Dear young people, do not be afraid of
As believers, this is what we want to present to the Christ! He takes nothing away and he gives you
young – the celebration of Christmas is an occasion everything. When we give ourselves to him, we
to have hope in their apparent ‘hopeless’ situations receive a hundredfold in return. Yes, open, open
of routine, evil habits, laziness, addictions, trying wide the doors to Christ – and you will find true life”
to take the easy way’ etc…. In spite of our good will, (Verbum Domini No. 104)
even if we have had relapses, there is a chance to
begin anew to have new hopes that we can do better. I wish you all a Very Happy Christmas and a Very
Happy New Year 2012 during which you will
We have to thank God for the blessings he has given experience the closeness to the Lord to each one of
us during the past year. There is a happy atmosphere you.
of family that is spontaneously seen when we meet
together. We thank God for the gift of Bishop-elect Yours,
Clement Mulenga who will be consecrated soon as
the first bishop of Kabwe. Fr George Chalissery SDB
Any feast that we celebrate will leave a mark upon
6 Salesian NewslinkZMB
Fr George Chalissery SDB
Provincial of ZMB
Provincial’s Christmas Message
7Salesian NewslinkZMB
Church Today
Pope Benedict XVI
Pope Benedict XVI
VATICAN CITY, NOV. 23, 2011 (
Benedict XVI dedicated today's general audience
to a review of his weekend trip to Benin,
reporting that he found in Africa a "freshness of
As is customary after an apostolic journey, the
Pope used his audience address to highlight
some of the main elements of the Nov. 18-20 trip
to Benin.
The main point of his visit was to entrust the
post-synodal apostolic exhortation "Africae
Munus" to the Church.
The Holy Father spoke of Africa as being a
protagonist in "a new season of hope," with its
"commitment to the service of the Gospel and
with the courageous witness of effective
"In Africa, I saw a freshness in the 'yes' to life, a
freshness in religious sensibilities and a
freshness of hope, as well as a sense of reality in
its totality, with God -- and not reduced to a positivism that, in the end, extinguishes hope," he said.
The Pontiff reflected that this "tells us that the continent contains reserves of life and vitality for the
future upon which we can rely, upon which the Church can rely.”
Every effort
"My journey was a great appeal to Africa to direct every effort to announcing the Gospel to those who
as yet do not know it," the Holy Father explained. "This involves a renewed commitment to
evangelization -- to which each of the baptized is called -- by promoting reconciliation, justice and
Citing "Africae Munus," the Bishop of Rome said he commends Africa to Our Lady.
He said, "May the maternal intercession of Mary 'whose heart is always inclined to God's will, sustain
every effort at conversion; may she consolidate every initiative of reconciliation and strengthen every
endeavour for peace in a world which hungers and thirsts for justice’
(Africae munus, 175)."
Pope Dedicates General Audience to Benin Trip
8 Salesian NewslinkZMB
Regional Conference of Provinces,
Vice-Provinces and Delegations of Africa and Madagascar
By Fr Javier A. Barrientos SDB
Lubumbashi (Congo Democratic Republic) 16-21/09/2011.-
Gathering of Provincial Youth Delegates of the African-Madagascar
Region (CIVAM) at the Salesian provincial house in Lubumbashi.
Fr Fabio Attard, the General Councillor for Youth Ministry gathered
at Lubumbashi, Republic of Congo, with all the youth delegates of
the Africa-Madagascar Region to evaluate the progress made in the
field of youth animation. Fr Fabio presented to the assembly a
document from the Youth Department entitled “Rethinking
Salesian Youth Ministry”, which aims at improving the quality of the
youth ministry in the Congregation. This process of reflection began
in Rome during the Consulta, a meeting that gathered a youth
delegate from each Region in the Congregation with the team of the
Youth Ministry Department, expressing the challenges youth
ministry finds in the various regions of the Congregation. At the end
of the meeting, a small tool for reflection was produced and
presented by the Rector Major.
The meeting in Lubumbashi tackled some other pressing issues such
as the imminent visit of Don Bosco's casket to the Africa-
Madagascar Region and the forthcoming Team Visit with the Rector
Major scheduled for February 2012 in Nairobi. Reports from the
various provinces showed the variety of experiences of the youth
animation in the Africa-Madagascar Region.
Towards the end of the meeting, Fr Fabio reminded the participnts
that one of the major challenges in the youth ministry is to help
confrere, communities and the entire province pass from an
'activity-centred-ministry' to a 'process-centred-ministry' in which
activities are no longer the centre of attention but part of an ongoing
process in the efforts to bring young people closer to Jesus Christ.
The meeting ended by
suggesting the focus of
the youth ministry for the
year 2012: Creating a
Vocational Culture and
dedication to the Family
Kigali (Rwanda) 22-28/10/2011.-
CIVAM Meeting of Provincials and
Delegates for Social Communication.
Fr Filiberto Gonzales,
Councillor for Social Communication
together with Fr Julian Fox met at
Kigali with all 13 provincials and their
delegates for Social Communication.
The event was held at the provincial
house of the Vice-Province of the
Great Lakes (AGL) in Kigali. The event
aimed at encouraging Salesian
provinces and Vice-Provinces to start
a process of collaboration and
networking within the African Region
and with the Congregation as a
whole. Fr Filiberto presented a
document from the Congregation
that explains what is expected of each
Salesian and province in the field of
Social Communication. Various
p r o v i n c e s p r e s e n t e d t h e
achievements made in the field of SC
and they also presented their
concerns in the same field, most
especially in the line of formation of
Fr Filiberto expressed his satisfaction
with the efforts made in the Region
and strongly encouraged provincials
to animate their confreres to venture
more into the ‘Digital Continent’
where young people are nowadays
mostly found.
CIVAM-Youth Delegates visiting a Cobalt Smelter
Kigali: Social Communication Delegates - CIVAM
9Salesian NewslinkZMB
n the first Sunday of Advent, the The people SIT for the first and second reading
new translation of the Roman including the responsorial psalm.
Missa l into Eng l i sh was They SIT for the homily and during the preparation of
introduced without, at least in the gifts.
this part of the world, much of a They KNEEL during the Consecration.
fanfare. (However, where it has been the custom to KNEEL
A great deal has been written concerning the new from the end of the ‘Holy, holy....’ until the doxology,
English translation which slavishly follows the Latin ‘through him and with him and in him......’ and after
text – not always, in my opinion, very comfortably. the ‘Lamb of God....’ until Holy Communion, the
And, I am sure, more will be written in the future. continuation of this practice is to be encouraged.
