ZMB Salesian Newslink Year 5 No. 19

Year 5 | Issue No. 18 Mar - Apr - May 2011ZAMBIA - ZIMBABWE - MALAWI - NAMIBIA


Provincial Events:

Bias of the Mass Media

Stand Firm in theFinal Vows of Bro Joseph Nyondo
First Professions
World Youth Day
Mission Appeal

Editorial 3
Words of the Provincial 4
Church today: Planted and Built Up in Christ 5
Vocational Fidelity 6
World Youth Day: Madrid 2011 7
Jeuggdienst Don Bosco: Volunteers in ZMB 8
Malawi on the Focus 9
Life changing situations 10
Final Vows 11
Salesian Novitiate Makeni 12
Thinking Point 13
Mission Ad Gentes 14
Mission Animation: Cagliero 11 15
Social Networks: Salesians and Facebook 17
Rector’s Meeting 2011 19
ZMB Photo 20

“Come and see

what the Lord has done”!

Director: Fr. Javier A. Barrientos
Editor: Fr. Javier Barrientos
Redaction Board: Fr. Dennis Higgins
Graphic Design: Fr. Javier Barrientos
Photos: Fr. Leszek Aksamit,

Br. Walter Thyrniang
Fr. Javier Barrientos, John Musonda


Salesian Newslink
ZMB Quarterly publication
Year 5/Nº19 Jun - Jul - Aug 2011

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Fr. Javier Antonio
Barrientos sdb

How relevant is it?

hen we speak of “Formation”, was a bit sui-generis in his approach to the training of
especially the so-called ‘initial candidates to priesthood. He wanted his Salesians to live
formation’ in our Salesian in the oratory, studying in town in the morning, coming
circles, we mostly find that there back home in the afternoons and playing games with the
are structures set in place for the boys, assisting and teaching the boys in the evening and
training of new candidates to the back to school the next day. Certainly, with this hectic life-

Salesian religious life. These structures aim at training the style there was little time for reflection and seriousness in
new comers into the Spirit of Saint John Bosco in order to the studies, besides there was no formation team to do
continue his mission of educating and evangelising young the follow up of the candidates. Yet, Don Bosco adjusted
people. After the General Chapter 26 in which there is a his system of training of new candidates to the demands
recurring word: ‘Return to Don Bosco’, I think this word of the bishop and he started by doing it locally and with a
oftentimes is uttered for the sake of it; slowly we have community dedicated to these efforts.
been working on emptying it of its rich meaning. Am I Today, more than a century later, when we read Don
being a bit cynical? I hope not, but let me explain. Bosco once again, we seem to fail to understand his vision
For the last three years now in our province we have taken and the free spirit which animated his insights. Don Bosco
up the commitment of accompanying our young challenged all the existing structures of his time and he
confreres to the community of Moshi where they pursue succeeded in carrying out his mission; while we are trying
their philosophical studies, the efforts made aimed at to apply old methods of training of candidates in the
saving a few dollars –which, as we know, do not grow on name of ‘faithfulness to Don Bosco’: why do we do that?
trees – as well as making sure the young men arrive safely In our African region we seem to be going backwards:
in the community. It is a big effort from the side of the whereas everyone is trying to unite efforts in saving
province. Friends, I have often heard other formation human and material resources to be more competitive
communities express their admiration for the care we and to increase effectiveness, we rather try to create our
foster to our young confreres, since they clearly expressed own structures, spending more in human and material
that they wouldn’t ever dream of doing such a thing; but resources, for the sake of calling it ‘Salesian’: why do we
we are Salesians. do that? Why do we spend more than what we actually
From the time we started driving from Lusaka to Moshi we can afford?
managed to save a few bucks, however recently all our Hopefully one day ZMB will be able to do the training of its
savings seem to have gone into repairing our vehicles; so new candidates locally; in order to get to know them
the balance is uncertain but we tried. And yet the better, help other Local Congregations by means of
question remains: Is it worth all these efforts? putting together human resources and why not, utilise in
Making a critical reading of Don Bosco’s memoires we find a more effective way funds donors generously offer for
that his main problem with archbishop Gastaldi was not the training of candidates to religious life and to the
only that the bishop wanted Don Bosco working for priesthood.
vocations in the local church but rather that Don Bosco


Our way of handling

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Words of the Provincial

he season of Easter reminds us of hope – some evil or other, we still can come out from
that things can be better in apparent them by the power of the Risen Jesus. Even if we Thopeless situations. The disciples of find our youngsters devoid of all hope in their

Emmaus poured out their hopeless situation – lives, we can buoy them up with new hopes that
their hopes placed on Jesus the Messiah – their they can, with the power of the Risen Jesus, the
hopelessness, now that he was crucified and ability to come out from their little graves.
killed. There is nothing more to do… nothing
more to place their hopes again. Even though, I wish you all the peace and joy of the Risen
that same morning when the women Jesus. May your lives be ever spurred on by the
announced to them that they had seen a vision hope that as each day passes things can be
of angels declaring 'He was alive' and even better: Alleluia!
some of the apostles had gone to the tomb and
found it empty, they could not hope that Jesus
defied death and had come back to life. There Fr George Chalissery SDB
has never been any such case in history. It could
never occur. So why to place their hopes on
unrealistic claims?