However, this new publication of the Roman Missal (See GIRM: 43)
also provides an opportunity to reflect not only on Finally, if appropriate, the people may SIT for a
the kind of language we use, but also on the way we moment of reflection after receiving Holy
celebrate Holy Mass. Communion.
The powers that be, in the Vatican, have long been
concerned about the many ‘abuses’ that have found INCULTURATION.
their way into the Eucharistic celebration over the Having said this, it is important to note that National
years, either through ignorance of the rubrics or Conferences of Bishops may apply to Rome for
through the private piety/devotion of the priest. permission to adapt some elements of the Mass
The General Instruction of the Roman Missal (GIRM: according to local custom. (See especially GIRM:
which can be found at the front of the Roman Missal) 390).
as well as the rubrics (official directions within the However, it is interesting to note that in Africa the
Missal itself) seem to emphasise certain aspects of Bishops of the Dioceses of Kenya and as well as the
the Eucharistic Celebration which have largely been Bishops of Southern Africa have largely followed the
ignored or ‘unofficially changed’. postures as directed by the Roman Missal. (See
The following brief reflection touches on a number pages 94-97 of the Introduction to the Missal for
of these elements as they affect the congregation at details.)
Mass (how they affect the role of the celebrating With regard to the Bishops Conference of Zambia, at
priest may be considered at a later date), and is the above mentioned meeting of the priests of the
based on the GIRM, the rubrics and a recent meeting Lusaka Archdiocese, the Archbishop pointed out that
of the Priests of the Archdiocese of Lusaka. it had been originally decided that the people should
KNEEL for the penitential rite, and SIT during the
THE COMMUNITY GATHERED TO CELEBRATE: Gloria and the proclamation of the Gospel. However,
I detected some confusion here since at least one
POSTURE Zambian Bishop seems to have ‘broken ranks’ and
Basically, the new publication of the Missal, directed the people of his diocese to STAND for the
presumes that the people will STAND throughout proclamation of the Gospel. The Archbishop
the celebration: from the beginning of the entrance suggested that these guidelines be ‘revisited’ so that
hymn to the end of the final/recessional hymn. new, clear and unambiguous guidelines might be
Except for the following: given to the Catholics of Zambia.
By Fr Dennis Higgins SDB
10 Salesian NewslinkZMB
What seems to be important, though, is that the At most parish celebrations it is should not be
people STAND for the ‘presidential prayers’: that is, difficult to estimate the number of communicants at
the prayers said out loud by the priest, in his role as each Mass.
‘presider’ over the assembly. See GIRM 85: “It is most desirable that the faithful,
“These prayers are addressed to God by the Priest just as the Priest himself is bound to do, receive the
who presides over the assembly in the person of Lord’s body from the hosts consecrated at the same
Christ, in the name of the entire holy people and of all Mass.....”
present. Hence they are rightly called the Furthermore, only the priests (not even deacons)
‘presidential prayers.” (Chapter II of the Introduction may give themselves Holy Communion.
to the Missal – page32). The deacon and the people do not take but RECEIVE
Therefore, the people are to STAND for the opening Holy Communion.
prayer of the Mass (before the readings), the prayer See GIRM 182 re. Deacons and GIRM 160 re. The
over the gifts (here the people are to stand as they people.
say ‘May the Lord accept the sacrifice at your
hands...... ‘ See The Order of Mass No. 29) and for ANNOUNCEMENTS:
the prayer after Holy Communion. Again, GIRM 90 is very clear. “BRIEF announcements,
should they be necessary”, are made before the final
THE SIGN OF PEACE. blessing. If only...... if only!!!
GIRM 82 puts it perfectly. “As for the actual sign of
peace to be given, the manner is to be established by These are just a few areas of which we may have
the Conferences of Bishops in accordance with the been unaware or unsure in the past.
culture and customs of the peoples. However it is The aim of unity of movement, posture and
appropriate that each person, in a sober manner, responses by the people during Mass is not to
offer the sign of peace ONLY TO THOSE WHO ARE achieve some kind of military precision, but rather to
NEAREST.” (Capitals mine) express the unity of the whole assembly among
As we shall see later, this includes the presiding and themselves and with the Roman Catholic Church
concelebrating priests!!! throughout the world.
I give the last word to the General Instruction of the
“The people are fed from the table (altar) not from
the cupboard (tabernacle)”. Something I learned “The gestures and bodily posture of both the Priest,
many years ago from a very wise priest. the Deacon, and the ministers, and also of the
The celebrant should not consecrate one large host people, must be conducive to making the entire
and then distribute Holy Communion from a celebration resplendent with beauty and noble
ciborium taken from the tabernacle. simplicity, to making clear the true and full
meaning of its different parts, and to fostering the
participation of all. Attention must therefore be
paid to what is determined by this General
Instruction and by the traditional practice of the
Roman Rite and to what serves the common
spiritual good of the People of God, rather than
private inclination or arbitrary choice.
A common bodily posture, to be observed by all
those taking part, is a sign of the unity of the
members of the Christian community gathered
together for the Sacred Liturgy, for it expresses the
intentions and spiritual attitude of the participants
and also fosters them.” (GIRM 42)
Notes on Liturgy
“Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to Jomo Kenyatta asked a confrere next to me, ‘what is he talking about?’
International Airport - Karibuni sana.” I looked at “He is saying learn to write and write what you learn,” he
my watch. It was 16:30 local time. I looked through the replied.
window and remembered that I was at this airport 9 years Two days later recommendations came up: 1. KEEP
before. As I walked out of the plane, two ladies stood by CHRONICLES IN ORDER. USE PROPER BOOKS AND INK
the entrance and one of them said, ‘welcome Sir’ and the PENS; 2. PHOTO ALBUMS FOR THE HOUSE. DESCRIBE
other said ‘Karibu sana.’ I acknowledged their routine BRIEFLY WHAT IS ON THE PHOTO; 3. CONFRERES MUST
greetings and proceeded. I reached the immigration WRITE SOMETHING ABOUT THEMSELVES; 4. ALL
counters and a young man there said to me ‘Karibu sana.’ RECORDS: FINANCIAL, COUNCIL MEETING, CIRCULAR
As I reached the waiting place, l looked around but LETTERS AND OTHER COMMUNICATIONS TO BE PROPERLY
couldn’t see any familiar face. On the extreme side, a man KEPT; 5. ALL COMMUNITIES MUST PRESERVE THEIR
the bottom was written ‘WELCOME – KARIBU.’ I LOCKED- It can be even a simple metal cabinet.