Easter proclaims that even if one is in the grave,
- as good as dead – there is possibility to come
out from such a life-less situation. This is
message of hope for us and for the youngsters.
Even if we have been buried in little graves
because of one bad habit or another, that we
find impossible to rise again, we still can come
out from the grave to a new life. We also can
give hope to the youngsters that whatever their
past has been, their lives need not be
determined by their past, they can all start
anew and change for the better. They do not
need to go back to the death-dealing habits of
evil. They can rise from these graves with the
power of the Risen Christ.

So even if we find ourselves in graves due to

He is alive
The reason of our hope

Fr. George Chalissery sdb

Salesian NewslinkZMB

Church Today


ou are “planted and built up in Jesus the foundation of our lives and the centre of
Christ, firm in the faith” (cf. Col 2:7). The Christian faith. All philosophies that disregard it
Letter from which these words are taken and consider it “foolishness” (1 Cor 1:23) reveal
was written by Saint Paul in order to their limitations with respect to the great

respond to a specific need of the Christians in the questions deep in the hearts of human beings. As
city of Colossae. That community was threatened the Successor of the Apostle Peter, I too want to
by the influence of certain cultural trends that confirm you in the faith (cf. Lk 22:32). We firmly
were turning the faithful away from the Gospel. believe that Jesus Christ offered himself on the
Our own cultural context, dear young people, is Cross in order to give us his love. In his passion, he
not unlike that of the ancient Colossians. Indeed, bore our sufferings, took upon himself our sins,
there is a strong current of secularist thought that obtained forgiveness for us and reconciled us with
aims to make God marginal in the lives of people God the Father, opening for us the way to eternal
and society by proposing and attempting to create life. Thus we were freed from the thing that most
a “paradise” without him. Yet experience tells us encumbers our lives: the slavery of sin. We can love
that a world without God becomes a “hell”: filled everyone, even our enemies, and we can share this
with selfishness, broken families, hatred between love with the poorest of our brothers and sisters
individuals and nations, and a great deficit of love, and all those in difficulty.
joy and hope. On the other hand, wherever
individuals and nations accept God's presence, Dear friends, the Cross often frightens us because
worship him in truth and listen to his voice, then it seems to be a denial of life. In fact, the opposite is
the civilization of love is being built, a civilization true! It is God's “yes” to mankind, the supreme
in which the dignity of all is respected, and expression of his love and the source from which
communion increases, with all its benefits. Yet eternal life flows. Indeed, it is from Jesus' heart,
some Christians allow themselves to be seduced pierced on the Cross, that this divine life streamed
by secularism or attracted by religious currents forth, ever accessible to those who raise their eyes
that draw them away from faith in Jesus Christ. towards the Crucified One. I can only urge you,
There are others who, while not yielding to these then, to embrace the Cross of Jesus, the sign of
enticements, have simply allowed their faith to God's love, as the source of new life. Apart from
grow cold, with inevitable negative effects on their Jesus Christ risen from the dead, there can be no
moral lives. salvation! He alone can free the world from evil
To those Christians influenced by ideas alien to and bring about the growth of the Kingdom of
the Gospel the Apostle Paul spoke of the power of justice, peace and love to which we all aspire.
Christ's death and resurrection. This mystery is

Planted and built up
Pope Benedict XVI CHRIST

Message of the Pope Benedict XVI on occasion of the
World Youth Day 2011


Vatican, 6 August 2010

Pope Benedict XVI

6 Salesian NewslinkZMB

Ongoing Formation

ocational fidelity is first of all a gift from God, as is the vocation
itself. We are aware that the initiative of God is at the very
beginning of our vocation story. Through love He has called us
into existence, he has made us grow up in a family, he has made
us live in a particular culture. In Baptism He made us his children.