approached him and looked at his T-shirt. It was written The same recommendations went for the provincial
‘Karibu Kenya.’ archives. These documents may prove vital in constructing
After 5 minutes, it was time to be in the taxi, back history of the place in future. CHALLENGE: Confreres must
to the once familiar roads of Nairobi. My destination was learn to see the importance of DATA Preservation. With
DBYES (DON BOSCO YOUTH EDUCATION SERVICES). 20 these recommendations, the meeting ended.
minutes later, I heard a big noise from behind. What was Afterwards I went back on Nairobi roads, this time in a
it? I was in an accident – A little blood on my tongue but I matatu (mini-bus). It was neat with safety belts. Loud
was ok. The taxi was quite damaged. As a good Catholic I music blocked my ears and for some time I was deaf. In
told the driver to thank God for saving our lives. “It was front of me was big writing in red: We are on dangerous
because I swerved the car fast, that’s why we have roads, but trust HIM. As I looked outside checking why the
survived,” my driver replied. I thought to myself, “Certainly matatu had slowed down, I saw three bodies lying on the
this man is not a Christian. We Christians see God’s hand in side – two cars involved in an accident. I looked at the
everything.” Finally, after good one hour at the spot, the writings again: We are on dangerous roads, but trust HIM.
taxi was able to move. We were back on the road. The Yes I trusted HIM.
driver told me, “You know, I always pray every morning for I arrived in the city. Heavy – cold weather accompanied me
the grace to make good decisions on these roads.” I sipping the cup of tea with chapatti. Kikuyu music from the
shamefully reversed my thoughts about him in my heart. I 70’s, impolite waiters and more visibly the dirty street kids
learned a lesson: Pray every morning. In no time, I was at all surrounded the restaurant. Yes I was back in Nairobi! As
DBYES and the lady at the reception said to me ‘Welcome – if in the dream, I was at the airport, destined for Lusaka
Karibu sana.’ and a lady said to me ‘Goodbye – Kwaheri.’
There I was in the company of 30 others, SDB’s Back to business: I was at the provincial house. It was very
and FMA’s. The meeting was about the SALESIAN HISTORY. quiet. Five cats accompanied me as I reached out to a glass
More correctly, it was about awareness regarding keeping of cold water in the dining room. Cats moved freely around
Salesian documents. Good keeping of documents can my legs as if saying, ‘Welcome- Mwaiseni.’ As I held the
proof useful in future for history writers. glass in my hands, a thought passed through my mind:
’BONJOUR and BONGIORNO’ became the order learn to write and write what you learn. At that time I
of the day for the next three days, in and out of my ears. remembered my confrere who once said to me, “We
Pardon me, I am not so good, otherwise I would have Salesians like to talk, and writing is not our vocation.” As I
become fluent in those two. There was little ‘GOOD wanted to pick a pen and write my thoughts, I realized that
MORNING’ and unfortunately I belonged to the GOOD I was in Harare pumping the balls for the boys.
MORNINGS. Two hours into one of the conferences, I
11Salesian NewslinkZMB
Learn to write and
write what you learn
On the importance of keeping records for writing history in years to come
By Fr Ign
atius Mus
enge SDB
12 Salesian NewslinkZMB
Students inaugurating the new school borehole
cy Les
son fo
r kids
of Luf
ubu V
Students gathered around the new borehole
Belgian Volunteers from Jeugddiesnt Don Bosco
Belgian Volun
teers building
the Study Ha
ufubu is a village in Kawambwa district with less than two thousand
inhabitants. As it is in the entire African continent the majority of
them are children and youngsters. Lufubu has got two educational
institutions: a basic school (over 700 children) and Agriculture
College (40 students) as well as across the stream a Rural Health Centre and
the saw mill.
One of the great challenges there is water-borne diseases. Due to the human
factor the Lufubu Stream is no longer as clean as it used to be. The water of the
stream is used for washing, soaking cassava, bathing and human
consumption. Nowadays the stream is regularly poisoned at various points for
fishing purposes… One can easily imagine that consumption of such
contaminated water may cause various diseases and some fact going to the
river increases possibility of meeting with snakes and malaria carrying
Thanks to the funds obtained from the Polish Government by the Salesian
Voluntary Movement of Krakow we have three boreholes in the area. Both
schools and the oratory have now fresh borehole water to drink. We are
grateful to the sponsors and pray for other five boreholes that are needed to
‘make Lufubu safe’.
The second challenge is unemployment which will be definitely close to 90%.
The confusion about the authority over the land doesn’t allow the people to
through themselves into agriculture. It is not clear whether the land belongs to
Mwata Kazembe, a traditional ruler or to the government. Definitely a
distribution of land would help a lot in poverty alleviation of the area. For ages
the local people lived from the fishing activities of nearby Luapula River and
lagoons. The farming activities are done in traditional way using ‘chitemene’
system. The Catholic Don Bosco Mission through setting up the Agriculture
College and various reach out programs has been encouraging fishermen to
become also farmers. The hardest work is always changing the mentality of
the people. The easy and quick gain after selling fish or mostly cassava and
maize makes people to spend the money in equally easy and quick manner.
Alcohol would be the first commodity a common Lufubu-dweller may think
Another challenge of Lufubu is lack of role models. The children have very
few elders to follow who are in regular marriage contracts, who know how to
write and read and are sober. In towns there are girls in their twenties [not
married or with children] while in Lufubu we have women already at the age
of thirteen [already with children]. The early pregnancies, giri-giri and
‘mpeleniko’ [give-me] are a common feature among villagers, while
‘education’ is only for those in town; these are the main challenges the
Salesian Community tries to address through the Laura Vicuna School for
girls and primary school children. For the running of this program the so-
called ‘local volunteers’ are invited. The idea is that they become role models
for the local children and youths. Children in Lufubu need to see that there is
‘a-different-Zambia’ where youngsters are well educated and demonstrate
good morals as well as their faith in God, and only the best are welcome to
Thanks to the Volunteers from Belgium (Jeugddienst Don Bosco) a ‘study
hall’ has been constructed and already the first tuitions are taking place. The
brave volunteers at present are Leah Mutabiko from Kabwe and Dominic
Mufwinda from Lusaka. From January 2011 we shall need new volunteers to
take this challenge of helping the young people from Lufubu to love
education, virginity and to be God-fearing and honest citizens of Zambia.
Contact us on 0979567852.