Through the course of our lives, by means of encounters and particular
situations, He has accompanied our maturing in the faith, in love for Jesus, in
accepting His Word and the Sacraments, in entrusting ourselves to Mary, in
our feeling part of the Church, in giving ourselves to others.
Then the day came when we felt drawn to follow Jesus more closely. The call
did not come out of the blue; it was the result of a plan of love which God had
first thought of before our birth and put into effect through His actions and
our responses. With the eyes of faith, looking back over the past, we can see
how we have been the object of God’s predilection. He chose us before we
chose Him, He placed His trust in us, He seduced us; He guided us. We fell in
love with Jesus; we felt happy about continuing His presence and action in the
world. God opened up our hearts, giving us the grace to make us feel loved by
Jesus and to love Him with all our hearts; He helped us to identify with His
feelings and His way of life; He made us ready to serve the young as Don Bosco
did. Thus with religious profession in the Congregation we offered to God and
to the young not only our heart, our goods, our independence but our whole
We were aware that every choice we make means the renunciation of other
opportunities; on the other hand we found the decision for Jesus and his
mission so attractive that we felt happy to leave other things. That is what
Don Bosco did, for the sake of souls letting everything else go; that is what the
merchant in the gospel did, who after having found the precious pearl, with
joy sold everything so as to be able to acquire it. The acceptance of the
vocation to consecrated life was motivated by the beauty of the gift; we were
convinced that we were finding happiness in this vocation; we preferred to
say no to some good things in order to say yes to others which to us were
better. And so we began a journey of fidelity to the vocation God had given us;
in fact, it is on the vocation that fidelity is based.
We do not chose a vocation, rather it is given to us; we can only recognize it
and accept it; if it were us to chose it, we would no longer be dealing with a
vocation but with a plan that we could always change. With religious
profession God confirms the covenant established with us in baptism. He
consecrates us to live totally for Him in communities of brothers, following
Christ obedient, poor and chaste, at the service of the young; we respond to
His action of consecration offering ourselves. Being faithful means renewing
our response to this special Covenant that the Lord has made with us.
Following the example of Don Bosco, each day we say: “I have promised God
that I would give of myself to my last breath for my poor boys.” Sometimes
our response can be uncertain, weak, unfaithful, but not for this reason does
God’s Covenant with us cease; He does not withdraw His Covenant. God’s
faithfulness is the foundation of ours and invites it.

Vocational fidelity is a commitment of love; it is a free choice which involves
the whole of life until the very end.




Fr. Francesco Cereda SDB

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Youth Ministry

ver 1.5 million youth Gathered to hear the Holy there was a protest against the pope and the event it did
Father at Cuatros Vientos in Madrid during the not in any way disrupt the program. For those of us in

th st Madrid, we did not realise some did not know about the Vigil on 20 and Holy Eucharist on 21 August O
protest. On the final two days, all roads in Madrid led to 2011. Young people from all over the world assembled
Cuatros Vientos. Pope Benedict XVI led the young in in Madrid for a week of prayer, Catechises, pilgrimage
silent Adoration and prayer. One and half million people and cultural activities. All united in one faith and led by
spent the vigil at the location even though rain and wind the slogan ‘Firmes en la fe’, the youth turned Madrid
made the night difficult and longer.into a universal community proclaiming faith in God an

love for humanity.
‘Why has this multitude of young people come to
Madrid? While they themselves should give the reply, it The celebration in Madrid was precluded by similar
may be supposed that they wish to hear the word of God, gatherings in different dioceses and centres in Spain.
as the motto for this World Youth Day proposed to them, From Zambia a delegation of 70 young people (some not
in such a way that, rooted and built upon Christ, they so young) were in Spain for the two week program. A
may manifest the strength of their faith. Many of them good number of them were in Salamanca; a city with a
have heard the voice of God’; said the Pope to the people rich history and a centre of learning that has St. Teresa of
who welcomed him at Madrid International Airport on Avila and St. John of the Cross as models of spirituality.
18 August.The Zambian delegation made a good impression during

the function and performed at the cultural program in the
‘The world needs the testimony of your faith’ urged city square that was captured on the news papers and
Pope Benedict during his homily at the concluding television.

mass. ‘I send you out as ambassadors of the joy that the
Madrid was the capital city of world’s young people world is in so much need’ he said in this farewell speech
from 16 to 21 August. The Catholic Church fixed its before announcing that ‘ the next World Youth Day
attention on the splendid public proclamation of faith in events will be held in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil in 2013’.
God and filial devotion to the successor of Peter. Though

By Bro Walter Thyrniang SDB

journeying together
deeply rooted in our faith...

ack in August some of our communities in myself (as youth delegate) in order to ensure that the
ZMB have experienced the third year of the presence of the Belgian volunteers would be effective and
programme of animation of the ‘Playgrounds’ useful to the youth groups.
which a group of Belgian Volunteers of Bro. Guido and Ms. Katrien’s trip to Zambia, although

Jeuggdienst Don Bosco (Belgium) animate in our short, helped us to revise the criteria for the acceptance of
province. volunteers as well as to reach a common level of
The whole idea of the programme of animation of the understanding of the expectations of this particular
playgrounds goes back to the General Council 26 when Fr. voluntary organisation and those of the province. We need
Joseph Czerwinski met with the provincial of Belgium to remember that among the voluntary organisations that
during one of the recreation times at the Pisana. The work in partnership with our province, there are different
conversation between them was most probably frank and approaches to the whole issue of the voluntary service.
straight-to-the point because, judging by the fruits, one can Until now we have been accepting volunteers who stay
say ‘it was providential’. I say it is providential because, in mostly for a period of not less than a year and who are able
the exchange, both groups benefit: the young people of –as far as poss ib le – to ass is t us in the
ZMB and the volunteers themselves. professional/technical field. The experience with