A kid enjoying safe drinking water
By Fr Czeslaw Lenczuk SDB
Don Bosco Chingola has Done it Again
The Road Ahead – Makwa Retreat
Kabwe Community Celebrates the Feast of
Blessed Artemides Zatti together with the
Salesian Cooperators
Celebrating the Annual Community Day
November the Salesian family in Moshi celebrated the
community day in style. The most interesting event was
when different groups were showing appreciation to the Chingola (Zambia) 20/11/2011.- Don Bosco Oratory
vice rector Fr. Bruno who took the place of the rector, Fr. Chingola witnessed the opening and blessing of three
Vincent Tembo, who was absent because he went for a rooms namely: The computer Lab, the Tv/ Conference
seminar in Nairobi. The item by the brothers from Sri Room and the Oratory Director’s Office. The Ceremony
Lanka was a masterpiece.took place on a sunny Thursday afternoon and it was
graced by the presence of Miss Beata a consul from the
Polish Embassy
in South Africa,
who came all the
w a y f r o m Hwange (Zimbabwe) 16/11/11.- The youth group of
P r e t o r i a t o Holy Family parish in Hwange diocese of Zimbabwe
witness such a went to St John’s Mission in Makwa for the prayer outing.
favourable event. The 25 youths had time to reflect on the theme “the road
Along with her ahead” which translated into looking at one’s past life and
was Fr Leszek the future. The retreat held from 11th to 13th of
A k s a m i t t h e November was facilitated by Fr. Eustace Siame, Br John
Director of the (salesians), Sr. Mercy of the Calvary sisters and the parish
ZMB- Provincial Development Office, who performed youth advisor Mrs. Kamocha. Makwa is a residential area
the blessing rites in line with his priestly ministry while where St John mission is found; this is located near the
Miss Beata did the opening, with the help of Frs Slawek, Zambezi River, about 40 km from Hwange town.
Wojtek , Kim and the oratory matron Mrs Theresa
The day was groomed with a traditional dance , Karate
exposition and some Brass Band performances. This was
the way the youth of Chingola decided to say “thank you”
to the Polish Embassy for their donation of the new
computers. The ceremony ended with some speeches
given by the Rector, Oratory Director and the youth
representative. Chingola Oratory will now have
computer lessons offered to those most in need.
“Chingola is and will always be an anticipated heaven on
earth for the young” (Quoted from the speech of the
Secretary of the Oratory- Lupande Kaoma).
Moshi (Tanzania) 19/11/2011.- This year the Salesian
community of Moshi picked the theme ‘community
called to love and care,’ On the 18th and 19th of
Kabwe (Zambia) 14/11/2011. - Kabwe Community
Since the Feast of Blessed Artemides Zatti fell on Sunday
we celebrated our Patron’s Feast on the following day
that is, Monday. We began our celebration with the Mass
together with Salesian Co-operators, those who made
their promises already and after that had a light moment
It is good to remember what Artemide used to say about
the Eucharist: “Without Eucharist, what’s left?”
13Salesian NewslinkZMB
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Fr. Andrew Zdzieborski and Salesian Co-operators at Mass
Fr Bruno Zamberlan is greeted as King of Moshi Kingdom
Farewell Party at Nkrumah University College
Evangelization Workshop
Picnic at Ibis Garden
Educational Visit of HCM Students to
Livingstonia Beach
Don Bosco Technical College:
11th Graduation Ceremony
Masina and Linda Zapita, the 38 students gladly thanked
the school and their teachers for arranging such an
educative and thrilling trip which left them with a lot of Kabwe (Zambia) 12/11/2011 . - Nkrumah (Kabwe) For
desires, motivation and encouragement to become best the past four years our community has been involved in
hoteliers after their studies at Don Bosco College. the Apostolate in Nkrumah University College. At the
Students had the chance to visit all hotel departments. end of each year there is a farewell party for the students
Christopher Chipa one of the students acknowledged his finishing their studies. This year it was the third year
transformation from a lay man to an optimistic future Diploma Students. It was a good opportunity to thank
hotelier. He further said besides the wonderful God for all the years spent together in Nkrumah and pray
experience he had he also had time to relax after studying for those leaving this Higher Learning Institution.
heavily as they are now preparing for the exam they are
about to write in December.
After their exam in the first week of December, these
students are expected to go for industrial experience to
different Hotels and Lodges for about six months to give
them wider experience in the Hotel Industry.
Chisamba-Kabwe (Zambia) 5/11/2011. – Ibis Garden -
Chisamba.- DBYC Oratory members, especially those
most active went to Ibis Garden for a picnic. Many of
them participated well in the life of the Oratory and
deserved to have some fun in a nice place like Ibis
Garden. Playing in the swimming pool was really great
and all were happy to have such opportunities at the youth
Kabwe (Zambia) 11/11/2011 – Don Bosco Youth
Centre (Kabwe). 20 young people from the Don Bosco
Oratory attended an Evangelization Workshop
conducted by Formation Team of St. Mary’sParish. The
main purpose of the workshop was to help youngsters
from the oratory become more familiar with the aspects
of the new Missal which is being introduced in the
English Speaking world. Salesian Co-operators were
helping with cooking and salesian assistance. Indeed it is
the Salesian Family at work.
Lilongwe (Malawi) 11/10/2011.- Don Bosco Youth
technical Institute has the heart for the students in all
aspects of possible educational enrichment. It was on
11th November 2011 when Hotel and Catering Lilongwe (Malawi) 4/11/2011.- More than 1,000 people
Management students were taken to one of the best Sun were on hand to witness the Don Bosco Technical
Bird Hotels in Malawi called Livingstonia Beach in College 11th graduation ceremony in Lilongwe - Malawi.
Salima. The main aim of this visit was to widen the The ceremony included 8 candidates for the Diploma in
students’ knowledge in their field of Hotel Industry Accountancy, 16 for Diploma in Catering and Hotel
practically after having theoretical knowledge in class Management, 11 for Diploma in Fashion Art and Beauty
with their teachers. and 23 for Technician Diploma in Information
Guided by their three teachers, Winston Mphonde, Alick Technology and the total was 58. The students
14 Salesian NewslinkZMB
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Oratorians during some of the moments of sharing
Oratorians swimming & spending good time together
representative Boniface Zulu appreciated Don Bosco taken place due to the many blessings our benefactress,
College staff and teachers, parents, guardians and Mother Mary has showered on us. Just to mention a few:
sponsors on behalf of his fellow students for the guidance the Salesians and youth in Chingola have witnessed the
and education given to them which has given them birth and reformation of the oratory both in its physical
confidence to face the challenges of the world. In his maintenance and it’s incoming vibrant new members.
capacity as the Principal, Fr. Michael, expressed his This has really coincided with the famous Salesian
gratitude for the 58 students that graduated and assured Mantra “Our lady brings” and “Our Lady gives”.
all present that he has confidence in the just graduated As a step to honour our lady of the Rosary , the Oratory
students. He further asked the graduates to remain members together with the Salesians and the Pre-novices
confident and be ready to face the challenge of the world embarked on a daily practice of saying a decade of the
since they will now look into the welfare of their families, Rosary everyday to thank our lady for the many blessings
promote others to be better members of the society and she continues to shower on the Oratory. As the month of
start making decisions for others. He also told the Guest remembering the departed begins, Our Lady still is the
of Honour that Don Bosco is working hand in hand with place to which we are flying for refuge. As we recite when
the government to promote young people to become good ending the rosary: ” We Fly to your patronage………….”