Jeuggdienst Don Bosco was to be a totally different type of
After the meeting in Rome, Fr. Joseph returned to the voluntary service: this was about youth animation and the
province and asked me to meet him one day to give me training of leaders, and not so much an involvement with
details of the possibility of a partnership between ZMB and machines and tools.
the Salesian province of Belgium in order to coordinate
efforts in the animation of our oratories. At first, the idea The first group that came in 2009 was sent to the
wasn’t all that clear, and in order to get more information, communities of Bauleni and Chingola; although the
Fr. Joseph asked me to get in touch with the provincial of programme prepared for the animation of the six-week
the Belgian province, which I did. The provincial from training of leaders was similar for both groups, the reality
Belgium referred me to Bro. Guido and to Katrien of both communities made the programme somewhat
Gruytiers. The first contact with the organisation was made different; because, while the experience in Bauleni was
through the email service, and I must say it was pretty fast, rather spontaneous (due to the nature of the place and the
cheap and convenient for both parties. By November 2009, community that animated the Parish), the experience in
we agreed upon a visit from Bro. Guido and Katrien. The Chingola was more structured and somewhat rigid in some
main purpose of their visit was to have a look at some of the ways (also because of the community and the facilities of

communities in the province that the youth centre); nevertheless with the skills of the
could benefit from the volunteers, both groups made tremendous progress to the

programme satisfaction of both volunteers and the communities. Thus,
as well as the programme proved itself valid because of the
meet ing remarkable response from the young people.

t h e
provi The year 2010 saw the presence of new volunteers and the
ncial communities of Kabwe and Chingola benefitted from their

and presence. Unfortunately, for the group of Bauleni, the
experience of the ‘Animation of the Playgrounds’ did not
continue due to the change of personnel in that community.
Thus, the community of Kabwe was chosen as a better
place for the volunteers’ intervention. The group of

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Youth Ministry

By Fr J. Antonio Barrientos SDB




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volunteers made a huge impact on all the participants. It of foreign volunteers is also making young people from
was during the youth rally organised by the Salesian Zambia want to become volunteers, so as to share their
Sisters in Mansa that, to their own surprise, both teams – time, faith and skills with other young people. Some
Kabwe and Chingola – realised that they had then communities are opening their doors to welcome local
acquired common knowledge and skills in area of youth volunteers and thus the voluntary service is more and more
animation: the Team PACO had then discovered its own a very appealing experience of sharing among young
identity. (Team PACO was the acronym for the young people who identify themselves with Don Bosco and with
leaders that attended the six-week training and who were the work of the Salesians. Hopefully more communities
now able to deal with other young people in their oratories will welcome volunteers (foreign or local) according to the
with new skills). needs of the pastoral work which they carry out among the

young people. Possibly next year we shall have in our
This year, 2011, the experience has developed further. The province volunteers from Australia, South Korea and other
communities of Chingola and Kabwe welcomed the parts of the world.
volunteers for the six-week programme of youth
animation, while a third group was deployed in Lufubu for
the construction of a study hall for the children of Lufubu
village. The coordinators of Jeuggdienst Don Bosco had
sent in advance some funds in order to purchase the metal
structure which was to be assembled by the group of
Belgian volunteers during the months of July and August.
The group of volunteers was led by Matthias (a volunteer
that animated the workshop of the playgrounds in
Chingola in 2010) who with his knowledge of Zambia
decided to volunteer one more time to come and work in
Zambia. The community of Lufubu welcomed the
volunteers who worked very hard to assemble the metal
structure; in their free time the Belgian volunteers made
contact with the children from Lufubu who were delighted
with their presence. By the end of the experience, most the
children were used to greeting everyone in English, rather
the usual Bemba: the presence of volunteers had boosted
their desire to communicate in the English language as a
common language for both groups!
Some days before the volunteers were to return to
Belgium, I had an opportunity to meet with them in order
to have a feedback from their experience in Zambia. The
overall picture was very encouraging. The volunteers from
Kabwe were overwhelmed by the kindness and care of Fr.
Andrew whom they remember dearly because he had the
time to teach them how to pray the rosary with him and
even gave them a rosary as a souvenir. The volunteers from
Chingola appreciated the presence and dynamism of the
community, especially of Bro. David who was their
constant point of reference.

The experience of voluntary service is, therefore,
becoming for ZMB an arena where young people from
different countries and backgrounds meet. They exchange
both their knowledge and experience of life. The presence

It was at the beginning of this month that the oratorian Joyce Nambela who is
one of the Oratory leaders made a vivid decision and departed for Lufubu as a
Volunteer. Chingola, after so long a time, managed to give Lufubu one of its
committed members. Joyce will be missed very much in the Oratory. We wish
her a happy stay in Lufubu and we are with her in prayer. We are grateful for
this initiative especially coming from our Oratory.
We pray that many others will undertake such a step.
Congratulations Joyce!!! And thanks Don Bosco Lufubu for giving Joyce the
possibility of having this experience of voluntary service among you!!

on the rise...!

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am becoming convinced of my own status as are. In my prime phase of life; my heart longs for many
person who has a body. I have discovered that things. But inevitable realities give pause to some of them.
my being in the world cannot be compared to This in itself is atrocious. What then can man do? Cry the
that of a tree or that of an animal or that of whole day unto death? Certainly not!

inanimate things. Very rarely do we reflect about
ourselves in the personalistic light. We go through life Though life can knock us down but as men and women of
without discovering fully that our personality is faith in God we should decide to rise, carry our own cross
intransferable, and that consciousness of my personality and follow Jesus. I find a lot of consolation and strength
is only feasible in so far as one has a body. It is believed each time I reflect on article 53 of our Salesian
that one realizes the importance of water only when Constitutions. “The community surrounds its sick and aged
he/she is in the desert. I wonder why it should be so but confreres with care and affection…” I am grateful to my
that is the fact of human life. Abundance does not seem to Provincial-Fr .George, Fr. Leszek and to all my confreres of
appeal to our intellects as much as scarcity does. Very ZMB for their closeness to me. The affection I have
seldom do we acknowledge that the body is a beautiful received has shown me the depth of the article. Indeed the
complex whole. My experiences reveal to me the value of community is beyond the immediate. I feel the closeness of
the body; it is with the body that I find meaning in the the: Rector Major, Regional for Africa and Madagascar- Fr.
world, with it I communicate with others. My interaction Basannes, confreres around the region, FMAs and young
with God, fellow man and other realities is only possible people especially those I have shared life with. The
because of this body. Nonetheless, the existence of the messages I have received and continue to receive on email,
parts of the body is equally important and the loss of a part facebook, phone or face to face are highly significant. The
posses a challenge on the state of the complex whole. This feeling that people are praying for you is beyond telling. My
is the situation of my life. Perhaps others have similar heart never ceases to smile despite the pains. There is
experiences. Maybe it is the wisdom of being bedridden always joy in having people around you. The same article
(joke). goes on to speak of accepting the condition and serving the

community in whatever way one can. This is hard especially
No matter how much love and care we offer to our bodies, as a young confrere, filled with a lot of energy and passions.
we still cannot curtail the implications of our limitedness. Nevertheless, Christ words, “Do not be afraid” continue to
The body does expose us to suffering and pain. The resuscitate my worthiness. I think the words of Don Bosco;
question we could all ask is; why should it be like this? Or ‘let nothing disturb you’ are making more sense now more
rather why should it be me of all people? Such questions than ever.
are fundamental but remain unanswered. I cannot deny
the fact that I am undergoing physical pain, the All in all, life is a tragedy for feelers and a comedy for
unpleasantness of going from hospital to hospital but thinkers. It will never cease to surprise us. We may be
more to it is the emotional and psychological stress. tempted to resound the words of some thinkers; “where is
Though pain is understood to be inevitable due to our God when it pains most?” But this only leads to more pain.
corporeality and suffering as an optional reaction, many The only logical thing to do is to put our trust in HIM who
still would agree with me that frequency and intensity of has called us to serve him. Let us be assured of his
pain propel suffering necessarily. continuing presence and unfailing healing. Do not be

afraid, I am with you until the end of time. (Mt 25 )
We all go through life with some ambitions, and certain
ambitions are enhanced by the stage of life at which we

Life Changing Situations

The community surrounds
its sick confreres
with care and affection... (Const. 53)

by Clement Mutamba SDB



11Salesian NewslinkZMB

Provincial Events

Br. Peter writes from Nairobi for ever. Generally, since life is a step all my strength to those to whom you
on 8 August 2011: to a new page and chapter. The will send me, especially to young

article 23 of our Constitutions says: people who are poorer…”
Dear Fathers, Brothers, “Religious profession is a sign of a

loving encounter between the Lord I would say that there’s a limit to
Greetings to all from Utume who calls and the disciple who everything when I look at myself I
Community in the love of Jesus responds by giving himself totally to know that I am not deserving to be
Christ! God and to his brothers and sisters”. religious, but God always calls those

who are humble and weak. I am the
In the first place, I would like to say I have to change to a new way of life one God has chosen and sent out to
thank you for the gift of a Salesian thanks to confess with intelligence the young people, God knows I am
vocation God has bestowed on me received. I am standing in front of unworthy of such an honour but I
and I will never forget the new life, in fact with challenges in commend my soul, mind, mission to
Congregation where I have been my Salesian life. Personally I God, and ask God to strengthen me.
brought up by the love of Don Bosco. confirm that, God has done many Even though I confided a secret to
Secondly, ZMB province, especially things for me. At the beginning until God, God if you call me, please be
Chingola community the place I had now, this is a great privilege to have with me when I am happy or sad in
experiences in the love of God and been granted by God. religious life.
Salesian family. I want to say thank
you to Fr. George Chalissery, Fr. For me the significance of this Please pray for me to be honest and
Czerwinski Joseph, Fr. Sławomir solemn profession for life is the faithful to my vocation and by God’s
Bartodziej, Fr. Lesa Norbert, Fr. whole of God, even though living on grace I will be good religious
Skowron Mariusz, Fr. Wojtek earth. Life belongs to God from now perhaps I shall be Don Bosco in ZMB
Kozłowicz, Br. Makumba Sylvester to execute His work. In Salesian Province.
for helping, kindly guiding, Congregation, the work of God’s
directing me in my spiritual life and mission of serving and saving the With all my heart and mind I believe
prayer, May God bless all the souls of young people, a mission that that our Heavenly Mother is always
confreres in ZMB province. God has entrusted to our Father Don p r e s e n t i n t h e S a l e s i a n