Christians and honest citizens. really it is worth saying it with joy.
In her speech the Guest of Honor, Honorable Otria Moyo
Jere said, “The illiterate of the 21st century will not be
those who cannot read and write, but those who cannot
learn, unlearn, and relearn. Education must therefore be a
lifelong pursuit.”
Chingola (Zambia) 24/10/11.- Don Bosco Basketball
team, under the umbrella of the Oratory administration,
organized a basketball Ball tournament to mark Zambia’s
Independence Day. Five basketball teams including Don
Bosco Basketball team participated namely: Zamim,
Chingola 2/11/2011.- Thirteen staff members and three Chikola, Chambishi and Lulamba. The day began with
members of the Salesian Community (Fr. Mariusz, Br. the national anthem and an Independence reflection talk
David and Mr. Able Chanda) went along side which was given by Br. David Yamikani Njolo. He
Chilabombwe turn-off to a place called Footprints to centred his talk on the twofold aspects of independence
commemorate the two important days in the month of which are physical and spiritual. He emphasized that
November; All Saints and All Souls. when commemorating our Independence, we as Africans
The Picnic hosted a variety activities such as usually focus on the physical liberation and leave out the
Departmental quizzes which were mainly asked by heads basic source which is the spiritual. Br. David encouraged
of departments to the staff members present; several all the gathered youths to remember also their spiritual
games such as pool, volleyball, football and a lot of party liberation as they celebrate this day.
games were played in the course of the day. Commenting
on the initiative, the deputy representative of the staff
members, Mr Mbao, thanked the Principal, Fr. Mariusz
and the Salesians for hosting such a splendid get-together
in trying to be at one with the deceased and those blessed Makululu-Kabwe (Zambia) 24/10/2011.- Young
with holiness. He pinpointed that such events prefigure people of Don Bosco Oratory in Makululu celebrated
how the Salesians cherish their collaborators in ministry.
In addition to that, he promised on behalf of all those
present that Youth pedagogy will continue going on
smoothly in the technical school. The picnic ended at
18.12 hrs exactly with a closing remark given by Mr
Chingola (Zambia) 31/10/11.- The month of October
has been a month of Blessings for the Oratory and
Chingola Youth Centre. In this month many changes have
Don Bosco Independence Basketball
Technical School Staff Members Celebrate All
Saints and All Souls
Independence Celebration in Makululu
The Month of Our Lady closes with blessings
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Independence Day sharing their numerous talents. Their
stage was just a piece of ground under the tree. They are
not discouraged by lack of buildings and enjoy what they
have. It would be good to have something better for them
in the future. Let’s pray about it.
Kabwe (Zambia) 23/10/2011 – St. Mary’s (Kabwe)
This year the Sacrament of Confirmation was received
by 214 candidates. Our Catechists did a good work with
the help of other volunteers from outstations. Indeed it
was a joyful moment for the Parish. The sacrament was
administered by Rev. Fr. Oliver Mukunta, Vicar general
of the Archdiocese of Lusaka.
Kabwe (Zambia) 19/10/2011.- DBYC (Kabwe). Don
Bosco Youth Center is open to many young people of
Kabwe. Some days during the week, the girls from
Stephen Luwishya High School are having their sport
classes since their facilities are not enough. As you can
see they can even play soccer.
Kabwe (Zambia) 17/10/ 2011 - DBYC (Kabwe).- It’s a
new initiative in our Oratory. Dissemination of
information is very important if we want to be heard and
to be more effective. The members of this recently
created club are very eager to make it work, starting by
collecting information of important events in the life of
the oratory, the parish and also of the nation.
Let’s put them in our prayers as we look forward to hear
more about life in Kabwe.
Provincial Community Day 2011
Confirmations 2011
Youth Center open to all young people
Press Club in the Oratory
Lusaka (Zambia) 18/10/2011.- Provincial Community
Day: Salesians from most communities of ZMB Vice-
Province gathered at the Novitiate Community in Makeni
to celebrate the Provincial Community Day around Fr
George Chalissery, Provincial of ZMB. The event was
crowned by the presence of Br Frantisek Radecki and Fr
Waldemar Molenda who are celebrating their silver
jubilee of religious profession. During the eucharistic
celebration Fr. George thanked God for the gift of life and
commitment of all confreres of the province. He spent a
few minutes recalling each confrere by their names, those
present and those far away in Europe, America, Middle
East and around Africa. The liturgical animation was in
the hands of the novices who sang the “Mass of Creation”
to the edification of those present. After the eucharistic
celebration all who were present enjoyed some
refreshments and party games prepared by the novices. In
the afternoon all moved to the provincial house at
Chawama for the rest of the celebrations that began with
lunch. Concluding the celebrations, Fr George thanked
all participants for their presence in this important
provincial celebration, and expressed his wish that all
continue working in the province with renewed zeal and
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Fr Mukunta, Vicar General while presiding over the Eucharist
Girls Soccer
Fr George Chalissery presiding over the eucharist
Translated: Give me souls [people]
and the away the rest. Gen 14,21
St John Bosco (1815-1888) made
of this quote from Genesis the
programme of his apostolic work
on behalf of youth.
Salesian friend once told me
this: “One of our young
approached me requesting
an amount of money which would
cover his travelling expenses. I
decided to give him a bit more than
double of what he requested, thinking
of any possible emergency. Counting
the money received, the young
confrere said, ‘you have given me
more than I need’; I added, ‘it is for
your way back and/or any
emergency’. The young man, smiled
and taking the money and said, ‘my
family will help me cover the way
before leaving for
Rector, here is the balance of the
money you gave me, and what my
family gave me to help our community
meet some of the expenses’. After that,
smiling he went to his room to unpack
and get ready for the evening
community activities.