Bosco, for the religious Salesian. Congregation so I entrust my
Life is a journey and to pursue a Life-time vows to the Lord, in religious life under the protection of
vocation is also a journey. Today I am Salesian Congregation is dedicated Mary Help of Christians.
very happy to be in the society of St. completely to God to execute his
Francis de Sales. From today I mission in Consecration – third Thank you very much and may God
belong to the Salesian congregation form says:“ I pledge myself to devote bless us all.

By Cl. Nguyen Duy Khann SDB


Religious profession
is a sign of a loving encounter

between the Lord who calls and the disciple who responds...

12 Salesian NewslinkZMB

n ZMB we are familiar with the alone. When others are given the responsibility
phrases; ‘We have no personnel’, ‘I am the resources are not shared. We don’t have
not qualified’ and ‘we have no money’. enough personnel while some are not wanted.
Are these statements true? While the community fall short in number,

confrerers are more out than in the community.
Recently I have been thinking about the ‘going
back’ to the extent that those who are outside But we have no money!
the province are being called back. There is Some say, the Salesian Congregation is the
gossip that Br. Makumba is going back to his wealthiest religious congregation in the Church.
Province of origin (Warsaw). How much effort Diocesan priests say, ‘Salesians make the vow of
and money do we put in to promote and poverty, but we practise it’. We have buildings,
accompany vocations? equipments, cars and land. We have workers

working for us; we have time we are educated. A
It is rare for an organisation to have almost all of good name to sell; we are not poor. It’s not the
its members with degrees. Salesians are mostly amount of cash in our pocket but the possibility
degree holders; Priests with two degrees in we have to do our apostolate that counts.
Philosophy and Theology. Further study may
not do much good if the long years of formation We need to change from; receiving donations to
did not work. Maybe by developing reading self production, from spending to investing and
habits and continuously improving personal from wasting to saving. Let’s put what we own in
skills, further studies may not be needed. a transparent account and we will see how rich
Moreover, are the qualified people using their we are.
expertise in the apostolate? Besides young
people are looking for Spiritual leaders and And the Salesian who has money never
Charismatic Salesians, there are many qualified complains about lack of personnel or
commercial role models. ‘We are called to be qualifications!!
faithful not successful.’
Then we have the over qualified individuals who THAT’S THE POINT.
can be the Animator, Administrator, Youth co-
ordinator, contractor, Pastor and educator Talk to you soon!

Thinking Point

By Walt
er Thyrn

iang SD

Hello Thinking People!

Called to be FAITHFUL

and not


13Salesian NewslinkZMB


DON BOSCO HOSTS PUBLIC ACCOUNTANT been prepared for the special day. All started with a
EXAMINATION COUNCIL EXAMS prayer, introductions, sharing of the word of God,
Lilongwe (Malawi) 15/06/ 2011.- Hundreds of singing songs of praise and worship and, preceding
Malawian citizens aspiring to become accountants in sharing of gifts, there were games and traditional
the lucrative accounting field flocked to Don Bosco dances which the inmates and students enjoyed
Youth Technical Institute to sit for June PAEC (Public together.
Accountant Examination Council of Malawi) Leonard Banda, a construction student, when asked
examination. This is the first time Don Bosco College why he was part of the group visiting the prison, he
hosted the PAEC examination. The examinations were said, “the inmates need hope for a better tomorrow and
held from the 31st of May to June the 9th. that hope is given by us. We have to show them that we
Students filled all the three halls at the campus and all are equally important in the eyes of God and can
this led to the closure of the youth centre for two weeks. contribute to the development of our nation”.
The examination was running parallel with MANEB
examination that occupied two halls.
Throughout the examination period different colleges FEAST OF THE SACRED HEART OF JESUS
distributed their prospectuses among the students to Lusaka (Zambia)
boost enrolment. This year, the great feast of Sacred Heart of Jesus was
Hosting PAEC examination was a valuable experience marked by the visit of Vatican ambassador in Zambia
and has put Don Bosco on the Map. Don Bosco is an and Malawi, His Excellence Nuncio Nicola Girasoli,
institution with a lot of potential and creates who was the main celebrant, some of the concelebrant
unlimited possibilities for young people. Many of priests were Fr. George Chalissery (provincial of ZMB
those who were not positive about the institution Vice-Province), Fr. Leszek (Rector of Chawama) and Fr
because of its position outside the city of Lilongwe Bruno (vicar of the community).
have come to appreciate all the possibilities Don Bosco After mass the novices prepared an ‘a la carte lunch’. In
Tech offers to the locality and the country at large. the history of novitiate, this was one of the most

important days of the year, when the community was
honoured with the visit of His Excellence Nuncio. After

STUDENTS VISIT MAULA PRISON some speeches the celebrations in honour of the
Lilongwe (Malawi) Wednesday, 22/06/2011 Sacred Heart of Jesus ended with the blessings from
Being imprisoned is not being rejected or abandoned the nuncio.
or cast off as one may think. This is the philosophy of
the Don Bosco students and they proved it when they PREPARATION FOR THE FINAL VOWS
visited Maula Prison (reformatory centre). The visit – Nairobi (Kenya) 10/07/11. As part of the programme
as explained by the president of the students’ council– of preparation for the final vows, the participants
was meant to show the inmates the love that they need visited the Hills of Nzaikoni where they joined the
as they serve various sentences and share the little that local faithful in celebrating the first Mass of one of the
the students donated like; clothes and some money priests of that area. After Mass the participants had a
which was used to buy items such as sugar, soap, chance of meeting with the vibrant youth group of
petroleum jelly and biscuits for the kids staying in the Nzaikoni Parish.
prison with their mothers. On the Hills of Nzaikoni there is a nice Crucifix of a
Before the students shared the gifts they carried for the crippled Christ in the confrere’s house. The Christ of
female inmates, there were some activities which had that crucifix has no legs and arms; this is to remind the

14 Salesian NewslinkZMB

confreres who walk up and down the hills in their Luwingu parish in the North of Zambia. He made his
pastoral activities that they are Christ’ arms and legs first profession in 2005 and did his post-novitiate
for the people of Nzaikoni. formation in Congo D.R. and Tanzania. He has worked
Though their Christ has no legs and arms, He still has a for the last two years in the school and youth centre in
mouth and ears so He can talk and listen to confreres Lilongwe, Malawi.
and send them to the needy. The confreres have the Over 100 people attended the ceremony. Fr. George
task to listen and act. Moreover, their Christ has an Chalissery, the provincial of ZMB vice province, was
intact torso implying He has still the Heart for the the main celebrant of the Mass with lively singing and
people of Nzaikoni. a moving profession ceremony where Joseph

professed his vows. After the Mass Br. Joseph, his
VISIT OF THE PROVINCIAL COUNCIL relatives and all the guests were treated to a sumptuous
Lilongwe (Malawi) 11/07/2011.- The Provincial and lunch. The brothers, novices and young people sang
his Council arrived in Lilongwe in the evening of and preformed dances to congratulate the newly
Monday, 11 July. On Tuesday they had a colourful professed. The guests presented gifts of appreciation.
welcome from the students of DBC Lilongwe. It was Br. Joseph will continue his religious formation at the
indeed a warm welcome to the warm heart of Africa specific formation house for Salesian Coadjutors in
(Malawi). During the assembly the Provincial and his Yaoundé, Cameron.
councillors then gave the students a word of advice and
encouragement as they spend their time at the
Salesian institution. The purpose of the visit of Fr. RENEWAL OF VOWS OF CLERIC DAVID NJOLO
George Chalissery, provincial, and his council is to Chingola (Zambia) 10/08/2011.- In the presence of
discuss some of the forthcoming projects in the the rector of Chingola Community
community, parish and school, as well as to deal with Fr. Sławomir Bartodziej and other community
the letters of admission to the first vows. members, and volunteers Bert and Jan, cleric David

Yamikani Njolo renewed his temporary vows for a
CHAOS IN LILONGWE period of two years. The renewal coincided with the
Lilongwe, (Malawi) 21/07/2011.- The situation in liturgical feast of St. Lawrence, deacon and martyr.
Malawi is become chaotic. Starting from yesterday the Some hours before the renewal cleric David went to
situation is simply wretched. A demonstration was the Baptistine Sisters for a day of prayer and
planned by the civil society and opposition parties for recollection in which he came up with the following
the 20th of July but there was an injunction from the phrase as his renewal maxim “God keeps promises,
government not to march and people still wanted to do but demands our fidelity” which he quoted from
so. Therefore, they started an illegal march that has Archbishop Giovanni Tonucci.
left a lot of things broken. In area 23, FMB bank was In his homily, Fr Sławomir connected the martyrdom
targeted and they looted everything that they could undergone by St. Lawrence, deacon, with the
find in it, including a socket; Chipiku Stores was martyrdom that we religious undergo at times but in
heavily looted leaving the shop without anything on bits and pieces and over a long duration of time. He
the shelves. It has become very dangerous to drive in also pointed out that religious life is not an easy choice
town because people are burning anything that moves especially in today’s society where relativity of values is
on fuel. The police station in Namichimba was set predominant. Fr. Sławomir encouraged David to
ablaze and all the police dispersed. Lilongwe urban continue being a jovial and faithful Salesian.
areas like 25, 24 and 22 have similar situation. No
minibus is moving and so people are forced to go to RENEWAL OF VOWS AT THE PROVINCIAL HOUSE
town on foot. The situation in area 23 is not better; we Lusaka (Zambia) 14/08/11. Clerics George Phiri,
are safe though very scared. Mzuzu has seen the waste Simbarashe Muza, Alexio Mesi, John Musonda,
demonstration leaving this morning 4 people dead. Christopher Mukuka and Willem Mukuve renewed
Shops were ransacked and still continue for the second their vows in the presence of the community and
day today. Blantyre saw a black day yesterday and before Fr. George Chalissery, provincial of ZMB.
things are expected to worsen. The month of August has been a month of renewal of