On his return, he gave me back the
money I gave him for his return ticket,
plus some extra cash, saying, ‘Fr
In John Bosco’s dream at the age
of 9, a Lady told him to acquire
this virtues to be able to work in
the field Divine Providence was
preparing for him.
Good Practices
Thomas Carlyle speaking of the
wisdom of living life consciously
Arab Proverb
A man walked up to a
Franciscan and a
Jesuit and asked,
"How many novenas
must you say to get a
Mercedes Benz?"
The Franciscan asked,
"What's a Mercedes
The Jesuit asked,
"What's a novena?"
Locked in National Exams – NFC
The New Intake of Pre-Novices
have their first outing
homily Fr. Pre-novice Director
emphasized the need for integrity in
one’s process of formation. The need Hwange (Zimbabwe) 10/10/11.- Don
for the one undergoing formation to Bosco Technical College like any other
take a risk by unveiling his genuine and technical college in Zimbabwe is this
authentic personality so as, to really October locked-up in the National
authentically be accompanied.Examinations for National Foundation
After the holy celebration lunch Certificate (NFC).
followed and a walk around the dam Our students are being examined in the
which was guided by Mukuka our Past following courses: information
pupil and Oratorian who accompanied technology; industrial clothing design
us. Then, came the swimming time and construction; human resource
which was synthesized by a water- ball management; secretarial studies;
game. After which rosary was said and brickhand block laying; marketing;
then there was a glorious sharing of and beauty therapy.
experiences by all those present. What We wish our students the best of their
was common about these sharings was acquired competencies.
the mysteriousness of each ones
vocational story.
After supper which was just after the
sunset a talent show took shape around
the fire where all the ten Pre-novices
joyfully exercised their hidden talents. Chingola (Zambia) 25/09/11.- ( Fitula
At this very event Mr Pre-novitiate Dam) The new intake of Pre-novices
2011 was chosen by the four judges (Fr. with the “golden number” of ten had
Slawek, Br. Martin, Br. David & Mr. their first outing last Sunday. The
Mukuka).outing took place at Fitula Dam some
Ian Chapotera scooped the crown of 15-25 Km from the Don Bosco Youth
Mr. Pre-novitiate 2011 while his Centre. The main purpose for the
running mates Ignatius Mufimba and venture was to foster a relation journey
Josephat Maleli ended up by being 1st among the Pre-novices themselves
and 2nd Princes. Just right after this an since they come from different
ending session of night prayer with countries and needed some special
intercessions of thanksgiving took time together to foster this family
place to end the day. All in all we would spirit.
like to thank everone for their Upon arrival at Fitula Dam, mass was
participation and organization of such a presided by Fr. Slawek Bartodziej (The
magnificent outing. May many Rector & Pre-novice master). In his
activities of such a caliber follow!
Salesian Newslink
Don Bosco’s visit to ZMB
1815 - 1888
Father and Teacher of Youth
Don Bosco’s Urn
will arrive from
South Africa on 16 July.
Harare will be the first
community that will receive
Don Bosco, followed immediately
by Hwange. From Zimbabwe
Don Bosco’s urn will travel to Zambia,
visiting Lusaka, Chingola, Lufubu and
Kabwe; from Kabwe the Don Bosco
will visit Lilongwe and from there the
urn will travel to Angola.
16 -31 March 2012
In 1988, during
the centenary
celebrations of his
death, St John
Bosco was
“Father and
Teacher of
Youth” by Pope
John Paul II in the
In view of the Bicentenary
celebration of the birth of St
John Bosco in 2015, the urn
that contains the relics of Don
Bosco is journeying around the world with the purpose
of preparing spiritualy all Salesians and the Salesian
Family to this big event.
The visit of Don Bosco to Zimbabwe, Zambia and
Malawi will become a landmark in the history of
ZMB. Let’s all get renewed by Don Bosco’s presence
in our communities and in our province.
18 Salesian NewslinkZMB
is construed as a shopping time, a time when
shops open till late. A time when both kids and
adults expect new and fancy out-fits. Our shops suppose many of us if not all have heard
shine more than ever; they have shiny of the saying; “All roads lead to Rome.”
decorations, colored lights, music filled with This to me indicates that there is a variety
traditional Christmas carols, and in countries of roads with different textures leading to Rome.
exposed to Christmas with snow in the absence of Some roads are often used, while some roads are
it they paint artificial snow on the shops’ less travelled. Again some roads are very much
windows. adventurous while others are ‘good for
In the corporate culture; every worker looks nothing’ , have no es thet ical sense.
forward to Christmas with hope that he/she will Nevertheless, they all lead to the same destiny
get a holiday, some bonus or even a party with “ROME”. I should not be so myopic as to the
fellow workers. With Christmas time the feelings and thoughts of the general public.
appraisal of stuff is expected.Some are asking, ‘why to Rome’ but for a
Young people look to Christmas as the crest of fervent Catholic the response to such a question
their fun. Youths from our youth centres and is, ‘why not Rome?’ Rome is indeed the
parishes/schools are looking forward to some sort pinnacle for Catholic Church in the world.
of Christmas fiesta, outing or rally. Why? I Wait a minute, are we drifting away from the
strongly think that the underlining principle is bone of contention? Certainly that is not the case
mere attainment of maximum fun for the year. here. I was just laying the foundation from
However, my question is what is Christmas for which we can infer that now all roads lead to
the sick, the poorest of the poor, the prisoners and Christmas. Contrary to “all roads lead to
others in catastrophic situations? Perhaps it is a Rome”, is that Christmas is awaited and
road with less fun but hope of a better tomorrow.celebrated by both those who profess
We need to pause a while in order to reflect on Christianity and those who do not. Celebration
th these many roads to Christmas; do they help us of Christmas on 25 December seems to be the
comprehend the meaning and demands of our highest point of the year. And one can tell the
destiny? Like it or not the ‘nouema’ points to the intensity of its manipulation on people as early
as October. The month of November clearly
shows visible and intriguing signs of Christmas
in our localities.
I am convinced that Christ would like to see our
Christian works shine each Christmas time but
reality shows that it is a time for all our shops,
pubs, restaurants and gates to shine. Christmas
All roads lead to
By Clement Mutamba SDB
19Salesian NewslinkZMB
All Roads lead to CHRISTMAS...
‘nouesis’, that is, the shadow leads to its source - people want to have a party. God hates and rejects
the meaning and respect given to the road points any festival that denies him centrality. The
to what the destiny deserves. The questions we person of Christ is the object of the celebration.
need to tackle are; what is the reason for With Christ in our midst we know that all we seek
Christmas? Has the reason been the same all from the Father is in Him. Remember the words
through the history of this world? Does God hate of scripture; “To have seen me is to have seen the
Christmas? Does God condemn the Christmas father”. He brings a language that can unite the
festival? entire universe, a language that transcends race,
tribe, nationality, gender, physical appearance
Regarding Christmas the difficulty is that the etc. and that is the language of Love. Do we
practice of celebrating it can’t be traced from celebrate because we are filled with that
early Christians. No verse in the bible speaks of language, or it is because of the prompting of the
the apostles or the early Christian community empty space within us that we seek to fill with
celebrating Christmas but we are told of anything whatsoever?
Pentecostal celebrations for instance. To
elongate our misconceptions about Christmas is The one whose motive for celebrating is because
the fact that no saint or holy person in scripture or of being filled with that language of love, will
history is recorded to have kept a feast or held a relish serenity, peace and enjoy interpersonal
great banquet on his birthday. It is only sinners relationships. On the contrary, the many who
(Pharaoh and Herod) who make great rejoicing celebrate Christmas in order to fill that empty
over the day on which their existence into this space with mere fun or hedonistic pleasures
world was manifested. Perhaps this justifies why experiences a lot of worries, loneliness, stress;
certain religious groups don’t celebrate and to many, Christmas becomes the deadliest
birthdays. time. A time filled with frustrations and debts;
and to some it becomes a time of experiencing
Anyway, apart from such an opinion, the assaults or suicide.
question to ask is; is Christmas void? Do we need
not celebrate Christmas? The fact that the Again one cannot but ask, what do we look for?
Christmas date and its celebration is not Why Christmas and not anything else? The
mentioned in the Bible does not nullify the act of counter argument is; why not Christmas?
observing and celebrating it. It is our Christian Celebration is a good thing in human life, it is
right to keep Christmas. For us Catholics, we even better if celebrated in peace and with a
believe that our faith is not founded on sola happy mind than attending it with an angry
scriputura rather we incorporate the sacred disposition. Nevertheless, it is best when the
traditions into it. person of Christ who unfolds the Godliness to us
is the reason for celebrating, only then do we go
The many issues surrounding Christmas, like any back feeling happiest, compassionate and
other birthday, is that the celebrants are not generous in giving meaningful and long lasting
interested in what the party is related to. We gifts to fellow mortals. I think as we celebrate this
rather enjoy the pomp around the party than the Christmas let us do it with happy dispositions and
basic reason for coming together. We love to look for gifts that are deeper and life-giving than
enjoy the birthday celebration rather than just a glass of wine, or Champaign, chocolate,
celebrating the person born. In regard to phone calls, nice meals, cards, or an outing etc.
Christmas, “Jesus is the reason for the season”,
but in practice the reason appears to be that Merry Christmas!!!
20 Salesian NewslinkZMB
Most recent PDO Seminar 2011 helping to realize the Salesian Mission.
took place 6 years after the first The Seminar was animated by Br. Jean Paul Muller,
international PDO seminar (Rome, Economer General, and Fr. Václav Klement,
30 March – 2 April 2005) which Councilor for the Missions. Some 10 different
gave the impetus to the Salesian Salesian agencies (Mission Offices, NGOs, Don
provinces to start or develop the Bosco Network) involved in missions/development
‘Planning Development Offices’ at the service of the work enriched the Seminar with their 20 year-long
Salesian mission. experience of ‘PDO’ capacity building.
Some ninety Salesians and Lay Mission Partners The topic of the Seminar, ‘Planning and
gathered at the Provincial House of India – Development Office at the service of the Salesian
Hyderabad province for five full days, November 6- Charism in the Province’ is a clear expression of the
10, 2011, coming from all five continents. The past 6 year-long process. Within the larger context
participants represented the PDOs of five Salesian of Salesian missionary solidarity some 50 Salesian
Regions (10 provinces of Africa-Madagascar, 2 provinces worldwide were involved in the
provinces of the America-Southern Corner, 7 preparation during the past 12 months, replying to
provinces of Interamerica, 5 provinces of East Asia- two surveys and contributing with sharing of their
Oceania and 11 provinces of the South Asia region), good practices. From the beginning three General
representing some 62 countries where the PDOs are Councilors (Youth Ministry, Missions and
Road map 2015
21Salesian NewslinkZMB
Economer) were involved in the whole process. universal declaration of human rights, as well
Abundant materials of this process are available at the as by the needs of the local Church and of the
AGORA of the Salesian Congregation on the website young people. c. The PDO serves the youth, especially those in need,
helping to realize the gradual and far-reaching
Affirming the opportunities that have emerged in the process of making them good Christians and
past six years since the PDO was introduced to the honest citizens. It also serves the youth
Salesian provinces, we, nonetheless recognize the movements, Salesian communities, Salesian
need to re-state the essentials of what it is to be a PDO. F a m i l y , l o c a l C h u r c h , l o c a l
These basics point to us significant areas that a PDO territory/community especially building up
has to solidly anchor itself on and give us our their empowerment for self-determination in
common ground notwithstanding the different their respective realms of development.
realities of each Salesian province. In the years d. The PDO assists in the process of the drafting,
leading up to 2015, we draw the broad yet focused, elaborating, implementing and evaluating of
the universal yet local path of the PDO, as a fitting gift the Overall Provincial Plan (OPP) and the
to the bi-centenary of the birth of Don Bosco. Salesian Educative Pastoral Plan (SEPP)
ensuring its sustainability. It undertakes
Some of the essentials of PDO – Road Map 2015: research in the field of children and youth to
continuously make relevant the plans and
a. The PDO is an entity, juridical or otherwise, programs of the province.
instituted and owned by the Salesian Provincial e. The PDO assists in the capacity-building of its
C o m m u n i t y ( C . 4 4 , C . 5 8 S a l e s i a n target groups enabling them to be deeply and
Constitutions), fully at the service of the proactively attuned to social justice, thus,
Salesian charism in the province. It participates becoming main players of development.
in the restructuring, re-shaping and re- f. The PDO meaningfully and proactively intervenes
dimensioning of the Salesian works. It serves in socio-civic realities and influences local and
as a link, a bridge, between the consecrated national policies on education, children and
Salesians and civil society in the work of youth, especially the poor.
p romot ing you th deve lopment and
empowerment, justice, and holistic human The members of the meeting clearly affirm that the
development. It is recognized in the province’s PDO can only exist in a significant and fruitful way
Directory with due approval of the Provincial when the Provincial and his Council facilitates its
Chapter. healthy integration into the life of the province. We
b. The PDO, in its work of helping to realize the two- reiterate that beyond the idea of a PDO as a structure,
fold Salesian mission of education and we have recognized that it can also be, not so much an
evangelization is guided by gospel values, with office of individuals that develop services, but rather
a Emmaus mentality, the social teaching of the a way of thinking and relating - that Salesians must
Catholic Church, the Salesian preventive start to apply in every activity of the provincial and
system, the Salesian Constitutions, the local communities.