religious commitments of many young confreres in
FINAL VOWS OF COADJUTOR JOSEPH NYONDO our province. 14 young confreres renewed their
Lusaka (Zambia) 1/8/2011.- Salesian Coadjutor temporary commitments in various places, unlike
Joseph Samson Nyondo made his final profession as a 2009 where all were summoned to Lusaka. We must
Salesian of Don Bosco during a solemn Eucharistic not forget that August 2011 was privileged with the
Celebration in the community chapel at Chawama, final profession of Coadjutor Joseph Nyondo and
Provincial house on 1 August 2011. Cleric Peter .
Accompanied by his parents, relatives, friends and
Salesian commnity, Br. Joseph professed his final vows FIRST PROFESSIONS FOR ZMB AND AFM
as a Salesian Brother. Joseph is the 5th son of Mr. Enson PROVINCES
Dancun and Mrs. Priscilla Nyondo. He comes from Lusaka (Zambia) 15/08/2011. On the good day when

15Salesian NewslinkZMB

our lady was assumed into heaven 6 novices made
their first religious profession ‘to live obedient, poor
and chaste according to the way of the Gospel set out
in the Salesian constitutions.’ This means 6 new
confreres for the congregation; three of them for our
ZMB province.

The profession was held at Bauleni Parish in Lusaka,
where the provincial Fr. George Chalissery received
the young men into the Salesian Congregation and
indeed into the two provinces: AFM and ZMB. Three
are from ZMB province (Amon; Gordon and Leotika)
while the other three are from AFM province (Breven,
Thoothe and David). The six brothers are heading to
Moshi (Tanzania) for post-novitiate studies in
philosophy and education.

Lusaka (Zambia) 18/08/2011.- After spending two
months in the USA, Fr. J. Antonio Barrientos returned
to the province safe and sound. He left for America on
12 June 2011 where he represented the province for the
annual ‘Mission Appeal Campaign’ organised by the
mission procure of New Rochelle. The Salesian
Province of Philip Rinaldi (SUE) through the mission
office in New Rochelle invites missionaries to come
and preach on the Salesian Missions all over the world
so as to sensitize the American people to help the
missionary work of the Church and also to make the
Salesian Congregation known far and wide within the
United States of America. The mission director, Fr.
Mark Hayde and the team of collaborators prepared
well in advance the itinerary for the visiting
missionaries and arranged all the details to make of
the mission appeal an experience of cultural exchange
and benefit for the provinces who send their
missionaries and the parishes that welcome them.

Mission Animation

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Mission Animation

People still awaiting the gospel message were the special object of Don Bosco's concern and
apostolic effort. They continue to stimulate our zeal and keep it alive. We look upon missionary

work as an essential feature of our Congregation. (Const. 30)

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Salesianos ZMB

Printed in Lusaka - Provincial House | P.O.BOX 31148 | All rights reserved

7. Kabwe: Young people from the youth
centre while visting a centre for Orphaned
and Vulnerable children.

8. Lufubu: Fr. Waldemar Molenda spraying 1. Hwange: Fr. Klement Vaclav, Mission
premises of the farm against mosquitoes.Councillor while visiting the community of

9. Lilongwe: Young people during a seminar Hwange.
organised by the youth centre.2. Lufubu: Fr.Dennis Higgins, Fr. Joseph and Fr.

10. Lilongwe: Bro. Walter Thyrniang and Fr. Czeslaw during the last provincial council
Michael Mbandama during the hand-over meeting of 2010.
party to the New Principal of DBYTC.3. Makeni: Novices singing in honour to Mary

11. Bauleni: Fr. Boryczka, superior of the on the Feast of the Immaculate.
Circumscription of Mary Help of 4. Lusaka: Fr. Joseph welcomes Fr. George
Christians, receiving the vows of the Chalissery at Lusaka International Airport.
practical trainees.5. Chawama: Fr. George Chalissery signing the

12. Rundu: Cl. Raphael Lungu printing t-shirts acts of the protocol after his installation as
for the youth provincial of ZMB.

13. Lusaka: Fr. Clement Mulenga at the 6. Chawama: Provincial celebration after the
concluding mass of ADL Life Matters Prog.installation of the new provincial of ZMB.


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