What can I give to the Salesian
Family this time around? In my
post-operation status, I would like to acknowledge my indebtedness
for the love, care, prayers and support given me by YOU. I felt these
while on my sick bed and after I left the sick bed. People I have
known and those I have not known shared my sufferings. Thanks a
lot to Fr. George-Provincial, Fr. Leszek and the community of
Chawama for your closeness to me. I would be very unjust if I fail to
commend the Novices for their charitable act of donating to me 3
units of blood. I am also humbled with the unimaginable affection
received from the Bauleni Community; I cherish the care from the cooperators both senior and junior of the
above mentioned Community. Thanks, to Sr. Sarah and the Mutamba family. I know the Salesian Family is
broad hence making it impossible to mention all individually. Thanks indeed to you all people of good will!
And let us let God be God!
A Word of Thanks
PDO - Road Map 2015
22 Salesian NewslinkZMB
Vocations t
o the Salesi
an Life
the salesian
Hi, I am Faith Musabila, age 24, first born in a
family of 4. I am from Kabwe. I was born and
brought up in Kitwe by late Daniel Musabila
and Agnes Mlaponi. I am Bemba from
Kasama. I completed my secondary education
in 2004 after which I wanted to study Auto-
mechanics. I fell God’s call to the priesthood
when I was 15 but my family would not allow me to do so.
When I first met the salesians in 2009 a deep desire and love
to radically follow Christ, ministering to the young people
grew in me; and thus I joined the Salesians and wish not just
to be a Salesian but a good Salesian.
Reading without reflection is like eating
without digesting; therefore, this is Flavius
Chikadzu, born on 8 October 1987, in a family
of five (one girl and four boys). I am the
second born but first on the boys’ side.
Baptised and confirmed in the Catholic
Church, originally from Kasina parish,
Diocese of Dedza, Central region, 100% Malawian. I am
grateful to God for making me a product of Dzenza Ed.
School and Mtendere School. I pray for God’s love and
graces. Amen! With Don Bosco’s smile to the youngsters I
say, ‘Mulibwanji’, ‘Mulishani’.
Hi, I am Luciano Douglas and I come from
Malawi in Balaka District. I am the third born
in a family of five. I joined the Salesian
community in 2009 and right now I am in the
novitiate at Makeni in Lusaka. I am very
grateful to the Salesians to accepting me. I am
free and happy with the salesians because I
love Don Bosco’s zealous spirit and I would like to devote all
my life to the salvation of poor and vulnerable young people.
My name is Nhlanhla S. Mazibuko, I
was born in Siteki, Lubombo Region
in Swaziland. I grew up under the
care of the Servites (OSM), a
religious order and they are the ones
who helped me discover God’s call to
following Christ. In 2006 I met the
Salesians of Don Bosco, and having read about the
life of Don Bosco and seen their works in
Swaziland; I felt called to the Salesian way of life of
serving poor young people. The more I get to know
Don Bosco, the more I fall in love with him.
Boniface Mbowo. Born on 27 September 1987
in Mazabuka. I’m the second born in a family
of eight. I completed my secondary education
at St. Edmund’s Secondary School in 2006. I
started my journey as aspirant to the Salesian
Congregation in 2010. This year I’m doing my
novitiate at Makeni Community in Lusaka.
What I like about the Salesians is their charism. I feel that
God is calling me to be at the service of the young through
the talents and gifts he gave me.
My name is Diwani Ncube and I am
22 years old. I come from a family of
7 (5 girls and 2 boys) and I am the
fifth born. I did my education at
Tsholotsho High School. Currently I
am a novice in the Society of Saint
Francis de Sales. My wish is that one
day I might be able to answer to this question: What
does it mean to be a Salesian? and I say this: ‘I was
not born Salesian but some day I will be a proper
one”. I come from St Ignatius Cathedral in Hwange,
My name is Don Nyika from Kapiri
Mposhi, Zambia. I was born in
September 1989. I am the second
born and only boy my the family of
four. I did my primary school at
Mukonchi primary school, junior
secondary at St. Paul’s and my senior
secondary elsewhere. I was inspired to join the
Salesians because of the lifestyle of Don Bosco and
his predilection for the young people, especially the
poor and abandoned ones.
I am Moses Chama Chilambe, age 21,
first born in a family of 8. I am from
Mansa and I did my secondary
education at Mansa High School. I
joined the Salesian Community of
Mansa for my experience of
aspirantate and then Chingola for my
Pre-novitiate. The Salesian Charism of dedicating
one’s life to Jesus Christ for the salvation of the young
people inspired me to grow in the desire of joining the
Salesian Congregation.
23Salesian NewslinkZMB
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13 ZMB PHOTO - Issue No 20
the celebrations of the community day.1 - 2 Kigali: Fr George Chalissery & Fr Antonio
8. Lufubu: Graduation Ceremony for the Students Barrientos during a visit to the Salesian post-
of the Craft Certificate.novitiate of AGL Province as part of the
9. Kasisi: Confreres attending the second annual CIVAM meeting.
retreat visit the cemetery where some ZMB 3. Nairobi: Fr Ignatius Musenge while attending
confreres are buried.the Congress on Salesian History.
10. Rundu: Fr John Bosco Mulenga surrounded by 4. Makeni: Mass presided by Fr George Chalissery
some enthusiastic and joyful youngsters on the Provincial Community Day,
during the afternoon activities.celebrating the Silver Jubilee of Religious
11. Hwange: Fr Tresphord Chota during the profession of Br Frantisek Radecki & Fr
moment of catechesis at the youth centre.Waldemar Molenda..
12. Chingola: Fr Slawomir Bartodziej with the 5. Madrid: Fr Musenge processing for mass
students of the Technical school at the end of during the celebrations of the WYD 2011.
the daily activities for a moment of prayer.6. Kasisi: Fr Michael Smyth, former provincial of
13. Rundu: Fr Henryk Juszczyk leads a moment of Ireland who preached the second annual
prayer with the youngsters from the parish retreat.
preparing for the sacrament of Confirmation.7. Moshi: Fr Bruno being honoured as king during